HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1888-05-23, Page 2. e 4. rt ' - _ �.. ..-.. �:......-nrerm »•+n�S+.r••r-;ter. r�nnr.•no....4,_w-...+•+....'.......+o---:-••�n---�.,.r«. i ! C U CII �Itw' l4C0111 �c v -I1. + t>r - . w .. • I.r i - o + .r,.e-n•.+m-n^rr ,.. .... + .. �.w ' 4PIly '�itey servo l!1clt,, gkrled• , _. - list father. Teta :twg 'ha ':4ttuae hero ...'"^-rT-A- ,. •--•^mow.w+or,.d+fr+ . E;qt lalsllds' l a>fextcsva• -m-^e-...-..�.r— .n..-.w .,r-,... -',.�' ails mlttter. I hey ate l glob a, ..w�.A•+r. >e.� ... .... ....-.++mn-+nr�n•..--.. ' Btolsen,;Cdrf Franke• is 'r?UrPLi»►t„ep t0 pt'NvGnt Bei bx'iR�'►go, d1agRQ�,o upon Itex'sa�f' and%or #am:ly ;'bY -----•r- " a . Lord Wolseley,AdJWant-9040rill, great fuss ill tbt;!", pass( all (,QIIfin qa"' about the defensslessu.Qss of?T,on�. � '* 'rbP Einpirq _..-,-. ., We, sent Rut �. fo+ti d. Sys' eiuce a - ' Faverty Wgdnosday MWS ulag, .. elo in (with .t'he vl!Ortllleas scamp In an after 'dinner epeoeh :pointed but I insist that E:nglaud must role Althotfgh na, thea luouncement of . nett 1pf inquiry to ;x number •A# --. BY— +vhosefaca Bei father masltod on Aut the comparative worthlessness the seas if she expectalto Axle any tlto itPNolntineot has yet appeared bachelors in the the City, asking' d " r. `V V; N. ` ��' `���`�`� J the train, The Parties +vitln(iresy t-uto the ladies waiting r0oli), where I of English land defencoa. Lord Salisbury broug t the matter U in Y g N thing. In the house of commons feat or five of its from the cavy in the Ontario Gazette, the member for North York has intimated to 1119 there to give ori, confidentially and ' " tr ruL1R tl►ey remained until the departure the House of Lords and reproved stand against twenty times as many ffieude hie retirement, and it may briefly for•publiclftign, the reason 1 „", , .- .. P�1H= i'�� �s�riG NUQ$E, O o of the 1..:�6 Toronto train, on Lord Wolseley for creatine a scare Y g army men, and so we have hard Y be taken for granted that the long for why the never married. Over one- y y "give ++h}ell they lett. Wl►ile in the which was unfounded in fact and a (work to make ourselves fall. Taut straggle Elie .vacant ahricvnitY of half of them answered, and we '.. , Ontario Street, Clintuli. waiting room the youug woman reflection on the Administration. is it not evident that were'England Yolk isatau end, and that Dr. Widdi our readors some of the causes assign- `" +veto a defiant air. "You have got Lord SVolaeley asked leave to beaten in her waters, which form field, has secured the coveted prize, ed :+ . �'T.a9 <t Year—$l.£)5 in Advance. ahead of me this time," said she to I make a personal explanation with her only froutier, the onemy would in flageant violation of the principles , , Am only 45 years old. Consider The proprietor'soC'PuLGunLulotlNL+va' her fattier "but I'll go yet, and you Do think reference to Lord Salisbury's cont• of Itis attacking the govern- have only to block her food supplies and lot her starve The would Y Elio Reform party at one time profess ad. People have long since ceased to myself too young.' , �'' having purchased the business and plant THs Huuox RL00Re, will ill future can't prevent me. you 1 y I'm going to live with that thing plaint P g ° ment. He did not sae how au un- conquer us without striking n blow. loolc for au thiDig like consistent Y g Y `Haven't been properly urged.' , P P Y a f of publishtileautalaunatedpapasinClinton, —pointing contemptuously to liar prejudiced person could construe England can neverbe saved by her from Elio Mowat Govarnmert and 'Some other fellow married the under the title of "Tim Htrr:ori NLws- husband—"and endure over Again Itis remarks into an attack upon the army. Therefore, as it is 'our sole its followers in the House, but just girl. T owe him a debt of gratitude. RLcono." all I've gone through V Site spout government. He felt that he could hopie, our navy must be very strong, to remind them that the party once She made it lively for him.' Clinton is the most 1prosperous town in ulost of the tiles staring out of the not hoe tly assail the govern- in tact very much stronger than it had priueiplea,we quote the doctrine 'Heard that my fiancee snored and ; NosternOutario,istheseatofcon3id°1 window and smiling at ever man Y Ment f* n rligence toward the gb g is. I maintain now, as T always Y laid dow,li by Mr. Blare in the I broke ofl'the enga-ement. manufacturing, and the ceutreoftiletinest soctiou in Ontario. o that passed—more, probably, to army anti navy. In the posi- maintained, that +co went five more Ontario Legislature and which will e r 'My best girl had"fits.' agricultural The combined circulation of THLNitows. Harrow the feelings of hat• father tiou which he occupied in the men-of-war and .twenty-three more •'Then be found in the `otes and Proceed- lege of the session os 1(370-1 as , Cnma very near being married r ' ltLcoru exceeds that el' any paper pub• and husband than to gratify her administration of the army he cruisers. we will, be safe and g follows "'That it be "resolved i. . once. T asked n girl and she said 1.., It is fished in the County pf Huron. I , ,� flirting propensities. The old gen war could not fall to bo fully a to of not until then. : , "t- ' no ;herefore, unsurpassed as an-advortisi"g tlelnan was deeply moved. Ha sat what i\'Ir. Stanhope had done anti that, having regard to the existing 'Tito median• mournfully in a corner of the was doiug to render the array eflici- "system of dispensing the G06ern- happiest titan I ever saw was a'�T&rtes of advertising liberal, and waiting-room watching with tsar- ant. He did nut wnlft to croute A A Child Again. "nient patronage, no member of the cue who had just been divore- 1'aruished oil application. r. 43*Partics malting contracts for a slpoci- di►nmed ayes his erring daughter, The husband sat in dogged silence, panic, but he maintained that the condi of Elio country was such This is n fragment of the story of "House should be appointed to' any "office of emolument which may Y ed.' ' I had a friend who was married. fled time, wliodiscoutintle their advertise- meats before the expiry of the some, hie eyes fixed oil the floor. that if a force of 100,000 man sue- Jane — —, hot, last name, fortun- "become vacant in his constituency." He aunt moa book called 'Don't'.' ,will he charged full rites. :'`ll the partial are from Toronto. ' ceedo(1 in affecting A L•luling An�r ' story, is not known,—ns told bythe This was when the Sandfield Macdonald Government had in one 'I know u man who put in Iiia Advertisetaents, without instructions as '1'}le nalrtc of rho father is Benjamin were properly handled, t1wro +ras matron of one of our great city pri- solitary instance appointed an ex- resignation at the club the sumo guy . to space and that, will be left to tho judg- .the for F meat of the Comppositor in the display, in• disd 1)can. Years .ago he was n machin- no reason why they might not take the )�a sons : member of the House to an office,. invitations to Ilia wedding were In Inle sorted until forbimpos by a "� ist in the employ of the Northern )O,seOaalOn O f county. 1 Y• made this statement with a full I was sent for late one night to and Mr. Blake could hardly find sent out. three mouths ho was ro-slotted in the club and now scale of solid nonpareil (12 lines to the inch and char •ail 10 cents a line for first ), 6 p railwaybut he.has for some -ynare ' bean iving on his moans. Ho is appreciation of his ras onaibilit PP responsibility. ' g ' see Bur. Tho keeper of that ward words strong enough to express the g P speeds his evenings, from 8 anti} _ iusortiou and 3 seats a lice for eaah'sub- reputed to be wealthy. His He had been tempted to resign on I o said somatL}nrr unusual ailed the indignation which moved his right- 12 o Glocic, with the boys. This aequentiasertioi.s Or,lors to discontinue +dvertivemelts mast be in writinr. daughter is also rich in her own Saturday after reading what Lord g The 0 girl. I hadn't soatt' liar when she ,, coils breast at such an enormity, whilst his denunciations were echo- makes me wonder.' '1 ` �Toticea set as ruAolNr. Di A7"I'Llt ' fight, liar mother, who is dead, Salisbury had said. house could not tape the initiative in the t+'aa brought in. Site was lying on ed by Reformers throughout the Pro- Ani afraid- to got Married. I know two or three young married tnteastlred by a scale of solid Nonpariel, 12 lines to rho inch charged at the rate of having left her considerable proper ty. 