HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1888-05-09, Page 6', 77rW I, , . I .•. 7- I -; I I. I I - .;, - .7 'r I � 11 I " , � , ; I 11 I . I . I . . " , I I I . � I I I I . I ; I , I ., - .• . .�, - - . . " . . . - I . I � .. I , � , I I I . , , I . � , �, I I I . " I , � I I 11 � I I ..., I . 0.1 � 'i ,- . � ,,, . . I . . , ,_ 11 I I , I . I . � � , I � � " ; � . . 1 4 1 1 1 101 11 - - . I I , I . I . I , I . ,� . . I . ., , I 11 I . - � . I "I I q I I . . . . I . , , 1� . . . � %, . -1 I .. . Q '1� - , . � � . . '­ 11 I � I �, � - . I , . , � , � I I . I I 1. I "A , � 11 I I I . . . 11 I �. I I . . I . V " � I , , , .. . 1: . . . . . .- 1. . � �, " . I ,. . . I I . - __ a,-- ii I 11411111111101 111� 11111� ,- ­­­ ­­__ -.. I _. . I .... - - i.. � .."T lei I I ­ I . ­­. 11 " I 011!"Nall 1.111 III "A I - ! --_!-4!!rm!!� . . , . . 1. ­-, , I I I 11 IT 1! N , I .11 :1 " - I I . � , . � � I I �,.Fot-ri- . A 0I,QSThfKfl, 1. I I 11 ,., I , ,L - � .� �,, I I c' � , - 14 oye so that they always c1000ap Teti! Kola lIvt � . I . � - I I . , 11 . ,.1.59 I& Y4,T-41.,25 114 AdvoricO. . ely ly DavisDAYI� issoeil their Extract of at - ' F . !PuI I.V ,0,1111 I,I,i 1,1. I I I . I I ., . � . '- ' - � ­_--;:;=; INIIATr4 THE 010411i, �jjlk au'd .d.90k. It hiis_M4 will) I 1 � I I __�­ -7 &I,. is Ar,rA.4AA$PN, orij , O'ki I L. - I - hu'ur,ri delay w1killo., for I.Ile d9utoruiq- I I I I I I 'it g Alipoesl. 4od It mim, fox It is tW . 41, . . . , ,� . ! " A,- . '. � - . I I � � - - . . I ,reolt, - I , , 1,�M�. i � 0 �R,T` A' I . �' , Tha-ftron.News.,ftoord Counterfeits ars al , Or - wholl Pow.0 IJ , 79 16 ' Save L - w.ayod.4ngermts) A big , llct� WLA:§ MOE, Ili . a i !,"'�,: A4 , . . �, I I Wig 3f;ty 9itlil, 18$$. AND N-ol,is. The romar ,Able S40PPAP. b,e,altuloled w,1111 tit-.tll)tl.-41,4)11.4J'IJII(Iocpo, - , - � I I . I . . ijue�ojily, . . . . � . m � $17 . , , Q�t powerful/blood liorifitil-Jil �llo ql"�48 aslivelally in utisj...;�)( Ctollp, P11,01imonlix - I, ell! I . . . Aphieved by Nasal. Bafm,ii. ill'-poaltive kat. It il-useil witil-the gro0estauce �, ! Ill rotlImingr thmIcs -0, ray W10Y� MQatlo and psi.tro;nt for pilot "qprI4,e, 1 vwo I A � . I . - ­­­­ ­', ".. ­ I - I ­ _= - It ­_ - , cure .for Niairlit .4114 .0oldr in Aq - .. - '-t I . IIjce tocalltheir speclalattention. tq,.wy vqry1rqmpIqte,e4Qqkof I .� I I . . . I .. .Cold , led , ar. 0, 41t.,lip,tsvi '106.111K from, a lleWl,l*�o id othur 110,1A. Will Imig troubles - ' - i - I I I . , _4 7 . Qrwsl�-ed With Colits. Road hAsinduced unprtnoi� p coullik.011 Air the system, and everyQue lien, 110 rallilly 'bo;uld Ile without I . . I , . I ' I HARNESS` I �Tci � . " i . Ova to imitate .4. the publ;,c are , I I � . WHIPS, CURRY Com, - Opus"Foll ETC. . � I , I I . , _ needs nud dh-, Aid use tt bo�lla Or two at buttlo of Ayer's Cherry ,poctorull,' . . �� , .. - en, 11 this se -so of the year, of Powell's Sx. %vilil.14 11�1..; Special attention il�rqctvd to P'' , . I The )Tfoulr�al 11)"itneed tolls iki the , utioned not to e deceived by I provoil if.401f, ill 01,011salidpi of Ly sto'cli: of � . nostrums Imitating Nasal Balm in I t of Sarsap:lri'k and Bard -jk Bear ca , I I aile name kind appearttiace, bearing such .r"a in-] one 50o. bottle C00t4i!13 MoreI " a ,.li.