The Huron News-Record, 1888-06-13, Page 6The Huron NGIUtS-/f VVS/l d Every person talks about �arlC well's Sure :Corn Cure. They say it` ADYIOtt TO +wiOT$IEaB -ACs you, )IIB- tubbed at night and,brokeu of your rest -a * �/e� "Did ns4 Know 'i} ttr11'�4i ' 91.50 a Year -i{1.25 in Advance. never fnils eltller, in soft or hard corns, bunions o warts. 483 tf 8 by dick O1l1Id engerinii and, so sen with Pain of quttfug Ueth7 if so send at a ° Once and get a bottle of )'Mrs Winslow's .9itile 13#11. 1!888. -011 -Ilia farut in Delaware an Soothing Syrup" for Siklldren Teething. its valub is incalculable. It will'relieve May do for a stupid boy's excuse; y P y , bu 4 j � 1 The Huron NGIUtS-/f VVS/l d Every person talks about �arlC well's Sure :Corn Cure. They say it` ADYIOtt TO +wiOT$IEaB -ACs you, )IIB- tubbed at night and,brokeu of your rest -a * �/e� "Did ns4 Know 'i} ttr11'�4i ' 91.50 a Year -i{1.25 in Advance. never fnils eltller, in soft or hard corns, bunions o warts. 483 tf 8 by dick O1l1Id engerinii and, so sen with Pain of quttfug Ueth7 if so send at Loaded" ° Once and get a bottle of )'Mrs Winslow's .9itile 13#11. 1!888. -011 -Ilia farut in Delaware an Soothing Syrup" for Siklldren Teething. its valub is incalculable. It will'relieve May do for a stupid boy's excuse; y P y , bu 4 The Huron NGIUtS-/f VVS/l d Every person talks about �arlC well's Sure :Corn Cure. They say it` ADYIOtt TO +wiOT$IEaB -ACs you, )IIB- tubbed at night and,brokeu of your rest -a * �/e� "Did ns4 Know 'i} ttr11'�4i ' 91.50 a Year -i{1.25 in Advance. never fnils eltller, in soft or hard corns, bunions o warts. 483 tf 8 by dick O1l1Id engerinii and, so sen with Pain of quttfug Ueth7 if so send at Loaded" ° Once and get a bottle of )'Mrs Winslow's .9itile 13#11. 1!888. -011 -Ilia farut in Delaware an Soothing Syrup" for Siklldren Teething. its valub is incalculable. It will'relieve May do for a stupid boy's excuse; y P y , bu A Long; Nose Bob, --•-was one tit' those blessed vith a tremendous lung nose. Many a libytsll prank committed bv. others was 4nddled oil Bob, as it was always cullelusiva ovidence against hien. IVheu as!tod-°flow do you know it was Ilob 7' 'Oh I j ;litw Ilia uuse,' lie this sa it Wray, i Bob was noways sousirlve about his nose. - The fulluwing, in his .uw•n words, may be tulc(ttn its a sample. 1 mind I wan out ae uiuht, whoa a r halfi]us callau, about twit or three years al'ure my i.,ithor de,:'d, and geed haute wit a wee (trap extra. It was eitur dacullt ours, an' I didua want to �vankon the auld buddy ; i; so Ialipped in as fruity is 1 cud, locked the door, and began to ,rail, around for the door to Iny bud. I had my arms streech'd oat as far as I cud.rax. The dour had been stauiu' half open, a han' an' airm gaed on ilka side u' the door, ail' bump went my' uoco again tie edge. This puzzled me, till' tl i' it hauf- muttered otfth. I said,' f aye keuu'd • I had a lang nose, but never lwfuru thocht that it wtts lunger than ul•y arms.' `!hither,' I criudl, NVIlat, ' is,it, Robbin 4' she asked. 