'rhe woman s married matter, but ha laced himself in the, ' P o , tier cot, laughing softly and whisp. wince. It may be intoresttng for Y o men who congratulate each other l0 cents a lino for each itlsortiop• young life has not been ha She was PPY {sears of rho premier. Ile die not erimg to Herself. some of rho oldPefo'mers+v110Aaalat- ' ad to put Mr. Milwat into ower to P when their wives'Ao out of town. 1 • food of a •et and excitement, Find be intend to cast n slur upon the goy- Flo had ad to � � • „ N� hats your ❑oma Z said I. F IllaugUl'ate and who will think they ought not to do me, but �1 thele besome JOB WORK. Vi'e have one of the best appointed Jeb it to foiled, lent a willing atlt to the flattery of male almirera. ernmaut. endeavor the best of his ability- to serve his Y 'prot•ty sharply, for I was cross on. ,reform, assemble today to chose a successor trust cause.' , Find considerable difficulty in 1. Offices west of Toronto. Our facilities`in Monde night she came to Ilamil- Y b Sovereign anti hiscountry. (Cheors.) ough. That was the tenth time 1 d for Dr. Widdifield, to inquire how bringing m diverged rays of Y • 'this department enable us to do all kinr}s P ton with her child, and brought Lord Salisbury hold that his been called ftp that night. the Ontario Premier has carried out ho o o g 4r affection to focus, owing to the focus,w he , - — of work—front a ca.lingeard to a matmnoth yt aldng with her a trunk and two strictilres upou Lord Wolseley's „ Site laughed again, and it sta-rtl- the professions and h'ta ftionds F beauty and urs of many ha o5ter, in the best to iwown to the P • y' • :raft, and at the lowest possible rates boxes, which were checked for the stateniont at a recent dinner were ad me tile voice and laugh were so •++,auk ' ° made on this point before the P y office. If they enter on some ^iris.' g ;. Orders by mail promptly attended to. American .side of the Suspension fully warranted. At the same time .attained inquiry, will find that lit ` --- Address Bridge. Fiero she met met the he accepted Nord \Volsaley's "dila- "flow funny you are, Aunt Prue!" "You don't know Jeu- (the addition ,o their own member who s . A Weeping Bridegroolil• The News-Reeo!'[i,. Inas who was-with her yesterday, +rurval of any intention to attack the she said. has just succeeded in wresting this -- — . LFFrxt 111. Out and together they +vont to ono of the hotels near the Grand Trunk "government. Ho only hoped that it' Lord Wolaelo 'had uccassiou to L lly 7' and (•lieu alio went uu talking as before to some Polly, tolling liar office from a number of eager g The following description of au • g . P --• •------ ----- - � , -- railway station, and remained there 9 assail the administration in the of the reason at school, and of some applicants, there has hardly been a amusing bit of experience is given 'Reminiscences - The Haton Nees-Record ght +without registering, over nilonel future ho world do so in tLo house. new ribbon on her hat and that she good provincial offieo that has tne Mowat in of a collier.' A I ? L50 a year-$1.25 in A4lvancu' �Vhan. the husband camp home He .trusted that Lord Wolsele y had t•o harsh minting astute they g _ . "r _ _ _ _ could out. f„ovai�aluentnc Hist into P owori that Stuart, just before liistotnturiAo ,_ _ _ --- Alonday night his wife was missing. would .not take the mattor .too seri- go had not been seized upon by some by soln.o bachelor friends. In the 11 .---._ __ __— 'Silo left no word explaining bar ously. He should'regret the geuer- "Father," she said, ",says he'll sell member of the House, in spite of hotel wliere the young men assembl- Wednesday, "Nay 23rd. ISSS. absence. But the husband found at leaving the service as the greatest Juny, an she's my own cow. I the professions of the party: Hero ed a number of clergymen of the some torn bits of paper, - which he blow that. could fall on the military , raised her from i calf, you know, is a list of a_few of tliem�: Presbytery of Aberdeen, then in ATRUANT WIFE r,AUaHr. put togaater, and was able to read tlhaso +words—a telegram from lover�� administration., Lord Wolsely's statements regarding lira +vo.tkuess Pully." '''Then aha got to talking of the Mr. Robert Gibbons member for session in the cit were staying Yt Y g• _ Torn From her Lover at the ' 1Iaot mo in Hamilton to-night." of tho•country s defenses would be baskets and berries and games b' Nast Huron appointed sheriff. ' Bent upon linviug a good Elute, . Hamilton G. T. R. Station, f informing his father-in-law of his b seriousl in uired into. Meantime Y q fancying site was at a schoolpicnic. Y b Mr. Geor a Perry, member for g Y, theyoung fellows irreverentl la ed J' g Y P'' Y `cayenne Compelled t i Return wife's night, the two boarded the he deprecated the practice of officers I saw she had been ecountry child, North Oxford, appointed >3heriff, +what was termed the trial:' . and first train that IeftToronto yesterday speaking over the heads of the gov' and thought she wars at home again lir. S. C. Curry, member for upon some of the worthy ministers. • With them to Toronto morning, and arrived bare est iri' g j erunfent and thus destroying the y g oil the farm. r Lincoln, appointed registrar. Colonel Stuart had sent to London _ Hamilton 1 ectator llay 1G. • n time. . ministerial authority and shattering li Ship was a little bit of a thing g' Mr. Arch. McKellar' member for ' for a nu+v suit of clothes in which to be He the There,was a nig svtisatiou a rho --' — u Gurxous Bible Facts. the ndulinistrativg machine. (Hear, heal.) and• not old, either, but her face lent,, appoin�ed. Sheriff. niarried- wore suit on'this evening th,it he mi ht -do , g .. Grand Trank railway station yester_ showed what she'd been through. lir. Pater Go+v, member for honour r o h i ds' We let luta ono t t is fr en day Morning. To the people . who -pr-l80IIa.IhGOnC1IIRln:ell-t0 a011tary. EVGLANll s WOQllLN WALLS. •. I called the doctor. When he was South Wellington appointed sheriff. tell t}le fest of the story :- -.._.- wivneased-Til�3eelle p w;t3 a 001110 y' -but it had ill is th4+ elel Buts of confinement, r)btained a copy.of the Lori Al t(!1-��t}I (t AZ1TIt-il'�ll'�Sey- mour of Alexandrir+ fame said that axa1111II'In0 llel', she fall, off into--a•"- stupor,. but she roused when I triad '�1r - - lir. Jae. 11lassie, uleiiiber for - "' - "- "' , �lftcir tho dinner I left Aberdeen tragedy, • of nieluthani a at the very Bible, and by three years' careful • in liis opinion the ll'aily«Telegraph n to bot floe to take some medicine. South Welli^ngton,' appointed regia tier• and want to England to be married. g ` least. stmly ubtainod the following facts : had 'exaggerated the seriousness of. She would not take it, laughing at Af father-in-law was so well-known Y ' - ' Among thatraru!ll!r.- avlw guarded b Cru Bible contains 3,585,489. .the situation.' What ,would 'be the g in e, but she was a, very gentle little T lir. AAr. D: Lyon, member 'for Halton, uletic stipendiary magis- in the. town in which he lived th4.t e ' _' 11110 S:..0 acconiliw1flu4111 train fur the Liter.s, 7i3,692.vvords,31,174verses, result should n l+'tench or llussinn bo(1 tau. r, '' trate. rho roads._tQ._tlie church wera.crowd- . . bridge, was -1 steep of three, 1,189 chapters, and 56-books. reverend" .truly succeed in gaining a foothold "\lron't you take it fat' Aunt Prue, � Mr. J. Nf. Williams, nientbor fur ed on .the day of the ceremony, and the itself was crammed. I consisting of a guull•louk ink, stylish- The aOril I occurs but on:Euglish•.soil I Lord Alcester was g << n Jo 1' I sail, humoring Bar. So Hamilton, appointed- registrar. - church took m lace with in intended Y P Y. ly dresser yuugg lady, with a pretty, encu, which is in the 9th verso asked'. Personally, lie replied, "I then aIle swarlowed it. ,,You for• lir. D: lichaws, member for . bride by .the altar, and the ogre- . little child (.Batt 11011 just learner to of Erre 11tH I'Saltn. "and" don't believe they would get got.tho jolly, suety," she said, And Llgiti,appoiuted deputy claik of the niou'y proceeded. Chi+ clergyman 1•, r toddle, and it gallus" young man who showed strung sy'!nptoms of Che word occurs 46 277 times. v,er fat: ZVe seamen don't like Y to consider such n possibility. We r, then she dozed off, waking now and thou, talking of some baby, her little crown. ,, otabout half