The Huron News-Record, 1888-06-06, Page 6t L • ' ,r r. Y,1-. . ' t:' - - . �, - ,• w - .... .d>.•••.• - • R ryf i•1- The Huron Nerus`!1 ecord. Hallrews an n peculiarly An01'elI aDVlclr TO IiiOTHB�S.-Are y0ll dig- I M PO region, HO was pleased to tiny turbod at night and brgken of your rest ant of Slee' 3t.6o a Year -31,23 in Advance. that fresh light would, prodably, by n sick child entfaring and crying with uu R pais or Cnttia Z;Ath?' If se send at Is sendingthousands annual) to the �•� $oon be thrown ou this iuterOAtlu'4' once and get a bottle of "lfrs Winslow's insane asylum i € nd the doctors ay this -- a IYe(lilcatl:><Y. Ji►ne Qith, 1888. subject by polar oxploration, tg Soothing Syrup'! ANT for Children Teethe:tug. fro ble is alarmingly on the increase. - _ which au itgpot�us is nbont to be Its value is incalculable. It will rel revs p In returning thanks to my many friends and. patrons for post patrona4e, I WO14Iq . '-' - - - the icor littincafferer immediate) ove The usual remedies, while they may like to call their special attention tom ver complete stock of - M - given by the oclebratiou of the 1 y' give temporary relief, are like) t P y Y P PARADISES LOCATED. pend upon it, mothers i theme is no nus= g P Y o do 400th anniversary of the discuvety , take about it. It cures Dysentery and more harm than good. What is needed HARNESS, WHIPS, CURRY COMBS, BRUSHES, ETC.,, ETC, t GZ - Diarrhea t, regulates the Stomach and is an Alterative and Blood -purifier. Speefal attention is directed to my stook of, Bowels, cures Info'! Uolic, nand g the Ayer's Sarsaparilla is incomparably � I N � L �" � HARNESS. emu • Gums, roducea Infialmmn coca and -cies � the Lest. It corrects those disturbances `m ` tone and energyto the ++ hole system. in the circulation which cause sleepless, ■ e "Mrs Winslow's 5eothiug syrup" for ness, gives increased vitality, and re - children teething is pleasuul to the taste Y It will be found very complete, sod for durability and finish cannel be excelled by and is the prescription of one of the oldest stores the nervous systein to a healthful any one, As I employ none but the best workmen, and use the beat material to be snd best female physicians and nurses in condition. - bought in the market, all who may favor we with their patronage may feel confides the United States, and is for sale by all Rev. T. G. A. Cotd, agent of the Mass. of getting Satisfaction, DOWN druggists throughout the world- Price Homo Missionary a s toeia order, his that PR ICES A V V AY LV YY .L:� 260. a bottle Be sure and ask fur "airs. his stoma;'h was out of order, Lis sloop � � ■ Winslow's SuothiuSvrup," and take no very often disturbed, and solne !m- other kindr, a purity of the blood inanitest; but that `. Trunks and Valises -in great variety and Prices Low. -- --- - -- a perfect cure was obtained by the use r -On \iooday Ili aht Mr. Froder- of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. GE0R�� A. SHARMAN � ick N, Toyle, clerk of the township Frederick W. Pratt, 424 Washington Of 131rapel'_his wife and thr'00 child- street, Boston, writes: "Iffy laughter e•.c.::.avas..a.c.:s.-a.�r..epu.,,a.�,a;,9itiw�a.cr�:oz.s: - art- dren were burned in their dwelling. was prostrated with nervolis debility. Ayers Sarsaparilla restored her to u ---"R"" � •...::�:�--:.cx•�.�.:•,r.,:�.•�.;�:n.<...sw..,.:.•:�,-...... ... .. -' Askneighb our or or an person health." Cures )' b Y p 1` to Litzziness, Loss of Appetite, Indiyestion, Biliousness, who has used Barkwell's Sure Corn William F. Bowker, Erie, Pa., was Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Affections of the Liver and Kidneys, They all pronounce it the best cured of nervousness and sleeplessness they ever used. 483tf by taking Ayer's Sarsaparilla for about. D 0 t Pimples, Blotches, Boils, Humors, Salt Rheum, Scrofula, - -� two,months, during which time his Erysipelas, and all diseases arising from Impure Blood, -D. J..' Brow m1 it prominont weight iucreftsedover twenty pounds. S Deranged Stomach, or irregular action of the Bowels. Justice of the Peace of Cauniunton ` s ' ° ^ �'- %rq'',,r` a � -�R .n , <� .�,c•-- �'' ---. is uudel•-nrrest on a charge of rapo� .Ayer S Sarsaparoll'a, - - 4 PREPARED BY ' UNITED POWE It. Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. A FULL STOCK of Burdock Blood Bitters unites in 6oldbyallDrugglets. Pr1pe$1; alxbottles,35' Choice clover & Timoth ^ Seed one combination remarkable powers %� • as a tonic, blood -,purifying, system- ;/ regulating and cleansing medicine. =s'+ "I °'IIR>C y ' Also all ocher Varieties of Field: Garden and Fla,%ver Seeds. It has no equal in its powers of cure-p;rIEOPIi'4iiICVETErRINARYSPECIFIC$ Special paha% have been taken to procure thettn Fresh Ing all Diseases of the stomach, Liver,and Pure. For Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Kidneys, Bowels and Blood. 