HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1888-05-23, Page 6„e 7 Is* �roaoh, witry,,6.44 Ayviva To NoTus'nii—Are yqq I vor difficlilt, to api The Huron New -R) (word y turbell at p1glit opid broken of your res, of sensitive scent. In their habits "Did n't Know t was i m.Dn. by is sick child suiTzring and Orylilf, vFitb 41.bu a yoxy-41-251ill Advzanoo. they much resomble the chainois, Teeth? If at) ocrt'd at — b � at jumpei pitu of Cutting jLeq Loaded V.MR- TANT, A! "�Iy,,�_okpheuotuen -s, mid al- 'once and got a bottle of ONra Witiolow'o Wednesday, '31.%Y 23rd, 1888. epiung nii old buck on g'tutrd ,foot lig Syrup" foB Children Teething. May do for a stupid boy's excuse but to. warn thein. Tito Shall is fn nous Its value is incalculable. I& will rel love 10 returning tharillo to my mptly friends and patron@ for past palrQrsgo, I oil , W to ly. De. what can be said for the parent W1,10 like to pall their special attpgfi". x,q jtqy� of foi- being successful in this lino.and c poor little sufferer immeditatt RiLtntjug W F�;rlR. )to cattle very utiar being killed pend upou, it, mothers i there is no Ill$- sees Ilia child languishing daily and fails HARNESS' WHIPS, CURRY COMOSt BRUSHES ETC .i ffOr take ubolit it. It cures Dysentery and to ■recognize tile want of a tonic and ely seasons ane, it buwil4`sVQ-d Algliali DlarrboDa, regulates the Stomach and As t1jo Persians are "I'llost with- f 0 bloo�l-purlfler? Formerly, a course of Spetial atontioi6 is directed to my stool; of out exceptiull hul"411JUL11"ju 111u), tile, jultiplug" uff it procipice. oil His (low -els, cures WIu(l Colic, saflens the bitters, or §ulphur atiatt inolasses, -was tile OWN Majesty, and almust. knockilug kiln Gurius, reduces Inflaininavlou, and gives rule In well-rqgulated families ; but now Mass; too, sportalliell. I lawk in- land , vkholo system. it a 0 0 lown it steel) declivity, oil the bot- tone energy to the 'yr it" for all Intelligent houseliolds keep Ayer's :SIN GLEN: HARNESS Pigeon 1`411cyilm aria 1110 two chief " Urs Winslow'6 Suothing 6 u Sarsaparilla, which is at once pleasant It will be found very complete, snal for durability and finish cannot be excelled bf 01 1 foul ijl' Wllidl lie hiArdly hUVe . is pleasant to the taste nattoral sports. While hawking IS chit ren teething 0 lauilod alive and is the prescription of one of the oldest to the taste, and t4c most searching and ally one. AsT ' employ none but, the best workmen, arid use the beat material to be indulaod in exclusivok- by the rich, effective blood medicine ever discovered, bought in the market, all who way favor me with their patronage may feel confider) a I The g;tzelle is enourilitured in vital and best fentale physicitots itud naurses in t, , piggeoll-flyin., is tho st')Ort of the of getting satisfaction. a I herd~ oil the plains'of I he far north- the United States, and is f6r sale by all Nathan S. Cleveland, 27 13. Canton at., pool.. Ill ally towu of aullsiderable Price' Boston, writes - 11 My daughter I now 21 size ill Ilersia out) can lust of Pord;t, whi.-re it adjoins druggists throe the world. . years old, was in perfect health until a PRICES AWAY DOWN* se"' 'A"' Afghanistan. To hunt a , uccea;sfolly 250- a bottle' lie sure and ask for 1151rs year ago when she began to complain of $0011 its (tile still preparl,8 to %VInslow'i soothibg Svvi,j)", and take no fatigue, headache, debility, dizziness, 00 to roost, lue'll standing oil ti this fleet lillilwil it is necessary to other kind. Indigestion, and loss of appetite. Icon= Trunks and Valises -in great variety and Prices Low. 10 be excoudilio1v well mounted,, and cluded that all her complaints originated top of their flfLt, routs, flying their In Impure blood, and induced her to take to have fresh horses when tile first —MoRoa, tho Scott Act Law and Ayer?a Sarsaparilla. This meilicinesoon r pigeous, and oijoutaraging their own GEORG" A. SHARMAN 0 ones tire tired ,Out,. PrOfOssi;ual with restored her blood -making organs to Liters. t, 0 or frighteuin.