The Huron News-Record, 1888-06-13, Page 3CORRESPONDENCE.
We twill at all pleased to
receive items of tears from our sub•
scr ilivra. We want a good corres-
pondent in every locality, not alreadb
represented, tollten d us RELIABLE news,
Patrons who do not receive them
paper regularly from the carrier or
through their local post oOces tvili
confer a favor by reporting at this
o ice at once. Subscriptions ittccb
eonantence at any bine.
Adverilgers will please bear in mina
that all "changes' of advertisements,
to ensure insertion, Should be hancleci
in not, later than MONDAY Noon uI
each week.' -
THE NEWs-RECORD has a lurget
circulation than any other paper it
this section, and as an advertisin.(,
medhon has feta equal& in Ontario
Our 'boobs are open to those ivh(
mean bu3iness.
The Job.Departrnent of this jour
nal is one of the, best equipped it
Western Ontario, eared a superior
class of work is guaranteed at veri
moderate rates.
The Huron News-Recorc
�— $1.50 a Year—$7.25, in Advance.— - -
Wednesday, June 13th, 11888
The True Story of the Toronto
-- Preacher's Fall and Disgrace.
The final clause of the report o
the committee -of the Dlethodis
district meeting which deals witl
the charges against Rev. Benjaum
Lon le has caused. much common
• S
and ver' general surprise;. Whil
the committee, find it verdict o
guilty, and recommend Mi* Long
ley's expulsion from the ministry, i
is still declared thatno actH of pos
itive criminality were established
i rm
This finding if u,
H Ilite i ru o
n q
with the evidence prevented •-au(
even with the charges made, an(
the surprise so widely expresse(
arises front a luisuuderstauding o
the terms of the indictment. Speak
- fug plainly, it is the "roes sin o
adultery",•of. which Mr, Longle;
stands accused in the minds of sour
persons,_ while the charges inyesti
gated the • . mi a were us
xt b com tte H
b Y
cepa'rle of being accounted for b,
indiscretion, impropriety or any, con
duet unworthy a minister of .It
Methodist church. The Htatenien
widely circulates] that the yours
woman with wh'o'm. MI-. Lor9gley bt:
carne involved had been betrayer
8,d interceded with bar pastor ",ii
the hope that he could induce lie;
betrayer, to save her by warriag
from the w•orstconsequences of lie
folly, seenia to be wholly ' witbou
foundation. Mr. Longley, in hi
communication to the committee
offers no such defense, while he ad
,nits the interviews at the' scho6
room and at the hotel. Nor wa
• there; shown to be any fouitdatio
fpr the shocking charges of genera
looseness find immorality which l,av
been whispered againstthe dip
graced pastor. His relations witl
the young lady are very strong)
condemned, but it is understood th
committee of the district tue;etin
found the new trail of folly or c
guilt, and that his expulsion is o
dereel for the reason that, even wal
out evidence of absolute criminditj
his conduct with that young woma
was unworthy of a pastor, and sue
as utterly to disquallify him for
place in the Christian ministry. I
is-3aid Mr, Longley haB boon unhal
Py in his domestic relations. It i
Statvl tleat he was (,'lioaged to hi
wif•• for five years before the
marriana, A.nd that according to h'.
own story, he would not have fu
filled his pledges except for a for.
that he would come und•(:r the (11
pleasure (if the conference. .Not
few unhappy marriages are chars(
against the Methodist discipline lit
as a matter of fact all that is exac
ed is manly and honorable conduc
While it is held that theyounger m
inters of the denomination shall m
trifle with the affections of youn
women urilor their pastorate of
f* shall respect honorable oblibatiol
no ininister is held to an engagemel
that "subsequent experiencn ms
show to' be opposed to his true hRPf.
nese or to his true interest. The
have beep, however, unhapl
mariages contracted till fimt
Ili() conference. Mr Longley llel
that his was one of these -unfortuI
ale marriages, and the fact that I
was unhappy in his hou,o relatiol
seems to•have boots well known
the voting woman with whom I
had become involved, Accordil
to the girl's defenso the, sywpathet
relations which'so long axisted b
l tween her and 11fr. Longley began
r year ago last winter •Hith a sleigl
ing party. Thr. fripwNhip Bteadil
grew.As spring advanced tl
pastor spent many hours at the r
silence of, her mother plwaYiug' cro. 'Cause
-which placed those now shin-
A 0001) SHOWING. ;
ia.enough to disgust every Canadian "
quet shill engaging in other 'outtllior
illg lu the heavens, and thus, byre.
