HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1888-05-23, Page 5A y 0iIVW11Vu Special for Parasols. �a , � : .. ll Indenie11Sva . F� nre eels Goodsq MM, Special for Oriental Laces• N" t Special for Embroideries. Black and Colored. Cashmeres, -Silks, &c. 1. —1 ----..0 � -- o o Special for Hum and FIdn'nciRgs. Special for `Neil g • PARASOLS!---- 0UR STOCK ISVERY COMPLETE.' '+ '11-o--o--o—o - Special for Corsets. Seeo'u r .5 cent and 8 cent Prints. &ersuokers from 8 cents. See Tho Prices, Boa Tk1sortment, 0 0 0. LOW FIVE PER CENT. 'OFF FOR.. CASH. JOHN WISEMAN, Manager. Estate J. HODGENS G -EO.-,. Ell RAY & CG'S. ,- ni�y-� 664 Eimp rium of Clinton. SPRI NSTYLES DETLOR & Col- -OF- - HATS AND � Af'S' !HtlYr3just opened out an immense stock ofO • 1.•:; „� ., of the.very LATEST AMERICAN ,DIAN11FACTUkE. also LOVES.-!, K.1 -D G C10011 P08t Office THRO TWO. ane case American Neckwear ` (very handsome), front 20c, up to hoc.. A callrespectfully soolliic'itteed, r.- � They guaranteeevery- pair of the following; makes :-The f. Walls are Due for detdt+er1l crud Close for CLOSE j DULL CXMIC)_ ��_&80r0. V'V y "Durable," the "Reliable," and the "Gold Medal." •.'�.scl$S�rxtClL as under: A. M. P. Al. A. M. I P. 111_ Murray Block, Albert Street. Hamilton, Toronto, Stratfprd, Seaforth- reNext lloor to DRY -GOODS PALACE. o '� Graltil:. Thunk East and iuteruletdiate - i offices. ... ,....... _. 1 _ .............. _, 1.30 1.50 - T6i6ltoY ,Stratford; Seafortli—T.`& S. East I 1.55 8.00 HOUSE PA I N T I N C Goderich, HolmesviIle—Grand Trunk Nest 1.00 8.00 I GLAZING AND GRAINING,, Goderich ........................:k.. 8.45. 2.40 -PLM; HXD DECOUTIUE Hamilton, Toronto........... 4.15 10.10 PAPER _r i Loudon, L. H. & B.—oath anti�,i itermedi- I . rsom�ning ate offices ..................:................. Q� n Ka ... �.3si, 4.15 11.10 7.01 II�IrICt,I�i[t• V�. Blyth, Wingham, Kiucaidi he, Lucknow— L. H. 3;. B., North,) and intermediate 1v 'a . ' ' -' -7 offices .................... y..................... J:10 6.151 8:25 5.05 1E �(J GING. 'r r I �• • , Shop Next Spooner's Hotel, Albert Street ;0 Surumerbill—Tues day and Friday........,) � 5.30 �' 5.80 0-T,1W 2'ON', ONTARIO_ British—Mondav, Wednesday .Y Tliursdliy 6.80 -- - 1 -- CHAS. To SPOONI= J R SW MONEY OBDFitti.issuoil and DF:P08IT8 reoeivetd from one- i1olhix 1. upwards for tra-nsmission Co Central Otilce of Tost Office Savings Bank. Pass Books.e, d every in6rmation to be had On. application.nir ' OfficeHours from $ A.M.to 7 P.M.t ► - NK -STOCK Savings Bank and Money Order Office close;at 6.30 P.M. PT° W.'D. FAIR, THOMAS FAIR, .AT ASSISTANT. , r POSTMASTER. CLINTON, May 21st, 1889. i New-Blacksmith.Sho�, ®R.