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The Huron News-Record, 1888-05-16, Page 7
.*. y ••. • ,,� i - .• a M 'r, w TTt'l, iT * ,1 ► - ...1. `. i%,' 1 11 .1 .� . - I. .� „ „ f , : .. 0 + •i' - I '� rid ' '� ` rt - . �p r, » + , ,. ., , " ,r ., �' 11 ' _ W r • - w , " • "� =.t1 Ii w..• " �KM4. ....,•�r.� "A n d'a k 1. A l�C 1 16u : .,. ,,, t S.1.. .,1.1L fislle. £,nig til ll i . a, illi v t . wet 1 l,ltlu.atslf-coal .: :t ,'.- ,.6 1 a,>., 11 t :1 a til A Ivo i11d :na.Ia,ft a ,1. t _, I u, ... n • t 1 ,: w9, o o 1 ; l s:;.- ai Pol .1 >tellavl :1ictl JoltltQt iald t1 lit�1v.1. 1 Ra ct ., ..., . �, of Illy loll.. 1 vI it #tv _,„ x.. w,. �. ,_ ,. I,.I , Ii10 .1111 bo lmlj pal., iv tluQN, ,. c,; 4k11 .: ..-: •° - —, „ h. . 1.# ! Pt• be d4sv 2t [It �olibaryi fA. ? -°. � � _� � r i as #auI#d ,}11 [,14 R ! tl r nl•1 « I utcil; , 1 . , b1 p: lY . u , And! till.' i.iont , t, R, 4 ; cf�lslf'to1,04 iq l;,<,tg t or .Rulo,i:t *uu16, pa< , •t 1. u21 Is a field ills ,"',I1ioh xheu tlio R:tlleltt,rot eN tt�11 +aRll � j L tw ill d1.Q1i U# : R.111 .t h R " ..i { b 2 , , , go `r,,`,, ,,ea pr r.aennl ;RRcu 4, ii il- of ,iw # aadrel.tak�Qd 1t v 3 llallil ,int. gfill.11hvsa elle [t.nG+n1d of lAk , . .ey tt 1171, ,, l tvit 1.e tl1 1 W'a's l .,, , tla,tpatat urrepslt►tpR, HAIL Hltrul\at. ky a by r:atr ipxt :o%,his• gn, gas :Lallipulua gip. l 1, t t., . nv be Canii:p h. d.,f Vit#, 1*.., . ,.,, -1. J ;• ti :cl t 14 o „ i A. 1l. t Ie7 t}3i <1.. 1# IVa' ill` till... .1 ' �: tF.?f, 177- I .,� ...., ., 1 Tr' ,Q . a.', 1`hllc4.>. R i. ,iri' y ,-F:.-.-_____. 'a.. -� a 1 us€ o l tax ; �y ulil.rlbrprl, Ii ab Q. '': 1, t f?alib a1.tl. i !'tatsI . t., t l , - 1,,T .t. 1 n' r ui de,11t•. }. l 9 1 11L;�V6 :.171#4'.. .,, , , I : g #C} , '9 ti. i^ C144tR1t,k�b °6el8bj. , ir7Y r .lttgJ v bc1., o s_, ;. 1.hv nitLlttl WPrt1s 'T, b,:; Iinv lilt. 1 _ .., l a", -. ; ;, t :l t 11 ch13: chu.tb.iiQl' est t Mui tt he ,I,tlinl•tl to , J i 0 a h tr ,lR t: 41 wile a;u tl v! p •., a gclil q ° at k a . .. , In '4Y,.. ;>} , dr ? • I t e lit is qa c: 17q�. . 'v'A , 4 � tat t ld 1r aI : l t$ �'Al.. tfY 1#5lla i'VV.I Z 1 , d,° s . li g:'iaP4ine4 i';>aQte'ftf :tltv.s.ltl..ulq:t�#�+a .0d I2"OwR: , ' li1A ~Ya�q x.11 1.1)(5,014 .1 a too. t •1)ausi }loltl articaev �antl Goznutptl p �rt �.. , ' alio do t1 5ho ,s ill# Its liiiid 9-4 glleen �tkept. , But "1'uu,n1 kti7uil t1►,111 iii;; ti Q , P311. '166, „ I th4t ltu:f.111 a:4,�.b11.f1.hAk141 R,t 5 .... ai Mlta:ns,' *4b the tii9sG•, ipidillaty U t_ • 0 ... - vur4 '. u: t &sill ¢QInO* t lLelt ''flu sal f. Will, ° t e Royal Collo •o 1tIV� P FUNE19 w lend oq ToWiy; >tiFili J gti . ig. had 4.040 many, bntfv.�'p1P1.ed. t...,. rho -Anti � o,.. y 1. n• nw))iie stall _ s , : :a •b5' ' and lahio.l.� !e^t: .� dill uoG l,t1a ut t.oronto, Honor G)xtd lab. 1i 3 b - ,��rbpo4t�.• A.YPa,? to :` ' ' c , I '1. Ines and t e elloot that if it, dist it i ates dpugtae fllloll't.tht'1lk;tltktl.�i. t t 1 F i#meb'1tV.C11 f. big I1Q.174' 1181 ,. Ihlii, tQ 11 . n I 4 .. #. IfL1' X11 SEIt' :t=sill iitF1''1I1:t'.tlie day, of Pealtgl F3tlFgeonc,. C. R1DPU t,, b t -s �" Iu a pidv.: lie a 'd . n1 be d.ping rrbat. C1irll;t•• 13"ilnilutt lu+ Wl'l+tt S okoshatvv•'sliys h n otlitlq, ntxt ya\rs.>ttccaau( Y•a._ rar},il ,er. _.F : • . Xt&$Rtig1}t.P12111.1o.q ' a. W ul. P y .' t 'ev au 1 , ,. p e tier du 1 think all she OIC, - .:0]l, a59sliit R i °, - v ballad Ivbole be, £sill au.tl,.,tha,: did.wh>3n lie d1R�o th:v. ht, ea d kno,W sI uiLlltltikilttQattit d -carry., CQcgtS'� B1Q - 11Ut _ ' } a one but changers on,t of the temple. ' n1c at G[ili t& file bias est , 1 money la III' �bric{i3 tin' itlol'te> .l►p l:ldd:nl'a' far t}, all 8ltf!' 1i1i41Y, sat au ited her AIL Worlc Rogieteroti. Ch,IrXee dloderlto " * `� P.ho a nt >a,epid;the s o6l and, in I p also nddod so11lpthing tq the Qther f�llcs, au' I rattier thinlc I'cl vocabulary at 400 Troche, nlid site ,, --- --- 1Clllilil . t,. 