HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1888-05-23, Page 1.
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Ltlu`It1fi Si—$)L.5U per Attl►rtAn� d31.$b lu A+I nNvcw f 11WPF,W,C)EVT Iry A4,6 THINGS, NBUTBAL 1.�' ,NOTRING 'WIIITEi.Y 4 T0009 Publ sli
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1888 WHOLE NQ. 497
. - 9094, (Carx�t 011a11ueure — - - doral (5acrolraudelliff I Pat (5orr�eapalittteuct VHF rBABIXe POWER DIS- the entire work of aeration, I am in- A Canadian War iSt�are. ,
CUf3SION. c!]ned to believe it would be the ----1.
Goderich. Godertelt• Blyth, I , ' acme of loavenln agents. Soule of Now York Trt6rrna, t.'rtda).
WANTED.—At good Irl as cook and to assist; , OtRlal T@glia t4 Determine ti?8 g ° s
Meetin '"of the Board of 'Prado ^ the highest authorities, as Hassall, Canadian panic-mongera ]lava
iagelia. 1 work ALI wa9hio or Ironing. b A Rural Denner tneetlno is to bo ; Best. -Whgy they are Superior recommend its exclueivo use fDt followed the mischievous example
--nt�ty to alae. n. uoaos��u, °udorxioa. last evening. hold in the' I: isco sl church Fora I Leaveniu Agents. -The use
t•• 31ra. and -Miss Newcombe loft for Tomorrow is the ntteou's birth. on We.luosda�, 30th i»,t, g � this purpose1. in preference to yeast or of Lord Wolseley and the London
of Carbonate of Ammonia. other kinds of leaven. It, is univer: press. The '.Toronto Globe, the lead -
,7'vi'anto reeoutly; day. Long side reign, l has stt11•ted i all admitted to be a wholesome ing Opposition,journat, has an omin-
S ° Y ° , 1I r, Ilobett �Iuwurt ----
The f4ty find days lately crowded The sled°° Clrcrllenge put in a ou the brisk tvorlc of ,lis dwellin,,,, The official �aual sea b Prof. W. and valuable agent, and no chemist ous article o) the prospect of a war
the steps of the Court House, good week's work the past week. Bobia a ieaFllur Fustier. ° Cr. Tncltor, of New�York 5tato have
of reputation will class it otherwise, with the United Staten and the,de-
Induction services this afternoon Misses Annie and Edith and Mr. i The stuue foundation for Auder- afforded souls of the most valuable I have �eomo indignant n•huu I fenceless state of the Dominion.
in Knox church, Goo, VVethe,-aid loft fur the North sou .S; Elder's brick store was Coln. 'evidence yet produced relative to have read the silly charges that have Repeating Mr. Goldwin Smith's
A' vrigraut hauled Hackett was west this weep. pleted uu Friday. It is considered I til.) actual oaraoter of the food and frequoutlybeen made through i"nor- sententious saying that C'suada is
sent to jail last .week, Street watering and mowing the an excellent ,job. drugs ill every day use, ,Suin" ance or otherwise against it." ' • England's '4toatsl;4 to the United '
,,L, Councillor Smith 'las started his ossa on the square guru things the 'bias E. hmigh returned honkie i dilue rected c t Professor Tucker was "'T}iuu those lnanufacturers tt•!to States," it argues that the provinces
new store on East street, appearance of surumer on Monday. froul Clinton un Monday where sjla o analyze the various advertise that their powder ,lues no cannot hu protected by tide Mother
� brands of baking powder and report „
''Ir. Robert Clark's. boat is the Captain John DIcSwaiu who has has been visitiuti fjionds forseveral, contain it — Country In the advent of war it `
N which tragi, the urast• and best: 1>te
only ono fishing off this place, been indisposed for a cuusiderable days. p "Coulees uliat their powder lacks assumes that Great Britain could
procured samples from Lite grocers p not ut two fail arm col s iu the .
