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The Huron News-Record, 1888-05-30, Page 8
, 1111 I f?. - - . 4 ,,r , a' ''T a" a °i„'i• 1A� .v t` L• '° .�, v t' s 9, " , _ ;,r ,S, •k �' . .r ,•1':r v. + "71 , ... « ai .' .. "Y.. L (: . ....,.......r y:. .. 1! I Ig_. .� I 11111 11 1111 I !It_ ,f. mm ", .,.,..,..,,�..,,..-..•,T ..-, 11 . . "' .-. A £ 1 R. dNT•„ 0 is. n .IN .ie' , • ,r o Y� „ paled W tt ,all the' hey: It }> ,flea. , I. . I . . . ,. r .: i.0A , kio ,f,l 254r1 �tdraheb, a re e: in de', 1 c,: 1s �f• I 11 I I u- 4. €tion , _< % t Al • A ,, •• ri . - 1 Sa 0 :. 1 . , . . :_ .... I „ r . »*� •.�,R* 8 ?t Il(JeA1i tU' Z�? tt'PIF� a -get SYE30 Cv. rWA , a • f . r, I I I y. . . I. I - .0 t, . .I'". I , . - Is 1, - , ,,,I� ": 0 . .. he 8. yi dot ; Aa. ., 0 ,:q y, �, , ,:.Piv e t Is X 1.e 1. ,� -, ,,�.� , 0, " I r. t$. kl . 8 Y �E e t%.:. >6 U... ]o ryry 11, a ot: $r 9 fife• n a >a� ark b �! 1 ... . o li . �t w� r, _.� . a , .i i°1. , . . ; t'- r.. _. . p //�� rr *�tt r� _!1. _ ►fir . e lk , , I - - L�'i sg - .+ U xuta a, � ass x la�� . ft , p .__ I► t !x i. It d .� , Z -1. fi . ax ng Jtas to a .e glayl>aa.. W_ Alm, SIN $�'�`ICK$ O� i.., . " 1.j' N+ 'has rQ- g1 n} rye a nlusio too . leitr, �',: '' ��r B� R L X `� r, , :< ,. ' I tWTi7e :a#1il i'e8,ntk9., th+l )rligt}ce o opr t0"iX.O ,Ott .op -0 me.kt.t+', der rips `: �► ^^ , { N I I I 8 �,i, . l P g Y J Y elf h,fl 13AT • OOT . A 4*,k, a .P RD •1. z pro-foliAou'. aeauttngly "Oh;. iudilo4J dud, qp- _ . .,�^,-," " Y, , , 1. .. "C.1�i;WtON, April I tb,'18ft J.Y CAMM'..% ' PASKFETS.-•.�f - 40, .. T . 49241 le it I It Cloo� pat take tunQh to please me in tI o way of �►us}c, ,(ku _ , _-_,..__.,....w.-_-°. jcxtOxv." �k ' '• G1"arb and`other�r,ence1Tt3 1Vv bavo au excellent 'assur trent of the above goods and are oftorin" thorn at . - _ � w PR s. Fa;f11:1' 'IONA, U h,0 ICL` £ Jt Tui A �PPoiN M LIQu, . dust xecelVed. Ful stQo at all MwWA 1 . . Col. 'Coleman o the 33rd battalion, . (/"i�� j.. �' LIInl3s.-,-1,11 . RAM, paid 73rnsaels an offioiul visit on Chris. Dicksion Clinton. - r Febfuary 20th. 1888f Siturday: It .appears Mr. Sinclair t ` • is td,be relieved from cpiumand of - 11 *-w WOOD WANTED.= Any quantity the oompany,and'Mr, StaWay Hays,='"'��'="` i�� I � �i of wood wautod, in exchange for is appointed Captain, and Ds. Me- ROBERTSON has reopened his dry- THE TOWN N HEN6M - � •1 _ . I 1., goods, -at the Clinton Woolen Mills Naughton first Lieutenant. --Brussels goods store. •• - }' --JOHN SOUTT, 480tf Budget. ROYAL At1cII DEGREE i4tEETirra-'i-r'v" , I p ..,...__,_._..- _ .,__.__.�..._., . THE off2cia . board of the North iti the 'hall of L. 0. L. 710 next pp In i� �] } j1� Another Car Conti Oil just re- street Methodist Church, Godorich Wednesday ovening, June 6th. j 1 4 ' Y LL r ( 11 na . ceivec _15e. single f;nlluaa. two ' , _- . _ • �xallons cilli np 12}c per "nllon. have extended An invitation to Rev. -11 - Geo, Richardson of this town. to be- INSP.FCTOR AIALLOCH is out in his � A4"a-Z,11TTS_ —Ii. RIl. 1lZAL1M:Ir'. constituoucy ,looking through the * * * ,e * * * 4 s ° ' February 2001 1858. come their pastor. Asps¢. Mr. Ir1c]i- OOK AT SAMPLES OF COST IN. A t t t t � I � ■ variolic schools. j �.�.. I�a..i ardsan'has nearly cOtngleted his tliird !� HOJ1 E COMPaNY 0 � -• .Fw ---------- year in Listowel, it, mostprobablo U•ItK[SII ADiERICAN.—It is report- _��pER rl,0op'- — ]` that Ilia sphere of labor will be act that Rev, G. R. Turk, of Atlanta, Ago 25 Cost for 1885, also 1886'.. $0 00M�OC.J•A�L NE V1 �• changed ut the nest aonforenee. ,lerieh etas been offered « 30 « " 54 11 E1,61 " � �SU� Rt ■ ° late of Go 3., 6 s•r . Listowel ,Standard. the pastorate of a Boston C,o.