A comparative statement of the
who 111180116 feelilig Of l,atriOtistn,
r)ewal, add light and lustre to the I
post office rever)ue and expenditure
orle spark of courage. If all thio
became more and mots pronounced,
univerao throu+b a seeming, eternity. 1
for the first giAe tuonths of the
does not mean that the Mother
Mr. Longley'a uusatiefactory domes-
fiscal year shows :
Country wouhl abandon Cattails td
tic relations began to elicit the.
life ; it- is iuiu,ortal in the principle 11888
...... •$1,93'6 393 2,009 989
make the best fight she could for
young woman's active ayinpatbies,
Of reproduction, whose cycles roll oil
1887... .. ... 1,776,
y'24 2;561,4•,51
herself,, then wor:ls bave no mean-
andthe subject seews to have be.
unceasingly unless checked by sup •
u,g, The Globe has seemed to revel
come one for their frequent and
erior and antagonizing forces. Ru.;
Increase... , $ 160 066 $` 4g ,538
it, the illHultH which it has, again
comMon consideration. A step
production is therefore ori immortal
Net increase 1888............$111,531
and again, heaped upon the people
nearer and kisses were exchanged
principal precluding the probability i
of this Dominion and of the Mother
and the stage of actual infatuation
of pRrsonal immortality. With We 'I
James Marton, the well-known
Country for the cowardice and hu -
was reached. Then appointment's
ends mun's usefulness to the world ,
Frothch geologist and geographer,
potence it ascrilies to them. What
began to be made and kept. The
or to his Creator. Is it probable
has published a Btateuhent to the
is there in the history either of
back premises of the residence of
that he will be preserved for pail
effect that America owes its ,stile
Canada or the British Enipirc; to
DIr. Longley and of the house oceu-
for pleasure, for reward or punish.
to all Ind ia11 word which means
warrant such foul insults? "'hen
pied by the young woman and her
menu 4 The monarchs of the forev#
1, f alld of the Winds" and not at all
did Canadians ever refuse to meet
wother are within easy distance of
may be reproduced for sit eternity
to Vespucci, whose Christipn name
ati,.euemy if attacked, or when did
We twill at all pleased to
receive items of tears from our sub•
scr ilivra. We want a good corres-
pondent in every locality, not alreadb
represented, tollten d us RELIABLE news,
Patrons who do not receive them
paper regularly from the carrier or
through their local post oOces tvili
confer a favor by reporting at this
o ice at once. Subscriptions ittccb
eonantence at any bine.
Adverilgers will please bear in mina
that all "changes' of advertisements,
to ensure insertion, Should be hancleci
in not, later than MONDAY Noon uI
each week.' -
THE NEWs-RECORD has a lurget
circulation than any other paper it
this section, and as an advertisin.(,
medhon has feta equal& in Ontario
Our 'boobs are open to those ivh(
mean bu3iness.
The Job.Departrnent of this jour
nal is one of the, best equipped it
Western Ontario, eared a superior
class of work is guaranteed at veri
moderate rates.
The Huron News-Recorc
�— $1.50 a Year—$7.25, in Advance.— - -
Wednesday, June 13th, 11888
The True Story of the Toronto
-- Preacher's Fall and Disgrace.
