HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1888-05-23, Page 3r$010S ANNOUNCEMENT.
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The Huron Nevus -Record
:(;1.50 a Year 141.25 in Advance. .
Wednesday. May 23rd, 11588.
By Japes W Robertson,
Profestior of Dairying.
In dairy matters, as in most outer
affairs, continuous progress is esse-n-
tial to successful practice. The
philosophy of successful dairying is
like that of bicycle riding,—the
man who does not keep going on
will quickly go off. Thus, in order
to maintain our reputation as dairy
men, we must improve and increase
the quality and quantity of our dairy
products per cow and per acre:.
• 'The one aspect of dairy practice
that will he presented in this Butle-
tin, while perhaps less interesting
than others that might be treated,
is nevertheless oneof vital import,
ance to the persons -who have to do
with the manufacture of cheese, viz.,
'-• the preparation and care of mills
for cheese -making purpose.
Before the dairyman undertakes
s to prepare milk for a cheese factory,
Ile. should make careful provision
foa• his cows that they may have a
chance to yield good, wholesome
' milk, , Wl dle the products of -milk
uiay be easily preserved from speedy
decay, it is impossible to reorganiso
good milk out of that which is infer,
for in the first place. Hence., I
urge uponaevery dairyman the ins,
portance and necessity for "k&'epiu'g
only healthy cows. They should
receive plenty of nutritious and `
wholesome feed. ''Pile quality of the
feed will show itself in the milk and
eheetpe. General experiencecart-
aiulv,points to the conclusion that
unless we have well^fed cows we
cannot have milk of either fine
flavor or satisfactory keeping qual.
Cows, sliould have access to pure
water only, and that in abundance.
We have found agreat many farmers
careless as to the quality of the water
which their cows drink. They seem
to imagine„.,that if the cows drink
anything liquid, the tnilk will not be
in any way affected thereby. I have
even known farmers to argue that
cows like to drink stuff that is not
fit nor good for them. So do' some
other animals ; but the animal is not
alwavc the best judge. The super-
ior intelligence of the dairyman is
always indicated by the special care
he gives to the cnrroundings of the
1 have ex%mined milk under the
xnigroscope and found therein micro-
bei3 that had been taken into the
system of the cows throngh the
water which they drank. It is
Passible to -destroy thew microbes
in the process of'clieese-nlakino,bul it
has not been found possible to impart
to suoh milk the fine flavor which it
would have possessed had the water
been pure. ' C&.ese made from such
milk will not keep sound as Iona as
if the cows had drank only pure
T water. It is not possible to make
cheese of fine quality unless the
r„ilk us0d is -clean, pure and whole-
Another requirement ]s that
cows should have access to all the
salt they care to lick,, as often as
t rey like to take, it. It is often
said that if cows be allowed he take
as much salt asothey like they will
take too' tnuoh, arid thereby harm
themselves. When deviled accesy
to salt for sotne weeps, or even
days, they will take too much when
a chance is got.
The salting of cows as often w
once a week is not sufficient. In
Ontario, we are said to be the most
churchgoing and • religious people
on this continent. That is our re-
• t1►tatitllt. But ue practice, Pr anaop t� • naauy b Z7'$L T�•LBR. ” ,. he 'V�itpesa'' TesLYllel�.
slued with religious regularity,p is enco..0 a ernent; I yaaer�ir it go 1y the His L oto QC$
all too prevaletlt. Many dalryu,eu !'If anything I an serve you in Judaism and 1i a hexa great dread of the sys•
salt their cows only on Sundry here it will be rt pleasure to. Christianity. tem of 1►igh license with which our
afternoons. That practice is no a'I'ourobliged I'r'tand, and humble Rabbi Henry Sohubl lectured to authorities are going to try to give
better for the cow than for the servant. B. FRANKLIN." a large audience on the subject of raspactability to vivo. In theeyes
tuall, _ of men a Government license,
Another essential co►idiiion for J'BeIY d r. War is Israel or Judaism and Chris- especially when coupled with such
tinnily• d,
the production of good milk is that --•— lordly conditions as a five hundred
the cows be kept free from all foul A young married mall uafned Mr. Schuhl opened his address by dollar fec, is certain to give all the
odors. Many farmers do trot under- Herbert Allen who ran no auction quoting au old Arabian, provers to I s;tuctiou a" comtnuuity can give to
stand the delicate sensibility to store in Whitby shot hituself the -1 this i Sect : He who knows pot and that which is intrinsically vita. The
sutell.9 that cowspossess. Several other night. At the inquest in an. ! knows not that be knows not is a satuo argutnout here applied to the
years age a case cadre under my ewer to County Attorney Farewell's ! foo{- "Shun hint. He who knows regulation of one vice has been ap.
