The Huron News-Record, 1888-06-13, Page 1J'
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T- `- — -8J Ul
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TH... 1115_ U4 U ,er AlulIuit X1.05 lk� Agvilwcca 1,NV dl',iliA'D.1•ry1' 111: ALL TRINGS, av,SUT1i4L 1.v SOY'f11.1t•G W111T8LV ah TODD, PaUlfbLair
ocrtl 4orre�rottsieuce deal aorresp.acllieltce vent Additiottitl, Zonis ( Additional �"ouzs
Goderllcll '
+ Y Goderich. _ —
The regular meeting of tho School
" Mr. Clueas was in town on Mon-
The schooner greyhound, with
Board was hold uu uvoniug,
cargo of bricks for the house boil
the chairman, S. Maleolmsuu Pre-
Air. Buck Doyle was in town •011
built by Mr, William Cox, arrive
on Friday, and left again' oil AIo,
siding. Members prosout-1I. Nich-
Olson, R. Price, A. Morton, Georgo
day with a cargo of salt, stripped
Stvausou and it. 1V, l;a1L l'he
Air. H. E. Rothwell wits among
i Jas, Clmkc, 1Viarton, by lVt
principal's leport, showillg nil aver•
old friends again this week.
ane attendance of 291 buys and 311
Tito clay after to-tuorrow black
lvell, the hole§is blowea up, tl
guis was filed. Ile roportod that
bass may be lawfully catch.
I out we mean is the one bored b
ile would want examivatiou papers
Our bakers have advanced the
Contractor Alcl;wou for the oat
bofure the 30th inst., ;wd that the
price of broad, it is now six cents.
works. On Friday afternoon all o:
schuol roquirud lVeb.Lor's dictiuu•
Holy communion at St. Goorge's
pelt front. the east did ,the jub 1
dry. On Motion the oxaminat.iun
next Sunday at 9. a ut,
dischargipg it four foot dynaini
pallors were ordered to be obtained
The steamer Ontario called in oil
cart.rid-o one huudrad and thin
her upward trip on Saturday morn.
fromi. the surface. The firit
the didtionary by the school mauago-
ing for passengers and freight,
of the cartridga sunt large quantiti(
count, committee, Tho contingent
auls on lot 3'5, Bay con,; John John-
of water from the well, a/portion
colnulfttec'reported in favus of sun
The schooner Carter with a caro
which passed out through the to
dry repairs, including ash coiling,
of lumber for Dyment&Co. reached
of the derrick. 1V)ien the discharr.
for the lower ruo Ilia ill Central, and
her dock bn Friday.
had taken place the water 'tease
the ,junior room in St. Anvltrtitv-(r
The Scott Act is sltcceeded by
flowing,"but in 11 short time it roi
school, painting the Central school
the Crook's Act, good for town and
agaill, and thou steadily increase
inside and Out, and the outside of
until it • assumed its normal cur
5t. David's. The report was adopt-
Mr., Alrs., and Allister Ed. and
clition as to its out-flow.—Wh;
ed. I'll(" secretary was instructed
Charles G3r'eow leave, tomorrow on
to notify the Council that the l3Oltrd
a trip to Europe.
The Knox Church Mission Ban
would require $ 4,700 for I.888.
The schooners Totlnzttn and 1l1'ary
entertainment last Friday was larg
lVe have been asked by ;ill ullielt,
b". 0ordon delivered cargoes of lain•
ly attended, and proved a gallutC
of the C'aludoniau gauu•s soeit,ty wh v
her at Secord's yard last week.
success. Rev. AIr. Anderson, , th
we did not grvo tiro :M' -lir a bettor
"Ilhe schoonor Ariel with lumber
I lecontly appointod miuiste,r, lit•,
send oil' in uur last. 1l'oll, we g;1ve
for Josoph Williams arrived ' last
sided, and Opened .the procuediu,
with tin excellent address. Tl,
fl 1 ; •gd ,•
The steam )ug i Bella Tl cl,,aa
programme consisted of recltatiul
e t�s of the u)eeliu`,
1 a to
- last Wednesday delivered 400 tons
"Greeting," Jennie Manson; bymi
°the "Johnny's
which Oal• notCe 'rnforred. It is
of coal at the Big Mill.