499-2t t�T Dogs, HogOKonTre Extra 1/a/ue in China Tea sets and Decorated LOO t'd (:>v i1oQ:i on Treat- '� White Granite Sets -Tho explosion of the new gas inma ofAnhunisand Dinner Sets, Decorated -Toilet Sets, tank at Montreal, on Saturday kill- c'i,art Sent Free. oars -Peters ('one-oinlis, ritAa,ntmnllon. and Fancy Glassware. at.] five men and injured sevornl A.n.-vpinai lienuigitis, 11Iilk Fever. 11,1{. --"rains, Lameness,Rheun,atism, s Others. ,g._ai;,tetnp , Nusiid meiat'uetl• Special Value in New Seasons Black, Green 1+. R:-( opulur' Hea ese'13 Ilytieoula. T'nERv: ARE MANY INDICATIONS of and Japan Teas. - � Canned Fruit, Vegetables, . 1 (:. t-r1riscurriage, Hemorrhages, worms, but Dr. Low's Worm Syrup II. H.-1)rinary-and liiduey Diseases. c.. in elffau•7?Wwvariety. Oran,: e:+, Lemons, Figs, &c. Flour. meets them in every case success• I. 1 -1 Eruptive Diseases ttlange. J,;, ilic:al.iand Proviyion.4. lospect:4tock and et Pricer,. J. lir.-Diseases of Digest! on. % fully. i,99 -4t Stable caro, with sppeciate, annual, �_ RO�IV ALV 9 ble HazelOLLtrod lliedlfles, '$. �\1 Price, Single Bottle (over 50 dosed; .80 V 7 -London is not to have the mili- �4olA by Druggists; or CHINA 23ALL_ CLIN'ZON_ tary camp this year, Col. Smith, the Sent )'repaid on Iieeelptof Price. I)e )lit Adjutant Gai oral having wells & ltithardson Co„ Agents, 1 Y J a 64 11cmil.st., Montreal. been notified to make preparations EW' DRUG'':, Sfor holding it at Stratford. �g$'�'�P$REgS' HOMEOPATHIC A sound body and a contented mind are -necessary tb perfect hap- SPECIFIC' NO.�� The undersigucal has just opened a now Drug Store, In JACKSON'S mess, Ifyou wish to possess these NEW BLOCK, on HURON STREET, two doors )vest of the City P Y P , In un SD years. The only successful remedy for Boole..Store, where will be found a complete assortment of Pure cleanse your blood with Ayers Sar* •: ,,. „ saparilla. It is perfectly safe to take, Nervous . Debility, Vital Weakness, Drii s and chemicals, idso Patent Aledichies and and Prostration, from over -worts or other cause.. Drp r.-istS Sundries -all that the public m'ay ash' for in tliosF and is a thoroughly reliable, highly sl per vial. or 5vinls and large vial powder, for lD6. _ 11nC9. concentrated and powerful blOOtl SOrn By Dacodrs'rs. or sent postpaid on roe ciptor p priee,-•Welis & Riehardson Co., Agents, 64 hie.A• WORTHINGTON. purifier. Gib Street Montreal. �'•' Clinton, 13th Januar}•, 1886. P. S. -Office changed from residence to store -The celebration of the 200th ■ �ttclo Sae _ - anniversary oftho. Church of Notre Dame, (�uebec City, took place May " v � �T .-E -U,. IR 23, Cardinal Tasehereau celuhratiu.- �.J �L.�J ..1� t 1.- r 1po-n+ifieal-li alt-rn'ass iH-rho= anoi'ent- --- pEW STUN E W-.7-�I�E-. ►ittle church.. - ' >ir v YOUR GUARD �. ELLI T`I`rS BLOCK, � CL.INTON&'- Print(,1'r(1 tile, Shortest possible'notu.e. _ - - • Against sudden Colds, irritating All walk FIRST-CLASS anal Prices as Coughs and Soreness of the 'Throat. Low as nqy office West et' Torunto. JOSEPH CIiIDLEY; Dealer In `Furniture.:. Beep Ilagyard's.Pectoral Balsam at Call at the New.Store still see the stock of hand for these prevalent troubles of Coiisulf you, nava inforests ;Ili 'I call at Bedroom, and Parlor. Sets Lounges, , ,Springs, Winter and Spring. It is the best Tor �':wS•ftt•:r'"':" nil"''' hu�rr, placing ,'Sideboards Cih9irS safeguard. 499.2t soar iuvles for any ehaSs nl' 1'rintiug 1llattr•asses, etc., and geiieral Household Furniture. The whole Stock is (rein the very best manufacturers. 1'irturn Frames and Diouldiugs oi' every description. -On Saturday 1110111101' JameWH H 1 T 1; -jY & r-I+�_ 1)D JOS. CHIIDLEY, one door We.%t Of IDielison's Book Store. Kent, who lives near the canal basins Dundas,) fa'cilitatod the startingC*ellered Priirfels c . of 3• piddi•dier•.,in We fire by pouring a BID Bar littlo coal oil gains JAPAN TEAS from a call on thekindl°ing material. CLINTON, - ONTARIO. Itis clothing cau"ht fire -and he was ------- -- severely burned before �assistalico 1)I11J➢14%➢E ➢►13L13C'1'4/1171. o came to him. St. Paid s Chnrcb.--Sens es on Sunday ut 11 We havo received a large cotsieminent of NEIV JAPAN TFA1; which we are ofleri ___ __• a.m, and 7 li..u,. Bible Claus, '10 ami. Sunday in .5 and 10 lb, Caddies at the fnllowiug low prices : , -� School, 2.3., p.m. Ser%ite oil Wednesday, 8 p.m, - ENRICH Tte ,Ir ob ni the use of Rrv, WILLIAM CRAIG, It. it„ Rector 45 CENT JAPAN TEA AT 31 CENTS, Arilbul'n'e1 Beef, Iron and Wine, which Itattunbury Street Jluthodist.-Seryiccs I1t10.39 ing m is the necessary blood build. ' n. »Atpw. 7.00 a In. Ftata,at.a School.=at 2.30 p• 35 CENT JAPAN TEA AT 25 CENTS. a. _ %nd \!a. It. In. ,Pastor. ing material. 499.41 Canada Presbyterian:- Ser, Wes at 11 a.m. ani - -- - -- 0.30 0. at Safibath School, 2.30• p. na. )rev This is the best offer ever made in this county and all nscrs of Japan 'Tea should secure --'ripe result of the. voting for the .Amax. STRWAILT, Pastor. at least one eadtlie. 