The last of the fishing boats left period, is at present rely low, hiss Hannah Taniiu returned[ in Albany, and after a series of ex- a most use,rul, wholesome and excel- p Y p
for th,o islands on Monday. The service this evening home on \1 eduesda front Purt I lout ingredi4nt>" field forservice oln the,,bordtu ,it a • 7
.; 3 ° in ,St. Y ltaustive tests reported that the °
Dir. Lear, operator at the C. 1'. it. C'4°1'go's school ro)nt will conclude Huron, where sbe has heuu forsouie ! ltoy,111 was the purostaud best of all "But they say,its origin is filthy." months notice,and that not even five
telegraph office, left for his home, the winter series. t1me. j examined. The necuraey of the "Its -Origin and niethodof n•e )ar. army oorpe'would materially change V
Mr. Herbert Symonds ° l 1 the issue- of the struggle between
1.Lend4aboro;"i)n Monday. The town baud played out id Y Urals liariu" 'published report beung questioned aldol 'aro vo more filthy Allan 5,000,000 Canadianaand 60,000,000 4
Enquiries are already boiug made the Opera I•Iouse eaeheveningof the Purchased a lot adjoining Itis lath by a local manufacturer, a reporter the origination kind preparation Americans. It admits that
-1 I.. rind of the show, here last week, dl's property', flus h,ld it enclosed of the Albany Journal obtained an of broad. All this' talk about } At the.
by intending th' visitors for aceomtho With a nice bard fence. interview with tho.Professor, t British cavy might, harass the sea-
datiou for the suunner, mouths. The hoop of gold played for the , which anunuuiu in baking border and, its coats of the United states with any
The brick house going built on benefit of the Ilur•ou Lacrosse club; The boys aro pruutiaiug every is reported as follows in that paper : filthy Origin is the veriest rubbish, veaseia that uti ht he s
]"list street for Dir. '1'. Dark is now was one of the best played dramas evening iu the park at the difrorout , ,,. A uhan disgraces himself when he pored froth
Y Doctor,' said the reporter, it convoying the merchant marine and
rooied iu. _ wo have witnessed in Goderich, sports that aro to conte off' on the appears that one of our local baking t"rids himself to ally sneh state- c
.. 34 lust. ° uuuits. It^is particularly unfair for guarding -it against "the Multitude
Air. Regia Price has sold Cnt his A largo number of boats were out ')owdor manu!'actururs attempts to of privateers that the Americana
1.on the river and lake on Dlondny Our puhliO s Foul:; tvut'u closed discredit the r4 ,ort son,n kilns a•• b'tic"'" I,ovder manufacturers to
flour and ''Coll stock to Mr. ];Iglu, F °o would buy and Foils and ural and
F .. of Auburv, evening, tiro result of the early of '1'bnrsd:v an.t E'ridny tide t, tch- ! I,uhlish4d in tike Journal with eel'er• s"''k.to pervert~thu irnth, ur ph;eja- set uFloat" It doubts, however, if
closing by-law. ors having to attolld til•• euuventiuu uneu to baking puwders, for which dice the ignufant or nuwary by all the powers of Europe combined
'Ir... .l;18t w(, who returned from at �++.iturtlr. the analytical ,exit were statements that it is eithiu' harulful
could land onough meninCanada to
x '� '1'urOuto lust n•d+e•k, will not leave for The sehO-Oner. Curled•; Captain I). Prof.or +lirt.y. Auuuuui,i exists ilk the
her hutrhe in Aranitoba until July, Macleod, with a cargo of lumber �l�' l:.l"';ird Watson, our luc,11 tuail4 by yourself and I Dlnson• repel all invasion from ..the south.
Co.e>ittle,,buv„r left this station on NVol•e your anal 'sus and u ,inion t"'•1' a I' wo breathe, null is largoI
R4gular nieetin„ for 1)y uh4ut & Creached her dock 3, ,resent ill 'nntut4 its :t wholesome BY guerilla warfare and by resolute
'.` b of Huron Tn- Satnral,t with tern r.;uloads I lino printed correctly i' 1 cooler<ethe provinces, aucordiug to
T during. D.Iouda night. y o Y
a, rnuulnn.eut \o. '?8, I. l). 0. F:, next ° Y ° cattle 1'or Muutroatl, suhytaucs," ; p , _.__.
'Monday evening. - , The work on the foundation.ul' 'They were," ropalie,t Pru". Tuck- thio d"spandent•journal, Might pre-
Ittspector Toll's proposed now re. �lr. U. ]IOd�ina is "ouu" to start o•, "literally." vent till) nnaexation of ally large
. The Court of ltevisiun will sit on sideuc.o has been stopped by' all iu• ill the bakery business hero in a few in and About the County, portion of thu.couutry; but they
Thursday 4veiling, the 31st inst.,.at days. Opposition i. th,) Iif4 of ' Poll say, Ituctor, that the Royal . would lace to, depend about their
>3 l; m. flow of water. A proper system of bal;iu J ;uwd :r is su )eller to au —Rev.
draimaga is the only remod sail .tease. ° 1 I y S. W. Jacobs is appointed own valor and resource; and would
''here crag a large nttendatice at we tet et the council will lose no Ou- ~standar our pulnil.0 unction- other baking potriler• which you have General Organizer for the.connties of,
the 0 o'clock a. n1. communion at St. - _ xaunined ?" Essex, Dent, Lambton andMiddlofe, receive no material aid• -frau Great
time in taking the inatter to handl, eer-disposed of the household elrocts a Britain.