• ASHINCTONi, C�-H E, A,,]FD E S Tliro:lt. -and i Lunn Sur -con, of 0 �-y EORGE TItOtVF11LL has opened o»t n gen- 'j�01.O11t0. �.7f seal Blackaruitlr ural Repatr Shor [u tbu Remember, we are still ,selling PRINT AT GIZ TLY buil ing lately occupie6'by ilr. Gaulpy;, b th of `� �j r� I Will be at the 7�7T s b �� Ca Blacksmith carriage oro work in al its b Clinton. REDUCED C{E•D PRICtS-121' � � - --- I3lneksinith and Iron work in all ka branches; b � � � ;a,u(l 17C 11'llltS idt Sand 10C., Horse -Shoeing promptly nttenled to and eatis- l p❑ -' y' tacttorr gnurantced. The public are invited to Rattc�bur�1 W'ou% all choice patterns. call before ordering any class of work in the , above Hup es. A splendid line trf--SEEIiS 497-tf GEORGE TROWHIL14 UUKEIiS at 10c to clear. - CLINTON. Usual price, 122c. We are alsci selling the CHEAPEST '� N �W + ;: SILK PI.USJf '1 N CLINTON at 71c--a,ll the leading Flour. and' Food, Stone JUNE* 13TH colors. Special value in Ladies' 1-13atton Colored Kid A tesv of the hundredseared by DR. Gloves (braided 'backs). All -wool Dressi Goods, Black WASHINGTONIPS New Meihod t and,- Coldred C aslllneres and a new assorted stock 6t b. L•QOK•, of Iuhnintlora �Y � w `t 1V. II. Storey, of Storey 3i Son, prominent Gener '1 Dry ' -Goods, f Ilse opened n goneral flour and teed store In the a 11'3-�rOOCl$, at prices that Gill)nOt 1)e beat. butki n o osite Fair's mill, Clinton AlT Blore manufacturers of ,Acton, Ort., cured by g pP Dr. Washington of cata•rh'oflgthe throat, 5gd q - klnda of feed, eeud rain, clover 'and timothy, -Lorin, and ,p Canada and rEngla a by ire hint �• . JACK N flour, &c., Etc , kept in stock, and sold -pt th1 spocinl(sts In Canada and F:nglnnd, Write biroT'_ ■!1/ /`� lowest prices Por spot cash. All kinds of grain, for particulars. , i seeds, feed, etc., bought at the Wilt. market — ' ���.✓// o. prices. Goods delivered free to any part'of the Cliroutc Bronchltls and Asthinn Cn`reii. town. Give us a call. -1 at. An Er)gltsh Church Clerg, tnnn speaks,. - Rectory, Cornwall, Ont. Now PaIRt,SI�o�' , Da. Wnsmsn'rI an ' t , :M O N TROQS S' PATENT Dena Sttr`=I nm Bind to be able to inform} o i s thatuut• ails liter is quite well al,ain As, this is the second time she has been 'ctrred of Bravo bronchinl troubles under voug't;Mrrant, ti;Q M-ETALLIC Ft'Ipractical paltors, lore soewritere express 1�1} SH I NGLES uch pI.. re in informing the public of aratitud�, I'le;eae accept my sincere thanks. Clinton and vicinity that Chep havo opened out Yourp truly, -.- In the above busineses' Ifouse, sign and general "• C:$ $CbIT. painting, and graining. Paper hanging and ceiling }Ira Jno .1 - ij.h•y, gingston,'brit., L'arafr and- ,Joeornting in rho beat etyll known to the trade Consnuq,tiun, Prices moderato. Shop Albert Street, two doors John Mcl{elv,y, liingstnn, Ont, Cntnrrh,� N D SIDING-&� north of Hodgen's Dry floods Store.490.3m r oppng,ngston, On�� Broncl2ro Conaump• i - �� NEW TOP BUGGY. }I r. R. Scott, Kin dton, Out, Catarrh, ho'..d and throat }lia.Jno Icnrtram, Iiarrows(nfth, Ont, near I{ing. eton,C.ct.crrh, throat. r.., ��[�� 'AND STORM. FOiL S:1i,E.-lfado in Guelph. We suppose by Miss }Ivry A Rolnbourg, Centruvllle, ffut, ntnn h FIRE ,j J ,�;r,� PROOF Armstrong, Inch gear. Wll) be sold well head and throat. within its value. Jume1Jl yththew s; 1' aster, Acton, Ont. _ W. DOTIERTY Sc CO, A F Mph, Gents 1'nrnishing, .Re)}pvhle, Catarrh -•- - 0+--- Clinton, May 10, 1889. 