The Huron News-Record, 1888-06-06, Page 3A FIG IIT WITH PIRATES $USINESS ANNOUNCEMENT.r melon is gone. I would have wager. I ed $5 I could have walked that or And .About Women �, COItIi,WONDENCE- . HEREDITY. Broca ,hrez�ald,;.-_"fir Rith:ttrd R , ..... _ ._. _ - __ _ to We wilt at all ttnaes be jvteased Cartwright is generally crsdited receive iterns of netts front our sub- with being .the worst tempered man gray before glviue th©atteur ulI ata- begs. We want a good corree- in the House at Ottawa. His Miami; was infeste+la by as full- )xnr deet in every locality, not already grandfather was a slave owner, aud• i represented, to send US RELIABLE 1teWs. lie seems to have inherited the over- t Keep on your toilet: table a bottle (of bearipg ferocity of planner tradition- arrived from Hong Kong and SUItSCItI!lI:ItS. ally ascribed to persons of that Ayer's Hair Vigor -the only dressing Lea Patrons who do not receive their description." Tho next thing we. joke„ were a Lolly ergot!- Nader regularly from the carrier or may expect to hear of Sir Richard through their local post offices will is that it was a modern Eve who tvill see ale over Jry-shod.' confer ra favur by reporting al this Qeduced him frou► his allegiance to wrecking of the steamer "Sail mice at once. Subscriptions may truth and righteousness as eulbodied prevent Thomas Siunday, Sharon Grove, lay. l corpulence at any time, in the Tory party because his the owner, a raid made on tnelou i"— ancestor Adapin was seduced by a ; ;ADVEUTiSERS. • similar instrumentality.. shall have to Co dry to.nig6t,' Advertim-swillplease bear in mind THE TROUBLES -WITH THE WOMEX rho captains statement is as that all "changes" of advertisements, The trouble with the wouten,'said weeks Iny head was almost ball. I to ensure insertion, should be handed Silitherimpkins,'is that they want was laid to their charge. in not later than MONDAY NOON' of us to have fun their way. They each week. want us to bit in the. ]louse and tads returned over-confideut John. good. T finally bought a bottle of about the weather, sir; to discuss the kept, th6 ship on tier course thou h p p B. CIRCULATION• eternal mysteries of dreNamakingand Hair Vigor, and, atter using only a part Tits. NEws RECORD hw.a larger cooking, sir; and to read Hovels and call them Mose Jim Bill and John. Uilcle, Mike as he was familiarly circulation than any other peeper 'in worship babies. They cant See why ` f this section, and as an advertising a rnab should want to go to n club or it CNr•,N1,1tt1 }yjth 11j11!i .I told Mat l medium has few equals in Ontario. a public dinner, sir; or take in a' morning at 3,30 thti to I'a►,Ig11 I Our books are open to those who baseball gatue or a horse race. They =r mean business. want, us -to do as they do and enjoy for the fine he pro- e ne m(•:OUs which the mild all,] water Up CU LIN Cblll. ourspivei their way, sir. But did JOB PRtINTING. you over hear of a elan wanting a His melon woos film' aud hi* bust The Job Department of this jour- woman to have fun his way? No,sir; possible to back flus ship off as the nal is one of the best equipped tilt not much, sir, You never hearth after using a bottle of Ayer's Hair Vigor Western Ontcii4o, and a superior t any mania trying -to persuade Gia melons near the village, but it took class of work is guaranteed at very `Fife to go around,,sir, to a nice quiet moderate rates, place, air, where some very elegant to home• e Ayer Hair Vigor, gentlemen were en ,aged in a rubber danger of the vessel capsizing. It was decided that it was a hopeless away. This year lie concluded to raise his melons on an island some at tarda, sir, and to;smoke cignrs all ' The Huron News -Record drink beer with the party, sir, ind distance north of the village. He up the pleasure of a Melon feast sit up till the cock had made himself $1.50a Year -31,25 in Advance. hoarse with crowing; air, and then that nignt. After pouring the nlll,,I from their boots Pimples and Blotches, meander house singing. Did you boats and mads for Turnabout light• Wednesday. June rth, 1888. ever hent• of any man's trying to per- suade a woman to have fun that m _ How to Pinove °the Earth's W,.Ay-1118 way ? No, air ;not by a , Motion. u ful sir.' •j g ,- - ed for hone it sadder and a wetter .It has puzzled the heads of a gooll .