HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1888-05-23, Page 7I*UF 1"quuiar,wtIrV UU1411 -44;L p4ripu V4 vomotiviorIi, x;Lkli vy. A;pis WII qr. 441r.:40 411�U&A, tnaff yron Ivews-trie ra, -ful, 4.44 they were purp, and but they wot 'Q 141,1A Mlftlyly 018butuhliv po, we I hit if bQ '01,54 It 25 111 AtlValtgq. 14111401fish : ond Ralplsll'urlot� know will; Willing -6 ploy under the •Uoytrilal businpov manis wife it,' 'Pud -heisco he lo Worship et' atiotlibr. A Nyv sbort tolond fix large or 6411411 'Istansi, on ,yotl livi. Op lv� bap been away :)a a visit to �,ha old ataft.ofto. w0uld bayel flabrifloed 111110IJ for the montba Bud lie, Isad' Is(# place ally.. Z� JVPf1j1e$ home A 1111611trat9s. If. RALZ �.Ioviidouo. SII4 might )I* 'I-! -a, save at hvilitt. And in tile in another city, Ile has lived Clinton. ,le sap w lie I ficed,,,,her , own iifoo It %%s !for barroom ; and you can j3i(Igo which dnrjUg bar absence. ostenAkly at Clinton, Fob. 20,.1881 I. Some me IrIfty Years Ago. really on p9rtq!!iq90e mother who put forth tete stoadier, of the livro smir the most of him. hone, but I _MEDW.IN KEE MONEY 11 1 r ... ■ (3yritte" for 7;�� f Reporter.) calmer hand.to save, her. "E4 ven ufti,r that lie -tried to re. kt0ftks at the .1100, and ILA'd just 3:114MI�Twlsw, I love to bear the pioneer tell Ono evening about a weak tifter form ; and Hetty.,4y knows how I been elected president of A phew late of Toronto, Honor Graduate Booth College PRIVATE PUND6 to lead on Town and Faint of Dental Sucgoons, P property. Apply to About the days of yore, the couveisation, with We overhead tried to bell) him., But the nian Whist club ill which lie had a yQuIlf, C. RIDOUT, lViten. first lie came to see'k u 1101110 beftweett 3 -Ira. Follett and I one ; the ulauly strength that Office. next Niows-Ritcoitit, (up,stairs)AIbert-St On Canada's shining s)iQrj or son, wan 'r red-obeeked girl fora partuor, and Coats's Blook, Clinton. 359 31LI Ralph ifiet Mrs. 113pgood IOU, in Wight once havi enabled him to IN lion Galt was but a forest glade, a re,,rotted At I Work Registered. Charges Moderate - - A score of homes or so, her pleasant little sittiug room, and conquer wits his no more. A poor, while of course he deeply 0 - Nestling on tile river Grand, then and thera'4iiked hdr if she broken shattilied wreck iwetl and the enforced abeence of his own .0. would give him the hand of. liar decrepit before his I G. H. COOKs Some fifty years a" till,, F14'� event dear ,rife he was managing to 'got daughter. He was -oiu,,ou to tell on the downward course. Call 0 0 1 Licentiate of Dental Suaeiry, Honor Gra,uute I love to hear the pioneer tell along without pining away very - of the'roronto 0 0 , Dentistry. how much and how enduringly lie -tell you the misery, the anguish, ran$ Oxide Gas administered for the kx.tixile�w 0�8l"DNS, 1ANK. How he built his cabin hoille, rapidly. The other night lie Nit How he used to hunt the bears and wolves loved the dear -irl, when the widow the utter desolation of his 1101110, of THI A that throifgh the woods did. roam ; And his roseate partner had jt,4t extraction' teeth. pressed stopped him. Site was paler then his wife and child, dpriug those the board. They had had, a offlLe-Over Jackson'ti Clothing Store, ndxt to Incorporated hi Actor For %%-[tell they were with hunger pres ut, swept is6k They proved a dangerous foe, wila liar wont, there were tears in dark and dismal mouths—ayo,years Ilost Office, Clinton. 0 thirteen -trick hand and the rest of x�q* Night Bell answered. CAPITAL, $2,000,060 Prowling roupd the ctkbin home liar eyes, and her nether lip quiver —years of such agouy ni only the the table was nowlsom. Will visit ever), Thursday at Brucefield, from I Sousp fifty years ago. ad as she spoice. di-tiukard's family call know. Tomme a to 10 30 a. 14. ; Varna, from 11 a. tit. to 1 P, in.; 1118T. $5oo,000 A 0 The Montreal nian-went home at Bayfield, front 2 p. nu 492Y I love to hear tile pioneer tell 'kalph, say no more tit present. 