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The Huron News-Record, 1888-05-30, Page 3
• > .a , ' , ,. . ` I embodied in the ecclesiastical law iti tiyo and join We ends, 11111.8 r m by the Quini•Sextitio Council, A. 1). legating the faded parts to tl , G92 and thus made a part of the corners of t1jo room, wh.er© tilt , laws of the Greek Ohurub, enact as ' will be covered by furniture. I 11. Follows: "If any bishop, or -es- the case of a still wore wore carpe pr a bytes; or tjeacol,, or indeed any one tit the Gest portions ground tli f in the sacerdotal catalogue, abstains room, leaving the centre to be col 1 front marriage, flesh, and wine, not bred with cue of the .pretty littl I for his own exercise, but because he pattern carpets or a large rug. '1'h abominates these things, forgetting best parts of ever) a very, badl that all things wore very good, and worn carpet way be used for sow that God made wan wale Mid feulale, Hulali room, or even Hewn into a ru and blasphemously abuses the creat- for Lhe center of a room, a space e fell, either let him refurnl or let him two feet or more around the edg be deprive(!, and be cast out of .the I being stained. Light,earpets slio% Church ;arid the same for ono of dirt and [lust less than dark one,, the laity" (Canon 51); and again, and generally wear better ; sof "It any bishop, or deacon does not colors and small patterue also giv Oil feSttval days piu•take of flesh or better hati8factiort in actual use wine, let hien be deprived, as having An ingrain earpet is not economical a seared conscience, and bewail" but if you have lot wuney enougl a cause of scandal to many" (Eamon to buy it body Brussels, aril mus 53). have a carpet, of course you mus I have thus sl.owu that the Scrip, do the best• you can. In tba cure not only dges not ,prohibit the case, ingrain, if of good quality, wil use of wine in moderation, but that wear better than 11three-ply. it authorizes it - and that the early Choose one that may be worn of Christians consrderod it a sign of either side, and by turning it earl Mauieheism or Tatiinisi n to abstain year, you will equalize the wear ane altogether from its use; ail(] are. anp irrake it last longer. A budI3 Christians, who conscit-atiously be. soiled Brussels carpet can be b( lieve that the Word of God eatct, cleaned in a most suprising manner 'ions. their practice, to be censured lly simply scrubbiu,g it all over, and looked upon as drumkt,rds if, changing the suds every time they while avoiding allything that ap. become dirty. This will raise the: )'!roaches to the least meutblance of pile, and brighten the colors. It trausgresaion, they use' wine (ill tit,, "lust Ile done after it has- been language of Clement of Alexandria) thoroughly beaten and' nailed down, by way of physic for the sake of and the doors aud, windows left open health alone, or for the purpose of to dry it. • • relaxation and enjoyment? To make a MORAL AND PIIYS(C.tL STAYS. ' slight alturatiun in the words of Scripture by Using tine words When the masculine critic abuse.H drinking for eating, wine for meat, o.Pr modern stays,, let us comulend and water for herbs, "One believeth him to the garment invented by that that he may . drink wine ; another, "terrible old gorgun, Catherine de who is weak, drinketh. water; let Medici, It was a frame of Hteel, not him that drinketh despise him penetrated with boles to give it that drinketh not, alt(] lot not bith, lightness, fastened with immovable that drinketh not ,fudge him that hasps, and warranted to reduce any drinketh, for God hath received him. whist to a girth of thirteen znches l Who art thou flint judgemt.auothor Ada,l these coltes hardiest as they man's Servant Z To his own Master were called, were not by any intimis he staudeth or falleth.", The rule contitled to the weaker Hes. Cath of Scripture is; Let every wan be emu's sons, who might be described fully persuaded in his own mind, as nleditebal