HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1888-05-09, Page 8777 ,..willpilholt 0 .0 0, ° _t w. ' ',..,y.,. ..>-..,M ...,F...,..-.:,»mem..:.....:.�,,,.�-•a..,,,..+'.-,+..•,.�. .... -.,;. .�rm..�..—T-••-*--„--.m.�»*r•m..,..,-F»,N-., ... 11, Q•'' +•'7lQ We lie nda , r .t , =, :-1r . ot'd” T o fly Q s . � evol}111a' �' y ' '� S all.ta4:R 7fe�xTif1.`�'ttt,�AllM!1)A4e:.. us.11\�carr, aged u8 years, tonPE1W �LL PA ..' of Mr. M. 1 irly:rn Jgh9l3ton �Qf:�n>�'llQ , . • y lvet tie,( ll�il�' MAY 04111P 11888• �t who had beo.n l►r�ctloing In l�uttko- w S�rl�l. EQt.L BAB � _- � • _ ata but retu'rned..to 117oR11lolp est ��, � GA1� 1 e Qm t..d a p"ct, D c be , died , fey aye RIAGES' Ml/dl► QQ,, S ABAET . L k T r Reoeased' at One time at6,entted rhe r � �. � E.. T Clinton Hull School, Bi-LS 01 0 WAI. ,KING 60 S. ASE. 13AL DR'. ARQLETQN lies _{a`i 01yIN( OLD AND HkAr,Tsx,- turned and resumed the ltlac�Ice of AND OATS- ODOT IRALLS. BIRD professloil. The �'l'oodetool: dally and Fveollly >k 4- his Standard celebrated its second birth Cr iswoN, April d•4th, 1888. day last week. The puixl%eh,er has. GAGES. BASKETS. &Q. &0. ` 4ortt made the Standa?•d a good weekly \ire Have an °seelleut assot•tmen,t of fire above „eons end are offering th m t ACCovNTs for subsori ti u natvepgper,'and' promi os to still lug- H • P P rove tt from time to tinge. Its ad EXCEPTIONALLY LOW PRICES. ENQUIRE ABQU r QUIZ enclosed in the .last few P .. °" vertising a -nod index-haa large. 'Clinton. • isattQa of �'HA NEWS-RECORD LV1Il be o o " sues unless paid at ence. ly increased, and being well Prtnte Chris, - Clinton . presents a healthy appearance. The Dickson, • ••.+.w.+q�+...ar..+.«• `- `--- WOOp WANTED.-r-Atiy quantity THEnvNEwS--RE ORD CaSta twelvember contains pages; gthe of wood wanted, in exchange 1'Q►' soA of polrtrcal difference to wleb -r goods, at the Clinton Woolen Mills MRs. FAIRY, of Last Wawanosb,THE TO>il BESIlJ�TJD WONIER n V ' you still greater success, lire. —JOIIIQSCOTT. 48Qtf 19 VIalLing fl'Iunri$ in tetVII. '- O'Beirne. _ THE man typo took his funnels - By — _. Another !Jahr Coal .11il..attsf�_re- .is>iw_ 13�LAOK WARRANTS--The- off I- Gh, lie took on a _h,ieking �'"a �"j'1 T selves-lac. single gallon, two Sentinel Bays applications have been cough which in a few days took him In1 11111,1 gallonsand up 12:}c per gallon. made from Ontario for live now cough, - It. 31. RACEY. Black warrants, Ono of the appli_ orf. H'ebru:lry 90th,• 1888. cations, it is quite probable, is from AIRS. CAVEN and daughter, who - Clinton. It is expected that a reside in the *$tales and who are _on LOOK A'L' SAMPLES Or COST IN A Black Preceptor, will be organized a visit.to Cauada are the guests of fI0�1) COMPANY: SEED OATS.—Plump, white 1 y ' g ---PER sl,°°°�.� and clean. For sale erste Teton here souls time this mouth, as n Mrs. Kitty Princess streeet. n >ti p' , Ase 25 Cesttor R sl also 1880.. $0 00 Stapleton plication was made for a Warrant 3Q a s'p PR-ICE) $3v 500' Salt Works,. Clinton., 493 t.f. some months since. 'Those who•iu_ `�'AR3I showers aud balmy air on ;; o ';.•»' „ :: a os _ tend becoming members of that ex- Friday, but Saturday the temper- 45 fi. 7 50 "— - - -- — - g ature lowered as though a remnant 50 s aa Car Barb and other Fence Wire shod Order, by joining at Clinton o 60 14 97 should be on hand when the War- of winter still hang on to the aprou - just received, Full stock at all string$ of winter. AV' 17efinite InsuraBce at the above rates, fnmt arrives. See me ..,efope you insure ill ally eotnpany, \ M. RACEY. a.ml understand Our plait. At the age of We have ri1allUfacttlred tL large quantity (S(' Boy's Suits at `f tlrne3..— He FOR TRICK'S CREEK.—Tho ST. PAUL'S CHUnCH.