HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1888-05-16, Page 8U—. 'U,
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The Huron News I THE Peterboro T hes denounces
the early closing moverpent
$1.6t) • Tear; -01.25 is Advance. among the grocers, and advocates -,*WALL PAPERSW--a
— --- - - ---- boycotting those who sign the p.et-
R'CduCyda). Aifay 16tht, 118513, itiou.
�i�� O formerly, of Goderich, has gone to RIAGES, WAGGONS, CARPET FELT.
iv . complete arrangements for opening
and operating the Sultana mine at WALKING STICKS. BASE BALLS
DR. APPLETON 'las ro- Lake of the Woods.
turned and resumed t}ie practice of AND BATS. FOOT BALLS. BIRD
his professioD, LAST Wednesday Rev. W, T. I
CLINTON, April 14th, 1888. Cluif, of Brussels Asummoned to ; CAGES BASKETS 86C BLLr'
492ti Saginaw, by telegram, owing to the •
- - - - serious illness of his sister-in-law i
12p -ACCOUNTS fur subscription who has since died. we -Lave an excellent assortment of the above goods and are offering them at
enclosed in the lust few ° EXCEPTIONALLY• LOW PRICES.
issues of THE NFwS-liEconn will be HAS SOME FRIENDS.—A party of
eighty friends gathered the other
sued unless paid at once.
_ night at the residence of Mr. P. E. Chris. Dickson, - Clinton.
WOOD WANTED.—Any quantity W. Moyer of the Berlin News, to
assist in celebrating the 20th an -
of wood wanted, in exchange for uivarsary of his wedding. The editor
goods, at the Clinton Woolen Alills and Ilia wife were presented with a TILE Clipton 'Victoria CricketTHE TOWN rI BESIE�ED
—JOHNSCOTT, 480tf complimentary address. Club are preparing- their willows
for work. --nv
Atuotlier Car Coal Oil just re- ACTING UPON HIS DiGipTY.-Tris
Wfegaeelve4h-15e• single gallon, two city of Hamilton is going to lay the Aflss DIM inALE, the evangelist,
llons and up 12.1c per gallon. corner stone of a new town hall. A has concluded it Tour weeks' engage-
Insuf a 11 C 1.1
—R. 31. 1CACFY. committee of the council rocom- nieut at Harriston, and over 200 1 AGEN Tom_
February- 20th, 1888. mended that the ceremony be done conversions ars reported, P
with the imposing formality of the w I3LOCt:-1Vm. Cooper (Look- LOOK AT SAMPLES Oh COST IN A
Free and Accepted Masons. Mayor store has purchased the vacant lot HOME COMPANY -
SEED ' OATS.—Plump, white )
and clean, For sale lhtSta Teton Doran thereupon got up and formal' north of Victoria block oil Victoria --- --�PER sl,000�_�_
Age 25 'cast for fess, utso taSB.. $B ee
Stapleton ly protested against the Masons or street, and intends erecting a hand- ae a ae
Salt Works, Clinton, 493 if. any other society being asked to lay some block this' summer. One of ao " :: u ns
the atone. The Committee had no the shops will be for himself, and 45 " 7 59
Car Barb and other Fence Wire right to single out the Masons any the balance of the block will be to It co :. ti oa
•more than the Oddfollows or any rout. °'
just received. Full stock at all other society. The nov4rnment &' Definite Insurnnee at the above rates:.
e See use "efore you iusnre ill aay company
times. —R. M. RACET had done away with the Masouio RiGHT WRONGS NODODy,—Pick- and understand our plan. At the age of
February 20th. 1888, ceremonies in connection with pub- and of Exeter made complaint 40, the rust for $5,000 was abuut $35 for
lie buildings rattler than run the against settle persons of thatµyillabe 1885, also for I880.
*WFOR SALE -500 bushels risk of offending certain classes in charging thous with larceny and the See us before you decide.