through when Navin g b ' g • nervousness. auother'group xt'riv• C1te word "Lord" occurs 1 S55 , want it out of the question for n g ° sisl:or, I think, as if she was just a Mr. Trios. Paxton, member for worth Ontario, appointed sheriff, occasion to use my pocket-hand- kerchief, I my hand into 'my ad on the train from Toronto that t•illies• 1'ho 'Ini•i411c verse is the St}► versa hostile army to approach our cents. In other words, +ro +would have child again. Air. Hoses Springer, member I'oe P g ' put pocket, pulled it out, and applied it • that ens in baro abuut'tha sa.,►Io g ` time that the bridge train leaves, of the 115th Pbalm. England rely for protection rather "I've L ve seen men hung, and some others die of delirium trenlcus in r North Waterloo, made sheriff', , Dr. Claxkc,, member for North to nose. You can judge what Y J b g This group consisted of two persona,- The 21st verse of the 7th chap'- upon liar fleet than upon any jh prison,'but there was something Norfolk, made sheriff, my aensafions were when it filled lily ayes full of eayenue.pepper, the both men—one a short,stout, white. tar of Ezra contains all the letters of the alphabet except the letter J. ate system of coast defeus(-s. But, supposing the fleet was vanquished) more awful in this girl's death than lir. Donald Sinclair, member for irritntion of which was almost intol- haired and )lensant-facer old t gentleman • the other n young man I, , Y g The finest chapter to read is the Even then, said the admiral, mak- in ally of the Others. She hal been tC, so vita a woman, And 9110 d forgot It r North Bruce, made re^i,stral•• 'Al1'. D. 1). Hay, niembArfor North stable. , . • . ', dressed like a spol;t, t.dl, lank 26th chapter of the Acts Of the „ •ing the supposition uuwillingljc, it atl anti thought herself 'est sit in- ' ` g r,' Perth, inatle regratrar. On the eight of the dinner-party t sick-ly••lookiiig, and with, rather au Apostles. P is an undisputed fact in militar P Y Docent child! Al r. DW—orow, member. for .East ,ft ALcrdoee I had'placed.tho paper unpleasant cast of CUUlrtellnilCe. P The 10th chapter of If. Kings science that carthworks make athe as Tho doctor was called off. I g York, mads County Grown attor- of cayenne, with which we had ' Tito appearance a'f -these two tncu• PL and the 39th chapter of lsaitlh aro best kind of fortifications, and the „ can do nothing.Herg anyhow, lie Hey.° colnmiited; the• atrocities on the • ovidoittl wrought consternation in Y g alike. essential point in our preparations said. "Tho woman was dying when • The notorious Robt. Jlclkitu, reverend gentleman into the pocket a ; 1. . the young .wQntau and her eom. the longest vel:ye is+the 9th versa should be the strengthening of our oho w.te brought iii. She's badly member for West \1'ellingtou, macre of my dress-coat, and had thought pauiou. The, latter turned ..n, of the Sth clia,pter of Esther. naval force. It is, unfortunately -as }tart.. Don't leave he"r"' sheriff'. no mole about it. On the morning, .m sickly' greenish-white, and looked 'The shortest verse is the 35th true that regards largo breech- , Di. Widdifield, member for of my marriage I put a clean sills . as if he wanted to bile somewhere. verse of tile 11th chapter of St. 1 loading cannon our fleet is inferior g Of course I wasn't going to leave North York,, made sheriff. handkerchief in that oche( not ro pocket, . The girl was bolder nor mora self- John. 'l to those of other Euro eau powers. P I her. 1'110 list might be prolonged, but 1 mentberinrr what I had laced there g P 'The possessed. She draw her companion ho Sth, 15th, 21st and 31st 'of We have plenty of brooch-loaders "Perhaps you know a hymn I" I g b, it must be admitted that the plank before. cayenne hadggot loose t front the car platform into the p •"Flt vr:rses the 107th Psalm are of tive-inch or six inch bore,, but in- said to hot-, "or some verses I" I in the platform of. the party has from the paper, and consequently, ' car sayiwg : re we'll stand alike, these clays such 'pieces are IIo better usually leave that kind of talk to not only beau broken—it has been Y when I applied the hauderchief to _ -- behi•ird � Che `°door; sur '"t11e ,voti't ' Y ` ­Each versa of