HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1888-05-16, Page 5IS NOW SHOWING -
Special for Parasols:
Special IFaney dress Goods,
Special for Oriental Laces'
' Speotal for Embroideries. Flack and Colored Cashmeres, -Silks, &c.
Special for Alloyers and Flouncirlgs. J PARASOLS! ----OUR STOCK IS VERY COMPLETEs'�
Special for. Veilings.
Special for Corsets.
see our 5., cent and 8 cent Prints, Seersuokersfrom 8 cents.
See The Prices, - See The Assortment( 0 ° 0
° J.6HN WISEMAN, Manager. Estate J. HODGENS.
GEC). E..'PAY CO's.
-- Dry -Goods Emporium of Clinton, SPRING -,STYLES � 0®. o
! he began drinking and pounding her. G. H. 000Ky ATS
AND CAPS Have juat'optlned out an im►uense stock of
over the head with a revolver. She Licentiate of Dental Surgery, Honor Gra ivate fled and he tried to ride over her onI
, of the Toronto School of Dentistry. ,
• ho�aeback. DlstnOUTltlllg, he attached
� of the very LATEST Al_11ERICAN 11lANUrAQTURL++`. Also• --D
her, She threw liha down and Nitrous OxideGaa.adndulsteredforthepainless
choked him a death with a watch extraction teeth. One Case A merlean Neckwear - K I
Office—Over Jackson's Clothing Store, next to t
chain he wore around his neck• she teat otaeu, Clinton. ,
is a half-breed. lte was a farmer and g4lNightillell answered.
kept a saloon and the postotlice. will visit every Thursday at Bruuefteld, troin (very handsome), front 20c. up tq 50c.• A call respectfully solicited. They guarantee -every- pair of the following- makes :--The
to 10 30 a, m. ; Varna, front 11 a, in. to 1 p, m.; �'�1 /'''� �T T "Reliable,"
— Wm. Macauley, of Brampton, Il'y10 , from 2p. m. 402y GEO_—�A1��—V_�/ V "Durable," the "Reliable," a.nd the "G•old Medal."
aged 17, attending the Brantford -- J
Collegiate Institute, was drowned in NOTICE TO CREDITORS.–In the matter of, Murray Block, Albert Street.
Grand Rivet' last Friday. Macauley, ,, J1olm Itebertson, of the Town of Clinton, in
0 0
the County of Huton, Merchant. Notice is reNext Door to DRY -GOODS PALACE.
• with t}w0 companions, named G. D. hereby given that rhe above uanled John ltobcrt- -
Watt and McMullen, went: down the son, has outdo an assighment to me, under the _ A Choice' lot of Ladles Mantle ' and Jacket
tovisiuus of Clutter 20 of 48 Victoria, Ontario
river in e. cancel and when about two p' 1 meq.:
the beee, of all his Estado and eRsots In.truat for ®USE PA I N T I N �/1
miles from Brantford the canoe Up- the benefit of all his srediturs A meeting x,t the �
set. nIacauley and Menfullen could croditwwu(thc, said Estnts Is hereby convened , i� Cloths, suitable for Spring and summer,
not swin. Watt the older swimmer and will be hker at the law offices of Gibbons, k
Watt, A1eNub S, Alulksrn, London,
on Thursday, the 17 • \`• .
of the three, secured XfoMullen and day of ,May, A. U. 1"88, at 2:3u o'clock In the GLAZING AND GRAINING r, ,
brought him 'to shore, and returned afternoon, fur tye appointment of inspectors autl f MANTLES CUT FREE OF CHARGE.ti `
i after Macauley, but he disappeared dispoe ;ug of directions with l credit o to the PLAIN A�dD DECOARTIYE 4
Y, J)p saidosal tc the earl Estate. All creditors of thO A
before Watt could reach him. Search saidEsl', aro herchy required to file their claims \V\
is being made for the body. with uty Sulicitura, Gibbons, MCNab & Mulkern, :O;
London, (us directed by the said Statute), on orPAPER n ,
—'fhe death occurred Rt Exeter before thu duty' or such meeting, Atrcr Jnne 25th, Ka�sUini /\/�/�
6 Y 1688, 1 sball ,reseed to distribute the sold Estate, a J R. D E� L O & d/ O■
recently of Mr. Richard Atkinson, I,; ri„q regard ally to sueb elaints ne I shall hive �Y1
who was born in Kin is County, ' unties of:and I shall not be responsible for tbC iN� I'•,I�
assutaot Wto said Estate ur any part thereof to HRKGI�I�. AND laud on May 13 11107 and was there •
) Y r any person or tetanus w•yoso elaiw Or claims rlT %�I
fore aged ti0 soars and �l l worths an slut(l not have ,,Mn filed. Dated Naw lith, A. D. ARE S C V 1_ N �1 .