1?P.Sfi. •@ 4 , slid not kD.oW eilou«rh 4o Qtlrry on the fii)lirlpg of tllb Irrives "alley e38ct that he didn't think jG ver, like carrytn the 1►od fur illi au tilt °' Ga H. CC301t,=-��-- - -�"_ .�bnletilnes £auC';kiat ahoy eatcll the ppnsistilldG for a Cfil;sEiau Church to old woman all' the kids. I tlgu'i tiny except childish cou�ersatiuu. ' 1 Licelitiate of Dental thirgorz Hunor Grit uato , . %, . From all) tbo fore Qina observa- of the Town toSchool,pf Dentistry. a �,! fcai fail'. Pytgt`y Of A lost SPtil, be suliporteet on tliti profits of !)a\vu lcnoW. but mayhc+ ygiu right tuate3,• g �' 1 4 � �� ������� ���� _ -_. - larQking still USlll'y, r t1U_t]3 I lll'etV 1110 fpllOWlllg Cung1U i,.+Yltloua0siae.aaaaaullnlaterodforthupihrlead • I ,; !, ., Imaybe its sOciallsln ; but dash my, extraetioll of tooth. LL SpC?l @ lia4@ 'B,1 es a Turn at The Pond street' Miall thought buttolt9 1F it aoU`t siound ,1101'0 like 81011s :. I Otnoo-over Jackdou's Cloth! u}; Store, nest to incarl,urutcd by Act $arlb:udont, 186fi� . Tr a Oran$, ' there mlgbt be Solilething in that, COLI)Itlull 9011¢0 tlttltl IUU3t tlllllg3 1 Every \vell-re, wa 11 Ql' frill' Pust alffctl,a011nton. - still Lilo land tax t1leU1'y was dealt h'eal's.. If that there'll RpC1:Ili3111,, 'I ability Will he able to define or ge :alight Roll answered. 40'3y' CAPITAL, y12,o00,001 oz9ltte l ost4r Ttetariligr. I „ - Will the Why," ho said, "I tnal:e doubf, if it ii?utltou Oto to keep P36 Understand 20,000 words or 25,00.0 HE,sT, $500,000 Lkle QtTler day I lYeut Ru.t to aeu n ' my,1116ey, by speculating in lanai frv,nt bai'tl nsociulist, ' primitiwos and principal derivative • ^ tdica • ala --;tiVhat ,%ro you tau 1(n nt 4 y They lei't its with the as3urauct) lt'orda, - -_ -� -- - -- . - Head Office, - MQNTR AL. - q oil and It I ba a block of l'tlld, cut -- "-' - - A 11'OIt1iUAN, Prestdent_ "4, Oh; I tlpah yqt I didn't mean tl►at a into lot$: and sail 1t to the people that they were nnauinluu9ly of Lisa The salvo' mai, ui his couveraa' R LLBF,VE. OIHce-"Pddaeo" Brick Block, THOMAS Ici t T r"Hp4 n .n>ll." Well, I met p 5 J, 1[, lt. JfOI>vU�. Vito Prosldant. i"'' A l Q 11'110 want to build 011 it :i1 Prices U rllliull that \ro. tV01'0. 11Utt1 Ct'ittllc9,_ . ,tlgil (illll tV1'ILltig, will n.AO iLS2x 1t"a9 �; liattgtlb]try'•Streat, Rasidonco Opposite tba F. })Q�1''1`l;Shp � THOALAS, Qeneralltianagor. . a c11all ril]o.la•glle !rind ¢f a°crank• which it )a s thein t0 glvC atD't 1 'lountranceHgll,1[urou9troet. Corunerturtho ` "' little 4wh:lt I thOtlnllt Of 1 3 0 ' A'1110.11, by Lite' way, Was the imllu •titan -6,000 ill' 7,000 wul'c13. It' h'y County of 1[urou. OtTlcchours from8a.w.to6 He tislcpd m o doing a legitimate business 4" opiuiou that e:Iclt .ilei l ut' Lilo uthar. bo It litoral'y mall ho Ivill cvmul loci p• M. Notes diNrou(ltt d, Colloetia)Smadc, L1ra1't r;.. bushloss prospects for'tho. Qutumer, Tho I�uoi;-u,au said uvrf.tiuly !le 1'wt hul.ttss ut' ilue. rluti:l'uverty.wan 2,000 of 3,!700 niore• altutou,Jtu,.t4,i99t. �t-y_ isattod, Starling slid ilntericnn ex - N tv that's t question I like to a1ly11oC L011llt Htld eel(1 at low• 4 q was but the Auti-Poverty man said aitd the rag. baby num though• collltt,ltl ao l.u^ use from 3,000 est current rates. hanr asked, It evideucis, not onl .I? R 4' Y that fur a man to gat hull of land 'fl4ey'ru all tight a; far aR thgy go, t.0 1000 wo7tt :ieeording to their DRS. GUN Gy ��.�.