'Crit up au' licht the caunel-I've broken ,my noso.' '`'lTaes ulo, laddio,"sho said, but yours is fill awful nose.' Up she got, lichted the caunel, got Santa write•• arl.a clout, ail' washiu' all' the bluid; Laud oot that I had got it cut, richt upon the nob, Slit) hunted up a bit • o' stickin' plaster, and said, after site gut it on, It tvll;;),'lm a, richt ill tile Illoruill.' Ill pu t 1witt_Oil tile still,tisler.ci!'1 aappe . nut u' her h•tuti, Lot situ picked it up an' :tick it, it uD. Ni•xt murnin' I waukoued it wee Chiu; I tit', Irl' 'had a guy. -lair -ho d, _..__ ..........._......_...._._....._I1.U4l.ul.r.l:it,«I-,ifl' to the mill. I hadna beau lauo started until fist ane wad slip aloin; au' tak a look at iny,uose, theu auither, au' so oil it' tile morn in.' It was geLtiu' near breakfast time when a cailan caro' alang like t•hu:rest an' lend his peep. By this Lillie I wits gottin toad ; so I said, "L,addic, what are you loukin' at 7� Did ye_ neveiLse(: a brokoq 1108e - before V `Our aye ; but I never maw ane Wi' a ticket oil, tolliu' hon laog it )vas.' I took a hand o' the plaster, rived it aft an' looked at it. Wad ye believe it, lads 4 The auld buddy, 01e nfcht afore, instead u' pichiu' tip tilt) stic!tin' plaster had pick ed' till till, labor u' an auld. - fashioned big pirn, ah' hero I had buck gaull arooned r a' the uloruiu wi' a ticket on iny; nose- 'Warrwlte4 300 yards long. An A(atohished Bish,.p. Bishop Luscombe arrived, ono day at Paddington Station and could not find his luggage. Hn called a porter, telling hill) the nacho to be. read un the articles: Thu innu, very busy with other people, answirr- ed' hurridly, "you tpuat �,o to hall for your luggagij." Now Luscombe, : w11olwaty 90117eWhA i)OTlll)OU9 and u very bishopy man, was dreadfully shocked, and telt, as lie said, as it' the" porter I,iad struck hire in the face. In extronA indignatiuu Tie doiLtided where, he could speak with any Of' the authorities and was told Ulna "the board" w!ts then sit- ting Up8lairs, So to the board-roo'ln the L•'ishop. trent str:ligbtwny, 111141 announcing hinis0'11' ruadc his"cuniplaiut. 'file chairman, professing his regret that such offence should have been given, said he feared thn inan must hitve been druuh, but that ho should bn immediately summoned to give an y accuwlt of itis conduct,. Su tato porter, ill great trepidation, appear. ,vd., in a few minutes before the ' august ,tribunal of "the board." \1"rel, sir," said he, in reply to the ehall•Illan's itldianallt questioning, "what could I do 4 I was very busy :it till- Lillie. Su whoa the 'rent.leinan •9%ys as his nanw. was 1,u:,conlbe, I could 410 no better Lhan 1.1,11 him toga to h'll for Ilia Iugg•tr'. and ltr,'d have found it there all right. "Oh ! I sec," still the eha.j.rnian : .it i; a case of misplaced as:pirato ! 'Xc have rp,icas wl till. wall nd:uked wi(l) the totters of the alphab-t, and you )would hate found your luggage at the Inttor L. YOU will sea that the ruin Meant no offense. I ant very sorry you should have been so scandalized, but•though wo succeed, I_hope, in inaking'Uttr porters civil ` to -our custom 'ors, it would bo Iupe- less, I fear, to'attenipt to make thein say I. correctly." OCCASIONAL DOSES of a good- oath - attic litre Burdock Pills ,are necess• ary to keep the blood pure and the body healthy. _ -^,, 499.4t Note Heath, Letter herds, Statemppt's, and In het all hinds of printing, In the !tent ?t,yle known to the craft and at low ratug, lit,Tnx. Nm•vs-Ttreoao office. The life gi(ling properties of Ayer's .Sarsaparillahave established its well- earned reputation, and mt.do it the ' most• effectual and popular blood purifier of the day. For all diseases of the stomach, liver, and kidneys, tit a remedy has no,equal, Price •, 1I. enraged bull ovel•Louk Dir. AlcClen= nae and, knocking hitn down, pinned him to rile ground, ono of the -bull's horns p""sing through the palm of his victim's hand. At this critical moment Mr. McClan- uan's dug cams ilp and attacked the bull, thus alluwiug his master to escape. 