1""5. Gibbons, . J, & Anderson, Solicitors for
,the time of his death. Jae immigrat i - —-----------
'1'ruatce, London. J. U. Anderson, Trustse.
ed into this county over fifty years _ —_ wCi Shop Neat Spooner's Hotel, Albert Street
ago and settled on the Ist concessiou •
rt of the township of Biddulpl). After COURT OF REVISION _ 't���j C72.INTON, ONTARIO_
toiling for forty years upon the /
homestead,—during 1v.hlCh
time lie \AiC,A: N0.'('lUE that the Court of Itlribe for / CHAS.
��. �. \ P®®N a RHING •
s 6 1 the, VILLAGE OF RAYFIELD.wlll Us held v �'� \\AA
>Rssisted in making a clearance in the in tboTewn 11:111 on MONDAY,25thdayof nTAY
1888, at the hour of tea 10 of •the sinal: A.AI.,
town of Goderich where the court ( )
for the purpose of
hearing and rectify iul; all 0
house is situated; chopping the bush eon,plail ;tga;ost or error.1 on the Asscssmont'
for a site upon which to ereet the .toll. Persons interested are requested to take
notiueandl govern themselves accordingly.
' first building of the now prosperous �. .
Exeter, and participating in the GED. W. WOODS, Clerk._ New Dry -Goods!
clearance for the• Crystal Palace. Bay_aeld, May 14th, 1555. Ono -_t
London, Ont purchased a farm BR KR PT TOOK
in the vicinityy o of I)�von, Unborne • .
township, and with -his family moved r \Alco; NOriCF that the Court of Revision for
thereto„nnd'npon which he resided I' the TUSKNSHIP OF s'rANLF V will hold its t :1r
up t0 a.few months ago, when.he . first mectlot, ,rd V AItNA, on SATURDAY, MAY
It, New .Groceries
Lha , :588, at ten o'clock, A. AL, tRr rediae uud . '
located in Exeter t0 spend the torrcet'tidc Assessment Roll of tbC said Togrisblp
residue of his days. For several years for tho•preseut year. Thoee interested are re --
in hiser oun dayshe held gnesfed to take notice ruim
n govern theselves 0
Y g Y r Elle accordingly. y
ofEices'of Treasurer and Councillor in GE0 sTLWART, Clerkn A
Biddulph. The deceased was very' y' a vin �IISt bought a Stock of new goods at the present
Varna, Aln t th, 1S"s. 406 -td Ha
much respected by everybody, being a_,�r LOW. PItiI(.1 ) T aril 111 a ]lOSitiOri t0 SO11 gOOC1S as low
of a kind and genial disposition. as any respectable House in the Dominion. Any 011e
In politics he was an ardent Conser- Remember we are still selling P]II1' I S A'1 GREATLY
vative, in religion an Episcopalian. , , wanting
_-- REDUCIED I RJCES=122 and 15c Prints at 8 and 10c., b
all C1101Ce patterns., foods at Lowest Prices
—A broker of Roston', named e
Holman, has been a1'resled on n A splendid line of SLERSUCKL+'i at 1(Uc to Clear.
charge' of endeavoring to cause the Usual price: 121c. We are also selling the CHEAPEST ,
di,lltitoouliil��3a�a l�d��o t�� revert to SILK PLUSH IN CLINTON at 75c --all the, leading will save money by calling on me. I always keep GOOD
STAPLE GOODS—what the people want—and WILL
bite. Itolinan was held in $25,600 Hoo SA TO
ET. Sinalll house on »peer partApply to• Colors. Special value in Ladies' 4-13utton . Colo( ed Kicl j\TO1' BE UNDERSOLD ll an nue in the trade..
bail. in says -he did not think he 4s6 • TIIOS. COOPER w SON. Gloves (braided backs). All -wool Dress UOods, Black y y
was doing anything that would ton- -- O'lld Colored 0ashmeres and a new assorted stock of
der hiin �ia.ble to punlshiucnt., 1Ie �r�REss ALAR(vr. sells. in, fl en, of L-er the i r Butter and Eggs taken in. Exchange for
hasnpuned Draw FaP y Rooms other rhe (aelleT'al DI"-GOOCIS at )1'lCOS that Cilll110t be beat.
- Lh011gllt 1}10 111t1nIC Of t1fC I11U1'ddl' DryCOodStoroofGeo.E.PnyBCo-,with first.