dudes, wore thein, until and this rule should be fully carried their waists were as Hlight as their out, and neither should the total morals. abstainer., be called a fanatic, nor Wouen left off stays during the the temperate utas a drunkard; but golden days of Charles II. ; morals each should consider that he that welit out of (late at the sante time. drinketh drinketh to the Lord, for The Puritan damsels expressed their Ile giveth God thanks ; and he that disapproval of the, court dames by drinketh not, to the Lorll he drink. drawing their laces , tighter than eth not, and give bt Ged thanks. I ever, until straight-laced has become caunotconclude this essay .without synonymous with rigid morality, Raying as m d ehberti"te optniot , y g y They resembled' Chaucer's Ueanty, that nothing has inflicted 'greater \olio was •'slim as a.weasel, and up - injury upon the -cause of teufperance right as a bolt," ' than the habit of total abstainers including " Good Queen Anne brought ui, almost drunkardii, and Consigning to eternal miserv, those beriiling morality into fashieu again. WJIo,_ wading im-_tlre. steps --of, our _iVe all know lbs austerely geowe- bles4ecl Lord, rbc Qive all God's gifts trical prised that 1confined poor with gratitude, and Alarie lntoinette's flowing sliapP, cnnscieitiotllly believe that every creature of God compressing lin r� slim waist above is good, and nothing to be refused; ]tor clumsy wicket -.work crinoline. if it be received with Manifold are the crimes connnitted thanksgiving, ill the name of fashion. for it is sanctified by the Word of God and prayer (1'Tim. iv. 4, With the Directory the pendulum 5), of fashion Hwang from, the Austrian —. ------o.---___ _ .- _ quevn's rigid stays and immense Loops to the other extreme. Short- Por Aird About Women 4 waisted costumes were the proper ansae for melek•lioman virtue; while A- bill has paHsed the Iowa LogiS- stays nntl old-fashioned virtue went ..&cure wbich provides -that' of the. out.t.o;;ether. One noticeable result five trustees for the hospital W the was ti Htartling increase in the crop humane; one, may be a woman; of weak`haeks, curved, spines, and .'be assertion is made that there atooping shoulders. Women de, are at loust ono hundred suoceSHful scended houn Generations of corsat. fornale "cirnmwers" oil the road, wearing mothers, could not lease mainly reprementiup films in Chic- 'off these garments without prepara• ago, Cincinnati, St. Louis and tion'; the muscles, which should Louisville, have cone to their aid, were atrol,. A squaw living near Mitchell, hied through dimusn. The fashion•. D, T., who evidently possesses some able: woman of the last century was the characteristics of her pale not the muscular creature she is to'- sistors, has the very suggestive day. of "Woman-who-goue•out-of� With the next gyration of the -house five -times. . pendulum, coal,scuttle bonnets, leg - Miss Iloniersham, who is lectur, of -mutton sleeves, and Site tightest erg in England on uursing, recotn- of tight waists Hupplanted the pseu- mends that the sick -room should do•classic. We(06all familiar with ou13o t\yo chains—"a very the tightly -laced heroines Cruilc, one for the nurse, and uhank drew for Dickons—riot forget• very uncomfortable one for viai• ting Mrs. Snagsby, the law.station- ors who stay. too long." er's wife, in "Bleak House." Her A young lady vi8iting for the mother had been in the habitof tight- time in .the country, was alarm:• ening her laces by bracing her against d at the approaeb of a cow. She the bedpoht each morning, besidea too frightened to run, and Hhak- causing her to absorb internally BUSINESS ANNOUNCEMENT: "B.ut every"ta,ue prophet who wil :" --,. COItRLSPdNDJ;NCL. mettle among you is worthy of hi. su('port. Likewis.o a true teacher 0 We will at all Hines be pleased to, lie also is worthy, like the workman receive items pf news from our tub- of his Support. Every firstfruit scribers. We