the 136t1r l'satlm than toys- when cannon ere made the chaplain ;ant he wasn't there, s'llashed up into the smallest kind my nose, the miserable stuff flaw --•• sea ns." But tl'io two titen had ends alike. which carry twelve miles. It is and she was going fast, and I had to Of kilidling wood. tlud yet there into my eyes and fora few mom- for ' alread seen thctu—,t least the Y There tare no•-words or narnes of plain that no precautions must be say it. are-people who still profess to be- ants caused most tor- 'Water elder of the two had.. Tito old moro than six syllables. ' noglected to keep such monsters at "Ile• eyes Wore shut. "Hymn I liev,c that the present Uutaria meets. ran down my cheeks I 11 •routletnau nimbly sprang iDtu the g ... .- ...-_._. _ their distance. As to speed «•e Ifymn—yes, mother," she said, and Goverumeut is c:utying out the in streains, and I dared not apply . car. He was vera mad, and vory Literature for •teetotalers. have little to fear on that score," „ rl aha began to sing Jesus, lover of prihciples of what was once the the handkerchief again, for 'fear of • itllreh excited. Witboutany parley* ` `-'Lord Charloa Beresford said my'suul !" She-h.td n swept voice, _ 1'�efom party. getting another (Pose. Meantime ing, withoutany other remark than" A society of Scottish scholars aro «, "Thu English navy is not in as r but it w;tS most l ono. �L Ban she the andienco eras staring at life and b , a fierce expletive, he struck the young Dow engaged in the preparation of g good shape as might be desired. If 4 carne to Leave, oh leave ma not ... _ _ I heard whis tors :—'Poor young 1 Y e woman's companion a smashing an edition of the poota, i,u which all it were I should not have resigned, alone !" she opened hot- eyes, anis A special. from Arlington, ' ub" elan ! how affected, he is !' and blow in the-face, and followed it,up allusions to alcohol are to bo care, but there is not the sligh•tii.it noocss-, said, "Sing, mother. Won't you says: "At 6 o'clock this nlorning other .sympathetic remarks to the ' . with another. The youug titan fully suppressed. In their new ity of getting scared about it. There .sin-? It's so long since I'—'Thou fire was seen on the farm of 'Widow" seine effect. I thon;ht the cero- , .. made little or tto effort to defond editions, Burns, it is said, will loso r would have bean exeellbnt reason sho•starod around and stopped. Freeze, one mile out, Which Was molly wouid never bo over, and himself. 'Then the elderly geutlo- nearly all his holiest lyrics, a!nd far such a genre two or three years I'Slit) had come to herself. Sho supposed to be the barn of her son- when it was finished the clorgynian 1 lean draggod the youug womau out scores of other Scotch poets, to whom ago, but nu immense amount lips saw liar clothes all mud and her in-law and family, who lived with 'wllO married me came up, and . I of the carr axil] onto the station the liraise of whisky has been what been accomplished since thou. Our bloody hands. There was a bit of hot,. A posse of citizens went out shaking illy hand said :— platform--she struggling liercely, that of wine was to Anacreon, will fleet is na well manned and officered looking-glass on the cell wall one at S o'clock to see if all was well, 'My young friend, I ;tut sorry to . but still clinging to , the child. Rud their best paragraphs depleted. as any fleet in the world, and it'i of the priioue's had left, and there and were horrified at finding the sec you so affected on' this joyous • . I When she found herself separated "A -teetotal edition of tho;poets ofall organization has already boon Ole saw her face all blotched and charred remains of seven human, occasion.'' I1'OIl]' •Iter CO1111Y.Ut17t1, the woman egos," says th 1 J"cation Telegraph, brought to n high l r,ren ill' exccll-' pimlllud. beings, only irlett}fierl by their grew frantic. 'Te.uriug Herself from would be a c ar i )u3 sight, Auncreon once. Our systeml shoul,l Ito so ",ghe caught hold of my arm and staturea as follows : Old lady breeze, '1+'orgetting ever thing except g „ a P the old gentleman, she rushcd'across would almost disappear. Some of perfect that were war declared " shrieked out, Am I Jenny 4 Is Fred Gratchuschen his wife and my agony, I to plied:— Affeetcd ! 