111'aack Tea�1s(ipaLlly as Cheap. -We are selling a FINE repeal of t -bo Scutt Act in Stanstead m Ontario Strect lethudist.-Services at to' a. . and 7.00 p. ill. 8:tbbutb school, 2.30 p•m. IrLACI\ Iu,01'Iglnal packages of 20'lbs. at FIFTY CENTS per Ib. This Tea is equal county, Quabee, Alay 30, is it major- Rgv, w. W. SPAat,lx0, Pastor to anv 70c. Tea in Clinton. An Extra Filie Voiingy 11)'Soll at 45c., in 5 and it of one hundrnd nncl fift, -nine Baptist Church.-Aenice at 0.30 p. m. S:tb 10 lb. caddies. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Call aril see oar Te"abefore buying. y S bath School, 2.30 p. in, IlF.v J. CRAY Pastor, riedft the Act. The act \y,19 Cat'- �■ - ^ /1 O ri.od,'our soars ago by 339.• NEW',S APER -L,AWS r`iss/-/O&,,SON,, EverV person talks about Bark kV,: call the sprrial attvnt•ion of Past The Old-Iteliable Tea and Grocery House., welds Sure Corn Cure. They. 'say it rui„tcrs and suhsrrihrns to the following never fails either in soft or hard - _ -- ---_- .- _- . . r---.____-_-- ---- _.._._-__-- - - --=Mp corns, 'bunions or warts. 483 tf ,yu-A of the ne++spis r laws:_ i -A pnytTE,I'. r is required to ^fve FRESH , GROOERI ES .. -_ nuti(e IiY Lh:'I"1'F,It (rutarlain;t a 1r'lper �oes 11ar.,1 -A )lumber of this Brant c01111t•y not answer the, law) when n 81bscl+berd(ie's' constables are in ;I peck' of trouble. not take his -paper out of the oflice, and. It appears they all refuse to serve Ante the reasoi 1'411. its not loin;; taken. And the choicestgoods kept in stock by Any neglect to d„ so makes tar postmaster Scott Act. papers, and •a•" a result reslnoslblr to the publi,ab,�rs f„1- paylfient. "'°i complaint has been nlatlo before the Z -If anv prison orJers iiis paportus• 0��� �-'O"°-"' � Ot`�� County Judge, atld there promises :outiuued, he mist pay all arrearages, of to be a regular shaking of dry Moues the p10416hcr. 1111ty run;iaur to send if 1�'buy ill the very hest markets and give our customers every advalitnge. Out- goods anion-st the C. (;'a. until payuand, is u(de, an• collvet til( Iwi V;,, always be found I?resh and Rpliable, anal to the economical housekeeper we offer w110L aAhunt. whether it hn taken ri-on. many advantages. Our goods, in variety, -Anality, and price, we are satisfied will meet' How I'L' VORKS, Elle oflice or nnt. 'rhea, can lie,un legal the requirements of every householu. Farm Produce taken at the higeest prices. discontinuance until the payun:nt is made Phe mode of operating of Burdock 3 -Any prrsuu who taltes n paper from. DANT ELO N BROS. Blood ]litters is that it works at one. th est-oflice, +\'Lather directe'i io hit ! and the same time upon the Stomacb, iia .) ulunther, or whether he has sub - Liver, Bowels and Blood, to cleanse, sel'ib or not, is responsible for the pay. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCERS- CLINTON, ONT, regulate and strengthen. Hence its ' 4 --If a subscriber orders hi:, paper to N almost universal value in chronic , stoppr,t at it rerfain time, and the Publish. complaints.' 499-2t er continues to send, it the, suhycriber i I ll bound to fo it ce takes it out ol'tl' LESUE'S CARRIAGE 8e, WAGON FACTORY, - ]y aordnl••iu-Council Will.p0atir1 •Oe0. 1-1119 p1'OCOC(19I1p0n ttlC gl'011na II. I,owea, of Rothsay, ,Ila9 been that a ratan amst pay for what lie uses OT T__tTTUN- oppoilitod police magistrate for the 0 P 9, 0 ; -0-0- o county of Cilington,. at a salary of le -111 flit, ]):vision Court in Codorich $600 per aunum, tind :5300 fox at the November sittiiig it nomipper put- In Stock, a Number of Cutters, Sleighs, Buggies and Watrons, traveling exponsos, salary to date Usher sued for payOffMper, 'I he, defend• -- e from Jan. 1. 1888. - ant objected paying on thn „round that he The Material wo manafactur ;is of the best quality and ilia Iron work unsurpassed had ovlr.,red a former pr(rieto• of the fact", �'A'a it as important feature of our business to use only the best pro - paper to di9co;thule it. The Judge held curable aterial and the Utak workmanship. Those in need of CUTTERS DANGEI10I1.