—Thursday aZ the cost for. 5,000 ttas.about February 20th. 1888, nest being Ascension Da there ]883, aha for 1S8B.' t the above figure, which stands as the philosopy of the Tara Leader is as o Y, fbllowe:-"The man who stands by will beservices in St'. Paul's church. See its before you decide. FOR SALE-500 bushols the side of a trout brook, his debts Morning prayer with Holy Com- _ _ _ _ _ _ Early and Late Rose Potatoes, r01 paid, his business reasounbly mullion at 10.30, Choral Services Jas., Thompson, Agent - + +� +� _ _ �+ _ suitable for. S'eed or table use.- prosperous, his wifo-and family in and Organ Recital with sermon by r god; health and a doe pool ill Rev. I. W. Hodgins of Bayfield at1ost. ■ Car load High Bland 0edar Shin- P 1 Town Parliament. g sight; in whic'li a dozen speckled -7.30 P. Al. The offering at..eveuing les. — Pure Manilla Binding.,Y service will be in aid of church ht. Rouvo in 3 gamesters are ready for a tussle, has list blonds nig ' Twine, Pure Flax Binding Twine, in sight nine tenths of all the ha Improveneut Fuud. Y r , g P' the chair, the :Mayor being absent Gfo■ —D. CANTELON, opposite Fairs 1>iu°ss which any one gets 11119 side WAS IT A CASE OF 1�Ild'1aKED1 owing to illness. Ail the other Mill Clinton, 490tf of Heavd6. mentbes present. A petition---=- _ IDENTITY.—A caro which drew a over,three-fourth of te h�acfors en- �" � T _ X X = X `^ -}-^ - — -l- _. BAccifus IN TtiE MOON.-A novel large crowd into the court roorn,in s r ^(f Theory is greatly advanced and the town hall, camp up on Monday gaged in the grocery, boots and - - - LJGA-L NF""TS. earnestly insisted upon 'in police before Police Magistrate Williams shoes, harness, books and jewelry r circles. • It is that the moon influ- and associate Justice Hy, Steep, businesses was read requesting ill this Section Of country. Nobody earl afford to buy lit and Around tike i°11ub." encos drunkenness AS it duos the Jae. Morrison of Hullett charged council to pass by la,r,in accordance Cloth and spend tine in making, with thi3 Wonderful " tides. They say it ]les been re- John Towsley, of Clinton, with with Ontario Shops' Regulation 1 `;, marked for ears that drunkenness being an aecom rico with °sem° un_ Act. A counter petitioII,froutsolno Suit in•the lnal'ket. The Public ate grasping On to the 101111 91111 Y e" P 5 P b prevails to A greater extent from known Orson whereby the said grocers who signed the former y , Cox the' Detroit oxoduster of prevails P Y fact that OUR STOCK OF CLOTHING CANNOT ' the drat quarter to the full of the James Morrison was robbed ill' $J9 Petition was also read asking that equines; has been in tolvn the pant ,noon than at other times, III other on the'night of Saturday the ,28th this class be exempt from the by- BE EQUALLED, sand we are positive in saying that IT week. words, tvhilo the moon is getting day of April. The alleged robbery law, As on consideration d ey r 117rSSE5 FANNiE AND MARY 1;aty- full the tipplers ilnitato her ox is said to have fatten place in itis up thought their business would be in- LLL PAY, AND PAY 'WELL, t0 trade lVitll i1S fOL' DEN of Goderich 'were visitiug ample. stair's room of r,lio town hall. Brief= juriously affected by early closing. anything in the Clothing line. ' friends in town on Thursday. ly ilii'. Morrison's statentont is some- -AT The clerk after duo mathematical THE UNIVERSITY.—W. 1llalt- thing lik° this: Saturday lie was calculation and quartering several o—_— y A RENDER says our 'correspond- loch,. W. �'ugen(J.