- I . following Inalliwc llo%v debts I crises; tile be -.6t Ulklergelley Medicine 7 '. . .. . V, in ; over discovered. It gives prompt relief ■.111 . � _.,"1'11__. - collected that city : unInei as Nasal Cream, Nasal Dal iiivlld ulgificlue than filost dollar 841 called : -: 8 I N'. G% LE":.HARNESS_% 1111- P'. ". .,I , " * I ' to $nix) etc. Ask for Nasal J3alw and (10 ,5itra�Ll.iti-ilia,litid-bittors- Also renkiiintier a"rl prelkares the way lot, a thorough . . I I—— I I I N, Let, Ila stipposp till! altiulkilt 41- not 'tak � e imitations dealers may urge t,.al it is 901,j ill clilltoll by %!1draggists, I cure, *w1deb la corlatit ta.be effecteill by ' It will be found very complete, gad for durability and finish cannot bo .Oxcelle4 by . ' - + I . one. A a I omplo a r I � I - to be $5, ad lot us see, to kvIlat th,41, � any I y Itsme but the best worlimion, and use the best. imaterjoil 'to -be, 1.1 upon you. For site by all druggi8tQ price 500 it bottle, 8-ild by ail drug. its curitintied use. bought ILI the marketi all who may favor me -with their fidtronage,may feet coof . i . 'it' allowed to 8 1 In IyArViVilere. S. 1-1. Latimer, M. D., Mt. Vernon, . Idien I , I may be made to.,,,row or sept post-paid on re4!elpt of price. gists t d medicine dualvrti . '.'&!love found Ayer's Cite . . of jetting saLlafigiction. - . 0 r Z , I 1-k got into the courts. . i (50c an(t$l) by atittressing Fultord & . 443jiv Ga., says: ,d I . 0 Pectoral a perfect cure for Croup in all 1 9K--_ . CO.1 Brookville, Onr. - - — ­ - __ I ; . . To.bogiu %vith, thootyrit %vili co'st I cases. I have known the worst cases -3" PR AWAY DOWN. . .. 11 . Jin Friday S. A. Eby received relieved Ili a very short time by its Ilse; . :�; . 'ut, of the same, at i _( - I 60 cents; t1lo carving . � I q I - F. Vogt, and I advise all families to use it in �_ �. . � I I least 45 cents; thekbaililr'.i ri,LLIVII, 60 I -The House of Commons on Sir from Ilia brother.in-in Trunks and Valises in great variety and Prices Low. I � , - Richard Cartwaighl's aineudinent to Cincinunti, a letter bearing the den emergencies, -for coq�lls, Croup, , . i , cents; dio ►Inwyer's fee, $2 ; tile dee. I Rich � , address 948. 11. Eby, Calamity City A. J. Eidson, 31. 16., 31iddleto3v I t , - aratioll, 81 ; the bill of costs, 20 Sir Cliki-les Ttlplmr,..; fill.-.11cial I Tenn., ')I have used Aye�'s %.T ZJ - . 1, Ont". ThoU. S. post clerics ORGIR A. SHARMAN -,. " . Cents. Ilore we fin,l the ousts istavemoilt, was re ectad by 117 to Cherry Pectoral with the best effect ill . men& the letter direct to St. Thomas• illy practice. This " lerful. ',�'Srepara- at $5.25, and (Ilia is in a 0-tse 66, 1 ___ ___ tion 0110e saved my INN,, I hail a Coll- --.------.- . - I' " I I 11 I , . ­ As ' toint.prnal remedied for stent cough, ni it sweats, was greatly .'-'m lw�­,,­." -.11 . :. . WITH NO C011PLICSTION WHATEVElt, AN A i D reduced in ties I and given up by my . .-,?�a� --- , T_ � L i..;=. -, - -'11,11.,- ­,", ,, qj :. .. .::i .­ , I - , ,6i:�, 01! -,I U'.k..".­:=V�, , , , I �I . "�AANY INIEN, VIANY MINDs," but E-11 for cin dis-asei Dr.Low's. ,Sulphur I ysiciiin. One bottle and a half of tile I . , . � I men .and all minds agree as to the ,oil- 11 . I a - Cures Dizziness, Loss of Appetite, Indigestzon, Bilioasitess, ( and iu which no defeiieo is inall-. S ' ji, proves very vitluable.' Retorat citred ins.". 