The Huron News-Record, 1888-06-06, Page 2,....fir . •.. r _,� �.T- .-.....--.--�u,r,.w _.r _ -- — r _ �--7—_----1r%—, -. -.-^---W-7
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�4'Y that I ani ootu al _- 4. _
{ ("diff Y. llcalt Ctv� CC04lX II led to depart �vitll• THF �' f3#iERI$$ 'I'RE�TX treaty, but its further consideration 13Ir Charier Tupper._ faithfully waiting for th,Q coming of '.
out havitig the opportlugit of visit- was o0motiou of Kir. Beck. who the tinsel and the sound of that ' - .,
. ✓ ta, PUBb1a11ED Elaborate Tail-Tvyistin " Done ,. ° ..',
ing Camberlwad at present to thank said that be nod other Senators In biddiu° farewell to his con trumpet.
g 1_esQu,__ Y b Senator - , slit e y �.. - -17
N W9dnesda Mgrnin„ to t all , tllsl 91od e. fec..tliu. von ._._ Frye
desired to. Louis colt- tl nts-t-n Cumb.eP lid" county,
1 ° pp y �} , postponed y pl it'ut hour after hour }rased and no
_ _Br— stn lit ttpd got roue support fife ioution tort egad till Monde Charles �u ter calla attention to I
Vigorous Denunciation of Ar- sound came from the Itoavens, and
r have always afforded tile• ro cut Britain and Sl Caxi- 11th Jund. The motion to post- the fact that lie has represented the -
ti� „`1tV`�J & \ pat.k, g the looked for but dreaded hour11
I entertain the hope that in elect. ada-Senator Morgan to pone until December next was ent- same constituency for thirty-seven passed. Slowly, one by one, the
AT THEIR ing lily successor, the electors of Move fora .Post- ere.d by Mr. Morgan and is now years, and has boon elected fourteen 11
t ponement. great crowd in the atresia melted
Cumberland will be true to the pending, times. That is certainly a ree0rd to awe and diad eared. Later, one - I
POWER PRESS PRINTING HOUSE, -- • be Loud of. And if bettor evidence Y PP
Uttturio Street.. Clinton. traditions of the county, and faith- Washington, Mn 29. -At a -"-----..-E* �" -' p by ono the white robed forma came r;
fol t0 those principles of national ° Y ` were needed of the esteem in which forth and stole quietly away in the
quarter past one the Senate ,rent Good Catholic' Agree with Sir Charles is held by his late con- gray dawn of the morlain Lisa '
1.50 a Year -$1.26 in Ardvcaace. political ttuity, national commercial p P atitueuts it is supplied b the fact
tl' $ into executive session' with o en the Po e. g Y g p'
policy and unfaltering loyalty to PP Y pointed and de acted man of them'
doors and proceeded with the con- that at the last election his majority P Y t
The propriotoreofTnEGoDEgionNEws, British institutions, which have es. J y
sidorat•ion of the Fisheries 'Treat . A recent despatch from Rome never came agt►ip. But A few, a'
having purchased the business and plant tablishod-cud can alone maintain Y was he'tween 1,400 and 1,500.
of TILE HOaox 1tEcouu, will in future Senator Morgan gave notice that says :-'The defiant attitude of the very foiv of the faithful} yet re-
in strength and prospority=the + At last Sir Charles has resignpd maimed, and day after day watched •1
I upon the conclusion of Mr. I r e s Irish Nationalists toward the Pa al his seat and tlieia is too much tea -
publish the amalgamated papers lit Clinton, Dominion of Canada. P Y , !
under the title of "TuE HuaoN NEws• remarks he would move the post- rescrfpt has made absolutely no im- still for the second •coming of the
I have the honor to be, geutlemon+ _ teasing u )on rho Vatican. It is sou to think that he has bidden Messiah.
RECORD." lMA_ lout of the treaty till Decem- p' 1 farewell to active work 8 home
Your obedient adiva-uut, taken f
Clinton is the host prosperous town ill hor. Dh•, Frye then addressed the or granted nt the Vatican But at last all hope fled, the be- j
tiVesteruOntario,istheseatofconsiderable (S►good) CHARGEt3TUPPER, t politics, though Canada will certain-
Senate upon the treat The ,,alle- that the Pope will not allow himself lievers scattered, the tabernacle was
manufacturing, aud the centro of the finest Ottawa, May 22, 1888. P ° ly have the benefit of his energetic
"'' n 6, ries were about. halt' fall of s ecta• to be intimidated. Ilia Holiness , taken down and in its place rose a
. agricultural section fn Ontario. _ - -- lora P and effective aid in England. i !
being, moreove, fully persuaded " theatre. The delusion of Defiler
The combined circulation of Turn NEW*- MRS• f�EORgE'SSTORY. after, the collective adhQsion of the Since confederation Sir Charles had passed.
