The Huron News-Record, 1888-06-06, Page 76 rWinNo W loll �'ror� Newts -Retard X1,611 p XeaK--�1 EG, to Aflr4ttCe. ' Weclnesdny, June Gt11, 1888, FOR OUR STORY -READER'. f IOW I WAS SAVED. An Adventure With Pirates. } One day over 20 years ago, as our ship, the Three Partners, was lying in the` harbor at Rangoon waiting ° to diecbalgo her cargo, a native i, boat in' which were three people ]net with in accident while drtnving near us, and the occupants %v o thrown into the Water. I wits at the moment at the ship's bowsprit, and without taking a second thought I dropped into the water and seized k an old man who had gone down' _ the second tittle and was almost 'done for. A rope was thrown' file from the ship, and after a good 'deal of trouble the old chap was lifted over the rail and brought back to life. The two other men were swept away and drowned. But for the fact that the oaptaiu of the ship was my brother, the mate would probably have broken my ]lead as I regained the deck.' A'' madder man 1 never saw. "Why, you infernal, good for -no- thing idiot 1" he robed as lie danced ' around me: "The idea of your t jumping overboard among the sharks and crocodiles to save the life of a contenfpti-Iilo' heathen !" At that tithe, and I presume it is r still the case, the life of it common Siamese was of no more value than that of -a dog in t.tie eyes of white men. It was Iny first vgyage t0 those water's, and I was also young and impulsive. IIS00"here, young elan 1" continn- ed the state, aftor h0 had exhausted ills stock of curses ; add as I walked to the port quarter and looked over iuto the muddy waters the head of a crocodile was plain to be seen. The native whole I .Jiad rescued �.-.-.•..- •.• was an old man, at least 60. He f had a venerable, dignified look, and \vas ovidon„ly it ratan of much in- telligence. He could spear: Eng- lish fairly well, and, as soon its ho ryas able to spealr, lie tools tilt] by the hand and said "The white people are born bravo; I would not: Have done it; had I been a young roan, for one of you. I can do nothing to reward you, I ` had wc;llth, but it went to the bot-' t•oin of tiro ]harbor when'the boat i was Wrecked." .._-> tol�huu that roAviudrwas-e>Y.- peeted, or would have been received '•,•if tofide$Adj .and th,�•t I would ges F the captain's 'porm}ssion and pull' ]rim to the shore: He looked at me for it couple of minutes, still holding my hand, and finally asked if I, had India ink and needles. )When I brought them to him he-. told me to bare my breast, and he' slowly and carefully picked into my flesh, right over the breast -bone, a sign or token, of which -the follow- ing is a copy: I=A -I. The right and left had figures may be capital "I's," and the nliddlo one ati i.averted capital "V." He,.was . ' wondrously swift twith, his work, and was evidently all adept, When he had completed his task, he said : - • III offor you this as a reward. 'If ever, you need help in India, show' this sign." It was four or five hours after the rescue that lie was pulled ashore, and- no one aboard the ship knew of the sign he had left behind. While I felt certain in my own mind that it' was con- nected with native Freemasonry and was given to me in all earnest- ne8s,-to Have Shown It to the . crew would have been to make me a -butt of ridicule. The ink was pricked in so deeply that the punctures were much longer in •hoaling than those made in sailor work,- and when the wounds were healed the sign stood outas bold and plaitf-"its if put on with black paint. In due time the ship was unload ed, received her cargo and sailod for Boston,at which port sho