avant a youd cur•res- the", of the products of wiiiepreo hundent in every locality, nut already arid threshin,,-floor, of.exec, uud o ? r•epresouted,,to send US RELIABLE 1teIL8. i Sheep, thou shalt take, and give to the " prophstm, for they tiro your h.igl SuBsc ilmnrl, priests. But if ye haveno prophet Pcatruns who (lo •rant receive their I give it to the poor: If thou rualces t ilaher regularly from the carrier a baking of of broad, take the firs t lir of it, anti give according to the cotil- tler�uglt their lucid Must ujliccs ,will muilndment. In like manner when confer a favor fly re1lorling at. this thou opetest rl jar of wine or oil, office at once, Subscriptions may ,rommence at cane time. 'take the first of it amd give to the prophets; and of money aid cloth• G •t1DVElt'1riSI31Cd. ing and every,,. possessiou, talce the first as seems right to thee, and Advertiserswillpleasebearinmind give according totile comwandment" Mat all "changes" of advertisements, (Chap. xiii). * to eltslcr•e insel`tion, should be handed in ndt later Man MONDAY NOON of Another writer—One who lived Pack week. ivithin sixty years of the death of _ the Apostle John --was Cle�uent, CIRCULATION. of Alexandria, ill whose Instructor 1. . to THE NEws-RECORD has it larger , is an entire chapter on drinking. His views may be said almost to circulation than any other proper in coincide with the principled of the this section, and as an advertising Church of England Temperance medizon has feta equals in Ontario. Society. He writes ill the strongest %" Our boot's are open to those tette mean business. IHntivage against ilitewperance, and enjoins total abAineuce from stront; J, • PRINTING. drink u ou children youths,and men .J011 ill the vigour of life, and discourages The Ab De >artrizent of this jour- the use of it in men engaged in deep nal is one of the best�egnipped in studies, but permits its moderate Western Ontario, and a superior use to thea[ when their ininds are Class of work is guaranteed at very disengaged front study. He allows moderate rates. it for medicine, for relaxation, and . -..— for persons in advanced years, when • The Huron News the natural warmth of the body -Record is chilled by the infirmities of age. °' $1.50a Year—$1.25 ht Advance. I have already quoted one section iii __ _ __ _ _ - 4 �__ full from this chapter, when coin. . Wednesday. May 3000, ISSS. . meeting upon the blasphemous charge brought against our Saviour -- —`—=— -- of being a wittbibber, I shall now - RELIGIOUS THOUGHT. only take from it it Very few brief -- extracts ill elucidation of the -,96 re. Wine: Is itsmoderate use.sanc- tioned by the word of God marlcs i "),t is pfuper, therefore, •• - - and the prantice of primi- that boys and girls should keep as tive Christiana.? much as possible away from this inediclne." '$We inuut, as far a3 All Essay read at a d?gJrtely Jfeetipg of the possible, try to quench the itipulbe •lturidecaual Chapter of the Deancry of East York, and published at the requ4t jot the of youth by removing the bacchie Chapter. fuel of the tliretltPned danger." BY.TME REV. RURAL DEAN 1•LETCHRR. "And it the naso of grown-up people,, In thus bringing under y6uIr 'mud let diose with whom it ngroos Home" ' ?`1lbtice.the views of the early Church tinios partake of dinner,_ talcit" tile 11 resolution" of�rec:elt'Synola Bread only, and let thl ill abstain y . of our own Church on the hitro, wholly from drink and if thirmt come ' duction of an unauthorized element on let the appetite be satisfied with cP in the; administration of the Supper a little wat(fr." "And, besides, it of the .fiord, T have wade a loin suits divine studies not to be heavy dirressiot from the main subject of with wine. For unmixed wine is thia es8ay, if digression it may be fitr.froni compullinb a man to -ho •.called, inasutuch as it b;;.rs relative. wise, much less temperate, according ly on the subject, and it is necessary to the comic poet." Oil the other I. that, the views expressed in it should Maud he permits the use of a little at the present time be protilineutly \vine to such students when they brought forward and'fully sustained. are relieved Froin tile deep thoughtful . . sincesome.