}� �• INTI:ar-ST AT 4 Prn CENT. ALLottsulgN Dxre�,T • au enquiring tarn of nlinll; but an and to hold it nutil ineroadlig pol,- alld when they,got 1)d:ed clean •r:,ueral in telIi'rolule null couvar.n- '--`--a- -- OI'igin'allty Uf thought allCl Cxl)1'0$3t9n a \1'. Gunn, U. D. L. It. C: P. Fdiuburgh L. R, t . ulatfon matte a demand, for it, was though they'd juin'IuWuly nut! me. lioual power. S. Edinburgh Licenctatoot theMidwitery,tidiu. g'a RS_ as wQII. SOt}Se peO;l,lO 11aV(i a llahit Simply GO take adYantage of L11iCtispl- _ , _ da' , Uillce, on' corner of Ontario and William tits„ • :tlouc> it(, a ore to tnrmerson their on'u nota ---� + An ^ ALI llliterato Tuan (one who 'Clinton• with one or unto endorsers. No wurtgagera 1` Of asking Uhl, hackuiod;,, Oft -'re peatod ties, which he knew would arise, to- C. uired as ecuurit.y., - ° ° t185ti0IIs 'ancl 'lualano C}1t33tn•Utty PH,E WORDS 'A1E U51;. C:1111]Ot thenal) Will lt3a fl'Otll 1,50Q t0 H. it Elliott, NJ. I„ It -G, P. Edinburgh. iL.C, BREWER, • q CoinpOI people to give their earniugS . 2),500 words. Livuualataof Liar y[idtvirery, Edinburgh. Oaice Sluun�er, remarks, acid' so I like' to meet those withgut any equivalent ill labor at Brnaenetd. 479-y� fithruarg. 1894 I,LINTON 1. blight,. fresh, tniinded poopla who performed. Does an Average Ulan uaa 700 A pursou Who has not tit cool- _._.- ---^--T-- SM-_ _. - . - -- ,.. - P �VorC,s or 7.OA0 ? eland at least 1,000 words is it . ask crisp, new questions and make 'Then the both called him ;t branit " • reluarks frac front the cub\vebs of y Literature, iguoranlus, aiuil will find difficulty a'f - ` - __111$Altlx:^ __ gal _ __ =- alTtiquity. SoI,1flwayshavenwarm curl asked me if that weant toy At au educational meeting held in' expl`estiiu,` his thoughts, if, in'• - - _ o liyliou. I said that I'd been lis- dead 'a�lr\i any to ox Irea. .NUN NI. ie- SCOT'1 VhlNruN Lodge, No. 94, A. P. w n. 1r. regard for thoyt; original chaps who I in' Ve\I YUI'li a i'e\v day,i aeu,tno sou . y I _ ' i uicetr very Friday; on' r,r after the tui 1n00t spit 1wItF1 "h01w'S btISiIIC9$ �" EOUIng tU Ih0 E><.Uti•POVeI'ty InaD call �__��,.. moon. visitlog brethren cordlolih invited. ', �, I thought, as Dttu O'Connell Wheal doctor, a nutetl professor, nulita the { 13urr,.,'ter>, tic.,N. t 1SrlltrtuQ'3an think of tjno Weather Teie Imp risoFled Hawk. J. YOi•NC, w. w. , J, CALI.ANDF.11, SM. £011011'illg cta0t:111eU,G I he beit n ° ' > UI,INTUN. Clintal,,.fua. 14, 1991. 1• r lie saw a lord scratching his head o LLLaOi'r's Ll,00); 1 etc. educated urQu i❑ thin ruuut will ' ' that there might be somuthiDIT in' it. 1 `"'"""° ""�''"" "" �= ' °""�- c o The Cn90 of ihu sell' martyred - - -- !In- tho fresliness o,f the' 'Then With unu voice they declared Dot, use nlure IlIau 600 ur 700 Money to Loall. ' ut+Ntion N furred lna to ivalca nn ' welds." l-itl al+iU :193i'fUo(I :I sulufier o litor hawk came up 'sin the }Louse 0ritlllli`. 1 1 that I ,was a crank, Luo. ° hast 1\'aclnesda t\'heu liuu, \i F. A. it. nf-taNI1o. Jns. SCOTT. _ ', ', o ually bright cull original lulsirer; nuluber lu poisuus of hinited edu 5r _ �__ __�-..--_..____..:.____,. - K--- `-_-T -_— d o e •'I'houl )sou AIiuistur ut' Justice, L. 0. L N'o. 710 su I remarked I tlioug't it Would Jti'3t thea a chap wile atter+ale the cation 9Latiu'= that rw i•'u.ur,wt Irfun l 03 �, depend 'souls on' how _tiro crops 1)'W"' a iaeetil]gs came along and. ,.Quid out use: inure than' 200 or auRWertid in dotal! Lilo ur„uWents FRANK R• POWELL, s' ,i turned out and some, too; on' u'het}t. he siiitl «01'at it was all nouseuse to 300 Wurtl:l. I hat, befvr,. seen advanced - Lay Ur. I)•tvies. EIe f� Il`v7CON s BtGav;i3tel'; tjutl0(tUY, ATUICITt/ \leets sheors Monda of Query ,1 ar prices wale good; I. also vouttired say thht the land system was Lila ALfltl I11011L9 Ul' Hlltlllar.iwliort in pub- pointed oht thrlt }Ialyk has a sial ] I"* I'tttillC, CLL. month. IInll, 3.ui flat, Victoria l ale ro ied if he llas boon wrongly block. Visiting brethren always !'<' the predictio.0 that the chances of cause ill' poverty when everyone (;c priut,wid to test thuir Cut,lectnelis 1 Y Otfiee, Soarlu's Blocl; Albert-st., Clinton. d r:; 1m 1fl9Ulleel•, this beiug by ap.plicat• ' p tnadetraluowe. IVrll' 01' peace 111 ,�UI'Op0 Illlght 11aV9 1(1161v that if the \I.Orli.tng CIaSSCs I begarl all itIPOStgatlUn, UU t1)elnat- l Toronto agents:-ltcssre. \A+„artily, Osler, C.' TINLEDY,W.11. 