HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1888-05-23, Page 8' NO y9ung tyQ=.el fi , I SQaf9r Tho Hurofi dews Recvr #' ,. I.40 a liasr•-81.241tt Advances, , t - -- ------_ -.---_,__...v__.—_-•--- -. -,. _ "- a and pla004. iu custody of t11e" 100. paying only: 10c. -and llc. 1Y ?tltAl Sd:i), l izt5 ;3rd; f #S* t(rall-pol-ica, who fou -44 theta! int etroyed by fire' in Clinton. There S.rretaT, w ORANGE•. AfEETiNG.-=A routed- room with it number o Se,atilanl, has entered 'upon its four= was an insurance..hf $3,000. The mon. Huron Teachers Association was ,.. L''DITORB CAME IiOH.+—S09 110 of L. .O. L. 710 will be held in the CSR. APPLETON bas re, the editor of an exchange crates hi confiding readers : "We recent! been placed would not snake a turned and resumed the prac'Lice of saw an item where a "girl dove ti?lel is popular in a great many his profession• south gave up a .fortune to marc Thursday and Friday, Alai l8th CLINTON,, April 14th, 1888. an editor. We tomo high but the should be present, as (natters con - 492tf ,nest have us," mated with the goods After ACCOUNTS for subscription enclosed in the last few AIR.IsAAcJAcxsox,havina become tired of rural life,- has returns owner, Bro. E. F. Clarke, is one of issues of THE Nr -RECORD, will be from Loudesboro and re•domicile • sued unless paid at onto.' ,; himself in Clinton, and he wil LACROSSE CLUB CONCERT in town --- find himself more at hone when « WOOD WANTED.—Ally quantity People most do, congregate. - of wood wanted, -in a\change for goods, at the Clinton Woolen Alills DIR_ ANn_11tat$ JOHN STURDY, 0 reporting-Alessrs, Wilson, Scott, Dickson, ,13urchill —JOHN SCOTT. 480tf Goderich, were in town.ou Monde 4 ' better patr`onago than it received.' add'McFadzean. . On entertainment' and drove out on the 16th con.; to -se Auotlter Car Coal t1i1 jest re- Hugh J. Whitely, a nephew of til latter, DTs. Whitely being so ill the petted that 2.0,000. Sentinels will W eelved-15c. single gallon. two his life is of. Blood poison Dorrance. We have to thank the Secretary for ;allotis an4l up 12!e per r• 1 I,.tllou. t in ing has set in and the physician Boston of western Canada that wis vet a rousing houseful!. -It. 31. ICACIEY. ' NO y9ung tyQ=.el fi , I SQaf9r Tho Hurofi dews Recvr #' THE A®v .VS ri``sf . I.40 a liasr•-81.241tt Advances, named iI. d Quinlalyd 'bare burl talcQ. frolll the Illlesbol„(lt Qf tip ruinous 11re t - -- ------_ -.---_,__...v__.—_-•--- -. -,. _ "- a and pla004. iu custody of t11e" 100. paying only: 10c. -and llc. 1Y ?tltAl Sd:i), l izt5 ;3rd; f #S* t(rall-pol-ica, who fou -44 theta! int etroyed by fire' in Clinton. There S.rretaT, w ORANGE•. AfEETiNG.-=A routed- room with it number o Se,atilanl, has entered 'upon its four= was an insurance..hf $3,000. The mon. Huron Teachers Association was ,.. L''DITORB CAME IiOH.+—S09 110 of L. .O. L. 710 will be held in the CSR. APPLETON bas re, the editor of an exchange crates hi confiding readers : "We recent! been placed would not snake a turned and resumed the prac'Lice of saw an item where a "girl dove ti?lel is popular in a great many his profession• south gave up a .fortune to marc Thursday and Friday, Alai l8th CLINTON,, April 14th, 1888. an editor. We tomo high but the should be present, as (natters con - 492tf ,nest have us," mated with the goods After ACCOUNTS for subscription enclosed in the last few AIR.IsAAcJAcxsox,havina become tired of rural life,- has returns owner, Bro. E. F. Clarke, is one of issues of THE Nr -RECORD, will be from Loudesboro and re•domicile • sued unless paid at onto.' ,; himself in Clinton, and he wil LACROSSE CLUB CONCERT in town --- find himself more at hone when « WOOD WANTED.—Ally quantity People most do, congregate. - of wood wanted, -in a\change for goods, at the Clinton Woolen Alills DIR_ ANn_11tat$ JOHN STURDY, 0 reporting-Alessrs, Wilson, Scott, Dickson, ,13urchill —JOHN SCOTT. 