01111110t tell it. 6 balf-past tell. Things I Head Othoo About the work lie's done. I have loved yeti as I might have "Tile on -1 came ti0 t length. Be , MONTREAL. the Same. He composed himself to THOMAS WORKMAN, President. The police and i'est lie itow enjoys, loved an own son, had God so bless-, dark dismal night in mid -winter, vviito his customary letter, boginu- J. 11. R. MOLSON. Vlee-Pre8ldent. It hint been nobly won. 0 ad file ; and I shall1ove you to the whun I had sat up till almost Illid- F. WOLFERSTAN THOMAS, GoneraAInnftgtr. For late and early did lie Coil, ing "It, is now half -past eight -d slid slow, end. And should evil hel'all You— night, %vaiting to care for him when It REEVE. Offlce-"Palace" Brick Block, His task was hill 0 0 o'clock. I have just come in from et, Besidence opposite the Notes discounted; Collections made, Draft Clearing up the forest land should any dread calamity rest upon lie canie—iny little Kale, then' two 'lit say work on the books.. I am aw -TemperatiL Hall, Huron Street. Corouerfurthe issued, Sterl and American ex - Some fifty years ago, yon—uoue would sorra-w more years old, I had coaxed away to hot, Comity otHurou, Offfeehours froni8amtoo fully tired, deal-, and miss- you -so p. M. deeply than should 1. Still, Ralph, bad --on that dreary night, clow ful change bought tied sold at low - I love to hear Idill tell about0 lit ueb. I don't want to burry you Clin Con, Jan. 14, 188J. 1-y est current rates. I dare not—O, I dare not—give you upon. the midnight hour, they What lie styles the grand old ways, I a ' home, and I wan't you to stat as INTKRNsT AT 4 13FFL CENT. AI,LOWrV ION DF.I(,hJT But very dihilrout do they seem what you ask.' brought my poor 'ruin home to Ino Its lout, as you feel like it this time, Front what we've now -a -days. —dead ! dead 1 knocked (10 Wil a 'Mrs. Hapgood—, . - DRS. GUNN & ELLJOTT. For geniusisecrets has revealed, for I shall not want to lot you leav6 MoncA advanced to farinerson their o"n note by it passing teara in the street, and Xtankind it hiii let know, 'Hush I I cannot ar"tlo with you. b ,,, again, etc. W. (]unit, M. D. L. R. 0. P. Edinburgh L. R. C. with ono or nmra endorsers. No mortgage re yk,0 1 , I ' re crushed Gilt beneath. the That brain can do what muscle did I will not reflect npon your life. I I"'- S. Edinburgh Licenciate or the Midwifery, EdIn. quired as security. iron shod hool's and tile I)oudorouii Ile finished the letter and stamp- Offon corner' or Ontario and Williant, Sts., I.L C. TINEWER, Soille fifty years ago. will do what I ha4 once thought 110 Wliculs ad and directed it, and then took -a� Clinton. Mantigr, But ap we view ftLir Not th Dumfries, power on earth could ever perstialle look at the star -lit evening and H. R. Elliott 51. U. L. It, C. P. Edinburkh, Februar}. 1684 LINTON It-, aces clear and wide, •- me to do. I will tell you my own "Ptalph. lot 11.4 z4,Ly no Moro to LicenclUteof the Midwifery, ' Edinburgh. Office We think upon the old pioneers. life -story.. RrIph, and you will not 13 . thinking he would finish his cigar at Brucelleld. 478-Y. '-'it' If you wore not so ""'ell (lie never used to smoke, in the With deep and honest III file. need to ask file anothor question.' likly what Toni was in his bright read a house) walked. otit to the corner. But many of thein's gone the t and buoyant Youth, With the 811111C That till of us must go ; The widow brushed hot- hand Whon he got, back ho heard a rustle LINTON Lodge, No. 84, A. F. & A. M. Yes, few are left that led the teat', great ht3art , the *tIlle geuerulle. eat- ft . . C meets overt' Friday, on or after the ful across liar eyes; lie she paused in liar in the dining rouin and looked in. : ­`�­ — moon. Visiting brethren cordialIv invited. 