arrived safe- ly. I had the misfortune to break my leg before we had reached ourship, and consequently did not make the nextvoyage. Instead,Imado a voyage to Liverpool and return, went back to -Liverpool and was paid off, went out to Singapore before the, mast, and there joined an English govern- ment surveying partyy which was re - charting the northeast coast of Borneo and the islands Adj,icent. ti The schooner was called the survey, and shq carried a crew of 36 mon and was armed with two nine -pound- ers on a side, and a long Tom on a swivel. Iu those clays the. China sea wins tho paradise of pirates, and the great raft of islands to tho north of Borneo offered them every recur. ity. The islands are strung along for the distance of 1 000 miles, separating the Pacific ocoan from -the China sea, and from secure and unknown harbors on the wort side of•the-islands overy.species of native' craft had a, show to attack the com. merce passing up aiid down the great waterway. The schooner was officered from the navy, and naval discipline prevailed abroad. She was fitted out to fight as weft as to survey, and a better crew could not have been selected. With a few 0 exceptions all we're ,young men, full • � ,: of physioal-strength and dare-dovil i~ • t•'" spirit, and the knowledge that the ;r.. voyage was a dangerous one had mails them the mor'o eager to go. We had been out six wovka and • f fi ('1 j cruse ' Tlt�eTa leI GROW had been mi�kingsoundings and ry surveys along the westcoastofLoug Island to' the north of Borneo, when 1liails care for it Daefor f very d Clare ur deli CLOSE I D � tJ>P � we had our first trouble. We had tleb1JatCId [48 ander: P. ti. A. M. P. ti, � A. M. Ai been surveying a bay about six miles long by three in width, and Hamilton, Toronto, Stratford, Seaforth- deep onough to float a man-of-war. Granci Trunk East and intermediate While we, had failed to make out offices ............................................. 6.30 1.50 any inhabitants n the shores, � I ivee crafts had visit- several small native Toronto, Stratford, Seat'urtli-T. & S. East � 1.55 i 8.00 ed us and engaged in fishing in our neigllborhood. While they sOelUed Gpdurich, lfolutesville-Orarid Trunk West � 1.00 8.00 to be poverty-stricken fellows, with Goderioh.............. ................................. 8.45 2.40 trotting 11101-0 than a natural curiosity to know why \Yo worn talc- Haniiltou, Toronto ................................. 4.15 10.10 in- so much trouble for nothing, our quartermaster, who had spent Lgpdofl, L. 11. & B. -South and intermedi• on the coast, put them down ate office ........................................ 7.851 4.15 10.10 7.00 .years for spies sent out by a near colony Bl� th, \�"iu„}ran,, Iiiucardiue, Luckuow- of pirates; and he advised every man L. 1f. & B., North, and intermediate to keep tiweather eye open. We ° otircos.............................................. 3.10 6.15 8.25 5.05 had been in the •lay three days, anchored in thirty feet of water,aud Suninierhill-Tuesday and Friday ..........5.50 5.80 within half a mile of the beach, when it came on a dead calm. $Ome British -Monday, Wednesday & Thursday 6.80 of our men hall seen natives in the - _ _ $� y1f1Yt.1' UFtOElt:i 18SUerl aUcl DEPOSITS .received fC011ft Otl0 dOII$r tops of trees ashore, and thele was no doubt they had slimed U(t With t t e s Blas look down upon oar spy -b ' l upwards fur transmission to Central Office of Post Office Savings Bank. Pass Books 1114 everk, information to be had on application. decks and discover our strongth. We had one more day's work to ae- Office Hours from 8 