Earl and Late Rose Potatoes, the coinmunity. He thought that magistrates committed them. His
the right to perform the coreniony grievance is solnew}mt similar to Jas. "Thompson, Agent.
suitable for Seed or table use.— -was his, as the representative of ilia that of Mr. John Jackson of this —
Car load High Land ,Ced°ar Shin- people whose money is to build the town who put in a bill to the Court- SNOW on Mouduy, May loth.
gles. — Pure Manilla Binding structure. And he is going to do cil at lastnleetiug, for the value of
ilia business, property destroyed on the Dight of Tim ORANGE BAND will likely
Twine, Pure Flax Binding Twine.
—D, GANTELON opposite Fair's A MIDGET PARK.—A tin lc the 19th., by some persons to him appear in open air next month.
r pp Y park, uukno,wii. In Mr.-Pickard's case a
Mill, Clinton. 490tf ,, or an oasis of green at any rate, barrel of goal tar and othoi• property 'ruE Cltors.—Froin farmers in
amid the wilderness of bricks and was taken and used to make a bull- the %vicinity of Clinton we learn
A&- DR. PROUDFOOT, Oculist and mortar and. frame buildings, might tiro on the 19th. Mr. Pickard tip that though the fall wheat has pick-
Aurist, of Montreal, will be in be /Wade of the gore in front o£ pears to have taken the ed proper up considerably the last week
Clinton the 17th, 18th and 19th Walker's grgeesy. The rich refuse stops. Iti would seem that a citizens or so, the outlook now points to not
•n } more than three-fourths f 1
of street act. nn s have t been o a crop of
lIa • at aIle Comm�ICial .Iiotol
y, 1 0 J property should not be talceu frog 1
a . where he can bo consulted for any.-deposi.ted_.on the spot in question, Miro and destroyed withDut his Iiav- thatceroal. We have boon told of
disease or operation upon the Eye, and it bas been suggested that if it ing sono redress, Admitted that a nurobor of farmera ' who. .have
p Ear, Throat or Nose. For infornta- was enclosed by a curb of some in Mr. Jackson's case the abstractors ploughed tip their fields of fall
tion apply to Dr. Worthington. kind, about a foot high, to pr of his property had n0 criminal in arbeal.
vent tearns from driving over it, tent,yet that clues not recoup hint for j
MONEY LOST.—At the Rattenbury and getided down and planted bis -loss. It might be well for ilia IN PGS`J1:58IGN AGAIN.—A VO1'y
Street Methodist church or oil the with small shrubs or flowers, o, 0 large number of friends -in Huron
boys' who used Mr. Jacksons Will be glad to find the follow
way between there and ilio resi- it would be. a beauti spot cheer- property to illumine the town oil o
dence of.r. Poter Cautelou, Sr,, ing to the eyes of transient the night of the 19th to make u t it in, from the Dublin correspondent
on Sunday evening last, an ordinary visitors and grateful to the optics of 1 of the Mitchell I�ecorcd4tr regarding
b P purse and satisfy Mr. Jackson's one of the moat liberal minded and
round clasp pocketbook containing residents. As....was: sono time agu claim. It would be it mans act. r
$17.35. The finder will be re- mooted another little spot of green Y outalrp "We" mon in Western On
P o Reparation for n wrong done in a tario-: "We"understand AIN. J. Kidd '
warded by restoring sante to Mr. could be wrested from the desert moment of thoughtless entlitlsiaslu
like waste included in the market 0 has regained possession of all his
C'antelou. is never too late. former property in and around hot•c'
- square plot.. It is little matters P 1 Y
that make up the great aura of HOME PULICI".—THr: \'L«s. with the exception of the grist mill
LOC, .k L N E ��rS, human happiness, and we make no IU'CORD has always liberally support- and salt woiks.
charge -for "giving publicity to'these ad the' Natioual Policy." It is but
lit ind-Around the `•flub•"• trifling suggestions. a home or local policy on a large CDcnultNu'rEs.—boatSunday the
scale. It is with much pleasure, Rev' A. 1V, 'Inge, of Blyth, ox -
^r 1'Pr•,kDYTEnl OF lIURON,=This then that «e notice the unnit trait chaugect pulpits with the Rev. W.