baud; rouding, Nli
true that t,,11g. list of off cors givoll by
Th%.midsuninhar promotion ex-
siouary Money," Ella Dickson; di
lugue, "Children's Gifts," the baud
its doos ;IOL t.Illly with that rublished
amutatrons in -connection with t°h0
hymn, "Gather 'Them In,". JAZZ
by the: souioty, but the; tliff,;rcuen bo-
public schools will commence next
-Bailey and band; recitation, "Silo(
tweell tile two wo is caused by the ad.
Sixrpouce," 1'. AlcPhail; auto, ilii;
dRion of some who hail previously,
There was no service at St.
Strachan ; reading, the "Chri
stated that the • would out tslie part
y 1
Peter's on Sunday, Rev. Father
Child," Grace Johnston; recitatiot
with theauciav, blit havo iiuc3 coule
Walters holding services in Hill-
"Mission Work," the baud; roadie;
into line. The real )oiut of offolle
pieta Waddell; hymn, • the bull(
.however seems to bethitL wo did not
The schooner l:rertitu/ Stctr, with
recitation, "The Little Box," Pea
a big fro laudaturJIdvcl.t,.se-
, g
lumber for 1-1. Socord, arrived on
Strang; hymn, "Over the Ocean;
nleut, a stranga charge eunsideI-in,,,
Friday, and sailed out of port for
the baud; recitation, "When I ant
It la 8 II1011Oy Ill;tlilllg ati,lir, and
the north oil Saturday evening.
woman," Ne•ilie Strang; recitatiot
that its introduction oil Doillinion
The clock has been nicely cleaned
"flow to do it," Gertie Olds; hynil
Day -las prevented Our peville hav-
„ utilized in
up, and the sweepings
"Bringing in the Sheaves," Nelli
ing a good (lay's free anlusellienta,
filling up the hollow in front of the
INZcKoiizio and band ; recitatioi
Under the old plan games wero free
water works lot.
"The Little Missionary,"
to sightseers, commenced early ill
lir. WIn. Kill'Itou ]las conlillenced
Strang, Jennie AIansuli and Kai
Campaign; recitation, "Tho lisp
the day and often las';od till sundown.
repairing the schooner Ontario.
Tho Ontario wants cousideral)le ad-
Table" Jennie Alortou hvnlr
° ditione.
,Hoar the Master," the band; rear
calithumpfans, childrons rarus and
The°schooner Pinafore with lum-
ing, "Tho lout' Rupeos," J: Ilortor.
recitation, "Japan, Greenland 'ail
amusements, caledoniau games, baby
her and salt from Port Frank for
India," Ella Fis1her, ('race.Cauloro
shaws, and fillly�orks—to our mind a
Joseph •llrillianis reached harbor
and Nina Strachan; recitation, "Far(
ranch better telly of ceiobi'iltiug the
y shortly after noon on Sunday.
well," Aiaucd Johns.tori..
Ist, than by having the salve games
The schroner Todman with a
cargo of lumber for ;lir. H. Secord
-LastTllnrsday afternooll thele wfl
by almost the same contestants year
arrived "in .harbor during Sunday
it good attendance at the Lacross
after year at a charge of twenty five
4rounds to witness tho chatnpior
cents. In olden limos the moue
n y
Huron Encampment No. 28, °I.
ship gamo botweon the followiu
clubs :
0. 0. F. at its last regular meeting
was proud to'lluoly'that he had sec-`
lot of 'pr"ofessionals. It has been
appointed a committee to make
r;unralclt. CLINTON.
NV. Black (.gal.:. H. Tudc
art'angoments for, an exctnsiOn oil
the take, during July or August,
E. 'Catnpaigne Point .. E. Brad
w: Wallace .. Cover point C.. Ila
donian games, it palpable untruth,
A horse attached to a light wagon
11. Donaa L De�fene
the S. S. Conference at Clix)tou
caused a stampede of Pedestrians
J. McMahonMcMahonJ.
A. hirkbl ids ' field
{ 11a110c1,.
with the names. of Mossrs. D. L.
that were parading t11e square last
W. Graham Centre W. flarla i
Macpherson, Geo. A. Sharman, W.