- bovies of u llunte'rs, calloil shilrarree, tire out selliug ilidocout pictures, has boon healthy action, and in due time rqUstab- These fanciers have ottou hundredi 0 lished her former health. I find Ayer's ployed whoij a bi,, hunt is arrall-ed, bellell, coilililitted to tile Queon's Sarsaparilla a most valuable remedy for of pigeons, ounstitutitig their whole especially whowit is iutontl(,d to do Motareal. the lassitude and debility incident to wealth. They breed and t ra ill honor to a pest. They chaso the spring time." 4 Cures Dizziness, Loss of Appetite, 111digeSIWA, Biliousness, -then), and sell the surplus to pro- rt, - 11 J. Castriglit, Brooklyn Power Co., "ame for a day or so previous, aud A GOOD COUNTE NANCE. vido brena for their families. T 1`5 firooldyn, N. Y., says: "As a Spring Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Affections of the -Liver and Kidneys, Tu being sointwhat fired, it becumes 0 L 0 0 Bolls, Pimples, Blotches and Skin Madiciiie, I find a splendid substitute It 11, Pimples, Blotches, Boils, Humors, Salt Rheum, Scrofula, each flock of pigeons there as ; M 0 lelatively easiiir to hunt the gazollf? Humors distioure the countenance. for the old-time compounds in Ayer's leader, educated to take his liLtltj down, 0 `a Sarsaparilla, with a few doses of Ayer's Erysipelas, and all diseases arising from Intpure Blood Purifv the Blood by using Burdock Pills. After their use, I feel fresher and Deranged Stomach, or irregular action of the Bowels. crow around in tho air, and the Lions occur low only ill tile Blood Bitters to remove the impure stronger to go th'ough tile summer." 10 latter are always sure to follow in snuth of Persia, bu� tigura are 11,8- matter which loads it., and the result their wake. These aerial pruniou- be a clear skii], good complexion Ayer's Sarsaparilta, quant uot, ouly in tile South aud Will adt'sal, suilduW11 are Very ftlulls1131f11 southwest, but in the north and '0 perfect health. 496.2t, PREPARED BY and intfirt,'Still(T to Watch. 'File northwest as well. The tigers of Dr. J. G. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. A FULL STOCK OF. pigeon father, so to spent:, el , i. e., t14—The Mitiizaudi�raii attain formidable ' —Duluth, Minn., May Fria:* $1; sixtiottles.45.- Worthill5sabottle. owner and. breeder of the flock, proportions, and in that densely ilrdspects of winter wh`eat are P90r, suporintends the exhibition. Ito wooded and humid conutry aloug and Duluth, with uVer 9,000,000 Choice c/aUer & . Timothy- Seed takes his leader tvnil,-Hy in the the weitorl, shore of t1to Caspiiju busliols in store, has nearly 0118 -TFT Also .011 other varieties oil Pleld. Garden said Flo,6ver SeeidN. DI orhis han-d, while the rest tigers firo still its u,ueh of a unisance third of tile total visiblo*aupply of1 3d �,Y 105 Slwcial •paln%4 Illave been taken to proctare t1lilet" Fresla, of the flock Will thl-01.111 around population the Country. C. For Hooses, atl0e, Sheep, and Pure. as in India. Tho adult pop ro.,,.;, hc",2, Pvult,v. him. Then, stretching his ars, It 0 - Tea sets and Decorated 0 t3 -ally arrange a Value in .China of a village will 'fellel and opening his hand, he gently Extra I Loll tigor hunt when one of the species BARKWELL's BitoNCIIIAL BAI S t .11 aa,I . 