RECORn exceeds that of air paper tib- AENATOR FRl'.E P • I
/ P P' pub- Irish Episcopacy to tho_terme of the has been our of the most prominent,
,ishod in the County of Huron. It Is, She Had To Tell It To Keep A Said the question before the rescri t that the cleg aud real figures in Canadian politics. Aman
therefore, unsurpassed as an advzrtisino P °Y CURRENT TOPICS r,
Brother And Siste From Senate was not a trifling one. It Catholic with great force of character, and
medium. o population will submit t0 °
Marrying. involved the dignity and honor without exception- the strongest de- -
s�Rates of advertising liberal, slid ° Y„ „ his injunctions without hesitation. P °
of the great Republic aud the rights hater in tine Dominion he has exer. GOING TO TIFROW OVER THE DECK
furuislmed on application. It is by no means improbable that a , ,
AWParties making contracts for a s eci• A telegram from Dire. Eliza of citizens. The question was- cised all influence on public affairs LOAD.
p q document containing the adhesion
lied limo, who discontinue their advertise. Gourge, living ten miles from Louis should citizens of the iluiteel States second oil to that of Sir John The Liberal' party ,ill this pro-
%eutts before the'expiry of the same, will ville, abl ked Milt to arrest Madeline shortly
the Bishops will be published Y
(fishermen= -but still citizens) be shortly iu order to allow it to be Macdonald: wince has too long been cursed with
>bo ahargeri full rates. , George, 16 years of ago, who had protected against injustice and so' that the higher clergy of Ito• , Sorrow at ?tie departure from file trimmers ; and the time has come
Advertisements, without instructions as eloped with Robert Stephens, Jr.,, a wrong and •outrage inflicted by a land are not with the Parnellites. local field wfll be teu►pered by the for a stand up fight with
to space and time, will be left to the judo- meiapeer 18 years old. The young neighboring nation emboldened reflection that h° can do the count' this class. Urge crush the
ment of the compositor in the display, ft- couple were arrested in it ustieu's• ° " ' The statement of Fitzgerald, Pre- Y ;
serted until forbidden, rneasurod by a l J to it only because it rested under silent of the National League in the as much good in England as he can trimmers within the Liberal ranks,.
i' w scale of solid nonpareil (12 lines to the office, where they httd gone to be the legis of a mighty power beyond United States that the° Catholic Iters. Yet though his loss to the and we call their face our political
inch), and charged 10 cents a line for first married. • The boy said lie and the seas. IIe roeoaded to pay a foes with confidence.-hredericto❑
insertion and 3 cents a line for each sub- P l Y papers df America do not approve Conservative party and to the coup- + �
ae uent insertion. Orders to discontinue with Madeline wore desperately in levo glow intg tribute to rho valor and the Papal reseript,isa good deal tion- try is great, it is not irreparable. N...B. Gleaner. I
R with each other. Six hunrs later patriotic services of "Yankee fisher dared at in Rome, as it is iii possible Ouco in a millenium a man arises.
advertisements trust be in writing. illus. Eliza George eantd to town patriotic
I j
- g lut n to the wars of the Revolution so great that his death chane S 9XPECTATIONa OF THE HAbt. SPEC.