•Laudesborrpugh, paid somewhere about$24 in money business naen with his pencil, aided ence from 13tyfield last %Veek was a J. W. Treoleavea left for Toronto by the assembled wisdom of the °in ,Blyth, by �Vm. Pell, a butcher grist_of personal trifles too much of the latter part of last week to write there. He hatl, besides this a dollar Board, declared that there not being . which class of literature .tillis its on the first 3ear examination in the or so ill his, pocket. He paid Tanner Over one-third of the grocers object- DD04Y1 1/ ou way.ilito: the press. Atauy men, Toronto University. „ We believe ;& Co., $3, his faro to Clinton and ing their tvotll<l have to come under many ^minds: The calibre of all this is rho largest class ','that .seine minor expense's previous to tite provisions of the by-laid at A 0 roust be considered. ever left Clinton to write oil this ex � present. coming to Clinton. Ile put itr amination and it is probably one of portions of the afternoon at Kelly's Jackson favored the 'by-law but .THE. FAMOUS CLOTHIERS delivering l int Colquhouu h is been the largest that has been trained in, L Y _ EE g „-a r multities of fruit ' - grocery, Reynold's hotel, the Wav- urged caution. Ho was informed 1 ally ul' tit,! High Schools or Col- trees the past wuvk 1'roni Clinto g erly and, Grand Union hotels. Got that. it would be the duty of the further, the "rioters" wore anion- JACK'S SON is a daughter. - ! H ,lw.;i-ttu Institutea of,the Province. shaved at barber she in Smith's town coustable to enforce this and g to farluers ill tiro +Jtrrwiii'diug conn- Wo will, our young friends suc P able to criminal prosecution and im- ' try, and custtomnrs appear. to be, J block, had a social time about town all by-laws of fila town. P SHARMAN is turning out a dandy cup+• prisonmeut for fourteen year$. And lot of harness. . hi-ly pleased with the way in and just about Closing time of busi• Cnutelon' would oppose the by- •. which their orders have been 'filled. WtNrltLt�t'� "WICTIAIS." -The ness places found himself at Swarts' law A; at busy season of the year it was the duty-of the town tort- MILS. J. G. STEEP, of Goderich botiy of a ii•oll developed up:ale child hotel but did not have, an • liquor uor farmers or their wives eo.uld' not stable to fof e6f out the perpetrators , J q township, is on n visit to Petralea, ,- \ins. JOHN GROH, whose 'family was found floating in the- river at there. Was resting himself in, the well come to town until after seven; of the damage and lay n❑ informs- Oil Springs, otc. were among the first settlors of `Nringhani.an.e.,.day last weep. By place, and very nearly asleep when it would do very well for toivu folk tion against them. Waterloo count died last week The members generally agreed AIR. J. J. CRanBE, formerly of near Iles eler nt ed 97 years, bir. rristructions received from the, he was roused up and told it was time but thougltk it would injure the with the chairman nn Y g the St.. Mary's A,g7cs, note of the' . P , g counts'crown attorney,Corouer To,ty- to close up. IIs wont outside when tease of 'some classes and of the d rho account G. It. Levagood formed of the , lyes ordered to be filed. paper and publishing house of Gage. Y ler entpanneled a jury and held an twtr men, ono of whom he alleges •is town generally. & , Co. 'Toronto gave us a call on Doherty Organ factory,, Clinton, inquest on the remains with- J: Tewsley, the other a short dark Jackson said the council had Chairman Caute'lon, of Property, Friday last. g IIow of Woodstock, is a grandeou'oP Ont gaiuing ally definite information man whom he did not know but who no option in the matter. The Act reported' in favor of purchasing deceased. as to thO parentage of the little represented himself as Chief of 200 feet fire hose in accordance 11tE OFFICERS o£. G. 4. h.., Maple P meso it compulsory for. trio council T creature. The inquest has been ad. Police Tedford, accosted him,` and to lass the b law on the re uisition' with request of Chief Pay; also Leaf \o. 1-Fr, Clinton; as published ONE of our old