The Huron News-Record, 1888-06-13, Page 2rww`7 -"" .. r •-.a�m�r.•- »,,, • Yom..- -.... �•....,,..q,... -r- 5,. A T.""- ... .. _r.�.. w '. x7.,--. --r. -7+l�w-Fgw'PRQ fir
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t '. doubtless, that a wo,tu,:1.n: on her Orton ns. ha had. I reasoned that the paper an it before. I la • and. bedside ut his a Ana about- me, and Mr. Overton, ;Bh. li - it •, be d,on. l
>14xu lav .� tc,cau y p ,
death bod—» wq:►naA with the tthis was because of bis now -found counted tile, linea which ran in this cried ill agony ODegd, d°tld I 0 Lot the ladies, . Qat �n.�p nnu�he;
' xs9=14�- ° shadows of the 'unsesn world fall- hopes. . • . way, the- dots, -which ran' in-that,and �my darltug'1 .Oh I have mercy, 'room'.. You and 'yqur.-brothar- W.s;� --.
' Ilvory W ed>v?c�sday Mornt,ng, i"" darkly around'hor ' feet—•would A wall of coldness and forinality,. +veudorod where, tile, designer found G}od 1" remain, with a a4v t or two to °
rix— ' find It rig4t and +vise, to toll the slight and iotanrtible ao fcnil and }tis hints for ilio tunze of labyrinth- .
- And_ 1, f= under my half -shut help. me, and—.•and s. Frank, if
w "`��`� , ����� truEIi, Elie whole truth, and nQthirig tenuous t}IAt I Ehink l'Npit Overton nuet'ncafttfiness to Ktlicli his" aror& eyelids, lying there under the bor- he's strong -headed enough,'.'
a l but the truth. Is it not so ? never noticed it nor dreamt of its had resulted. I grew tired of this, der of the black cloud, into the The .Doctor took a small chao of
AT TIMM Well, I am strong and robust— presence, gradually rose up between after a tinlo, and let my thought and murkinoas of which all- paths of instruments from his pocket. He
sow€� PRESS PRINTING �eUSE I've learned the lesson of which us. All ! well ; it was all right ! attention go to something else, humanity lead at last, watched them placed it upon the table,. 13e
we have been speaking. I fancy I it was right I shout3d hide my secret though I did not close my eyes 'nor and listened to them. opened it. tIo took out some cruel -
.Ontario Street, Clinton. have learned it thoroughly and from him, even though my rude• turn away my head, looking knives and hooka and lauces.
1 50 cc fear—s$1 °�5 in ddvavtce. well. ness cost the many a aharp pang. Outside I could hear the river in CHAPTER, III. I hetrrd the door open and clod`s.
Frank is famous now, a great I And lie—he was right in being the distance, the river over whose vend ? Was I ? u Frank's mother'and sisters had left
The proprietors of TnEGoDEnroaNEwvs, physician and surgeon—n man loyal to the fortunate woman who tree -shaded waters I had floated Napa Overton said so, kneeling by the room. }
having purchased tilt) business and plant whose good fortune it has been to had won his love. with Frank in so many of the fore- toe and pressing hot kisses upon my "What do you think ailed liar ?"
of TuE HunoN RECORD, will in future stand between death and those There is one evening which is so ever gone days- of happiness which white lips—weeping hot teara oil asked Papa Overton. .
publishthsawalgamatedpapersinClinton, whose lives have been surrendered stamped. upon lily ,nomory that I the buried years had held for us. m is brow. "I don't, ]chow. It might have
under the title, of 1OPHE hullo NE++'A• r For us? :11 as ! Not for us.. He Y Y g
to the destroyer's will by others less shall Hover forget it. .t a as late ill been her heart • it might have been
RECORD." - had his ha loess to look forward Frank said so. And his hands
wise. and skilful than he. It is September. The full moon rose in PP }ter brain. I furan. to the belief
Clinton is the, most prosperous town in , to. For me ! I »lone, must look to trembled as h° held tt mirror
Nestern Ontario, istileseat of considerable needless to say that I am proud of the clear, blue eastern sky ; the that it was her brain,
g memos for mine, all m. life ! before, my face to see whether
manufacturing, and the contre of the finest him, falling leaves rustled Rion„ th.O Y ' Y there was: any remainiug breath to "And you propose i
agricultural section ill Ontario. I—I dislike to sa • much of 111 walks, beaten by the western wind, ,L Could hear the shrill cry of in- "I propose to know."