�, ugrega- ' 40 '' 6 03 Iu toad Around the 61lHab." 4o "1. " T 09 -- ACCIDENT.—One day last week t, Dal Church, at° 4.000 a year. 11 �� , ;; ;.'14 9T - 8 es* - * * - * * * * �. � 11 . . 901VIT Nifts. " Mr. John Seruton inadvertently. AVE ARE 'pleased to see that adz' VAInito Insurance at the above rates. ' "x'``� Tas CLINTON LAeRpss1STS went attempted to walk on the vacuous Robertson has re•oponed his dry- See £ne :•efure you insure in any company `••' to Senfurth 'Thursday .t•o' play tile end of.'��aiaing as exposed In the ryoods estublislunent and notice and understand our plan. At the age of --._W _ -•_ -.-I'--- , "'� "boys" Of that bur,, and ryut downed. yawning space of a cellar door way that lie is now advertisinry a Train- 40, t1Te cost for $5,000 was about $s5 for . „ ° a 1885, also for 1888. Better luck next time, probably, filo covering of which was for the endous Slaughter Sale.4%=;� INIMEMP. ti(ne'removed. His 2501bs avoird- See us before you decide. • CENTRALIZATION.—FOV the exatn- upois wag rather too much for -tile FALL WHOAT between Mitchell Jas. Thompson, Aft' inatiou in Clinton i•u July 110 will airy nothingness beneath and he . and Stratfurd is an entire failure, 2i?t• _ . write for teachers' certificates and went down with a, thud bruisiug and will have to be ploughed up. ---- t the University. The centrality of'. hiutself considerably and laying hire In Logan £tori 1''ul]£utou the .average Mr.. 1V. BRYANs, of Belgrave,was Clinton and its consequent ,aeeessi• up for four or five days. He is yield will be about a throe -fourths a woleome visitor to out, sancititu . . • F bility fetches 'em. about all right again now. crop, yesterday. His smiling countenance a . .r bears no trace of the despondency SATURDAY was a glorious fal'm r9 AVO)iAN's TROUBLES.—A cort£till GOOD IrLOOD %. fLL' TELL.—At , bice da The 'ryentle rain of Friday Louisville, K May Ut.h. Bal:sor'a T31uo Ruin nlloges'to prevail y. ° y married lady in this neighborhood y Y amore the fanners. night a°nd the,genial sun following .sat tip until . twelve o'clock one Wilkes, a chug, iter of Wilkie Col- ` ' s '. day shook lingering spring clean night lately, waiting for her:husband 1111.9, entered the charred cirelq,, CLINTON Court of Revision met out of the lap of winter right into to come ]ionto from the. lodge. A,t Pacing a mile in 2,27}. Silo is a. Monday night. The only business . the arms "of balmy summer, and last, weary and worn out with Iong hall sister t0 Aroado Willies, owned done :was the reduction of the as- . , vegellitiou shot forward with the waiting, she went to her sleeping by Jonathan :hiller, sessinent of the woolon mill by $700 . alacrity and speed of no accepted room to 'retire, and there found the POSTPONED.—The St. Paul's Owing to removal of•maehinory, and . lover. missing husband sound asloe the strikinry off the roll a dory assess- - �, ° P• church choir concert advertised last ° °' , CATTLE SrIIPMEN�9.—Tho old Instead of going to the loclgo he week has b0eu postponed until fur- ed to ti�Trn. Steep jr, AIF. Alarming .,u had never left the house. Such presided, and . Messrs. "MoMprehie, • standard stock buyer and ckporter tharauno ucement owinc' to thed£lto are the troubles soma poor married 'l ° D. P,. 