- Forty Six Kinds of Bad Temper were ready Lobe lowered d swarth many youngsters to understand how -- use of Ayer's'Sar"saparilla,tile best anti safest Alterative and Blood the earth turns round. A German A distinguished` English writer gaudy soil. How Uncle Mike re. jOleed, about the time theta tint educational jo irnal published in its the Fortnightly Revietp has made ' Frankfort, Germany, giv%o the a specialty of investigating and regretted the loss of those melons. following directions for proving that classifying different kinds of temper. queer,looking versels Hailed in line the earth"de move.". He has received what he thinksare Bold by Druggists, $]; stsbottlesfor$5. I'alce. a good-sized bawl, Lill it . accurate descriptions of the' dieposi- but in some mysterious way they nearly full of water, and p!ace it tion of nearly twc>rthousand persons. upon the floor of a room which is .His deductions are certainly interest - that ni_+ht, and Le often asked c thank not exposed to shaking or jarring ing• Of the whole number less such from the, street. than half are reported by these u Sprinkle over the surface of the friends to be "good tempered,"- water a coatiog of lycopodium pow. only forty eight per cent, ; while der -a white substanvo which is fifty-two per cent. are reported "bad tae A1ikH is now nu old niuu, some times used for purposes of file tempered." Just as we should an demonstration could be glade y toilet, aud} which can be obtained expect, the women are better tau► - The Cheapest and Lest I at almost'any apotliecary's. Then, percd than, the men, only forty-five all excursion to visit the melon, upon the surface of this coating of per cent. of theta being reported in The pow tier, make, with charcoal .the disagreeable catalogue. story and if dwy recognize them - a straight. black line, say ail• i,.eh abjectivev used to discriminate the sides. They were led by a man or two in length.. differeut degrees'of ugliness are all CARTS Having made this little block- interesting study'; as acrimonious, cause Uncle.Alike had not shown all mark With 'the charcoal powder oil arbitrary, bickering; eapriciouit, the surface of.the contents of the captious, choleric, crochety ; down, will be caused by a defective me.m- bowl, lay' down upon the floor, close through the "p's" peevish, peppery,, very heavily armed. Captain Treed to the bowl, a stick or some other .pugnacious, even as far as the "u's" In the Miaket. See them. straight object, so that it shall, he and lv's," unee°rtain, vicious, vindi, inkling -of the intended raid through exactly parallel with a crack in the Cativo; forty-six adjectives in till. flour, or with any stationary object It is some comfort to Canadians to _ in the room, this will serve as remember that this catalogue was furious fusillade the coolies were Wf-1h made on the other side of the A&-BUGGIES-W9beaten Leave the bowl undisturbed for a "herring pond," But supposing There were,two whys of reaching few hours, and then .observe tlle' the Native inquiries should be sent position of the black' mark with .re. out on this side of the water, where; are symptoms of n disordered state fereuce to the object that it wad par. inust you, be classed, reader, with the . '-,Sun Pablo," which way fast the water. Some down in m allel with. the'Eugliylr minority ? h Cantelon Prow, It will be found, to have moved - a much nearer cut au.d over nar• .. row foot -bridge near the old Webb about, and to