J Y•. stain its purity of surface. There P' P
The combined eh'etilation of Tilt? Xrws- (self. In the da •s when the tllost and heaped and unlieaped them- sects Ill tLe ;suss null antoug the n • r. ,"How?"
EtEOORD exceeds that of any paper pub• _y was sono; the, °lass wile as "'briobt
important portant art of the, otos of to selves under t•he wavering shadows trees. I could hear the sound of a "B examination. Let me open
fished in the, Cvuuty of Huron. It is, 1 P T Y and clear when he begun. .So there Y I •
therefore, unsurpassed as all advertising life was being acted �ut, T was uo of t}tO trees upon the, Inwu. dog barking on the Lnvu. Some the skull remove the brain and—"
laughing voice sounded through +vas only one thing for him to say. ,
medium, actor in it myself ; I said nothing, Up iloui the west crept a thick, b ° ° He said I was dead. I lost eonsciouanesathen. I should
¢•Rates of advertising liberal, olid did nothing, looked nothing; I was black cloud of storm. Dire sat on the sunny air. And still I lay - describe what happened to me if I
no more than n piece of stage furni- the, piazza, facing the north watch- , there, motionless • still I seemed 1'lt°''° was r' a- enough for say
furnished oil application. p ° P S, a ing it too. Lot me try to tell you had been }u a normal condition to
Parties making contracts fur a•spuci ture in the greatdra,(na+whieh meant ins the great dipper wltool slowly bereft of care and will. ° ' t Y Y begin with by saying I fainted. As
tied time, who discontinue their advertise- as much to me'its anythipg can ever through the pular darkness, until I saw the sunshine on the wall. why. Silence . my lips ;stillness it is, I don't know what to say. I
- +newts before the expiry of the sante, will n►enu to any woman .in' ilio +world, the western clouds had their way Strange how long I had slept ! It at my heart ;• a. dead inertness all know I lost consciousness.- It was
be charged full rates. r, , along my limbs ;tilos° were all bad
Advortisemouts, without instructions ars i� hY should I speak of myself? with the ni°ht—anti•1 they had was alrcady afternoon ; it was already too horrible for one to listen to and
enough, but not all of these had
to space and time,, will be left to the judg- And et, I will -say that I am a shut out all the light overhead and late in the afternoon, and still I did live • think of it • dead and et
Y Y ° taught me• how like, death' must be ' ' ��
meat of the crnnppositor ill the display, 1n• rrnduate of Vassar that I have had swallowed up the moon in their not move ; still I did not care. ° not dead, shut under' the edge of
sited until forbidden, measured by u t°l.awelled and studied ill 'Europe blackness. 1'lien we went in. the, state, ill which I lay, But I—I
Thera were voices putside my ss.+v m face in the, mirror ! I did the shadow which falls only nlong
' `,-11 Scale of solid nonpareil (12 lines to the g g y the boundary of another world
inch),. and charged 10 cents a line for first that I silt quoted as an authority Ta it .usual to let storm sugDest door. T reco°nized tlao,n at once. not .vUDdor 'they said I +vas dead. Y '
insertion and 3 cents a lieu for each sub- sometimes in a narrow department death I Or were we the only ones Papa Overton and Cousin Frank I sbouid have saict "death !" of such speechless, motionless, yet full of
3t) went iusertiou. Orders to discontinue o! physical sciouce. T regret, just to let til° shadows of ruldutght 1:111 •+veto talking there. There was a a `face as that at a single glance. sense and the love of life, and
advertivements must bo in writinv. now, having never loved literature deeper than the present,, farther strain of gonuille anxiety in Frank's What need to send, , as they had compelled to listen to ++orris
rrf' Notices set as READING uAa-rr:a, instead of science, because I might than the physical, into our features, voice, but father was reassuring (lone in frantic haste, fora P IY81- which condemned mo to d0nih
(measured by a scale of solid Nonpariel, 12 make this story more direct and, en- and into oto• ver souls ? biin. in a most horrible form, death •
lines to the the charged at the, rate of Y Y cinn'f Did it Hoed oven as much
teitainin if that were true. 1t .r in a few short minutes and
10 ernts a line for each insertion. g We had lathed of cheerful things She has been tired and low skill as Frank then had --the skill '
,pool -
would only be for Frank's sake, of w pile the moonlight filtered through spiritod lately," be said, "and we of an inoxperienced'butenthusiastie gave mo not so much as the ,poor
.. course; I shall not regret inada- the fading vines and lay in checkered were together until late. After that, student—to say that nothing but boon of a cry of protest. My
�QB' WORK. senses had been alert all the time, . •
We have, one of ilio best appoiute,l Job quacy or the shafts of eritieisut for brightness along the piazza floor. there was the noise Of the storm lu death ever dominated the brain be -
myself ; it would pll be for Frank's Bat now uuw +vO told wild stories keep her from sleep and rest. It is my sense of fe(lliug not less than
Uffiroa west of Tolouto. Our facilities ill , P P hied such a face as that? Dead ?