standby subscrib- q „ I Y q last week, were installed on Thursday ere Mr. tii'altor Scott Bolgrave jodrned until it is hoped. some light laid they were running such men of threo•fourths of the traders, And planting 40 or 50 trees along the y ewe°us a call last week. Then,,)] may be thrown on the 3ubjoct. This as him in." He took it as a joke at he hoped that it would be better ell-.roadway to cemetery. Adopted. evening liy Past Chief Ranger Bro. we had been t:rlltiu to him for the is the fourth infant's corpse thathas- first. But the bogus constable and forced than the Scott Act orlike'it $25 a mouth teas granted ;t Oliver Johnston, assisted by high been discovered in �Viugham with- the other person 'alleged. be Tey- r°pealed. usual for street ttatering marshal Bro. John Smith: The past six years through the NEWS- g n latter was re-elected, a third time as RECORD this was the first time we in the past eighteen months, and slay, gut' on either side of him and The Ileevo held that the council. Fixed charity allowances to con- delegate to the High Court which had a personal chat with him. WO although the authorities kayo done mai'ehed :him to the town hall, he had no way out of passing the by tiuue another month: On enquiry meets early ill Juno at Hamilton. all. ill their lower to bring the pleading for thein to let him' go. Y found hint the liberal minded and 1 g law. The Act was imperative. If by Jackson, Johnson said the guilty to justice so fat' their efforts They tools him upstairs in the town ELECTED LACROSSE DELEGATE.— intelligent gentleman one would ex- have been ill vain. hill and the bogus constable Ted. . by-law,was not satisfactory it could alfotvanceia had been fixod'as lots ae At a meeting of the Lacrosse Cldh' DELEGATE.— Peet. easily bo repealed. At present the possible, f ,rd put his hands into his AlorrI on Monday eveuipg Air. George GRAND ORANGE Lonur MEETING., A LEnirIBLE �� WARNING.—A Yan 8 11's, right pante pocket and tools petition before thorn left them no. Bell ringer to ring bell at 6 p. m. Robinson was chosen as the delegate kee journal has the following :- thing to do but to pass the by-law. g —In view of the getcrally expressed out some $19. They went through — after car'ly closing by-law comes in to represent the club at the District Reader, if you have borrowed tits Y, Foster could see. no way out of force 21st of•Ma meeting to be held at Stratford to- wish of the Orange brotherhood, R. ,a per you are reading don't do it hire 'systematically are Morrisons Y , y W. Bro. Clarke \Nutters, Af. I'., „1 Y words, though it appears that the Passing by-law, but-if objected to by rv, Cooper granted usual street day (Wednesday)•, for the purpose gain. w0 burs know a poor but the necessary u'umber9 it could be of arranrdnn dates for m4ohes and Grand Master, has changed the sat° honest mail who borrowed n ape. alleged 'levsloy only hotel his arms- Y, privileges while .building store on g g of the annual' meeting of the Cxrnnd p` 1 while his money was being taken. rep°,led beforo it came in fora,. V ictoriA St. next Couch's butcher other. business connected ti•-ith the inn and' inadvertently, from Lodge of British forth America, a'ueighbor. Fatal act ? That terri- Morrison said be would hold the Counci.IlorCooper• took the chair, Shop. affairs of the District. > which is to be huld in Wiltuipeg bogus constable rea}io`i5sible for his and by-late was read and..declarea UNFAILING SIG4s -oF SPRING.— ble contagion the small ox was Chairman 'ilellurchic talked up this year, from the last Tuesday in ' P money. 