The Huron News-Record, 1888-06-13, Page 8n I The Hurdl? Ne0us*Recur. , La"En POWELL was at sc. 7ltowa4 and Toronto )are week on —m ta: ALPAPERS*--a �rofosstonal busxnasa. clot • SALLIE HOLMAN (Mrs. Dalton),tho . T Weduesday, Jttnc> 1301, 1558• well known o era singer died in London Thursday last. ° ' WINDOW BLINDS; ROLLERS, BABY CAR* . 1 �! TIvERTION Council has decided RIAGESs WAGGONS, CARPET FELT. NO'�''�"�► --�- �'�' •�" �"" — - - — _ that outside retail butcher's must APPI„ETON has re, pay a license fee of $15 per year. WALKING STICKS. BASE BALLS ;,yVe show ,f tremendous ilssortment of Summer Clothiug turn dd aucl resumed the practice of -• Mr. Diusley is able to be about. AND BATS. FOOT BALLS. BIRD at PRICES THAT CANNOT BE EQUALLED his profession. Glad to sae the old gentleman com• In this Section. C4Ix'Io'N, April 14th, 1888. ,ti paratively robust agars. CAGES. BASKETS RLC. &0. ° 492t! - -4 THE Huron Sabbath school con Gar Barb and other Fence Wire venEton will be hold in Exeter vu We havo au excellent as.orttrient of the above goods autl are olteriug them at 777 , 177j o §-§-§-§—§ the 19th and 20th June, A large EXCEPTIONALLY LOW PRICES. �s 1� - just received. Full,stock at all attendance is -expected. - Boy", seersucker Coats, $0. 1 5 times. nary N. 20th. 188 Chris. Dickson Clinton February 20th. lass 1�II=• WALT H1NE8 of Hallett has , - 1Vlbn's seersucker Coats, 1.25 it field of fall wheat that promises Anotiter Car Coal Oil joist rc-n yield of 40 bushels to the acro if: Fine Light Coats & Vests 3.50 e CC1VC/l— 1J(s• MIMIC 9-01011- ttt'U nu mishap occurs. --- -- 1` gallons and up 121e per gallon.R111Y{REV. MR. KENNEL= and the Rev. Local Orange Notes. TM TOWN BEGMED Boy's. Light Suits, - - - - 1:50 � —. . ACEY. M R. 31. ly 2001, 1833• r. Legear preached in the Ontario I - v Street :tlothodist Church last Sabb- BRO. JOHN SCARLETT, P. C. M., --BY Youth's Coats. and Vests, 2.00 — ath and Rev'Tr. Liv.iugaton in the and it deputy grand lecturer, - gave Iattonbury Street Church.. THE NEws hEcuRu a frieudlycanT , e insufance S.LOJ�L NEW COU14TY COUNCIL of Mid- last Wednesday. He was -- -§--- §--- on his IAG EN'S'S_ In andAronud the "11lnb." dlesox at its meeting last woelc in way to Goderich township. and re -- strutted the treasurer to lace 5 - turn horse oil Thursday. T 001: A,r SAMPLES OF COST INA A TINE SELECTION vIt P $ ' L HOME COMPANY: (�! p1V11 1tX�i. 105 to the credit of the license CHAPTER INIEETING,-111.111ett•Dis- • Flan'17ed /y/�JL,t/l'commissioners for carrying on the 7 – PER St,oaU� a! [Lotto! I W a[ sts Wm. KENNEDY and wife, of Otter- Canada Temperance Act. trier Royal Scarlet Chapter will 11 A e Ceattor tss6,, nl,o leen.. s oo Ville, were poisoned recently 'hy opened in the•Clinton Orange hall „ i5 6 6a eating rhubarb leaves for greanS,but I?FV. LOxGLEY the amorous par- to -morrow eveuiug, loth lust. Those 4a " ;; „ s 9s Tr motseriously. son,receutly of Toronto, now of Ip n- interested should take uotice trod .• ao 8 88 FOR CHILDRENI'S WEAI>. ryovera themselves accordiugl se 14 97 sas,husboen suspended from the Math g . b J' _ MR. JOHN SMITH left for ILtmil_ dam- lite !, tc Io 011 til o at the shove rates. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ odiat ministry for cue year, though nu ItiGYAL Ai=ell AIEFTING.—L. U. L. gee ate '.�efm'e you insure ill any coml,auy _ _ - + + + +^ 'ton yesterday morning, being the effort was made to depose him. 153, Colboruo, will hold a Royal and understand otir plan, At the age of ' " _.._.•,_„".-'.,....,."' _._ representative from Clinton at the altogether. The erring mau promis Arch degree meeting in their uoty 40, the cost for $5,000 was about $35 for . High Court, C. U. F., now in ses- ed repentance and it is possible that hall on the evening of Friday, June 1885, also for 1886. siou in thA city. the milder sentence will serve the 15th, 'rhe regular meeting night Sec us before yon decide. best Purpose. 