A. -M. to 7 P.M. coniplish, and, therefore, instead of Savings Bank and Money Order Office close at 6.30 P.M. getting Out the boats and towing the sehpone`r out of the bay, \i•o got a W. D. FAIR, THOMAS FAIR, ° spying on our cables, loaded all' ASSISTAr1T. POSTMASTER. guns with grape and cannister, and CLINTON, May, 218t, 1888. made everything ready for the night attack which tiro quartermaster scented fr6w afar o(1'. He was sure of Lire raft and killed two more mon. tuuchod one of my hands. Then thatby midnight we would be be- I could hear the sheets t,nd ehoors every wounded mau.eameand touch - sot by it dozon native crafts urnnuod of ley Nhil,urntrs, autil I huew wo. od ray shirt over the inark, and I by desperate fellows intent oil our were sur• ul' the• last parties to with- '.Che I was asked by signs to remain in the cuptute, draw 1'rufn the attack. seinen- r triage and becoind a head man. I A. utero uufilvorablo night for its el' had cume out of it very Band- replied in the negative, adctiug that could flOt hirYe been Made. Nut tl Funlely, Ilmving, as I soon learned, I desired to return to the schooner' breath of air was inuviug, and rho inflicted terrible damaig0 on the right away. There was it kindly sun, had no sooner gone d01Vll than 1'Irattt:8, attempt to Induce me to remain, a mist rose from the still waters 'of Alter getting array fr-out the Yes- and when it was seen that 1 would the bay, and by 9 o'clock we could 8t'I we were joined by boats and not, I was conducted through the notsee the length of the schooner. rafts ceryls" liearl.y a hundred woods by an easy path to the bay, 'arewel Although halt' a mile from tiro shore,. sten, and a ,oud third of those were got a l all round, and was we' heard all the sounds of a.tropical Wounded. All mardo lot- the oil- then paddled oil' to rho schooner by night, and after 10 no one was al- trance of the -bay, and it wag only 1 SIr1g10 native 111 a �call0e. I do lowed Lo speak above a whisper. when out of cauilou Shot that the not know to this tray the significance There was nothing serious about the fury of the pirates over their bloody of triose (11100" Marks in India ink, situation to its young follows. All repulse broke louse. Nly presaneo but suspect they relate to some Ind - we had to do was to open on the "011od to be fa•gut,teu ler the tilue, urn sulierstitiou. The AWOL and pirates if attached arid drive them and it was lucky fur llu� that such servility of the pirates could not off. The officer took it differout wits the case. 'There were several have been greater had I Neon a . nat- vicw' of at, however. There wore fights ailrung the survrvora on our i`'c king. n0 more desperate sten at that time raft, and it appeared that all those' -•• -1111"--:,' than the pirates of Borneo "and ad iu authority had been killed. -A terrible tragedy is reported jaceflt islands, and if -they caiue In about an hour after getting from the parish of Megautic County, down oil its the would come five to out of the ba and all Lite time , (�uebec,'resulting from aquarrollbe- one. After 11 o'clock everybody, progressing slowly to the north tared neighboring habitants rafI named \vas on deck and at his station. We under paddle, We ran into the 1 ar al's and (.haus ane . It seems l to t oadside to tl]o outran a of tiro ,mouth f a cresk _tint] landed - in -a-- t - - inhabitants - that Paiadl8 - V01Vet1 you-ca4ce -laJ'-bl' -"-- ba with the schooner•lazil riding tiro village the of which against C haudonn0t and a few days to aro}>nd etvell,;ap ,swinging by wereaawako and on the alert. My foot" 1 since went to SoiuorsGt, where }ro her