The final clause of the report o
the committee -of the Dlethodis
district meeting which deals witl
the charges against Rev. Benjaum
Lon le has caused. much common
• S
and ver' general surprise;. Whil
the committee, find it verdict o
guilty, and recommend Mi* Long
ley's expulsion from the ministry, i
is still declared thatno actH of pos
itive criminality were established
i rm
This finding if u,
H Ilite i ru o
n q
with the evidence prevented •-au(
even with the charges made, an(
the surprise so widely expresse(
arises front a luisuuderstauding o
the terms of the indictment. Speak
- fug plainly, it is the "roes sin o
adultery",•of. which Mr, Longle;
stands accused in the minds of sour
persons,_ while the charges inyesti
gated the • . mi a were us
xt b com tte H
b Y
cepa'rle of being accounted for b,
indiscretion, impropriety or any, con
duet unworthy a minister of .It
Methodist church. The Htatenien
widely circulates] that the yours
woman with wh'o'm. MI-. Lor9gley bt:
carne involved had been betrayer
8,d interceded with bar pastor ",ii
the hope that he could induce lie;
betrayer, to save her by warriag
from the w•orstconsequences of lie
folly, seenia to be wholly ' witbou
foundation. Mr. Longley, in hi
communication to the committee
offers no such defense, while he ad
,nits the interviews at the' scho6
room and at the hotel. Nor wa
• there; shown to be any fouitdatio
fpr the shocking charges of genera
looseness find immorality which l,av
been whispered againstthe dip
graced pastor. His relations witl
the young lady are very strong)
condemned, but it is understood th
committee of the district tue;etin
found the new trail of folly or c
guilt, and that his expulsion is o
dereel for the reason that, even wal
out evidence of absolute criminditj
his conduct with that young woma
was unworthy of a pastor, and sue
as utterly to disquallify him for
place in the Christian ministry. I
is-3aid Mr, Longley haB boon unhal
Py in his domestic relations. It i
Statvl tleat he was (,'lioaged to hi
wif•• for five years before the
marriana, A.nd that according to h'.
own story, he would not have fu
filled his pledges except for a for.
that he would come und•(:r the (11
pleasure (if the conference. .Not
few unhappy marriages are chars(
against the Methodist discipline lit
as a matter of fact all that is exac
ed is manly and honorable conduc
While it is held that theyounger m
inters of the denomination shall m
trifle with the affections of youn
women urilor their pastorate of
f* shall respect honorable oblibatiol
no ininister is held to an engagemel
that "subsequent experiencn ms
show to' be opposed to his true hRPf.
nese or to his true interest. The
have beep, however, unhapl
mariages contracted till fimt
Ili() conference. Mr Longley llel
that his was one of these -unfortuI
ale marriages, and the fact that I
was unhappy in his hou,o relatiol
seems to•have boots well known
the voting woman with whom I
had become involved, Accordil
to the girl's defenso the, sywpathet
relations which'so long axisted b
l tween her and 11fr. Longley began
r year ago last winter •Hith a sleigl
ing party. Thr. fripwNhip Bteadil
grew.As spring advanced tl
pastor spent many hours at the r
silence of, her mother plwaYiug' cro. 'Cause
-which placed those now shin-
A 0001) SHOWING. ;
ia.enough to disgust every Canadian "
quet shill engaging in other 'outtllior
illg lu the heavens, and thus, byre.
A comparative statement of the
who 111180116 feelilig Of l,atriOtistn,
and indoor pastimes. The imtimacy
r)ewal, add light and lustre to the I
post office rever)ue and expenditure
orle spark of courage. If all thio
became more and mots pronounced,
univerao throu+b a seeming, eternity. 1
for the first giAe tuonths of the
does not mean that the Mother
Mr. Longley'a uusatiefactory domes-
So with all an ,►ate and inanimate
fiscal year shows :
Country wouhl abandon Cattails td
tic relations began to elicit the.
life ; it- is iuiu,ortal in the principle 11888
...... •$1,93'6 393 2,009 989
make the best fight she could for
young woman's active ayinpatbies,
Of reproduction, whose cycles roll oil
1887... .. ... 1,776,
y'24 2;561,4•,51
herself,, then wor:ls bave no mean-
andthe subject seews to have be.
unceasingly unless checked by sup •
u,g, The Globe has seemed to revel
come one for their frequent and
erior and antagonizing forces. Ru.;
Increase... , $ 160 066 $` 4g ,538
it, the illHultH which it has, again
comMon consideration. A step
production is therefore ori immortal
Net increase 1888............$111,531
and again, heaped upon the people
nearer and kisses were exchanged
principal precluding the probability i
of this Dominion and of the Mother
and the stage of actual infatuation
of pRrsonal immortality. With We 'I
James Marton, the well-known
Country for the cowardice and hu -
was reached. Then appointment's
ends mun's usefulness to the world ,
Frothch geologist and geographer,
potence it ascrilies to them. What
began to be made and kept. The
or to his Creator. Is it probable
has published a Btateuhent to the
is there in the history either of
back premises of the residence of
that he will be preserved for pail
effect that America owes its ,stile
Canada or the British Enipirc; to
DIr. Longley and of the house oceu-
for pleasure, for reward or punish.
to all Ind ia11 word which means
warrant such foul insults? "'hen
pied by the young woman and her
menu 4 The monarchs of the forev#
1, f alld of the Winds" and not at all
did Canadians ever refuse to meet
wother are within easy distance of
may be reproduced for sit eternity
to Vespucci, whose Christipn name
ati,.euemy if attacked, or when did
each other, and meetings werearaug-
in years with- uuchangod and recuvr•
was not Amerigu at all, but Alberico.
the Mother Country ever hesitate
ed by in of signals. A
log seasons.
