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The Huron News-Record, 1888-05-23, Page 4
Wim: �.-.. ....:_.,,.... .:,:•:. .......:.. . . A2iJ • ag�L of a people Wiiido ' wbQoe deeds GOP I3LF. 8 OU 11r04rLE altos tostighouy, tvhsreas IA lite outer S1, Athana or. QUEE J ti diose of J(onle ]nett}, th a testiutouy of silo L ilos i,ut'orinsr G((rtlting-JadlYsW) 131.0".. w + Carthago, with all the tawdry tinsol `—' will cuuvict. Thule is souhelhing 0oucert--St; .Iaal'lf Cthai,. , '1•"uandw is thq 2 illi of o Kii-lits of Labor ani} early closing, of tuythreal tradition, siiuk into ' wrung in legal prvcc�111ru what) rho . " Itleri trAlitetl-1Y. 1I. Niue. the aulliversary of the bilth u( L;rit � • . very conituou place iusiauifrcalloo• viulatiwioffetliato ,uric iseotl•sic 13laskstufkhiug -Cao. llowhill. ails s beloved and Clueculy f�):tc'ou, purity 1'' >:•�,•.4 BugrV for sale-1v. Aehcrty'Fi Co ' ' But the "rigliteottsuuss i►ud truth " the rNgal empress, fur over aver fifty ed of less consequence than the viola. Ar. lvashiogtoll's visit. uo Ort p'u't out [Iorods Herod Y P' Y E Y tion of a regulatory or prohibitory P Lumber fur Salo.-Cordon 1'er ia. years, of nu empire upon which the when its mouth puce comes out sun never sets, the sound of whose liquur law, with the thulupr,r that s lot r drum-beats uucirel t the elube albs! The bivitlo c inw to the frogt in a The Heron News-Recoi c' A yi-nitlr•a„t f,t(•t in eonneQtie,l ,villi i the existing parties in the Absence of a, whose people have int'u,luct•,l the late suit in Jluu? trr,,l th other ° $1.60aYear—$1.23 inAdvauce• definite palicy' supernal bealilillg light of the Cross day. It may be well to explain roty V. the rieous• ght - + o into every part of the lwown world- that that important appanage to it Wednesday. \IaIY '�:irll, 11 t3 y8. Bess and truth of the dew uu party God-Plem Qur.l�''ol►lo C uQtptt dlady's ' ul . filsbiouahlu outfit was Bait reg ' put furwai•d such a statement as ilia __-- CA '4UA'S I'VE „ „ wuru. A lady ord. rod n cloak. IV” NO PAtr'lY. preceding as n stguificeut fact s Thu tailor itid nut make duo allow- ��t��0i7 Great Cash Stol e 'what bora 'ilia puutplo of G:uladn tq V��// All addross by A. ,Sutherland auce fforthu lady's bustle. Ili con- b/'Y' ' think of its true inwardness ? Why,: uc the gook did not lit. She t President of CAuad.t's New Party, sac 1 •ecu line been issued. It is .n very that it is a houtoogenous, abortive refused to receive Ane? pay for it. amusing doculueut to comic from a ire. Political partyisin in Canada Thu tailb G or sued liar. The Judge R: has no definite polity I We shall asked fur expert party whose chief plank is ,ighte- allow the Globe and its party to 1 t evidence which otksuess and truth in public Affairs."-went to show that in measuring fur take caro of itself. But the Rip the clonic due allowance was not An association of theorists band Van Wiukleism, to characterise the +. themselves together under the name made for die 'buste, and the gar- , trait by no harsher term, et' 'Ilia of Canada's New Party for the pur- Ment was it misfit thou-Ir- the ex- sort of literature shows that the Bose of showing how deuforalising pert reportedth•lt lite lady's bustle nullnbors of the new party hays nut Lvas to lar +e Thu .Judet ruled party is, how needless party i•; tsar a • , only boon nodding over the Ihiat.ory however, thilt'lir lad;; was the best tug away with nil platy. Surely n of altos when they hold that it cuun- very inconsistent procedure. As judge of what size bustle she should try can be governed without party, well might a lot of man band them- wear and that the cloak should have but they-utust•-ha*8 boon positively selves. together anti Act out to tour been made to fit the coufiguratiori asleep during the )list twenty years. a del in 01'det'to show howdeneoralis_ C Thuuuservative putty has at least Of hal' fUl'111 with saidbustle slid OUGHTJACK TO BE AS GOOD AS HIS ceeded to roast Sir Richard oil his ing it is for assassins to lear+uu to not to suit her form adorned will) hIA9TER pretentious ilbout purity on the a a given uu 'uucurtain sound as to its -ether fur rubbery and murder. The the size hustle the tailor consider • Shall Methodist Bishops be pro• part of himself and his'party..Thoy. policy. 