480tf Goderich, were in town.ou Monde 4 ' better patr`onago than it received.' add'McFadzean. . On entertainment' and drove out on the 16th con.; to -se Auotlter Car Coal t1i1 jest re- Hugh J. Whitely, a nephew of til latter, DTs. Whitely being so ill the petted that 2.0,000. Sentinels will W eelved-15c. single gallon. two his life is of. Blood poison Dorrance. We have to thank the Secretary for ;allotis an4l up 12!e per r• 1 I,.tllou. t in ing has set in and the physician Boston of western Canada that wis vet a rousing houseful!. -It. 31. ICACIEY. have no hope of saving him. Ur. Holt, that gentleman last week February 20th, 1888. received too late to appelii,1111 this well supported, and we are glad to gave a verdict for $1651.66 and all costs against the Company. While HENRY TAYLOR, ex -president 0 issue. SEED OATS.—Plump, white the -broken London Bank and o peripatetic ►nurywunt s to the cnitup- P and clean. For sale at Stapleton the burst Ontario Investment Assu than his claim, the Iusurauee'Gorn- Salt Works, Clinton. 493 tf. ciation, who. has been in'gaol fo, several months pending his trio its advortisiug columns, - "--"" Car Barb and other Fence Wire for. approliriating the money of th :Company, teas acquitted' last Friday the natives.of Clinton---rosidin" on just received. Full stock at all on the criminal charges. •'no follah can underttand. " times.—R, M.-RACEY. A BCG boss. -Last week AIr. amount to over $350. February 20th. 1888, It. J. Turner of Brucefield had the raniCaRcertprobably Mr. Holt a .tears to have divested PI misfortune to lose at Bayfllield hi quake had shaken them up. Women- FOR SALE -500 bushols valuable imported entire horso closing by-law in some .localities. Early and Late Rose Potatoes, `'Farnior's Glory." The animal ,judice• and acted in a thoroughly judicial manner ,poll the merits of suitable for Seed or table use.- (lied front gas on the stomach. op IIIu1Ida , Ju e U[l , Car load High Land Cedar Shin- g This iB not only it serious loss to 'Turner , files. — Pure •'Manilla Binding Mr. but also to the breeders of the south-western section of the prietor of it shop cannot, even by Twine, Pure Flag Binding Twine. county for %Rich the animal was him. Barrister Powell looked afte " • —D. CANTELON, opposite billed the present season, -rN AID OF - ,Fair's Mill, Clinton.. 490tf. HAG H:ISHABHUQTH.-play 15 the of some dire calamity which all 1 " DR. PROUDFOO.T, Oculist and Jews all over the world commenced Cejoll,'ating their • biblical festival + shop after seven o'clock, though ho may be forced to let his employees Aurist, of Montreal, will be in known as Ilafl ha8habhuoth, "the -A,young nian who workers in oul• Clinton the 17th, 18th and 19th Feast of Weeks,"—so called because e C11L•RCII wanagoin ift of by May, at the Commercial Hotel, it occurs a "week of weolcq," (7 hitherto hoard on o:u•th; aiut Illy "Its where lie can be consulted for any weeks) after Passover. ° It was nr fuliu\ys :- According fo our Con v disease or operation upon the Bye, established in commemoration of the this week, datod Forth Chili, N. Y.: "During the I Far, Throat or Noso. For informa- t+on apply to Dr. Yorthingtou• giving of the Law on Mount Sinai, Baritone in America, and Miss Cosie Swan, of Woodstock. time was work- ing for you I was in thb habit of and also to celebrate the frit pro- = AloNE•,Y LOST. -At the Itattenbury duce. of the ground whonce it is al- so termed in tho Bible a "feast of petition, signed by at least three- fourths of engaged id tltatline Street Methodist church or 011 the the first fruits," In their prayers and also taking uoW paper from jobs which way between there and the resi- at this feast the Jews call it ''tie {tt{- +++ p The of Labor donee of Alr. Peter Caulolon, Sr., time 'of the giving of the Law," It ing sounds divided the ambient air on Sunday evouing last, an ordinary lasts two days and services are held A B &CIi ,P,RB' PTORY FOR THE round clasp pocket book contaiuiug in the synagogues. the tiplo of doing these things they appeared very small, so far as co:n- $17.35. 'The finder will- be .l,0- of the people. Fears accumulated and grow more intense in ■ Closing Byg-Law warded by resioriug saute to Mr. p NOA SURPRISED.