'Iionuerty anti J. Johnston �� nl. Alal,ean hue been chi i )fury P named boron the sawosince fixed b OURS Y OURS I� il.lE .Pi�,OP3'Iu ESTABLISHMENT i0 711, • 1 I ° women have to contend with in this ° were the other nlelnbers. eattlo very largely lately. 'Thar.9- the Howe circus people for their ex- � v lira, SEL rH1iJ day he shipped 40 head and Monday hibition in Clinton of the CullOssnl DoyI1NION DAY.—Our citizens . 36 head front Clinton station: A HANDY DisiNFECTAIST.—COfree is Railroad Shows and. Mexican and aro stifling themso'lvos to got up a �s j� j� stew rai8od b,y Mr.' Fisher weighed a handy and harmless disinfectant. Wird 1Vest'Exposition• Celebration hero worthy Of fife 1st targest �/ �he - e t Gleet ion:.n 1780 Ibs,, And iF the well rounded Experimentshavelbeen made in Paris Ju}y, It is well that this is so. A & %� .. i.AIR. JAs. '1'. HAv,ILL,. of Detriot, . carcass of this animal ever reaches to prove this. A quantity of •meat grip of time should be t£iken by the seven or oight years 'ago ,joint pro- ° Ijngland its juicy fibre ought for a was hung rip in a close room until . --0-- F..', prietor of the RECORD .Of Clinton, forelock and net Abandoned until , . titno tci nerve up a few oi' the effete dacolnposed; and tl>.en a chafing pan returned to Galt a row Flays ago to Clinton shall have celebrated DOn2 old Britons to withstand the shock . was produced introduced and 500 inion Day. 1888 in a manner'worthy they have receives{ from the (aspos- grammes of coffee thrown op the roluovo his family cipusiating of Wife, a former Goderich lady, .and ills ocension and the town. Nye ore of their dcfoncel0ssuess by the bre-in n few minutes the room tillve been requested 'to anu_Onnced'o. A u4k KS J'k " fir OuS Toronto Globe and Crenenal Wolse- was completely 'disinfected. In child to their new honl,o. The .and that a considorabl'e sum, hag already follows took' advantage af, the UN D ' I 11 ley. , A 2,500 Iii. ryrade bull bought another room sul lhuretted hydro- been subscribed . and that, a man __ �__ -- --- ' 1 y oceneiou to do Mr. Havill proud by from Itoryistrar 1)icl;auil AZr. ,NfoLo£iri -on and ammonia, were developed o will be heid.•in the town hall - »+ r ° - ' ° , 1?i'e9e11 ting 131111 \Y1t11'a fast Grand's llleetln • �� 'FAMOUS CLOT�fi''` I -ERS. affilsus- to tip flit Iwet, beef animal ato JO grnnlluea of coffee 'destroyed shortly' for the purpose of discuss:_. "p . Jewel: . forwarding_ ._. _ _ Though alp these crit:(; wore not Clio • •1'i,yt ' Ilga BEEN EXTLNDED-We ' Too PRcviouss.-Seaforth and councot-iou. _ •V _ o best the tveii::i ve1;11 t'.lir all round �• . Mits. D. B. i1EN\EUY is quite ill=Sont.e months ago a dauaitttit of'' . y' have received the foll6, c, from a Goderir.h papers arp bewailing the _- `" lot ;end, care fiurn the farms of a rvit}1 inflammation of the lungs. AIF. Joseph Iiozelle, who for a num "Dale ,:i •ei• :" "C'an you tel} me uleperativeness A' the'Crooks Act , ltnthb Sand ill'unteith Lsir, 1 1 I1�ethod2st District Meeting, bee of years was a resident of •Elma Y, Y > > why so little lima 1v,xs allowed for in their repective localities. Fetter JOHN TE11'BLEY, nho ,was alleged" township, left 'home for Stratford 1. Sheppard and others. the putting' in of tenders for. Ilia things, say Choy, ,-rveru pruiitised I'hC third annual riesling of the to be implicated ill larceny of some ' erection of the proposed now school tender the new order of affairs than Winryharti Distt•iet Commenced at money front the person of, James and there made the acquaintance of SUNDAY 'SCiiOOL t uvrrREacE,— P' P A cordial invistation is extouded to building 2 I � and not n