,Saturday afternoon. The result
1V. Thompson Home field J, Uohert
II. Cooper and Richard Rausford.
was more Fright than damage.
Hall , . °° F. Swinban
"Moreantile interests," with those
The train that conveyed those at-
0. Reid .. F. Corbel
D. Nicholson..0utside Home , . C. Pierc
IV. .,
of t.1. Jackson N. Robson S. Davis
C. C. Rance, D. Cantelon and Hy.
tending the London concert last
— Runciman. Inside home..G. Robiuso
Walker. s
Thursday did not reach Goderich
Thos. Nairn •. Captain .. Jas. Jackso
on the return journey until 2:30 a.
C, Edgar Untpire .. C. Smit'
g g
line. IIia business relation3 with
11t Friday.
T. Perry .. Rel'aree
"our guest" were of a very sat'sfitet-
Alr. C°r 1V. Andreas played rho
'There was some little delay it
staring on account of the Huron
ory nature and he could in alp sin -
art of O'Callaghan in the fzrce
p g
-•otesting that one of the player
.Last Legs" bet'oro Usg
.Audience lastweek. • he
was front W.00dsi-k, and that th
Moore every .success in their future
man's portraiture of the character
person objected to llad played will
the Woodstock tea„ in Toronto
was very favorably received.
the 24th May. I'll,., ball was face(
AIr: Cantelon• would be snore at
At a special meeting of the town
at 3.41, and after ;i spirited costes
home, Ito sant., in inoVillg lively
council last 1Voclnesday evening,
of seven minutes tho ball was Be
around an apple barrel or at the
the Mayor, Doputy-reevo Camoron,
through the visitoi.s goal by D
present time a barrel of eggs. He
and Councillor Radcliffe were ap-
Nicholson, after a gv;wral scrimmage
pointed a deputation to visit Guelph
in front of the flags. In the see'Oui
speakers hard gone over.
the next day on railroad matters.
bout, the sphere at, once bounded
Messrs. Rance and Walker also
Willis Chipman, C. E., the water
towards the visitor's end, and afte
spoke in high• terms of the trorth
' works engineer, and Councillor
about four'lninutes the Hurons ele
of "our guest" as a cttizen.
Humber left for the States on Mon-
vated their sticks and cheered, bu
Air. T. M. Carling favored the
day for the purpose of inspecting
the umpire saying 'no goal" thi
atherinwith a song•
gathering plantation o o I
the pumping machinery of thoso�'
game proceeded and at the end o
The "Learned Profession" was
who have tendered for the work.
ten minutes from the start there Iva,
responded to by Air. E. Keefer. He
During the rain storm on,Satur-
an excellent display of lacrosse by
never wade a apeoch in his life.
day evening a large number' of
Reid, Nicholson and Runciman
Was li}le the inan who was willing
ladies and children sought the
which ended in Runciman sending
shelter of the verandah between
the ball bouncing between the poles
tooth pulled. Ilolaover, he had
North and C (borne streets, and
The third goal was won in one and
personal experience of the abilities
found itagreafconvenience. When
one half minutes, and fifty seconds
of Mr. Moore as an hotel keeper,
tho verandah 'is taken away whore
Hall making toe winning stroke on
and he could but add favorable
will shelter from rain and sun be
each occasion. It is -only fair tc
testimony to that already given.
say that the Clinton 'club worked
"Agricultural Interests" was Gon-
• There are several spots in the
well, and displayed some good
nected with -the' name of Mr. Goo.
harbor where drodging would be
points, but they could, ndt run of
Robinson. Ile was not a farmer,
beneficial, yet the authorities allow
pick up the ball as quickly as the
but hoped to be able to tell 'Moro .
the Challenge to remain tied to the
Hurons, a failing that caused them
about that important industry at
dock on those occasions whon it is
to be whitewashed, The Hurons
some•future time.