�lergymen of thiH Dioco,N, "t!H:i of study. "Towards evening „ and, I have'reason: to believe, of this about supper time; win-e--mAy-be-mred- Deanery, have introduced the prac., when we are no longer ells&Dell' in . It, - tice of the early heretics into their . more 'serious readings. . . But . churches.; and' it is necessary, ill lily "herr it must lie only a ' little . wine • opinion, td stup'as far as possible the that' is used, for wu must" not go to further progress of this innovation intemperate potations." And he amionb,t us by allowing to the allowes it in moderation to old peo- younge.r clergy and to those whose sons. •"Those who are advanced in means of obtaining information on life, may' partake more hilariously ' the kubject are limited, tile views of of tl.te bowl, to warm, by the harm-' the primitive Church and of the leas medicine of the vine, the chill lseveral branches of our own Church of ane which the decay of time has it. produced. . . But to them also •upol I shall now return to the special ]et the limit of their potations he the point up to which they keep matter before us. We have seen that the principle of total abulia. their reasoning univavering, their ence, is not enjairled le the Scriptures, uteillory active, and .their body uu-_ . I mewed Alld 0113}laked by ' and that it was not practised by the ,w'. And 'his concil7Sion on the subject ° Scriptural saints, nor by our Lord .im' "It is fitting, then, that some • hiinaelf; but we may also see thit-ae apply wine by way of physic for the • a natural consequence the total pro- sake of health alone, and others hibition of the purchase or sale of for purposes of relaxation and enjoy. viae or strong drink is iH not cos" nranded in the word' of God,. but merit. For first wine makes the that, ill fact, such purchase and sale man who liar drunk it more benibil� of - were authorized by God -himsel"f. ant than before, more ngreeable to face his boon companions, kinder to his . through His prophet Moses. The .following passage is clear and exI. I domestics, and more pleasent to his the . press upon this point : "'Thou shidt, fr]enda. But when intoxicated ho becomes violentinatead" (Instructor eat before the Lord thy God"in the- Book II, chap. 2). i - place which he shall, choose, to„pri.t. - -_ - -his name there the tithe of thy curn, "The Apostolic Constitutions,” a contain of thy wine,(tirosh), and of thine oil, work of probably the third or fourth comfortal•le " and the firstli4s of thy herds and century, give the following under a of thy flocks ; that thou ways[ Learn the form of a constitution : "Since t .• to fear the Lord thy God always, you are presbyters and deacon ,f . And"ff the way'be too long for thee, Christ, you ought always to be irst • no that thtiu'Hrt not abip to carry it; sober, both among yourselves e or if the placn be tot) fur fropt. t life, ant] among others, that So• you was which the Lord �thy God' shall "nay be able to warn tho unruly, i it choose to Het his naltTio there,, when Now the Scripture says, 'The men a the Lord 'thy God hath blessed thee; in power are passionate. But let d • then shalt thou turn it into money, thein not drink wine, lost by drink- •- . and bind up the noney' ill thine ing they forget wisdom and are not . hand, and Shalt .go unto the place able to judge anight,' Wherefore.' • which the Lord thy God shall Both the presbyters and deacons are ill . i chooso : and thou sImh bestow• that thoHe of authority in the Chnreb a Honey for whatsoever thy soil lusts next to' Qod Almighty and His e ` eth after, for oxen, or for sheep, or blessed Son. We say this, not that a for wine (yaybw), or for strong drink they are not to drink