possible under the Scott Act. Iiad•thoy not at on. Tuesday of last week in - Morrison at Clinton was honorably a.young man who is Said to have ruin•, . theClef•gy,Superintondeilts,Teachors contractor' but Afi a taxpayer am in. bettor wait until the Crooks Act is the Methodist church, Rev. D. C. discharged by .Judge Royle, yestor- ed her. Arriving home a few_ weeks V_ torested in Navin*, the fullest public- t•ho law of the laud fill Huron, As McDowell, chairman rosir]'inry day, at Crodelieb, ago she became ill and died sudden- and others to telco part in a Sunday ° P s , P' a' ly. Suspicion pointed to the father ' School Conference t0 be held in St, ity given to such things so that the yet the Scott Act is the'law ;,Ls far as Rev. J. S. Cook, of hluevale, was -- —+- -- of giving her some drug which catisa Paul'sChurch-School Schogl Houde, Clint- fullest conl}�titiou may be invited, regards Huron. • It will be time en electedsecretary,and Rer'.A.E.Sinith i , her death and lie was arrested but Our Wsels 3 Round Up. s, on, on 'Tuesday, June' 12th: Tile to the end that the work may be ough to criticise the working of the of Wroxeter, assistant., iter. Icon• allowed to go on bail. On Friday done as well and as thea it is )us- Crooks Act after it has superseded ned- who `]ias passed his theological —Bislta p Baldwin sails For En land morning he was 'in 'good health, but subjects for discussion rriii be:, 1, I y £ I 3'r passed ° 1 g rr1 s.iblo. To, 1110 -it seems that -in this the Scott Act. ,ekalnivatioil was roeeonlended to on 'Tuesday. very despondent,. and during .,the " rhe proper conuuction of the Sun- ' afternoon was found in his barn dead da School with the Worship of the matter a snap award was aimed at. attend college. There rvbro n011 Y P Bio Show. -I ersoually we know { -The Montreal sugar refineries frorii the effect of poisoning. • Church -Rev. J, �V: Hodgins and 1Va have heard talk of this bniiding candidates for the ministry in this — u ,r1 for alta being required and now nothing of the merita of• the Great district this year. Orvinry to the turn out one hundred and fifty mill- lt. M. Racey I'sq►. 1'he i)oAit- Y ° q are ation of Colossal Rail- y' ' A ion pounds per yearn tenders are invited with less than a Iloiva Age g transfer of the )resent chairman ,to Life is too short to try all the Aon Of rho Sunday School towards , road Shows and Mexican and Wild 1—9lrs•'I'hos blather, of Underwood the Missionary 1lrotd: of the Church" week's notice. r �, the Toronto Conferanco it was , remedies now in the market, but ' West Exposition, which is to exhibit Bruce County, has given birth'to trip- when a reliable and trustworthy —Rev. Ii. A. Thomas Itev. G. W., CINE " I aw FoR ALL.—Citizen decided that ilio' members#, of the , ' Raccy _ani T. O. Karp, Fsq.. 3, Searle is indignant, and righteously In Clinton on Monday Juno 4th,, district meat on ,the moninry of lets. medicine is wanted use Powells - ° a Y but our Cauadian exchanryes are ° Extract of Sarsaparilla and Burdock,' -- - "The leacher an(} the Class"—Pev.. so over the tri atment the 'Snlvntiuu b Juno 7th. at Sea.forth, to select Ex -detective \aegele was sen- Those whit have used it sayit is the un:in�imous }i� exblling 'the merits auotl er for the Conference term. fenced at ilfontreal yesterday to ten J. I1. Afoorhouse, F. ,Metcalf Esq: 4, Army receives in the Province of of this Txhibition iu their re- I y Y best'and most powerful blood pur-' . Sunday School Text Books -Hymn Quebec. Ata recent meeting of the