30i1Te effect i the 9 11 10 111 1:1''8 bU91- 1VQUltI ODI}' stop.. drinking, 110Ye1'ty L01'.0 a ion for -a Writ of habeas COrpuR. Ilostan&creelntan• I W. S.SWAFFiRIA'See. it, S. COOPER, D. At 1"'. • 'I'tl8 CXt'Ct1tiVU Ot this C011IItry Was ,(;N- PRIVATe FcNDs w I>KNU .tt lowebt ratesof _ _ ness, I added, that on the whole would benbolished.' What we n0ocl- The subiuct was brought thew to not, ha said, a Court of Appeal L:nierest. 381 � __ _ -_._ l�' lay opinion coiucidod exactly with ed was the passrgo of a prohibitory my mind b ubservfn�,u, uticlu 'in' - - -_ - - - . .• w 't 1, 1.' ----- .•.--T- fol' 1:Llw. - -,- 17'0117-Ellci--tCstfilft`C1T1'e ....COtrrt'-0�- �DN'ARD N. LEWIS, Barrister, Notary Public .� -- .-o.,-,=-iR— kfi ^ the L cut, uquan 'Oil" 1iloutit3 a o E Proetur m rl:triti,ne Court. ut,iet:aeornar 1--~— g ' Brunswick, and It would be the ;1;« I3o said ho always placed great �Vo all. agreed With him that in which I)rof. Y,aucrul't rt:uuulced : heirrllt of presumption Itiou :for him as southut Ahtrtin's note!, c:oderiuh, unt. solici• "' reliance on m ' ItltCl'gCnt nt'tc 1 Of til't1111COUIIe9s wflS ti bald thing, but "It !las becu ostimatUd that an Eng- 1 l aur for the UueorrLaud Agency, 31onCy'to luau J o t:, ' • I o 1l illister Uf Justice, to ask the at Cheape.,t rates. • 406 If the signs of the times and found the Bond streot man insisted that .fish farm hand has a voi,Abuhi''y C�owe4uur(yenei'il to suminiirily' _ _ -`-- --- • s th;tt, as'a Pule, my views and itis it Would never be stopped %1't tile liinited to 300 words. All Amerl reVf IBe Lich �'3d�tI19I]t of that � uurt �1FAGE[Lft 1LOILT4\, Barristers,,tc., C Ood- r r CO!'1'OSpeinded ;ilniost exactly. Ile AUgIU-I91.i01 Cl,tpll'e wagt1101'OUghly Can n'OI'ICWaII N'l1U Toads the 1ei\'3 SorichtuhcllYingjaan,. C.Saneor,Jr.,GoBerich A Cleat' point ill Connection /lith J. A. Morten Whighant. 1-1y. added that lie especially a4lnivod establishod, the Knox mai said papers may command from 700 to Judge e'raser's postponement of the - -- ------ l` ; my direct, terse, cltigrainatic and that drunkennoss'would con iuUe 1 000 wurd9, hire thous,ind is ; trial, Which had been lost sight of, AViSONT t JOUNSTON, Law, Chancery,and atisily nliderstooti way of oxpres3iug and grow worse until the beginning large number; el•uu furan edueatetl D conVeyanomg. otffce-West samba, next �i�ek PreCe lU� �U/ was thatthe trial Was riot wantonly door to Postofflce,Goderlch, Ont, 67, Uyal UK Uh I ht,U�`U Illy \`te,r9. of the pre -millennial reign, the reader or SpC'tl1CCr." 11119 aS3c)1'LiOR )hist onall•bC and the six 1110110'9' I re ailed that it Ivens for the satins Auti-Poverty man and I declared is much nearer the truth thatl that i t Y C. HAYS, solicitor, tt;o. Onlec,cornerof' l limit ; but in fixing the dat© Its 'it R,• Square and west Street, overButtor'sBoak IiICtC%G Knights cf Irelclircl, � reas"I tuu that I valued Ilia olii.nioll to, that ;'ll the ''prohibitory laws the, of the institute coutluctur nleutiuued. lead been fixed, the Judge' had boon store, goder,ab,•ont. 67, 41 RtatUtO h001c3 w0U1C1 FIU1c1 Ivouldn't For til( bellefit Ul' thosu vi'll0 allay gar .Money to lend at lowest rates of interest. i'eef� ilk the Orange Hall, Blyth,.