. George's oil Whitsunday• ° "That is m , iro ort." esx for the new Canada No Party. •
Tho queen of readers, ,Airs. Scottt- of Mr. ,Tulin ]'gong who is leaving y P First Party. Why such a discussion as -this
' 'Ir. ]tutsou and 'ICs. I)onaldsoll Sid(lons, 'will apponr in tit° graudl . for the (ween City ill a few elat •s, ",I boreiu, Doctor, consists this ,
° y —James O'Neill. a regpoc table alt°uid spring up at this time
have returned to their borne at Opera house next Monday ov4ning, The sale realised very guud fi"ures;. suporiurity xhich you find in the be or
1 Y farmer of Kinloas,committed suicide y ld the border• we are'at a loss
Detroit. As this is probably the last time Thu council , sseil the h ! lw oil 1tOyu1 over other brands ?" by cutting his throat with a razor, to understand, The days of Fenian
1 Y I " y No reason has vet been assigned for raids and fillibusterin ex. editions
Knox Ch•ulrch Mission Band: had that this renowned Shakusporian Ftitleiy evonin;; for the closing of "Ag stated in Illy report, in the g g p
n sowing, class on Saturday afier- e elineatot will be in Goderich it is the act. Ile leaves a wife and large have
o y I the business places at 7 o'clock in grout purity of its ingredients; in passed. Americans are neither
noon, expected that till. Will be a full the ovouiup,° Saturday exi;eptod, to tido unquestioned propriety and family, talltinR of war nor of aunezation. _
I11 Open meeting of tho High School house. Colne into fui'& un'tlie 281h inst. wholesomeness of thus° ingredients -While lying on the track a quarry They want peace with Canada,
Literahy Society next Friday ove- The first cargo of lurnber for Thursday' next boil" the Ouavil's' in the exact proportionsofthe same • man, named Richard Patterson, was Englund and Lite rest of the -world
1888 a.iuvod in harbor,on Fridav birthday it is to be 1:elobvatedi bora killed May 17 at (relit hoses by a
and the Chennical aecaracy and shill special freight on the C. P. it. The and only with great refuetauce anal'
The alteratious -to the Huron night in the schooner Jane McLeod with all hinds of atheletic q,orts with which they have been cornbin- man was under the influence. of with a feeling of detestation of the
hotel, nearly completed, die a great Capt. ,IICLnan. The lumber was and trotting° matches to b4 h,1t,t_:,in ad. As I said before, it is, I believe, liquor. whole barbarous trade o£ warfare
. improvomAnt to the block: discharged at the dock of Mr. II.- the park. In tho evening a cotoort a baking Lowder "unequaled for —A tree which grew on the farm would they, enter into a campaign
Ca )t., ,Babb is making Socord, the owner on Saturday, under the: aus )ices of tho L'I th parity, atrongth and wholesome- with au nation and then solei in
r` I a actit+a pre- T 1 J'' „ of R. '!glance, of Wallace township, Y y
> , and tile a Jain for the �+orth band will ,be givon whon it is cess•' defence: of their light's paratious for a large season's goal- 6 ° had been chopped down during the ghts and of
I less with his pleasure boats, during the evening. expected there will be a large <lttou- . "Loctor,tho Ju'wncep,; lady ruadeis winter and after two twelve ,foot logs the nation's honor. Annexation
The Salvation Army parade on dance.. Every opo should inako it would like yo.0 to inform them ,dial lead been cut off, the remainder was is never seriously discussed by
r ' . ' „, l The steamer Suvereiy a arrived in a. poiut`to go and oucourage the aro the lieculiar virtues of ► good cho ped into wood, making a pile of the American press, and Elie
I port on''Saturday morning anti took Thursday evening was ,compose ' o eirtt en cords.