(LuQll'.tl l'illi:, t J' 11r. S •arlin' of the Ofitario street.
Prem ylery hold a regular meeting with which• our citizens generally, p` 0
Ittos siding,, and shingles fur ill (:liratou o.n'the 8th rust. ATesars: Methodist church.—The .Rev. E. S.
o regardless of polilice'or previous Ru cert tutor of the ltatteubur
houses is the latest improvement in Duudivt and Jamieson, being attitude on'the Scott Act question•, l , pastor J'
materials in the building line. S. : re,.eut' were invited to sit as ,, street.Mothodist church, held
sacra—doing Maud ill Ilan i for the ,trental services. in his church last
Davis, opposite the tuarket, is, pre- corresponding members. The finan- purpose of encour.aping railway, ,Suuriny mortiiug.—The Rev. L.
pared to.turnish them. cial committee were instructed to market and mail projects which Noe ton (Baptist) preached hexa last
rn'eparo a tabulated statement, show- ;It, foster the trade of out town
Our leading stroets have been ra- ing the avera ,o contributions of Sunclsty evening in the Baptist
lieved of their superflous matter, ere o 6 and to the realiziDo of the church:
congregations per family, and get it best possible rices for the products
it had time to dry up and Ls blown printed for distribution among the P P 1 '
! a of fsrm and fsactory and the ceuven- GIIANn CONOERT.—Tho Dauntless',
by 13oreas ill clouds of dust, to each people: - Rev. '_lir.' McCoy "Pas ienee of the greatest number of
gran his peck, appointed convenor of tris Home LacrossoGlubtvilleritertain our Citi-'
PP people in Clinton and vicinity. A zeus'in the Clinton town halluto-nlor-
THE Ratteubur House has re- Miasion Committee. A committee good Bomb Policy is the best basis
Y a Y row eveniDg, 'L'hutsday, May 1701.
cantly undergone couaiderable re wise appointed to arrange for the of it National Policy. Unfortunate- The progranuno is an excellent one
novating. Paint and paper and supply of Chislhurst after the 1st ly there are always a few who and needsuocomment: AIrs.Ii,Rans-
whitewash and soa 1 and the inev,it- of .January next, till which time it can ever in their iniud's o •e
1 J ford, ofClinton; Miss Wilkinson, of
able water have been used lavishly is to be supplied by Mr. Martin, tlna things better in an local- o Y Goderich; Miss Fisher, l�incardiue;
and "tl+e interior of the premises of Exeter. The resignation of Mr, ity than their. own. This is Mr. B. 11. Sibley, Clinton; Clinton
now looks as "good as new." McGillivray, of the -mission station suicidal. Each individual moulber (�•Iartette Club, Clinton Orchestra
in Goderich, was accepted, said of the community should 'work for and others. The Club sho«lcl,receive
FIsuY.—Now ilio bold fisherman station to be henceforth under the his town as though its progress goo(! encouragement from our citi-
takes a run to the country with a en,ro ,of--s.upte.rintendent of Knox depended upon his individual zeas: The prices of admission are
basket containing luuolt cuough'for church,. Goderich. Tho Rev, Air: efforts. Thousands of dollars are popular, Plan of hall at Jackson
four rlreu, fishes all day, blisters' ilia Doudiet briefly addressed the Pres- every year oxpoude.d by residents Bros. Seo programmes and attend
hose, buys two dozen fish of a small bytory regarding the proposed of this town with pedlors, and one of the best concerts of the
buy, returns at night, and lies about Addition to ba Iuade to the school agonts for one-horse city concerns, season.