497 9t throat. - ' ,John Phippen, P, O, Sandhursear Napa - nee), Ont, (n FOR SALE. Heel, Catarrh heny>ad throat. Rad case. S. DAVIS, - - OLIN T'ON■ f11HESlJB9CRIBERoflereltor Bale Ponreligible COURT OF RE ISDN jI Rnllding Lota frontingq on Albert Street; also two fronting on Rattonliury Street; either c.» f Al{Is NO'1'iCh that the Court of Bnvislon for yy p - .r blaoorIn r meltelots, to snitpn erBigra. For the PILLAGE OF BAYFiELD will be held QVLLS FOR SALE. EUREKA BAKERY. YnR,ther parfenlara apply to the undersigned. -F., in he Town ilnll on JlGN[1AY, 28th dayot 1tAY, DfNSLEY, Clinton. 892 1888, at the hour vC tun (10) of the clock A.\L, �HREF, thoroughbred Durham Bulls from it fur rho put•pusc o1 hearing And rectif, Ing all t4 20 months old. itegietered in lSoth1,116n The euhacriber has lensed the bakery of Sir. 1 FOR SALE OR–TO LET complaints against or errors ont,to Adaesement herd Book. Price and terms reasonable. Apply Dodaworth a few doors west of the Commercial 1 Role Persons interested are regdested to take to JAMEaPOTTF.R flet,). qn, wRl be glad to rccetve g shnro of Holl •cont • r OUSE AND TWO 5 . I Hero O T, T. , thcurselr n wbl ii-- LQTS for sale or to 111, ,. ca ccordingly 488•tf Bly i Ic pntronago. I'lahr and FnncY Ijrend, " 1� situate on Albert street, For pn•tiodars CEO. W. WOODS Cleric. • U annd Pastry of all kinds., furnished on'shoit Aire ly " - notice. Onl • the best inateriM used and turned ' applyntT.coOPLR,4cSO.'SGrocer,,Clinton Itnyarid, 1hy14th,1888 990 �t 'j'Itj THE FARMERS! Out in a shape to ploage rho most fastidious c . May 13th, 1889. 400-tf _,__, . pdate: tVFDDING CAI{F:S got up In the moat H[j'OUSE TO LET. -Small house on upper part COURT OF REVISION study your own Interest and go where mil"lonable "t3 lo. /� of Albert Street, Ap}l9y to you can get J. A. KING. 1 489 'I•IidS. CCOPFIt & SON. IiIAK C NUTiCF: that _ i rho Court oP Ret Won for 1. tlw'fOR'NSGi , OF 91'ANI,EY it'll hold its ]' P A —�-- i j§S IIA i{INC.-Sir,, Campbell, of London first mcat(nq In VARNA, nn SATURDAY hIAY �ell�lblU Harness, t D hoe opened Dross 111nking Rooms over the the 20th, 1988, at ten o'ugoek A, 14t., to rlviso and ss, Dry Good Stora o1.1 E. Pny & Co. with first•. correct the Assessment Roll of the said Township HOUSE CLEANERS] . classasaiatants. 9ho ie In a position Eo turn out • for the present year. Those Interested are re• I malnufsevore none hilt the BosT er SToea, tyork erynnl to any in the city, She respectPnlly quested to talcs notico and govern themselves Jleware oJshops that sell cheap, a» theU havo naksn regal order. Romps over OFO'. F. PAY K necordingly, pod lb ffyo, g Carl and q.1t prices. Orders CO'S, Dry Goods Store. GEo, sTpt,AR9c, Clork by moil, promplyattendcd to MAKE NO AUS17AKE, we hate the nicest Vnrnn, Siny' f2th, 1899. 496 -td and newest stock of M6NEY TO LEND on good mortgngo or _-_.... �0 rte° C.&3R,rxr393R 1 Lel pdrsonnl eecurlty at lowest torrent roto of /� , DLYTII, ONT. WALL PAPERS, BORDERS AND e Interest, 31. McTAGGART. COURT WREVISI'ON HARNESS Clinton, Fob, 28th, 1899. 