The story, he says, about Amerigo
to come to our assistance if we have
sad feature of the case, according to
Tile grain of whoat from E;;ypt'H
was a'•fill on the part of Canon
been driven to talcs up arils l
the evidence which has been pres•
tomb lost none of its vitality dur-
Basin. The blizzards of the United
When dud they ever say to a foreign
ented, is that during the absence of
ing a sleep of three thousaiid years.
States and the blowhard proclivities
power, come„and do with us 'What
Mrs. Longley last summer many Of
The frail, tsensidve plaut is equally
of the Greatest people out of doors
you will, for we ,connot and
these meetings took place at the pas-
immortal in its nature. If there is
tend to corroborate the wind theory
will not resistyou I This has been
tot's own house. The young woruan
anything on earth too beautiful to
of the learned Frenchman.
the burden of the Globe's song, and
became Hopelessly enamored, and
die, it is the rOHL. Yet with all its
it ill not surprising that, judging
there is too much reason to -fear
beauty and fragrance the hour frost
others by its•�lf, it should maintain
ion a' reciprocated
that the passte
regards it not, and tin: summers
that this is nut u British country—
with equal intensity, .A,gcording to
sun, after painting its loveliness,
Mr. MacLellan, editor of a
The Empire.
file young ledy'a account, the
withers it without remorse, and but
Duluth paper, formerly of Wiuni•
—� od _.
minister assured her thyt his wife
for the hope: inHpired by this repro•
peg, writes to the Winnipeg press
A Plucky 15lethodlyit` Tory.
would leave hiui, as she seems to
ductive principle, we should mourn
there advising Manitobans to remain
have threatened to do so, and the
its loss and weep at its destruction.
at home, and compares Duluth un,
r, of
the Rev. James B.
girl was encouraged to hope that
Now we can truly ea and rejoice
favorably with kVinns en. M. Ate'
P '
out stud'y'ing
Dundas County, 8t p!'eBRnt HCUdyill,M,
eventual) their affection mi ht be
y g
that its beauty never fades and its
Donald veritas from Seattle sayinb
at Victoria College, came
rewarded by marriagP. 111611 it is
fragrance is everlasting.
the labor market is flooded and the
down to ihH county tic the last
alleged in behalf of Mr. Longley
Is man au exception. to this wise
Place filled with idle men. He warns
Dominion elections to sots. He
that hew made frequent efforts to
aud.wond rful provision of nature
9 p
people against being gulled by land
was sworn by the r -form HerutineerH.
extricate himself from the meshes
And is it not ant le compensation to
P p
sl'ac'ks into going to Washington,
It wasnfwrwar(ls circulated that be
in which he had beC011iR involved,
know that old age, decrepitude and
g , P�
Territory. Mr. Brownlee has re-
received money For coming to
but lie feared the consequence of a
uselessness are to give place to
$ 1
tnruec) from Cand says be
vote and Lad taken f1 fa1HN oath.
violent and total severance of his
ouch strength and besot and that
g y.
met a number of 1Vinnipeggers who
He resented the runior its emauat•
relations 'with the girl and thus
roAn'd'InLPlll;soca Aud virtues be•
are desirous' of retunring to Mani-
fug from disuppoiute(i reform
things drifted ou and on until each
corno an immortal inheritance by
partisans, fathering it especially ou
became so recklessly infatuated that
hiH children f E. II. Ruad.—North
Alewsrs.Tuttle, of Iroquois,
resistance to the growth of their
American Review.It
was'thiH sort of gossipy item
and J. W. Cooper, of Dundela. He
mutual passion almost ceased.
last the woman's mother
°bei„ _
t1111t the Globe Was after. Each
II19tIlUtCd m •FUIt At law for slander
becamo so seriously alarmed by Her
For And About Women
member of the, staff received instrue-
agaiust Mr. Cooper, }hut it was
daiiglltel•B conduct, liar
tions. From AT r, Moore and naw-.