the uumberlof fish lie has caught. buildings of .Pointe Aux Trembles. which would be more advautaggeous �,(''
Rare sport.. The Presbytory thanked Mr. Doud- ly spent both for themselves BEARING,` l:OD FRUIT --One of
I"AT Cmu:FCLL1•, BOYS. > .1 and net for hix address, grid commended personally and" the trade of ilio town the beneficial affects says a Bel lc% ilio
his mission to all our congregations. generals were' the business done paper,
afTair is reported from Halifnx. - A o Y p 1 of the Into revival is the
boy named Cork'ney gut into dispute Rev. .1. A.'ticCounell Lavin,"; accept- through resident local dealers spi-rit of restitution which appears
lid the call vivon him by the to operate on the minds of roan
about baseball. with another lad 1 Y
,congregations of 13ayfiold Road.aDd BIG I;aTATE.—Probate of Mr. of the convetls. The resolve of the
named ]bat anld, and the latter Barns, his induction was Appointed Beanie's will gives Lire value of his young man to n back $700 of
lifted his batt and struck the other J' s, pay
to take lace on Atonda "9lst inst. estate at 8941246, the lar eat but stolen mons has already been re
in the stomach. Corkney staggered , ,, P y' ' Y J'
at 2 p. in. at Borne. Mr. McCoy to one exor probated in the county of fanned to and ever da now cases
a few feet with his arms folded nod , Y Y
preside; AIr. McMillan to preach, Perth. $79,346 personal and $15,- sure ro tortud oil ilia street. In one
dropped dead. An inquest is to be Mr. Acheson to address the minis- 000 realty, The, widow is mined instance a stolen umbrella was ro-
tor, for and Mr. Simpson the too tl�. execritrix anti Mr. •James Sclatar
, P I I ,turned to its rightful owner—the
,1'EMAIEnS E$AAIINATIONv It is AL. Anderson having accepted the and Mi. R. Dickson (his partner) Only"`c (so known to the world.
understood that Mr. Alanuing had call to Godorich, his induction is to° executors. Mrs. Beattie gets an Another man who stolo '$1 twenty -
an interview the other day with' place on Wednesday, the 23rd inst.; annuity of $3, 500 and all the house- ftvo years ago returned $3 therefor,
the Minister'of Education during at 3 P. W, Mr, McLean to preside, holil effects,; yhe is also to get ilio and a Sidney farrier who had spent
which an arraugo-nrent was arrivod Mr. McConnell to preach, Afr, rents from the real estate, and ilio the energy of a lifetime, almost, in
at by which there will be held in Musgrave to adress ilio ministe, profits arising from the businessaild collecting $5 from -a bad 'customer,
Clinton, commencing July 10, all and Mr. Stewart ilio peiplo. Rov. proceeds of sale of real and personal was promptly paid the sum one
examination of first class C. caudi• :ill'. McDonald was nominated as property are to be invested in her Morning after the debtor' had been
dates., All in -tending to write Moderator of next Assembly. Mr, name. The husinesa will be con• converted.
should send in applications to In- John Canpb,+Il; elder, having tinued as at prf-sont, if deemed ad-.spector Malloch at once. resigned as Cuinmissiouer to the visablo by the oxecnttix and ex,;cuGONE, BUT NOT FOROOTTEvr—Last
Assembly, Mr. George Habkirk was tors, under the solo nianageinent of wook'a Wingham Advance contained
A Goon Tiu.rG,—Our l'eaflet's elected in his, place. With regard Mr. It, Dickson. Bequests are ntasle an item to the' effect that Miss
will, rauernber that Mr. .John 0. to ilia remit on marriage with (le- as follow : Jas. Sclater, for First Afinnio A, Long, of that place, was
Elliott, of Clinton, sople years ago ceased wife's sister, etc., it tvns I'reaby'terian clinrch, fit. ATarya, ill with iiihanlniatfon. . She died
}iat¢nted an easily constructed rail agree l- that the phrase in question $500 ; Jennie Baogg; niece, $500 • on Fridayafternoon aged 24 ears
fence that could be cheaply con- be not ex ingedl from the Lonfea• Nellie Aloins, niece, 8:500; Jollm 11 iuontl s and 20 days. The do-
structed, resist the effects of weather cion, bn hat it bo understood in .Grice and James Relillnn, of St. ceased was taken sick on Monday
and storm and be aasily removed our euffscription 'thoreto, that t}le Marys, each$100 ; ])avid Sonier- ovening from getting shillod and
from one point to another when subject nlattor of the remit be all ville nephew, $500 ; Rev. David wot during the clay, and inflanlmn.