8, " 'k . throws the bird forivard, who then, has wade himself particularly ob• cures all kinds of coughs and 0�1� I'L ol'AA.;­ , ,'t licat I."]"•Dinner Sets, Decorated Toilet Sets, White Granite gets cirfling, round and round, first col- bronchitis and evoup. Ask for n."Oun. leets his followers, and then boldly noxious to the villagers. A tenor Lr Ba . rk-wells" take no other. 483-tt A,A;­1-�j.1uAiJ,1lt Mill. F"No.1" and Fancy Glassware. 0 0 wbo contents himself %vith million (it. it. -41 rat: its, Lot n,vue-As, Ithi, at ao�, 4 --tu. wimis a wid6 circuit. nrutind the D. • (I. Nusul Dischurgus. is caLled hulP, but the Persian has 11 ). D.- .;2, 14rrL-, Worme Special Value in New Season's Black, Green -e s of roils - -ed Wilson, it delegate to E. E.-Calisriu., lie.Lves, lilneulnn;a. house sometimes hundi 4, sj)eoial Word lot- a fi"P.-i- that has _Alfi 0 F P.-volic tar, Grip% luellynt-110. In extent anti . occa9ioually flying till tit() general colt forouce Of the African 4.1 44-111scurrinage, ensdirriangem. and Japan Teas. Canned Fruit, Vegetables, 0 partaken of human flesh which is 1. 11• -tar inatry anti jUdueti, Visca4cq. high in the air. Tito fixilcier meAll- Methodist Episcopal church, becaloo 11. 1. al".ruplive. 11111seftises, Hallse. C., in endlelits Vairlety. 0". nges, 111,emons, Figs, &c. Flour. J. K.-iij)iscages of'Digestion. -it I -a -ovit Ica r. while kounly watches Ilia nimble the exact equivalent of our "man- whiles attollifin." SL -4. -ad Pi slons. I-n-41tiect Block and get Pit 6tox,a' viz, "adam-khordan." ' The 4 ra"lly 111`11'ac Stiathle"iflnuat 0 �o Specifics; Hanuol with crew, and. 6DCOUra1FQ8 them with it Oil and Medicator, S7.00 0 , ball ill his earlier days used to be Aorv'cn last `cok- 11'q '"Im"'ty was Plic'e"pi ilaitagle Bottle (over 50 doswX . X0 7 peculiar cry,, aitch fancier having caused by religious exciteniant. Illuell dovoted to the finer chase, Sold by Drurall4tat or 01 -11W -A- X_X_6_T_T_, CT_111TrXC311T_ ()Bit 01, Ili; Own that the bird, Sent Pi-pWid on Receipt of Price, s but since one of tile. brood was dis- W4311,.4 & lticlvitvd-�ora Co., Ager;ts, rocu,mizo mid mind at a cousidor•. respectful cuou,fli io claw a good THE RED COLOR Of the blood is 64 Alcr.ltl St., Montreal. able"aliAmict). Oil giving'thou.1�010' I der a' call caused by the Iron it, contains.• ai,�uilal to come back the leader will piece of Ilia Majosty's shon fl supply the iron. when Ifteking by at 0 uucu, Hpep(l home, bringing his off he has given it ill). using Blilburn's Beef, Iron and N EW DRUG STORE, 0. Z� The bfdrAlo also is inot, with it, W me. HOMEOPATHIC char -es with hint. Mazatidtran and Ghilan, both wild 0-0 The undersigned has ju�t opened a now Drug Store, tit JACKSON'S Thoi;a exorciiws alone do ii o t, and tame. Ho i -a not quite so large —Afeafo rd can bon.4t of the heave' SPECIFIC No.20 NEW BLOCK, oil HURON STREET, two floors westoftbe City however affurd a protty spectacle. as it full-grown American buffalo, est weight woman ill Ontario, and The only, successful remedy for 11, 1 C, 'Store; .where will be found a cum ?tete assortment of I tire They are, also a sort of pitched and his hump is not so pronounced. she works every day in the kitchen 11hy, Vital Weakness, Il and Chemicals, also Patent Medicines and battle between the, respective skill As for the do,,s the Po'raiDus have at ill,) Paul housu.' Ifer weight is stradProntration,frout ver -work or other, causes. iiinirgists, Sandries—all that the public way ask for in thosp 0 91 per vial or 5 vials and Itiege vial powder, for $5. of one broodor and another, With no trRined ones, do not devote 337 pounds, site i -i only of the averm SOLD BY Y)RUGGIST9. in, sent toptia,sid an receipt of lines: the flocks Of pi'll-.01).9 .61TH1111 and much attoutiou to the matter of a price. -Wella A Richardson Co. a Agents t a4 Mo. A. WORTHINGTON. 