97 THE Chatham Hi -b School Board is falls on the 22ud, but it lfas been Jas. Thompson Agent, a and thft Council are iu difficulties PUBL1u SCHOOL L•'OAnb.—Three ' set back fur the 15th, so that the de !t about the' payment of $900 whie.h social utoetings were held last gree ancd regular uteoLiug will be - - _ _ _. _ w w „• _______;_"� y the former spent in repairing the week. Met Monday at 10. 30 a.. m, held un the it 15th Juan,-, Visitors that the opening of fire new Pr +" of �_ X pX — ! X ^ J -I- - — -}- old BCiIO01 bUlldlllg, and the latter Received three tenders for school will rucotve a hearty welcome- tory and the county Meeting call be ___ '° _— _ _ __ __ _ _ _ ' will not pay. building from W. Cooper, D. Men- lrli BLACK ORDER.—Arrange held oil the same day. The idea is — .T �_ -- _ - zies and Cooper and Swaffield; ad- nients fur the opening of the Black n good one and such a change would are, the talk of the town—Dothim, has eves' been offered " :tuns. JOHN AIcCrARVA has rocov cursed Lill Tuesday when contracte of great benefit to the order. It a 1 y ClintonPreceptory iu Clithave been is intended that the Orau�Yumeu of •to approach them. - !' o are busy manufactlirino _ ered the gold watch which was was awarded to Cooper and Swaf• In Completed, and it is expected that ` • stolen from her house n short time field at $1162 said amount going 1 , ` 1 Ctuton shall have a special sornioil a iii igllificent ;rancre Of > a the proceedings throughout will be preached for them oil the Sunda ago, during her absence. It had the�lowest,'Iat again Thursday and ver iutereatiug and instructive. 1 Pro- beau ,y been stolen by a youth who has accepted tho resignation of "N'It•. Y o preceding the 12th, stud every 1 ro Ever one interested should be pre _T7 since loft town with his. parents. Combo. Y testant minister will be asked to re- - * * * * * _. — k _•_ * - * J 1 seut'aud eiiduavor to make it• such. —t � i i * �' t The ,tither" was badly dautaged. ' Itenenber tho date, Wednesday, fur to the event of 1688, Brethren MR. COMBE being unable to in the vicinity—for soveral Iniles b June 20th, at 2:30., p. lu., and distance—should join the Clinton TuF. ' II:t�tiLTox ,Specator an- •attend to his duties as Scheel Trus- iniLatiuns afterwards. J ' flounces that thore is a growing toe has resigned, and in election to brethren on the Sunday before Lbs demand for two' inch lumbor from fill his place. will take place shortly. Sou'riI HURON L. O. T.. SFatt :1N 13th,'OParticulars will be given in " W H T E V E which to make bottoms for §draw- And just here we might say that NUAi, COUNTY MEETING.—Tito som . these colutnus later. A special berry boxes. This is an improve- Clerk Iliue seems to constitute the annual meeting of the South H irotf mootiug, for general business and to n r'CCe1V0 raports of committees, will �• * *—�— nlent on last -year when tbree-inch Board, for the have tho authority County Loyal Oriingo Lodge will- - - - lumber was used for the saute pur:' of the chairman for stating that the be held iu,tho Orange Hall, Clinton, be held ill the hall. at the usual hour pose. clod: has been repeatedly told to on, Tuesday June 19th; at 1 P. M., on Monday evening, Juno 25th. , give T11E Nl:wti•RF.COItua fairshnro of A full attendance is reduested, as which we will be euilblul to offer ill r el,V 10W 1)T]C( 5 T11AYS r\'l1AT lIr SAID.