485t1 EMPORIUMCEILING DECORATIONS TAi{E NOTICE that the Court of Revision for OOM.L. PROPERTY FOR SALE, -That convinilntfy rho Town at Clinton twill hold its first sitting in �' . to W found in town. Something entirely II actuated lot apd cofnmodioua houeo on Rat• the Council Chamber, Town Hall on MONDAY j tenbury 9t., near Albert, it prose», occupied by 28th„day of STAY, 1898, [it the flour of 8 of rho new and novel. Call and eco tta. No J mo. The It is two lft"6rlea and in-.ggod.xpp it, clock, P.yT., for Lha purpoyye of hentina and recti ''""� tronblOiU sl)oty goods. with nine roofrie and woodshed, first c14es collar Eying alt compiafnts agninBt or errors bn the To me when you ore tvearp iifbirfg gouged and hard and soft orator, also good stable • fifl'• tfic� . Asecasment Roll of this 111111,11 }car, • Porons want to know whore you can get a FULL rM /� T1. y.y pramtse9. Will be sold reasonabld and on easy Interested are regri¢ster, to fait. notice and gov. DOLLARS worth. Wi...•. COOPER � ■O y N: M� terms. Posaesalon gluon T, once, oro thlm6elvos accordingly. A. W. CARSLAKE it►.e. v .L JaJ+V T1108. STANi31;RY, WhI. COATS, Clerk. 9 • Clinton, April 24, 1$s'9 tf•403 Clinton, flay 9th,, 1889. 495 -at CusliomTallbring,CleanIng, Dyingrind Repairing. ' 11kAVER BLOCK 1300K STORE. A Choice lot of Ladies Mantle'. and Jacket Cloths; suitable for -Spring and Summer, *a�- XrANTLES CUT FREE- OF CHARGE. J. C. DETLOR & C 0ti, FUNTUMP.... KICAA/ L�LI1111111\U �r�rr New Dry -Goods ! New Bots � ShOes ! New Grocer es ! 0 - .. Having; just bought a stock of new goods' at. the present LOW PRICES, I •am in a position to sell goods as low as any respectable House in the Dominion. Any one Good Goods at Lowest Trices will save money by calling; oil me. I always keep GOOD. STAPLE GOODS --what the people want—and WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD by any one in the trade. Butter and Eggs -taken in' Exchange. for 'foods. .A call' respectfully solicited, H. PLUMSTEEL) SEARLE'S BLOCK,' - CLINTON ��C�FTT�N=TTTRE� • —AT -- ``THE R19D ROCKER STORE.)$ [IARLOR AND BEDROOM SUITES, SIDE130ARDS AND TAB4ES. S ecial atten- tion is callert to PARLOR SUITES—they aro of our own nifinufacture, and for design,' material and workmanship oannot be excelled fn the county. WReinember, that all goods will be sold at a BTC REDUCTION duringthe month )f May, Fi-rat , conic, first served. _AN -UPHOLSTERER always on hand ; repairing neatly argl promptly attended tp. Ulldertalchig anti Embalming attended to at our usnlil low rates, Night calls attended to prumptly, CALBICK, KEITH. kLPERT STREET, CLINTON. THE P� --�_D� . I�OFI� IW'N# 'Tever have FINE GOODS sold for LOWER PRICES than we arc now inil'kng on our Irresistible Spring Rarga1118. We ask the privilegge of selling you on the losest living margins the FINEST STYLES AND QUALF.C&S thAttl)loncy can buy in the line of YEN'S and .,OOY -'s CLOTHING rr rgpect the Goods, compare the Prices, and you must atrinii that two are of erhig the pportunity of tho season. Give us just ono chance to matte you happy with beautiful oods at bed rock prices, Eeotiomy, Comfort and Satisfaction goes with every purchase ntado of P, SHEPHERD; The, Leading Tailor, Clinton, SHE UEWSGORD FOR FINE PRINTING, . 4 . P JLV „kA�N• r �; 4� a Y 41 v;tr. rye