notice where the milk from at patron questions, Emma Allen, tlt0 widow, lie knows riot ills Ample. Teach plied elsewhere to 1ho regulation
owning sone twenty ffvo cows was a pretty, brown haired, neatly Iiint• Fl;e who knows And l now'tts and rendering respectable of another.
rejected at the cheese factory. He dressed woman, between tututiltouo In Germany Affect has followed
could not locate nor explain the sobs and frequent tits of woeful cause so naturally that the Govern -
cause of the trouble. I visited his weeping, related the pitiful narrativ went licenses only respectable pro
of her shin eudetl wifelropd, stitutes and requires from each pool -
travelled over his jtastl turo and P Y
found in the woods the unburied She said they went upstairs to bed girl a certificate that she has been
carcass of a horse which had beet, about a quarter past eight o'clock confirmed in the orthodox church.
hauled there the previous spring. on Sunday eight. While she wa It would be hard to iutagine July
The rows often pastured in tlra field
looking out of the window lie cam hypocrisy more satanic than that.
How hard it must be for the young
near by and their milk was pnsitiv- upsaying: man brough
up under such a system
ely Offensive both to the smell and You will see something you call to conceive that there is anything
taste, The carca:is was buried at not take your eyes off." wrong in that which is provided fur
once and no further trouble was ex' He coin aienced to cry and said It by Government and in which only
peranced with the ntilk. It is l4ill thought too )nuch of ore to eve Christian young women are allowed
desirable to emphasize and impress think that I would die au"d leav to engage. . Since the garden of
a knowledgoof the treed for having flim• 1 asked him if, he warn' Eden it has always been the prime
all milking animals kept under such getting out of his mind, and he object of the arch enemy to paint
nonditions of location that the air replied that I was out of mine. I the insignia of heaven over the;
is practically pure, or free from all wout to sleep but do not know gates of hell, and our Government
contaminating tniutt. whether 4e did or riot. I was is lending itself to Lim with this
Foul stoel]s ill the stables result awakened by his getting out of bed high license system.
sometimes froui the generosity of and looking over my shoulder, saw,
the man who attends to the feeding. by the light of the turned•do-wil A Sarnia Riot.
He will fed so much that every one lamp we always kept burning in our,
of the cows will, have indigestion, room at night, that he stood a fp - A serious riot, growing out of
with all its accompanying disagree• feet away, rising up from having litigation for tire possession of a
able odors. taken a revolver'out of his pantg building known as the. Alpha Bank,
If the cow is abused, in ally way, Pocket, He had carried a revolver occurred in SarDia on Thursday
she inflicts upon her owner the only ever since I knew hint, - '.Che door night. There was gretit excite -
retaliation She can. She reminds was closed and a trunk against it,the Jews and Christians shall be- inept while it lasted, and the won -
him of his duty to he kind and good just as he had put it there When'I come, reaonce.iled the milleniuul der is that no lives were lost or
to her, by withholding the milk looked the revolver was in his right will coati•, then Judah shall replen• Persons injured. The building was
which he requires. For cheese-. (land, about a foot from his breast, ish the intellectual strength of the occupied by Andrew Ba ,fill' one n
making particularly, the flavor and I sprang to gec out of bed, but nation. ']bushing on some of the the Alpha olCicials, 'who had been
quality of the milk depend largely, 'caught my foot ill the clothing. He differences between Judaism and given possession while tl>e company
upon the disposition of the ,man said Chriatiauity he htinalated passages was ill operation here. Twice the
w -ho manages the cows. "Good-bye, darling?" and some. front the Hebrew -version of tho company's property has been seized.