•thc \I'cdacs• highly. actuated by it desire t0 gtVC the re- --_. ___._.._ __�_�_ (Ni, calor full moan oP every month__+--_ 4' 8,•. -rr, , stop drunkenness so long as the sys be interested, 1 offer the results Of `Phe were ercttillg oil fluely, a'n'd 9pOnlleIIC the UOp01'tllltlty 110 sought 7 CaS1P1pN, Barrister,Attorney, Solicitor p o n - tem which bred. the pbverty which lily study oD Liao subject. =1ny in- E, C,h.h»aery, Conveyancer, vcytu,cer, d a. ut11 a a\'er BlackPrcee for ���I bade fair to part wit' mutually - of having the Court of A h teal Lass RRyQ� p caused it, C011t1IIU0d, Then', 0118 tO111g011t pCi'30t1 Ca)1 itlakC Lilo Sa1110 1 l .lJordan's Drug Store, the rooms formerly ecru"' 'tU y 11 heigh'tel ed opinions of erich oilier upon a question of law raised, At pied by Judge Doyle. .,> y'•• Pavilion than Said We Ire1•ti all exilm.Ination, and will arrive at slab- t,e i , ,rte• Any amount of money , to loan at lowest , and of'our respective selves, 1, I aha time when Judoo 1 user has. rates of interest. 1.1k. Black KieiVilts elf I'rtalmicl, I 11 r' unfortunately, I happened to mei- cranks. and agents of the rum traffic, stantially the same results, -.acted he believod that tits date fix-. •--- - _____. -___ • and we, unanimously, , voted •him a I took Webster's high 9Ch00'1 r - 11,ecta i» ti,o orange t. 1, Clodvt•ich, Lha Third •LL } ti0ll that I ]lad bCO21 t0 ileal' Dr. a eel wOU1C1 1)OG pl'OYeut^tile tl'171.1. He llCtltll'<t'I'l llt�, 9londayofeverymopth, \'Isitirigliui,htsrtlways _ 'Wild on Sunday night, crania of the first water -cold water dictionary, edition 1878, coutaiuino had liter,found that ho had made a' _ ___ _ __ :1 _ - wade ttctetma. ' at that. nes of vocabulary, ~land ex- yI I 434 a y, fatal mistake and decided the o) - Jnyl 4 wEt.(.?,.PreceptuC„gal, Cli P U "All l” said. he, `iso was I and teas • pages Z � i p H. W. BALL,•' . A 51 TOHL,rduputy YrCuptnr, Ulintdn 1 U , delighted a9 always all! with he Hero crag=Uaby' ulau Came along aminea each word in the book. 0 - way Sltting 11] LOUrV Of appeal, UCT'ONF.FR for Huron County. Sales at•. \V It l,tUlt,iIl ', Rel,tetcu, Goderlah P O clear wa.'�il]. Ivliich Liao Dootur can and Ile declared that no landoleform, •made a nota of those words which I but this mistake was excusable in re Landed toin:my part of tato County. rid• ___ ._ _ ___ _ m, dress orderstaGouaa,mlP,O. V•1T.. �`tLINTON .KNIGHTS OF LABOR J would erect a cure until the gold supposed,T,�had used at some lima p lltak0 U3a Of Lilo 117091, a arcual view of the general division of o In- - - Rooms, third Hat, Victoria block, Regula �• pp y' either in s )eakin or writing. . I' (`TIAs. �IA11Ii1LT01<, meet'. • titer 'rltnrsday evenin+ nt 8 o'doe trivial incidents to demonstrate the basis,yheory or money was abandan- 1 g o •ion amongst the ablest men on' the great truths o£ the Anglo Israel ed as sotilothing un to. our coLu]ted the primitive words and paint in' Volved. He thought Judge sharp.g visiting icnignts Wada welcome. e o o AUCTIONEER, land, loan and insurance agent doctrine. Do you rowomber holy, civilization and fit only • for the those derivations whose moaning is I+'raser'had taken a manly course in Blyth. s�er s.ouaedintoarmsan and village k to reasonable terms. A list or farms and village THE KEY T® �lEAL�'H from what to the ordinary mind barbaric ages in which it Was con- host at variance with Lilo primitive., i❑ acknowledging his mistake when Lots for sale. lisoney to loan ol;realestate, at a. .11 s"` nntst 8aetn lila 1TIf111] fact, that bo• eeiveeh. ``IJnttl soil ClC9i1'Oy It1An0� Z 11Us .I Colina fl'lnht and fruit, but low rates of interest: Insurance effected ec all g , o he found it out, and thus refraining classes or property. Totes and debts collected. a dr cause incus Irishllieu are called monopoly," saicl,h0 "and so make not frighten, frightful, frightfully, from perpetrating an injustice "poll Goodsappralsed,andsoldon.eonunission. Bank• the exchange of the xiodocts of nor fruitage, fruiterer, fruitful, ,aha rospoutlent, because ho had al• ruptatockeboughtandsold. P r F ; Dan he demonstrated that' the poo• n I BI . I 0 l� 1 . pie of the North of Troland -etre of Labor free, poverty will continue, fruitfulnoss, fruition and fruit tree. ready caused the petitioner to suffer. :. the tribe o£ Dau `d" and drunkenness and