'file legisbttion.of the coup- address says ; "ed the coroct thing. And the lady hibited from indulging in the could riot bring a Single charge try :Isle'\ the public works, as \Nall as g• b e +7 e i t That the, ittruvinces are held together by bgained the ease. tobacco habit I The question has against Mr. Jones, but they natura, it very, slender•tio admits of no dispute. the tartff,buing prouf's strung As holy been taken up, and will again be 11y suspected all land,.agentii• He it This is uo°t to ACCOi'Il LVil}. "rights writ. , r, T brought up in the Methodist Confer- read a member of telegrams showing G URRA T TOPICS c' 1 ousuess and truth." Thnt aflirnta- There has been no chance wort; � -T ance now in session in New York. how the land agents of the Ontario tive is gravely open to dispntQ. Ad• Iu the developmi nt of Canndri to Its EDITORIAL NOTES. RIGns' YOU ARE Several memorials on the affirmative Government, had operated -in side have been referred to a com•• Algoma and elsewhere. But it 'nits of such doubt that one tuight present ouriRble, status among the °--;_ The criminal assaults on woulen ueittee which is embarrassed in the might lie said that no control was The Dominion I ttliament pro- b 00 the length of saying that itis not nations of the earth any more than g „have of Into been very numerous, • of an answer that will' had over thein by •\Ilse. Mowat, roaued yesterday. preparation the truth. "Cnnadiaus have the very there has,haau in the formation ?of ) y' and very atrocious. • They must be be acceptable to the delegates at the He would go furtherrh(+n. In ties put down at whatever coat. If the eonferance, say the city papers: If a famous election trial of John strongest ties imagin Ilse to bind the heavens And thoenrth. And to The lata IIou. Thomas White was punishments provided by-law are bishop is ter l4#ked••from smok• W.alkerlef I1ondon,one B'. rt tile.", together,, some -of which ore day the Cuusorvativo party is call- , a total abstainor, did not use tobacco not severe enough, then let that se- Naga Y tiuuing n well ilefiuod Polic w t; ' ing a pipe, or chewing a quid, or had Leen convicted of Pirie charges unwittingly pointed out by Presi- o .1 y hich and had not tasted intoxicating verity be iir,]reused,' and let magis• taking a pinch of snuff, why should of bribery,and within three years the dant Sutherland himself. The makes timid time servers, and jolly- liquor for eigliltoen years before his testes see that they always go as far a doctor of divinity, or even 'an Government of Sir Richard gave ver • important one of self- reserva• fish art glen stand aghast at iia as the law allows thein - Globe• ordirinr divine be permitted to hint an appointment of importance y 1 P party a death, but at the salve time ile was y P PP„ p. tiun being one-tho preservation temerity. A thorough tem cranes man in that enjoy such indulgences I If Macho- among the Indians of Manitoba. 4 of the reseal and least corruptgovern- Thu , Conservative party today a P THE BIBLE THE MEANS OF CONTAGICN dist clergymen al% to be forbidden The case of the Ontario Bank was he did not go the extremeof forcing The modo of swearing in our law •to use tobacco, why sou1tletho- turned over, and the record of gen. ,. meat in the world And this has a policy which says Lve have a b others to adopt his views. courts; involves the actual contact dist laymen be allowed to use itl eral Grit bribery unearthed. In duteruun:nt besides being of tlworthia�t country worth fighting rot if necea- of the lips with the Bible or Testa if the habit is wicked or sinful concluding he- said Sir Richard t.. character is protecting the Canadian sats, industries wortprotecting, I'ha local option license law of went, as the case may be. Very why should it be tolerated at all, ill had come into his county and can- t people+ ill the posaessiou of and pre- the biggest and best part of the un-Michigan has been declared nucon• often the book is old, has been in any case? Can 4 be• right for a vassed against biro, with the result A. serving fat- ns and developing the settled area of the habitable world use 1`4 many'•'yoar:i; has never been layman to do that which is wrong that.his majoriq had increased one P a atltntl01la1 by the Supremo Court, out of the tape it is tied with in all for a bishop ? There should be ilio thousand fold. (Cheers.)