The Huron News-Record, 1888-05-16, Page 1. _ _ • , - ♦ a .. + •+. n. , - IT . .. w .• . 7 i I n . 'I v • '. •'�••. '. n n-., . • F . ♦ - -. « o ° n, ^ .a h p ' J 4e. P J" ., „ • .�� . n. .. , n I /-,Njl . , I . . 11 i . . . .L .. .. I . , , � . 0 IT I .-.. .'• . , ,AI - R1 I w- I . .1 , I . I I I ,L - T. I ; I , ,; •V ''I I ,... .: •• -1 I C '', , , . I . I r . , n -.1,% . .;)Om II ..._1 I - n D� ' I . 11 . . 11 __ .. - . -.4 , . ,.A. , � I J T 11 ` _. __ _,H. -L_ .. I I T ' I :11 T I I I . 4-- - - ­,, �, .. -C, V.-. - ):.. .11 -..,.--. I-- �_Z-;=___Z__=:L_=�___��"�_ ­__- TPA11l61- #1.50, per. Anrtiuru, 91,.25 to Advatice. INDRP.t,'N•Rk1v2' IN ALL Tkt2NG4, NEUTItdL IN NOTH.INO WHITELY & TOPI), ruullpLer� i�OG. IX. ---NO. 22. CLINTON', HURON z .11 �; - .. COUNTY, ONT., WI�;DNESD Y, MAY .16; 1888 WT30LF 1�TO. 496 ° 4'at Torreo oufCnet woralc9orreo rlandflut `� t l The i 1 �atul (�Iarrt�lya�ltrtlXcta �o�enl l�arrlw]�>><andtn�ct gnoranoe of auoh men Is simply with you to the inner chamber. Seated _ _ ____ astouading. No man can be temper• in the gallery, in front of Mr. Speaker, I T v -_ - - ate in the use of that which he totally enjoyed the debates until 10 o'clock when .. GroderIch • Goderlelt. Goderich. least Wawt►noslt' abstains from, But I am as heartily we retired to the Hon. Mr. Bowell's prf. " The Propellor Soverei n is expect. WANTED. -A good girl as cook and to assist awarded to A. Gartshore of Ihunil- sick of the misuse of the term totem- vete ogee. The customs department . P b, general work. No wash n�• or Iroping, Seeding IQ Over in -these pan't's. „ 1.ed in harbor this mdrning. Apply to ]tits. D. EicDOgALD, Ooderlen. ton at $18,994.63. The next low- I perance as I am of the world •doy- knew us (i. e. W. Doherty a CIO through •a est tender being $18 996,34. Con- l Miss Mary Wilson is suffering alty." And I am not sure that in our importing and exporting Holy communion at St. Georges The question uoty is who will get o r front }llnoss. Mr. Bowen corn lirnented me on the cor� - next Sunday morning at 9 a. m. the shops licenses under the tract B.' -Valves, valve boxes, and respect to the latter, you, Air. Editor, h drama not definitely settled the I Mr. Wm. Potter tune home on are not as big a dinner as the most rectness of our ravoiees and entries, lee said His Lordship Bisho Baldwin ro- Crooks Act. y , y , I narrow-minded total abstainer with the department never had occasion to ques- P P lowest tenders being the Bourbon Friday Inst. tiun one of our entries, a pretty good re • _ turned to°Loudon on Saturday, Kaox church Bund of Hope }told 1 P $1,760,60, I The literary a regard to the former. •I refer to the Copper Co. the dui to y oeiet of 6 and 13 cord for 20 sears im portio °'t ;l7Tr. Staple Has barrister of its regular . meeting on Saturday,y y I apparent assumption of all the loyal, l g f " 11 Y Hays, be added Jae, Corrie & on• l intend holding their ontertain to t in the counts b Saturday morning visite Air. Conte our Brussels was in town last week, afternoon. ' Co.,+ Y Y y your Orange Y B d , + don, $2,•272, Contracli C.-Exc,t• I on the 25th iust. societies. One would infer from your other agent, who had won a great victory The schooner Pinafore left for the The Y. C. T. W. held Chair regul:u' vating and pipo laying, Harding & Mr. John Wilson had a runaway 12th of July and other periodical with the "Doherty organ," seufng to the south last week. rtieeting in the library of -Kucx Leathorn, London, $6,755.30 • the last week which left his bug+ Y spoutera that all who were not Odd FehoWe of Ottawa against all. cam- chureh last Monday evening. next loiJcst tender being °by 0 Orangemen ,were disloyal, just ae petition Bidding adieu to brm and all The schooner Tudrnan sailed ° $7,350.50. total wruclt. the friends 1 took train for Montreal ar. The Finance commit o of the Cuutrnct 1). -Pumping engines, not g total abstainers class all temperance riving at 8':30 Saturday night. Mol our north last Thursday. t0 Thogtot'm on Wednesday avenin° men, who do not subsorfbe to their traveller, Air U: U. Marcy. ret ou town council met on Monde. awarded, the pumps specified in the I,tat did a seat amount of harm in Y, with the drunkard. I mean unday Salvation Army had know drill on 0 P y g Lobb morning enjoyed the chines of the great evening and reported on the tenders not being tcco stable to the no offence to members of Orange the square on Sunda. , S : l this vicinity. Mr. David AlcGill g 4utholic church of Notre Dame St accounts referrers to them. committee and engineer•.'