too stormy to work at the lake end
shewod a marked improvement on
Air. B. Combo gave a good treat in
of the piers. Could the matter not
last year's play, their throwing to
the way of a sailor song.
be taken in hand by some
each other, their running, and pick -
"The Ladies" were to have justice
ing up the ball being excellent, and
done -them by Messrs. R. Beattie,. Fs•
The Minister of Afarine and
if they will onlS add the feature of
Swinbank, B. Combe, 0. Cooper'
Fisheries' has received from Elle
throwing straight where wanted,
and • C. Smith, but unfortunately
lrnitod States Marine Department
they will be an excellent match for
these young men were not "at home"
a handsome gold watch and chain
the other clubs. Black, Campaigne
on the subject. They all thought a
for ,presentation to Capt. J. W.
and Wallace, .had but little to do in
great deal of the ladies, but would
Groan, who last ,. fall rescued the
the game the ball giving thein a
ask some of the older )leads to do
crow of the wrecked schooner Nor-
wide borth. througliout, but with
the toAst full justice.
ris. As a full account of the gallant
the exception noted, Nicholson,
rescue appeared" in these columns
Donagh, McMahon,ReidjUrkbride,
Finch and Calling, and a Scotch ,
shortly after its occurrence, we will
IIall, Thompson, Runciman and
reading by Air. Hy. Walker, setting
not ro-ebroniclo the bravery that
Graham played a splendid game.
forth the rights of the male sex to,
gained the gallant Captain so vat-
The field Captains wore enthusiastic
wear bustles.
uablo and useful a testimonial from
and worked well while `the umpires
-The Press" was coupled with the r
' our cousins across the lines.
and referec•'glrveganeral satisfaction,
Goderich 'rownship•
Saying Good -Bye.
The regular meeting of tho School
qualified. The clerk stated there
Oil Friday evening a farewell
Board was hold uu uvoniug,
ware no al,peals against the assess•
supper was tendered Dir. James
the chairman, S. Maleolmsuu Pre-
I mout. A numbor of changes had
Moore prior to his de arturu from
1 p
siding. Members prosout-1I. Nich-
Olson, R. Price, A. Morton, Georgo
however been asked for, having 60
come necessary since the assessor
Clinton. The spread was a magui-
Stvausou and it. 1V, l;a1L l'he
fiuishe�t' his roll. 1'he following
ffcent one and about 80 sat down to
principal's leport, showillg nil aver•
I persons dugs were -truck off the roll,
_do justice to the good things. This
halt Of the pl'Ograt11W0 being }l e;t flit.-
ane attendance of 291 buys and 311
the • hllviug (lied : Will. Jarvis
1 S a
ly disposed of, the intellectual feast
guis was filed. Ile roportod that
James Cottle, Mrs. C. Tebbutt, IV.
was proceeded with. Ex-:llayur I).
ile would want examivatiou papers
A auvafkenbur-h, R. 14 Cox, Johp-
A. Forester oc(1lipierl the chair and
bofure the 30th inst., ;wd that the
Beacom, (,has. Williams, one dog
llr. Dowsley the vice. Tho first
schuol roquirud lVeb.Lor's dictiuu•
each. lVnl. Butler was -appointed
dry. On Motion the oxaminat.iun
i', itf. for R. I). 46, instead of if.
pallors were ordered to be obtained
James Whitely, deceased, J. t.'1'.
"Tile (,l,uuen," was responded to
by thn contingent committee, and
I't?Iliott and T. At. Elliott were
by singing "God save the Queen.