—A newly ar- propos'-Early tion as rho possible gauger could Cantelcl. rived itumigrant was asked by her that a Black Warrant has been granted for Clinton, and that the not be defined. Telephones :Vere resorted to. The Grand 'Trunk employer if she was not surprised determined to live it Chris GC ?Cl L N _C D1rS. • to find so neatly , total abstainers in this country, in' carlycloeiug motement, nal hereby pledge themeehes to do :A seeing that old rho people ventured forth. Some all in their powar toassist lu tho carrying out of Tient beer was considered a neces- Grand Leetti6t• Sir Kt. Wm. Lee, Itt And Aroua<t the •1llnb." sary part of daily diet "No sir," must be straightened up. The one of the best posted men in "the I; "I , n i riot;-"-% t all-sufprtsed- Clinton, Ma.1 isth, 1885 497 -at - (tir6llrll 1ir7111i. now, but when I came to Clinton 1 SLAFORTti It !v ' it l+repulatt`oll of. `L 6 tr \l, (:ks agU alld fOilncl that. it. in the 1)roviucc, will likely officiate. When we say the Clinton, 3,646. u•a.m61airt,•t the law to sell beer I .town of Nvas pt,lt'ectly astoiluded. But after o,ntlr'tlliie`p yentJRlelS Ela s ,THE discovery of natural gas in ta,'tin;; the, huuaible stuff they call greasy Italians in suits flys. rrtc(de of a the salt district of Lambtol, county beer iy' tiCci country I was not all shall con-finod to this place. Clinton is a central point, has good may revolutioniso Aho. salt trade. surprised Iiut could not help wand - enclosed $6.00, Which I think will fully Cover all loss suctafue(1. I .As this gas call be used for purposes ering that Snell a law was .necessary RUIX bo ids, Scantlingltand Joist OK LUMBERA pplyntlo Gueuox i'I(RItIS,•eC to w t[ PeaR►N,Cllnten, of steam, evaporating the bride etc., . as Io not imagine how anyone which \yore attached pipes with other salt dtstriets not furnished by could be found to drink it.. No, I Lodges, and it is expected that the some nature with really to, ]laud natural ant not surprised to find so many. fessiou and 1'C9titlltlUn 19 right to ward God and man, and I hope you fuel will hardly be able to compete. people total abstdinars in this eia'i1Cd Iyi81ie8 to intimate to the `people of Ulintonan(Is arroiindingeountr that in order to suitably meet the demands of itis vert• numer• SiGNy OF 'PROSPERITY.—The bar- country." . bel• shop just .east of'THE NEws- RECORD office, -occupied by Prof. A, BROUGHT'' UP WITH A SHARP all may be had froin Sir Kt. A. Al. 'Todd, socialist I+,, Evans, is showing signs of pros- TUR,, -Some of our renders will remembor "•Ex -monk Widows" who rate. perity. Quite recently it nice new canting chair has been added and visited ,this section a few years ago,' mcelaeafair shnreof public patramonage. Lowest prices for large orders. Frers' trade the parlor thoroughly ovefliauied. sec€uring on the "Errors of Rome." We heard hint on the platform at 1Ir. C. T. Spooner, by the use Of cheery paper, ceiling decoration,&c., Goderich and a more, disgraceful 1 has added much to the appearance. caricature of sacred matters the novel, The custom trade is on the increase saw. He soon found his levsl and and assistant Baulch appears to be • had to seek pastures ne1v. Ho was every satiRfaction• a clever pantomimist and most un- scrupulous charlatan and like others - KNIGHTS OF LABOR AND EARLY of Alis Claes would always secure a CLoyiNC,'-As .will be soon. by adver- few dupes, like some plausible tisemeut, the Knights of L•tbor of peripatetic parsons, until found out. Clinton heartily endorse the action He had put in six months inToron- uf our merchants in the early closing to Central Prison for it beastly. Inovelliont, and pledge tll tlllselves offence. IIe has now come to Ile to do a1) in their power to assist in end of his tether for ten years• n't the.c:Lrvviug oat of tl►o by-law. The least, having been sentenced for I3rothorhood is numerous and good that torm of imprisonincut at the representatives of the mechanics and Old Bailey, London, Eng„ for an w0"king classes in Clinton, so that offeuM similar to that whiel'r he our merchants have nothing to fear committed ;,pia--Td-routo.' from that quarter. The by-law. was brou;ht into operation Monday eve- THE Crown Land Department niug, and apparently, the business has offered Ali-, II. B. 1.)roudfoot, mon 0boyed the by-law 't'o the letter, Clinton, a position as surveyor, in with the exception of one grocery charge of a•party to survey several '( and the restauranta. . Dew townships. It is gratifying tb i THrc Model School Board have -to find the Outario Government