thin° about his father and mother.. seri hurls to rove that it was a T. G. Hall, the kingpin of the
Trouble is frequently had with Then I cautght hold of him. He cried convention of gods governing the Alpha, claimed that the building
inferior milk because the cows have a was his'per•sonal property, the deed
been chased home by "that useless^ out loudly : different planets of the universe who having been n)adii'yu his ua[ne. He.,
dog." He is more exyensive to "My God 1' what ]lave I done ?" said : Lot us make man in our desired possession, but Barron ictus•
keepon a dais farm that a first And throw the revolver on the una�e, after our likeness, and that
Y after tbt• bad dispersed, our God ire ed to leave, and au action at law
class cow. Shoot him this week. 'floor. Then'lra fall. and Opened the Y 1 was taken • to eject him. The case
--+�..--=- door and called to Mr. Wilson, ills the deity its charge of this particular is now in the Co arts. Not fancying
Ben Franklin On Protection, brother-in-law, who lived in the sante cohere wall left to charge, and he the laws del lys, Hall, Laird, Lane
house with us: confined one of the ten command• and others of the Alpha Company,
An original u►anuscri t letter' of so „ tnerlts to mean tbat inen shall devote wiill fti0ndc of thelia Warned Orm•
P For Gods salve eontu herr; to
able at man'as Benjamin Franklin their attention to this one Uod nod
� , . me ! IIs thea came tack into the istun, WiIsou, Hunter and others,
Wall read before the Hamilton, not trouble themselves about the armed w•ith'axea went on Thursday
room and I Saw him reaching for t Y
Association lad't week b H. B. others. When at the beginuiug of night determined to force an on -
Y the rev,olvar, He grabbed ms by 6
N4 itton Jr. and is a verification of the 7000th year of the world's hist` trance and eject Barron at any cost.
> the ern,, polled me towards him, ory Judah and Ephraim wi14 becoros' 'They attacked the doors with axes,
rho saying that there is nothing presentiub the weapon to toy boson,.
new undee thesun. It wasproduc I knocked it out of his hand. He reconciled then '(he Messiah shall and Barron from the inside fired
ed in the Spectator of Monday, Iisaid : eouhe. He said, that lie believed, tall shots front a revolver through
was written -before the United I that Christ lived and had been a • the door, but ,without. hitting any
"Darling' I want you to die with wise and gond inan and otter all ' o Y
estates threw ofd' its allegiance to b t one, The doors were finally forced,
Great Britain, from London to a Rio ! ITe tried to get` the revolver there was riot much differance be- hot Barron escaped, though Hall
friend in the American'colonies-: the second time. ' I kicked it from. tween_&Ile. Jews and Christians and Laf1•d called on their men to
,' him. He sank• to the floor and exec t that the Jews worship one
"London, April 22, 1x71.—Sir • P p 'shoot,:him do)vn or lynch .him,• as
• asked 1110 to come to him,' Ile God and the Christiana -believe that he had documents they wanted to
I duly received your favors of Oct. wanted to kiss me.,, I hid the royol• the Father and the Sot) are one. secure. On Friday morning all but
4 and Rov. 17. It -lave nits pleasure ver in a basket where 1)e could riot _
to hear that though the merchants , .. Lane gore arrested and reurai5ted'
a . see it and ran over to the Wilsons A Homo of Canibals till Tuesday, bail being refused.