11 r' on a uantit. of-faei ht including a entirely of women. One manipn- boy's. baking powder over other and moo conviction is generally entertained-
' q y g ' later] the big drunk another the On Monday morning a gloom was old-fashioned methods of raising Woodstock Sentinel•Review : Rev. that.if tlie provinces are ever added
large shipment of Salt, ° ° bri+ad biscuit and sake ?" Canon Richardson, of the bfemorial to the North it must not bo after a
Dirs.Pech lectured oil the "Duty of kettle drum, and the remainder cast over our thriving village when �� , church, London, delights in a good
Y carried flags, A fete days since it was reported that a `telegram had :.that would require a long An- long. walk. Ile wanted to visit a war 'of conquest nor without the free
' the Hour" in the North street Meth- each member carried an umbr Ila been.roceivod , of the death of our swer, something, and untrammelled copsent o.f the
odiat church on DZonday'evening. though neither sou not raiu.appoai'; -townsman air. G. H, Itotecd at his '' o in the nature of a friend' ]n �3'oodatoek• the ,other day
lecture. Briefly, however, the ad- started out on foot. T.'he distanee,and (anadian5 themselves. This is the
The lectins was on total abstinence, ed. father's residence in Collingwood. vantage of the Royal baking p 30 miles, was covered in very. good spirit in which annexation is
The schooner Ariel with g cargo +� a is olvder time seven hours. Ile returned b invariably. considered in the United v
(,apt, John \IeSwain died on It is'ouly a f4ty tweeds ago ho left over yeast consists in rho quicker �' y y.
of coal for W. Leo and Geo. Rice Monde after an illness of three or hero to take the same positiou as tvorlc it accomplishes, in the preser- trn.in, States. Tile idea of a Canadian
arrived. in port last Wednesda Y `
Y' four years duration. The deceased last year On board one of the boats vation of some of the bust Clemente —1Vm. Dlatley, millwright in the Alsace-Loraine—of subject 1)opu]aI 11
After discharging the Ariel sailed ]tad been advised to leave town for ly1°" tilers. It al)pears the boat of rho floe); which are destroyed iu Ogillvie mill, Winnipeg, while super- lativua and ,races coerced and
out of harbor light on Friday. ]lis health's sake but Itnotvin that ,las basin in rho ice for sovoai days tb4 production of the carbonic acid 1°tending the work of erecting a cen% governed against their will—is ,
Considerably over a thousand trees ' g while on"lien trip and it is supposed gas by the use of yeast, and in the trifugalseparatoroneday,was probab- profoundly distasteful to Americans.
king death would shortly claim ly fatally Injured by the tackle giving The war scare in that Toronto
have been planted it our, streets ° he °lust, have caught cold' which absolute certainty of sweet light -mud
hill], he resolved to remain in , b way and allowing the machine to fall
.11 this spring. The conundrum is, was the cause of his demise. The digestible food. Over other met- overon him, A ribanda collarbone office is a vagary of al .superheat -
how many will stand the assaults of troderich and ilio amid his family deceased loaves a wife and sower hods For uich raising, the merits of leers broken. He atso received a y of niis,
the small boys and the cows.. and life friend:+, q d imagination= a frenzy
_ __ young children to Mourn his loss• a pure baking powder are great. It serious internal injuries directed and unpatriotic energy,
-! - Ev'1y closing commenced ou They have the 'sympathy of the is always ready for use, the acid and -A very sad accident occurred in There is nothing in the present
Monday evening, Our young peo- B.t.yfield. whole commuuity in their bereave• alkali are combined is exact pro- the township of Logan on Wednesday attitude of Americans towards Can-
ple seerned overjoyed at the change. Jennie has cone to . grief, for. 'tt3ant, portions to produce definite results, last. A pail of boiling water was ada to justify these ravings about a
Lot us hope that the authorities will Frank neglected to, bid her a fond --••-�-- •— or to render the largest amount of -left standing gn a chair, when Edwini tni[itary campaign and t•h° helpless,
seg that the by-law is honestly en-' farewell and spout his last evenings Our Weekly Round Up. ° g the little eon of Dir. John G. Rock,
leavening as and leave not}ling pulled it over, the ,water terriably noes of England when its colonies
forced. in other acciety.-It is rumored that more than a neutral residuum t4'h!ch are assailed. ••
scalding him from the neck down to
The work on, Elgin street the pa Liz intends takiva another trip on —A candidate for admission into is not the result where croam of tar- the feet He lingered in great agony, Sensational articles of this kind
few }reeks, has greatly improved the the vessel to get oi•or her disappoint- the Church of the Latter Day Saints tar and soda arc bought sopprately until midnight, when death. proved a '-the products of pauic.mougers'
street's appearance, ani•,` bids fair Mont, having to Lche a back seat in was immersed in the river at London- and mixed in,mr.- ►tc11I for it happy release. He was aged two uhisebeyols industry -are equally
. when finished to make it one of the George's gffection,-Percy was home an 1 riday evening by Elder Howlett. will always occur where this is done years• iusulting to Canadians and Ameris
prettiest drives in the Province. - for n few days, but failed to call at —Rev. Dr; Williams is authority that one or the other of these sub.-liiasteir in Chancery McLean of -cans. The five millions, if animated
the white house.—Mr. and Airs. for the statement that 46,030 persons tianaes -will, predominate, making Walkerton was in Kincardine Tuesday 'by the same spirit of self sacrifice
rHeary J , second son of Dir, John Carriere spent a fetr days in town became members of tide Methodist the food ellov hoav bitter and taking the reference in the impor- '
Y church of Canada last Y ' y, and patriotism which inspired. kilo
Washington, of this town, died in this week. - year. unwholesome. Besides th4 „rroam taut suit of and vs. Baird, for ,.