this department enable its to do all kinds since. but tiler:, after all, illy of death and luso, stories at which I little wonder that she slept long. I should have thought so ! If I rest; I had felt the sunshine, search
ofworit—rroinacallingcardtoamanliiibtli whole life has been for his sake— shuddered—stories at whish Isirud- It will da her good.". could have tnatiaged to speak I my face whon they had moved ilio
poster, in the best stvie kno+vn to the all that I am, all that I have been, der yet. � "God grant it," said Frank. think I should have told theta that so that it fell upon me , I had felt
. ^raft, and at the lowest possible rates t)!1 that I shall be. i every pressure of every hand which
Orders b mail prom tip atQended-to, I rano caber unci n tsdo Frank told And I loved biro more and utero I aoloe_d with them
l t p I wake u° to tho ni htuftentimos g, had done any kindly office for me ;
P " of a collo c friend of his who had for the, way in whish hO said it. I
• Address when the world is silent and lila Aud so, dear reader, if you ever ono or two little acm(lonts bud hurt
The News -Record, seemed dead, _ and who had been +wondered whether he could have have doubts as to what -death has me cruelly. I wondered whother, "
stars above keep watch over 'tile saved from the grave 'only at the spoken more feelingl if it had been done, or left undone, foryour loved when he shotilcl deftly out his way Clinton. but +whirling world—so far as human p f the lad of his Cho c� if ho bac} i
° last moment. R affected ale doe ones, when you place. the polished to my brain, he would hurt rue as
eyes can se°—and I thank God that ly, I could not toll why. spoken it to her, or alone by Mini- mirror above the still lips and wait fiendishly as my sensitive condition ..
The Huron. -News -Record He sent ill° wliere•Hri did and that Y
-. ' ,. I hope,, said I, turning to Papa self ill that privacy +Where, one may praym•fully for t}io cud of the test, promised ; I +vondored bora chop
He gave ,me the guiding caro of Overton, "that you will 'so that I put his fall heart in words and which is excellent, though not final, lie..would cut at the first stroke ; I
z'l.5oalear-61.26 inAara"ce. Papa Overton, as I call -him, the sill never buried nlivo. liw•ning looks. ° . be so kind and merciful as to Illy wondered whether he would set free
— — _ ___. ____7=-= fut11er Jove, of n man who never had alive would be better than that." T drifted away from self Rud youra.hand gently along the brow toy powers of'spooch and motion
children of leis own to bless him,
WC41uestla.y, .Tune 1301, 1888• and that through it a11* my life has I shuddered. But. Papa Overton sense as I thus +vundored. I won •and eye" '-the eyes af- the- ono for wlioii lie struck deep into lily flesh
. — been what it --has beou. smiled. • IIe was inclined to favor dared whether Frank would be whom you hope and foar. Do -not and blood•vessels and nerves,
cremation. I ](new it. happy. Would lie, perhaps, have let life have the chance to see itself whether I would look up into his
FOR OUR STORY -READER. The storm Caine soon a rust laved ilia if lie had newer suet her ? lie white and cold behind the mask face and sbiielc at hill, whother
CHAP'I'hIt It. '
� downfall of rain, and a wad whirl Would ho•be happier—happier? of dsnth; it+vould be an awful thing, his Laud .would have been Go steady
I was just past my twentieth of wind which made the shutters a more horrible thing than words and his arm so strong that it would
Won rn Silence. birthday. I was at home, from And T c:uno back to myself, and ° °
school spending the, summer vs.. rattle, and which tossed the smaller to the present again with a start—a can toll or the imagination picture, be -too late then to have either act .