Dry -Goods, ] .Goods,
7 y.
slurs assistants. she is in a position to turn Bout, .Goods, A call respectfully rsolicited.
Would rest upon the man who did- work equal to any in the city. She respectfully y
the job. _ aeksa trial order. Rooms over GIsO. E. PAY k THOS. • SR111
CG'S, Ary Goods Stora g H,L
01"o TO LF,NI) t l nod mortgage or
Life is 100 short to try all the �1 personaleecurity ntlnwestcurrent rote of -- --, _-. .- - •_.._____-_-.-,.•__ ,
remedies now in the market, but interest. M. IN16TAGGART• SEABEE'S BLOCK - - CLINTON
when a reliable 'and trustworthy Clinton, Feb. 28th, 1885. 485tt ,
medicine is wanted use PotvkFOR SALE. MONTROSS' 1® ATENT
Extract of Sarsaparilla and Burdock.
. —------• ---- ---------�---
Those who have used'it say it is the ► \fiFsUIiSCIItQIiRoRcrelfor sale, four eligible
best and most powerful blood pur. JL Rniytln: Juts fronting on Albert Street; also
iter in the market and have two fronsep on 11411, tlion, street; either enMETALLIC
r tine or to separate tote, t eutt purchasers. For
reecomended it to their friends. further pnrticulorsapplytothe uorlersignd.-E. —AT—
roa biliousness, blood dyspepsia, liver com- DrNsl.r,Y, Clinton. 382 ``THE RED ROCKER STORE."
tSlainL and as a blood purifier it tins —�--"" ' ' n edual. A bottle or two oaken at FOR SALE• OR` TO•LET ��;i�� 'S IA® I N Gl*-��w ;
this season of the year will prevent i i00SE AND TWO LOTS for ease or to let, -► --o�—
many a scrioils sickness. Price, 900. 11 situate nn Albert street; For particulars PARLOR AND Iih.I)R001i SUITES ' J
apply' ;it T. COOPER L SON'S Grocery, Clinton , SIDEBOARDS AND TABLES. special atten•
a bottle. Ask for 1 Dwell s I xtract of slit, tach, ISM. 406—•cf "�1 '�l '����///j�� '� �'7 tiori is called to PARLOR SUITES—thay are of oto' own manufacture, anti for design,
sar"aparilia and Burdock, manufac IR ■•■ ND ST®RA 0�. PROO1,j material and worlonanship cannot be excelled fn the county.
tured only by Powell & Davis, Chat • t
ham, and sold in Dresden by all NOW pa��l o� Itiemembcr,.aall goods trill be sold at a RTI REDUCTION during the month
druggists, and by all druggists anti ■ ° of nfay. first come, first server(. AN UPIIOLSTbaiER always all handl ; repailing
medicinedealers cverywhere. 4137eow neatly and promptly attended to,
( -- 115EIt h WILSON, practical ,q,aintCrR, l,nvo S. DAVIS, °• CLINTON. T'ndei-talilin alld Entll'C1111111g attended to at oar usual low rates. Night
t Knnwh • pleamuro m infornil1q the irubllc of , calls attended to prnu,ptly,
MnRKE"riEl oR,d 5. clinton and vicinity that they have opened out
(Corrertod ovcry Tnexdny aftednnon•) h, the ahony boniness, IlonaC, an and genone
CLINTONpainting, nnbin%.lapergitndec
Flour............:$4 00 to 4 50 de,oratlu• it tileust Rt3')o known the .rade.
R E I T H •YrcsemrleraEc. Shop Albert Street, two doors .EUREKA BAKERY, Wheat, new.&o.ld 0 85 to 0 00 north f ilodgen's Dn (tools Store.400.3m
Spring ------------ r111fT{t?F: thornu h•brud i)urldnm Brills, front 11 Barley
Wheat"........... C $5 to 0 70 j g The subscriber hum lensed the baker • of Mr.