have moved from east 'tri The Judge Outwitted. to west -that is say, in the elle late Justice Patrick Grattan I -A Sixteenth street lad was Y direction opposite to that of the movement of the earth ell its axis. was one of the most popular citizens swarming towards the promenade The earth, in simply revolving, of West :Croy, N. Y.,, where his Tlaolaw NPwsI"likes has carried the water and everything re- memory will ever be green, ail(] re - of HIabs, the round side up, laid oil else in the bowl around with it, bu•t membrances ;of his witticisms coni the powder on the surface has been tinue,to bring smiles to the counten house kept walking around her and left behind a little. The line will antes of his surviving friends, as Capt. Reed .brought the ship's hose always be found to have moved passing events recall the name of the from east to west, which is perfectly genial Pat. It was but seldom feet of slimy mud. You call im- good proof that everything else has that his quick wit would not 'pierce moved the other way. through any .practical joke that was took tho• Child in h+•l• lap. "Well, intended to be played oil him, and crew, and instantly the pirates were,,•ether ditiicult to walk over, especi, lie used to relate that the most coin - g Shoos V. No Shoed For Horses. pletely-tliathe was ever taken in ally oils dark night. Uncle Mike Thu earliest nail -shoo period is was by a rollicking son of Erin, who lost Irl antiquity. It reached L+'ng. stoofl arraigned and CODV1QtCd be, fore him for public intoxication. "\V'y-w v, hesitated the kids lanil iii the tinge of the Conquerer, , rhe fellow pleaded for mercy, say - mgpy of them from the heck into and has continued there ever since. in,, that he had n largo family do Its opponents- are in a hopeless Pendent 'on bink for support. "How suppose; but with a hatchet, a few decreasing minority. The stock 11'any children have you? asked argument of t hE,ao Good people is �� the kind-hearted Grattan. 110i hey stand," :said the puzzled visiror. that, since nature has Oready s,veil byes and. a sister for ivery wan up in line cruised half a mile off tl.o I , provided the horse with hoofs no of 'ern," was the reply. Ile was let .)lII .Z�.--rr'c,y other shoes,are necessary. As well ON with the payment of a light fine, over he slipped one. of the slabs off might they Argue that, because human beiugs'tomo into the world and it was not till several minutes ' barefooted, ergo, they should con. had elapsed that the court compre- Jierided that one girl could be a ;got _two faces, have you I' tinge so. That shooing (especially "its siaten to seven boys, just -as easily went, During the fudt--captain, bad shoeing) Las defects no one as Nevon girls as he at first - will dispute, hilt tbepe are hPcomiri ,thought. ��. --•-- stra s that thlab, worked as if straps, • so e s small by degrees and beautifully The Organ Question, - X . less. There is a 4alse ecomony pre- it were oil hinges. \]+ten au' cue A big strike was, make when Powell valent among horse owners which Dr. A. B. Cabaniss . is authority in the forebold for fear they would' is responsible for much of eyil'It for a story in the Western• Recorder S11ECIAL- NOTICES. mAy be summarised thus :-"'Che concerning a certain church in Ren.. tilt anti throw him into the water,' beat blacksmith is he whose horse, lucky whichwas much divided on shoes , stay on longest." Now. the the organ question, One of the most powerful blood purifier in the mar- "staying" qualities here cornmetided tnonibers was in the habit of going specie, were, Put 11110 flue San P P imply not only greater weight of into A saloon and taking a drink that will axAlo,•6 TAN, FnV.CHLx9, PIMPLES anti IitCTCixH, leaving the skin soft, clear and beauti iron on the horses feet, but that the whenever he felt like it, but had. -to, grew on the hank to await devE;lop- clinches must be carried