at all, other. fl (sl(ekrar), or for whatsoever thy -soul wise it would be to the reproach of b desireth : and thou shalt eat there of what God'has made for cheerful- f beforethe Lord thy God, and thou- nese, but that they be not disordered a 1 Atilt rejoice, thou, and thine house with wine. For the Scripure does hold, and the Lovite that is within not say, 'Do not drink w•fna.' but it • " thy "gates" (Deut, xiv. 23-37). what says it Z 'Drink not wine to ' ei 1. We have now only to consider drunkenness' ; and again, 'Thorns "I . the practice of the early Christians spring up int the hand of the ,drunk .. a with regard to the ordinary drinking ard•,' Nor do we Say this .only to m '1 W of wine ; and as I have already the clergy, but to every lav Christ• o I quoted largely frons sonic of the ian upon whom the name of otic El � fathers passagos which incidentally Lord Jesus Christ is called. For to • bear upon ,the point, I need not them, also, it is Said : 'Who hath Si occupy much time in Showing their woe Z who hath sorrow Z who hath practice respecting it. The earliest, uneasiness Z who haul red eyes Z who patristic work known is that which hath wounds _without cause Z Do ,it " ` has been recently discovered, "The not these things belong to those. that A ` Teaching of the �• poatl.es,", written tarry long at the wine, and that go b ' probably during the lifetime -of the to seek where- drinking meetings \ ' , Appostle John. From it we learn aro."' .(Book VIII. chap, 44), sr) that in thoapostles' (Java wine was • Arid the Apostolic Canons, which d t given to the ministers of the aanctu. Are apparently referred to by the w my as a portion of their first fruits. first four General Councils, and, it &. " . . �., lier,parasol at the animal, Hlle divers pintm of vingar, the latter aid in a very stern tone : 'flAo having damaged her temper to an own, air.! lie down I". extent no one'ap'preciated so fully a5 When a girl iS biting educated, aro AIr• Snngsby. matter'whether she is rich or poor, Wily do women lace tightly Z e should master Rome industrial Alen have denounced it ever since rt, so that if the day of dependence Jeremiah the, prophet threatened d.i6ne diSpleasurr vgaiust Elie girdles ver comes, she will have a refuge, . v pillar.of strength to which she can and ,stomachers of the Jewish ee. The world way owe every- `women. .Perhaps Du Maurier ody a living, but you must work struck the root of the matter when or it, before the account is paid he drew women of quality discuss, � nd receipted. There is nothing ing her gown with' the dress- egrading in honorable work, and maker, to fact of being engaged in business, "How much have you Made it ' Cher at Loren or 'avmy from it, around she waist, Mrs. Price Z" Could throw no' shadow about a "Twenty-one inches, ma'am. You ' woman's good name. Her virtue, couldn't breathe with less." odesty and truth form an armor . How much is Lady Jemima f steel. Study your plans- prayer. Jones' waist 11" ally, aajCing Our Father to light up "Nineteen and a half, just `now. to dark places them our short But her ladyship's a head shorter giftedness cannot penetrate, than you, and She's got ever so ABOUT CARPETS much thinner Since her illness last There seem' to be absolptely no autumn." nit to the usefulness of a carpet. ``Then make it nineteen, Mrs. halfworn and shabby carpet many Price, and I'll engage to get into e changed more than one would It Z" pposo who has not -tried the ex- Perhaps it is emulation, after All, eriment, by simply. ripping a seam that makes the Erose try to, resemble own the middle and joining what her Slim sister,' -6e lily., But, in ere the two Sides- 'If badly faded spjte of their lofty assertions to the will pay to cut middle breadths contrary, few wen would really like 61 M .III -. 