0 e heigj quito acti oil [)Ar- (iiiiStren Montreal. 0 Clinton, 13th Jun cireling,thoy Will often collide with pedigree oi- breed. The one in forms heIrtm"ifts in a more vrflic(l 11 0 0 P. S.-Oflice chnngaid from residence to siore each utlier, and the younger and general use for the chase is the manner than many lighter budie-,. less e%perionewl. birds Will become beautiful greyhound, 'known out- She is young. Con!,il$Qd �u(l loge themselves in 0 a 0 . 4. RUG t OSale - - _N side of Porsia as "the Persian dog." _F _CT T I �Ip strange flock. That, is the time fur He is, however, not of. ,Persian A CURB FOR DEAFNESS. 0 fancier to whistle for the viaila'ut f, origin, and in Persia he is known has been many remark. "down brakes," and hie Iluck, with 38 , There able r NEW 'STOCK! NEW STORE!' 1, the Eactli-all do,,, coming from 0 0 cures of deafness made by the use of 1, L 60 strange birds in tuNV, will ebine %khn,it. This dog is a line -look- 11agyards Yellow oil, the great n . 1 0 ELLIOTTFS� BLOCK, OLINTON. P _6�1_ 111� a household remedy for all Pail), Inflania 11iiiawl on the siiurte.st pinisibiti 'notice.' holnu tu'llill" When ll� Wifl ;it 'ell animal, in color varjing, from it makO 8111'(3 Off his prize, which after- V ' decided golden mation and Soreness. Yellow -()it All woik FIRST-CLASS and !'rices els ellowish gray to a 1111ard has to ba ransomed. oi- bought 0 cures Rheumatism, Sore Throat 4.tid Low as any office lVest of Toronto. brown, and even the sbade of the .JOSEPH CHIDLEY.,, Dealer in Furniture. p, and is imertil internally and . I . . I 1 1. . . back by t1io other Cluciers � to whom Irish wtLer. Like all greyhounds Crtill Call at tie New Store and see the stock of the externally for all pains and injuties. Commit your own interests awl Call at. y belong. Crowds of people, Ilia scent is not-stroug, and be lacka*, C, e6ntL . -skill .. 0 . ' ' 496-2t Till,. Njn%,s-Rj,:c-oj:i) ollice, ladore' plaoing Bedroom and Parlor Sets, Lounges, Sideboards, Chairs, Sprin w.ituesslu- these ests at' telligence and affection ; but his Order for ally Oil." 01,• a it) '00' -fully sharp and fte- Mattrasses, eitc,, and goneral Ilousebold rnmiture. The wbole Stock is frolli tile ver\ luitiug. - will till Uff the 1 18 Of the Ueich' sight is'woudei a —A young man .11:111jed Wfflianl* bor r (10 0 'of every description. itir, hou"...3, each -flock ol"pig P8 curate, and on the bleak plateaus n I WH F Y & T' DD best manufacturer.q. Pidure Frames and Mouldings 'of generally as woll known to Elsie, whose parent -i live it 0 0 0 Central Persia, or on the vast 4".S. C111IDix'Y' 011C. dour 11'est of Diclicson's Book Store, them as the colors of our Witinhig), plains of the northwestern I)TOVinces, toba, had Ilia foot caught ill fCfro at Barrio, Monday, anil was run over General Printers c3- Publi,,,here, )torsos are known on our race tracks jjl� (too$ reasonably well. Boside And instautiy killed, to tho Aa' bitues of the tut -F. this one tile Persians have a do- 01.3NTON ONTARIO. B1, Balgal Hawking . is still ,tit expensive 0 1 Rs in. the 9 APAN TEAS Every person talks about Boric sport, ,trial affords relatively little in lqoad, and an innumerable assortment well's Sure Corn Cure. 'They say it MILECTOR1. —0 the way of practical results. The of ours, devoid of legitimate family never fails either in soft or hard st. Pauls eniureii-servi 'c" on SundnyRt 11 breediurr and training or hawks is pride and association, but often corns, bunions or warts. 