up half ]holy horror of an organ in church., way.to the coronet, simply ruining In a discussion of the' subject he condition of the system, and everynne needs, and should use a bottle or two 8t the° hoofs by inches. Nor in the said: -"If you bring that organ in from tLe wrath: the saw Y blacksmith to blame, He does here it will split the church, I and CO., 00 Ann street, N. Y. 302y what ho is paid for and, although a ,lumber of others, will leave." heard dent coming back. Each knowing bettor, lie will peither The pastor then spoke; saying :_"I lessen rte weight nor lower elinebes can prbach either with or without in mind one 50c. bottle contains .more at the risk of losing a customer, for the organ in the cburcb, It is a ship's aides ` with grappling hooks, be is well. aware that his rival in ,flatter of indifference to me. But Itestdred. A gentleman havin innocent] con• trade over the way will be only too hs the church is divided about it, B.Id: happy to supplant him. Thus it is and some say it will drive them out that -in accordance with the false of the church, .I think the wisest price 50c. a bottle. Sold by nil drug- economy above alluded to -the foot course for tis is to but the organ in -� is 'made (by burning, hacking and the saloon and see if it won't keep oral Prostration, etc., will, out of sympathy for his fellowsufferere, mail free th,,ceipe by which ohaying) too frequently tb fit lho our members out of that place also." right I am sure you can all make it. shoe, and not the shoe the foot. _..,y, Y. Tvenbog Post. " A FIG IIT WITH PIRATES A Xel,on Story. melon is gone. I would have wager. I ed $5 I could have walked that Don't Wait r � R Until your hair becomes dry, thin an't village of Nowtawn, of) the Little; 'What; a l -o yell lalling in there gray before glviue th©atteur ulI San Francisco, May 24th. -The Miami; was infeste+la by as full- t to preserve its beauty aud titality. i iteamrr "Cit of Pekin," which Y ing, mischief ulnking a set of young carne u r with a thin ouutl meloli I Y P Keep on your toilet: table a bottle (of . arrived from Hong Kong and follows as ever played a practical , Ayer's Hair Vigor -the only dressing Lea �'UOIIAAIa yesterday, brings addition- joke„ were a Lolly ergot!- sober tau walk that loridge ; you you require for the Lair-aud little, al information in regard to the Was thele fellows, well met,' Was a fellows, tvill see ale over Jry-shod.' daily, to preserve the natural color and baldness. A FIG IIT WITH PIRATES A Xel,on Story. melon is gone. I would have wager. I ed $5 I could have walked that Don't Wait Am Old Time Danger of the Chi,- ese Seas_ 4eyived . Before the war, in the fifties, the lurid •e ind cdt rigid fir best girl,.' b Y g Until your hair becomes dry, thin an't village of Nowtawn, of) the Little; 'What; a l -o yell lalling in there gray before glviue th©atteur ulI San Francisco, May 24th. -The Miami; was infeste+la by as full- for?' inquired tittle John, as he to preserve its beauty aud titality. iteamrr "Cit of Pekin," which Y ing, mischief ulnking a set of young carne u r with a thin ouutl meloli I Y P Keep on your toilet: table a bottle (of ' arrived from Hong Kong and follows as ever played a practical ld'An man that. is on his shoulder. Y Ayer's Hair Vigor -the only dressing Lea �'UOIIAAIa yesterday, brings addition- joke„ were a Lolly ergot!