- Fresh ]tats the roof blown olT his barn, societies, but while you are taking Went to St. James Street yethridSt ` Dir, H. 1lfeyei's, btirrieleir, Of The Baird Comedy Company + tend°rd have beau asked for this the beam out of the eyes of total church where the Rev. Philli s holds Win sham ryas in town this week. y p } otser} rafter was broke and the track P b will lit on Friday evening for the portion'of the work. Contract E•- abstainers, would it not be well to forth. Excellent sermon, a big choir, play Y g for itis patent hay -fork was loft a : talcs the mote out of the eyes of your not as well trained as our own, lucked 11 .%fr. John Platt has been refixing benefit of the Goderich Lacrosse Two }ioilors, Crystal & Black, Godo Pa111, special society brethren. attack and expression an i tied no and r�tairing his salt works the Club, rich, $ ,580, the next lowest tender I Yours, orchestra Sunday night enjoyed the - • past Ack. Councillor Smith on Alonda cut being $2 700. h'or eontracis A.C.D. ' Torchestra Arm which hewn attendance the Y ° Rayfield AOT A TORY. � Salvation The storm sigual .was hoisted -at' - there -.were ton or twelve tenders 0 down the -big tragi on the corner -of p , of 1600 in grand new barracks &o. the lighthouse on Saturday, a rather ° ' fur B 7 or S for E onl three or The council ntet i;'Ia 14th at LEDIToa s NOTE. -The writer of the 0 }' his recent purchase on East street. y y ' above i not justified in comparing Monday morning called at office of Van . early beginning. : four. Our .reudorg will goo that for 7:30 I,. w. in the -Town Hall, the Horne too early for an interview. Call- " J. W. S. is a Gladstontntl wielder the illiberality of banded otal ab- ed again*, The schooner' Kolfage has been of the axe. the throe branches already awarded Reeve in the chair councillors thtl time too late u there . Y T T stainers with the o Uraugo- were apparently a number of deputations t • the amount is Buil Woods and Wild present. men. Now that attention has been waiting for him. His assistant said be 1. - hauled on to rho island and ivtll be The public tvorksContinit•te trade $8,330.93, thea Y> thoded bny`re ho isl, leaving a fair margin for the Minutes of last nteet•ing read and called to it by a gentleman of the 'and the engineer their usual annual tour of the town balance of the work a margin pro- ° } Wild second_ „ „ g'aeer who was present knew The schooner Eceraiet� Star's re- last Thursday afternoon. The re- b p signed• r Moved b g ,J. liberal minded stamp of Not a'1'ory, as much about locating the road as •para` ,y hably sufficient to complete the iiil by A� • 1{•'��ruods, thrtt thin coon- it may be said that Orange principles Horne did,that it was notyet all wn,rveyedi pairs have been completed and she atilt of the inspection will be pre- whole work satisfactorily within the cit grant the suns of .��0 to be ex- are as touch opposers to „bigotry e.9 but so far Clinton was the objective is now ready for sea. rented to the council at its next ampuut voted for the purpose. penned oil the bound; line p -ovid• day is to night. He should get a point on a straight and easily built line. Mr. Geo. Rice has been seriously meeting. ed Stanley council ex pend. ilte same copy of their constitution and .read from Guelph and we would likely get a ill the post weed: frons an attack of The new tine table for the G. T( -- l it. Amongst other things he will etatiou in our town, This was all I 1 . 6tlyill. amount, and that the 'L'ua nahiP find it declared to Ire 'wrong to per• could do, and I think we may fairly iay- heart disease. It. is said to be printed, and will Clerk be notified of tisk- motion. secute any man for conscience sake. claim to suceeas. . I nrver enjoyed 1Go "' The grass on the Pgnat:e is in a probablyie on;e into force next Aron- Miss S. Symonds loft here on Moved by R. Baily, se dltded by' 'Total abstainers would and da erre- Conservative party 'so fvell before, 1 ,60 d ,y C new plan ill be a reat Thursday on ,t visit to King:,ton. r �'M "�' p mire the resent government because• hotter state than for sono years l 0 r 1=1. 