11 I or CHAPTER I. I ° branches of the groaning trees start thn.t was parol mental 'how- to stand before such a helpless, }rap- to do !lie any good—too late for
cation. Frank +vas also at honlo, purely ,
:1Iy nave• is Judith Ovortuu, Cr down upon rho lawn ill sad con over, for I did not move nor speak. )ass, stricken one as I—and drive, any hope for we. Is it any +wonder
Rud, as the residence of• his father P lice glad !" • I lost consciousness? Is it- not rather that is the name b which I fusion. 1—I—I could not be quite certain .
Y +vas }ass than half a mile from that
aro kno wD the name b • which I p We bad° each other good -iii -lit but it seemed"as though some one The Doctor came. Tie, .took marvelous, rather, that I slid not "o .
1. J of l apo Overton; ho spout by itis soon Rud went to out; r000a. had knocked at my door. IIi1d it planta of time. He made, tunny mad 1 .
have always bEOn knu+vu, Hurl lite the larger share of his lien° with '
n. lie which well bO tlacod above - Frank. remained with lis, and,though been so? Had they begun by tap- careful tests. Ile wasgentle; tender, To be cotttirtued .next tceelr.
'tile when I gu down to ray grave, Iiiii room was Tar rem Dime, went ptno h`gh-t y� y o el— end by a Ihun• patient. >u le stood . up at Inst, -_ '
I had recently learned' two to sleep—a tumbled and dream- derous appeal that should' have his earuest.'face free from anything '
. But— things—t+wo startling and thought EDITOR IIAWKF S CASE.
What my na.ulu it 1 .lo not know ! ° ° haunted ciesO,—lit last, 'with a far, waked the dead—if the dead were, Lilco doubt. I evil seem to see it
cottppe Iiug ti"n"s. Ono was the faint odor of aipal'Amokestealing in wakenble? " I did not know. I now, is I saw it then 'ns lie stood �T
—I. Rover slr+il I:u,tw. Fur I sou bi,,tur.1 of lire }way iii ~which 'T came to whore I lily. four follow ! bo t could not tell.,, I did not much facing me and half looking down Reply of the Minister• of'Justice
roue of those ti ilwdess waifs,. left It to bu an Oval toil, the truth that the • .. ° ° to Ottawa Newspaper Men.
night. by sours eh,nue-ltnuutoil. evidently could not slepp. 1Vas it carp. upon tile, while he talked to father P.
1Z .1la,fiw.+wliu�eiovo I could tromotDb°'r Possible that he was Dot sill that There was the talking outside, m and Frank and Frank's father hnd.
creature, with trulrlbling hands and as ' having 'br:en so 'tender 'and ° Y 11Ii.'1'hompson, Minister of Just-, i
' agpnized and averted oyes, qt rho stv,,dt:lst el
• the ins-riway and the Indy ho loved had 'sli equal door ilgain, but tiro voices were• Aa mother, and all ,the Bost. .who bac} ice, has sent a reply to lir. i'. D.