-; COUN Ir RFErrs. that that was ant a valid dol'rnre, The and SLEIGHS, of the lr,test malces and styles, should not fail to Counterfeits are always dangerous, plaintilr, the prt-sent prnpiieto•, ad no call and see its. more so 'thitt they always closely notice to (liscoutiuue and consequently -0--- INI4ATE THE ORIGINAL, 1N APPRARANCE could e-ollect, al -though it was not denied ALL WORK WARRANTED. AND" �iAatE. The remarkable sueaess that defen,lont had noti!iol forma pro-' __0_ achieved b Nasal Balm as a positive pricbn to disroltinnr. In any event , A ante For Uatarrh and Cold lin the defendnnt was boom) to pay for the time � epailing and $e>vaintiri:r Promptly litteliled to, he hall receivod the paper and uut.il he o tread• has induced unprincipled par- had paid ,111 ni•rrar9 doe for anbsvriptinu. FACTORY on corner of Huron and Oranlre EStreets, CLINTON. ties to Imitatd it. The public are Cautioned not t0 be deceived by nostrums imitating Nasal Balm in name and appearance, bearing such is made by the proprietors of Ifni• names as 'Nasal Cream, :nasal Bal- yard's Yellow Oil, who have long Sam, etc. Ask for Nasal Ballo and do offered to refund every cent expend- not )alio imitations dealers ma.y urge ed for3that remedy 'if it fails to give om F i upon you. For sale by all druggisto satisfnction on fair trial for Itheumn- or sent post-paid on receipt of prices tism, Nouralgill, Sore Throat and all 150c and 811 by addressing Fulford & painful complaints for which it is FORSAL BILLS, Co., Brockville, Ont, recommended'. 499.2; ■ t,; of America. He expressed sitisfnc- The Theory that it was situat- tion that the ancient site of Alle I ed at the Nortb Pole and that a Large Portion of 11 Now ';tr'deu of laden is low, probably. G i ' p Y Part of Canada. r a 11..1-1 of tilt) I)Oulillion of Canada. Rev 1)r. Laidlaw lectured one Fearful Fatality. Ili -lit last week ill St. Paill's School. room, Hamilton, un the theory, A torrible fire occurred 2t Udina recently .}tut• before the world by ton, about fuer dliles from Graven - Principal Warren, that the Garden huryt, on the night of Dlay 28, " of laden was situated at the north when Frederick K. Toye, the old pole. Dr. Laidlaw'y attention way and faithful township clerk, with directed to Principal Warren's book his wife and throo children, became by llev_ Jusupit Cuul[, of llostou, food for the hungry flames. A not 1011- aa), and "I eilrt)ful perusal small mosquito sliludge, placed near of it has made him it duuvert to the the -ornor of a small • workshop ad - views which are ably set forth in joining the dwulling of Dir. Toye, it. Hips lecture las uiglit wassimp- was, during the high wind, fanned ly a review of tile, work, intended to a flanto, and soon enveloped the to pies, tit the substance, of the shop and dw011lllg, Wllldall Alut- IA'ned author's arguments. in a thows, the noarest neighbor, saw the eompactand entertaining form : and, blaze and ran to the assistance of Dr. Laidlaw succeeded in Makin;.; a the occupants, but too late to beoof highly entertaining as well as any service, file fire having taken / instructive lecture out of tho nritor- fall possession of the house. N1 1-8. ial tit his disposal, It was enjove Toye in her night dress had carried by all ancdieuco of guo,l Size, Ilid out little P,ella, 13 years of age, and well Way was chairman. hallow- returned for others. Evid-eptly Mr. ing are the principal grouudsadvauc- Toye had also been out, as two IMils ed in support of the novel tlloory of were found oil the way to the well, an Arctic Eden : The earth is a and on second thought he had re - slowly cooling body.. Life began turned to rescue the children and on the earth at diose party of its books. When Matthews arrived surface which cooled the earliest, and little Bella was on the rock near the which wore the first thafwerecapnble house Crying, and •inlmediatoly the of supporting life. '1'lieso points were roof fell in, enveloping Dir. 'Toys, undoubtedly the rogiuus within the his ivifo and three( children, two Arctic alld Antarctic /.Odes, This boys and a girl, aged 1-0Ahectively is the opinion of the best scientific' 6, 9 and 11. The wind was so authorities, I't is nov beyond strung nothing could be done to doubt that :It an early period of the render any rissistaneo. At about 2 ,earth's hlalory 0h(1 pular regions had O'clock this worning the remains a clinntle even warmer than that of could be discerned, all wore burned what wo till the tropical regiona. to a Crist, Tlie wholerocordyofthe (}eUlUn As have discovered that municipality of Draper and Oakley ,loiiu; Ilio miuoene period the have been lost. John Doherty, J. ,Arctic reaiun was till lnimense coati- P., has placed the prellii-os In charge limit,Anti th;it th•i prosent fa11(I aua of officers till friends arrived. lt'atur distrihntiun .Of that re -ion is Air. Tuye'was at one tima a baker of a cuinparatively recent period. in the employnlont of Mr. Edward L'ut there was not only warmth and Lawson, confectioner', King sl.reot, land euuugh to sustain life, the,+e 'I'Oronto,• and abort twenty fieeyeflrs Wits light, too. - With the aid of ' ago reproved to Parry Sound, \there atmospheric rofractiou, the light of }ie Cll'a'ed 'ill farming about six - L110 Ais e11j0yt)(1 11] tile polar 1111 L, from Grave till it rst. hoe six regious 1'ur tell mouths of .the year, yowls bo has been, clerk of the town " ill a greator of loss• degree, and ship of Draper. during the two mouths when the' light of the Sul) is outll•ely 'with- drawn the slYy 0. brilliant with the BAR%WELL'S BRONCHIAL BALSAM -- light of till) moull, the still-- and the cures all kinds of coughs and Colds, bronchitis and croup. Ask for carnal byrealis ,which shine with a `(Barkwells" take no other. 