had departed froui their agryewent room across the Irall from ours. 1
of nomimportation, the spirit of Subsequontly•it was ngreiid to Lear
industryand . frugality was like, burst tilt+ir door open. alis. Wilson 'TherO are to o large costa it) front, the evidence ori. Saturday, and after
u Y y was lighting a lamp. I told Mr. eightyfoot high, on which rests this two or three witnesses deposed to,
to continue .among the people. I Wilson, to o for a doctor. Whed ] tib the facts bail was accepted, the )ri-
atn obli ed to you for our Bohr• a large peaked shade, around which. 1 t I
to Y Y got back to our room m.v husband tllerrl hangs a graceful fringe of 'loners in X2,000 each and two sure -
cern on my account. The letter, f g g ties in 1,000 oath a
' tried to speak but uoutd not, and ountys age Inaf. The front is about ,. nd the cas.o
you mention gave great offense here, put u hiA hand for ate to collie to j ' � t further remanded till to -da This
but that was not atteud0d with the P P thirty, feet wield, and the, whole J'•
him. He died about tell o'clock lell,th of. the house is about one marui•pg several more witnesses
immediate ill, consequences to my ani 'before Dr, Meldruni, who o were heard full identifying the
interest that seeuti to have. been hundred and sixty feet, tapering f Y ) o_
answered the call, Could arrive. vraduall Clown to the back where prisoners as participants In the riot -
No one but m self hoard the revol. ° Y ous proceedings and the were sent
of them hither, y .it is sniall. Our coutpartmont, is proceedings, , Y
ver fired. There never was auy about twenty feet high and ten up for trial. hail ryas- renewed its
"If 'our country people would difficulty between us or with any- broad. The front is a coronion above.
well consider that all they save in 'one else. He was sometimes low -
refusing to purchase foreign gew- spirited through business losses. P!acfurtu, floored with t•he outer
P a skin of the sago palm, and kept DAN(IEROUS COUNTERFEIT;S,
gaws and in making •their Own Sunday afternoon he acted strangely. beautifully clean. Cho whole is
apparel being applied to the ins• Wherever I would go he would divided into courts with divisions of Counterfeits are always dangerous,
provement of their own plantations, follow ale arid put his, arm around more so that they always closely
COCOAnUt leaves .11ill8 feot,hlgh, On I)I[1ATG THE 01t[G[N.)L IN APPEARANCE
would render those more profitable ins, saying he was afraid Lwas going which hang variou.i figures, not at AND NAME: The remarkable success
as yielding s greater produce, I to ,rave li]'n. He said: all goof] looking. From the top to achieved by Nasal Balm as a positive
should hope they would persist "Darling, would you leave Bic ? I the cocoanut leaves hang graceful cure for Catarrh and Cold in the
resolutely in their present commend- could never part wit,► •you." curtains of the young frond of the Head has induced unprincipled par•
able industry and frugality. Arid ties to imitate it. The public are
sago palm. Standing on the plat- cautioned not to be deceived b
there is still a further° consideree CURRENT TOPICS form in front and lookingdown on y
ion. The colonies that produce length
noatrun,a imitating :Vasal Balm, in
provisions ,grow very fest, but of the whole length along the "passage name and appearance, boarifig such
SIR JOHNS AMBITiON or linll with various divisions and names as Nasal Cream, Nasal Bal.
the eountre that take off those,., Sam J. Duncan in The week. thNir curtains, it has a wonderful sam, etc.'Ask for Nasal Balm and do
provisions some do not incrbase at not take in5ftations dealers may urge
all, as the 'European nations and La Justice went 'very subtly to effect. upon you. •For sale by all druggists
others, as - the West India colonies work in a recent slumber to piove In each of the courts are sumer- or sent post-paid on receipt of prices
not in the same proportion, so that that the premier was • not only an' ous siculls of men, women, and chil- (50c and $1) by addressing, Fulford &
though the demand at present may imperial• federationis„ but strong, dren, crocodiles and' bears,. also Co., Brockville, Ont.