the didtionary by the school mauago-
changed from fanners' sons to ton-
"The Army and Navy," by it
count, committee, Tho contingent
auls on lot 3'5, Bay con,; John John-
Scotch reading by Hy. Walker and
colnulfttec'reported in favus of sun
atull placed as tenant on lot 22,.1st
It sung by T. Af. Carling. "Our
dry repairs, including ash coiling,
coil.; Hughas tenant on
Guest." Tho chairman expressed
for the lower ruo Ilia ill Central, and
lot 23, tat con.; lot 13, Bay con.,
1)is pleasure and sorrow at being pre -
the ,junior room in St. Anvltrtitv-(r
++)-m-Thoutas Jewett tb Canada Co.,
sent on the occasion. It was a
school, painting the Central school
the former as lessee having given it
pleasure to meet to do honor to one
inside and Out, and the outside of
up; S. pt. lot 2, 1st con., the Xidd
so highly esteemed by tile whole
5t. David's. The report was adopt-
property', char -ed to Will. Bawden
CUII)Inllnity. It was with 11111Ch 1'e -
ed. I'll(" secretary was instructed
is tenant; lot 5, M. Lizars property,
Bret that he was prosout to pay a
to notify the Council that the l3Oltrd
to lA tits l;awdeu-ns' tenant; N. 46,
l,;lrtina tribute to "Our (;neat."
would require $ 4,700 for I.888.
JI, to D30d ];urns; lot'•13, M, to
The ehairulan and Ar. ,Moore came
lVe have been asked by ;ill ullielt,
Charles Disuoy; to J. 1;. -Baker, pt.
to Clinton about'thu same time -12
of the C'aludoniau gauu•s soeit,ty wh v
fillls reserve, con. 1;; to Ge.u. Hauloy,
veura apo—dud h•{ had always found
we did not grvo tiro :M' -lir a bettor
lot 33, 9th con.; t•u lA'nt. Andrews,
in hull it -Hall ufelterlingol,aracter,a
send oil' in uur last. 1l'oll, we g;1ve
ht. 4 ill; to Salnnel Lowry, lot 14,
rauitless laudloid, It truz) friend and
all that tut uorual could be ox pert
J I -
Kith coo.; to .Jamas A. Nord, N.E.Ally
kinl ueigfibor. Ile had known him
eel tUA0, Ilautely it cL)rroct rr.pOrt of
i 1, 13 H if.., to Or. A. Coulter, S.
in his native tuwu.--.St. AlarY s-
e t�s of the u)eeliu`,
1 a to
o, 9th Obs. this closed the court
Itlillly yu;ll'a b(.fUl'k he Colne to (illll-
which Oal• notCe 'rnforred. It is
of revision. --The minutes• of lust
toll, alld there he was as good a
true that t,,11g. list of off cors givoll by
incettng wore thou lead and passed. Rlltl !h IIItdlly' 1'N.i )eCted, as
its doos ;IOL t.Illly with that rublished
droved by Joh-u Beacom, seconded
}Ips goon lady shared his
by the: souioty, but the; tliff,;rcuen bo-
b J. II. El that the petition
.Y 1
popularity. Esc lu;luy clays a vast
tweell tile two wo is caused by the ad.
of OLter 13, Nilson and others ask-
stretch of country would be between
dRion of some who hail previously,
fol, that 1). Purvis be allowed to put
itOurguest" and utany whilst Clin-
stated that the • would out tslie part
y 1
t, wim fence six foot on 'road allow.
ton friends, but ho,lcnun he voiced -
with theauciav, blit havo iiuc3 coule
a11Ce, that 110 action be takell—cal'-
the sentiments of those assembled
into line. The real )oiut of offolle
sped- Moved °by Thos. Churchill,
when ho wished hint and hibh lady
.however seems to bethitL wo did not
seconded by Jolla Beacom, that the
God speed. The t6ast was heartily
a big fro laudaturJIdvcl.t,.se-
, g
the road conmissiuunrs expend $200drauka
'll in' asgive
ll joined
nleut, a stranga charge eunsideI-in,,,
with ill their soveral divisions—
" ,
with uuo strong voice "For hos a
It la 8 II1011Oy Ill;tlilllg ati,lir, and
curried. The following accounts
jolly good fellow.
that its introduction oil Doillinion
were paid :—Alr. Foster $5, prepaid
Day -las prevented Our peville hav-
oil ruad IlotiCe; ,Star, printing, $9,25;
lir. Moore Leval' )dads a siloecll
ing a good (lay's free anlusellienta,
auditors;, 66 each; Dr. Nichol, at-
anti found it hard to express his
Under the old plan games wero free
tondance and Inodicine for Mr. aril
feelings. IIe was not aware that
to sightseers, commenced early ill
11rs. Bray, $5; burial oxponses of
lie had so ruany friends in Clinton.
the day and often las';od till sundown.