misery with I omitted most 'of the compound IIo considered that the eonyict it words, especially when the compon• Hawk had taken an indefensible PhotographeC S I said that I did remember what end parts lairectly indicated the course and that though politicians v the Doctor said but-' "Oh," he And they all set on him and` meaning, as milk -pail, 1peoting might bo assailed almost ntith the �� A�� " real :nt'� its t,f u1e interrupted, `you don't uuder9tand called bila a crank -and a flat�hinatie Ilouso rag -man but counted those Unlocks all the clog the beauties of the Anglo Israel and a rag•baby idiot, and, as I said vilest calumnies this was no reason R & Bowels Kidneys an Li4e,. carrying whose significance ,vas not directly wily no punishment should follow �Os�� �� off gradually without weakening the system, doctrine. ,Now dont you remember that there was a good deal in what indicated, as crolvbar, utcksand NTON, all the itnp°r't'es and foul humors of the 3 quicksand, to those who sitnilarly deluged Lite > how he told us . that though in the h said. they classed me with' tinfoil. As the result -of -Chis exam E secretions ; at the same time curing Bin North of Ireland Hebrew names are ,alt b01i�c11, which had not the same op Acidity of the Stomach, curing 8ili� u common, none sig to be found in the :ination, I had 7,928 words, which I - portunities' of, rofutation and ex- LiFe size Purtraits;:ar Svecialty. ousness, Dyspepsia; Headaches,, Diz• " Then a chap with his clothes all think I myself have used., plallatia l its the politician -bad. zinelis, Heartburn, Constipation, South 9 a fact Which clearly demon covered with nim came along and , 2 giving ndg_ Dryness of the Skin, Dropsy, Dim' titrates the truth of what he has all r, ' There were 419 in A, J 8 in L', 13e pointed out that ill e e j o nes& of Qision,Jaundice, Salt Rheum. said, all ,that t,lk ,about Anglo- 766 in C 455 in D 235 in E 369 mout u on.tbis case the Chief Just- ChAto11 Marble 'Works, Erysi ela.s, Scrofula, Fluttering of r: along maintained, that the people of Israel, an' pre:millennial, an' land ' ' J ' p �p the North are Israelites and those of tax an' a er mons bo blolved in'P, 279 in G, 286 in II, 330 in I, iso hall ruled that the ex(nossione the Heart, Ner4ousness and ftenel'lsl_ the South Canaanites." ' p y ' 81 in J, 49 in I� 280 in L,- 476 in Haw -It had used were contemptuous, HURON STREET, CLINTON.' Debility, • all these and many other simi- I tolls you its all bosh. NVhat we D7, 144 in PT 217 in O, ' 715 in P, rind therefore calculated to .bring lar Complaints ield to the happy influence1. °`13ut," I said,*�t the Doctor's wants is eighthous an' better pay 55 in 401, 397 in R, 954 in S, 454 in'' the court into contempt. In answer of BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. 1,11 1. IV logic rather spoilled``tiy the fact that so's me an' my m'lt•es can ge.t a little T, 47 in •U, 148 in V, 202 in W, 23 to;the contention that no contempt of Y. • H H. �+' O O P E R, J Yrr Sample Bottles lt]e; Regular size $1. it is in the South, not in the North, time to make our Twines comfortable in Y and Y and 10 in Z. court couldbe held to arise outof pub lfanufacturer of an deafer to aU kindsof .. For sale by all dealers. that they call the boys Dan V an' attractive, an'.ha•re alittle money Had I counted the various dari- lication after the termination of a T.