—"I regard the printing required by the Board,Brraugemouts twill' then bo .made for the use of beer as it true temperance Miss AGGir MeG tRt A is- 'home --o`— P which instructions he }tis failed to tho coming 12th. celebration, and ag tin atter a plenslnt v' i to St. principle, When i. work all day , curry out. other• matter's of i'mportanco to the Mary's. 1- u""N ,tad au) o>ihansted nothing bel{ts association will I)e taken up and ells- Y mo like a glass"of laacr. It assists A Ghon MAN 11oNORISD.—At the sussed. Alit. I''REp° BAULCI1lVBS ad only nature, )-oil understand," said Rem- fifth annual session of the London ctilied'from town last ryes wing son to Benson, "It makes a fool Conference held last week RoY.Jas. OPEN MEETING is 526 IIULLt•TT. to the doath of his sister e. v s of me," Benson roplied. "Just. so," exclaimod Itenlson, "that's whatI say ; It a691ata ❑atlll'P," Graham, presently of Exeter, well lmnivti in Clinton and Goderich, :vas elt•Gted President oil the third ballott. the first and Second -As stated in our last issue An open sleeting will be held in the hall of L • 0. L. 526, Mullett, oil Friday opening, June 15t' 1. Music 1{r•,v. Mu: THOMAS, of Blyth; was anion- the delegates to .the S. S. Coufevenco. Whiile'`in town he was THEFAMOUS CLOTHIERS.' 41, The friends of Mrs. Wright will b Tia, Toronto City t-ouncil have -tau b,llut,, Rev', W. McDonagh., polled has been •procured, and prominent the guest of Mr. A. M.- Todd. A Doo Flea in Clinton Last SCENE INA CHuncti_-The Orange. Advortiser the passed aby-law ropealitrg the E'hrly must v„ tes, \\'lou the other condi niotubers of the t)rdor will. ttddiesa has Sunday brought about an embroil- 'wont villa . pubhsfles t,losing By-law its, to hatt.err dr b y- , y_ dates retiree} the vote stood 87 for the uieotiit� on .matters relative to THF EAnr.Y Closing By-law of the res usitivoowners which P followiu- account of the .unhappy goods dealers, faruituro men .and MoDuuagh ; 89 for -Graham. They the Orange Order. Everybody. is been blocked in Simcoe and in '1'ilsouburg, it is understood twill bfa adjusted disturbance that rocently 'oecarrod boot and shoe stores. The Council are both hood 'man and true to God invited as))eciall the ladies, ' Chair the petitioners finding before P. 'M. Williams on Wadnes- . in that town : -Last Thursday,a week previous to this had a suit in and Country. 'Ir. Graham Boos to to bo 'taken, ay S o'clock sharp. it, impossible to classify .the shop day. ago, Bishop Hamilton hold can- Court defending the Early Closing Ridoetown. Come, everybody. keepers as required by statute• WHITE firutation services in the Chnrch of it law and Mr. -Justice Robertson h s condemned the city to pay the ILLF.GALAPPROPRIATIONs.—Chief tl, THE 12TTICFLEBRA'ri05.—"Whoro Tine. early closing by-law id Cans- 'trouble M sus. SNELL & of Exe-ter Sold their' outine pac England`at Orangeville. A few- of th0 St. M'ark's people are much " costs of the case brought to repeal Yule of Goderich was in town 'will the celebration be held' this -tug a -great deal, of and ex- ing colt whi i won second money I opposed to the Bishop's well known it. Thursday looking for ,.suspect who yoar7" is a question that has been Pousetothecitieatuldto'wusthrough- Ontario. It does not NV I= iu the foie y ar old class at rile High' church tendencies. At the ARTt1ur.IsNox returned on it is thought stole $160 from a asked a -lest many hundred times e' Y during the past few weeks. Sea out satiefactoril The Exeter foil, a e y Seaforth races to Mr. Whitely of - Seaforth for to sum of $350. I'be vestr mooting a year ago ono old Y o 3' T O named White, a G aledon ryCrrI2EN :�aturday from a visit of several days guest at Bailey's hotel in that place. At last accounts no capture had forth was the unanimous, choice at shaking bands with themselves th t colt is a Causing one and the goutlennu farnter, talked very ominously about 'to Berlin and Toronto where he had been mado—Two men were commit- tho county mooting and a monater b they were not carried away by th (.A ,ri-,o ' Ile too larryc. b - g fraeturinb the bishop's crook over been in the inte•estsof his daughter, Mrs. tiVright, of the former places ad to goal last Thursday by P. 