alive the increasing demand for purcimsod from Mr. W. Ii. Simp- son the lot in the rear the un, settled lands of the province, and it of Itis resi- dente adjoining the pirosent school cannot but.bo pleasing to the many friends of -Mr. P eottdfoot in Cliiifon- - - <;Mutiil, and,h,rve called for tenders and the eouut.v of Hurou, to find for tit() arectiou of ;i building there- ' on. The Board are compelled to that the Del, rrimout has displayed such find morn accoinmodation for the excellent judgment in the selection of an employe. Mr. children. - The members are liable ,to pr•oaoeutiott for permitting the Proudfoot stands as high in pro-, fessional present crowded state of the 1,001,18. attainments educational acquirements, intellectual develop• ' A ward school was thought of but .the expowle doterred the Board- went and practical experionoe as the foremost of his brethren ill the - doth the expenso of the btiilding atxl the after nlaintenaiteo. Tho Province, while physically Ate is a !lead +,paresont`plan will save One-half in and shoulders higher than many of them. We have not yet _ Pe-rnl"Inlat outlay and probably t$4d i or $500 a year in running ex- learned whether Ali-. Proudfoot pelses. We believe also thatshould it will Ito at liberty to accept tile "call," the demand'for his rofes•' P be alasolntely necessa'y,tho proposed' sional Services £]lrotl ghoul the coull- .• build.iug could easily be roni0ved. Th'3 I30a4•d has 'tit's ty having kept him on the "juulp" no option in Ilrattel.' alae law says they 8111111 for $0/no tinlo past and up to the It cgrtaiu' aeconunodati0n, 'that present, 1 ado, however, is possible,prgvida he may postpone his local en - and in doing tlti.s Ivo believe they . have a,d0latoa .Ilio most economical gagements until fall and engage in the Gov(jrunternt N, a)L''tn• surveyfor the summer months. - . ) . . n • • ,. .. ?:R 01 • T , r T i r. M f WINDOW BLINDS, ItILLERS BABY •GAR* y_;0 RIA ES"' -WA ..- G _, GON'S, CARh "I• F'ELT, R '' ,r WALKING STICKS., RASE BALLS + X - x x — + o-- . n AND BATS. FOOT BALLS„ BIRD y CAGES. BASKETS. &C. &C. We have till excellent assortment of the above goods and are otl'ering them at We could sella thousand Suits of our Wonderful d EXCEPTION,&= LOW PRICES. -1 N Chris. Dickson - Clinton:7,15,, 0 0 -L Ef f if people Would take the trouble to satisfy themselves Monday A misunderstanding between two THE TOWN BESIEGED whether our remarks in these advertisements are truth- geutleulau, in the off,eo of one of e them, on Saturday, resulted in a __„Y_ _ ful. We pity a lot Of money in a yeas' t0 use these c collision. The assaulted party }las columns and it would be a very foolish thing to spend demanded an apology. Settle the Life I this money in puffing our Goods if we could not make a matter amicably, geutemou• our statements boots. We have the THE OFrICERE of the 33rd Battal- i AGEN'S'S_ ion; Huron, met at, the Ra.tteubury OOl AT SAMPLES OF COC'f INA - _ - ' -- f House here last rThui Amon * -* ' * * * * * * * *- f y o HOME COMPANY : t I i t. T i them we noticed the popular Col. PER sl,000 - " CQ10111an of Seaforth,Captains Baine a;;e 26 Cast for 1886, ale„ 1880.. ('90 no of Gosrie; Beck, Saltford ; Alall. 35 e ao .. 9 54 1 oagh, Dungannon and Varcoo, 40 ...0 9a e ' 45 ,• , a 7 69 Colborne. '!'hey were urranCHEAPEST. CL giug for 60 s ss going into camp about the 19th i'1 " " "' 14 07 June, xal' Definite Insm'anuu at tho shove rates. I * l * * * * _?`_ *_ - * k • See the ''mrore you insure it, illy conlllany — - -- — - -- - - THE NEWS -RECORD Office ryas and understand our plan. At the sae of - officered last Thursday, for a short 40, the cost for $5,000 \ran about s i for ill the County, and consequently it pays to. let the peolile s time, by Caputins Knine, Peck and 1885, also tot- 1886. 1{ilO V It. Another1lallough, The two first named Bee us Uel'orayou decides beiDg old Conservative friends the , knave would let lit ell easily, but Jas. Thompson, Agent, lVonderfulRa. 11i as WO fii\Y till` Military looking Ate- - A former Alallu.uah bearing down on AIR. FRED BAl,ts, of Woodstock, our sanctum Ice threw up a broast is the guest of Mr. W. Monnel. work of daily 01ohes which we felt that We have placed in the market is a line of suro he would not fire upon. And MR. GEo. RoBiNsoN spent Sunday We were right. Wo found them all in Goderich, a - ---------.