0 N Some fifty.yeari ago, speech ; and hawing assured herself uro—ah I if you were different. I Tho light had been move(]. There NIAN2'010- k,, SCOTT, J. Yot,NG, W. M. J. CALLANDFR, Spr SANDY, 0 mi -lit not have tuld vols. this story. 0 111 be Cllrjtnli,.Iati. 14. ISSI. - that they two were %lone, - she went G, 0 - Was it liw -udim, over, the li­ht. North Dumfries, ) hunity, Ralph, and may God, illid 1 0 0 Barristers, oye., Oil tell tilt" -rood angels, bless and keep Hit; wit'lls smiling fiic(i looked up 'Ralph I wait, As you liarhapt; out of the radiance beneath the ELLIo'rT's Bj.ccii, - CLINTON, you, now And evermore ! If, in the OUR STORY -READERS. know, born and reared in this city. FOR 0 ell(], I still refuse to you the hand shade in(] gicoted him. Site was Aloney to Loan. lily father was A -muciciau, and it of 111v pl1,Ci0U6 Kate— reading the letter. His heart A Mother's Reminiscence ---Maker of musical instruments ; And, Kate—lily ,jus, say dropped down his trousers' le,,. He A. It. MANNING. JAS. SCOTT. L. 0. No. 710, only stay on oarth—sun wilt Hot a --- z felt like death, '11�in reading a naturally, he called around 11' till 61411110 Inc.' much of the musical talent of the ellarillillff letter from you, said -she- FRANK R. POWELL, Illonth. Itall, 3.tc: eat, r .Nlother, what is tile matter with Mvet-s Nondav of ever), Ralph Prulett spuke not n word "So kin(' of Victo hi Y ou this murningl" Wiltropolis. One of his closest And . ' you ! It sounds' like Barrister, Solicitor, Notary block. visiting brethrenalways `-0 1 Ralph If you could havo ix)6§t valued friends was Ernest In reply. 110 too]( till ' -1 widow's those you used to write before we 'Public, etc. go made welcome. Hapgood. accounted the best orgall- .]land, and raised it i'Lvui'L"ILIY to Iris were married." The lady read it (11 'rWEEDY, W. fir. -- seen yourself. You have no idea a a ' lips then turned, and went away. Office, Scarlo's Block, Albert-st., Clinton. W. S. SWAFFIOLD, $to. H. S. Coopip'li, D. 'NI jet of his time. Ernest Hapgood through and then read it aloud. Toronto ageatki:-Mvesys. McCarthy, Osler, how badly off you were. But the 0 C, worst of all was,l overheard several - years older precipitately. "If she'd only, 'a got mad 1'd reel had a son, Thomas, foul . Ralph did Hot act precipit. 0 Hoskin & Inall. speaking of it. It was too they than myself', -who was almost as good On the fourth day after his visit to been all right," said the Moutrilal tAPRIVATn FUNDS To Ltxo at lowest. ratcHof 0 0 interest $81 r. Almost 11ts. Hapgood, lie called hid mother "but' she didn't said.1 don't want to scold you, my a musician as his father. 11 Tuesday • dear boy ; but I will ask soil to be every musical instrument nia�ile he into till, drawing-ruoin, and closed —,I,, laughed. Every one of my LIDWAIU) Y. LEWIS, Barrister, Notary Ilublic could play upon, and play well. At the door behindoller. P JJ Proctor fit MILlitiole Court Offices corner more careful in future." yarns twisted )ter ill), and -she k souther Martin'it Hotel, Goderich, Ont. Solici- the age of two-and-twouty, Thomaii, "Mother," lie said, "I have a pro- Iati-hed until it, made me sic . I for for the. Ifuron Land Agency. Money to Joan "Well, mother, I will. I will 6 0 at cheapest rates. 406 0 Hapgood, under all assume(] name, position to make to you. You spoke never got such a roast, and the commence to-day—lionor bright I Will that do. become leader of the orchestra of to me not Ion, since on the subject Worst of it I've lost till my repu- EAGER & MORTON, BarrI8ters,&c,,&',, cod. one of our largest,and best theitres, of my drinking. I helve been try- tation for veracity. If I say I have 0 . 