1� Woods, that the appointment of cute, men, sometimes, becA ise they 1 . past, iutprovemeut as' regards pustal Aligs Annie Walker is visiting Cleric for the Villagr of Bayfield bo cannot bring their consciencea into though progressive they are practical, . facilities. friends in the neighborhood of ° accord with total abstinence. As to careful guardians of the public interests. Councillor' Smith is getting in . 0 ]aid over until rho noxi meeting of As Sir John an; s "one man is as A tweeting of the citizens 1b,i1. Lontlesboru. rho council Orangemen claiming to monopolize good. • the foundation for his now brick way co umittee in the -town hall on and other notices be all the loyalty .in the country; this is as another, but it pleasant to be a Tory." store on East street. y 1 Rev. Mr. Hodgeus, of Bayfield, posted up within two days. A,nd an error. While the object of the Grit and Tory are served alike. May Monday evening. The President officiated in the Episcopal church also notices pot up fora health in- Society is to foster attachment to the their shadows never grow less My co}- A large number of tract 1t the gave a final report of his visit to here on Sabbath, , s rector wanted at it salad' Moved British Throne and the basis of that league, Mr. Manning, through his ability been plantsd on Elgin street under Ottawa and Montreal on the subject 1 r y' ' and willingness to advance Clinton inter- . the supervision of t11° street Inspec- Air. A. Smith shipped a car load .by AA W. H. Woods, seconded by h,. 'Throne -the Bible -they do not pre- este was assigned first place generally, _. of bonusing the Guelph and Code- Baily, that the reeve. grant orders tend to have all the loyalty or relig- thus as a Clinton's interests always - tot•' rich railtva of horses oil Thursda} frum this , ° Placing y station to Montreal. for the fullowing accounts :-ono, ion in the country. • But the very ahead. When 1 was complimenting PL o Pte ad tie Returning officer Campbell rondo At the council meeting on Friday Wid don, groceries' for A. I3e11 $1$ • essence of the SOt sato forbids a man Bell on his oratory he admitted his returns of the voting on the •evening the b late for closing the �.he stone masous are progressing Iuapectiou of �2; B. lllg$18; being ,.member who is not both a that Air. Manning was the most fluent 19th inst. to the government last ° y ° favorably with the fuuudnt•ion for °e , loyal man and a Christian. They do speaker of the lot tiy,eelc stores, at 7. p. m, each evening Anderson & Elder's .brick store. 'salary as assessor, $20, Moved by not assert that all who do not belong W. DOHERTY, . 1__Zexcept Saturdays, and days pre- R. Baily, aeeoitded 6y W. H. Woods, to their Society'are disloyal, but that . 'The Baird Comedy Company' ceding holidays, was finally passed, • Miss Kate Hartnett', of Clinton, that this council do note adjourn to all who do below are loyal. Total spent Sabbath hero under the g Y Editor 11'etc:-Rccurrh {tlayed'.10 fair' audiences the past to take'efrect in one week. P meet agniu on the 28th day of May abstainers, however, do give out that . two evenings in the Grand Opoi•n The United Ettp'i.re made her parental roof. nt the hour of nine o'clock; a. iu. for they monopolize the temperance DBAR Sift _A self-righteous writer F11 , House. first call this season last Thursday A. N. Jenkins, of the Brussols usual business and at ton o'cloed a, element of th', country, whereas delivers, himself in the Expositor their very nomenclature, as our eor. about tem pep p- ThoGrandTrunk train on Thera- acid Ioah on considerable freight Budget, and 1V. D. Wiley 'of the m. as a Court of ltovisiou: perance people. He a g same COWL raid nftyiva visit here r respondent suggests, precludes their ears to be one of those ,vho is , day was twenty five minutes late,, iucludino a shipment of salt by Alr. , l 0 (}. W; Al eons Clerk. P t` the result of all accident near Se,- Josh Kidd, and between five and on Friday. being temperate i£ they act u'p to good cuough sort of fellow, but does -- - - _ _ their titled not look much beyond' the casement forth. six hundred barrels shipped by Our townsman, Mr. R. Howard is LETTERS TO THE EDITOR. of his own doors. He is , prohib- Last Creek a grocer's wagon knock- Mr. AVillia n Campbell. busy laying the stone foundation Editor• News-Recgrd• , itiouist. He seems to have imagined ed down`a'itwo•year-old child 'on Air. R,' S. Williams has been for a brick dwelling adjoining his i"ialtshoI'd ,tret„eetly a„derstoodthat ice do that temperance people are o ` not hold oarsglnes respotsiblefir the ayi�eions Sift, -As I was sent t0 Ottawa on the P P h opposed West street. The ehild, strange to elected chairman of the Westert� residence on Queen St., expressed by correspondents.