e the Notices sot as nrcAolNc MATTER ^, to see a what it s based unless it ° °
6 0 1
� (measured by a scale of solid Nonpariol, 12' with her tate flushed with o+eita- of 1812•nud of the Rebellion, null ; d ire . t of the world. It would be • The following advertisenteut a
lines to rho inch) charged at the rate "t mart. Twenty ears neo rho be the imagination of 1 ttzgerald. P b p -
Y Y ago, asked whothersuch men were entftl- the Vatican papers express surprise PaYlug Sir Charles no compliment pants in the Mail : 1
10 guts a line for each insertion. woman said, her father died, losviug ad to be treatod with conte m t. IIe P 1 P P to aflirtu that Ilia withdrawal from � j
hor his farts and several thousand P that such n stafemout should be Dth I t, nose removed to 3 0.errar
declared that this powerful Rpublic made. 'they again insist that the Canadian political life will have thrust, nose -removed to 3ti Gerrard
JOB WORK dollar's condition that she never }lad utterly nggleetod the rights of rescript has been approved ofby all such disastrous results. The I{iug street east. I
We have one of the best appointed Jub marry. Beforo and after the did the fishermen. . of England was sadly grieved when Probably there will be Noce 'day
reputable Catholic papers, and not. n i
Offices west of Toronto. Our facilities in man's death Eliza had been assidu T,HF TREATY OP 1818 ably by the Catholic Mirror, the stout Percy fell at Chevy Chaso, but a companion advertisenteut to thfr+,
this department enable us, to do all kinds ously courted by Henry Stephens. he did' llot conclude that England anuouuciu wer n the+ rest of the
. of work -from a calling card to auutnuuotli The young woman loved him; but, Was uegutiuted at very intoe organ of Cardinal Gibbons, and the ° 6 ,
Roster, in the Lest st ie known to the was lost. doctors body will be removed to the
• .' 1 under the provisions of her father's tuuute time for our. country, when Ccctleolic'Rewierv; the organ -of the Y
raft,, and at the lowest possible rates P we were struggling under the hard. Archbishop of New Yoik. Further God have mcrei on his sgrll, sayd Kin,, same place. •
. Orders b mail promptly attended to. will, could not inari-3. °g g P , .
v P P oils of the war of 1812. Great r they declare that with the exception Hairy, ) _ r
'Address AI last Cupid provided it tva , ,• •, Gou,l Lord, yf thy will it be . o
P P J, Lnitiall was arrogant and aggressive 'of a few Irish newspapers the Oath- I have a hondrith ca to ns in Ynglonde As You Like It,
The News-hecord, and Stephens and Miss George were ° °b P y ° --
married under the names `of A. havib,, just conquered nE tit° battle olic prose of the while civilized he sayd,
• Clinton. Ont of Waterloo. Under these ciaeunt- world has approved the action taken As good as ever was hee. --The deadbeat who wants to
Goodman and Sallie White. For stances we mado• a dishonorable, by the Holy Office. Unfortunately we have not in borrow a dollar is broke, and the
threcryears they lived together, two fellow who lendv it to himia crack I,
children being born to them. They
Itumil}acing and eownrdly surt•ender __�. a___.- Canada a hundred captains to take
. The Huron News -Record ° J of our rights, but we did have cou- fair Charles' Tupper's place ; but ell. -
then separated, Mrs. Stephens taking Lawyer B. and the Parson.
s P , P ° rage enough to insist that if our __ thou, aro good then and able urea -Walt Whitman declares that
1.b0 a Year -$1.25 in ndv+u10e her mald0l� name and the y0ltnger ° ° to take ill) his work. Tbe- country "nothing is ever lost." Walt must I
- fishermen ;tvero driven by stress of "Frank) sir I have no s m tth
--- e - Site
r whose. name was DIadeline. weather into an of thoso surrender- y' Y 'Why'y is much greater than its greatest have had the uncommon luck never
\Ve�lttesdaJ', Jttuc 6th, IS$8. Sho returned to her country Koine, Y whatever with your mission. o b
while Stephens took the oldest ed waters, they should be sheltered; go to Roman Catholic country? hien.-Hamilton Spectator. to have scut a 4pentto a newspaper
child, whose name --was Henry, tf out of wood they could buy , ft ; Why not go to the heathen? Roman ---� -- ofiic° and then called on the editor i
SIR CHARLES' FAREWELL. if out of water they could fill their uonChs afterward to in uire,wh • Ic
Some yeat•a late• Stephens gave up Catholics have the gospel already. q J I
taulcs ; if their vessels lvoro out of It is an error on the art,of Protest- The Trutn,p ,,bat Didn't Sound.. had not appeared in print.
his business in Louisville and moo- P
The War Horse of Cumberland ' repair they could repair them, and ails toss that that church does not ' -- -"How much rider 'lid
Addresses His Constituentsl 1.. ori to the country, buying a farts Y J ort
adjoining that of Mrs. Georgo. Tile they could outer for no other par allow its people to read the Bible." Young people maynotremember make this year?" inquired one farni-
pose whatever. The United States that forty-five ears a o last Monday
i Qttawa \In �7,-Tho following children grew up together without '11ris law er-like ."brief" of the Y J ° er of -another who had offered a-
• Y ° grow in power, population and fit- Y a remarkable episode occurred in t
knowing their relatfouehf' p and while "cess" oil the dot of rho specimen' for trial. "Fifteen Barr
is ;Sir Chndes Ti'pper's .farewell 0 }' portance and grew immensely as to J Boston. P „
soon became desperately in ,love. Christian church "to preach the els, was the au5w•.,•r. Another sip.
address: her markets. Great Britain lied the older men and women of to. r.