483,tf I idul of w hicll ++(p inn furul but T Jnumber little couctiption. Tlwse arc Feasotls -The of durdestic ci-arc` Rtl1 )' Illi could,11a1'C exlAtt.tl t1191'C '{ inau Uf,l(Auled ill (nalada is rCglster-- Recent resealc)lesiu palutuutulogiaal ed in the department of inland b9tauy prove.:beyoud doubt that it revenue, and amounted last soar to did, ltf is uuw, certain that ill 85,587,505, or about 18 for every farms of" faand (doral life man, woman and child in Camitda. urinated nitt the nota )tole, and the. Of these Aiontieal Made 40,000,000, from there spread over the re)))am- Hamilton nearly 7,000',000 and To- ner of the earth. From the miocoue ronto uear•ly 6,000,000. fossils itis evident that in the old Arctic continent -row evur'y 1'rou • that is pleasant to the eye, and 'rlIE DEAL' HEAR. beariti- fruit pleasant to the taste ; AftOr eight years suffering from that plants, now }round only it) the Deafness, so bad that I was unable tropiesglow there in great luxuriance to attend to Illy business, I was Cured and that animals of typos that have by the use of Hagyird's Yellow Oil. been uxtiuct for a -es abounded With gratitude I make this known there. Since, then, the 'Arctic re- for the benefit of 'others afflicted. irarry Ricardo, Toronto, Ont. -'loll was ori-inally the home of the 499.21. oldest of all floral types and faunal forma, it Iuust also have booll the cradle of the human race. "Pito old -The Six Nation Indian cele - Continent of the north pole would bration of thoOtioen's Birthday at the council house on the resOrvO be the 'center of the land distribu-' Thursday was roudored notable by. tion of tho earth, and would be in It the presence of TJ r. Montague,, Al. Ede with the ^creY at valley and 0 P., who was made an honorary chief streadis-tho boss point for the with the title of Ro•11on-syen•ni, distribution of :Ininull and vo'stable which, boing interpreted, means'. forms, and also fur the distribution ((a dteulber of the confederacy." of . mail over the surface of the earth. Dr. Warren's hypothesis is, There was a large Concourse of In - that the northoru *polar• region was dLU18 present at ;110 ceremony and the games afterwards hold. the sent of the G:ird+'n of Eden, the `ftp cradle of the humali Taco, and that Low's UR SOAP i8 an elegant the northern Continent of which isle, puri toilet article, and the curter was Submerged at' the Submerged effectu ly'. fies the akin most effectually. 499 4t time of the deluge. It) tho ante- diluvian, prehistoric days, this -The.Aecond marriage within a northern continent undoubto(ily year tool:. !taco in rho court house, ],os (asst d forms tit' vogotal)to nail Whitby, a few (lays ago. A young I' a11im;►1 life ll surpasei110 those liu+v rrian named Burohn -d, of Uxbridge iu existence ; aril it is reasonable to • had been tried and found 7LIilty of supp0s0 thatin those -olden days, seducing Lydia Chudo, of Scott; when the earth was tcalniu0 with 'and she being a minor, he was liable Ian luxuriant-ru+vthy of ilei vi -or' to imprisonment. Having hisohoice s M Uu�orith, au nitainod the stature wi, mitentiary,t» -;tad the longevit,; which are SpUkl•11 he chose tlla former. A license of in Sacred scripture. Tho theory was secured acid Rev.' J. F. German of an Arctic Eden is supported by conducted tho enremOmy. myths and traditions of ovary_- ailci(.-nt nation. All of then; pro. CONSUJIPTION SURELY CT.'1tED. servo the tradition of a great and T'0 Tnr EDITORp: Stored t!'CC L1111 this Paradise trCD 18 invariably associated with the axis Please inform your readers that I of the earth and heavens, or, in have a positive remedy for the above named disease. By its timely use other words with the poles of the • , I thousands of hopeless cases hags been earth. These traditions point to permanently cured.' I shall be glad the fact of the Paradise tree cion• to send two bottles of my remedy tioled in seripiure-tho tree that Barr to any of your readers who have 10 -row in the midst of the Garden" consumption if they will send me Of Eden, which \vlts altllnLall in Lhe their Express and P. O. address. ItespCctlully, Dr. A. T. SLOCU1ki, center of the polar continent. In 37 Yonge street, Toronto, Ont, 499y all notion) religious, also, the north is regarded ns the stio-ed region, the -The annual military Camp of abode of the gods. In the Avesta ill struction at London, this year, (the Porsian sacred scriptures) occur, will comprise about 2,600 men, the a retnarkablo passage, to the effect following battalions having been that in dile pleasant region of the ,lamed for Service :-London Field I -ods the sum rises and sots only Ilattory, 218t Essex Fusiliers, 2`),nd' once a year, and there are both Oxford Miles, 28tifLanlbton P,ordor- cleated and dnereated lights.. In Cray 29th Waterloo Infantry, 32nd the most ancient of the Indian sae, ))ito Infantry, and x331-4 Huron roil Scriptures.