„ m *I in'ttel'ial resources Of the largest worth. spending Ili illions Of mOnOy Judao Chaplin writine, the opinion, that tittle, so that from so much c4usistry illi it matter of this kind. �A division was Hien taken,. and. tei'riturl auger ono guverutnout• on to rescue from ,its primeval state; and all .the Other justices concnrr- handling, and kissing it is in some But there would be no casuistry in the amendment was lint ou a tote _ !. this continent, and possessed of the., timber quad minorals worth hundreds iug, Thu Court handles the sub- cases black wits accumulatel dirt. Arguing that a Bishop should not do of, 98 to 58: L• gtoateat natural wealth. of millions and which must be a Sensitive persons in the witness box 'what a layman might do, because a --- act exhaustive) quoting the entire -.John Ashcroft s. cabinet factor 11,4csidentlnSptherland then a s ntitizod in feeding furnaces coq- ,� Y' q a have some difficulty in screwing layman is prohibited from doing y text of the low in question aua„all.. their courage to the-kissing point it, what the Bishop may do.- --_-- - at wiarton. was burned .Olay- h6th, -- -- ivci linv•o structing railways aiid building a y' a' the important objoctions to it that such cases, and on the general theory The fire started in the drying kiln. t;• "o couuuon tradition, lest, h n, tilt, ships un•d transporting tha'products Loss $5000 • insurccl. of out inexhaustible• 1"suds And out have been made. that disease upny be communicated The Haldimac d Knight. and the -Rev. Dr. Sanderson, of Sarnia, t,. <ihs•uro ul natiollal selltili,ont ❑light hold y , p after completing 51 years S the it its to;etl,er. b such means their scruples ore @ 6 ever increasing factories .and ]conte The Oth Lie 13 Commission- not to be wondered At. When they. Methodist ministry, will retire at th® „� rt This is it grand ulistakeo. The In the House Sir Richard Cart, to the farthest ends . of the earth, ars refused a, license to the Gram\ -are so strongly warned against next conference and make his !]oma majority of khe people in Canada holding silver coin,? be,tweeu the Lvrightmovud an amendment to a in London. w1lile at, the same tittle .furnish-ing 'Union Hotel,, one'of the best kept f motion to Fare of British origin. The educate,) lips, oil tits ground of its buAba a go into supply,: aeprecat =Dies. Gotvanlock, 'of'S�: Ca.thar- ;- employnhent to Canadian Artisans, thele. alnong•lt8 uosts 'boing 'Hon. OSal,ble medium of contagion 'ing the fact that one- Walter Joneii,' ines,; whose husband wAs. killed' wadian • wbo could ani iouel • P a ,they f;irinerA and laborers on Cauadian Alex. 'McKenzie. The refusal is so nhav reasonabl ask to be excused •who had been reported by Judge curing the Northwest troubles, has 1prownl'=atc such a slat) stats- Y obtained a pension -from the govern 1 ° ail. d clearly the result of petty local politic- when •offered •a book-to swear on Boyd for corrupt practices, had p a Y P Y F man t. ,cent ns the above, and himself be- l;nt the secret comes out Hoar the Al meanness that Mr., McKenzie and that is begrimed with dirt. been appointed land valuator just ,-Michael ')It, of Brantford, was :iet•a it, must be de.vuid of elevated before .the last ITAldmaud, election, .found drowned in the eftl]RI south and of this no patsy address, after other leading grit guests endorsed it _ and laced }u Such a position that of the railway r' feelings of patriotism. The tradIt- , ODIOUS COMPARiSON. P P y station. Deceased the alleged style of, It lady's letter, request to 'Mr. Mowat to investigate , he could influence voters. [Te had on him when taken out of 'the `s ionq of at least twelve centuries of lZov. Dr. Talmage told his