- F.D. Naws•Ra• railway delegation, it may be interesting to temperauce principles. He pari - `g p. relate was 'not an Wa District Of the 0nta1'10 as90C1aElOn Af conn, to some of Your readers -to know some. not understand "why the -temperance y y' -injured by Dar. tiV. Tbrot who Lace been thing of what', was accomplished. people of this county, including hotel is ' the accident. Lacrossists: The. Huron's will dura visiting his brother Dir. Joseph Editor �Vclas Record. iugwtlto season of 18-88 play the dis- Mr. Mani ring and I'arrived in Toronto keepers, should pledge themselves to The conductor and engineer of trict clubs as follow. -Clinton, at '1'amin for a couple of weeks, .left DaAzt Stn, -I nm very much pleas. at- 12.30 p.in. Thoraday,.3rd Aisy. I aid the enforcement 'of the. Crooks Z-1 Lthe evening train wase in Seaforth Godeiich on June 7th Stratford 'at foT his home in _Carleton Place on 'ed to observe that you have called speer the afternoon amongst our costo- Act. He cannot understand why " on Friday attending the inquest on ' lA edn.esday ,., attention to the unfair .monopoly of., mesa, sight s clog, kc. Took the C. P. temperance mets should..endeavor to A, , the body of the man McIver ]tilled Stratford Juno' 20th; I3ellvers, of A fall of "tire beautiful" on Dion teiperance that total abstainers . R. at 8.30 p.m. for. Ottawa, met the dale. Promote that "temperance which ex- near Seaforth the previous evening. Seaforth, at Seaforth July 2nd; ' would faiti claim for themselves. As Rates from the municipalities interested alteth a nation." He can no doubt Stratford at Goderich July 18th; day was rather unseasonable. AVhat a temperance titan I must charitably in the proposed road , from both, the ' r } , P y p p ( understand his own so called style of Dr. and Mrs. Ut'e will shortly Stara; of Bright; at Bright July lot; has become of our local weather make allowance for the interested north mid the south), the Guelph exten= temperance which would draw down - start for the mother laud. Before Beavers, of • Seaforth, at Goderich Prophets that wo got no notice of i.t 4 position many of the total abstainers sion of the 0. P. R. to GodeAcb. the wrath of heaven and hell upon doing so, however, it is' the inten'- August 31st; Clinton, at Clinton Our band, under the leadership ,are in. ,Some of them show by the The early part of the night was spent those who differ from him. He at - tion of I{pox church congregation of S. Gidle are practicing three intemperance of their language that in each party tryingto advance the inter- tempts the patronisingly goody-goody Sept. 12th; Stara, of Bright, at y, I o to givo them a farewpIt reception. Goderich Sept. 21st. The town club nights in the week so as to give us the full liberty of 'a British .subject este of their favorite route. Arriving. at as though if lie only gave lays consent could not safely- be entrusted to Ottawa we took u . our quarters, at the Co the'temporance people they would, It is expected that title new, tug .will this season sell tickets, admit- sonde now tunes on the Queens them. In the matterof liquor drink. Grand, ;,nion'°at A. tit. I met..sp�reat be,at liberty to nid in the �iitppresiaioii J. Ii. Jones will be ready to leave ting a lady and gentleman to nal birthday. - - ing-which requires consideliable dig' many M. P. s, amongst others Hon. Alex. •of iutemper,we. But I arould have ,• port to day or tomorrow. The contests duriuo ,the season, at one DI r. Ai'. DicElroy ie.