i. ° lave for hinl? I pitied hirn— ]Ow that I cool not catch lire words. gathored there. hose chairman of the meetinry of
. door of what some bleeding heart shaclo+vy years of my earlier life, pitied him And yet, his d ,� �� ' °
prayed God, I doubt not, was t► tri° lady whose white, faced silence P 3' J" I only ]cue+v that there was anxiety TherO:ia no room for doubt, ho Ottawa.journalista, at which reaolu-
11 hem° of love and kiuduuss turd —,followed° by her, to rue, oyster• modesty alone was hurting Lim ; in father's voice, and that that in said ; "none in the, lAnst. The death tions wer° adopted condemning the,11
reneroeit Sum uautO—the nage should he not kilo++ ,thatuosensiinle Frank n tones had deepened and in was sudden, but it is not unnecount- Supreme Court of \e+v Lrunswick
b y. y ilius .and unexplained absence—had -_.woman''+vould rofnso the offin of ilio tousif}od.. Suddenly father a poke able. 1 don't know who: the cause for committing, Dir. J. T. Hawke
my mother gave 'mo, I wean—i'3 ono been the first reme'mberOd sorrow of levo of such t► man its he ? 1 °
of tile, things I shnli never knave. rnr life, hnd not beou illy o+vn loudly. was, but ane can easily determine for contempt, and asking for his
11 .DZy name ,is Overton, though. But mother. Papa Overton had told I went to sleep with the roar of "You can do it'?" he asked, that if you desire. Tlttt the poor release. The minister ant's that the
. —that is the story. lilt- all aboia it. Ile had told it the tempest in my ears. For a long "I think so," replie(1 Frank, and girl is dead, those }s no doubt of matter .was so fully .discussed in
Is there any huoliin life which lovingly—wuderly, but it had time the sound entered into and I hoard him move nearer my door. that.Parliament that little more is to be
Ilea not suulewhera in it thO muter- been a terrible shock to ine, rpinglod with guy dreams. .I tossed 1 }icard him brace himself firmly ''There are strange cases of death- said. He says it •is alriioat unneces-
ial for a story stranger than fiction " from side, to side of my had, tired ,upon his foot. I,hPard hill, set his like sus Tended • animation," said sary for him to say he cannot aoreo
The other t,hiu I had learned 1 r
ever dared pen ? Lsouwtimes think and +worn, yet without finding' any shoulder against in dour. I—I Frank; ; "cases in which even the +with til° views oxprossed i. the
had been the manner of lily love C, Y
Dot. For 1 know so well rho un position ill which 'I could feel at know the * wore about to break it best of authorities have been in first resolution. which proceeds on
for Frank. No one had told me of S
earthly strangeness of my o++it that. I had found it out for illy- 00sa, In wakeful utoulents, too- down. I tried to shriek, to raiso error. It somtimes• happens that the ground thatth%sactaandconduct )
stor I feel" so full the awful Monts ill which I Caine back from °int •self ill bed, to move hand'or foot. thea come without much warning, of, judges are open to criticism of
y Y self. Did hO 1:now my story? He 3 an kind subject only to the or- 1
horror of it—feel it to this how•—. did. What did he think of one the, domain of ,sleep half' +any, at lint I could not. I tried nlsdly, and to thosO no more, iii and lirOd Y , J Y 1
and shall fool it until sense and who had no name but a borrowed least to the regions of wakeful life, 'It was of no use. • t}rail ,Judith has scouted to be for Binary penalties of law enforceable
sight drop away from.. me for- .and fictitious ono ? I did not I was conscious of some bodily pain Passive as I had been ever since I solve -days. T had a college friend -by its ordinary procedure, _.because
which seemed now and straneC to once—"' ° it is a principle recognized in every
ever. kilow. I could not tell. i dared woko, I lay there, anti 'watched the
uie. 'Thou, as I°dozed back into the part of the Empire. that libels upon
I am what they call a cult,ored not ti -y to guess. And yet—the 'fantastic ugliness of the pattern of The Doctor amilod. It .is with tho character and motives of a ud e
wontnn. I have.been a student all fact that 1 did not know was ainloat realms of forgetfulness a"ain, it be the paper on the ceiling watched such collas as tLnt thnt+wisdorn has
� g
my life. And the reason has been tortwe to mc. Then one evening clime an indistinct and half uu the P v shine on the wall, listened been putting, youth and inexpert- have relations to his.aas as a Judge,
' known feeling of physical disquiet and are punishable by attachment
--Frank Overton. Papa Overton had been juicing ° l J `1 prayed, waited-! It was at I could ence down iu+o its proper pinco for contempt if, in the opinion of
-an .int ersonal illnoss as though P , P
Frank Overton was -1 —1n Frank abOut, sumo young lady of P ° do i 1 could not open my eyes nor ever since any luau was old enough
5 some one else were ailing and sof- the court, they are of such a charac-
I cousin or, arils ps it ++uuld bo more whonn he had written once or twice ° allot thein ; I could not move a fin"- and wisp enough to be proud and ter as to iutorfere with the due lid -
P 1 g , 'fering while I was by and had to ll udiced.