'T. `\�illialns for.' the neat court of demonstration should be hold there on the 12th. ' Of course the Grand' a A _NEW DEPARTURE.—Copt) alld GUELPH CONrERi,�c'F.—(1rI1 Thurs-. his back should he use it again to his services here. No store attent-' The friends of Mrs. Wright will b competent jurisdiction to deal with Lodge recommended, over the sib Logan house decorators have been clay Inst the annual mAtinb of theion was paid to the matter or to glnsl to learn that the insurance ' of on a charge of. stealing tools from nature. of South Huron's highest doing up brown the front of Jack- Guelph Conference of the Methodist t i\Ir. White until he rose in his seat 'on $3,000 which her husband had in '�Ic'1'en'zies . planing factor in this ` ! -planing Y official, that the brethren assemble son's block on Victoria Street. A less Church commenced in Seaforth., in church during ,confirmation b the Royal Arcanum for the benefit place. at.sevet named central points Hur 1 sanguinary color than, red being in There were about 250 ministers and re rile clay mentioned and called the of his family will be paid as soon as ou not mentioned) on the 12th: order now that tho Scott Act, no Bishop a --papist. By persistent some'legal formalities are complied AIR. J. T. Jouxs, formerly of the London, Kincardine, etc., will have longor" breaks out in brilliant{ Y layman proscut. The Rev, George y,att•king on his coat tail Mrs. White with—in about a month probably. 'Toronto World, and latterly of the all tiro crord they, tan attend to crimson shades. Richardson, now of Listowel, but brought the trate old gentleman to Ottawa Flee Press, gave us a call without .the presence of South appointed to Goderich, was elected his seat; but he continued to mumble GOIX•C; TO nu BETTrR.—The fol- while ,in town with the Howe Huron, and it is highly important 'IINISTF.RtAL and lay delegates President by, a large vote. The dire threats aaainstitthe Roman core- ,.-.-______..............-._w.{otvinoratatoTttansh.o�vaug th.e..psa:... Cites which ex}rrbitod iters' Iaet _ �v tliiit" evbt�+ Dozl„lI Irr ,tenth 3fttroff' frls'ln " .�t'etut; 5'enPm tlr; ~ 3irussnls; -foYltl�v'17 0 -� hTsC� �1�aft ttlSjpcSiYTt _ _,�.. ..... , montes which"Ito st"iicT were Ina Ing . -toss of nevrval work nt connection week and of which he is special wallt their banner to the breeze at `Rayfiold, Blyth, Wingliam Bud ments will be of interest to our I such dangerous inroadsinhiseburch. with the tlnibn evangelistic services Crossley manager. From the way the circus Seaforth on the 12th. liensall were in town Tuesday readers : Rev.'Ir. Howell goes from Mr: White's son was one of those to conducted by Revs. and is managed he is doing better work (yesterday)attending the Sunda b y Seaforth to Dublin street church , but too father would bo confirmed,the Hunter, nnvi who had been harbor- towards rnortil re generation of b A SuecEssl•'uL DIr;ETtNG,—A ver y School Conference of the Deanery Guelph ; Rev. A. R. Mustard front nut allow the boy to leave his sent iug the bad folly, has been furnished those whom he catera for than he successful degree meeting was hole} of Huron held in St. Paul's church Rippon cu to Guelph • Rev. Mr. Brole PP 1)' Y or to be addressed by the Bishop. the St: 'Thomas Times. The total could possibly do in the columns of p y Clinton,, in the hall of 710, Con Wed School house. g remains in Forbes; Rev. 'William , 'lir, White's anger seems to 'have conversions are 624, of whom: 306 the Free Press under a managenont nesday evening. The attendance 1 adi h ;Staffa : Rov. J. S. Cook been aroused by the sight of the aro Methodists, 122 Presbyterians, tvoich is a .blot u lou CBnadisu 1 was farge, a good number of visitors' - THE S. F.