0i • � � I . . � If defenda-iit'ttii.,;tvoi-stlic,iAC'.iUlI tilet.43 merits of Burdocks Pills, small and .. " I cannot say enough in praise of ' - Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Affections of the Liver and eya, L I I V. sugar coated. , Ayer's Che Pectoral," -writes E. fidn will be the lika, 30 touts .: .his laN . I -I'lip Durham Review says :-'k Bragilon, of '17 . 0 1 Pimples, Blotches, Boils, Humors, Salt Rheum, Scrofula, . - son I alostine, Texas, " believ- ' � I I ver,t3 lee, $1; sublionia fur it single on of Rob rt Ifaw, of E,gwt-inout went ing as I do that, bill for its use, I should ... 4'. . . . 0 liberal, was a Erysipelas, and all diseases arising from Impure Blood, I _,Nt-r. C ,ampbull, I -, 11 " - . %vituess 30 conts (10 couls for every . F. week ago to Port Hope, driving all long I- since have (lied." - - Stomach, or irregular action of the Bowels. ! I elected in Kent yesterday by a nrij- a hound D PeWnged, 144di ill witness); caeli willipss yesterday with 0 ; �� . tioL . the way and taking . .." 11 I -, I_ ­­- - I . , - --"- -- •- "`_�_- -! I - fees, 50 cent.-; bill of costs 20 couts: ority of 109. general cle - him. When near Port Elope the - _.�,�__ , - .5w -,. ...•I ,�n-4?r ... ��_ --_­..... I At the ,ut . st-il anil a letter sell to . .7, ,,, . _7-7_11 �_-_ •n '"', _70-0 1 . Jqdgmunt, 20 cents. This, gives :In ion Ilia majority was 11N., . � dog was iniq t Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, — , • . his tather Ili Egromont about the rREFAItnD BY I , `.'. addilional 83.50, which mak" it KIND WORDS ANDTRIJE. Aiog bo:ng lost. ,rho (jog arrived in . total of $8.75 if judgment Boos Dr. J. C. Ayer 8c Co., Lov�ell, Mass. A FULi,*STOCK OF " L , I 0 � EutonaotaL as soon its )'the letter I ;�, ngainst defendant ;Ind It(,. is willing .11r. John If.Carter, of Corbetton, having run 150 ,piles the tim.) both . Sold by all Druggists. Price $1; six bottles $5' t�' ... � t, , "holceone - - !, - � - or itble to SOW6 %VitllOtlt fill-th0l' Ont., writes as follows; "Flagyards ways -'being about siv. days., . — OClo r & Timothy Seed ' , . .. trouble. , I'lut ic, ,,is often occurs, all Yellow Oil has stood the test often . . I -) T. , when all others railed. Ourhouse is - .H U -. t.i- it R Ei y S, I �T I execution is taken, the eu.�ts (in tbo - Ako aid other varieties of Field, Garden and Flower Seeds. . I . . � � 1. A . . never without. it, and it will always A .,�ITRE 1'. E 1, IE V. 7 ��IZ.'-'.;-.�,."':VZT:'Irvl'6;ABY SPECIFICS Siteciall pains 11ave been taken to procure illiern Fresli - 801ZLI110 nlono aulowit' to over $3; find , welcome spot on the shelf." I suffo�od from a hard Cough con- . " and Pure. I ..t & . , For Horses, Cattle' I Sheep, * . I and thi.; amount is do-ubled if the - � 493-2t ' tracted by damp fact. llaving con. _` Dogs, Hogs,,Po F , -1 4 rl salti-takes place, so that bho oxecu- .salted a local doctor %vithotI0',W.ct I ultry. Extra Value in Gina. Tea Sets and Decorated �. I I 500 VA VE BOOK on Treat- tiou of the judgment call safely be The . . nwvit.of Attimalmand a - , Canadian Senate unaiii. thought f wou!