>t[itr�amRNace..rropricterm,Toronto Then lie seemed to et a little to spare for books au' papers,.an' to ' ' Marble & Granite for Cemetery _ g , vatives in egmxrion us©, it is probable trial dna delivery of judgment, h•o nettled about something and remark- clothe oar missusses au the kids ed that I Was sotnethiug of the ria- docent, pn send em to • school an,, the number would bo nearly instanced the case of Dwyer Gray, Nork ntUquroetbntdcfycompetition _ double. a member of the Imperial Parlia- ,"I."M a�1. tune of,„ a crank:. Just then a man learn em' nluaic an all all them ment and -High Shori'tf of Dublin, ` wile Boos r Knox ehltrch came sort sof things that makes other To wake a further test of words b . . . ALPO manufacturer of the Celebrated O o 0) r folks',kids nice mannered au' self- at my command, X spent about. two who, for ,a erlttelaln of a Judge's -, -4 v �� 1, td� ARTIFICIAL STONE for Building our- 70 •+ �,•, 1" • along and chipped in. He too had course in' a concluded trial, publish- oses and CAineter Werk which must O 01 A ► it 4�,� _ been to hear the Doctor and 110 pro iespectiIl . Then, instead of being hours -in %,•riling from memory in' the: Doublia Frcefnuia, of which p y '� M be seen. to be, a reciated -All work Zt1' - 9 O f = qqy p '„ bounced his Auglo-Israel doctrine kopt down as we have boon because words in A. I was able tb note he was editor, Ivas inside of t\cont - pp e c —n a \vo 'dint ]lad uo echoolin'and because down 537 wol•da,'that I could use if Y Warranted to Five satisfaction. A o s 1�` �y W. . 1 arrant nonsense addim �tbat noth foul' hour's incarcerated on asentence 0-03(a m ing short of all intelligent- under- Ivo ain't just as well posted as we occasion required. This is 35 per of three months imprisoment and a P g � standing of duct belief in the pro- might 170, and so 100 the politicians cent more than I had counted from fine of X500. He considered it fartun a r� p{ p �, millennial doctrine could Satisfy an' ,other Alcoa, got the start the dictionary. Should the dame ate fore Hawk that he had not et �oUrich MUii ulU�Urks W + of us. we'll have time to read up a proportion' hold good in' all the let- y , `e' J x d Q M '� earnest and intelligent mind. been tried before n jury for libel,as he ` __ � a+.A a' a` ' r'., o bit,yu' find out what's what, an' tors, it would follow that I can re- ani ht ' be et. While ti'dmitting Having boob , o r g n 3 -" o � e I" = Then'my.Boud street friend re Oven if We don't bays that's.comin' call from memory 10,700 words, all g Y bought JosE1s VAN9TONL marked that the Knox man was that it might be necessary at an in Goderieh, we are now prepared to fur • IV,! f 2 W m :n pe F. after us Will. Then we'll got your of which .are. familiar• early day tO make provision for ap- nisi, on reasonable 'terms, • O a ."• 4 vQ ,�� ,re z = 11 plainly a crank,.and the latter re- land reform an, your money reform, I made another count, and came turned the compliment. In the peal,from a conviction for contempt HEADSTONES AND ➢IONU1iENTS. .;r a "a 9 MIt A Do :,p eu your tempo reform if it is to the conbiusion that I could give a " ""' _ meantime I had made -up tYly mind au good but you won't et none of of court, he Saw no good reason' for GRANITE A SPECIALTY: ' that both their tide opinions of each y n Y g fair definitipu of tit least 25,000 asking the House for special legis- We aro prepared to 'sell cheaper than any, C'CTR� other's mental unbalance were justi- 'em so loughs the only chaps whose •words in that book, and would lation in this case, 'where the prior- other firm in the .county. _ I r . tl if ► Iver votes you can count on are worked so Understand their signification in a ner lead gone to jail, not through ao111(1lntuc, f fled. But before I got a chance to hard an' so long an' get'so little pay rioted book or spoken address., Parties wanting anything in this line will loyepepsta, 1.gibe them the benefit of opinion , . p p , harshness on the part of the Judge, find it to their interest to reserve their 111111011e11eesy o y p that they alnt got no time nor The above estimates aro based up• but b000pies be wanted' to surround orders for us. ' { , �_ siert an Anti Poverty man came along opportunity to find out how to pP Y on m own experience and know- himself with the solemnity of a ileaaomle, and asked us what we thought of vote" y p ROBERTSON At BELL. xi.hley the claims of the University author- Iedgo because it was convenient to martyr. May 17th, 1886. 