483 0 T P. m, 131ble Class, 10 a.m. Sunday TEAS whidi we are offeri 0 , 17 Seiko .30 in.' Servicia oil waidnosday, 8 p,uj, We have received a large cousignnicnt ofNEW JAPAN the business of a certain class of doing well owugh'under tile circum- in 5 anal 10 11), Cisd�lies,at the following low prices RKV. WMLIANI CRAM, 13, D., hector men who earn a prezarious liveli- stalle0s. 11attentim-, street Nictl ko4k t -Sai viceh at io,80 �Itev. 13. B. Kpefor dolivered -,%it School E 3NJ T S hood in that way.' As itinerant - - a. an. Laid 7.60 p. tit. 00, at 2.30 p. 45 CENT JAPAN TEA 4T' 35• able lecture in Belleville a night on an. Rgv. MtL. Rui-zirr, 1�.tntor. tradesmen they wander through the Struck the Wrong Girl the failure few nights 'I'vo Of the Ciinalla Presla4erian.- Services at 11 n.ni. ansa 0 0 4:5 8.30 o. in SaalaWali school, 2.30 p. in. loo 35 CENT JOAN TEA AT 25 CENTS11 streeots of thv larger towns seekin(, Scott Act. This hunibug parson ALF,,X'h;,rzwART, 11ttAtur. whom thoy may sell one' of their There was rather an excitingg, not will brave better evidence of the Ontario Street Xe tliod ist. -.9orvices at 10,:�o a. This is the best eller evernia(le ill this county ani} all users ofJapan Teashould'secuit: falcons to. There 11111st, be Hutto it to say glorious, time up � at the failul-Ls now than lie bail thre,3 na. Aw.1 7.00 p. in. Sabbath School, 2.30 p.m. nt least one caddie. Black Tea Equally as Cheap -We are selling a FINE a RHV. W W. SPARbIN0, Pastor BLACK ill original packages of 20 Ilia. at FIFTY CFNTs per lb. This Tea is equal number of these nion ; I should Gutigi , ant sheds, Toronto. It all- months ago. 'rho people knew Bitiatl t Church. -Service at 6.30 p. ni. Sill) to any 70e. Tea in Clinton. An Extra Fine Toun�-1111'yson at 45c., in 5 Anal $ I a', Pea colt Act bulli School. 2.30 P. tit, RXV J. GRAY Ptistor, guess about one thousand ill * t oars that the rectur of . St. George's kirow tile failures of tile S t fO lb. caddies. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Call and sec aur Tea before buying. whole country. But whou they church -had given a momber of the much butter than any Oirsoll can make it sale, they, can affurd to. live (Church Ariny $l'4'' with . flJob to tell trent. NEWSPAPrEp.. LAWS off the proceeds of it foi- it year at reit a houso for one of tlia poor TO I COOPER. & SON least,; for, with their frugal habits, families now at - the sheds. Tito Barkwell's sure corn eurewill cure IiT! call the special attention of Post ft ft to one hundred tow " ns, warts, moles, nusters and snbsuilber-�; to the following an (seventy- Salvation Army do it good deal in hard or sort corns, The Old Relfilble Tea and Grocery House. y 0 in -growing too -nails synopsis of the new:jItaper la%vs:- -oil iind looking after the emigrants, and one bunions and in -1. five. dollars to one hundi 0 a pain. There lift' dullars) are ouuugh to keep a in a rad withqnCtlie, slightest red to give Y of tho offleors, a lady iundreds of preparations for is requi large family oil for that length or jiickot, ascertaining that the house may be i not 'By (returning"a pal)01, does 0 corns, but any person .who lifis once tint (1.11SWCr tl�lc. &W) whon, a subscri wr dons time a ; 4ind that is wbat.-a well -twain- hand not bi en prucur(!d, wont to used Barkwell's will take no other. not take Ili.,; paper out or tile OfflU, acid FRESH'GROOERIES im an ed hawk costa. Birds aro sola oc- Ante tho reitson foi- its not being tilcen. -tile reclor and obtained froth It* It has no equal. 