(l try llagyard's �I . Pectoral Balsain as a last resort. Dinner Sets,. Decorated Toilet Sets, White Granite sets I put down as costilig 87. nionsly Adopted the fi,shery ratifleat- C`,;Iill��`� cinart Sent Free. ,., 0 . 1. I . ,e,ilons, Inflaoiniation. . . I IL ' and Fancy Glassware. • . ion' bill Tuesday night, without "Beford I lind finisneil tsio first bottle zyii:�_,;- Fi­ Pro coiu. N�uw, lot 11.3 co by ,,I simple addi- my cough had entirely disapp�ared, A.A.-Spina( Meningitis, Tilt Fever. 6 I . I � , ti 111. amendment. Tho hill requires 11.1j. -Si riLius, Lanionels. theunint sm I . . -fiarges. , SpeciallValue in New Season"s Blau , u-nisternper, Nusa DI A tion. to what (li!l)t of $5 an d lo%day I en; better health than - h - . .� 01 118 8111all Lthe Governor-Genol-al's assent to Ile- �l').,.i).-Iif&tsqprt.-ubs,Worn"IL4. 9 ��, (sometimes much, loss) has actual.13, . ever bAfove. I can conscientiously E. E. -Coughs, Heaves, P,newirronlia. , . I atnouilte(I whoa it is tinnily settled come law, . recommend it. Chas It. Kent, Tel. g". F`C""e Or �"rIPcf11J-B6l1y`elle- _1 and Japan Teas. Canne'd Fruit, Veo'etables, - I ; . . . G.-MIscarrinue, I emorrhaues. . 0 .., I I I egraph Operator, Esist Selkirk, 111an. III. 11I. -Urinary and KidneN Diseases. c - In endlles.4 variety. Oranges, Lenion.4,1FIgs, &C. liplour. . I ', - .. with the propeeds of it judicial sale: I. 11 1. -Eruptive Diflouses, lunge. 1, _ � Ask your neighbor or any person 494 �9t 3: K.-Disonses of Digestion. Si ile a Isa it 4 ti's-ovislons. fuNpect Stock and get PrIcept. . `: l origitlal llolli, 85; cost.q, ill Court, . . I who has used Barkwell's .Sure Corn Stable Case, With -'r,eelfles. manual, . . - $8.73;exe,i,utiuiiAiiil.4iilo,87. Total, . ____ - Witch Hazel Oil and b edigator, $7.00 L � � - I Cure Thoy all pronounce it the beat -A.St. Thomas butcher purchased Price9i5inkle, Bottle (over 50doge.91 - .60 IT - - TRI 0 13 S C') MT .7 " - $20.75. I �. , * - 1T.&Mila, 0T_i3:1qWC)1V_ If t1lo"e al'O extra %vittlessos, they ever used. 483tf a cow at Fingal ' and while being . Solid by Brugglotsi or. I . 01-T:EMT_& - 1, . delays asked, oppositioiis and other I Sent Prepaid on neceipt of rrice. I 11 driven thrduigli the city it became , 0"l,llillsslisgoligi.s. eolnpliu.tLiuliq, the costs -will Of I . Wells .& Richardson Co., Agents, - - ------. - I -Col. Ivin. J. FiDlriy. the million- -unmanageable. It made a run for 64 McGill St., 111[ontveal. I - I ".. com"L, hicrol!qe ltccordiii,gi�-. ,riie brower of Toledo, Obio,' died a lad named Iferry Palmer. 'rho . e% W% . . are . . I Sm :tbuvo Ineutiolled is the 11loat 1"t If' left the youth, instead -of running away,,. , cill , woplc n-od 58. 0 ,� I I n picked tip a stone, .and, flinging it, 'ra N uKE. - . . . � lonieub of its kind 'that, crtu be iiii- bulk of his properti, to public and struck the cow square oil the head, HOMEOPATHIC 2 . a .. I . — . I it,,iiled, a.ild the actual costs are private charities. iTe. lind already I . I �, .. 0 Mocking het down. She (lied in a few . 1?011�!I'flly heavier. . aiven'to lbe city tile Slotiman mon- The undersignett, has just 6pened a new -Drug Store, Ili JACK90N',S . I minutes. . PECIFIC- No. %�, I NEW BL&K, on HURON STREET, two doors west of tile City I timent and the Old Lfidios' 1407110 — - The only successful romedy for , �4 It is ]lot %Vi-Ae AUd �t is DOtju8l, to . . , �k - - ' ' , Boolc , Store, %ylivre -will be found a complete assortment of. Pure .1 -a, 6%ilifrs lint] collectors HIAL - -;�1/rigs . . - =etise lawymi BARKWFIX's ItHo,iiiiiIAL DA .