Tho. fol!ewing'are a few statistics of Yefire in the .penitentiary, iffier in the market, and have Books -Leaflets What Kind and ° apectivo localities. It is but fair, I 1• Army he exclaimede "0 For 20,000 therefore, to preRume that their the year just closing: -Total mom- -Tlie 'Toronto School Board has raccomended it to their `friends: tho befit winner of using -Rev• Ocan femen to invade uobec to bat• e}fprta iu Cliutou will be of ei borshi}i of the district, 2,056 ,•• total made seven unsuccessful attempt to For biliousness, dyspepsia, liver com• S. F. Robinson, Rev. 0. H. tlodo rn the basti}os oft bi roar and missionary money, $1,285 ; number fill a $1,200 office. °'plaint find as a blood.purifier it has • I3rid ni,i Itev. W. 'P. Cli(f, Even- , ° y equally . appreciative character. 'of bn lisms 1 edual. A bottle or two taken at -. d u, Clio restrictions on'uneu t; liberty of 'Their prices are }Ory but the show i9 P f�8 ; marriages 63 ; _It is estimated that 103 fisher- this season of the year will prevent. ing at 7. 30 : 1, "How to. retain conscience and public rvOrshi '" funerals, 78 ; superannuated fund, • rho older scholars in tbe:Snnd:t 1 P ' .not. ,-- man were lost in the recent gale off many a serious fait tress. Price, 90c. Y As ;AI r. Searle aloes not belong to �,ra0. On Wednesday tho regular the coast of Ireland. a bollle. Ask for owell's.Ex.tract of _ School" -Rev. T. �V. yNthgahy. 2 tile'I.. O, It to 11Art11y poeaible }10 FLOOD WILL TELL. -A corespou- number of laynleg were in attend- Sanaa arilla and Burdock trlanllfaC� "Tho Sunda School -S ousorshi ., dont writes :Thom p.9un'a ba mato ante. Itev, A. Patten rues chosen-11it',\`oyes, of Shat%rd, Quebec, £uredofil b Powell .C: hat - Y P pr will et tills coutiuryont he desires. 1 Y Y Y Davis,1 Home.".D,elegates will please report' And if he did he would probably hose\tood,for;inerlyToutiuo Maggio, on the Statiouing Committee, Rev. $ suing Le Monde 'newspaper• for drug and sold in Ddru g is by all � j themselves at Vit. Paul's S. S. when P Y trotted.as splendid race in'St.Thomas Alr. Burwash and W. H. Kerr on �I0,000, for having called him an druggists, and by all druggists and find that rho Constitntiou would P Orangeman and n Freemason. medicine dealers everywhere. 4s7eow billets will be provided, stand in the way of his getting an un the 24th, in 2.45, 243; `?42, 247, the Sabbath School cotnntittee and • 1 AVERY C;ALA:IITO'U9 AFFAIR. armed Turco of the brethren .to give and took the fifth heat find race in N. Jf. Young as representative on —A Montreal judge has,just doeld . ___ ---- , that protection to the Salvation 2•`46'• Track in bad condition, but the Alissiouar Board. The usual ed that it license to sell 'liquor may • —A change in the mode of distrib- P' Y ,beseized ulVas an other r0 er- Dr. QVaehingtoli a Visits: utino the mail from a point on the Army' which the taws of the land recently ploughed, and no rain to number of layman wef elected t s 1, Y p P t�"rrailcl 'Trunk to'Varna, Godorich gu£iranteo t.hern and which t}iey pact: it down•,. Time wadopsaid by representatives to the annual Con- y' � row k�rrs To ur nauaac:£nru. . toivnshi and Bayfield having been, must Obtain, if at all, through the .fudges to be equal to 2.3'5 on ference at Seaforth. A unanimous —Mr. IV. F. Dulmage of lVingliam, 1. Dr. washiugton is a native of Canada P Y +� ° ry r. sold a fine Ridgewood colt to Dr. 2 Fre is a regular graduate, passigg'his exam- . decided on b the postal authori regularly const}tuted auth0l'It108, aVo1'aoe °OOtl track. This record, resolution was passed exgl'e99inf,+ b mations in Tarouto, in 1812, with honors, obtain• Y P 1%hitelxQ of Godorich', for a hanih " ties tenders aro asked for the eon- , with J. Ilawksbaw s 4 year old, and, regret at the removal of the ostesn�ed in the diplomas oI M.D , L.C.I.S,, o„ etc, AN OLD MASON..