- it iy Said that "the Inlautry. year of the gods pis as a day and a _ night." I)r. Laidlaw also quoted OCCASIONAL Dosrs of a, good cath- - ACV91�a1 the Old Testa- paASag08 frommattic like Burdock Pills are necass•• taunt, which -%vent to Show that the ary to keep the blood pure and the: north was regarded by the ancient body healthy. 499.4t GZ - Diarrhea t, regulates the Stomach and is an Alterative and Blood -purifier. Speefal attention is directed to my stook of, Bowels, cures Info'! Uolic, nand g the Ayer's Sarsaparilla is incomparably � I N � L �" � HARNESS. emu • Gums, roducea Infialmmn coca and -cies � the Lest. It corrects those disturbances `m ` tone and energyto the ++ hole system. in the circulation which cause sleepless, ■ e "Mrs Winslow's 5eothiug syrup" for ness, gives increased vitality, and re - children teething is pleasuul to the taste Y It will be found very complete, sod for durability and finish cannel be excelled by and is the prescription of one of the oldest stores the nervous systein to a healthful any one, As I employ none but the best workmen, and use the beat material to be snd best female physicians and nurses in condition. - bought in the market, all who may favor we with their patronage may feel confides the United States, and is for sale by all Rev. T. G. A. Cotd, agent of the Mass. of getting Satisfaction, DOWN druggists throughout the world- Price Homo Missionary a s toeia order, his that PR ICES A V V AY LV YY .L:� 260. a bottle Be sure and ask fur "airs. his stoma;'h was out of order, Lis sloop � � ■ Winslow's SuothiuSvrup," and take no very often disturbed, and solne !m- other kindr, a purity of the blood inanitest; but that `. Trunks and Valises -in great variety and Prices Low. -- --- - -- a perfect cure was obtained by the use r -On \iooday Ili aht Mr. Froder- of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. GE0R�� A. SHARMAN � ick N, Toyle, clerk of the township Frederick W. Pratt, 424 Washington Of 131rapel'_his wife and thr'00 child- street, Boston, writes: "Iffy laughter e•.c.::.avas..a.c.:s.-a.�r..epu.,,a.�,a;,9itiw�a.cr�:oz.s: - art- dren were burned in their dwelling. was prostrated with nervolis debility. Ayers Sarsaparilla restored her to u ---"R"" � •...::�:�--:.cx•�.�.:•,r.,:�.•�.;�:n.<...sw..,.:.•:�,-...... ... .. -' Askneighb our or or an person health." Cures )' b Y p 1` to Litzziness, Loss of Appetite, Indiyestion, Biliousness, who has used Barkwell's Sure Corn William F. Bowker, Erie, Pa., was Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Affections of the Liver and Kidneys, They all pronounce it the best cured of nervousness and sleeplessness they ever used. 483tf by taking Ayer's Sarsaparilla for about. D 0 t Pimples, Blotches, Boils, Humors, Salt Rheum, Scrofula, - -� two,months, during which time his Erysipelas, and all diseases arising from Impure Blood, -D. J..' Brow m1 it prominont weight iucreftsedover twenty pounds. S Deranged Stomach, or irregular action of the Bowels. Justice of the Peace of Cauniunton ` s ' ° ^ �'- %rq'',,r` a � -�R .n , <� .�,c•-- �'' ---. is uudel•-nrrest on a charge of rapo� .Ayer S Sarsaparoll'a, - - 4 PREPARED BY ' UNITED POWE It. Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. A FULL STOCK of Burdock Blood Bitters unites in 6oldbyallDrugglets. Pr1pe$1; alxbottles,35' Choice clover & Timoth ^ Seed one combination remarkable powers %� • as a tonic, blood -,purifying, system- ;/ regulating and cleansing medicine. =s'+ "I °'IIR>C y ' Also all ocher Varieties of Field: Garden and Fla,%ver Seeds. It has no equal in its powers of cure-p;rIEOPIi'4iiICVETErRINARYSPECIFIC$ Special paha% have been taken to procure thettn Fresh Ing all Diseases of the stomach, Liver,and Pure. For Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Kidneys, Bowels and Blood. 499-2t t�T Dogs, HogOKonTre Extra 1/a/ue in China Tea sets and Decorated LOO t'd (:>v i1oQ:i on Treat- '� White Granite Sets -Tho explosion of the new gas inma ofAnhunisand Dinner Sets, Decorated -Toilet Sets, tank at Montreal, on Saturday kill- c'i,art Sent Free. oars -Peters ('one-oinlis, ritAa,ntmnllon. and Fancy Glassware. at.] five men and injured sevornl A.n.-vpinai lienuigitis, 11Iilk Fever. 11,1{. --"rains, Lameness,Rheun,atism, s Others. ,g._ai;,tetnp , Nusiid meiat'uetl• Special Value in New Seasons Black, Green 1+. R:-( opulur' Hea ese'13 Ilytieoula. T'nERv: ARE MANY INDICATIONS of and Japan Teas. - � Canned Fruit, Vegetables, . 1 (:. t-r1riscurriage, Hemorrhages, worms, but Dr. Low's Worm Syrup II. H.-1)rinary-and liiduey Diseases. c.. in elffau•7?Wwvariety. Oran,: e:+, Lemons, Figs, &c. Flour. meets them in every case success• I. 1 -1 Eruptive Diseases ttlange. J,;, ilic:al.iand Proviyion.4. lospect:4tock and et Pricer,. J. lir.