head tffis way and that way \i�ere•untled arid was roughly 'purchased a c19sp kit i' laid told the turns. This was thought to be an jerked to a ^standing •position, and party he bought it frau, that before unfavorable osition as if attacked whoa -it became known through the night it would spill blood. On his nte, c' could' 11ring from the entrance, \d .tile village that a prisonor ]tad" been way home, lie stet the brother of the onlytwo port can uon to bear. It taken the excitement increased to intendod victim, and showing him Prove however, to be our Salva- fever heat. But for a very old the knife, inf=ormed hint that he in - tion. man, who was probably it superan- tended to find his brothers heart It was a little past midnight, and nuated chief, I should have been -first with it, if he had one. Shortly every mail on deck was listening for cut to shreds at the rush. All afterwards Paradis drove up to Chau-' signs of the•oneiny, when we were but this old mart secured to have an donnat'a door and Asked for him. suddenly attacked on all sides at Inas"' desire to kill leap arid why Chaudonnov; -thinking it wits his once. We had scarcely. got the he should try to prevent thein was brother, sums out, when Paradis alarm when a full dozen native, a mystery to Inc. However, by plunged tiro knife 'into his chest e'raft•s of all sorts burst'through the. voice and arm he kept their] off and again stabbed hiw in tiro arm fon alld were ll on lis. It was a a p Illi ill COOlOaI llOWn, slid tl]Ou tirade inflicting 011 t110 UntOftUIICtO manclever piece of work. 'All had them a ,speech. After that I was very severe wounds in both in- come into the bfl • fi'orrl tiro sea our y conducted to a but, and guards Were 'stances. Chaudounet dropped to the position had been exact] located } y , placed at the opening. ground insensible and the would be and the fleet had separated to. take Next morniug. it was laude plain murderer their took to flight, since us on all sides and to attack at the to me why my life had been spared. then lie has coin pletely dissappeared. same moment. Tiro best naval the, night before, An 'hour after At latest"accounts the \wounded• nnan- offieer could not have laid his plans daylight a stout crotched lirrib was was in a very critical condition; but more perfectly. A merchant vessel driven into the ground a few yards it was thought he might recover. would have been in the hands of in front 0f my but. Then a long the pirates in five minutes, even if stout pole was laid in the crotch. - -- expecting them. Discipline saved• It worked exactly like an' old -fast- -A culivatry' brute -"Mrs. US. There was no. confusion. ioued well sweep, but instead of Sweetser (gitot•in0-aI;knd flow, Every loan know his station and the bucket they were to use my Illy lord, Ill%, lady(- rare, is ready for sprang to it. AN', gave- them a body. Fuel was gathered and a the festival." Mr. Sweeter (who has couple of broadside' inside of half a fire kiudlod, and I figured it out been waitiii; n -n hour) - ,'[fro eery minute, and it was these which saved ghat the men at the other end of the glad you're rare: I was afraidafter the schooner. The guns were de- sweep or lover were to hold me all this t}me you alight be a little pressed and fired at just the right suspended over the flame, taking too well done." moment, and the havuc created was due caro thltt my sufferings were DR. WASHINGTON simply awful. Tho recoil of Ille guns . gave the schooner. a sheer drawn out as long as possible. When`I Came to see the villagers by. which aupset two- or three crafts, daylight I had no hope- whatever of and