392-3m 1 i / T.•ollbleef They all voted him a crank , and make the experiment with myself. It11c11n1aciem, r,- ities to the unearned increment of Y p EXHAUSTED VITAL{TY . / Skin' nteoaUr- I thought I heard the Bond street Ever * well,infornned mail will -be a8 Note heads, Letter Heade Statements, anti is arldAllitrui nlr•1. • , ti}_e Qlueon's Park. p Without waiting fI S , • fact all k1ndH bt rintln 'in t1nA Beet oasis flies of elle t:. t man and the Knox Mau mutter some- competent, 7etent, if not more so.. Erther P g, I . I I iiiood telom Or an answer he went On t0 declal O 1 IIE SCIF.NCF Oar LIFE, known to the craft and at low rates, at TnN' thA, l about anarchist. professor mentioned will have a I i Nzwo-RRCOaD office. WhatOy er that dor private ,udividuals ' tQ lay 1 •L the great Medical Work •, �`x•., �y y 11 Claim to Values Which -tile industry " ' more extended voCabulat'y than I of the agoonlical Debility, `G called acieing. y I said, Tommy, your"o dead Pre andPhysical, rreoy, ^:. CHANGE 0 �iISiNESS. � GREAT •SPgING MEDl�INE. , fi;; , of the whole community had created' right ; we've got to begin by edu- have. Premature Decline, Errors ^vt4,• ' was shoos robbdry of the public. eating• the workers and before that - I thea took at random, in the of Youth, and the untold Price, 76c. (with Pills $I,) m(sorlos consequent there- TRY He also maintained that the only we must m'alce it possible' for them same dictionary, a page in,each on, 800 pages 8 Vo., 126 F, EVANs, Ttiaving bought oat the s to ar- ,. r1 lit thing t 0 would be i0 put greaartptionsfor all dlsaases ing Business" of Harry Fisher, Logs to an- 1DRa woaoiz�aa g b o p to be educated by shortening their letter, And couuted° the tvarde in Olot , full {slit, only $1.00, I nounce that he his engaged the services of Mr. f All the taxes on the land and by this hours sari increasing their pay, every Common use. On 4 pages, by mall, se ed, nlustratto osmole reg . o all S. F, Bnulcla, who conies recommended tie a Lll`T'LE LIVER..PILLS, ✓' nl0an$ take for the 700 le all in'- young and mtddio•nged men. florid now. The gontteman tit high arttstic abClitly. set gourbar• (very small and easy to take.) t p Tommy, my boy,. we mustn't think there were 254 such words. 'hie Gold and Jewelled b(edaT'awarded to the anchor barinandone by meehahfes, don t bo'botcited by NO GRIPING. NO NAVSp3AU• "''rr crease- in the value of land lvhich that chart hon'r9 and good wagt s would give 3,300 words in use by by the Natfional Medical Assoetatlon, Aaames agora ees and those who hays nnvor loarnea was dile h causeslue other lC than the P. o. Box ism, Boston, Maes or Dr. W. If. the tradn,but patront2oa nrstclas8 man, Give us sold everywhere; pried 25 conts, will do it all ; We must got rid of persons of the most ordinal's intelll- PAtltcrut,' iaduato of Ifiarvard '11edleftl COMM,a oal1, and we„guaranteo to eattsfy the moat tastl- industry and' Labor of the occupier. the lvage9 'system altogether. We Bence. None of these lists include 26 years ppractice in Boston, who may be coneult• alone. Ladtos and chiidrnn's flatr outing n UIlion Medloine 00, Pro rietOrS, y ; ed confldentlally. StteclnTty, $Diseases of 11Ian, ItpSctalty. A. E. EVANS, two doors West of i Then the Iinox man of mad and must try to fi'e things so 'that every any proper names. office, No 4 Bulfinch 8treot . 40Sy I{ennedy'e liokl. �8ttj TORONTO, CAN. p , g i . ' n . _ ._ " e '..11 - ,. I � , 1. . . . _1� � . ,u�N � s,° y , M h 'aA ie ,`, ,�, a. m �;^'+r., .� iF^ l s4i rr .. 1`1 ,v .._!� •u.i .. _.i!"r.,-tet w ... .a .. y..u.:_ ,i,..r_ 4..•1....�r ::i.. , . ", :... W,,,.3... - . .�— - _.,.,, :1u"�:aL... •, "- , ' r y °._�`•t+i nsn'3�y,HL�.�+,°y .$.... fCY.`