COt'TrCt t0 say t} lit he is the, lie ,hew daring the last college year. I er ; I sudddnly discovered that I P " j
of the y ( 1 could boar it no ion ror. I had made, 11°lip carry the burden of pilin. ,,, „ , ministration of justice,. With ie-
graudl gable man into b could not feel lily heart beat that "That's all ver true, Franlc, he g
Y ' y aid to the second resolution in
wlioso home illy baliv foal uua itt- $omC excuse, some frivolous one, I iia not know, when lily pain- the Led clothim0., did not stir above said—"all very true and all vary w}►ich it was stated that Mr. Hawks
I doubt not some 'falso one I am swept slumber fell' into the full lit breast that I did not breathe—• well. Hut such sasses occur only was punished for saving Judhe
iugl � found -choir +Wil in those days , Y ,
I halo a tilos hnd grown strong sure, and had harried away .to my s+ceetuess and cost of n glossed and and— . once ill millions of cases, and—" Fraser was drunk and asking the.
r'naugh to walls Or wander—iD" fh6s6---room. There, with tato stars loci:- droamles8 oblivion. It was well to• The floor shoal:. under f'rank's "And this may be the one cal e
Y wi isles to institute proceedings rot•
11i.l;hts before I had learned to in" in ou my lou" agony, I fought ++'purl daylight, I prosnule, far I 1+v pressure.. Ile paused. IIe whir in the million.sir?", asked frank. ,
member 1 lug ill a c ❑iet Find restful 1 l P liber against \'I r. Iiawlce ao ss. to
Choose or will or plan. ,Is it Dot 4 all out=or perhaps I should say Y ° 1 cred my nathe. •there +Was no au- 1 ..
1 wakefulness for a little, time i❑ tile, And I know death +v},eu 1 see prove too truth Or fa.sity of thO
strange that the slur of one woman . that I found the necessity there 3Wa11.
Y interval between the pain of mind it. 1 Cru sorry, but there has nut ch:ur+, DI r. T11om1,8ou points out
at )east—her heart -history, bel life- ++'ould be for the struggle. I—T 1 ria m e his powers to the loci( beeli any room for doubt Lore. that 1I r. IIn+wlce. +w,)s not punished
loved Frani: Overton. 1 loved biin and body, and the rest which came Wive 1 Y
history—is a talo. of weakness and tb� both and hearing the storm d again. The door groaned and "We cau at least keep the body for saying Judge I+'raser was drunk,
silence dud bel teasnoss? 1line +with all my heart and soul incl , ° Y ° I Y „
is t p strength. Not with the cousinly rug away in the distance, while the splintered and cracked. IIe spoke until we ara Certain, 1 suppose ?" but fur h:tvino publis11cd'that. Judo I
z love which I had had for Lim for ao fi"int of the nloou low down in tit '.aloud this time, and his voico v.ib- .said Frank. Eraser was influenced by cut
Frnuk Overton was my cousin' wort In along the, floor. DI rated with agony. I triedtoanswer motives ill giving, his decision and
many years that I had fancied that , Y g Y The Doctor did not deign to give ° '
+ then or rather I called him so:, t night had been n' bad one, aver }titn. But I could not do it. Ae it was not iniputed that his decision
' +vas all • no not that God hal) ale . " , Y him an answer. He' tgrned itis
M, - His face is my oldest memory. liis And he was 'rich. He +would bo bad ono ; I romontbcr sayinDsoftly, well might one of the mummies of , and as Frank had +vna influenced by improper iudul
busk on Frank, ,ence. In 'conclusion Mr. Thong l i
1, Iface will be my last one. •fatuous. The woman of whom Papa to myself, "What of the mor"o++Z" some, onto powerful ruler of an old come slowly across the room near to b " l
k I loured him hoforo I could spank, P and then I lrne+w 110' more. forgotten. Egyptian dynasty, old and Y ` „• son. says: "Tho highly honorable I
Overton had Spoken was doubtless the bad On which I la i n order to
before 1' could +walk.. I 811;111 love furgotton wlien Christ was cradled Y' reputation ubicli Judge Fraser bears
beautiful, +whihi I had never been I did not wont to w:1ko gradually, ° stand between ale and the Uuctor, °
D, him +v11uu ilio hand of death has vain enough iu think, myself more when 1 came to utysolf again. in a mono"er ill Judea, have tried to I said to myself, he turned his back and has borne for yoara would 1nilke t
stilled my limbs and set the seal of speak from out his atone coffin in it unseemly that I should take up
than pretty; she was mot -likely There was none of the blissful half towards me as well
silence, on illy lips forever. the u:idst of some ruined and sand.. all accusation against him which has
talented, while I had learned only +laking and half -sleeping state in How I tried to scream ! How I
I''ranlc Overton was a hard .voile- bidden pyramid. My mail thoughts so strong an appearanco of being
by bard work ; I know that liar which one restfully"yawns, stretches, tried to move! How I longed for wt) ton and tnnlicious. You are
and wild wishes remained unsaid, n.