'file faithful eauine, how- ever, lust its lift) in tho struggle. BE ON Y OUR GUARD Against sudden Colds, irritating Coughs and Soreness of the 'Throat. Deep Magyar Pectoral Balsam at hand for these prevalent troubles of Winter and Spring. It is the best safeguard. 499=2t Willie Grondiu, four years old was burned to death uear Essex Centre, He and two othar childl- reu 'were playing with fire ill the stuvu whito the iuother was out and in sunle way' his clothes caught fire. Wild with terror, he run out of the 11011ae and in a tuoulout was envululded in flames. liefuro ussis tanco reached him the child was so badly burned tI19t 11e diad in about Tru hour. The mother's hands wore sovoruly burned while trying to save tido boy. Do not take quinine for malarial disorders. Ayer's Ague Cure con- tains none, nor any other -injurious ingredient. This preparation, if taken strictly in accordance with directions, is warranted to cure all malarial diseases. A sensation was caused in tile polieo court at Alotiatou, N. 11. by Mrs. Wallace, who, while being tried rot- -violating the Scott act, severely castigated David --Grant, the prosecuting attorney, with a whalebone whip. Grant Caught hold of the whip, when she grabbed him by the hair and bauged his head soviiril ' Urnes on the Tnagis- trate's dosk. Thr, chief of police resound the attornoy :till] the case was adjourned, 'To-ni;-,ht it nrimbo'r of Airs. Wallace's admirers present- ed her with it -diamond riug. HOW IT WORKS. The mode of operating of Burdock Blood Bitters is that it works at one and the same time upon the Stomneh, Liver, Bowels and Blood, to cleanse, regulate and strengthen. Hence its almost universal value in chronic complaints. 499-2t -Judge MacDougall of Toronto hasordored Aforsc,the Georgianegro„ to be extradited on a charge of assault with 11) tout to commit murder. 'The case will probably be appealer] its there is strong public feeling against the extradition. BARKWRI,T'm BRONCHIAL BALSAM cures all kinds of coughs and colds, bronchitis and croup. • Ask for "Barkwells" take no other. 483,tt -The creditors of Ifughoa Tiros., wholtisalr, dry goods, Toronto, after a .long discussion, decided to accept the compromise. offered by the firm, viz., 30 cents on the dollar, 25 cents to be paid forthwith, in cash, by Thornas Long, T. Long cf; Brea., Collingwood, and tho note of Iiughes Bros. to he given for the balanco at six months. It is under- stood lir. Long will become a part- uee of the firm: Low's SULPHUR SOAP is an elegant toilet ariiel'e, and cleanses and purr fies the skin 'most effectually. 