------ --- _.___..__.-_. to be a gentleman that will do no MRS. FANNY 13nwnEiv, of Gode- rich odO discredit to Her Majesty's commies rich is .Aon visiting friends in town. ' ► .nn in peace or war, ln AIUDDL NG PREI'IOUSNrys.-There Mfss A'1,1RY COVENTRY, of EasI is a great muddle all over Bruce Wawanosh, is residing in town. county regardibg liquor licenses, Two KINDS OF RUr -'Rheumatism ' says the 'Para Leader. The Bruce and rhubarb are the two principal _ councils were of the opinion they prodacts of the spring. had the fixiug•of the total sums to - -- - - — --'-pp --_ - =- - ----- be -[laid, and placed thein at what OUTSIDE PAPERS should, cliaug° _ V_(D: )r_r $3 -50 - they considered fair figures. 'Para their quotations of Clinton markets. was placed rtt $140 ;. Wiarton, $150; Wheat is 90 to 95 cents in Clinton. Port Elgin, 8170 ; Lucknow,$150, We bt)u (it 1a Pieces of I-Ld fay Tweed at ONE-HALF and so on. It now turns out that Lawrence lOS9 . by the destruction of the usual price and the result is a line of Pants at the tho gOV0lnrttellt requires the Lawrouco Murphy's $ax mill at above fio'ure. It is a bargain that has never been seen license commissioners to add a stat- Seaforth by fire on Thursday night. -1 5 ed sura -$60, in towns -to the is.$6,000; insurance, $3,000. In this part Of the country.. amount charged by the' municipal IrItS. IIALL RU'rLEDGP,of Goderich councils. Itis too "late to ainelld township, ,has been visiting her the by-laws and there is no ryettiug brother, DIr. R, J. A1.hitely at Luck ^ . A11 8flois - over the law. The liquor men will now, wllo is in a very low.'etate. therefore have to pay front $60 to •$80 more for license than was con- I CLINTON has always had the (IA 'U'A 0 V tomplated. In Latcknow the feewill naule of being.t•ile best market town -- 1 _. .. - 0 o10-foi• tbi - % T ------ -- in_ th`(r t 1+'ft -- - _- - w s3ca1. r.as psi 1 sen touts per dozed was plaid for OJ;ge here on THE A®v .VS ri``sf . INSURANCE DIFFICULTY SLTTLrD, -Some months ago the Saturday, %Viiile other towns were t - -- ------_ -.---_,__...v__.—_-•--- -. -,. _ "- a • woolen goods stock of F. E. Corbett was do- paying only: 10c. -and llc. TEACHERS IN .5'ESS10N.—The roeU- ANOTHER ANNIVERSARY. TII8 etroyed by fire' in Clinton. There S.rretaT, w ORANGE•. AfEETiNG.-=A jar annual meeting of, the Last Se,atilanl, has entered 'upon its four= was an insurance..hf $3,000. The special degree and business meeting Huron Teachers Association was f' !' Citizen's Cu. in which ,the Tisk had . . n • • ,. .. ?:R 01 • T , r T i r. M f WINDOW BLINDS, ItILLERS BABY •GAR* y_;0 RIA ES"' -WA ..- G _, GON'S, CARh "I• F'ELT, R '' ,r WALKING STICKS., RASE BALLS + X - x x — + o-- . n AND BATS. FOOT BALLS„ BIRD y CAGES. BASKETS. &C. &C. We have till excellent assortment of the above goods and are otl'ering them at We could sella thousand Suits of our Wonderful d EXCEPTION,&= LOW PRICES. -1 N Chris. Dickson - Clinton:7,15,, 0 0 -L Ef f if people Would take the trouble to satisfy themselves Monday A misunderstanding between two THE TOWN BESIEGED whether our remarks in these advertisements are truth- geutleulau, in the off,eo of one of e them, on Saturday, resulted in a __„Y_ _ ful. We pity a lot Of money in a yeas' t0 use these c collision. The assaulted party }las columns and it would be a very foolish thing to spend demanded an apology. Settle the Life I this money in puffing our Goods if we could not make a matter amicably, geutemou• our statements boots. We have the THE OFrICERE of the 33rd Battal- i AGEN'S'S_ ion; Huron, met at, the Ra.tteubury OOl AT SAMPLES OF COC'f INA - _ - ' -- f House here last rThui Amon * -* ' * * * * * * * *- f y o HOME COMPANY : t I i t. T i them we noticed the popular Col. PER sl,000 - " CQ10111an of Seaforth,Captains Baine a;;e 26 Cast for 1886, ale„ 1880.. ('90 no of Gosrie; Beck, Saltford ; Alall. 35 e ao .. 9 54 1 oagh, Dungannon and Varcoo, 40 ...0 9a e ' 45 ,• , a 7 69 Colborne. '!'hey were urranCHEAPEST. CL giug for 60 s ss going into camp about the 19th i'1 " " "' 14 07 June, xal' Definite Insm'anuu at tho shove rates. I * l * * * * _?