necessary. Last year Mr. Elliott 'Open questton. The circular oil Peattio,Campbellford,l>rother,$500; tion sat in through her entire system.
patented some iniproveruents to it, Systematic Tleneficence was referred Jas. l;eatie, Glnsgow, ficottlroid, The funeral oil "Sunday was largely
and ave- are now plaased to learn to the finance co44unittee to bring n nephew, $500 ; Janies lleattie, attended, especially by the young
that llr..I'lliutt's agents aro dispos- deliveranco9 ,,,t -r
at next meet- brother $500 : Agnes .Davy, Perth, peoplo of the town. With her
itng of rights to'uso (this in various ink(, Air. Barr wits appointed con- Seottland, $1,000 ; ('atherne Poat- I acquaintances she was very popular
pats of ilio province. It is it labor vener pot tont of the conlinitteo on tie, wife of Janes Beattie, $3,000 : and will bo much missed. The
and nrntiey saving atlachnleut to a tho Su ierintendence of students. J. M, Adam ne ,hew, St. Mar •a
f.u•ul old the: tul>!ic a� Well ns the 1 , I J young lady «•as a former resident of
1 The next regular mooting ofProby- $500 ; ,Tomos Somerville, nephew, Saltford and well and favorably
ingeniolt., iuvcutur aro being bone- tory is to be, held ill St. Andrew's St. 11Arvs, $:500 ; .Tarragon Sortinrvillc, known to maty \ r «�-]irroan rend -
fitted bytheg,`rltlenl art's etlterpriw" I Church, Kipper, OD the scoot)( nephow, 'fhemo, $boo t (loorgo gra, I'i�p bnrenvn(1 family halo Ejle
Those le trlll'lil� f.lrin feucrs ahuulgl I Tuesday of July, at half past fell -i n Itu9,, e.lork in the fit. M;oy's store, sympathy of thi people of the corn -
sea ATN. Elliott a, the fort -noon. I $1,000. i munity. t
* t t . ,. v t .�,.t,., *Gu,f
*.. *_ T . 7_777- --.--- ._ _* *_ T
We pay a great deal of attention to the Children's
Department of our (bathing Business, and our assort-
ment of Goods is NOT EQUALLED in the County of
Sol ,n q2i
are, really wonderful goods for the money.
our Children's school (pants
AT,85 CENTS .. I
manufactured by ourselves, are just the thing for school
wear and it the above figure are a bargain parer to equal.
We also have, the latest thing in Children's
(Jersey Suits &Flannel,61ouses
+ �Y, X X X +
ens, we
For the benefit of the youngsters, stgive
lve" We have just, received our SECOND SHIPMENT
OF BOY'S SUITS for Sprint; and Summer wear and
our stock is now full and complete.
t1A. OKS AN. 8nik08I
AIRS. JOHN WISEMAN is visiting a. 11iR. SIILAHEit, a recent arrival at
the'Stone town, j the Organ Factory,b.as takon possess-
AIAYOR WHITEUEAn has recovered 1 lou of the promises adjoining the
?o far as to be up and about the ''1'• C: -church.
[rouse. A YOUNG MAN wanted DenDiiiOD,
who has-been . employed in Coats'
l'IIE WEIGHTS AND AfEASUtiz store for somo`years past, decamped
ACT respecting packages of salt has Monday under a aurall cloud which
received its filial re ding. accompanied hint across the lines.