499.41 -"Yes, children, the hairs of our hemi srwull numbered. Smart Boy (pulling' out it hair and prest,wiitg it) -"Well, what's, the nnrol,(r of ' this hair 7" Tvacher-' Numbr: one, Johnny ; turd" (pullincr • out several more) "theme are-iiumhers two, three, four, five, and six. Anything else you want to know,?" SnfarF"'I5'TTy'•-"N••no, sir.,' THE DEAF 1ilAl2. After eight years suffering hem Deafness, so bad that I was unable to attend to my business, I was cured by the use of ffagyard's Yellow Oil. With, gratitude I matte this kno%4n for the benefit of, others afflicted, harry iticnrdo, 'Toronto, Ont. y 499.2t. --For the third time in ciglit yeiu•ea [[till has been ptirgod with fire and it large section swept off the rude an )which the city is built. Al,uut 3,15 P. Tit. JUDO 5th., while the City Council was iIl season, fire broke out under the stairs in the City Hall, which was in the, centre of Markot. The fire is stipposod to have he(iu einised by that stirrup of a lighted ci?ar falling under the stairs amongst some waste. ,It is difficult to yet number the houses burnt, but n moderate calculation puts it it 250, which is more likely to bo under than over the ostintato. Fully- fifteen llttndred people nre homeless, most of whom are pool,. The loss will exceed ]calf a million dollars, on .which there is vory little insurance, except $80,000, on the chureh, :94,000 on the convent and $5,000 oil the city hal-I. TT104,' Anr MANY INDIOATION9 Of worms, but Dr. Low's Worm Syrup meets them in every case success- fully, uccess-fully. 499.4t the poor little sufferer immediately. Do- what can be said for the parent who peud upon it, mothers ; there is no Tina- Bees Ilia child languishing daily and fails take about it. It cures Dysentery and to recognize the w•anx of a tonic and - Diarrhoea, regulates the Stomach and blood -purifier? Formerly, a course of Bowels, cures Wind Colic, softens the bitters, or sulphur and molasses, was the Guuls, reduces Infiamma! iuu, and gives rule in well -regulated families ; but now tone and energy to the a hole system. all intelligent households keep Ayer's "Airs W inslow's Sootbing syrup" for Bttrsaparilla, which is at once pleasant children teething ]a pleasant to the trete to the taste, an the most searching and and is the pre.tcriptioo gigue of the oldest � 6 and best temale physiclaneand nurses in effective blood medicine ever discovered. the United States, and is for sale by all Nathan S. Cleveland, 27 EL Canton at., druggists throughout the world. Price Boston, writes: +` My daughter, now 21 25c. a bottle. Be sure and ash fur "firs. years old, was in perfect health until a tyioslow's Soothing Svrup," alyLatake no fatigrus o beadache,bdebility, complain iiztges, Other kind• indigestion, and loss of ppppetlte. I con- -- - - - cluded that all her complaints originated -Of $20,000 Inland, revenue at In impure blood, and induced her to take Ottawa it) May 415000 was for Ayer's Sarsaparilla. This medicine soon restored her blood -malting organs to apirit•s, healthy action, and in due time retistab. fished her former health. I find Ayer's Sarsaparilla a most valuable remedy for PERFECT HEALTf� the lassitude and debility incident to Can only .be obtained by 'carefully spring time." attending to the laws of n tura as J. Castright, Brooklyn Power Co., expressed in tits wants of he s s• L'roolt[yn, N Y., says : `As a Spring P y Medicine, I find it splendid substitute tern. To do this successfullyequires fur the uhf -time compounds fn Ayer's the use of Turdock Blood fitters Sarsaparilla, with a few doses of Ayer's occasionally, to seoure the reg rating Pills. After their use, I feel fresher and and strengthening. effect ) this stronger to go th •ough the summer." medicine. 