`_ *_ - * k • See the ''mrore you insure it, illy conlllany — - -- — - -- - - THE NEWS -RECORD Office ryas and understand our plan. At the sae of - officered last Thursday, for a short 40, the cost for $5,000 \ran about s i for ill the County, and consequently it pays to. let the peolile s time, by Caputins Knine, Peck and 1885, also tot- 1886. 1{ilO V It. Another1lallough, The two first named Bee us Uel'orayou decides beiDg old Conservative friends the , knave would let lit ell easily, but Jas. Thompson, Agent, lVonderfulRa. 11i as WO fii\Y till` Military looking Ate- - A former Alallu.uah bearing down on AIR. FRED BAl,ts, of Woodstock, our sanctum Ice threw up a broast is the guest of Mr. W. Monnel. work of daily 01ohes which we felt that We have placed in the market is a line of suro he would not fire upon. And MR. GEo. RoBiNsoN spent Sunday We were right. Wo found them all in Goderich, a - ---------.------ --- _.___..__.-_. to be a gentleman that will do no MRS. FANNY 13nwnEiv, of Gode- rich odO discredit to Her Majesty's commies rich is .Aon visiting friends in town. ' ► .nn in peace or war, ln AIUDDL NG PREI'IOUSNrys.-There Mfss A'1,1RY COVENTRY, of EasI is a great muddle all over Bruce Wawanosh, is residing in town. county regardibg liquor licenses, Two KINDS OF RUr -'Rheumatism ' says the 'Para Leader. The Bruce and rhubarb are the two principal _ councils were of the opinion they prodacts of the spring. had the fixiug•of the total sums to - -- - - — --'-pp --_ - =- - ----- be -[laid, and placed thein at what OUTSIDE PAPERS should, cliaug° _ V_(D: )r_r $3 -50 - they considered fair figures. 'Para their quotations of Clinton markets. was placed rtt $140 ;. Wiarton, $150; Wheat is 90 to 95 cents in Clinton. Port Elgin, 8170 ; Lucknow,$150, We bt)u (it 1a Pieces of I-Ld fay Tweed at ONE-HALF and so on. It now turns out that Lawrence lOS9 . by the destruction of the usual price and the result is a line of Pants at the tho gOV0lnrttellt requires the Lawrouco Murphy's $ax mill at above fio'ure. It is a bargain that has never been seen license commissioners to add a stat- Seaforth by fire on Thursday night. -1 5 ed sura -$60, in towns -to the is.$6,000; insurance, $3,000. In this part Of the country.. amount charged by the' municipal IrItS. IIALL RU'rLEDGP,of Goderich councils. Itis too "late to ainelld township, ,has been visiting her the by-laws and there is no ryettiug brother, DIr. R, J. A1.hitely at Luck ^ . A11 8flois - over the law. The liquor men will now, wllo is in a very low.'etate. therefore have to pay front $60 to •$80 more for license than was con- I CLINTON has always had the (IA 'U'A 0 V tomplated. In Latcknow the feewill naule of being.t•ile best market town -- 1 _. .. - 0 o10-foi• tbi - % T ------ -- in_ th`(r t 1+'ft -- - _- - w s3ca1. r.as psi 1 sen touts per dozed was plaid for OJ;ge here on THE A®v .VS ri``sf . INSURANCE DIFFICULTY SLTTLrD, -Some months ago the Saturday, %Viiile other towns were t - -- ------_ -.---_,__...v__.—_-•--- -. -,. _ "- a • woolen goods stock of F. E. Corbett was do- paying only: 10c. -and llc. TEACHERS IN .5'ESS10N.—The roeU- ANOTHER ANNIVERSARY. TII8 etroyed by fire' in Clinton. There S.rretaT, w ORANGE•. AfEETiNG.-=A jar annual meeting of, the Last Se,atilanl, has entered 'upon its four= was an insurance..hf $3,000. The special degree and business meeting Huron Teachers Association was toouth year of publicationanil'shows r' Citizen's Cu. in which ,the Tisk had of L. .O. L. 710 will be held in the • helil in the Assembly hall of the every sigil of prosperity. The $en - been placed would not snake a Orange hall on Alonday evening Collegiate Institute, •Seafur0l, an ti?lel is popular in a great many settlement, the Stock' book, invoices next, May 28th. Every member Thursday and Friday, Alai l8th homes throughout Canada, the U. etc. slaving been unfortunately ere•' should be present, as (natters con - and 19th. The following commit- S. and Groat Britain. And its mated with the goods After "toted with the coming 12th colo- ' tees wore appointed : On rosolu- owner, Bro. E. F. Clarke, is one of several ineffectual efforts 'at settle-. bratiou wil'1 ba