-Diseases of Digest! on. % fully. i,99 -4t Stable caro, with sppeciate, annual, �_ RO�IV ALV 9 ble HazelOLLtrod lliedlfles, '$. �\1 Price, Single Bottle (over 50 dosed; .80 V 7 -London is not to have the mili- �4olA by Druggists; or CHINA 23ALL_ CLIN'ZON_ tary camp this year, Col. Smith, the Sent )'repaid on Iieeelptof Price. I)e )lit Adjutant Gai oral having wells & ltithardson Co„ Agents, 1 Y J a 64 11cmil.st., Montreal. been notified to make preparations EW' DRUG'':, Sfor holding it at Stratford. �g$'�'�P$REgS' HOMEOPATHIC A sound body and a contented mind are -necessary tb perfect hap- SPECIFIC' NO.�� The undersigucal has just opened a now Drug Store, In JACKSON'S mess, Ifyou wish to possess these NEW BLOCK, on HURON STREET, two doors )vest of the City P Y P , In un SD years. The only successful remedy for Boole..Store, where will be found a complete assortment of Pure cleanse your blood with Ayers Sar* •: ,,. „ saparilla. It is perfectly safe to take, Nervous . Debility, Vital Weakness, Drii s and chemicals, idso Patent Aledichies and and Prostration, from over -worts or other cause.. Drp r.-istS Sundries -all that the public m'ay ash' for in tliosF and is a thoroughly reliable, highly sl per vial. or 5vinls and large vial powder, for lD6. _ 11nC9. concentrated and powerful blOOtl SOrn By Dacodrs'rs. or sent postpaid on roe ciptor p priee,-•Welis & Riehardson Co., Agents, 64 hie.A• WORTHINGTON. purifier. Gib Street Montreal. �'•' Clinton, 13th Januar}•, 1886. P. S. -Office changed from residence to store -The celebration of the 200th ■ �ttclo Sae _ - anniversary oftho. Church of Notre Dame, (�uebec City, took place May " v � �T .-E -U,. IR 23, Cardinal Tasehereau celuhratiu.- �.J �L.�J ..1� t 1.- r 1po-n+ifieal-li alt-rn'ass iH-rho= anoi'ent- --- pEW STUN E W-.7-�I�E-. ►ittle church.. - ' >ir v YOUR GUARD �. ELLI T`I`rS BLOCK, � CL.INTON&'- Print(,1'r(1 tile, Shortest possible'notu.e. _ - - • Against sudden Colds, irritating All walk FIRST-CLASS anal Prices as Coughs and Soreness of the 'Throat. Low as nqy office West et' Torunto. JOSEPH CIiIDLEY; Dealer In `Furniture.:. Beep Ilagyard's.Pectoral Balsam at Call at the New.Store still see the stock of hand for these prevalent troubles of Coiisulf you, nava inforests ;Ili 'I call at Bedroom, and Parlor. Sets Lounges, , ,Springs, Winter and Spring. It is the best Tor �':wS•ftt•:r'"':" nil"''' hu�rr, placing ,'Sideboards Cih9irS safeguard. 499.2t soar iuvles for any ehaSs nl' 1'rintiug 1llattr•asses, etc., and geiieral Household Furniture. The whole Stock is (rein the very best manufacturers. 1'irturn Frames and Diouldiugs oi' every description. -On Saturday 1110111101' JameWH H 1 T 1; -jY & r-I+�_ 1)D JOS. CHIIDLEY, one door We.%t Of IDielison's Book Store. Kent, who lives near the canal basins Dundas,) fa'cilitatod the startingC*ellered Priirfels c . of 3• piddi•dier•.,in We fire by pouring a BID Bar littlo coal oil gains JAPAN TEAS from a call on thekindl°ing material. CLINTON, - ONTARIO. Itis clothing cau"ht fire -and he was ------- -- severely burned before �assistalico 1)I11J➢14%➢E ➢►13L13C'1'4/1171. o came to him. St. Paid s Chnrcb.--Sens es on Sunday ut 11 We havo received a large cotsieminent of NEIV JAPAN TFA1; which we are ofleri ___ __• a.m, and 7 li..u,. Bible Claus, '10 ami. Sunday in .5 and 10 lb, Caddies at the fnllowiug low prices : , -� School, 2.3., p.m. Ser%ite oil Wednesday, 8 p.m, - ENRICH Tte ,Ir ob ni the use of Rrv, WILLIAM CRAIG, It. it„ Rector 45 CENT JAPAN TEA AT 31 CENTS, Arilbul'n'e1 Beef, Iron and Wine, which Itattunbury Street Jluthodist.-Seryiccs I1t10.39 ing m is the necessary blood build. ' n. »Atpw. 7.00 a In. Ftata,at.a School.=at 2.30 p• 35 CENT JAPAN TEA AT 25 CENTS. a. _ %nd \!a. It. In. ,Pastor. ing material. 499.41 Canada Presbyterian:- Ser, Wes at 11 a.m. ani - -- - -- 0.30 0. at Safibath School, 2.30• p. na. )rev This is the best offer ever made in this county and all nscrs of Japan 'Tea should secure --'ripe result of the. voting for the .Amax. STRWAILT, Pastor. at least one eadtlie. 111'aack Tea�1s(ipaLlly as Cheap. -We are selling a FINE repeal of t -bo Scutt Act in Stanstead m Ontario Strect lethudist.-Services at to' a. . and 7.00 p. ill. 8:tbbutb school, 2.30 p•m. IrLACI\ Iu,01'Iglnal packages of 20'lbs. at FIFTY CENTS per Ib. This Tea is equal county, Quabee, Alay 30, is it major- Rgv, w. W. SPAat,lx0, Pastor to anv 70c. Tea in Clinton. An Extra Filie Voiingy 11)'Soll at 45c., in 5 and it of one hundrnd nncl fift, -nine Baptist Church.-Aenice at 0.30 p. m. S:tb 10 lb. caddies. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Call aril see oar Te"abefore buying. y S bath School, 2.30 p. in, IlF.v J. CRAY Pastor, riedft the Act. The act \y,19 Cat'- �■ - ^ /1 O ri.od,'our soars ago by 339.