1). Creighton, $15; clerk, for furnish_
In fact he now almost regretted
There were boat races, bicycle races,
ill- school census to trustees, °fifty
leaving. However, he wile sorry to
calithumpfans, childrons rarus and
cents each school, $5; Mr. Tramblay,
pati with thorn. One great antis -
,antis -
amusements, caledoniau games, baby
Lwo uhonths lward for \[r. and Mrs.
and pleasure for himself and
shaws, and fillly�orks—to our mind a
Bray, .'20. Council adjourned to
Airs. Moore- would be to look, back
ranch better telly of ceiobi'iltiug the
sleet again second :Monday in July.
in glees years, as well as I]Ott', . and
Ist, than by having the salve games
—JAIIE,,8 PATTON, clerk.
recall their friendly business and
by almost the same contestants year
-----+•- -- -
social relations with the citizens- of
after year at a charge of twenty five
G"Iyth. .-0
Clinton. , He know the trials and
cents. In olden limos the moue
n y
Alia I oularoy of Wroxeter was
difficulties encountered in order to
"keep hotel" successfully, and .lie
given in' prizes remained i❑ the
county; now 'it is carried out by a
visiting friends in town this week.
was proud to'lluoly'that he had sec-`
lot of 'pr"ofessionals. It has been
files Morgan paid a flying visit
ceeded and made so - nlan-y' friends.
It that the also opposed to tale-
to Clinton yesterday.
j'aniesFiucllt'onderedthe "Boston
donian games, it palpable untruth,
ATE. John Boll -was a delegate to
File" in a very off'actiKe manlier. -
and were thgy gotteu up like they
the S. S. Conference at Clix)tou
"Alailufacturing" was coupled
are in Lucknow and other places,
this weep:.
with the names. of Mossrs. D. L.
without cheatiilg our children Out of
IMrN. H. Collis and 1'aulily left
Macpherson, Geo. A. Sharman, W.
their Dominion Day's free ainuse-
.this station on &%turday for the
II. Cooper and Richard Rausford.
monts; •wo would givo,an X towards
the list. No, we are nut
"Moreantile interests," with those
prize op-
posed to caledoniau games, but ,oilthe
Several of our citizens attended
Gilmore concert held fn'Londou
IV. .,
of t.1. Jackson N. Robson S. Davis
C. C. Rance, D. Cantelon and Hy.
the anniversary Of confederation, the
on Thursday. ''1'hoy proclaim it
Walker. s
amuseineuts should be varied and
free to all.
something grand.
Air. Jackson was ollgagecl in that
Constable Davies has had his
g g
line. IIia business relation3 with
residence renovated with a fine
"our guest" were of a very sat'sfitet-
wodei'ieh T;ziwllship
coat of paint which has groatly
ory nature and he could in alp sin -
Mrs. A.- M. Todd and son, of
improved it.
eority join in wishing Mr. and Mrs.
Clinton, spent a few days in tile
Mr. C. $hano of Detroit has boon
Moore every .success in their future
township last week.
visiting here autongst relatives for
Air. J. G. Stoop had .the mi3fot't-
the past fo}v° clays. -IIe returned.
AIr: Cantelon• would be snore at
une to.lose a valuable colt from
homo on Alonday.
home, Ito sant., in inoVillg lively
opizooiic last weep. He reNsod
At the teachers meetiug in the
around an apple barrel or at the
$100 for the animal last fall.
Episcopal church here on Wednes-
present time a barrel of eggs. He
Messrs. Herbison, Middleton and
day last it Was decided to hold
could but reiterate what previous
John Alexander, John Jenkins,
their annual S. S. picnic at Auburn
speakers hard gone over.
'havewhat is a rarity this sRason,
on 21st June.