483-tf r that nioney- together with And the choicest goods kept in stock by casionally as high a.9 two hundred order fu 1 C3 Any neglect to (to so makes the postniastet towan. Thf;sal. I , iawkers will stand a request to e'Xpenc1..._Jt oil behalf of ddlesex Assizes, responsible to.the pti:blishcrs for payment. talent. it the entrallan to -a fainous.-,uiosquo the family. Yostdrjay IMss. lod —At the Mi t -l( any person 01-001's his liallor dis- or near the King's or 0overliur's Jackot., accompanied by another las- Thoujas Williamson, a whiskey in-, ,outiniiq, he const lifry all ai rearagos, oi palitee, having their bird (for they sie of the arm),, endeavored., While foviiier, was foiind guilty of per• the plIblishel, _111,'Iy colitillile to 'serail it 0 unfil,paynivnt ig niade, and collect flif We buy ill the very best niarlccts land give 0111. ellstolners every advantage. Our good., rarnly have Illoril than 6iia to sell)- at (lie shods to get the $14 front the jury in connect,ion *ith his I always be fi)"nd Flesh aii(l Reliable, and to the 'econovatical 1101IS&ICeper weofferavito o aniomit, whotiaer it be tali ell 1'ron will rho inoijoy evitionco agpinqt j9hu Wyokott, it'"i -ict,, We -o satiSfiCLI Will Ille(,'f oil their fist, ;ill([ thus offorim, Iiin) Church Army official. tile office or not. Them. call lie no legal niany tages. Our goottqj in vatiety, quality, and ri at *04. for aa,do to ill] Imssers by. 'Thoy will Was not forthcoming, and upon the hotel-ke6per, Thonidale, when lie (lis -continuance until1lic payinout is iiia",e the of evory bouscholil. Produce taken at tk big(T8t In 0111�, oft -ell -watch and wait fol' demana - being repeated he struck swore that Wyckett had violated 3 -Any 'ifie.1-90;1 idlo takes it papei. from Wooks land when 'they finally I)('- Nif iss Red Jacket with his satchel. tho Scott Act oil the 901 Noyclubor the post -office, whether directed' to hit uat nd or another, or whother lie has nab. OANTELON BROS69' come. convinced thaf; they cannot Fus, reply she closed her list and last, and that Ito had procured icribed 6r not, is re4ponsible for the pay, sell them that e, tho� Will, .wander druvo it ill right rrallant style liquor from him, whereas Wyelcatt 4 -If . a si . ibscriber orilm-9 Ilia; Iniper to b, WHOLESALEAND RETAIL GROCERS. CL16TON, ONT. 0 0 caff to sonio other town. strai(dit botweon hiseyos, a pro'ceed- testirled that lie was away froll, -tain thele, and the linblish. 0 1 iInpliml ala cut Fur ituy Ulle Who pays thele a in;; w4joh the other lassie, oxclaim- home �t tho tililo. Williall180D 6 Or con Himes to send, it the si(bsorihcr I small "gratuity tiloy Will sjjO%j1 Off ill(r, "you would strike it girl., Would soil is uia oil bail charged with a botiml to Inly for it if ho taltes it olit ofth IM " 0 0 0 010 shill of lfii�ir bird. Ix, t t 111 ry a W0111111yuki !" supploillontod by it to- Similar otrelice, that a man mast pa.y for what lithe e liscE piguon fly up oil a equate or 0111 Sounding 'thwack across Ilia mouth LESLIE'S GARRIACE & 'WAGON FACTORY, front of the city gates, thoy will with hot open hand. They then throw FOUR YEARS OF SUFFERING, C) T - T I\T' r_V %_ D take the hood off from befure, the hini duwu in the tnud and preecoded 0-0 Mrs, Torrance McNish, of Smith's &W'ln the Division Court in Goderich riltersitting a newspaper tit - hawk's bVilliAnt orbs, then animal- to walk oil Ilia remains. As soon as Falls, Ont,, after foul* years intense at the Novel in(, him with a short, sharp cry? could "I'litaway the brave represOut' suffering with Scrofula,' froin which 1"11- 'nlekl I'Or P"y or Jill Tr 13 a Ulkl- In Stook, 'a Number of Outter�, Sleighs, Bug'gie's and Was-rom- 11 11 