congre- water one hundred And eight dollars the. pith being in the postscript. - the mutter and ho has cousent.od spoke at some length, and asserted C insula; continental and 'colonial gatigu that the intoxicalit of the that there was no publico inion ill in bills twenty-five cent silver file postscript, then, resolves the to do..'o. The proprietor of the ancients wits 'An innocent, beVCrage _ I p And fivQ cent. y \'o cause At resent rants of arils h sen And by ]and' • a ' Canada on the morality of politics, Y ,, exigency of the times into a policy Grant] Union is A Conservative• a harmless soda-water, a feeble can be Arrived at as to how, be clime of catnulerce and civilization ' in and a no party having rot- its object. - — � orsugeade, a quiet syrup compared Dr. DToutague said areason had 'to this end. every part of the Globe ; of science 1'rohiLitiou. Tho Toronto Eiicl)ire takes Lb with the liquids employed for at last been found why -Haldimand -The Moscow Gazette declares had slipped front the hands of the that the agitation in England over t and litora.turo ; of personal. liberty 1'rohibitiuhh of the liquor traffic holds Globe to task for,ils belittlement of modern inebriation into .wbi'ch n. P,l the military defences of the Em ue madness a fur a fire a gloom a Opposition. He then' went over P•'. f and popular rights in all lrts of the foremost, Place. , Y, , o , was started by An agreement rnAda popular a P' Canada acid � its dolorous picture of suicide, a retribution are .mixed and some of the other reasons which between the English and German Righteousness and trutli and no , had been luso for his success in AQ, old Bud new Britain -the less and o our helplessness should the United melted. Cermoutation was always g Governments, with a view to the { greater L'ritain-aro surely traditi Partyisnh resolves into Prohibition. States take it into its head some known, but it was not until about 'that county, one of the most amuA- ' augmentlug of British armaments 1 ons of which tiny nation might be Any policy that does not give Pro- g g one thouauri<i ears lifter Christ that Ing being that the election having and the cooperation of Great Britain 1 fine morning to step over and'aobblep Y taken lace on Saturday the 407 with the triple alliance: Bead and hvl)ich are the. couimou, hibition the. •foremost place is, distillation was invented. 'And P yh P + proud us•up before breakfast. Even the seventh da the Baptists were pre, -'rhe steamers United Empire ,to ,art of Cnrhndiar.s. And as according to these theorists,;nothing T while we have to confess so'n�any of Y' P P and Alberta, are to Thunder Bay 1 ' l Y �, New York Tribune has a whack at the ancient arts as lost the Christ% vented front voting. This would but a mass of "crook#d methods s still unable to reach the dock At McAlpine '\'osier, the Canadian „ the.Globe for its miserable attempt ian-Era, surpasses; all its predecessors ]pave been a good reason but for port Arthur. The weather is still anti selfish Aims. No offices or the fact that there was not a man word painter of Huron says : to foul its own nest, as will sae seen in the bud eminence of whiskey, gin, raw,and there is no immediate pros- "How dear • ttholiiiiients al's to he made use of by An Article Lvhich we reproduce in brandy and rum. The moiern'drink of that particular creed in the , pact of a break-up. The Campanti Pu tis i5 every argent of thy reulu,, ill Connection with tllis• righteous- ie a hundredfold mightier than the county. (Laughter.) The hon. is among the new arrivals. Half a g dozen boats are now awaiting ' ' luloth-or column. _ ancient drink. Noah's inebr}ation led member for South Oxford,--in deal- g a Ili'ivanuia ! 'fie blood that rjuiel;pus ih; nese and truth uo•party party pro ing with the 'several cases had vied chance to reach the port. wu veins, hibitiou party. Its mombers 'oust -' - him to imbecile behavior, but modern a Alid beats With fiery ardor Ill our heartF1,— 1 ` J . It will be remeiubored that the with the member for North Wellirl s - -- _._ h __ ___ That. blood was she.) "tnr thee !