Weyer brought tel trial. L)eiuc at
mysterious movements and fract-
everywhere- Globe reporterH •can. be
home anis invited by resident
ious disposition, that she consulted
There is a woman living. in Me,
Seen on the Btilf hunt -for gossip.
winister io close a Sunday service
with friends as to the steps that
Kean county, Pennsylvania, xays
The next evening edition contained
lie embraced thti opportunity, of
could best be taken to solve the
the Pittsburg Dispatch, who has
the following samples items :
singling out Mr. Tuttle Ili the con,
mystery.- It is said` the mother's
worried fourteen_hualiands. Sbe is
known as Mrs. Ida I�oosted. Her
The police will don their suniwer
re++ation and culled upon pini to
g b I P
rP,traCt Ills B}Ander(>uH uHHHrtlO11H. 11 r,
view was that the daughter
chief attraction is Her Juno like
Helmc:ta ill r> few says.
Tuttle appealed to the regular is•
had bestowed her affection upon
form. She is tall and magnificently
Several of thR counts constables
ter for protection ill the church, and
BomR unworthy, object, and feared
.proportioned, and looks as if the
. ehv,,H resplendent, in new uniforoca'
it was afforded. Messrs. Tuttle and
the Bravest C011SHelUHr1CHB would
winds of thirty eight winters, more
From this it will be seen that the
Cooper t i,� n laid charges against
befall her if her folly were not
or less, Wight have toyed with, her
till' Globe is still awake and it is ex•
11[r. Laiuiolir before ills Methodist
chocked and exposed. The mother
to have had no suspicion of
abundautdark-brown tresses. When
P acted that one of the Hustlers will
Distrivt, Board, They charted that
scents P
the girls relations with Mr. Langley.
scarcely out of her short dresses she
her first marriage, She
find a bit, koot lie](- in the Bidewalk
on Yon a street just north of Queen
g l
he, had brought false; uecusations
against Them, desecrated ,the Sab.
As a result of the advice offeted the
has Leen after men ever since, and
before the lv eelC IS out.—Ii r7epire'
bath still needlessly brought a suit
mother in response to her solicita
tions, detectives were employed t0
is now livingwith husband No, 14.
at law..
to watch .the Girl's movemeutH, and
The other thirteen }wsbandB Are 11
ni (Lt:at grid all are on good legis
jos. G. Blaine the defeated re,
The trial was presided over by
the astounding fact -of Het• intimacy
lila She
9idential candidate four years ago,
the Ri•v. G. G. Huxtable, of
with the minister was noon uncover- •
with marrying woman.
hus.Heeu legally separated' fron► all
tri declining renotilinatiott wrote
Iroquois, chairman, and the follow -
Pd.. Then Oan1R(the, expohure,_1,ir1
her CGS, and was only married
the .following a few days ago:
in' clergymen acted as a committee
Longley'R flight from the -city,
tow months ago to No,.14.'
('Republican victory; the prospects
The R(,Y. Messrs.' Pilcher, Crane,
followed b his wife and family,a
of which grow brighter. every day,
Ellery; Fowkes affil- Craig. After
and the consideration of his caro by
call be. imperilled Only by 'lack of
Mr. Larmour lime] objected .to the
tile congregation of thR church over
O Miss Thu event marriage f 11proceedings
T c. r g
unity in council or by 'acrimonious
legality of the mod evi-
”( e.Cl '
w 1 i o brllluuitl real 1
i wh le 1 ad s
i YP
Annie Scnaffeld and Charles G, Rau r
s v issue ' f
contest over oleo. The tss v
lis been taken he was found
delle& d b C
and by the district utoetiug, -which
both, ' of Union Hill, N. J., has
protection is incalculably stronger
guilty' of the charges, and the
for the reasons stated recommends
created a stir in that town. Miss
and greater than any man, for it.
court dir•eoted him to acknowled'go
to the Niagara Coiifereuce that 'lie
Schaffeld is the daughter of a de
concerns the prosperity of the pres.
having shndered' Messrs. Cooper
be disinissed 'from the ministry.