he sufficient, it cannot long continue ly opposed to any malting of many, breasts of the cassowary. All i
1? rids betw'Cen Ca Dada and the when in need of Dill Heads, Envelopes, oto.,
so. Every manufaeturerOncouroged are carvtstl and ninny painted. the don't forget that Tnp Nms-Rrcorto carries a
in our country makes part of a United States, commercial or politi- human skulls are of those who Barye flill line,
market for provisions within our. ical, and that he would favor theoi a been killed -and eaten. The daintiest - ----- ---
selves and saves so much mons, to and oppose the other secret! , if not BELL"
y lY dish litre is man, and ]t a d despise ; �
the country as ►anal otherwise be openly, but at all scents Constantly. ed that only fools refuse anti despise
exporteJ to pay for the manufac• This seems taking an extraordinary it. ' In the last court there, are the
tures ho supplies. Heroin England amount of troublo to discern what ,,(true kind of ornaments, and then a U
it is well .known and understood Sir John Macdonalds' wlioll=political screen with curiously formed things CD
that wherever a mantifacture is career makes very patent. His aim, of wood and native cloth hanging on -
established which employs a number whatever is believed of his methods, it; also sibia (tj)cir only clothing), ORGANS..
of hands, it raises the value of lands has been from this beginning the Belts, small bags, and- other things
in the nei;hboring country all welding together of the Canadian belonging to those murdered, which
around it : parLly by the greater People, the establishment of a Calla- ]lave been presented to the gods.' - Uone ached for
demand nearat hand for the produce than nationality,and the fos.tertng of Tone and. Quality.
of the land ; and partly trem the the -connection between that nation. CATALOGUES FREE.
alit and the British crown. Con- Ask: your neighbor or any person
plenty of honey drawn by the menu• Y who has used Barkwell's Sure Corn �(
facturers to that part of the country, Ca
federation, n, the National Policy, the Cure . They all pronounce it the beat BELL & ael h Ont
It seem°, therefore, to the interest Canadian Pacific railway, are strik, they ever used. 483tf CO.' 1 r 1
of all our farmers and owners. of ing illustrations' of Sir :1o11n'8 the=
lands to encouramotir young manu% oriel for Canada's future. It is not .-•In a discourse on temperance, +,
factures in preference to foreign to be supposed thata7atatesman who, Rev. Mr. Horridge of St. Andrew's N O � C ; °
ones imported among us from dist- inspired by certain beliefs, has Church Ottawa paid intemperance V . V / 1 e p,
ant countries.. devoted iris whole ,ifs to the in liquor was not the greatest, evil 4-1 0 "cn V q0
"1 am Much obliged by your kind
accomplishment of certain results is of oui• time for the hidden vices W fJ ;.w I O U
present of curious seed. They were exactly prone to the adoption of were inuch mole provalent. He
welcome gifts to some of my friends measures which would to a large maintained the right of individual ry O 05 Qty '`Cj v a
I send you herewith soros of rho nullify his efforts in the, past, and liberty; and hold that there was no E..,l N W 0 Z,{
new barley lately introduced into destroy his predietdsnv for the future, Biblical warrant for imposing total 934— O N b
The premier, having laid one founda- abstinence on every ^one. At the •i•+ O ro
this country and,now highly spokend o ra
tion for Canada's coming greatness, same time he condemmord the sin of 1•4 0, e.6 o w
Of.' I wish it 'may be found of useW !w p,,..., w
naturally desires to see no change of intemperance in liquor. 3.r a �
with us, base. o . P q > C's �;�'�
"I was, the more pleased to see i.p _ l w $
your ]otter the implocement of our .�fnNY'DIGN, ]1fANv 11tNus,' but all A •--'i (U N O 3 0
having hada principal share As AN AID to in'tern�►l4emedies for men and all minds agree as to -the ,� cd e d
paper, g P P for skin diseases Dr.Low's Sulphur merits of Burdocks Pills, small arid - t.r.r Z c
in establishing that manufactdio • Soap proves very valuable, sugar coated. V O
A Famous Doctor
Once.sald that the secret of goon health
consisted in keeping the head cool, the
feet warm, and the bowels open. Had
this eminent physician lived in our day,
and known the merits of Ayer's l'llla
as an aperient, lie would certainly leave
recommended them, as so many of his
distinguished successors are doing.