11 ° �.. •• q •• 'K , irJ" . .v y., n . ,k `' ',t sA y° - -R. ,• .e ' ° .. (. - .6 ] ., l• to tree their iailur-wade sw'bZolarts I _7,I[ el with a form like that dilwpy Tittle It is, -Absurd. - y Venus they coiltiuually hold up as it a model Icor people to exlieet'a cure for Indiges. . tion, 11111083 they refrain frolu eating a Th.u, perilip-il2tli lsSYiHo l:i.o-o pot: nl•. 1vbarjs unwholesomo • but U, anything, i _ e ways produce wental and physical will sharpen the appetito and $iv@ tone stagnation I have in mind my state to the digestive organs, it is Ayer's Sar. r e ly grandmother, who lived beyond saParilla- Thousands all over tire land .` L) the allotted age of roan, and pre- testify to tine merits of this Medicine, r� e Herved a huidsowe form and tlidniti Mrs. Sarah Burroughs, of 2.1$ Eightll a ed curriage to the Ia,t. She•was licit street, South Boston, writes: "Afy hits. i out ' int risouud ill the stit}'est of band has taken Ayer's SarsalWriffa, fur r`.' ! N f stiff atta3s, but, during her years of DyspepSha and torpid liver, and ha8 I utiideuhood, she wore A track -board, beeycu greatly benefi`t�ed." - strap,,ed tightly uyth ht'r fr"cic, for A Confirmed Dyspeptic. , the purpose of socui ing an upright U. Canterbury, of 111 Franklin 8t., ro carriag"' Boston, Blass., writes, that, suffering - --- for years frtiu3 Indigestion, ho was. at-_____ Probabiy, 'Our Oldest Living- last induced to try Ayer's Sarsaparilla Visitor. auil, by its use, was eutil'ely clued. I' -- Airs. Joseph Aubin, of Iligh street, ' «;r' `,Cite Farnt•r,ville, Loeds Co., Ile- lfulyoke, Afass., suffeTerl for over a year ',Y, porter hitH it biography and au ell- from Dyspepsia, so that alio could not graving of u fine-looleillg nlll gentle- eat substantial food, became very \weak, mail named diehard Hull nes, aeud and wits unable to care for her family. . 101, living ill. that vilingl•, He iS I�ci.ther the Ill-licines prescribed by ••,d physicians, nor any of the retuedies in e.xcellcnt bodil3 all,, mental advertised for •the cure of Dymlxlpsia, - `11 health. ]t is claimed he is Else old- helped her, until shlr coiuinenced the i'i estFreeuutsou, llat'llln been itudui" iise of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. "Three �„ 1813. lie; had twelve children and bottles of this medicin.e," she writes, has eighty dvsct•ndunrH living. In "eared ine." ltl'l bo uuse ho tr roved a blood- . �" thirsty pleachrr named Cooper who Ayer's s Sraparlll`�, �: exprossed a desire to wash his hand" PnEPAREn nv ill the blood of twtnity "Y'anicees," D • J. Ayer &,Co., Lowell, Mass as all persons -not Wril in t h,� Old 11rlce $l: mix hoetle•4, 3a. \worth $5 a bottle. ^k Country metre then called, ht> was arrested for treason. lin cleare,t lien- Cante�o�ls '801f,vithott &liihuulty. Ari imideplit"- l 11 J a[iiale Works[ 4 in his life which shows the r(-Spet;t ,u in which he was held by his me•i,h, ' ``. bons, and indicates him robust ti:ou- The. Cheapest and Lest .!j i stitution, was the trip hu Made to - .y; Toronto, ,,ou foot in the winter of '�,i 1819.20 of 1820-21. Thi.,; trip wits+1. CAR� � unde.rtaltem in he•half f1f a nnml,er , -v"": of his neighbors who, on account of failure in their military duty duriug In the Mfakot. Kea them. the, war of 1812, hand suffered it con- . ,e3, fia;catinn of their Illn&IS. Ile. was Stylish and "durable Open rind To 1, ,L'. suc0t•s fol in [lir object of his_this- ,tT PUGGI •�S-tSa s *r Rion, Which was to bid in for Itis Very host Material and Close Prices ;;;;h neighbors the hn"i offered at the e, Government sale.. Ln connection ." St Ar Canton, p with th i saulw tnatittt r ,iia made a antolon' 1 ro rr trip on lorseback to Toronto this ! �r t, following spring. — sti t i ; ; j S,rRAY STOCK ADVE11- . .-.—o*�__ ,1:,- (�� T1SKMENTS inserted in Tim NHw3 ItitcoRh at low rate, Tho haw Barkwell's Sure corn cure will cure .makes it coulputsor,v to advertise etrav stock. hard of soft, corns, warts, moles, 1f vpu want any kind of adve,i•tisfni;, ,yon �mnnnf bunions. nn 1 in -growing LOe-null" do better than call.on "The Ncws.Retard," - 11 without the slightest pain. There - may b6"'hundreds of preparations for `'" corns but an �',« > y person who has once used Barkwell's will take no other. -- 11 ,>r .It has lie equal. 