0 serichand Winghani. C. Scagor, Jr., Godorich "Yes, Ralph. I call ask no more It ,, out of respect to his father's i -ug an expert men t—uut that of let- been inaking tip a trial bitlance at J. A. Morton Winghani. alone that, wa,,; (lone the offico and it keeps tile late, she —try—I know. AVISON & JOHNSTON, Law, Chancery,and Black Pieceptil 397. than that. And, deal boy !you will wishes thistlia-took the non deplume tin g wine alone—for Htiwiiver, it did not matter much, instanter—but, trying how it would draws that, laugh on me and I wilt. DConvoyancing. Offleo-West Street, next The' foregoing ,had transpired C, C, door to Post Office, Goderich, Oat. 57. Everybody very, soon knew the seem to refuse the social glass—how It's terrible. I feel meaner every BlackZn4jhts of Irelapd, C, between Mrs Rachel Purlett and most popular musical conductor in it would seein to tell my friends, day. If it keeps on I'll have to fix D C. HAYS, Solicitor, &c. . Office, corner of Ait:ot� i!, tit,: orange Hall, Blyth, the Wednes- h Ralph. She was a that city, titud kfiew all about him. point-blank, that I had done with it it till with a sealskin cloal" P, &? aftvrA01 moon of every month. her only child 1.1e Square and.west Strcet, over Butler's Book widow, but little teyiond the forever. And how do you suppose Store, Goderich, Ont.: 67. !nI 0 To'm Hapgoud was twenty -foul 421' Money to lend at lowest rates of interest. -a residine, in an arisiocratic n I found it?" His mother was too Black . Neceptuy 315 3 0" 2 0. In . . , CCA Rolal gi I Vol when he asked file to be his wife. rly confounded �_!oo dee )t Doing it Quick. 511,10N, Ba�-yister,Attorney, Solicitorin Uy father objected. J - asked him Bite y -E. Chancery, Conveyancer, &e.. Office over The -son, Ralph,, Was two -and the reason. Said he : 'Molly, Toni mystified to speak, an . d he.went on Oil . a storm night, when the roads Jordan's Drug Store, the rooms formerly occu Blucle knIghte'of .1reland, pied by Jtid;e Doyla. twenty ; had lately graduated from Hap-ood should never marry until "I will tell you :- I have faund it were well nigh impassible, a son of , 9th' Any amount of money to loiLti t iowe t t,llall, GodcrjLh, the Third Mcets'hi the Orange 1i , c;n Visiting Knight -always one of the best of the New � York n a -and. rates of interm.t. lotiday of every it 1. S. he can sily, wirh firui, resolution - Hot only the easiest thin,, in - tile Evin canie I to , doctor's office innee colleges ; abd was one of the ch6ice- I will drink no more 1 1 know hiitsi world, to do, but the grandest,and desired the dispenser of physic to' est spirits of the social act with JAMES Wk., k, Preceptor, bftltford'l' 0' well.�- He thinks ]).a is safe ; but- I the proudost� and tho best. And p to soo a-frieifil wht'y, was 'jist a- k Ni 'roDD, beputl, ilreceptor, Clinton V 0 which lie associated. , Hill was - !I' ca'6�%66 that his appetite is growit-g -what is mor6, I hirt , ea�lreadv itot, dyin.11 He would not take i1Q On W if sit:lt.Nm, itL',gistrar, Go(icricb,p o handsome young' fellow,' brave:and upon'lfim.' And so my father went three of my friends to join Inc. for answer ; so, putting the - sadcjle - H. W; BALL, his mother LINTON KNIGHTS OF LABOR generous. Both be and UCTIONEE for Huron County. Sales at. C Bosuns, third flat, Victoria bloeb. Regula 'Atended to In tiny part of the County. Ad. 111cctill9ve,very Thursday evening at b O'cloc on. He said that when a, You4- They have pledged them- bags upon his horse, the physician had been left, by. the late husband man, with such ,in appetite. raiuin'g' ,in judtv litre c, 0 selves that I shall drink the first started out upon his journey. As soon I ress orders to Govituca P O. v.17. sharp. eiting iinwit; inade welcowe. and father, wealthy. 