^ having the cretion and the exerotse eta fairly McKenzie, who .is• very feeble, and our this :1111. Beattie know that the tew- Jones will take eonsiderabje of a dollar each. We trust that all who house that he purchased some time well disciplined mind, kept in check respected member Air. Robert Potter, perance people of Huron or Canada cargo7., and have a few fishing boats take an interest in this essentially ag by the teachings of religious and who appeared delighted at meeting such b o on Queen streot'removed to Itis g will not wait for , pertiiit from tits y ° and secular education -the - total a large and Influential depntation from Self-sufficient high mightiness ere they in tow. Canadian game will at once sub- property on the opposite side of rho liieconstituency. After the _ The Huron Hotel has been great- abstainers seem to be afraid of them- g feel at liberty to continue their good scribe 11011 an annual ticket. street. selves. Now no one can object to object of our visit he immediately occur- work the cause of temperance and j ly improved and enlarged the past There was a large congregation Dir. Andrew McNally, trho pur- •their acting upon this distrust of ed an interview with Hon. Mr. Pope, their follow men. How many of the fe,ty weeks. The store recently oc- at St. George's church last Friday, Minister of Railways, who has been ill . chased the Comb a property here their own qualifications to act tem- bigoted stripe of Beattie have ever copied .by Mr. Bingham Las' been a p p y nearly- all the session, and we were e•veningattheeonformation services. some time ago, has had•the building perately in all things, And I freely obliged to repair to his sick chamber at given a halfpenny to help a fellow made into a bar, room, the old bar 'In addition to Bishop Baldwin and removed to another • part of the concede the right to them to be total 11.30 a. m., Friday; May 4th In the creature? Very few. It is among room being turned into a now en the rector, Rev.. \fr. Young, I}i,ev. lot where it is going under thorough abstainers. Nay, md're : I not only interval we appointed speakers. for the the great throbbing, waitn hearts of . q; trnnee. The house has been Air. Racey, of St Ste hone Gode- ' ° 0 concede. the right, but I applaud occasion found that the Listowel Brus• 'buinanity in the masses that we find Stepbobs, repair, McGill- Bros. doing the their using it. I can easily conceive lie Is, Blyth find Manchester contingents men helping their fellow men. •-''These . ,kalsonined, papered and painted. rich township, w,,s present.' The work, ' what miserable wretches the might had one to Montreal to interview Mr, j wsmiths. that at - rector read - the ir'p• ere Rev. Mr, Y R g sanctimonious a Last T huradny•as Dlr. Alex Moore 1 . 1' , lied Moore, who has been work- become were they to indulge in -the VanHorne in -the interest of the northern •tempt to patronize the real temper - and Rev. Air. Young were d+"riving .Rocco the lessons, :uul his Lordship ing here at the harness business for cup thnt inebrihtes as well as cheers, ,route. At•'1.15 bended by 'Messrs. Porter 'ance men haye been recently proper- - on West street, the horse attached to. Preached and addle sed the Candi- the past six months,bas had to give were they as, intemperate in••its use McMillan and Innes, M. p.'s, we wended ly valued by. the clectorate,who have the buggy- took fright and dashed dates for confirmation, thirty two in up in consequence of his health as they are in the use of language our way to the Minister's residence. risen alnost en masse against the number. The sermon on the words g and the expression of uncharitable After salutation, the speakers one after slanders of such men as Beattie. with great speed against a fence, ,r failin0 him. The boys will be opinions concerning those who dif%r the other eloquently set forth the merits damaging the vehicle badly and And they were first called ch'rist sorry to lose Fred from amongst P g of our claim for subsidy. After Mr. Yours sane at Ant' ch, was full of noble g from them on any social or political Bell, y' Nt;oto. throwing. 'rho occupitnts to the r� there. question. Yes, Mr. Editor, 1 •ata president of the local board of . ground with great force. Both lessons and Tiiatoric �l illustrations of ' Our band played several nice, thoroughly in accord with the view "directors, the firer speaker (and tike my- " gentlemen received a good shaking early Christian times, and was a selections on Friday evening on the that all -persons 'tvho distrust the self and organ makers generally did not In and About the County, up, Mr.