499 It splendid edici Ayers • Sarsaparilla, -David Robinson, of Cam l en, PREPARED BY While trying to put•a belt,on a abaft Dr. J. C. Ayer dt Co., Lowell,, Mass. in •Inmos 'Thompson s paper m'lls Price $1; six bottles, $5. Worth $5 a bottle. yesterday afternoon, was caught Ill ._._ the shaft, hfaviug his arta torn ff an,l wns uther%'viso injuried. 0 1111 x„91 y, P H JR EYSO died in a few hors. \ - DR.HUMPHREYS'BOOE Barkwell's sure corn cure will curet Cloth & Cold Binding Ito rage+, ,rllh 61oe! Esgrarlsgl, hard or soft corns, warts, moles, y ;t- y., x.n,sn FREE. bunions and in -growing toe-nailsn.no:Islo,tl.Y without the slightest • pain. There 1- ; I Iastn.u, NOS. otrnta( Parent mfr be hundreds of preparations for t" ,v rti, cnng°atien, Intlammalinns... .25 Y I P xt 1l (•.II:e. worm Paver, worm Curio.,... 25 corns, but any person who has once 1 Crying Colic. or•raothifivlpfaats, t)5 used Barkwell's will take no other. �' ttlarnc�n, or Oibidron or Adulii...... .25 tvarriwa, oGripingg, nor d Cul(o.... .25 Jt has no equal. 483-tf i;tiolera tMorbue, onating.......... .25 tl q ('nvghs, Cold, Bronchitk.......... .25 E Rteuralala, Toothache. Fat)+aolhe..... .25 9 lfendnchee,Sick lAvrdarhr,Vnrt.igo. ,25 The Ci19a Of PI'IVaLe `�r119011, Ot' 'M EO PAT H eA C the Seventh Battalion, London, was repeatedly brought to the notice of lit nyspeirsla Bilious Stemach...........25 )110 11tnt9tel' Of A'lllitia, The ODUrr 11 6u,presseborPainfulPeriods..... '28 young, 12 %V lutes, too Pro(uge Periods.......... 2. man served with the corps in the 13 Crot( Cough, DilH•eultBreathine.... .25 } 14 Balt fthenm, Erympelas, Eruptions.. .25 Northwest, 15 Rheumatism. Rheumatio Padre...... .25 j\ 01't111Y05t, and t)9 a result }IaS.been , 16 Fever and Ague, Chills, Millarta..... .50 a confirmed invalid eV01' 9InCe. 17 Mea, Blind or Beedinf ... .50 120 9 Catarrh, lnauenza, Cod to the Hedidit .50 Private Wilson has at langth I'eceiv- whooptntCoadth ViolentOoaYha.. ,50 9 tiekkIR llebHitY.f'hymicalw:Z90'ta .50 oda ehequo for his back .ponsioll 7 Kid, lineage... ..:................. 60 %�0, New lie DehIll tY••••• ••••••••••••••••�:UO Uriipar . ea. e' , WOttinBR disc sea of the Henri. Palpltation,.1.00 ENitIOH THE BLOOD by the use of p E C 1 F I. O'S o Milburn's. Beef, Iron and Wine, which Sold b Drugglete,_okpenc, mittita)d9il"Qeiptel supplies the necessary blood buil(], price.-. ywolls•k BichardeonCo.,Agents,04Me ing material. 499.4t Gill Streetafontreal. - - - -A peculiar accident reeeuty happenedto Ddin on c Frog ort'Ructin SalE of Camden, Addington county: A cat. which-thn family were desirous be feat}ng rid of had taken refuge BILLS beueaLh the house, and •a young man, who happened to be about•, went under with the rifle to shoot it, -and did $o with the weapon 'held Printed on tho sldoh•tust pussiblt• notice, at a Blight elevation, 'fhb ball All ivotk F'IRS'T-CLASS ami Prices a: o • Low as any otfira WCat of Toronto. passed through the cat, the floor, and through the lower part of the Colisidt you, orvu'int,rests ami roll al leg of the above fatly, who happen 1'n r•: Nitws•Rur(lt:n uffic, heron, pladin ed to be ill the kitchen and in y'olll' order for any vials of Print hl",. range. � i �'�k7.