-our be composed of patriot millionaires alcoholism seta its victim to struggf- g To have good health use Powell's father's t,lno,l I Reformers ill the legislature of On- ing with menageries of hissing rep, ton as the scavenger of Ilia party. Sarsaparilla and Burdock, it cleanses 1 r "file stars that light thy eat ,ire front the who havo discovered tlw alchyurista He said earl in the session " that and enriches the blood. Price 50c. a, ' 1 targe, to 1871, laid clown a rosolut• tiles and jungleA of prowling tigers e Y 1 , scabs ur hilo.” bar's stone The promise grid eMitions of , blils heinous the Liberal policy was to he an ottle. Sold by all drug •ists. 483 2t F P Y I tau nt the instance of lIr. Blake P P _ _ al Of )n+acre, lint rou,;t the legiuus ul' our demotes heroic policy. But, with all this -Diary Elliot, about thirty years to give their soi'vices to the count' that "bio munrber of this House _ sires ;, Who conqueror Death by \•ietory," "frau gratis for nothing " A gov- 'should be appointed to. Any office oto' -- I_ pretense of heroism and valor, the• of Age, of Ayr, committed suicide BLrss THE MAN wrlO INVENTED CttilAP attack to night had been directed •hridny morning tfy cutting her throat t Than again this famous no party ernnhaut run oilsuch principles emolument which may become 11 EAT. against a man who had but one leg. with a razor. So far cutting cause can be party adeiaess ; this subtle n)tonlpt tvih be in order when the milleniunl viieant in his constituoac " The ' (Great laughter:) Taking tip • the asetigned for the rash act. r Y We fend the following curious case brought up by ,Si'r Ricl]ard to discralit the national sentimeul cotnes. Until than utlieiAls From -- • ••. - Ifitlhare gives a. list of seventeen argument in the Chicago 2'ribune : Cartwright, that of Mr, Young, Iiundreds` have .used Powell's and patriotism of�Canadians says : pia Governor GrQnoral to a.• pound- appointments iu.violatiou of this -Meat and civilization go together, Stirsap:tr}Ila end Burdocitfordyspep• , trenilthe speaker showed by a series of Hitherto fie onto of party politics etas keeper will expect to derive some principle le since 1871 commencing Some of the most mysterious dig- sig, indigestion, and as aBlood puri- been in opposition to the dovelopmeut of 1 P + g affidavits that Mr. Colter bad miss` fler. Price 50e. a bottle, Sold by e",element. And true the laborer eases of lite NTiddle.Agea did not , a "u•rtioual spirit au,ong tlir, people iii our Y with lilt. I•tobort Gibbons, the Pres- ed the hon. gentleman as to the all druggists. 488.2' ,iitterrd provinces. is ieorthy of his biro. DPhen man ant Lvorth sharifl of Huron and die in -England until the natbro of Mr. Young's offence, He Y , introduction of pasture grasses from , "Righteousness Anil truth" are not offer to work for nothing and board ,� had simply been convicted of receiv.-Afelnnes .yc COs warehouse at ending with Dr. Widdifield last France made it 'possible for the. ing stolen wheat in big barn. He Ingersoll was burned clown on the particularly . conGpieuous in this thenlsitives one will not he far a to obtain fresh went •nt all ° week appointed sheriff of York, people was not associated with the guilty 18th. It contained 500 barrels of - etatoneent. We call s pealc Advised- astr'ty ill Surmising that they will seasons. (,treat Britain, the most g y flour belonging to lir. Cawtliorpe of 1 depend 11,ou t•hoir stoiilings to kee Consistency is a jewel but the Grits parties , but to save a friend he had ly of the tread of the politics and l 1 o p vigorous nation of Europe, consumes Thamesford, The flour Lvas destroy body and soul together. dont handle that commodity, more meat per head 109 conga pleaded guilty to the charge and Mrd• No insurance. policy of the Conservative party, It is understood that the "A. —" - --_-- in a year than any other 'nation) received.n light sentence. (Hear, and assure rho note no-party party Sutherland,'! who signs tfio maui. The Globe says that the inareAso hear.) The offence was buried under Have you dyspepsia? if so, use g Italy, Sault in lethargy and ravaged ten years of