'They told him it would be carried by the Reeve on resuming ill An onlighteued manner the Tlto voice of the whitewash brush conveyed insidiously in the fibres is heard iu the land and the-tack May to the Inst Tuesday in August, of the sheet. Of that extensive and All right on .tllund+ly." Ile con- the chair. fixing of a gmarket day so as to r sidered he teas a prisoner, but about Board of Health re ported in favor brin I buyers anti sellora together. harrime• flourishes like a green bay THE BRUSSELS Post denies a imterestiug family a seating father, "daylight Sunday morning lie grasp of reap pointing -Dr. Wurthingtou g treo. The seductive run swishes a fond mother, seventeen intelligent I t g g' It remained • with • the citizens P stitEnent. industriously, circulated g ed the situation aud made his oxit, medical officer, nndof agrant of $25 themselves to matte it a success. It gracefully about the ,house, accom- anti heroic sons, thirteen lovely �nn,icdd b the placid but powerful in that village that r certain local daughters, two popular mothers-in- tit° door not going locked. He saw as asllghtrecognftiou-0fh199UhV1C0s, could be done. He also made a 1 Y P P prohibitionist had receives A keg 1'owsley salve morning, and told Re port adopted on mot.ion'of John- soft son The paper hanger and Jaw, and three beautiful. aunts—not 1 P good seggestion, that of putting up P 1 • P g _ of brandy by rail. The Post says the one romaine to tell the tale 1" Seud irini that if he do not have his Ston and Dohorty and Cooper and an awning on north side of town the carpot beater hold high carnival, hog contained maple molasses sent 2 money returned he would get a tt•nr Kennnedy• hall as .0 pl and the lad tubo resides over the from none' Loudon but that the ark- $1.25 to THE NEWS+RECORD and got � . protection to marketers Y P p rant out for-him. Tewsley said that Alonthl Finance recommended from still and rain: whole brigade is dniforned in her ago was an old brand keg with'the the best county paper for one year; Y' , „ Y g or send your name and address and ho was mistaken but would see him payment :-R. M. Racey $4.48,' Cautolou suggested the use of husbo,nd s last years straw hat, pia word brandy still, -unerased on it, r later: This about the gist of Uorri streets Sunday boots and seersucker coat you can romit $1.50 at the end of $18 do. $27.72"clerkssalary council ofianiber for market purr The friend that forwarded the pack- son's, sworn statement. Not getting r $ with a smudge on her nose as a age•,should have taken downthe the year. $50, Tedford 'do. 112.50, S. Pratt poses on market day, g his money he had Tewsley arrested. do ]8.75 postage and stationer badge of office. The meek-eyed sign. It was an'uufortunnto coiucid TuE GROWTH of TOwNa AND As Mr. 11ior1'19UII 80n1etim08 gets $ Whitely P g y The whole matter was referred to g $3, A� hitely & Todd 83.50,uniform master of the establishment after re slinks ence for the prohibitionist. And (iiTIES.—From the asaessm TOWNS. re- Confused Towslo 's friends hold and rep rt at s e is draft by-late P e � Y for constable $25, R. Holme in at the back door after removing ' there are et doubtiu" Thomas s. turns of all localities whish have that it is of mistaken identify, , 2r r s and deport at special Ineetiug of ° Y :r.-,5, W. \� heatleyremoving snow council, his boots in the y,jrd, so as not to come under mr natice a gratifying and that in any event Air. Morrison make tracks on the floor or spoil SALT TO BE USED JUDICIOUSLY. incro+lse in pupulation and proporty may have lost his money or spent it for $12 Account r Jelin Jackson Council adjourned, the points of the tacks u for $1., for venter closet destroyed I> � eon which -In olden times•sowiug land with values is observable. As stated long before the alleged robbery on night of t-he 19th April "by a -- he steps, " He eats hie dinner of salt was a symbol of its desolation. last week Clinton increased in pop- tools