�,jI�Y & 11,01)D UNITED POWER. '. w „`:.; 'Burdock Bllootl•• Bitters unites in Gesterol Printers tj P011i"her8, one combination remarkable powers as a tonic, blood -purifying, system- CLINTON, _ ONTARIO. regulating and .cleansing medicine. It has no equal in its powers of cure- 1 „ ing all Diseases of the Stomach, Liver, (198 S! lr l;ll II11,L..4, B t(D11;1. Kic*eys, Bowels and Blood. 499.2t at. Pour s Church. crvi,:us oil Suhrdav,at 11 L.nr.'tnd 7 p. nt, Itibic Cln,a, 10 11.111. §nada) 3uhoul, 3.:30 p.n,. Furvicb utP1Vcdrd°osday, a p.m -Alamice Flynn, arrester} in Itay. IvmldAn OR kill, it. D., neetor Rattynb.tr3 Struut :',tuthudist.-Services atlo.3( Toronto for robbing a farmer, while a. m, tad 7.00 p. w. Sal,bal.l Srho.11 nt Y,30 p in ilia dock at the Police Coui•t dn. lt"s-11a. P.urhsldr, Pllaor. winked at a spectator. A ,vii de_ Canada Presbyterian.-Servicus lit 11 a.to, an. p y 8.30 u. Ili Sabbath Schoul, 2.30 Ti. Ili. Itav toetive noticed the )rink, and stroll- Atex. STBWAgT, Pastor. ad into tile crowd, picked out the Ontario Streetltethodkt.-Sersieesat 10.30a person fD1' 1V1TOtn it was lntelldptl o' t)°'1 7.00 1;. in. Sabbath'Sahnol, 2,110 p.m I , Rev, W. w', SrAnwmo, Pastor by name Goorao Wilson. On be. Baptist Church. -Service at 6.30 p. Ilk. Sal ill,^, confronted by the victim of the bath School, 2.301). in. Rrw .T. Ca Ay I'ustor, robbery lie wits recognized by the latter, as au accomplice of the Oris- NEWSPAPER LAWS oder. Wilson was then placed in \V:) call tide 9;IeCl'al tlttelltU,11 of 1'osl the doth beside Flynn. nasttn•v and subscribers to the follow•inI CONSU\I.I'TION SURELY CURED. lyunh•Iisui'thnnulvspaporlaws:- 1'o THE F,nlTor.: l -A pn9tuutstrr is rcynired toglv( notice ity'ix.-r-rlru (returning a .pa;,,,r door Please inform your readers that I sot answer the law) when a subsaribcr doe: have a positive remedy for the above not take his 'papM ant of the office, alit named disease. By its timely use )tate, the r,•asou ror its not being taken. thousands of hoheless.cas.es, have been Any neglect to do so makes, the postntastel permanently cured. I shall be glad responaihle to the publishers for payment to send two bottles of my remedy 2- If ant• pers"llor,lers his palter dis rnri, to any of your readers who have ,oil till ncd, ale luust pay all arrearagcs, of consumption if they 'will sen(] me the pnblish,r nlal'. cuntiuu, to send ii their Express and P. 0. address, until i;nyuh,nt is toad,, and eollc.'I. 1110Ilespnetfully, Dr.' A. T. SLOCU t7, whole aniounl, lvlwil,r•r it he fel:,n fron 37 Y onge street, 'Toronto, Ont, 499y the office qr clot. 7'livre can be nn legs, discontinuance until tilt, paylneut: is tirade -A sad accident Occurred be, :I -Ally person who takes it paper frau Iho post ollive, whether direvird to Idh tween Morrickvillo Ind I,urritt s , dutnw or ailodwr, or whether fit, ling sub Rapids. A. ilial! named ALel Well, 3cribed of not., is i•espoltmiltle for tilt) pay. who Owns a couple of stallions, was 4 _.II' a subecrilter orders his pdpul• to b, lr ailing idle of thein along the Toad ytoppwl at it vellain Iiilu•, will the litihlialr when ho met This g.rootll.]calling the er eontinn,,; to send, it the suhsr.riber I other Otto. The Diem engaged in a bound to pay I'll. it if he takes It out nl'th shortclinvoraatiun, when filo stall- p(nt.