exemplary living and powell's Sarsaparilla and Burdock ; that if thero is one thing move than I festo wo have beau Alluding to, is a in the Assaults upon women, ,and by the dreadful disease, podagara' was now only unearthed by a mem- the 'most powerful remedy in the another that has been and is appar• I !nilliator of t.11e gospel. One would other kinds of libertinism, must be uses but eighteen pounds of meat market. Price 50c, a bottle, Sold by imilgiuo it to be the work of some per capita earl The most back•• Ilse of the House who surely wished all druggists. ant in the efforts of th'a Conserva- chocked at whatever cost., This is a P P yearly. gg sts. 488.21 preutico baud in secular ",Alters. ward nations in the world -the to have the unenviable reputation live party throughout the whole rl"bteous Advocacy. For as Rev, of beingthe scavenger of his For no one else, unless lie were a a y Hindoos and the Chinese,4 have a INURKET'REPORTS. Dominion, irrespective of race born idiot would hold that a coun- Mr: McKay says where drink has become vegetarians. In 1'ngland party, , (Corrected every Thlesrlay afternoon.) origin or eroed, the unification and try can be governed without a slain its thousands lustfulues� and the' rich who have all the meat. Sir Richnrd Cartwright-The per- CLINTON. goverutnot{t, And wo cannot have they need five to tin average age of son who is addressing the Ilouso tae Flour.......................$2 00 to 4 :,0 nationalization of these provinces impurity have slain their tens of thou- Y , „ lx Fal I.Wheat, new & old'0 90 to 0 95 a government without political fift five the oor, who cannot twice used the word scavenger. I Spring Wheat............. 0 8, to 0 90 r has 17oon that, Confederation, the ac- sands, If moral roform leagues y' P P t3 -parties. Nor can we have governors a afford satin meat die think it your duty, Mr. Speaker. Barley:...............:..... 0 65 to 0 i0 quireniont of the• North west, the without Ain them would band their ener ies toward g p 0 thirty on to have binlw withdraw 'hos© words a.................... 0 45 to 0 45 � paying g g the.average. Chicago, •in cheapen. + CanadiAn Pacific Railway, the uni- Instead of Canada having no suppressing lustful licence with the ing meat and extending the market, The'Speaker ruled that the word Peas •••...................... 0 60 to 0 60 form frAnchise -are all undoubted, tradifions, our people can 106k same fervor that they Attempt to is doing it great missionary work. was unparliamentary. Apples,(winter) per bbl 1 00 to 1 50' Potatoes.................... 0 60 to 0 65 and so far successful moans to the across the water to old Britain and And Canada with ,its enormous Dr. Morita ue-•If the hon, gentle- exclaim Butter....•....•............. 0 16 to 0 18 suppress liquor licenses they would lit extensio of railwa s is, so faciltat- man does notwant to be in lace development of a national spirit and have acauseyetmoro worthy of their P Y P Eggs• •••••••••••••••••••••••• 0 00 to 0 12 the development of n material Can- "Thor hast endowed ing the .means of settlement and where be would be a success I leavq. flay....... •••.......••••....... 8 00 to 9 00 , P The natives of thyfarthest isle with zeal. As it is now the oath of a retransporti ordwood................... 3 06 to 4 00 .that alio is fast becoming him in the place where ho is a fail• Beef**........................ 0 t50 to 0 OU in w nationality, le nationality name- spectablo female is not considered an iportant factor. in tile produc- tire. Great laughter and applause.) in which is blended rho heroic Cour- Tho noblest Anrlcr hcnLon,-tho,uarne of ( g pp ) Wool....... ................. 0 2A to 0 25 Afan. eufliciontopulonco Lvithoutcorrobor- tion of cheap meat And civilization. In continuing Dr. Montague pro„ Pork...... •.................6 50 to 6 75 n 4i_, r ','., 1+,• t ;�,'.� .. .. .:. ,"n,,,,h......:.. �' •.,N' ,A ,, W ,..+.. sy ?r'Y'IOfi,.,iYt .....a,u,aaYkwwra,,..•..,,s.,.kr.Yt6tmxA:,.,e+.':w�., u..-,. bv'..,".r. ......,s..., ... 4:.':io.r,...mw".�e..t::._..-,a.,,",'i'iI.,Iu:i.:2..,w,..: R6�ri.�.,1.aiY�:u%'u'�i��.:i�G