place. Prisoner was sent to riotou'9 mob," was referred to coon- �fEssns. J. H. CouBE Mrs. Combo cold victuals off the head of n flour. In large enough quantities it will ulation 228 last year. Ingersoll Goderich to await the action of the oil. Receipts from hall $36, cedar and J. Combe, jr., have returned barrel in the pantry, and then takes 1•• destroy every trace of vegetation, shows an increase of 500, Peter nbxtcourtofcompetout jurisdiction, $10, old steel $3.06, constable's fees from California. The' former gen- down, cleans aud piles away 192 Even those plants which like as- b6rough 326, Galt 375, Woodstock the bonA not being privloged -to $4; tines $4, weigh scales $1.2.' tleman has been confined to the stovepipes and elbows. To avoid paragus, aro nattiral lovers' of salty 780. 'those are all more or lees Accept bail. In the $suing a young Chairman Kennedy handed in a house since he came back. further domestic tasks he sneak' out can have too much of a dose, but. manufacturing centras, And when man named Fleming wasarreated as the back way and strikes across the detailed statement of proposed im- After a time heavily salted land re• towns progress in manufacturing, an accomplice and placed in the ,iovenlent oil streets and crossings. MAYOR WHITEHEAD has been con- back lot to hie work, upsetting in his covers its fertility, and may oven be the history of the world shows that lock-up, afid -next clay committed 1 g ' fined to the . house through illness 'flight-the bucket of paste upon the the better for treatment. We have the neighboring country is enriched and taken. to Goderich also, ttl- The present stone crossings on Hur- the past' week. TThis will account head of the baby. Indeed, this-is heard of farmers who, by mistake, thereby. Rrtilway facilities trend though it is, not thought he on And Albert streets etre to be relaid for his not accompanying the rail- the period that delights the heart of applied too much' salt to wheat ; much to stimulate suit 'dovelo had nu six feet wide with flaWtones.' God p y part in the alleged rob- blocs oil "llavo" if oil give us a way deputation to Ottawa and the housewife, and makes the hus- .' but they seeded the following' manufactur'in'g. It will be in order, belly. The "dark man," supposed J y 6 -Montreal. bands head and pocket acbe. But docent pave, was the involuntary , . spring, and. for several years there- therefore, for country niunicipaliti4 to be the real oriminal, is said to what a ehaug° ? 9iueo alabastine to After the field that had been over- to bear in mind that by Aiding and havoehippod. Itis hoped that those remark of a citizen. Adopted. MR. Tnos. Fo1iTUNE courted the tvhite.n and tint the walls liquid " salted produced enormous crops of encouraging ' railway extensions in durance vile will be able to clear In regard to John Jackson's ac- blind goddess in the palace of just- polish for the stove pipes;,staple liay'. The tendency of salt is -to sought for by towns, they will be, themselves of the nccneations. F. count. for property destroyed chair- ice at the county 'town last week. tacks for the carpet ; and rQady make the soil moist and cool.. It doing that which shall bring ill- R. Powell, of Clinton, watched the plan AloUl urehie believed a civil We went at, the Invitation of Hoy mixed plaints for tile floor have been is, 'therefore, 'excellent for crops creased reward for their own indua• case for the prisoner; E. N. Lewis action lay against the "rioters" and Majestys, 'Ho was summoned its a introduced abs kelt for sale at that require these conditions. r9 C, for the Crbwn. he could collect from them, and juror. Racey's hardware store. S 1 Y Y , or.$.,%Sask<'b ...�' �.vu _ _ �,rm,,, �,a�.m,'. •:. .�.ac._a.,�F>w•is�aw.,, 0 ' Ip faN. �