' the purpose of windin u their late men of 6 in their revolt against
llani:oba on the 10th inst.--and was —On Saturday an arnendmout of tartar which cap be )trocared b g P
buried £rout h[s father's residence on Mr. Richard Bailey has now about offered in the Clouse by Mr. Laurier, ] y partnership in theroller,mill. The mighty E`ngl'and, alight ,hope to
Friday, cclupletod exteneivo improvements providing for the revision of voters' + the housekeeper is mostly adultorat- reference resulted in a finding in Dir. Melte a brave and not necrasn it
v rs ed, adding to the uncertainty of the Baird' favor for$000, Mr, Thompson hopeless fight against, the sixty
On Friflay evening' the Huron on his boarding lienee and can ,lata in conetituences where elections -
accommodate lots of Yankees or are protested, was voted down by 74 results o• the unwholosomeuess of came from Bayfield and is now living millions. In any event it is pusill.. •
. 7.lo•osse Club hat] a benefit, when Britishers-Our- Sarai has • soiue to 53. the food, All these difficulties are there again. salmons for a Canadian journal to
the "Hoop of ., M was played to avoided in the" use of a pure, proper- -Joseph Graham, a veterinary proclaim tile wealcnesg and inferior
a gooiiaudi4ncc. ° Dinj.o lihinehenrt, notion of taking a trip on a survey- —The moonlighters have posted ] made baking p " student
notices in .the rum Y' ° owder, , disappeared mysteriously
the smallest man in the world, ap- 1°g boat an,d Perry would no doubt quill district, << about it month ago 'from Toronto, tty of the ,dominion and thorworth-
. peared; like her, along—hette is on the _County Tyrone, ordering the boy- Will baking powders ,keep? May 17 his body was found floating lessness (if. the Mother Country's
tear path, young mere betvaro—Mise rotting of all communication with How long will they hold their in the bay. Graham belonged to protective alliance in war time. So
A nunlbor of our young men Al. has been engaged as. head tailor- the pollee, and warning the people• strength a Manchester Village, Ontario County, also is this nonchalant talk about a
started on a drive into the county that all those who disregard the „
. Y ass by our new tailor-, order will be shot. If properly made until used. A, and was suppoged, after raduatin war of conquest aril political ndven,
on Saturday evening, but had not perfect baking ' at the Veterinary' College to have lure deg q P
proceeded far before an accident there is a $1,000 grant for Bay- -About 9 o'oloak;p• m. May 20 p g Powder must corn- grading to a great nation
left there to commence Foul
ticeplay at whose energies are centred upon
• occurred. The result 'was five or field harbor. ,1�ho overpowering James McCabe,' teameter,was instant btu° superlative strength with Battle geek, Mich, Foul play is fi
six badly bruised faces, though no influence of the county town pro- ly killed as Sarnia in Cozzens 'lum- potvor to retain it itldefinitely, suspected, Only $5.35 and a tioket the pacific development of its indus-
bones were. broken, ° -vents justice being done to this her yard. The team ran away and he Baking powders generally are rob for Winnipeg were found in de coke trial resources. Nowhere on the
11 Ilake 'pont; Small favors, bower Was thrown from 'the wagon and bed of the necessary preserving ed's pockets. Ile was a married face of the earth is there so intense
•. A number of the small boats being struck his ]lend on a pile of age t in order to the resent man, and his wifd and child are living an abhorrence of war as there is felt
° thanhfu'lly received. But had this p" Posta, ° q g' p g
used this season for saldino purposes good,.'tory burg been coddled by He wns•45 years of age, strength; or els° have their efficiency with his father at Manchester village. in America. The moral eonacious••
the not safe, and unless some of Govet'nment as Goderieh has we -Mr. Fields, of",ssex Center, has' largely destroyed by the addition of -On Monday night a man named nese of the nation revolts against
them are broken up or dismantled struck a good fortune. A rich large quantities of flour to Edmunds, of Sandwich West,went to
Ave may'llave to record some serious, ti°ould now have the •beet harbor on g prevent the revival services at the colored campaigns begun in an aggressive
this side of the lake. However,"every relative in the old country died late• prernnture doco.mposition, The spirit from motives of greed of
drowning accidents daring the pre- „ ly and left £1,500,OTU sterling. There method by which both these uali- chureb3in ►Windsor and left his four ambition ani, e, ded with wanton
sent*year. dog has his day, and with the atten- are eighteen for this amount to be q children at home in bed. About ten
, tion, of wide•awnke Cello'ay then divided among, en that each one ties arA retained in the h ohest de o'clock the' eldest child—girl, nine, disregard of the liberties of those
One of the worst looking fences directed as now to this ort we may will receive about $450000. Some g180 produbos the perfect article, years old --was awakened 'by -the who are cougt}ered.