Gut objected payfi,ig Oil t; in ground that lie they will point nl)w;ir(l, and i e tivii of the Cliurch Arnly ran to the tier head became bald, was cured by hawk will rise, rise, rise, way aboye sheds an(l brought out two or three Burdock Blood Bitters, after the beat had ordered a former 111-01wietor of the The Material we rnimuracture'.19 of the best quality and the Irofi Work unsurpassed 406-2t fairaper to discontinue it, The Judge held In fact we nialic it an important fcatitre of our business to use only the best pro. ,�tho poor little pigeon, Then,swoop- amigranCs to take his part. But modiacal aid lead failed. that that was not a valid defence, The curable material and the beta workmanship. Those in aced of CUTTERS ing down upon it, tile ljatvk will. upon underst;tuding the position of plaintiff, t1w, progent propricta-ir, had no and SLEIGHS, of the li,test makes and styles, should noc fail to -a they too turned on him, triton se,111elitly call and see us, bring the pigoon back to hie master, affairs o 1 A B10,STRTKE, notie.e to i1i.genritinile and con, holding his proy tightly clutched in lie took to his hoofs (%nil fled., - Out A. big strike Nvas make when Powell "011-1(l ",01)"ct, alt.liongh it was not 116hied 0 0 that defendant had notified fernier pro- ALL,WDRK WARRANTED. Ilia talons. The proceeds of those on the street the small boy got after Davie issued Abeir Extract or arsap- illa and Burdock, It has met with prietor to discontintie. In any event __0_ le irr, -Repairing and Reoaffiti mptly Atterled to., exhibitions pap the hawker's ex- hiiiii and potted him with stones and locesq, and it. mil defoudiant, was bound to pay for the time na Pro 1111,tel. of I great at user, for it is the penses bntii he sells the bird, when inud, and lauguagii for qt at powerful blood purifier hi the mar. he had receiverl the liaper and iintil h Army girls most cess hiti(i paid all arrears (Ili for 409cription. Jib %viii go homo oontontedly to his, int je. The Salvation A ket. It is ii6ed with the greatest site FACTORY on corner of Huron and jStreets, CLINTON.' hovel and train'Another, hawk. haTo the assurance �f I'lto Empirc'-i n all diseases arising from it 6bilitated It may not be gorler�jly knuNvu, most distinguished consideration. condition of the system, and evoryone qnt, SPEAKS FROM EXPERIENCE needs, and should use a bottle or two at MlaFj Edith Fox, of Amberstburg, but the argati (mountain Sheep) is this senoon of the year, of Powell's Sx- n11 an i mal that affords fine sport. It ont.11 had a severe case of Quinsy. is an allinvil of slender, graceful In cbronle diseases, medicines tract of and Burdock. Bear She writes, : 14 tried the doctor's 0 -aboufad be rogtoring, and not debilitat- in mind one 50c. bottle contains more medicine, but got no relief. I was build, covered with grayish wool; ing, Ili their action. The wonderful solid medicine than moat dollar so-called V Ilagyftrd's Pectoral Bal. 91ke News RW%%1qVQ4 strengthening and curative effects, Sarsaparilla and bitters. Also remember told to tri and armed with along, Straight Nervous Deb pair of horn,. They are at home ill realized from"the use of Ayer's Sarsa. that it is sold in Clinton by all druggists, saffi. After talking two doses I gob rice 50c. a bottle, Sold bydrug- relief, and when I had taken three the higher niountahl ranges of Con• prilla, sustain the reputation of this P And inedicine denleri; everywhere. parts of the bottle, I was, coal pletOly FOR SALE mSILLS. ' remedy as The most popular blood gist' 11 j,4xqI and Easto.rn, Persia, And are purifier. 443-Ily cured." • P . . . . . . ......................... Zl� A