00 the niasteryovou4l not give it up, drop. They will never drink again be saw the sick man hn knew it wits from the character of the cofiversa' his life was in danger of wreck and -if I don't. And now, ruy dear nearly over with him, and remarked CHAS. HAMILTON, tion something of the hom. THE KEY TO HEALTH. a in- ruin. mother, what I propose is this : to the courier variON EER, hind, loan and insurance agent fluence under which Ralph Poriett Ci That you forthwith banish wine— A, Blyth. Sales attended In town and country, - I -told Toni what iny father had 'Peter, you told tho truth your )n reasonable terms. A list of farina and village had been reared. liquors of Ill kinds—as it beverage lots for sale. Money to'loan on real estate, at said, and I asked him if lie would friend is, just at the poin't of ow ., "Ralph !" said the mother, after a I tea of interest. insurance effected on, all .not stop drinking altogether. Ile from tile house. You shall never death.' lasses of property. Notes lengthy pause, lowering liar v and debts collected. again put the cup to your noighboi's Goods It 01c"', laughed at. me. -He -tried to con- tup raised, and sold on commission, Bahk. and sperikIng 1vith It slight tremor in 'Can'tye'doitinytholoug for heortill ID 0 ruptil a bought and sold. Vince use that ])a was safe ; and lips. Never shall it be in the power her. tone, "is t -h -ore anything serious, finally he took a solemn oath that A o 'I replied Peter. Ill rtit., Dec. I d, 1880. 0 a of any young drunkat t say, IlNo : it is too late.' bett,feen you and' that H , pgood ' he would never again.drink enough drank my first glass from the hand Unlocks all the clogged..-tv, l.i.cs of tilt 3-0 gain' to Photographers BowelsKidneys and Liver. to show it, -and for several months of Mrs. Rachel- * iel- Porlett "But, doetbor, ain't carrying 44DO . off gradually without weakening the system, you speak of Kate Hap- I am sure, his promise Is kept. have our the courage to do it 7" give , hecin a;llythoea, lit" allj at , :1 has 0. C, 4' C 0 (:) I . all the impurities and foul hu goad?" And during these months my father It lvasik pull—, NJ 0- lien ors of the "Yes, of X, v terrible pull; bUt all Ir 13 secretions • at the same time Correcting Kato Hap-ood. I hope, died, stricken down with malignant the noble- gonerous,imptilsive,right- 'It %Vill do no -ood.' 0 a 0 0. Acidity of the Stomach,'curing Bili my son, you will not suffer yoursotf typhoid fever. Minded boy 'conquered. And the 'But, doethor, ye have come so 01.1snesp, Dyspe mia, 'Headaches, Diz- to become entangled in that qtiay. next time lie asked Arrs. Hapgood if far it would be too bad to go back. --CLINTON. Ziness, Heartburn, . Constipation, "Six months a.'ter my bereave- , 0 Dryness of the Skin, Dropsy, Dlfnr� ter." h would give him hot, daughter without doin' ainytheou 13 0 -moot I becanieTwii Hapgood's wife. 8 a 0_ Life Size Portraits a'Smoialty. nessofVision, Jaundice, Sal Rheum, "What have you against tite girl In I c to be' his wife, the answered hint 'b 0 could not per- him to quit taking the band of bei Y For the pence of Peter's mind, Erysinelas, Scrofula, Fluttering of Ralph, she is pretty, drid I have drink entirely; I., =aid he couldn't b . . gentle Kato the doctor now took, a small quant- ifeart, Nervousness and GenterAl no doubt she is virtuous and good'; lo,)k his friends in ! lie face, and re and ]Flying "it within his firm and Debility; all these and many other simi- 0 itv of su"at. from a phial, and plat - grasp ; and blessings deep, Jar Complaints yield to the happy influence but—think: of the society in which, fuao to sip a glass ' of wine with ad it upon tile dying mans Clinton Marble Works of BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. ardent, and soul sent, accourpauied just 7 they move them, as be vVas drawing his last the gift. 0 HURON STREETS CLINTON. Sample Bottles Joe; Regular size $1. Ralph Porlett's lips- curled and "For six years of' -.