Messrs. Rance and Walker also
good fields of fall wheat.
Several of the teachers of the
spoke in high• terms of the trorth
James F. Churchill returned
Episcopal church S. S. here attend-
of "our guest" as a cttizen.
from the Northwest last week. He
ed the Episcopal S. S. conference
Air. T. M. Carling favored the
speaks highly of 'the country and
which was hold in Clinton on Tr-
atherinwith a song•
gathering plantation o o I
will likely return within a year or
The "Learned Profession" was
The brick work on Anderson &-
responded to by Air. E. Keefer. He
Air. IV. II. Ford, son Of, AIr.
Eldor's store is fast approaching
never wade a apeoch in his life.
Henry Fordr is now residing at
completion,it promises to bo a hand-
Was li}le the inan who was willing
Kamloops, British Coluu)biaone of
some looking building when finish-
to give Ilia heart to have an aching
theselectseetions ofour magnificent
tooth pulled. Ilolaover, he had
Pacific Province,
Mr. William Catupbell left here
personal experience of the abilities
Air James Churchill, P,ayfiold,
on Tuesday for Hamilton as a do=
of Mr. Moore as an hotel keeper,
Lina, had a barn -raising on Friday,^
legate to the high court of Canadian
and he could but add favorable
The affair was a success and Air.
Foresters. which meets there this
testimony to that already given.
Churchill has the timber in posit-
"Agricultural Interests" was Gon-
ion excelloiht barn..
Rev. W. Birks of Nassagewa,
nected with -the' name of Mr. Goo.
, ,
Ail•. John Alexander is one of the
formerly of Blyth, preached an
Robinson. Ile was not a farmer,
lucky few who has not disposed of
eloquent sermon to a large congre-
but hoped to be able to tell 'Moro .
his fall wheat, he having about 1200
gat'. On in the Methodist church on
about that important industry at
or 1500 bushels of last year's crop.
Sabbath evening.
some•future time.
Fortune could not have favored one
a The Salvation Array intonde open-
Air. B. Combo gave a good treat in
more deserving of her smiles,
ing their nely barracks with a grand
the way of a sailor song.
Mr. James Wallace has purchns_
jubilee on next Thursday. They
"The Ladies" were to have justice
ed from Air. John 0. Elliott the
expect to have some able assistance
done -them by Messrs. R. Beattie,. Fs•
right to use his patent •fence, and
from a distance for the occasion.
Swinbank, B. Combe, 0. Cooper'
put up over 30 •rods of it, besides
On Thursday morning about half
and • C. Smith, but unfortunately
Making the brackets, in one
past six smoke was observed to be
these young men were not "at home"
issuing from the roof •at the rear
on the subject. They all thought a
Tho late Mrs. Robottson of thisof
the Co'moreial hotel, A few
great deal of the ladies, but would
township who died lately at the age
pails of water stopped the fire
ask some of the older )leads to do
I 85 ,years was a remarkably active •b,foto
it got much hoadway which
the toAst full justice.
woman until a short time before her
is very fortunate as, there was a
Songs were rendered by Messrs.
death. She will be remembered as
strong wind blowing at the time
Finch and Calling, and a Scotch ,
the willow of the late John Robert•
and a big , fire would be very
reading by Air. Hy. Walker, setting
son who 30,or 40 years ago worked ,disastrous
to our thriving village. ,
forth the rights of the male sex to,
at sboomaking with Seegutillor in
wear bustles.
—Nearly all the business houses in
-The Press" was coupled with the r
Goderich township Council mob
Chesley, County of Bruce, were des•
T fire Saturday morning.
names of W. T. Whitely and A. M.troyf
at Itolmesvi-lle June 4th 18x8 as
) ,
I.Oss u
Loss about ?14tt,000, insurance $60'.
Todd and responded to by the latter. i
Court of Revision. The members
The "host and hostess" was res- 1
ponded to by the new lapolord, Mr,
W. R. Smith, who promised to do
Ilia best to prove it worthy successor
to Air. AlootV.