ing student as a boy—because, he family was bid and proud,while;I-- and turns one's self into a new and I Could do nothing. the power. move? How I longed aware, of course, .that the judges of loved study. So I was a studious I— easier position for another nap. I for the, . power to raise u) slip '
1 t Ito s Jiang furious] at the, door, 1 1' 1 'the Supremn' Court are removable'
girl—becauso I loved him. . And I cried myself to sleep that did not move. I dirt not try to. I i" o Y silently from the bad, acid creels
Later in life, as the . eQars went night—T, n woman of more thnn had never felt so full as though again, a wild, ivarticulat°cry, which only Teys of both therefore, of
y ° noiselessly across the room S 1�'ielc• Parliament.
b tail he m•ow to a noble ouner twent though I had never done there was no Dew position in which Marl some faint iikeneastomy name, ed +vas I? Thoughtless? Peiha.s noThey aro, tileroforO-
y' ° } ° Y falling over his lis Thd door ° P not uudor rho Cont"pl of my depart-
,,, manhood, while I stood lookitl"shy- so before ill nil lily life. I could find more rest. ° P so. It -is nevertheless true that meat or of the, I+'.xocusive, although
1 over til° threshold of oung +scut down.. Ifs entered tile room, y no doubt a- Loma de complaint plaint of
yn Y The days went wearily by. ,I I liml ,lot knowil wbnil T opened not the least reason form wish was
1'upn C)verton +vas only a step be. •n' l
+Womanhood frpnl the happy realm grow pale, listless,- dispirited. I lily eyep, at- rather when 1 linif the desire I had to frighten the fool gross misconduct on the, part of it
hind him.
of the joyous girlhood inin0 had think 1. dpi Overton becnt'ne anxious opened them, for I snowed to ho who had turned away from Franlc judge, nocampauied by proofs, would
1.been, I le.u•ned to love lonrning for regardiug my health. As tor, ilia, I looking -out from mister my half- Frank stopped short, staring, in a and who now nddressod himself to justify the Goverumon.t ill calling
its own sake, Put—I loved Frank didn't cera If I'or rile tliero +vas no closed eynhily. T slid Dot CIO, horror which grow deepar and more fathor the attention of Parliament to the
(,)vel no less—no less! I loved future with Frank, thero was no thorn. 1 did not open thein wider. whitefaeed as time-, went by, at me <'We can at least determine tho the cane. As regards Ilio prosecu-
him snore and wore as fits years need of any at all. I didn't feel, I felt 'too lazy, too easy till(] It tppy, as I laid there and. looked into his cause of her death." lie sine}, quietly, tion oG J[e. IIa++Ice for lib0?; llo such , I. '
1,1�paseod over lis. afraid I should die—[ was only f.o try to do e.ithcr. eyes his words no answer to Frank, duty devolves on me. The onforce-
11 I Do not. think ine unwuwotily— afraid 1 shatlldu't• ^ i +Wag looking directly uplward at "Dead !" he sold, brokenly. 1 but seemed like ail echo provoked fnent of the criminal law is the duty
immodest. I—I nm Only telling Frani( growsilentand self -absorb- the ceiling. ) hnd .love" nut iced And father staggerbd across the, by his rluestion; "it Will be an easy of ilia law officers of the Provincial
the truth. You'd ngreo with me, ed. llo did not come to sed us as so fully and exactly the pattern of ibotn, fe11 upon his knees at my j thing to do that, and a speedy one, Ooverument."
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