• MIN San from Bluevale to Embro ; Rev. T. staff' which the Bishop carried and 16 Congregationalists, 70 Baptist, journalism. from Blyth,. Holmesville, Layfield +rancisco Minstrels will holtl forth M. Campbell to St. Mary's; Rev. the cross relish ]ie wore. The 53 are Episcopalians, 4Disciples, 1 Line, etc, In`"Me absence of the in the town hall on Monday Juno A. K. Birks to Thamesford : Rov. � staff, Mr. White contends, born the I;lblo Christian, 1 'Roman .Catholic RFAR IT IN MiND.—At the voters MaVe•, Bro. Todd'occupied 'rho 18. Leading American papers Geo. Richardson to North street, imago of the Virgin Mar and the avd 11 no Aitreb. ' In addition to ,list Revision Court, held in Hamil- chair, and afterwards Bro. P. Can- such as tbo Boston Globe, Chicago Godorich : Rev. Austin I'otter to cross was an outble'm of 1 onianism. these therewere40 non-residents, ton, by Judge Sinclair, Mr. S. R. talon. District Master Hanley ai- Trilinne, Springfield Rcpublicrcia Victoria street Goderich; liov, lt'ero this true we do not think the of wbom 28 were Methodists, •.3 Afellroy, 1 ictoriit avenue north,. listed in the iuitation and did good and others speak vbry highly ofthis ,, , Josefph Galloway to. I�attenbary provocation sufficient to excuse the Presbyterians, 4 Baptists, 4 Episco- appealed to have the names of his service. Several candidates were troupe. The Toronto Empire, EThe street, Clinton; Joseph Edge to language employed by Mr. White palians and 1 Disciple. tiro sons placed on the list. The advanced. The business ove',short Globe, The Hamilton Spectator, etc Ontario street, Clinton; Rev" G. It. on the occasion. But it is not true. CANAua STILT, AHEAD.—Our judge granted the appeal, and stat- ed that all those appearing on the addresses were given by Bros. D. Cpok'- • sr., A. Cantelon, A. Cook, endorse the music, the wit and the general excellence of the entertain- Turk to Seaforth • Rev. J. S. Fish- ' The staff did not bear the imnge of r. totem makes a misstatement for the assessment roll as "landholders' Goo. Hanle r. Todd Clioper, Y' � ' ' p ' iitouts given b them. The kava g Y Y er to to Ba svilla ; Rev. Henry r • • Ilill to Bayfield ; Revr John Hart the Virgin, and the cross was not Roman bat n St. George's cross. of upholding American' purpose p g Canadian. Eggs +� sons have a right to have their Geo. Hanley, sr., Calbick, Peers a gentlemanly representative in their remainttfat Varna and Revds. E. S. . Rev, Mr. Henderson was consider - markets against are not quoted at 1G� teats in Now names on the municipal voters' list. This has not, been done in the and others. Aright good time was enjoyed by the brethren, and it. is advance agent J. C. Conner. Burwash and E. A. FoarBtIIelsnll ; ably chagrined and mortified by , York. 'then he talks about begging be doing past, and tho ju'dp's decision will pro- expected that a similar meeting will , I iioanEss� It is always pleasing to a well regulated mind to have to 1V, I Campbell at I)UngallllOil ; Henry Irvine at Nile ; Joseph Kes• lir. Whites conduct and on Sab bath last took occasion to administer the noetics. What is q b when he says Buffalo is a similar bably have some effect upon the lists, as. there are several hundreds again be held before the 12th. It was intended that a lunch should record progress in the controls, It 1 b tic at Benmiller; W. A.Stronaman, n few well deserved rebukes to market to Now York. Any scTiooT in qulified to be upon the`list. be provided for the visitors, but is a yet greater pleasure when the is associated with a particu- M. A., L. L. B., Ph. D. to Ashfield ; Robert Carson to Whitechurch : White and those who uphold him in his scilnda}ous behavior. Y knows that Buffalo is several hundred miles nearer Canada than h TIfF fashionable wedding referred owing. to a misunde'stnndin0 all apology.is o�tonded to the brethren. progress lar individual from pones own John Scott Al. A. to Wingham ' ' " ' from ` is Nety York. He asks where to last weak tools place last Wed Such a mistake will not, it -is to bo locality. The following from the Berlin Tcic; fa la of last Y 1 W. W. Sperling Clinton to Teesiwater A. E. Smith at Wroxo- MARKET REPORTS. Tuesday Canadian eggs would go if •the Amorican market was closed. As nesday at the residence of James Fair Esqr. The principals to„it be- hoped OCetlf again. hoped, b p ,Pride refers to a son of Principal Turn- tor; Mt„ Swan at Brussels; W. (Corrected.kveryafternoon.) CLINTON. well might he ask where cheese ete. ing that gentleman's oldest'daugoter 1•IoM.F MEETING.—Rogular sleet- ball of the ' Clinton Collegiate "Mr. T. M. Turnbull, 'Torrance at Walton ; David Rogers at, Londesboro : A. W. Touge at Flour........................$4 50 to 5 00 fall Wheat, new & old 0 95 to 1 00 would o if the Euro )ean markets closed. circumstances Agnes and Dr. James Campbell of `the iti was hold in the hall of L. 0. L. The W. Instituto : taller in. the P,ank of • of Blyth ; Thomas Gee at Auburn ; Spring wheat ............. 0 05 to 1 00 were Both Put the Detroit, Rev. Mr. Stewart of Clinton the Rev, Mr. Mc 710 on Monday evening, AL, Pro. Ttvood occupied the „Commerce this town, has been promoted to a , $oberi Godfrey at Belgrave ; E. A. Barley ..... ................. 0 65 to 0 50 Oats 0 50 to 0 50 ars impossible. should Americans ink Canadian eggs it and Donald of Seaforth tieing the knot. y p chair, and the County Master the higher gopition in the same bank at Straw to .Bluevalo ; W. Ayer to ......................... Peas ......................... 0 65 to 0 65 would not lower the Canadian mar. A number of friends of the groom deputy. Matters in connection with Barrie, Mr. Turnbull has resided Gorrie; A. M. McCulloch to Ford, Apples,(winter) per bbl 1 00 to 1 50 kat value of them. 'Che inexorable fr0hDatitoitand the resident friends the 12th were frooly discussed. It in Perlin for the list six years avd tituo he 'has made a wick; J. H. Dyke to Henfryn ; Names I. Lo ear at Ethel; John Potatoes ....... °............ 0 60 to 0 65 Butter ....................... 0 14 to 0"15 laws of demand would rise superior to any tariff. The Americans would of the family made a merry party on the auspicious occasion. The was decided by a vote—providing there be no celebration atScaforth— during this large number of warm friends by 'Mills at Harriston; T. S. Sabine Eggs ••••••.•••••••••••••• •••• 0 00 to 0413 pay'the Canadian prices plus the happy couple left by afternoon to go to Ki.ncat•dino. County MaWr his obliging mannorand gentlemanly at Grand Valley; E. S. Rupert from Hay ........................... 8 00 to 9100 , Cordwood ...............:... 3 00 to 400 duty, because they want thom, dont train same da on their wedding y g Flood • will endeavor to have .the y data bearing. IIs carries with him to b 'his nett' their best wishes CliutQn to Paisley; ; John I3a11 at Allanford, George huggin to Alark- Beef .......................... 0 00 to 0'00 Wool... raise enough fqr home doman�l; and cannot find a substitute for diem. tour. Scores of well-wieltors being at the station to see them off. of the semi annual county meeting changes} to the 2001, so position for his continued success in life. . dale. ..................... 0 18 to 0 19 Pork...... •................. 6 50 to 6 75 � •57 Al,. ., ..'::.,:. <..r .Y: ,....atieNel ..,a».,iY:1�, a) .-. 'a..IWSadii t:'r �.1 ..�u....L.i.d«.#.S�.4si �.• ..t.'ww." :,.,, .