voted and activi, Roman Catholic,
entand•ofgenerations yet to collie,
a,d 'Tuttle, Nucb aek!iowled;eroent
The committee did'not require -to go
beilim a wetnlier of the Holy Family
' Were it possible for gory voter of
to be read front thi.q Methodist
behind the charges laid, and while
Chut•eb, of which the Iwr. Father
the Republic to see ftw himself the
pulpits. Mr. L•.rmour refused to
. su(fpic.ion 'of criminal intimacy was
Grieff is rector. Tho young woman
condition and reconipense Of lallor
Big', tha.decisioll Bud said lie. would
not established it was Unaniniously
wan the , principal singer in the
in Europe, the party of free trade
appeal to Conference.
held that a'mati guilty of the weak-*
church choir. She has been receiv•
in the United StrteH would not re.---
nesH slid folly of which Mr. Longley
ing attentions from Rau for some
ceive the support of one wage,work.
when in need of 13111 noads, Envelopes, etc.,
is convicted is utterly unfit for •tile
titim and no objections seem to have
er between tte .two oceans. It 1118 Y
don't forget that Tim NEWa-REC•OED CarriCS •a
full line.
pastoral charge Of a MethodlHt
Leen offered, ahliou'h her family
►, Y
not be directly in our faver as Phil -
congregation or to hold any conned-
knew that lie was it Protestant,
antbropists to elevate the European
tion with the Methodist ministry.
Their enogement.wnH known to all
laborer, but • it will be a lasting
It is understood. Mr. Longley had
their friends still wbe, a week ago
stigma' upon our atatesmatl5bip if
A big strike was make when Powell
hoped.- that lie would not suffer
they were niarried, 'there ' was no
tt.e c r ilii the American laborer
a' issued their Extract of arsap-
drilla and -Burdock. It has met with
expulsion, but that the judgment of
surprise. lin the following Sunday
to be, forced down to the European
great success, and it must, for it is the
his ministerial brethren would be
Mrs. Rau went to the Church of the
level, and in the etid the rewards
most powerful blood purifier in the mar -
such that lie could resume ministerial
Holy Family as usual and took her
of labor evemywhere will he
ket. It is used with the grt:atest success
ti•ork at Kansas City, where he is
accustomed place in the choir.
advtiuce•d if we steadily refuse to
a all diseases arising from a debilitated
now 'established, Or at some other
Father Grieff was absent and the
lower the standard at home.
condition ofthe system, And everyone
and should use a bottle or two At
opening `that might present itself in
services were conducted by his assist -
this season of the year, of Ex -
tile nei hberin county. This
g g y' '
ant. When Father Gf•ieff returned
-The "Globes' County y
rdockPowell's ea
tract ofSersapariila And Burdock. Bear
however, will be impossible. if the
and learned that Mrs. Rau had Bung
in mind one 50c, .bottle contains more
committee's report i9'accepted by
at the 4Uass he was iudignan.t-and
With. dianraceful--poltroenry -the
solid medicine than most dollar so-called.
Sarsapitrilla and bitters, Also remember
the Niagara conference, soil be will
declared that it should never occur
Globe has been preaching that Can.
that it is sold in Clinton by all druggists,
be.obliged to seek some other means
again. Site said that sho had ex.
lada must truckle to the ' United
Price 508 a bottle. Sold by all drug -
of livelihood. His wife and familycommunicated
herself by marrying
Stater, because she could not defend.
gists and medicine dealers everywhere.
g y
are with him, but the partner of his
a ProteHtaut and being luarrie try
herself -and could expect flu material
folly is still in Toronto:—Globe.
a Protestant Minister, It was ex,
lro our
aid £roto �nglaud, In reply to ourto
pecten that if Rau attempted
o into the choir loft there would
rebukes for its, unpatriotic and un -
Person al Immortality.
manlywailingH it atteulpts to quib-
Wha# a. Time
People formerly had, trying to swaUOvr
the old-fashioned frill with its hilt of
magnesia vainly disguising its bitter-
ness; and what a contrast to Ayer's
Pills, that have been well called "uued-
Icated sugar -plums" - the gnly fear be.
Ing that patients may be tempted into
taking too ivany at a dose. Rut tits
directions aro plain Bull should be
strictly followed.