•—I rof.' J..13. r some i6'ur2• 3. Since 1880 he has been devotfi£g his whole veyanee of rho mail's to those points 5'112] )90ll of London Out. who is J' Snell's pacer going the 1ni{e in chairman to rho Toronto C onference time to diseases of the bond, threat and lunge, I , ,.._ 2.47 Is the befit record Of stock from and wishfug him prosperity: . -Mr. D. E. Cameron, of Lucknow, hating visited Boston and New York taking . from Clinton instead Of from Sea- in Detroit on business s:1w an item • has been appointed Assistant'Provin• a ociat Polocb•niucourso of diseases of the "Air j any horse ever owned in Huron and ,1 -------•.- pP Passages'including Catarrh,CatarrhnlDoafoess, forth. ,Chis is in the interests of in the Evening News a few days shows .that bloodiwill tell and that tial Treasurer, in succession to Air. Asthina,chronic Bronchitis, Consumption, toss 11 economy and ofiiciency. Our Sea• ago to the efl'ect that the oldest lives USF,F'UL BAKING POWDRR Harris, resigned. of voice, ate., etc. imported Ton lino possesses it. ' forth fl'lenC19 object. T}10 laid nCTS. , ' •1, Fro is the gni}• Throat and Lan,•{ em•gern, In, l Y lag Ala9ait hn1011mB t0 California.Callf0l'mia. , —The County Judge Of Lincoln Canada devoting lits whole time to hie specialty. their objections before ilio Govern- The Californi +t1 was reported to be ORANGE SOCII,'TY _NUTLS,--I,. O. II. . will be asked to investigate the con- b, His "new method" of conveying directly to ' ' ' meat. Messrs. Robert Porter and .95 years old and to have been a 710 had a highly successful degree The following hints may prevent duct of the City Cleric of St. Cathar- thoseatof disensb by inhalation has proved flhe John AIcAlillan, ALP.'s represent- Mason 72 ears. Yesterday after- and business meetiun on Monde some housekeeper from being im• ines in reference to the printing eon- demonstration of the fact of lie grand superiority Y Y a Y over every other method in vogue, .ro ing West and South Heron, were noon Professor Simrpson called at evening. Til© lodges is still increasing Posed upon : tract. • e. Ile condoning doing business by prosy. • asked their views. It is understood the Free Press" office and made a in mernborship and more names If, when two samples of baking -^George Billings, a resident of T. lie rosideainToronto, that 'Mr. ylcAlilhtn strongly urged statement which shows that death were enrolled. Among the visitors powder arc tested by, mixing with Brussels, was found drowned bfsy 25 s. Fra makes monthly visits, ¢onsuitt�s, exn+u• ' s 1 in the river Marland O 09ite'Van- ines, and proscribes for all his patientslfersonally as a neaten why the change should must occur in his family before the we noticed IIro. Geo, L. Hanley, cold water, one of them boils up PP end thereforesanrholiy responsible. not be made, that tha trade of California man can lay claim to be- District AfastAr of Goderich. Tiro, quickly, effervescing like eeidlitz stone's flouring mills. fila was fish. 9. The new tostimoniala he ,� es of the Most Scafurth would be very much injur- inn, the oldest Mason. He said that Hanle has been a) oiuted one of owdor, and the other rises, more ing from a pier ora high bank, find wonderful row almost pie In Ca nda is ries of. ° Y l P P bad been seized with a fit • rvltiCh he thedllbst prominent people s. Cnnadn is n guar• ed by it—almost .annihilated. Al- hie father-in-law, Samuel Thomp- the agents of the Orango 'Mutual slowly, foaming like yeast, and per- was in the habit of taking, find fell -•'ntceo[itenndouhted£i,bttts. 