- sober tau walk that loridge ; you you require for the Lair-aud little, al information in regard to the Was thele fellows, well met,' Was a fellows, tvill see ale over Jry-shod.' daily, to preserve the natural color and baldness. wrecking of the steamer "Sail liuch pin taken from a wagon, a door painted caricaturing 'Be careful, John, how yon get prevent Thomas Siunday, Sharon Grove, lay. l , i Pablo," near Turnabout Island,in the I the owner, a raid made on tnelou over, for if you lose your tnelou we writes: "Several n,ontlis ago my hair ; channel of Formosa a mouth ago. I .a patch, or a gato taken from its shall have to Co dry to.nig6t,' commenced falling out, and iu a,few rho captains statement is as hinges and put ilk sone tree to it g P f P, 'Never friar, I ettn walk that weeks Iny head was almost ball. I follows • Oil Monday evening the . y was laid to their charge. plank with my fret in a coffee sack, , tried many remedies, but they did no Ayer'a vessel eau into a thick fog. He 6 o returned over-confideut John. good. T finally bought a bottle of - kept, th6 ship on tier course thou h p p B. For flus Hake of brevity I ahnll .tile He was so small that he almost Hair Vigor, and, atter using only a part precautions were taken to keep 1 p call them Mose Jim Bill and John. Uilcle, Mike as he was familiarly reached the Hud of the Hlnb before of the contents, In )' hCall Was covered with a Lent• ygro,vrh (it hu1r. I rel -0111 - continually sounding. On Tuesday "5 a. _... . _..... calltuli� a v66;" Orf f1►i 4'6 of the vlh• it CNr•,N1,1tt1 }yjth 11j11!i .I told Mat l ,Wend; our nl ,nrirloll tis tbu best hair - 1 "1 morning at 3,30 thti to I'a►,Ig11 I lage, was noted the country roliud , you weld--- and Down he w'e'll filo kcitorer in the lv,n-M. „ struck a sunken rock ten miles for the fine he pro- e ne m(•:OUs which the mild all,] water Up CU LIN Cblll. "My hair plias fid ell and dry," wwritesw• "but north or Turnabout. It as im diced. lie generally plaited his His melon woos film' aud hi* bust Mabel C. Hardy, of Dulavan, III.; possible to back flus ship off as the suit ruined. With sonle difliculty after using a bottle of Ayer's Hair Vigor two holds and coal bookers were melons near the village, but it took thev set•al'lblt-d out On the bnuk next it became black and gloss , Y•" filled with water, and there was ' too much watching to keep the boys o P y to home• e Ayer Hair Vigor, danger of the vessel capsizing. It was decided that it was a hopeless away. This year lie concluded to raise his melons on an island some They were a Hile'lt art who have s Sold by Druggists and Perfumers. - atten,pt to save the atearner or cargo. distance north of the village. He up the pleasure of a Melon feast Like passengers and craw tache to thu Planted then, in the middle of a that nignt. After pouring the nlll,,I from their boots Pimples and Blotches, boats and mads for Turnabout light• largo corn tield, thinking that they anti water ml,"i lieilHP, ]VLHnCH tn'y lt'Pre Cf�nVHYP.d would be secure from -Ile depreda-, wringing their clothes, they depart- So disfiguring to the face, forehead, and to Shan. -hi. Just before the lifeboats tions of (lit) above crowd. .Illcy' ed for hone it sadder and a wetter neck, may be entirely removed by the were ready Lobe lowered d swarth thrived avid grew well in the rich crowd than they Ilnd ever been use of Ayer's'Sar"saparilla,tile best anti safest Alterative and Blood ' of Clliuese piratical junlcscanlu from gaudy soil. How Uncle Mike re. jOleed, about the time theta tint before. It is said that Uncle Alilcu never -Purifier ever • discovered. the neighboring mainland, Tile melons matured, to think how nice regretted the loss of those melons. Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. queer,looking versels Hailed in line ly lie had •circumvinted the boys, He felt Atuply paid by what Ile Bold by Druggists, $]; stsbottlesfor$5. of battle and Captain Reid CeallLlllg P but in some mysterious way they heard on the beak of Clear Creek the dangef his charges were iD, made preparations to repel the. attacks. found out just where the tempting that ni_+ht, and Le often asked c thank n p}p n p I_aIIlUIo111J Carriage Works] such inellons grew. how melons ladled un n certain u The pirates, however, cams in t. ntzUn overwhelming -numbera that before No sooner were they in possession tae A1ikH is now nu old niuu, an demonstration