to 20 months old. Re ietcrCd in Dominio❑ 5
BQrle ..... ............... . • 65 CO o it) ROPER'd I FOR SALE. --That conveniently g Dodsworth a few doors west of the Commercial
Y Y Herd Book. Price and terms rsnsnnnyle. Apply
Oats ......................... 040 to 0 40 shunted Int and wu,modlege tlocc pi by to' JAAIF1I'OTTER hotel, an will , glad to receive u share of
tw. T tit., near Albert, rl present occupied by 488 tf Blyth, 1'. 0. public anti
Pastry Plum and Fnney Bread, THE
r Peaces,(..........................erb0 00 to 1 50 11 The. roosts is two rld.she and st jclas repair, Cakes and Pastry h all kinds, h,rnlshed on abort PROFITIS
D'OWNSApples,(winter) per bBl 1 00 to 1 50 ailh uinc rumps ami (vnndahed,'flrst Class cedar, - -'T- --- - - notice. Only the best nxtterlal used and turned
hard and soft water, nlen good stable on the TO THE FARMERS out In a shape to plCnss the most fastidious
Potatoes.................... 0 60 t0 0 65 prenihes. Wilt' he sold rcasomtb�0 and on cams ! palate. WEDDiNG CARES got up In the most
Butter ....................... 0 16 t0 0 X18, tornis. Possession given at once. fashionable style. 0
Eggs.......... .... 0 0 t0 0 11 T14O5. STANIJURY:' Stud)• your own Interest and go where
......"•" Milton, April 21,18 tf•403 you can get J. A. KING. Ndver have FIN 1: GOODS sold for LORVER PRICES than are are now n,aldng on out•
- Il By .................•,........ 8 00 to 9 00 � _-- - ----- �,
\•fi.ANCI: FXAAIINATiONS.- The exi»nin• . Irresistible Spring Bargains. We ask the pdvile ro of selling you on the
Cordwood .........:.......•. 3 00 to 4 00 ,i ____— rg-
J °tion for admission to C linty will Ile and Reliable .: Harness closest living margins the FINEST STYLES AND QUALITIES that money gall buy
Beef .......................... l) 00 LO 0 0l) Collegiate Institutes of the Connfy will be held , I in tIIC line Of '
Wool ....... ................. 0 ad to. tri In CLINTON, SEAFORTil and WINGIFAM,on HOUSE CLEANERS
the •nth, 5th rind 6th of.JULY, ,ommencing at 1.30 I int ufacture none but the BasT Or STOCk.
Pork ........................ 6 50 to 6 75 „ y,, on Wvdnesrinv. All candidates who intend •
1 Be,uarr.ve. IrV' Call an naertp, as lhrO burg MEN'S and BOY S 010THING
�^�'• Y,O write will send• names and addresses to the .Dal to live. )YaT Call and get prices. Orders
m unduraigucd, not later than tt.e 24th Algy, e}reel• by mail promplyattendcrl to �lAKf: NO IfTSTA KR, we have tut nicest
i. +NEW + %�A Tying at which place they wish to write, A fee and newest stud: of „
Of fifty cents will I,e required from finch pupll. e)C� y r. 0AXZ'r�r3R Jnspect the Goods cotopare the Prices amI ypli must admit that we are offering the
Flour and FoodStore
This wltl a3 paid t) the Presiding ExamAler on , d
the first(laynfsxaminntion.—D.AfeeG. MAt,uncir, WALL PAPERS, BORDERS AND ol'horttnlity of ate Beeson. Give ns just one chance to mnko you happy with benlltifnl
h,spect,r Public Schools, Huron. 404-3t HARNESS EMPORIUM, i�LYTi19 ONT. n0ods at hC(I rock �niCes. PCOnomy, Com fortatid satisfaction goes with every purchase
Bsigned wishes to intimate to the people of . , ,
era CI/AK g y (�® E : n be found o taw,,. .Something entirely �,■ SHEPHERD, The Leading Tailor Clinton,
Clinton and surroundin country, that in order new and novel. Calf and see us. No
Etas opensd n general tom• nprl feed storC in the En sultnhl}' meet the demands of his very mm�or•
• building optt,nstto• Fnir'e mill, Uliutm, All ouecustomers he has bonoht out the business trwible to slow goods. 1
kinds of Tesrl, seed grain, clover and timhthy, of Afr. B. Fltzr',ip,ons, nnrl don turn nn the snmc, To me when yon are weary of being gouged and
Dour, kP:, air , kept, in shit(:, and sold at the will a PII a to Inerrtm in season.' Every d lies want to know DOLLARS
Ton can get n F'UL[. • COOPER lowestpriccs for spot cash. All kinds of,grnln, will he mode to meet the wants of all, and ho T>OLLARN w�oerth.seea
prloe, feed,"rills n„ vebrir df of the brit rof tut nprs to n,erlt and receive n fair share of orders.
prides. Onnrts delivered free to any },art of fhe •ttronnlra. Irow•est prison for lar+e order■. • W.
+. town. Givcneacall.-lin. Farmer9tradeAspecialty. ALTiERT TAY. CustoinTalloring,cleaning, nyingand Repairing. R11:A1'ER BLOCK 11001+; STORE.