the.only attempts to Board her my life being spared. They were u Tl;iro t and than Surgeon, :� 1 ., r; of were at the bow and storn. I was not only the most villainous lot a Toronto.. on the bow with others and we each. White mau ever saiv collected to- WiIP•be It the bad it musket and cutlass. I blew gother, but funny of those who ro- the whole top'of a native's head off turned from the attack were griev- Ratteflbul, House' as he raised it above the ,rail iii ously wounded and bent on ven- ,� front of ,mo, and then used my cut-' geance. lass. The follows just swarmed "up It was about two hours after day CLINTON. the chains, and they had, ropes, with break that I was pulled out of the, hooks attached, which they threw but and roughly jerked along to- JUNE 13TH over the rails tend came climbing :wards the fire. Every man, woman up. In spite of the way We aid' and Child in the village was in the A fes* of the r.nndreds eared by DR. about us the kept gainin On tie, circle around me,and the benign g WASHINGTON'S New DIell►oa eflfsorevtlmr and I had 'usts lit it fellOWS's^heAd J 1 old man Of the ]tight before ne\v w. Ir. 6torey.'of Stgrey & son, prominent open when a hook thrown from bo- licked his chops like a hungry tiger, glove manufacturers or Acton,` Ont., cured by Dr. Washington of catarrh offilthe throat, bad low caught in fit clothing, and I g Y br g and" approached to b1V0 directions. form, and pronouhccd incurable by eminent, fn Canada and Englund. Write him was jorked'to the rail and over it in M hands were untied and two My r for paliste for partieulnre. throe snaps of your finger. ' ,I fell natives helped me off with my , , aha ,' Gnrea. church upon t o heads of soveriil natives ed clothes. As m shirt came off the 3' sus Speaks, An English Church Clorgynlnn a{peaks, An English suer fol orf into the sea ; but al- old-mau, who stood in front of me, Rectory, Cornwall. ant. most as soon as I struck the water cr , as fleas up his hand arid stied . Unna I DR. wA intsoTox.= a•rough hand pulled me on the raft 0 pointing Onna!" at the same time pointing DE,%R set, -t an, lad to be able to Inform yon g' thntour daogiter IS quite well again. AS this is of catamaran, and in 30 seconds my G the inark On lily breast. ills ex- the second bine She has been cured of grave bronchtal troubles under your treatment, when hands and feet "utero tied and a e amation was taken by othera, and the usual remedies failed, 1 write to express my pirate took charge of me. five or six of the oldest ''ten' came gratitude. Please accept my sincere thanks. Yours truly, Although dazed and confused b Although y I forward to 'respect the mark. w minute lator they signed to me to Aire J110llcriehy, Kingstm,, Ont., Catarrh and my sudden change of position, Consumption• knew all that wasoin I g g on. resume my clothing, and I was no John McKolvy, Kingston, Out, catarrh. Ur A fropping, Kingston, Out, Broncho Consunip• hadn't been on the raft two minutes Whoa she was backed away from the sooner dressed than I was taken to r the old mans hdt, and a hearty tion. Mr, F. Scott, Kingston, Ont, Catarrh, head and throat. • Schooner. As she moved a dose .of breakfast Was given to m"e. 110 not Mrs Jno Bertram, ifnrrowsmith, Ont, near King• cannister from one of the gins r, only smiled at me as soft as molasses y r ston,Catarrh, throat. bits Mary A noinhourg, Centreville, Out, Catarrh killed five or six nathi'ep, who stood buttpatted me on the back several head and throat. Again, Over and just behind me, Again titneR. After I had eaten I Was taken James h, ews, P. Master, Acton, Ont. A FFIsh, Gents Furnishing, ISellovlllc}Catnrrh when we w-ero concealed by the fog, out on the open ground, and every] throat, •lohn Phippm,, 1'. O. Sandhurst, Ont (near Naps. 