could be glade y of this knowledge' tdlau they planned n , P and the boys are widdle ngrd. d The Cheapest and Lest I oil board the sinking vessel, the all excursion to visit the melon, Se1n,l of thein are ronderN of this . pirates were climbing up the ship's patch. They decided to steal the story and if dwy recognize them - sides. They were led by a man largest and finest melons there, be,.' selves in it, they will pardon file if I CARTS armed with a cutlass and a very large cause Uncle.Alike had not shown all have distorted the faits, because it revolver. His shipmates were also obliging spirit by planting,them so will be caused by a defective me.m- '=^' very heavily armed. Captain Treed far from town. Uncle Mike got all cry. I have attempted to relate it In the Miaket. See them. r passed revolvers aud guns among inkling -of the intended raid through as it waH told me thirty voars ago. the paskengers and crew, anti after a a conversation overheard one dark _ Stylish and durable Open'and Top furious fusillade the coolies were night between aouie of the raiders. A&-BUGGIES-W9beaten off. They rallied however, There were,two whys of reaching Backache, stitches !n the side, in - flation and soreness of the bowels, Very Best Material and Close Prices and [rade a second attempt to board the nh]uch•covobed melons : one Y are symptoms of n disordered state the . '-,Sun Pablo," which way fast the water. Some down in m flu: road null old ford ; the ocher by a of the digestive and assimilative organs, which can be corrected by h Cantelon Prow, of the pirates gained the main fleck a much nearer cut au.d over nar• .. row foot -bridge near the old Webb the use of Ayer's Cathartic Pills. y L1 t 1 in spite of the .gallant stand of passengers and crew, and were house, They took the short rpute, of course, if the foot -bridge w'as a I -A Sixteenth street lad was Y STOCK --ti• • STRAY STOCK ADYER- TISEMENTS inserted In Tux swarming towards the promenade 'little risky. This bridge was made calling on n I{ street Ia,J f the other Tlaolaw NPwsI"likes deck, where the defenders were of HIabs, the round side up, laid oil day, lull the small dal eh er of a it If yon wanttiny kind of advurt,sing, you cannot busy firing and reloading when stakes: Tile stakes stood in about house kept walking around her and da betterihan call on' rheNows Record," - t Capt. Reed .brought the ship's hose two feet of stagnant water and three studying+ Iwo head intently. Finally pipes into requisition. The long feet of slimy mud. You call im- chis caller lt:caupe Nn nervous she coils of hose .were manned by the agiue that such a bridge would .be took tho• Child in h+•l• lap. "Well, crew, and instantly the pirates were,,•ether ditiicult to walk over, especi, Fanni(,," slur sail.]. "what is it ? You g again ,put to flight by torrents of ally oils dark night. Uncle Mike seem to btrlookii+g for 1.',' I boiling water from .pipes, sweepiig .followed ,them to the heti ;;e, not "\V'y-w v, hesitated the kids ► rr , mgpy of them from the heck into with .a shotgun, am wy, readers may ` I w its looking for your other fad'. the sea. The coolies then beat a suppose; but with a hatchet, a few What lig you mead,? I don't under•t Y { :-=- -- retreat, and drawirig„their vessels nails, and two strips of leather. stand," :said the puzzled visiror. 3� T ti i„^ �Q,� up in line cruised half a mile off tl.o I , After the boys had safely crossed "Oh, main iia Haid you wero, two .)lII .Z�.--rr'c,y sinking vessel with the. evident in• over he slipped one. of the slabs off tic"'1, but I +don't seep ol,ly mu', You. `7�..)-:.:_._ ;'�•� ,'.; ;;, ,rye - ' tontiol waiting for the aband0at, , the stakes at one end -and -nailed -it- ;got _two faces, have you I' went, During the fudt--captain, near the middle, b means f the Y o ATan,er::n- t, 1:a. c,ntaiut',�lrnaII hnr_utiNe. 