•ofrtee. ThisprocecdsilpollMe�reutr that. a ratan must pay for what he uses ions attacked oaclh other furiously. , AIeI?lven sc;ize,l a club, and end- 11-11 savored to part the animals, whop AgV-In t6e Division Court in Goderiel one of them l'eaf'ed lip and struck 31 tile" November sitting a ne wspapel• pill: hiiil 011 file lies!!, killing hiln inst. h4lie.r stied -for pay of paper.. The defend ,Ill tly. RILL objected paying oil the ground that ht hml ordvird a I'nrhner propriclnr of tilt DANGER(JUS COUNfERFET7;S. paps to diwag none it. The Judge itch. that that )was n5t a valid defenr,. 'Th( Counterfeits are always dangeroam, plaintill', file present proprietor, had n( mote so that they always closely notice to dilicoutimie and cowmjurntll 11111ATS TDP ORI01NA1, IN APPltnanxor C4V111 rnlleet, although it was not denir( AND NA3Ir. The remarkable success that def,ndant hall notified former pro ao'hieved by Nasal Balm as a positive Prieto" to d18c011tfnne, In tiny even. cure --tor Catarrh and Cold in the defendant %vas hound to pay' for the tim, Head has induced unprincipled par- he hall received the paper and lentil hl ties to inlitate it."•'The public are had pail ell arrears due for 9uh ctlption. cautioned not to be deceives, by - nostrums imitatf;Al Nasal Balm in A GOOD OFFER name and appearance, bearing such Is made by the proprietors of IfaE names as Nasal Cream, Nasal Bal. yard's Yellow Oil, who have long sam, eta. Ask for Nasal Balm and do bfleredeto refund every oent expend not take imitations dealers may urge ed for'that remedy if it fails• to givt upon you. For sale by all druggiste I satisNotion on fair trial for Rheums or sent post-paid an receipt of prices I tism, Neuralgia, Sore 'Throat and al (50c and SJ) by ad(lressing Fulford it painful complaints -for y,hich it i Co., Brockville, tint. I recommended. 499 2t P +*a I,M,P,ORTA�NT' a returning thanks to my many friends )st,.patrooage, I would and patrons for p, 1 like to call their oPecial attention to my very complete stock of 1ARNESS, WHIPS, CURRY COMM, BRUSHES, ETC., ETC, Speeial attention is directed to my stock of :-:SINGL.E:: MADNESS:-: t will be found very complete, and for durability and finish cannot be excelled by my one. As I ernl,loy none but the best workmen, and use the best material to be fought in the market, all who may favor me with their patronage may Ebel confiden of getting satisfaction. P1�ICES AWAY DOWN, Trunks anq Valises in great variety and Prices Low. GE()RG.E A. ^ SHARMAN a Cures Dizziness, Loss of Appetite, indigestion, l3fltbusness, Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Affections of the Liver and Kidneys,, Pimples, Blotches, Boils, Humors, Salt Rheum, Scrofula, Erysipelas, and all diseases arising from Impure Blood, ip Deranged Stomach, or irregular action of the Bowels. ,• ...' .. C ...�W~'. .-�'.'' .' , •;':.l•`'4;=•t-•�---.' ....•3s+,Y.CL•::i i•Ft•�•�••.. -. ,_ cv��,.