discussed. . tions-Alessrs. Linklater, Clarkson; the most -popular men in the city of tlleilt between tele Company's Age and Alr. Corbett, it LACROSSE CLUB CONCERT in town Dorrance and DUff. On nolnina= Toronto. In years gone by the was agreed t0 leave the matter to arbi- stall last 'Thursday night was one of tions=Alessrs. Duff, Afalloch and Burebill, On papor had uphill work, but to day it tration, and Mr. Phillip Holt, of the the most rofinad treats over offered to a Clinton audience and deserved reporting-Alessrs, Wilson, Scott, Dickson, ,13urchill may be considered part of and shines ' forth as one of the bulwarks of the law firm of Cauleron, Bolt & Cam-- Cron, Goderich, was mutually agreed 4 ' better patr`onago than it received.' add'McFadzean. . On entertainment' great Orange institution. It is ex - It was however fairly attended. -Alessrs.. Clarkson, AlcFaul and petted that 2.0,000. Sentinels will W upon as Bole arbitrator. All the possible evidence attainable in thethe And yet it does not speak well' for Dorrance. We have to thank the Secretary for issued .weekly before the close of Premises having been laid beforethe1,tl Boston of western Canada that wis vet a rousing houseful!. or an exchange a proof slip of the proceedings but the year. A society paparso liberal in tone as the Sentinel should be Ur. Holt, that gentleman last week ' This thing of patra1,isiilg the cheap, received too late to appelii,1111 this well supported, and we are glad to gave a verdict for $1651.66 and all costs against the Company. While nasty and _inartistic tom -foolery of . issue. Seo that the business men of Toronto p` y' 111'. Colbert 1S 011t about 350 lees $ peripatetic ►nurywunt s to the cnitup- P VERY LIKE THE CRACK OF DOO11. are appreciating and liberal-ly using e than his claim, the Iusurauee'Gorn- cd and high-toned efforts of local _Saturday morning :about 8 o'clock its advortisiug columns, pauy will probably be lnuleted in artists is one of those Ahings that the natives.of Clinton---rosidin" on - -- -- for the full $2,000 as the costs will •'no follah can underttand. " and within.a mile of Victoria street I amount to over $350. THERE is likely to be Iniv.suits µ'ere startled a9 though an earth- raniCaRcertprobably Mr. Holt a .tears to have divested PI over the enforcement of the early quake had shaken them up. Women- T _. himself of any. political or other pre closing by-law in some .localities. rushed to the 'doors the children• Lt Town Hall, Clinton, oft ,judice• and acted in a thoroughly judicial manner ,poll the merits of One shit is now pending in Toren- to. A take ti is that the ` huddled up' together or peered cautionely•ath-rougll the windows. op IIIu1Ida , Ju e U[l , point liro- , , the case shown in ovidsnce before prietor of it shop cannot, even by rho blitnchod cheeks of the stalwart him. Barrister Powell looked afte " statutory law, be compelled to de. nurn denoted an inexpressible dread -rN AID OF - Mr. Corbet0s interests. sist from selling goods in his otdn of some dire calamity which all , PAUL'S CHURCH Illy CO 80IF,NCF TRoum,ED IIINI. + shop after seven o'clock, though ho may be forced to let his employees assumed bravado !'ailed to ]lido. Most heartrending shrieks: pierced • Undo Ile -A,young nian who workers in oul• go . at that hour. The Toronto- the air. They resembled , nothing e C11L•RCII wanagoin ift of by employ for many years, and of whose honesty tt'e novel,had any Nerrs answers another point, as P hitherto hoard on o:u•th; aiut Illy "Its i - PSR. J. F. EGAN, doubt, sent uS the following letter nr fuliu\ys :- According fo our Con words'passed around, pandom- , ouiunl broko loose. ' Its tiro (kmir i4lrnnl,l'3T, uonsidei'ed the best this week, datod Forth Chili, N. Y.: "During the I 6truction of sub -section 3 of clause 2 of the Early Clost`ng Act, each on. crack of doom," "Itsa collision on the Baritone in America, and Miss Cosie Swan, of Woodstock. time was work- ing for you I was in thb habit of business will requireseparate GraDd. Trunk and Ile • tdl'listles of ,r distress front a dozen locomotives. Particulars later. Sae posters and pro• sending the _Advocate to illy friends; petition, signed by at least three- fourths of engaged id tltatline The tension of the minds of many gralnuies, which will be issued shortly. h -ni and also taking uoW paper from jobs which esthust of'business in the municipality," was terrible as t]le shrieking and grit - {tt{- +++ p The of Labor tvero given ole to print, ing sounds divided the ambient air as well a8 80m0 visilin -. cards. 