11 :) o.:•c, wir-, L_.1 ai;ectutV Reed inlprisoued all the Chinese stra s that thlab, worked as if straps, • so e s &81.0 STRIKE. J tjeatroyCr•gC )Y••:'C:•j in (;Lilii,l•n or Allult4 X . among his crew with the passengers it were oil hinges. \]+ten au' cue A big strike was, make when Powell +� in the forebold for fear they would' 'atempted to walk over -it, it would � Davis issued their Extract of areae- S11ECIAL- NOTICES. aid their countrymen. As soon as Y tilt anti throw him into the water,' arilht and Burdock. It has met with great snocess, and itmust, for it is the __. .. r I will matl(v,txx)therecipe possible th'e' passengers, mails dull and' then return to its place. Uncle most powerful blood purifier in the mar- PIMPLES. runt eifllple t'xaxTAllLx BALM M specie, were, Put 11110 flue San P P Mike hill in the tall weeds that kat. It IS used wlllt the realest success g that will axAlo,•6 TAN, FnV.CHLx9, PIMPLES anti IitCTCixH, leaving the skin soft, clear and beauti _ Pablo'm" boats and' then all bore grew on the hank to await devE;lop- n alt diseases arising from a debilitated, ful; also instruc ions for. roducln • a luxuriant 4 p � , awayfor land. When only a short Y ments. Ile did not have long to re- o condition of the system, and everynne needs, and should use a bottle or two 8t growth of hair on a bald nand or smooth face. - Address, including 3c stump. BEN. VANDELF &• from tLe wrath: the saw Y main in expectation, for he soon this season of the year, of Powell's Ex. CO., 00 Ann street, N. Y. 302y the piraAes rush upon the "Sas heard dent coming back. Each .tract of$arsaparilla and Burdock. Bear Pablo.' They clumbered over the had a monstrous melon oil his should- in mind one 50c. bottle contains .more MANHOOD OOH ship's aides ` with grappling hooks, Pr. On nearing the, bridge AIOat' • r' o ' solid medicine than mo`stdollar so-called Sarsaparilla and bitters. Also remember Itestdred. A gentleman havin innocent] con• and were soon inasters of one of the finest boats that ever sailed the B.Id: that it is sold in Clinton by all druggists', tracted the habit of self-abuse fit his youtli and in consequence su4mcd allthe bm•rors of Sexual 'Let me try it first as I have the price 50c. a bottle. Sold by nil drug- incapacity, Lost tlahhood, Physical Decay, Gen. Pacific. Whether by accident or biggest n1e101] ; if I Et'.f OVHr all gists and medicine dealers everywhere, oral Prostration, etc., will, out of sympathy for his fellowsufferere, mail free th,,ceipe by which design they soon set fire to themship, anti oboe] last seen amolcenvas"pour• right I am sure you can all make it. 44311y iie was finally cured. Addm3s•in confidence J. W. PINICNEY, 42 Cedar -Now York St.,. 302. ing from the )wreck in grAAt clouds. Wonder if Uncle Mike won't lie tempted to swear a little when lie _ -- In a few days tugs were NPllt tU the plisses these 'Bustin” big fellows l' y COD no r Z relief of the "Still Pablo," but they 'I onl wish we could have carrier] y ,' %� Q a w found only the hulk, bprnPd to the water'sedge stripped of every. six apiece it would 'have served i i t CURE y . b V c �� , . -Anel ' ' thing valuable. It is estimated hint right for• his enuriousnoss' P , �"" r•'� =� x' w " that at least a soots of pirates lost their lives in the fight with Captain said Jim. 'I'll bet;' Naid Bill, 'th-lit we will ��=F �5 F LL C� d ..