$AX debility, Vital Weakness, °M--.�111r s and Chenflealls,also Patent 311edicines and � - A LAST RESORT. And Prostration, from over -work or otber causes. "; - Z� . I of being di,41ionwstasa class; but the cures all -kinds of coughs and cold.., 7 / Dr:11_!yrglsts1 Sundries—altthat the public way ask l'or in thoso I . 01 per via] or 5 vials and largo vial y,owder, for $5. � � I iinmorutis casiii of complaint ,,Ind Last summer, says Win. ,T. James, bronchitis and croup. Asic for 1301,3311YbRUGGISTH, orsentDostila doPreoeiptof MRL*. - - lilies. . . . * I L:;_�_�-,­ - . . I , v miser- "Barkwells" take no other* . 483-t1 Pliee-Well. ,t Richardson Co.,Agouts, 64 Me- 1- � , ,- A. WORTHINGTON. � . . actual hard.illips aro ceri4inly siffli. of Atherley, Ont., I felt ver. r- .. Gill Sh-t I'lolitteal. . Z99�1110 I ' _. .__ . _ - __ .. _ ___ .. . - ____ - Oil ton, l3thJitnikary,1880. . - � 1 . e e n . . -_ _____ . I �1'1111;�__i "I . I . P. S.-Offiep changed froni residence to store , tient 10 stateille t tlint able with pains over my Kidneys, ' �. . jil,til,y ill fluttering of the heart and nervous. -Tile Ontario Government has, all ' I � . . there (!XiSt. Cliqt101;;tllti.COIIII)il)Rti011s nese ;after taking different kinds of invitation, �onsented to mak -----__________.__. .___!�t___.__­_______ I . . . I . '. . to multiply prucoodinp, anit to get .ought " o a di:i . . . . . 0 get; med cinellearing of B.B. B. Ith play of Ontario mineral pi 0 . I I :idu�ts � . . . by any possiblo mean,,;, RuctioR Salo _- , . I would try it ; one bottle, complet- the Ohio Valley and Central States . _N i. . I ::? — - - . I THE -'Fav ely cured me. I can highly recom- Centennial Exposition, beginning at . T1 T.T 1 ..o TTr= I I . 31Y ],.%ST CENT . , men it t6qothers. 494 21; Cincinnatti on.fuly 4.and continuing � � 81 . . . I . 11. . out of poor 11411)rotf�ctml Ilobtor till October 27. An efficient and . '_­ ' � I 1. . energ6tic officer to make arra:ngb. 1 11 -1 L LS e �, -While dofondin- tho honor 'of F � � . . notwith,taktiding die peculiarly paill- . B i!.- ­ � ' E-LUOTT'S BLOCK,- '- CLINTON. I., I which they"Illy hPl- 1:3 -year-old step-daug menta and take charge of the dis. ;..-. . fill eh,�-11111st,:1111,PA ill ,hter a,vain4t ' . . . I . . 1 11 . . .1oly to I)L I I play has been selected Ili Mr. A. pl,iot,,�l ,,,, the .,,11,)Iq,�st .4ble. notice. . - -•'-- I . . .. . � . . I be Placed ; and it is sinel ' the flandisliness of au unatural fathol: .Bj ,Sr N , ' . 11 . Ile, Deputy Minister of Agricul- All ivoil�'�FIRST-CLAS and Prioes as I I I . . ... ... ,.. .I:k%v will be speedily ; of Chicago tura. � . . Lmv lis -any ollice West'ol'Ttirmito. - ho .ted that the T;T,,-,. Nettit UndbIberg ' . I , .JOSEPH. CHIDLEY, Dealer in Furni0re. 11 . - "'T U1111011ded so ,-,is to ,rendor the collet- Jxfts stricken.down by'her husband I I .. . .1 � I . �.. . Call at the N"e'w_8tore-�nd seq-the-stock of . . . I . " . . , . ,fy . I . � .•. � tion of small accolink, sonielldu '�F'fttthow and killed.. - Barkwoll*s sure corn cure will cure Consult yow- owo interests an -1 (-all at . � .. 