'Bao anothsra rseharge tore Off a corner d ` person in the village filed past and } g p n9e), Catarrh hoed and throat• case. P BUS'/NESS" ,DIRE'CTORy JiMEDWIN KEEFER, 17�7N''T'IBT, `late of Toronto, nouor Gd951rda1910yul09.11:g of Dental Surgeons, Coats's Blook, - Clinton. All Work Registered. Chargee Moderate - G. H. COOK, Licentiate of Dental Surgery, Honor Gra'unt: of the Toronto School„of Dentistry. Nitrotle Oxide Gas administered for the paiulesi extraction teeth. Office --Over Jackson's Clothing Store, next V Post office, Clinton. ,M Night Bell answered. Will visit every Thursday at Brucefield, fron 8 to 10 30 a. in. t Varna., from 11 a. fit. to 1 p, uI. Bayfield, from 2 p. at. 49.23• `�}I•Il.lYllrcllX. DIt REEVE. Office -"Palace" Brick Block Rattenbury Street, Rbsidence opposite the Tompilrance Hall, Huron Street. Coroner sur the County of Huron. Office hours from 8 a.m. to i P. m. Clinton, Jan. 14, 1881. :•y DR. GUNN W. Gunn, A}. D. L. R. C. P. Edinburgh L. R. C S. Edinburgh Licenciaye of the Midwifey, Edin Office, on corner of Ontario and William Ste. Clinton. 478-y. - �'Izg�ti. MANNING &. SCOTT, Bur•r•iste'rs, 4e., ELmo,r'r'S B1.CCK, - CLINTON Mwtey-tu Loan.' A. If. MANNING. JAS. SCOTT FRANK R. POWELLI Barrister, Solicitor; Notary Publie, etc. Office, Searle's Block, Albert-st., Clinton Toronto agents :-Alessrs. McCarthy, Osler lfoskiu & Creehuan. A.V' PRIVATE FUNDS To LAND at lowest rates o interest. 381 EDWARD N. LEWIS, Barrister, Notary Publi Proctor fn Maritime l•'oprt. Offices corne south of Martin's rioter'Goderieh out. Solid for for the Iluron Land Agency, Money to loan at cheapebt rates. 406 tf S§E1 AGER & MORTON, Barristers, ha, d• , God erich anti Winghatu.' C. Seager, Jr., Goderieh J. A. Morton Winghatu. "AVISON & JOHNSTON, Law, Chancery,am 11 Conveyancing. Office -West Street, hex door to Post Office, Goderieh, Out. 67. D C. BAYS, Solicitor, J c. Oflree, corner o Inn• Square and West Street, over Butler's Bool Store, Goderieh, Ont. 67. Se Money to lend at lowest rates of interest M CAPION, BarriAer.,Attorney, Solicitor i, L. Qlpancory, Conveyancer, -&o.-- Office eve Jeralan's .Drug Store, the rooms formerly ocmt pled by Judga Doyla. A• Any amount of money to loan at fowes rates of interest --�-- 1d3.- • �tlCttOltt'FJ"I1tQ. , H., W. BILL, �-- AUCTIONRF,R for i,furon County. Sales at tended to in any part of the County., Ad 4ress orders to GODEItiOn P O. V-17. CHAS.'!iAlliILION, ucTIONEER, land, loan and insurance agen Blyth: Sales attended in town and country In reasonable terms. A list of farms and viling, tots for sale. stoney to loan on real estate, a low rates of interest. Insurance effected on al classes of property. Notes and debts collected Goods appraised, and sold on commission. Bank rupt•stocks bought, and sold. Blvth. Dec. 16, 1880 Photographers . FpglER & C CLINTON, We Size Portraits a Sneoialty Clinton Marble Works, HURON STREET, CLINTON; W. H. COOPER, Jr., Manufacturer ofsn dealer in all kind's of Marble & Granite for Cemeter3 Work At azures that defy competition Ab o nianuf3tcturer of the Celebrates ARTIFICIAL STONE .for Building .aur• poses and Cen]ctery PVork, which musl be seen to be appreciated. -All worll warranted to wive satisfaction. Goderieh Marble Works Having bought out JOSEI'li VANS1•o249, in Goderieh, Nye are now prepAred to fur nish, on reasonable terms, HEADSTONES AND 3IONWIENTS. GRANITE Ad SPECIALTY. We are prepared to sell cheaper than ani Other firm iu the county. Parties wanting anything in this line evil find it to their interest to reserve their ,orders for us. ROBERTSQN k BELL: 11tay 1701, 1888. 