The celebrated Dr. Farnsworth, of
Norwich, Conn., recommends A vr's
Pills as the best of all relnedii!s f„r
"Intermittent Fevers."I
Dr. I. E. Fowler, of Bridgeport,
Coun., says: "Ayer's I'illq are highly
and universally spoken of by the people
about here. I ntalce.daily use of thunr
in my practice.”
Dr. Dlaylrew, of New Bedford, Mass.,
says: "Having prescribed mrnly.thon.
sands of Ayer's Pills, in my prataicv, I
can unbesitatingly pronounce ti,vnt the
bust cathartic in use."
The Massachusetts State Assayer. isr.
A. A. Haves, certifies: -I have rustle• a
careful analysis of Ayer's Pills. TLt r
contain the active principles e,f wv:l-
I' otyn dings, isolated !rout hierr nuu-
ter, which phul is, a;heroically >,levstkiuc•
of great importance to their u:;rfuluos,,,
It insures activity, Ce•rtaint\•, alif! tllt•-
for city of effect. Aver's Pills c,wtxiu
lie metallic or mineral snbsta::,•,•, ia;*
the virtues of vegetable renu,tiit, il,
sidllful combination."
Ayer's- Pills,
Prepared by Dr. J. C.Ayer S Co., Lowell, )1;ws.
Bold by all Dealers its Medicine.
Cantelon's Carriage Works,
The Cheapest and Best
.In the blhrket. See them.
Stylish and durable Open and Top
Very Best Material and Close Prices
S. A. Cantelon, Proper
k— TISi:MENTS inserted in Tur,
Nxws RxemiD tit low rates. The law
makes it colnpulsor,y to advertise stray stock.
If yon want any kind of advertising, you cannot
do better than call on "The News -Record"
PIMPLES'. I will mail (FRRR) the recipe
for a Sitiip10 VROXTARLR BALM
that will ity-move, TA.-;. FK.RCKLRS, PIMPLRs and
BLOTCIIRS, leaving; the skin soft, clwir and beauti
ful; also instructions for producing a luxuriant
growth of hair on a hall head or smooth face,.
Address, including 3c stamp. BEN. VANDELF &•
CO., (30 Anti street, pN.Y. 392y
MA H 0 0 D
Restored, A gentleman having innocently con-
tracted the habit of self-abuse in his youth, and
in consequence snifered all t he horrors of Sexual
Incapacity, Lost Manhood, 14ysieal Decay, Gen.
era) Prostration; etc.• will, out of sympathy for
his fellow sufferei•e, mail free the, recipe by which
lie was flush)• cured. Address in conadence J.
W. PiNliNEY, 4: Cedar- Now York St,,, 392.
N w C Cd
LLJ 1111 F n e •^ u �%.
q..; A���,4W
Market Square,
Alade up in Best Style and Work•
manship at Abraham Smith's.
Now in sled: one of the cheapest
and best storks of
A Full Line of GENTS' FUR-
NISHINGS a,1wayo,ift1F9tT0a.,f1 r
It will pay you to call on
• i,
111„1, a .. r•. .. a'. .,._, ':'` u. ° of w .r.• • �,' ,�., qF-.w,,,M, i,M,
...- _. ,._, ,.. �.s_., xi:t.:,,:.yt: .s'..,a..,wwa-vh ria,..v.W..uxr,exfa:x+�teu.....?JtS.eedvt_u.,.. .. _.;l+fY:.•�mua, m,.uacrfMxm ,Yt�r..., .x�. .-a. ,.,..:.. .,,,. ax9_ :�.,.., .: .:Y,,,,a.rY.,�s.. n., W.., -,�w we _. ,w.....�„�s.,�.-.:.v,..... ..,. .. _.a.. rr-�muu.nL���,r' -..,..,...�.�V',le.f�....._.,�:.....:x.. .-.... .,,, :,a se.,,.-., w -n ... ,..._.`i .w ..,..,n .. ...___. �. ,. .,. _, ,...«. _... ., 'w12s. .. m1�$s. .... ...
>Y: �C iYtxr _.. .. Y ,brx �. .YCis..,.ia��s•.