in town 'may be soon on erre of our ere long have the iron horse bore and of the family live in Chatham null and t}►fs I believe is fully aecom- failing of a -burning piece. of timber - t
prettiest streets. This re,Iioofoldon then theca aril ofour harbor wilt- some ill Essex Center. plished in the Royal baking pow- on the bed. She, imgled!atel took —
the gab Y —The license branch of the IiroVin-
' tithes is on the west aisle of North be better t ndorstood. —Mrs Gall„ a lady 25 years old der'" y in her and ran to a cial Secretary's office has been '
street, whero•it is cortainly no irn- was assulted at her home, near Lake'- "Doctor, what about ammonta in neighbor's house for help and when transferred to the Provincial Tress. '
provement to the snored edifice it ' side Mich. about halfa mile from in baking powder ?" site .got back to the house the fire urer's Department,
—IockoDfartin a FreneilCan'ad,an ' y g P had make such headway that it wits —The
. c ,
Adjoins. (lied at Keeaville N. Y., Tuesday mouse, by -a tramp, After a desper- " great Hood in the Mississippi
, y Carbonate of mm�nonia is sono• impossible to reach the other child- is now the highest on record, with /,
!'he to J. if. Jenne of u s stn night of old age, ate struggle the tramp was foiled null ren'- two boys— who were in: the the single exce t►on of the inunija•
g g p left the room in a rage. rho woman times used in the higher class of g p
on Friday and rondo a trio trip—'I'hirty vessels are now waiting was terribly frightened and did not baking powders," same bed'as those who escaped, and tion'of I85M. The farmers are how
outside the tern, She ma a about in Thunder Bay for the ice to leave „ they were subsequently roasted alive. encamped on the -uplands liwithout , /" -
P venture out at brise Soon after she Is it 'injurious or objectionable? The. parents could see the house either food or shelter 'Tho total /
}O,mi]ea an hour tvitli 7 pounds Pori Arthur harbor,, discovered the -house on fire and bad a
—The "Alcides' from Glasgow Nonsense ! quite the contra burning ata distance, but did not area of cultivated flelds� a bmer ed '
of steam, a speed coned Dred most , s goo Everything
make heats to 'get out alive., y" think their little ohos were in danger. 4 g
smtisfactory under the 'reifnlataneea, 'arrived at'Iontreal Diay 18 tvitli 02 Everything ons iu Hames in a ver It has Neon used for gonointLong in Ber• in two districts is 250;000 aeras, and i
y When the parents left the house the the loss to crops will aggregate $3;• '
- The Jonas left fad• ill ton durin Clydesdales, and eight Shetland short time and was lost, includin all the finest food. It is a very volatile
g ponies. Twelve of the Clydesdales the furniture clotilin and nd'oiuin g fire in the stove was not burning, 000000. Above and below Quincy
Friday bight tilt a fair c uaht- , g 1 g agent. Hent entirely evolves it and 'the lamps were not, lighted. nre'over ,100 miles of leveAs protect -
Y g g 1 died on the way out and one on barn. The tramp set Lite house on into gas, leaving no residuum, Were The fire is supposed to have been the ing farming lands in the ,lfiasissippi /'
ity of freight .on geld, landing. fire and took to the woods. n it usid in sufficient quantity 'to do work'of an incendiary. . Valley, •
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