1 ' the tracks towards a moving'froight th,• most strilcing scenes of Hooter against England every man-of-war this a jail'" and than, thank God, three children, and Fred's brother not a bit ! It's the cayenne-popper 7 train, evidently with the intention awl Virgil, from bauquets.of the 'and every cruiser -in hie majesty's she Sauk back in a stupor. The Louis—scattered in different arts P• that I had in my pocket.' . of throwing herself under the gods to heroes' feasts must. be cut service, in whatever corner of the keeper camp in and told me she +vas of the barn among rho horses and I uupy ns well ad(1 that I suffered j wheels. L'nt the old titan was too out. Horace would not be allowed world they might chance to be, n who had come up to town add "cows, some fifteen of which +yeLe for two or three days in a way. I quick for her, He soon ovortuoh to praisr; the Fitlernian, which roust would know in tilt instant exactly girl fallen into batt company,and -.run also burned. One theory is foul cannot deacribe, leaving some bitter . the fling titrate ,and, h.ul llin r her flying o 1 ' , q have been better than its modern wlloro to go cul tylia(. to do, alplay b dot+°Il as low as a woman could get. ; another that each one of the recollections -connected with the rather roughly, half led and half namesake to ,justify his outhusiam., I though it has not as yet• reached „-, She did to her family aimed to save an animal and happiest clay of my life, At1Cl 'no.' a dragged her bath to the platform English litorature is also full of that degroo of excellence ovoti as not come senses a^niri. She talked to herself all failed and were suffocated. A punishment, I suppose, for our Tho train moved out of Elle atatior ly rical-outbursts in eulogy of drink+ things stand today. We Have no b and laughed a little in a childish way. xlAnghtor who is atony visiting is the trick upon the ono anding clergy yard with the woman's companion ing. One of Shakespeare's plays cause to (lombt the ability of our She had gouo back to the farm only:survivor of the family, but it men." ' on board Intl aIle like Lord Ullin hinges on Cassio gnarroling in his fleet to defend ms.. Warnow would again. And j1fst before the and I is reported that the hired titan can- —�— "was left lamenting." During this cups, and,the murder of Duncan is menu a little harder fighting, and it not be, found. It was a horible • . Scalia tho younger of the two 11(011, made easy by the drunkenness of . might mean the abafldonnlout of' the heard her say, Leave me not alone! ' and pitiful sight, the laying out of A LUCKY ESCAPE. who had arrived on the Toronto the grooms. -The expurgation must Mediterranean, but I do not fora +Jesus louse of m soul! y the Charred remains of the whole firs.'Cyrusl�ilborne,ofBeamavil-lo, .,� • trim stood ill b a p e'o4itl too + y by, 1 P Y even gu Bir Bar (ilea HOn1or or o d moment ucatieu Elle result. Iii q "f thiuk Ile was near Bel. family which fell among twice their Y b Ont,, had what wits thought to be n dazed to (lake nu active part in it. Shakospearo ; it must touch the one respoct we suffer t4fe sable an- She died, and was buried in number' of dumb brutes. The wife cancer on hat, nose, and was about And, yet he could hardly have boon sacrad book .itself, refuso to record no antes oxperionced by the ITnited "Potter's Field, There'salotofthem was found under a dorso The coil to submit to a cancer doctor's opera. tion when she tried Burdock Broad nn uninterested s ectator for he was P / tho marria^o of Cana and blot out b t Stites : that is tlto ghat in rceciv• , y rroos (flat way. I power heard hot' o Y ouor has Leen called. No foul has Bitters, which- effected a 1'Adleal none other than the .young +romans the psaltlllat s allusion to wino that ing our naval equipment from con- real mune. But in spite .of all, I existed in connection with this cure. 1'he medicine cures all blood buab4n1. The old 4entlenvin was i ltrtketh glad tho heart of man." tractors. Thi,1 might beeom6 n seri- hope he was near liar at the end." fancily and no enemies are known. (fiseases. 496•1t ,? • m r • , . . 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