-Moo.r_e being the recipient• fitting discourse for those •about to markets naso. ,What has become moral firmness of.their mental fibre, do the subject justice), Messrs. Banger, . " of n few su . erficial bruises. join the Christian army. At the q - that it were better they should be Ataoning, Wilson and others, including - 4Ir. Brown iilalloguh, of Luck - p , -of our drum major that our boys total abstainers. And the temper- John McMillan, M. P., and the member now village, has accepted the posi• . conclusion of the sermon the LishoP dont et ut through their facings P for Porth, Mr. Trow, had s The population of the town has addressed those to be confirmed on g P ° ance people of, this county are I Pokers, the tion of Hospital Sergeant of the 32nd inmeased rhe past year b 109 the as in days gone by' 4 Answor, . believe a unit on this question- That • thniater admitted•the importance of thm Bruce Battalion. . P Y Y , the duties'pertaining to the position John. ' q , road, at it was destined to become a numbers beiva 4029, as compared they ,were about to assume, and thou every member of the community great through line connecting by water -Lewis Sprnggs, a well digger of with 3920 for 1877. The assess confirmtid each one individually in At a spechil meeting hrange hall on Friday eveninheld. in the should not.only he at liberty to be a the Northwest system of railways. and Ingersoll, died of measles the other Og a total abstainer,' but, should have the expressed himself as favorable to the day, and his father,Emanuel Spragg,, , ment shotes a slight increase which the inanner prescribed by,tho church petition was presented to our town countenance and moral support of scheme, promising to lay the subject a West Oxford farmer, died of the would be a substantial one• but for ritual. Just before the congregation all true temperance men in carrying favorably before his colleaguos, A:c., and same disease•'tie same morning. fathers signed b' alar e the fact that the Canada Co. have B y g• number of was dismissed His•Lordship present- the businessmen asking theta to out total abstinence in their own wished us to still further strengthen our -Mia. Sohleuse, of Tavistock " put a large number of their lands ed the now members with confor- b persons. But temperance men draw case by giving him what information we went out to the garden"and left hag into ark lots a plan that has re- peas a by-law to close .the shops at the line here. While the concede to P , 1 motion card's luso to each one as p y could relative to the location, honoree two youngest children in the house ducted the Company's assessment by he presented it, a text for •remom- 7 o'clock in the evening. There others the right to be total abstain• likely to -be granted, &a., as he required alone. Somehow or other, the child - some thousands of dollars. was a much larger attendance of ere, they claim for themselves the something definite to lay before the ren began to la with the fire and 1. erance. This was a most irnposrng persons than is usual at these meet. right to eat and drink ill moderation parlors, a g play We think :lir. Crabb rushed P P g House: Mot at hotel n appointed and the mother did not notice an art of rho ceremony as coeds in n- Ings owing no doubt to its being of the natural or improved products Manning, Seager and Bell a committee thing till the clothes of the little girl, ,needlessly into print last week, and ber was, called to the front b • Darn© of nature the same its the claim to re re the iuformati'on asked for. } the topic of conversation for sone g Y about five years of age, caught fire. I. notwithstanding his long dotter the and the whole con re pion knew the right to mars in moderation. Delegation called together n Knox what g g' time past. Some objections were g y we would raise by way of bonuain Two She was fatally burned. imagine our report was nearer the to whom the particular text •teas ad In ire be to the latter St. Paul said } le -Duncan Scott an old settler of I g P raised to the Uy law, that it would bo totvnehipa Woolwich and Wellesley and r truth that the version given by him dressed. The vocal services of the detrimental to the interest of this twere better to marry than burn. the village of Elmira were prepared to South I:asthope, who died on the self.