J. T. Teller, M. D., of Chitwihau ;n,
N. Y., e.(presses exilel ly a hla 11(:u,lrods
have written at greator h:n l,ll. lie
say's: "Aycr'.4Carilarric fill+are hi 6!y
appreciated. Tiley ar4i perf-wr ill form
and coating, anti their elfeels are all
that the most earelul ],'I%.icilm ,•„ni+l
desire. They lune. snl,pilu,re6 it'! lh,!
Pills forltturly pupultiv hero, sn,i i ; hill:.
It most be long lwfuru not
be made that will au. 3111 1 uuil ,ir,; tvi.0
thent. 'Titus, who bu ;•ill; ;,et
full value for their uunic+."
"Safe, pleasant, and certain in
their of --tion," is the curvier 1••.slilm-liv
of Dr. Georgo E. lvalkcr, +,r MurtIn„•
Ville, Virginiu.
"Ayer's Pills ontse.11 ull 41101m- yrep-
arations. The lmhlir h (t ill:, in,..• 111. 1
them, will . have no ill her,,"- Lerrr,
Venablo & Collier, Allw,t;,, (1a.
Ayer's rQ?
Pret,ared by Ili,. J. C.:1yror D.'i'e., i.""..I,. i..aa.
Sohl by nil I)ealern inrAi ++sl poi,"+.
Carlteloa's Carriage Workst
The Cheapest and Ileat
F.'-'•-.mminalim I
In the Markot. See them.
Stylish and durable'Open and -Top
Very Best Material and Close Prices'
S. A; Cantelon, Propr.
IJ TISESIENTS inserted (n Tim
NEWS REconD at low rate4. Tile law
makes it conipnlsory to adverbso stray stock.
If you want any kind of advertising, you cannot
do bettor than call on "The News-Rceord;'
311 ® t
. _ moi.•." .._..3.. :•- "�• `.-,-:.
1. ";�";!—=� is+'..::'i. �.t•Ij "`'i i.' ,fY_+`,1 •' r?,a •�;�
Bur^:ai•.o. :s . :u, s....•,.r.:.•l c.•••,:uu1
d39tro}'c! o: •,•:rr.,� l:t (;..i:•i.n r,raluulua
PII�IPLES I eflI Inail(vasu)tile recipe
torn simple VeeETAULE BALM
that will numovu TAN, I''nrcutus, Pimpl,Es and
BLOTCHES, leyvfnq the skin•eoft, clear and beauti
ful; also instructions for producing a luxuriant
growth of pair on w bald heed or smooth face.
Address, including 3c stamp. BEN VANDEL6 &
CO., 00 Ann street, N. Y. i-"• 392y
ItcAored. A geiticinan leaving innocently Coll.
tracted the hallit of self-abuse ill his youth, and
in consequence snnitred all t, he horrors of Sexual
Incapacity, Lost Manhood, Physical Decay, Gen.
eral Prostration, etc., will, out of sympathy for
his follow sufferers, n, the recipe by which
he was finally cured. Address in confidence J.
W. PINKNEY, 42 Cedar- Now York St.,. 392.
- ;-d 0
Cly _ t t -
o ms v i
L.LJ Wa n°Evx�ssh(Y
Q 3w 3 a, ,na U
Iv �
6�J —
bb a scene, all Father Grieff hAd ble and now it Asks : "Will 7'lee - �'1" -, e"'`"'
There is nothing so pleasing. to openly and forcibly declared. his in- {� (t 1
"ltntpire kindly quote a sentence or (; - f3
liumam ex Potation as personal im- tention of excluding her from the „ 1 `v
P P in -
paragraph or article of the Globe + :t
church., All Unipn Ifill was on the P � �
mortality, To he, assured of t:ver-
"justifying its assertion that tile 4
lasting life without weariness or tip tor. of expectation, but .Ml's. ,
g, Globe has advanced the unworthy, r_
satiet with friendshi s unalloyed Rau prudently avoided trouble by
)+ P Y "`contention that, in' case of need, Zr
and with k"nowledge ever increasing( g ti
nkmaininaway front e chprch.
r+ tl7e Mother Country would aband• g� ��jj��
makes all trouble and sorrow in this She said that if she had known that ,i.(]oil Canaria to make the best as - ABRAHAM SMITH,'
world BHRm as nothing—as the 'mere sl:e was excommunicated she would ,,, ,
light, she could for herself V'
(lust tlat floats with the assin not have gone to church last Sunday. a When I say Cuup.I do not meati merely tc - Market Square,
P g It is not a pleasing f ask Mop them for a time, and then have diem re
breeze, But is this leasta dream Her friendH also Hay that the exconl• ;urn again. I IRICAN A RADICAL CURE.