A CLOSE, CALL.—Aloug with the If It was made tip of trilling sunk
man McIvor, of Ilibbort, who was I owed by him, one item being some
killed by the express train a few :$8 to his fellow Lacrossists. I+ool.
miles east of Seaforth, Thursday ish fellow, .the' odor of meanness
last, was a man named J. Quinlan acquired in this Way is not easily
who had a narrow escape. " Both removed.
tre said to have been intoxicated. OI?ANQE Doi.,;(; -s ''he regular
meeting of -L. 0. L. 710 was held
MONEY LOST,—On Monday Alay on Monday livening. The attend -
14th, in the neighborhood of Or ante was fair, and many' matters of
between Detlors and Dickson's importance were discussed,- A eir•
book store, a $10 bill. Lost by a cular was read from K• licardine
poor working man. Fiuder will be inviting Clinton brethren to cele,
rewarded by returning to TuL Nf:ws brat, the 12th there. No actioll
RECORD office. could be . taken as South Huron
INDUSTRIAL.—Among the indus- County Lodge (and Clinton is in
tries of the town, sometimes over- the south) voted unanimously at the
looked, nilly be mentioned the arti- annual meeting to assoinblo era
ficial stone yard o'f I1r. H. Cooper, mas, a at Seaforth on that day.
in connection with his works for mar Anuniberofapplicationsfor moniber-
blo and natural stone cutting. Air. ship were received and sevisral can-
�'ooper has turned out c0136.101-ablo didates favorably reported. The
irti'ficial stone this year to be used .inatter of procuring uniform regalia
is window sills, copings etc for first was brought up and a committee was
anss brick houses, his trade orteud appointed to enquire into the same.
ng far beyond'the confines• of the A special degree and business moot-
:ounty. Ife has also numerous ing will he held oil Monday evening
.rears on hand in this Tina as hall
May 38th, .at which the rog-alia
is for free stone trimmings for niatfer will be fully discussed.
4inilar purposes. Mr Cooper imports livery; member is expected to be
:restoue in the'rough by the car . prosant. A[nttets aro absumiug a
and of 40.000 lbs each, and puts practical••shapo for thoeonling 12th
lie artistic 'finished upon it in July.
Minton. Ni., :INA JOE went out for finny
sport. When nearing the stroan,
A CLINTON CALLER,—`1�o were says -foe to Ike your .hold tho.fort,
;cry much gl'atlflecl last AIOI(lAy-AO of thisgood farmer's house while I
arrive a call from Prof. Foote, do try,0upon the brook tha virtues
ITus. Doc., of Goderich. The of my fly. Joe then down io ilia
;entleman, while in town took it stream hint gat and on its free
ovl: at Mr. Blsackstona's improvedshaded haul: hu sat. Only utl«•eleume a
ittachments for organs which have chubs he caught, though tho ,good
ust been patented. Prof. Footo graces (;f the mermaids ho sought.
;slues them very highly, and ex- When to the fartnor's house Ike•did
)art testimony such as his is very hit,, hie, the 1101108t man not only his
raluable indeed, He is not at nil horse did tit', but asked Iko, his
6rpiised at the reputation the homely dinner for to Share,
Doherty Organ has attained when knowing what al appetiror .is the
he Company have in their employ country air. Ileo always to the
o skilled a mechanic and musical lti,lies being kind, the good Wife
cionce artist - as Mr. Blackstone, to illnr s(1y8; if to 11811 yon have a
to is confident that all 'Mr. Black- mind, just go to a certain place be -
tone's pattutod improvomonts' re 1pty the bend And speckled beauties
luire is to be mado known to lead you'll get to no end. Tiro• ►nany
ng manufactu.rere of organs through- minutes Ilse ilio spot found out, anti
slit ilia wot•ld to cause them to be soon had landed three and thirty
bought into universal arse. ']'lie trout, Poing loaders down and
urpriso is that ilia ingonuity of fillly time to g0, lie sought ont his
n'g.ui mauufacturors has not long sporhrlg friend .to, who had stuffed
wfore this supplied a want that his basket 11on113' full 0f gI.Ass,. 'it 11
low it is filled is recogonised as Oil the lop iladitl;lC^(1"—%I/['['P %[117•%r/
laving existed s0, long. I 1„(.hin,l las.',