(.r our marriage 0 breath. dealers. We have only to add : Amid the Peter, sceing his- friend's ]lead For sale' by all dealers. his dark gray eyes burned portent. we were happy, companitively. r, V* MLOURN A CO.. Proprietors. rorlintis 0 many blessings that rested upon the drop back, looked up to thedoethor W. H. COOPER, Jr., ously ; but lie' made no furtlilir Thd-fd could be no solid, substantial bapp.Y pair, not the least was the with big eyes, an& said, half in' reply end shortly therelafter lie loft bappinoss'for me after the know- Manufacturerofan dcalor in 411 kinds of Wo A love and good -will of Rolph's whisper 'Olt , doethor, an' C 4 the li��se." ledge had come to me that Tone's Id 0 1nother, 1t;iven to Kate in full and didu?t ye do it quick. Marble & Granite for Wfie'tery rnivr Af ra. Uary Ha )good was . appetite was his master. I knew that 0 91 a.4 another widow, very C) differently lie tried to curb it; but hi� Would gonorous measure. And the time --- - ----- Work sit Ilinirell that dory competition tition Ono 16 0 came in the which she vras cagcr to .0 not crush it under. his feet- nor 1;0 situated from IlIrs. Pbriett. She I point out to their aristocratic friends —Thomas 11itcholl, a well known .00 owned the house in which she lived did he make the attempt until it was 0 the beautiful And accbtriplished wo- Wiu6o`� fruit tree tvwnt, suddenl too late. ' Like the man in q fraily ' Also manufacturer of the Cetlebraied 14"FRr fir --the gift of friends who had man whom she was proud—almost left town last week. 1�fitcbell On ARTIFICFA-L SroNF, for Building peer- (11 a PZ do boat, approaching Xiaoara, he did 0.d. 0 W honored and loved ber'liusband in n aeffort unti4 vainly proud—to claim as her the evening- 1;reseuted himself at poges and. Cemetery Work, which must i. M III M V A — prime ; and she earned a very not make a determined daughter-in-law.—IV. Y. Ledger. tho supper table with it wound in be seen to be appreciated.—All work " 0 20 comfortable livelihood in the the fatal current had encompassed 0". 9 his' throat, near the jugular vein, warranted to sive satisfaction. 01 capacity of music teacher. Sh him. His -appetite had so grown 0 from Which, when unbound, blood rA taught uocal music, and she taught upon hitn'that be could not break Malarial poisons contain tits germs flowed copiously. He assigned an Pr L.7 32. C'J CS =4 a W C-34 the harp, piano and organ- In it off. of dangorous diseases. If these accidental'cause for the wound but rl. 8 stem, W truth, she, earned more than she "In his prime Tom gloriod in poisons 9bounnulate in the y the person who attended 11 Goderich Marble Works l3iff! 9 3ww 9 spent, Kate was bar only daugh Typhoid, Bilious, Intermittent or it looked as if it had been inflicted 0 P ter. his strength, never realizing never .go% 0 rn Chill Fever is sure to follow. Ayer's PC fls• iZ cal-, a dreaming—that his strength was Ague -Cure is a warrantid specific for with the blade of a 1pocicqt knife. Navin bought out JOSEIIII VAN.wroNr, ra ph She was in her niuoteenth yo IM I queenly inaidon, though not tall, gradually, but sternly going -from malaria. Landlord Gimpboll, of the Essex ill (.1oderich, we are now prepared t M 0 nor so .very stately ; but liar beauty hills. When his eyes were flually house, holds several notes and ex- iiish, on reasonable terms, C T -T TZ M S Was regal. Atid liar education was opened ; and, in his lucid intervals, to lose $600 through transac- HEADSTONES AND . AlONUIMENTS. I , _ 11r. Oxarart, who owns one of Poets. a in keeping. She was now and had he saw his danger, the dread current tions with Hitchell. It is said that GRANITE A, SPECIALTY. Complaint, 