1 though Soaforth is ,uf t in Mr. Por- son of London, Ont., is 97 years of Benefit Society, and applicatipo haps standing over the top of the into about three feet of water. 10. He gives the nsw in fou, P.O. oer to any fill ter's constituency, Ile had a better' agp^ and has been a Free Mason entrusted to .hi1n will receive pro- glass, it ie an evidence of the purity Iron;nniN orrexsrtry)sandcinvites silt who are --The Lutheran Synod met at interested to write for full particulars. ,op}uiolr of Sa forth, and' replied 75 years, Notwithstanding his ex• mpt attentiou. Itoports from govoral of the format and the adulteration Zurich, Ont,, Mav 26, 'The president 11. This is the most favorable seneon to treat ;that if such a petty (affair ae,.tho run• trotoo age, AIr. fihoinpson ie in • band rnolnbers encouraging, stating of the latter, The different action took tate chair at 9 a, m. The Synod disease of Fla specialty. !i ,ring of a one-horse stage in and out good hsAlth, quite lively mentally that tha "boys" will be out shortly. of file second is caused izy the exprbss6d their wish to form an. 12: Procrastinationstcalsaway the golden tile- 1. incrOf SoafiAth several times a wook and physically, anti bids fair to live The lodge was. raised to the Purple, addition of flour. or lime, or • both. English community, at Torooto. The b6yond hope,s and land fob fregpontlylaudspattents fortued the bnsiuese backbone of. out a century. -He draws $100 A Bine, and Royal Qrell, and a n111n-- I'u't a little Qaur' in the other and president,vas asked 'to arrange the 13, eatarrl, tcads to Coutinmption in 90 cases S::afo,rth, it *119 not the important year from the Order and hail ••been bar of candidates advanced. . A mix it thoroughly, then stir into matter. The following missionary out of every 160, lace „he had always considered it" t11e reCi font of'numorous and V 1- RO al A1'�l) (llnt'ee tnefltin will 60 filo Water and tl)0 8a1nfl r08Ult i8' %'ran t9 were adopted:-Auburn,$I50• 14• Remember the dates and Ity`6ndesireto p P y P ib Y ° g ' Muskoka $175 • Denbigh, 0800; see orwashtngton you must be on hand sharp anti rvl4icb, nottvithstamdinry this noble ")resents frolic Masons on ac- he{d ou tVoduesda evenin ,June rodllcod the aotibn lie}n more or t , g 1 Attilelfolrsliendvbrtlses G' ° l Y g P g and Thorn, $75. The candidates, 16: His next visit, Rattenbury House, Clinton, 3)olittletuent by his colleague, he count of his long niofnbership.— '6th, when i:omo half dozen will be less slow according to the amount of Mr. Maurer and Mr. Lamertin, were acne 13th, from 1 p m to a p in ,,till For}siaoya8 it to be. Detroit Free Press, rdised. -four added. examined and ordained. 16: consultation Free ' h'.. • . , . . + y'. w r, t 1� ' , . .i. .v .. ,,..,,,.. ;. ,.; -:� .•e ,t. a r" '' ', - , •..,.; . :. ,try ., 6 , ,. �. I. ., - ...., ...':. V ...`1........_ ..: J-L,...v.. .,...:.;.,,t ",. ..+ ,.,, I c. 1,:.,:,M'_, ---,�w:..n,:.:4. w. n., .. '..... .. ....r.. ,, 'l , ,'; •., ;,N a ., . Y. Kh '�• .. , , ,...-. __.. u, •,.«t:., ,. .� t"x....... .a_ ..e . .... .... ...... .. ....... r ... .. -..• .:.... .... e.. ._ ... .. r.Y i > , . ti , . h.. „.i -14,. 1