• NEW',S APER -L,AWS r`iss/-/O&,,SON,, EverV person talks about Bark kV,: call the sprrial attvnt•ion of Past The Old-Iteliable Tea and Grocery House., welds Sure Corn Cure. They. 'say it rui„tcrs and suhsrrihrns to the following never fails either in soft or hard - _ -- ---_- .- _- . . r---.____-_-- ---- _.._._-__-- - - --=Mp corns, 'bunions or warts. 483 tf ,yu-A of the ne++spis r laws:_ i -A pnytTE,I'. r is required to ^fve FRESH , GROOERI ES .. -_ nuti(e IiY Lh:'I"1'F,It (rutarlain;t a 1r'lper �oes 11ar.,1 -A )lumber of this Brant c01111t•y not answer the, law) when n 81bscl+berd(ie's' constables are in ;I peck' of trouble. not take his -paper out of the oflice, and. It appears they all refuse to serve Ante the reasoi 1'411. its not loin;; taken. And the choicestgoods kept in stock by Any neglect to d„ so makes tar postmaster Scott Act. papers, and •a•" a result reslnoslblr to the publi,ab,�rs f„1- paylfient. "'°i complaint has been nlatlo before the Z -If anv prison orJers iiis paportus• 0��� �-'O"°-"' � Ot`�� County Judge, atld there promises :outiuued, he mist pay all arrearages, of to be a regular shaking of dry Moues the p10416hcr. 1111ty run;iaur to send if 1�'buy ill the very hest markets and give our customers every advalitnge. Out- goods anion-st the C. (;'a. until payuand, is u(de, an• collvet til( Iwi V;,, always be found I?resh and Rpliable, anal to the economical housekeeper we offer w110L aAhunt. whether it hn taken ri-on. many advantages. Our goods, in variety, -Anality, and price, we are satisfied will meet' How I'L' VORKS, Elle oflice or nnt. 'rhea, can lie,un legal the requirements of every householu. Farm Produce taken at the higeest prices. discontinuance until the payun:nt is made Phe mode of operating of Burdock 3 -Any prrsuu who taltes n paper from. DANT ELO N BROS. Blood ]litters is that it works at one. th est-oflice, +\'Lather directe'i io hit ! and the same time upon the Stomacb, iia .) ulunther, or whether he has sub - Liver, Bowels and Blood, to cleanse, sel'ib or not, is responsible for the pay. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCERS- CLINTON, ONT, regulate and strengthen. Hence its ' 4 --If a subscriber orders hi:, paper to N almost universal value in chronic , stoppr,t at it rerfain time, and the Publish. complaints.' 499-2t er continues to send, it the, suhycriber i I ll bound to fo it ce takes it out ol'tl' LESUE'S CARRIAGE 8e, WAGON FACTORY, - ]y aordnl••iu-Council Will.p0atir1 •Oe0. 1-1119 p1'OCOC(19I1p0n ttlC gl'011na II. I,owea, of Rothsay, ,Ila9 been that a ratan amst pay for what lie uses OT T__tTTUN- oppoilitod police magistrate for the 0 P 9, 0 ; -0-0- o county of Cilington,. at a salary of le -111 flit, ]):vision Court in Codorich $600 per aunum, tind :5300 fox at the November sittiiig it nomipper put- In Stock, a Number of Cutters, Sleighs, Buggies and Watrons, traveling exponsos, salary to date Usher sued for payOffMper, 'I he, defend• -- e from Jan. 1. 1888. - ant objected paying on thn „round that he The Material wo manafactur ;is of the best quality and ilia Iron work unsurpassed had ovlr.,red a former pr(rieto• of the fact", �'A'a it as important feature of our business to use only the best pro - paper to di9co;thule it. The Judge held curable aterial and the Utak workmanship. Those in need of CUTTERS DANGEI10I1.-; COUN Ir RFErrs. that that was ant a valid dol'rnre, The and SLEIGHS, of the lr,test malces and styles, should not fail to Counterfeits are always dangerous, plaintilr, the prt-sent prnpiieto•, ad no call and see its. more so 'thitt they always closely notice to (liscoutiuue and consequently -0--- INI4ATE THE ORIGINAL, 1N APPRARANCE could e-ollect, al -though it was not denied ALL WORK WARRANTED. AND" �iAatE. The remarkable sueaess that defen,lont had noti!iol forma pro-' __0_ achieved b Nasal Balm as a positive pricbn to disroltinnr. In any event , A ante For Uatarrh and Cold lin the defendnnt was boom) to pay for the time � epailing and $e>vaintiri:r Promptly litteliled to, he hall receivod the paper and uut.il he o tread• has induced unprincipled par- had paid ,111 ni•rrar9 doe for anbsvriptinu. FACTORY on corner of Huron and Oranlre EStreets, CLINTON. ties to Imitatd it. The public are Cautioned not t0 be deceived by nostrums imitating Nasal Balm in name and appearance, bearing such is made by the proprietors of Ifni• names as 'Nasal Cream, :nasal Bal- yard's Yellow Oil, who have long Sam, etc. Ask for Nasal Ballo and do offered to refund every cent expend- not )alio imitations dealers ma.y urge ed for3that remedy 'if it fails to give om F i upon you. For sale by all druggisto satisfnction on fair trial for Itheumn- or sent post-paid on receipt of prices tism, Nouralgill, Sore Throat and all 150c and 811 by addressing Fulford & painful complaints for which it is FORSAL BILLS, Co., Brockville, Ont, recommended'. 499.2; ■ t,;