�0 t� Reed and his igen. During the a visit that melon patch every night FITS 11 � �y.uYuL`A ^ 5 r. �> „� U LAJ :c; a >, a E ..e GC battle the women and children who for two weeks'.L � r �o y y� + a^ 4 were on board the "San Pablo" Mose felt his way carefully until "tQ 3a+ E d ya u sought the Htateroorlls, wbere they lie reached the middle of the When I say Cume I do not mean merely Itop them for a time, and then have them r&- were in coistant fear not only of treacherous Flab, when it tilted, and ;urn again. I XlcAN A RADICAL CURE. L� falling into the, hands of the pirates, down hH went with 'a loud splash I have made the disease of but of being drowned by the water whipit drowned the noise, of the re- ETJVS, EPILEPSY or , W - which was filling the ship, turning slab. Now 11Iose ons a $'ALLINGir SICKNESS, m little bit profane, and after he had Altfelong study. I wARRANTmTremedy to _ - PERFECTTlEALT1I righted himself, rubbed the mud OuREtheworstcases. froru his his Because others have failed Is no reason for not now receivinga cure Can only be obtained by carefully attendingto the laws of nature as eyes, and cleared , illontil of the green water, some- g + ' Send at once for a treatise and aFnElsBoTTLI of m INFALLIBLE RF,3[EDY. Give F.xpresi rid Poet office. It costs you nothing for a Urial, w111 cure Address THI N Go expressed in the wants of the sys- thing like the following might andit you. tete. To do this successfully requires have been licard echoing from bank Dr H. G. PAOT, 37 Yonge St., Toronto, Uni, 1111 the use of Burdock,, Blood Bitters to bank among the willows: °•---' - 9= KRZIM1101 occasionally, to secure the regulating !, and strengthening • effect of this 'What's the matter?' inquired splendid medicine. 499.2t Jiw, 'Ulu I lost- BELL ABRAHAM SI�I1',I� nothing only my --Reporter (to statedninn)- "Will be balance and tumbled into this q Market Square, you a candidate for--" dirty mud hole, and I can't ��__; ,Statesmuu- Excuse file, young find lily Melon. Be careful how you OR G A, S ��L.L'J�1V� man, but I have nothing to say, walls that next plank. You had v ' I am entirely in the hands Of ins better walk sideways.' friends." Reporter -"Do you think that yopr health is Nuf6ciently robust Jin] tried it as directed by Mose, and as he reached rho Middle of the . Unapproaehed for WEST OF ENGLAND SUIT- SUIT - „ „ ; to under---- Statosman- Noth- blank down he went with a mighty - -•;� Tone and wall Quality. INGS Sz TROUSERINGS � r ing to say,gun man nothin to young g say. Ary health also in the bonds uproar, for he was 'a large man. CATALOGUES FREE. SCOTCH TWEED SUITINGS � -is of my friends." 'Jerusalem !' said Ile as he got. pis BELL � GO, Guelph Ontt' TRO'MRINGS upon his foot, 'but that the worst Bark,well's sure corn cure will cure bridge I ever tried to walk.' ' FRENCH AND ENGLISH WOR-, hard or soft corns, warts, moles, 'What are you doing down there -` — STED CLOTHS, bunion's and in -growing toe -nails in the water ?' asked Bill, as ho `*'' t.t' O D1ade 2tp in Best Style rnlcl Work - without the slightest,,, pain. There g p may be hundreds of preparations for' Approached the bridge. O 0��" O d 2 V 4) U manship at Abrahaw ,Smith's. corns, but any person who hna once 'Wo got dizzy and tumbled irk, Z used Barkwell's will take no other.. It has 483-tf' and nolo we are looking for our f�1 V „� 4)' N y tp o no equal,. riiclons,' Answerer) Jim. Chi , E't, 0 �J d,;' a Now in stuck one of the c•heape. , i T -Senator Vest was describing, 'You must be don goned awkward to fall ill litre babies. I'll h� q�j r a a a RS « x 0, and best stocks of r p, the limited nheam of file peat -office so mttn show how to walk a narrow H 0 0 -$ ir.%« WINTER CLOTHING ' in Knnsna Lit and said : Wh " City, y' Mr. President, I have waiting you board oil a dark night, so here goes. r _J �• a..., O {� •t-+ p seen the a ° >N W ,Li ( uwt 5 AND CLOTHS. at the clelivery windows a line of .Bill got along all right until him, down � 0, w a la,lies half a mile long." Senator Plank upended with and > � a' �' 13, fn A Full Line of (LENTS' FUR:. (t , \'duce roses and said if r. 1 rnsid- "inquire lie went to be, company for the other P Y a 0 S .—I N S " NISHINGS always in stook. ent, T wish to if that is the length Nlis• two. As ho he �, �j 0 U z b J1 rVg1 fo Call ort usual of . women in came up exclaimed : .> 10 pall ymr sou.i•i I" 'try boots Ate full of mud and my V O Cts 0. ABRAHAM SMITH. ,