0 0 the most extensive horses ranches Dyspepsia, 1) al - year, helping her bad taken him in its, -rasp, and een for most a ye, r grasp, in the Canadian North-west passed lifaYOV li'Tason, Of Sandwich, together We are prepared to sell cheaper than ally mother with her pupils, wauld not let him go. with his father, will lose about other firin in the county. Sick through Toronto one day last week lHend"the, ` We cannot say bow nlatly lovers "Our child Kate, was growing,I on his way home from En -land. $1,000 through Alitcholl. Parties wanting anything ill 0119 -line will u Emommommumome find it to their interest to reserve their raii1xieg, lCate Hapgood might have had. thought, beautiful, day by day d He bad v�ith him several 'iun nifi- alkelliviatiAns, 0 art orders for its. We only know that she had IQved- site was good and true as she was t' cent blood horses purchased ill Wits" Disenses in return only one, and hint, las 1 lovely. At length she became old �Sewlllftrket, jillgla d, which EXHAUSTED VITALITY' ROBERTSON & )3ELL. n are to EXHA and all linsillir. 1 Might HE SCIENCE OFLIFE, blay 17th, 1886. 11111e9 of 1110 sho'feared she Should never4ftrry. enough to feel the cruel 0 be placed on ?i1r. Oxarart's ranch r 1 1,71 1 1 Blond front She sometimes wished that 11alph 4nd in her prattling, childish way, T the great Medical Work liatevel. , for the purposes. Some of of the age on,%f6afiood, Nor. • Porlaft had never crossed liar path, wlth�many a kiss and.nirmy a tender vous and 11hysical Dchilft�j, rrors SOF BUSINESS THE GREAT SPRING MEDICINE. them have won finportmit, Ira eq in 0 ' Pretbature Decline, I,' sho 'botild not help loving him. caress, sho'begged that papa would E CHANGE ,ng -la d. ow Youth, and tile untold .11f 1, 0 u to Peice, 715c. (with Pill9 $1.) Her Iteart had gone out to him in not drink. Oil how I have sects, miseries consequent there. on, 100 pages 8 vo., 125 E, EVANS, having bought out thB "Barber. TRY -, Alk. 0 a a *11 W , , n Fr spite of her. He was so brave so the strong on, w6ep and sob as �,resoriptions for at I disc sea A in� BuitiRess" of Harry Fisher, begs to an. oak I THE C<)I,D DIP. ; , [ notilloo-tiuCt he ho engaged the services of Mr, DR.HODDER'Sl haudsonie, so generous, and his thou Il his, heart wore br ing loth, full gilt, only Q I. . li, , [I t liv niall, scaled IlInst tiv sponvic Tee to all S. F. Baulch, who conics recommended as It heart was so tender and true. flow with. the littleatine hold fast in his During the recent cold whether young'afid inladle-ftged in . Bond now. The gentleman of high artistic abill t7- GotyourbAr. LITTLE LIVER PILLS, could she help it 1 0 1 if only lie arms h6re I had three fingers frozqrf. We bvi(l wid,lowellealic-da-1 awarded 0 the �nthnr baring (lone by mechanics, don t be botched by (rory smell and oar to take.) had some 'llogyard's Yellow oil in by the Nittional Medleal Association. Address apOrentices andthose who have never 11. 0. Box ISK, Boston, Slitso, or Dr. W. If. the tgdobut patronize a first class man. Give us NO GRIPLNG. NO NAUSEATJ. had not that one fault! If he could "But why prolong the painful the house and I tried it with good PART(r1l, gmthirtte9f flarvard Medieftl Colle 0 call, and wo guarantob to satisfy the most fasti. Sold everywhere; price 25 cents. I recital. One day Tom came hom(l results. Win, INfack laini, INIon t real, 2r) years prantice Ill Boston, who niny to com flair cutting it rise above that wonkneasis 6he felt tult' dials. LadTes and children's ad'voill'Identi%ily. Sp iftlty, (Diseases of M". specialty. A. E. EVANS, two doors West of on Medicine'Co,,. Proprietors, that she, could give her life for him." i and told Hie that lie had been dis- P. Q. 0-2t It"'ect 403y uni TORONTO, CAN. . I Office, N,0,4 Bulhneh street Kennedy's Hotel. 4881 110