0 . . like I-P;Isondilo tl,q re" .ds costs, 'so � . � ,riii... �,\,,�%%..,4-i,,,:,(,O,,.i),oii'it�e 1)eroi Bedroom and Parlor* Sets, Lounges, -Sideboards,' Maim, Sprbigp; � I gPl . hard or soft corns, warts, moles, , e placing . - - . . . . I Q •'very person talks about Bark bunions and in -growing t�e-iiails I . alld `eii`al Houselrold Fin-niture. Thc•-,vlinlb Stocli is hoin the very . . your orilef- for ally I'las" 4 Vihilillf'. � . that, pour honest debtor' will b I E - 11 ilattrasses, etd., �u ell , . . - I , . - protectod wyliiiist the cupidity of well's Sure Corn Cure. They say it, without the slightest pain. There . . _. ­ � I __ b6tintmufaettiver.q. Ili(�tiii-e-Fi-aiiie,,,ih(lDTOIII(Iillgso,l,(-.�el'Y(IPSCI-il)tl'011. . I : . �, ' rations for NVIII-TE41N ��7 TOPD jqp,s."Cillvi,l, Y'. one door, 11'est of Dickson's Book 9 I tore, I � I . shark-liko creditors and officers of never fails either' in soft or hard may be hundreds of preps, � . . I ... I . ' . I corns, bu6ions or warts. 483 If corns,but any persdn who hns once . . . . Tho law. , used Barkwell's will take no other. Golp . r(d pr;ntcrd (3. p1l'bli'diers, I I . I . . I . st,ances of the working of this ----.--- - - � .--I--- . . . Ill ri 1,110 ­roatel;t allaill fleet that It lins no equal. '483-tf I a 114 11 I . .. '. , ' � 0 _ — __ Bargains in , viltrageoliq sv'stoill al" utit'hard to — . M a I . ever loft Chicago at tho Opening of � r � . 0 INT - OPJTARIO. L.omlsl . till(]. - . a . .GLIP D ONI JAPAIM . - I navigation bortall starting May1st. —Tifil 1[..-11�1'is, of viel'shm- (-Ul . . . , 0 0 . . . " time Arlo, it is c , Sim- . - I A poor woman, spino 0 composed red. -W110 hs"1111-o"I INTr7l., M 4�1111111tl[)111 931RE41113,011ti. - . I I I � posed of 96 vessels,andthe 0 . I . . . . ; -stauding with her I . -L . I ]lad, t 'mistindei " us, Ivas lynched. . , cargo ag"reptes 4,412,00 builiels of I" 0 . .. I I MM 0 11 St. vaul * Cliur,;1;.-Serv1,!(,s on suivliw at, it large consignment'of NEW JAPAN TEAS wlji(,Ii we are offer' .,. 111ilkill3t1l Iles lf!ctiurr the payment of. -_ -.--- We havo received a . I a i&,niin. The vessp,l masters trust to A.m. 11](I 7. 1). ill. ,�jl�le CkLi1S, 10 Q.111, Sunday . I .1 L a I ill 5 anil,10 11), Caddies at tho'follo,whig low prices : , .. 1. . School, 2.30 p.m. Service oti Wednesday, 8 lmii. . . . . 111 fty cents. ,riie iatter claimed that wallnior weatho-, and westerly winds Many ladles. admire. gray hair- ou RKV. Wo.14AM CRAT6, 13. D., Rector . Ut. .. ' -Servieeb atio.30 3 -ETITS. - . 1 tile f to ofea'i 0)o ice blockndo front. the some other person -but f6,Iv care to .. 1:,Lttoiil)tii,.,,'8troct.ilut-l'io(list 45 CENT JAPAN TEA A T ,9 0 % - I ornior owed him this Amull ' I 1 I I 'The wumall in.,isted that sho had straits by theltime they roach ill() try its effects on their own charms. a. tit. m(I j.00 1), iii. Shbhat.i School at 2,30 p. . 0 %O . . . r. They need not, since Ayer' [fair m- itzv. .)in. itvi%wr, Ila -tor, - paid 4. ' The milkinan sued her. possage. , I . . 35 CENT -JAPAN TEA AT _25- CENTS. I . ' 0 Vigor restores gray, hair to its orig- Canada Proibytewiati­ ServieLsal, 11 tt.in. ani - . �•. Jud,nnent was obtained msaiust box , ___ , , 1 3.30 o. in Sabh:%th Sollooi,'2.30 p. ill, '11sv ' . . I .. 0 .1 0 --...