11 t A B &CIi ,P,RB' PTORY FOR THE and alinost tlie,'tympannme of the oar's =ANP THE— the tiplo of doing these things they appeared very small, so far as co:n- TOWN OFCLTNTON.—Informntion has been received from Grand Registrar of the people. Fears accumulated and grow more intense in ■ Closing Byg-Law milting a sin was concerned, I,vt 1Villialns, of Toronto, to the effect propos'-Early tion as rho possible gauger could • when viewed under the light of God's Word they appear very lsrgo. I have that a Black Warrant has been granted for Clinton, and that the not be defined. Telephones :Vere resorted to. The Grand 'Trunk r 1HE KNIGHTS OF LABOR of the Town of Clinton heartily endorse the action taken by tno Merchants and others in the determined to live it Chris inaugural opening will talo place was found all light. By and by carlycloeiug motement, nal hereby pledge themeehes to do tiara life, and when a pe'reon becomes ou or about t.ha 'middle of Juno. rho people ventured forth. Some all in their powar toassist lu tho carrying out of a real Biut,E Christian such things I Grand Leetti6t• Sir Kt. Wm. Lee, more,daring than the rest Person- the came. BY ORDER OF Co\fMiTTEI: must be straightened up. The one of the best posted men in "the ally traced u 1 the cause of the Clinton, Ma.1 isth, 1885 497 -at - good book says, ' Some nron's Bins t0 befoxchannl, I workings off.he whole Orange Order commotion, and the confounded oTlcc T'ExnGeswn.i,slarerenedba the N go judgment alld other men's sins' follow after.' A9 I in the 1)roviucc, will likely officiate. When we say the Clinton, cause of the confusion and scale itself into three four nndcr,,1gncd,nlYtothe 24th hast, for rho Lit gool(Otrainds. .town of resolved or o,ntlr'tlliie`p yentJRlelS Ela s far as I am concerned I itis deter- minod; by the God, that tt is not intended that t]lo' teinbera be greasy Italians in suits flys. rrtc(de of and speciacations mat•( be seen at the office of the Secretary. wt It, IIrNE; Secretary Public ;;race of , mine shall go b©forehand. Find I shall con-finod to this place. Clinton is a central point, has good Tack ons, who were holding it Saturnalia on one of the by -streets school Board, Cllntorr, shay 18, 1889 - enclosed $6.00, Which I think will fully Cover all loss suctafue(1. I railway comtnunicittion, iS surround- foe thriving Orange by pumping wind out of bugs to RUIX bo ids, Scantlingltand Joist OK LUMBERA pplyntlo Gueuox i'I(RItIS,•eC to w t[ PeaR►N,Cllnten, y'ou cid miles,_,by which \yore attached pipes with I feel '•iu my con.9cience th-ia con- . Lodges, and it is expected that the some .sort of infernal machinery UTrI :RING BUSiNF,SB—TiiE ,['NDER• fessiou and 1'C9titlltlUn 19 right to ward God and man, and I hope you new I receptory will be largely inside, augmented by (nen good and true irranufactaretl which is said to have been by one of the Chicago eia'i1Cd Iyi81ie8 to intimate to the `people of Ulintonan(Is arroiindingeountr that in order to suitably meet the demands of itis vert• numer• n r will forgive rile. e not. only for- give yoa, Joflu, but hope God will front every quarter. In a few days, it is expected, 'information a hanged socialists and bequeathed as his one cast6nnefs, he las bouF.ht out rho business of Nir. It. Fitzsin,oas, and will carryon the same, 111th the choicest in forgfvo you also, -Mitchell Adru all may be had froin Sir Kt. A. Al. 'Todd, socialist last earthly contribution to his and dynamiter, (fiends) meats season, tivcy effort will be inncle to nien't tire waY,tB of all, and ile hopes tomcritand rate. Clinton P. O. I friends. mcelaeafair shnreof public patramonage. Lowest prices for large orders. Frers' trade a specialty. •.,4r,BFRT MAY. A 1 , ' ,:_, ..... ,., . ,„.. _, ,:, .,. , ,., ,., '.. .I, .. r,.; ..• '....: •-., . .i,-... . ti,✓.coal.,.-sir t.. ., ,....._a .LLi..._i ... _.,._ .. n._...i.. . .rs. ..... ._ -_ _Y _ -.. _ .•.....,.. .,.