Votes of thanks were tendered the
chairman and vice chairman, and
the singing of "(sod Save the Queen"
and "Auld Lang Syne" brought the
proceedings to it close.
Air. and Airs. Moore- will spend it
short time in Goderich, Dundas, St.
Marys, etc., and then tako up their
residence at Virden, Mau.
TuH • NEws-Rucom) can but. re-
echo the feeli'n-gs of the citizens of
Clinton, and wish Mr. and Mrs,
Aluore every success wherever their
lot only be cast.
— ---r � — -
Our baud looks quite gay in their
new suits.
We wero blessed with it beautiful
shower of rain on Sabbath last.
The fall wheat in this vicinity 'is
loulciug :�pleildid.
Sonielarmers are busily ougaged
citting the Canadian thistles and
many of thein are drawing :salt to
fertilize the suit
Mr. James Oko of, tho Central is
putting his hotel nicely painted and
dec,rated, Mr.,A, fortune has the
3011trnet, and is doing it neat, tasty
Thu Exeter III'n eunlpltnies intelld
to take part ill the 'Tournament at
ICincarditlo which is to tlkc placo
in that .town soutetime dlnriug Lilo
month of August. Our boys
'tonerally collie out victorious.
Mr. Alfred Shoore and Jeremiah
Kelland are at presont erecting a
largo brick block on the coruar of
A'dnine and John strear, for Mr. Tom.
8outhcott, they gra doing brickwork
which is it credit to the contractors.
Don't forget the Busy Ileo garden
party, which will be held in the
Rectory on llrednesday evouiu-
aoxt the 13th. 'Pito Exeter band will
be in attendance and a good thno is
)xpeeted. 'Tito proceeds in nid of
Ale Trivitt ;Memorial church.
This town has once more. raised .
I Volunteer company. Mr. 1Valt•or
Au(lrew. the recently appointed of No 6 Con party, 33rd
134ttaliou,•hlis succeeded in getting
1p a Cunipany of about 35 strong.
Chey intend going Under drill at
Stratford 011 Tuesday"next the 19th
list. We wish them success.
PEaSOXAL.—"llr. Thos IV. Carling'
old wife, of Clinton, are at present
,he guosts of iMr.Ed. Christie—Col.
'Oleman, of Setaforth, spent Satur-
lay last in town on business con -
looted with the Volunteer Coln -
)any.—Mr. James Oke, the well
inown and popular auctioneer Of
,his place, spent Friday hist in
xoderich—Roeve Rollins and'Do(f- .
ity Reeve Bissett returned from
ioderich on Friday evening last,
hey were attending the County
louncil—Mr. Robt Sanders who
ias been north for the past two
reeks on a fishing expedit-
on returned home on Saturday
AIr. and Mrs. Elcoat have got
ettled in their new abode and are
iow ready to receive callers.
Mr. and Mrs. Robb were in Lou- -
on,last week attending the wedding
f'their nieco Alias L-wis.
Mr. Layton has improved the ap-
earance of his farin by, erecting a
ow fence along the read.
llr. John Thorp will have an-
ther sale to dispose of the remain -
for of•his stock and implements. It
3 "unreserved" this time, so Jack
The raisiug of Mr. G. Sproat's
am took place last Saturday.
'hero'was abundance of help and
hinge moved on rapidly. Two
light accidents occurred, -One was
he crushing of one of Mr. Me-
leogh's fingers by a timber falling
n it; another was the hurting of
ir.Willi.ams Carnoeban's leg which.
owover, was but slight.
Mr. James Armstrong has sold
is residence to the Methodist con -
rogation . foi! • a parsonage for the
nn of 1600.
Mr. Turner was thrown out of
is buggy by the horse running
vay owing to the breaking of the
lrnese lvhi& 'allowed the vehicle
run against the horses hind logs.
'r. Turnor had one shquider and
me of his ribs injured.
W. Beacom, son of Mr. Thos.
saeom, and John Rathwell, son of
r. Wm. Rathwell, were thrown
it of their buggy the other day by
o horse sbioing and upsetting
Sonic slight damago to the
Iggy was all tiro injury done,
• ' ■