Tho parents tried to sopernte the Canada looked .at these markets gospel i.0 .home also was, clinched Well, ff you had another apple Jou
To the Electors of the County , of childron, but withoutsuccess, Made- by the affirmation : "Why, sir, I ,dry will remember the religious might have made another barrel." -'
with avaricious eyes, and determin- , excitement which -was caused
Cumberland : line and Hi,nry finally eloped,'aud have a hommn Catholic servant who -Deacon (to, divinity student)-
to p09aCS9 thetll. I'1101'0 was no throughout New England , b the
Gentlemen, -Un t•ha ?3rd day of theirarrest just in time prevented n hesitation, no question 'of rights or is� just as devout and assiduous -a ° g ` Y ''If yon were called nota; what
Ifay$ 1555-33 yearn O to -day- union bettypon brother crud sister. ' q ° reader of the Bible as my wife." preaching of \Vi. 1 1liller• BY would . you do?" Student some-
° decency or, $ospftnlfty. Creat an )ngeutous computation of dates, J' - ('
you first did 11113 tit,• honor of elect - ---s--- Britain said, `'Your markets we pra- 'Ono swallow doea• not stake a combined with Scriptural passages, ` hilt al,sent-minded)-"Why, show -
.' in- rue as sunt tepees ntatrvu 111 the , Going to the Dentist, pose to ]lave." What for? So that summer," I replied. "You are too lie had nude it appear that the end rlowu lily hand,ofcourse-I-I --- that
, Legislatu're o! \uvtl Suvtin. the Canadiatn fishertuen• might be well infol'med,° Lawyer I3—=,. of the world woulcl occur on April t l.s-I—" Deacon -"That's right? '
At every. elt%tiuu ,iuco that date, • 1 lik,• to uutnc across a mail with quadrupled. So that when she to tr Io e t deet, of a Pope, 23, 1843 always show down your hand: Don't.
I'lltvhou I have aKkcd fila Juur suffrages t•h,: truth;tcho. 1'heae. something needed ..sailors she would kuuw speaIcing ex cathedra, and therefore pull a gun. Ih.e other fellow.might •
o It is surpa•i-sing to what an extent „
you have faithfully nud ,,enorously so pleasant about advisiuo hint to where t0 go and find the brave t infallibly, to the'effect that more hat the drop oil you: j
the delusion spread. It was not ••
awarded Inc the I;euewal o? your eo>5 stili' r uttuu wool foto the tooth, to enc} rho best in rho wide world. d,una„o than utility'results from the -"SO you go to school, do you,
fidence : and I still hold our matt- use sun phor creosote and popper- )er- And so Canada commenced reading of the Bible in the' vulgar only amen,, people of little learning - .
J' I , , e L I , and small intelligence that wore Bobby ! said the minister. Bobby
date to represent you ill ,rho House stint that I always feel better after tcugue, and that therefore it is pro- ° -"Yea sir." "Let lilt- hear how,
t � , 3, psi F.YERY CO�CEI1'AtiLF. OUTR:ICE found believers.. Hundreds of
of Commons of Cauada until 1892. giving it. 1 have had all aching hibited to the laity, and also the re- you spell bread ?" B•r•e•d•e” '�
r Wrong and un'ustice to drive peoplb of broad intelligence and un- J' l •
"•$ You have thus cuabled me to tooth, stud I know how it feels. It ° J pular clergy, unless by written per- 'deubtod prat ecce )rod the doctriuo "Webster spells it with an 'a,'
used to wake tape u) at night and our vessels alva _-, hip r..oxe thein Mission of their bisho " I Y' l „
male the proud boast that the ! 11
o to Be,in storm. Site seized them P of Diillor. There ,were coon a -few Bobby. Yes, air ; but you didn't
electors of m native count who ' Make' lilt) read tit noon, and set me t That is practically obsolete," in- ask ire how Webster spells it you Y Yr oil the high sans and searched them. people imp, the, thou backwoods P , J' '
h1.ave P,'nown me from chifi