^!97••., � ., i -- A FULI. STOCK OF Choice Clover & Timothy Seed Y t1so sill oilier varieties of Field. Qar�lt"u scud Flow elf Seeds. kit.ecial painis linve been taken to procure them Fresli and Pure. Extra Value in China, Tea Sets and Decorated ginner sets, Decorated Toilet sets, White Granite (Sets and Fancy Glassware. Special Value in New Season's Black, Green' - and Japan Teas. Canned Fruit, Vegetables, c•. In cit<lles t variety. Oranges, E:emous, Figs, fie. Flour, St 11ife:attin•,a it li■rovislons. Inspect 13toeli and get Prices. �� C7HINA HALL, GLINT®N. 0 NEW'' DRUG. o. o Tho undelsigued has just opened a !Yew Drug Store, Ili JACKSON'S NEWBLOCI{, on lIUIiON STREET, twodoors west of the City Ronk Store, where will be found a complete assoknhcnt of furs �Drnns :ind Chemic:ifs, also 111ateilt Medicines mild ;._ 1►ruggists' Sundries -all that the public nilly ask for in thosr i .•':'r lilies. A. WORTHINGTON. 1-:. Clinton, 13th January, 1580. '� ' P. S.-Otlice changed from residence to store T"?_J � 1 r17 V __R1 NEW STOCK! NEW STORE! ELLIOTTsS BL60K9 e CLINTON. JOSEPH' CHIDLET Dealer in Furniture. ' Call at the New Store anti see the stock of Bedroom and Parlor Sets, Lounges, Sideboards, Chairs, Springn, " filattrassis, etc.., nod Igcucral Household Furniture. The whole Stock is from the very best mnnufacturers, Picture, Frames and Mouldings of every description. JoS. C111DL3:Y, one door West of Dicksoit's Book Store. Big Bargains -in JAPAN T 0 1Vo have retwived a large consignment of NEW JAPAN TEAS which twe are ofleri in 5 and 10 lb, Caddies at the following lute prices 45 CENT JAPAN TEA AT 31r' CENTS, 35 CENT JAPAN TEA AT 25 CENTS. 'fids is the best ott'or ever made in this comdty'"1ud all users of Japan Tiall should Secure at least one caddie. Black Tea 1aln:1111y :1S (]lietltp.-We are selling it FINE BLACK in original packages of 20 lbs, at FIFTY CENTS,per lb. This Tea is equal to any loc. Tea in Clinton.. Au. Extra Niue Young llyson :tt 45c., in 5 and f0 lb, caddies. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Call and see our Tea before buying. T. CODER & SON, The Old Reliable Tett tint! Grocery House. FRESH GROCERIES And the choicest;;ooJs kept fn stock by ,s C.,io .4.r2?Eei__i0 :BIROS. 6. lVe buy, in the very'hest markets and five om customers every advniltage. Out- goods will, a)ways be fuund fresh and -Reliable, :and to ..the economical hous(keeper we o0l•i many advantages. Our goods, in variety, quality, and price, we are satisfied wiil inert the requirentetflq of every household. "aria PI-Oduee 101011 at the hi(1e0St prices. OANTELON S■ SOS■ 9 WHOLESALE ANO RETAIL GROCERS CLINTON, ONT. LESLIE'S CARRIAGE & WACON FACTORY, C�,IINTUN"_ In Stock, a Number of Cutters, Sleighs, Buggies and Waeons, The Material we inaunfacture"is of the btst ,quality and the Iron work unsnrPassed - ,`� In fart we make it art im tortart fcattn•e of oto• business to use only the hest .pre - curable material and the bctt w•orkinansbip. Those in need of CUTTERS and SLEIGHS, of the latest makes and styles, should noc fail to call and see us. ALL WORK WARRANTED. vu -Repairing and Retiaintin-' Promptly Atter, led to. •o , FACTORY on cornor of Huron and Oranze IStreetti, CLINTON. FOR .SALE BILLS, , ... .�.,, .. .:' ,.. •r...i � «,r,. .,. 4 .... � /:iw � ci .• .. J'.... •� to .�.....: , ,..... .... .,. .... ,..Nr.... ...: x,ivt....,: ,.:. i.i,... ... .1GL2f...c .W, uw� eJRI:... r, . J :, ..;.....:.,, a :, r T,.._ , r i... ..:..'..Y .0 .. -. _. .. ... ...Y.... ........... tW .,_. � .. \ . • ... .: 53T..+.�n � 4,., s