[Auy how the veriest child knows evening w0l'O very good, rind the Ilia individual view, probably, from offer $90,000. $210,000 was put on paper 27th alt. in his! 85th year, was a burg, but as rho pet-WOn catuo up to physical defects or defects of tem• and Mr. Bell said that with this and the native of Aberfeldy, Perthshire, Scot• that the goverumadt cannot build a ord'errthroughout excellent. It may the requirements of the early clos- perament he was averse to, marriage subsidy he could ,bond the road and land, and came to Ganada in 1843 „ post office except on the site selected. be mentioned that the 'service was ing Act the council ^hagl no alter- in his own person, but he was not so assured vie that rho road would certain) settling in South Ea.stho a on the Mr. C. it seems to us would not held at short notice because His $ative but to snake a motion to have so]fish as to hold that the cravings or be built. Thus ended our work at Otta. lot on which he died. There were . - have objected to the report but, for Lordship is shortly to proceed to the a by-law, drafted to be voted on a•t desires in others should not be mod, wa. All but the committee dispersed, only four or five settlers in that part • L the opportifbity .it affordod him of old land on ehurelrbusiness, and it the next meeting on the 18th inat. erately and legitimately gratified. I going with Mr. Porter to the House, of the township (lot 27 in the 7th finding fault with someone else a would be impossible for him to be II@,also approved of temperance in which was too quiet for me as they were con. when be ° r P Arte'r the »leering was closed a the use of li nor as his various a is not then in session. Visited our agent, came' fekture of the case that has no in- present at any other tine during large number of the audience ad- ties testify. q But roan of the total Mr. Martin who sells "the Dohe`rt -Another most deplorable ease t rarest for us'. While Dir. C. was 1888• journed to Milne's stoop Micro tote abstainers arc; so ignorant, stupid or or -an," ho pot bis flyers out, and drove of man's rascality and woman's writing wo would have been pleas- In the mutfor of the water woihs Subject was debated more thorough. bigoted As to seek to deprive real tem- me to the different places of interest fo weakness has just come to light in , ed had he informed the public eon•traets things are going ahead, ly by some of our profoundest perance men of the title to a term the city which I fqund to be wonderfully St. Thomas. A t'ew days ago -a phi - when ho was chosen to :interview The subject has been before the thinkers until near midniglit, which is singularly and appositely Improved since I was there in 1882. Tea sician was called to attend a young 0 qualified to distinguish them from over Mr. J. McMillan, tM. P, for South woman who had, in order to conceal tiro governinont on it question that water works committee at least a When the .audience retired after total abstainers. Even so learned a Huron, called for me to accompany him her shame fronn her friends, under. F had already been decided at n largo dozen times, and the committee's re- hearing the opinion of these Spank- • contributor to the Seaforth press as to the House' which J' did visiting the one an abgition at the advice of her L uteeting'in the Town . Hall,' and port to the council on Friday was I ers the impression on the most of different departments. Finan ___ - betr, er and lies at the point of l John Beattie is so simple as to im• Y Y at which ;41r, Crabb himself was' adopted by tiro members. .Contract 'them was that It wbul(l injuro oto• ngino that all who oppose prohibition Porter came and took me away, Air. Afe. death, Legal action against the man present. A, --•iron pipes and special castino9, l trade here. I are opposed to temperance principles. Millen looking crier us' as much as to h•aa..been left in abeyance pending . say I wish I teas a Tory" so J could go I the otitcomo of the, victim's illness. )• Z b . - . !, • ,, a *4-- )I I, , - F "r, ,p rs "«, a . ,tm,my F - • '.n.m'+' 'able"" -'""Rupe :J',!!'i a ..9 '• ., _ �,. ti, a '' < '... a.«•'xtY1.:' a�t�.e_un:a�S ...:.v..�'., ,e„ '...a.. ,,.,_,.. '.4e.:-,. .:,.:2. ,. d .tW:: .,4,.. .:u, ".,r �•.'nh«'v<' . «,...... ,. x. .n 4..s., •. a ". r... 4. a....s ".. ...;t,... -yf. ,,..•�lrW'.'..... s ..ua✓r.. .'.'.t w,..:r r.[•..�.,sr�lirAlt .- ., l., „ . I A'ia Y . V" • 'VI, LL- - k I