433-tf I / s I "t4, :'. —Mr. Issaae North g 'ravest of Turn.n• 1 r) f' berry and his daughter Mrs.Mitchell, o I I�� ! of Go►•riel left last week for San r 1 "l - Francisco. They go to establish- a■ , claim to a 'large property left by a . near relative' and will return, On .. - " t a . , 4 the same train was Mr. John Stuart _ ..�It, • , _ of Wawanosh, bound for San rte` auris - - co, on a prospecting tour. . FOITIt 'ftA' UF•SUFFERING. >, . furl LC1,t1. NO'1'IC, „ Mrs. Torrance McNish; of Smith's j{� p Falls, Ont., after four years intense fIMPLES, I trio R1ail(eup,E)therecipc . f01' a 41111p1e VNRTARLR RA411a suffering with Scrofula, from which that will RNMOvH TAN, FRRCHLRe,'PIA1rL&fl and her head became bald, was cured by 'B,mlcuss, leuvin the skin soft, "clear and beauti Burdock Wood Sitters after the best fol; also instructions for producing a luxuriant Bitters, growth of pair on a• bald head or smooth face. medical aid had failed. • 494 2t Address, including 3c stamp, REN. VANDELF & . ,__LL _____ CO., 00 Ann street, N. Y. 392y . —The advance of fifteen to twenty p� e�� IA g p s MANHOOD cents im rain at Winne' a has made ,,. dealers jubilant. The general price Restored. A gentles having innocently coil• throughout the provir.co is seventy tracted the habit of sclf•abuso in his },ouch, and !r to seventy-one cents, arid a9 111 h as in consequenee suffered all rite horrors of Sexual .kit g incapacity, Lost Manhood, Physical Uecay, Gen. y, seventy-five has been paid. About eral Prostration, etc., will, out of 5vmpathy for �.� . 3,000,000 bushels tire hold by NVinni- his fellow sufferers, mail free thccipe by which _', t peg dealers, most of which was UCS he wits finally cured. Adn:dress in confidence J. p W. PINICNrY, 42 Cedar. Now York St... 392• chased at fifty cents. f.3 c Q t' k°- -_ > - = = to 1'uE liEo COLOR of the blood is r 'c caused by the Iron it. contains, � yo ' c 3 0 8 2 - '� Q« y a n ro t:' W .. _................ i? supply tine iron when lacking by W ,, y .V:.> U using i41{Iburn's 13bef, Iron and �' o : a6.u4 � . \Vine, u i -e �E^�t��' W ", za�.4gd.-E . —Charles Coombes was lined.ro 20 �� '« h a Y.5 in Toronto the other day and coats A , 'o - ^'il-x Y `S-' c a W for indecent assault on a girl named axe .. rL Sarah Walker. The magistrate ex- ., W o o v_ yp�� ti pressed,the opinion that the girl, by looking around several times at M- .� Coombes on,t}ye street, had innocent' em e ly misled him as 'to her character. -Q � " No indecency was proven, Coombes jy - i�c_, has nn honorable record. =f -- - - - = - - . ' n- 'rhe,good opinion of the public, in -- .--.. , regard to Ayer's Cherry. I'ector•al, is confirmed Icy clergymen, lawyers, public speakers, and actors. All say it is the beat remedy for affect- L' ions of the throat and l.ungS, CL0*T91N,G1 _ ,•' }} �:I 1tr,. , - - 6 - • -------._ -.. ' y ° i . "Q L', LL I I�fi111Am sr�lr H, Market Square, i �� - _-- 0 CANS - GODERICH. Unapproached for WEST Olt' ENGLAND SUIT- �. Tone and Quality, JNGS .ft TROUSEIZINGS, " ' 11 CATALOGUES FREE. - + SCOTCH TWEED SUITINGS &� BELL & CO., Guelphh 011tt TROUSERINGSI, FRENCH AND ENGLISH WOR- --_ - _. `- STED CLOTHS, .,� O `O O O ea 0 ATude' all in Best Style anq Work. • _ J V ` • N r , K ntuttshiy> at ALraltam Stnitlt's. - �j �/11 W�'�i~°� oa (n .1tom •`t) ,_1 a r a NOW in stork One of the cheatic_ IL • in �t • C1 QJ Z �r slid belt stocks of tI 9 .4 C1111— o b WINTER CLOTHING . „ W 01. �•" •°��� o 0 AND CLOTHS. y > v �, • w I!-1 : fn J A Full Line of GENTS' FUR 1, A � V b O HO - NISHINGS always in stook. . U" ,.t •"� x a It will pay you to call on ' i V O cit . a f°n ABRAHAM SMITH'. - o- . „ . 0 • - y, 1. 11., ,., r,.n•n .....cit.. ,.r. u..,:t. .,. ...i.:. ... �.�.,... , ......,. .... -11.. ..n,. �: .. ..... xv. �.,.