392.3m EXHAUSTED VITALITY! THE SCIENCE OF LkFE, the great Medical \\ brk of the ngeonrManliood,Ner. -"•V?; vous and Physical Debility, t, J ftnDecline, Errors de Eod mtsol•ics consequent 'there. on, 360 pages 8-vo.,..:1-95 prescriptions for at ldlseases Cloth, full gilt, only ¢1.00, t7t by mail, scaled. Illustratird sample free to (it' young and middle-aged men. Send now. Thr Gold and Jewelled Medal awarded to the, anthm by the National Medical Association. Address P. O, Box 1895, Boston, Mass, or Dr. W. II. PARKER, graduate of,flarvard Medloal College 26 years practice in Boston, who may be consult ed confidentially. Speolatty,l'Dfsenses of Man Oalee, No 4 Bulfinch Street 4D8y t+ TV10NEY to le'14 in larke or $WQ) au,ms, o good mortgages or ppersonal 9ecnrity, in the lowest ourrent rates. H. HAi;E, Huron-st- 011utan. Clinton, Feb. 26. 101 1.1Y MONEY. PRIVATE FUNDS to loud on Town and Fairer property. Apply to 0. RIDOUT, Office, next News-Rrcoau (up•staire) Albert -St 359.3m THE NOLSONS, BANK. Incorporatoyi by .bet of Parliament, 1855, CAPITAL, - 62,000,040 REST, $50,0,000 Head Offfiee, - MONTREAL. THOMAS WORKMAN, President. J. H. R. MOLSON, Vice.President. F. WOLFERSTAN THOMAS, General Manager. t -Notes discounted, Collections etude, Draft issued, Stewing and American ex- change bought arid sold at low- eat current rates. iNTERNST AT 4 PER CRIT. ALLOWED ION DErosiv �`ARNCERFrl_ Money advanced to farmerson their owD note with one or mors endorsers, No, mortgage re quired as security. 11. C. DREW FR, Manager, February. 1884 CLINTON Litlt$Ouic. C1,1NTON [.edge, No. 84, A. F. & A. M. ....every Friday, on or after the fill moon. Visithig brethren cordielh Invited. J. YOUNG, w. N. J. CALLANDER, Sze Clinton,.Ian. 14, 1881. }. (nrlulna. L. 0. L. No. 710, " C1,I�TTON� Ifoet. eHceA'D Monday of every u,outh. Hill], 31: flnt, Victoria block. Visitieg brethren always -s_ a made welcome. C. TWEEDY, \C. 11. \v. S. SWAT FIELD, Sec. U. S. COOPER, D. M a• Royal Black Preceptory 3911 Black Knights r:/ Ireland, A10ets in the Orange limit, Blyth, the Wednes- day atter full uroo, of every month. o C Bla Puce for R ya c� p y 31.5111 Block J?dyhts,of Ireland, ; Sleets lit the dragge" ifall, Oodericb, the Third . Mondayofevery•ruonth• Visiting Knighta:thvays 1111100, welcome. JAMES WELLS, Preceptor, Saltford 1' O A M TODD, Deputy Preceptor, Clintou P U ' W if MURNEY, Registrar, Goderieh 1' 0 CLINTON KN71G,HTS OF LABDR Rooms, third flat, Victoria block. Regula meeting every Thursday evenim; at S o'cloc sharp. Visiting Knights made welcome. WILL CURE OR RELIEVE BILIOUSNESS, DIZZINESS, . DYSPEPSIA, DROPSY, MOICESTION, FLUTTERING JAUNDICE. Of THE HKART, ERYSIPELAS, ACIDITY OF SALT .RHEUM, THE STOMACH, HEARTBURN, DRYNESS HEADACHE, OF THE SKIN, , And every specles of -disease arlaingg froth disordered LIVER, KIDNEYS, STOMACM, BOWELS OR BWOD, - T. MI BURN & CL Proprietors Wit' H U e. e' 'A a a 'OAop. � � c Orj�gq t" a a y f1 �,`to - •mow "r Ofd o g ce14 So x y ID •t gaol Fre ys Fog' C m'A �`•--x 0TTRR'S ��. ��� ► Liver Complaints Dyspepsln, 7 ( I Biliouduess, Sick • Ireadncl.e, • Iiianry Ta'ontrles, ittrruulaf Ism, 'Skin Diseases . aria nal i I urprrr- I t ( I (ties of tfie Blond from wLafevcr cause nrising. SHE GREAT SPRING MEDICINE. Price, 75c. (with Pills 1$1.) TRY DR. HODOER'S! ° LITTLE LIVER PILLS, (very small And easy'to take.) 90 GRIPING. NO NAUSEAU. Sold everywhere; price 2:i cents. Anion Medicine Co; Proprietors, TORONTO, CANJ "a a. 6...... ....,..511:..