�' g. to revert to filch of the Globe in
flu ins iralion I Do de§ire and ex. munication does not seem "'pit I have made the disease of G°ODERICH'
P order to read with fresh disgust its MTS EPILEPSYOa.?
,ectatioih constitute an infallible heavily oil her mind, , .
I ' cowardly Appeals to Canadians to
premise upon which to found un- lip. clown and h_e trampled upon if ALLING SICNNlES89 —`--
questionable opinions 4 And is CURRENT TOPICS threatened by a foreign power, but A,lifelong etuily. I WARRA7rrmyremoaytc „ r
there adequate .compensation for the we must overcome our loathin &nil Conn the worst cases, • )Because othe;r{s have WEST Lor F ENGLAND ANI) SUIT•
loss of these cherished ideals:l HOW PUBLISHERS ARE SWINDLED. give One or two specimens. gHere `Sendatonceforatreatisea daFRR3OTTLi acure INGS (iC TROUSrIiINGS,
bleu's body, like those of other If country nowspaper proprietors are sonte of the Globe's whining and o,i omce. It costs you nothingx�or a SCOTCH TWEED SUITINGS &
animals is composed of the elements trial, and it will cure you. Address
P were to publish the names of the iamentationH : Ar H. -G: PAOTv ST Yoga& ,9t., Toronto, Oat. TROUSTRINGS,
of niatte.r in chemical combination, subscribers who take, read, enjoy, , "CamAdians, if attacked from the FRENYCII AND TNGLISI[ WOIt-
aud finally after its brief life, returns and are gratified by, yet neglect to south wouH have'to depend almost
to form part of the original stock pay for, their home paper, the ro- P _"- — S'Cl D CLOTHS,
from which it Was constructed, entirely ippon their, own strength,
potation of most communities for valor and persistence for defence." t�A `0 �' � „'`o tllacle up in Best Stl�ln, surf lVoslt-
Uoeq there dwel•I in this corruptible moral honesty would depreciate (,n O V ���,, O a nturtxhip fit flbrcfhatn Smith's.
body an undying., and incorruptible considerably. An editor's labour's "Why is it that we all know clown U 4) ,, , M V
personality I Does the Creator do are seldom esteemed or compensht. in the bottom of our hearts, that the ,�, ,� di o --
aught contrary to the universal and ed. A lawyer will give yoo five connot reasonably expect Great Uro ' �
recognized laws.of life and death I minutes' advice on a topic, and Britain to back its to the point of (n Cd e`� � e Now in stock ont, of the, cheape.
And is. it not generally conceded war with the United StAtes`l l y v r'Cj �'-+ a and best stovN of
g Y charge you $5 An editor will give 0 y CIS a 0. c CLOTHING (1
that anything and everything that you advice on a hundred topics, and "We Should be practically just as 1-4 N O >~ WINTER Cl.®THING
will live 'ito eternity" has existed charge you five ceras a copy for his strong if independent as if aided �% . L�'•t". ,� O ro vl"
"from eternity ?" paper, and very often five cents by Great Britain, Thfit is what �,r,r�� O0 rp ow AND CLOTHS.
The glorious sun must, in the given to an editor 'would save $5 Oreat Britain rocognisefi, and her W
1104 ,.. w
nature of things, go out irrdarknt'ss. kiven to alawyer. In fact, rte other inability to hold us safe from harm > �, N a a N FA A Full Line of GENTS' FIIR
Cha stars that'°glitter on the mance class of business mru aro so univrrs is the reasor, why Downing Street N 1., a S
of night" must finally disappear. nlly swindled out of their labour as kotows so readily to WABhington," ''�" U N O �"
NISHINGS always in stook,
There may be a new birth of suns the country newspaper publisber.— 'There are columns of such stuff as Qy b 0 rWr{ ,Z° p I Il will pati you to call on
and stars, resultant from the same �V. Y. Suit. this and even worse, but surely this r V O M fL W rK 1