--- -1 with costs to tile atliount of $18, to I I I inal color. Sold by druggists slid Ai,gx'. STRWART, Pastor. This i 'the I)o,,;t offer ever niade in this county and all users of Japan Tea should secui 0 8 . � I A SUCCESSFUL RE sui.T. perfumers. . Ontario Street Methodist. -Services at lo.ao a. at least one caddie. Bfitick Tea EIllitially as Clicall) -We are selling it FINE realize which the little household Sirs, I was troubled for fly,e years ---------. ____ . . in. and 7.00 p. ill. Sabbath 801001, 2.30 P-1. BLACK in original packages of 20 lbs. at FIFTY CENTS per lb. This Tea qqnal WAS broken tit) 31141 Sold. with Liver Complaint. I used 4 -Henry Pop-,, colored, wa REV. W. W. 81I.MIX0, Pastor to anv 70c. Tea in Clinton. An .Extra Fine Young Illyson at 45c., in 5 flild . I . 3 Baptiqt Church.-Servieo at 0.30 1). ni. Sab fo lb. caddies. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Call iii(I see our Tea before buying. I I . All fintatico turned 'Ili A few 1IRYS great d'es.1 of doctors' medici.ne, which hanged by a mob at midnialit from bath School. 2.30 v. in. I1F.V J. GRAY Pastor. . . . Afro of a $2 debt. the costs in which, did me no good. I was getting worse 0 !?. . �, .. . -•r . a I � . . by colliplicalicill, ll�tA,e ;1111L)t1utp(l to all the while until I trio I. inervilto, Ga. He was to hard been NIE WJS PA P E R .,LAws I . I $30. A very po . orand honest work. d Burdock the court ]louse vorandah, hi Sam- - I , COOPE L& SON . Blood Bitters. After talking ion day, but Oil Be 0 R I I , can also hanged on Wodiios Ws . . ingnian, father of five young child- bottles I am now well. I 0 �Vo call ill[,- sliocial attention Of Post . .1 . M Af isB of a respitA by Alia govnrnor the A Reli( - 0 t, recommend it for dyspepsia. n . The 01 able Tea and G-rocery I -louse. " rou, and bavaig ,,I sick wife, by 10 na..iters nnI subscribers to the following . L - . ­­ L . a Hattie L. Swick, St. Williams P. O. 'people of the county lynched Iiiiii. , , I intricacies of the I!lw ba,; fo,iiid him- Out. ,y; ­.)p -i8 of' the liewspap.l. laws.- -----. - _-.0-W ___ ­­.. - ---- ----_ ___ -!!..------- - ___ ___5 I 494-2t Ho had beet) cotivited of ratio. . . I . self in the hands of two debtors, ­_ ­ �____ I . . I . I . . . _­ ­ ­- '-, ­ - '- - I -A postmoter is required to ') , e - . . rive Iiiihil's, one collector and two -A younry inan, uninarl Alfred . notice By I'l,".1"l.l."it (returning Ell jlqe, E111 - I laws -ors, and after lini,ing off $29 Gj�ol,ac �i ntIR Bf LIOIUSNESS: uut answow the law) when a.subscri wr does FRESH GROOERIES L , , �, V di1q, %vas Oil Febroary , - I . I . . found the debt, to' have .still furth"r 20th�condmnned to be, placed in '- I should not think it right did I not take his paper ont of the office, slid ' illel-wised. the c'ells in )Iontraal for six' . hours, not give lily testimoney of what I It't' the reason lbr .its, not being talcen. And the eltoicest goods I�cjit in stock b3� 0 .. . I . .•. ­ .. - know to b% ,tile value of Burdock Any neglect to (to so nialces the postmaster . I . I foi. Navin- Ilia 0111ployor's servico responsible t,) Lho publishers for payni t l M Blood titters. Being I. sufferer from _N7 . I -The case of 0. Co�vtto' INf. 1'. witi-1,0511 t leave; - an(] for indt , , 'n' _E':S3:j0_hT 131E�06 I . it ill,, in ,,>-If nary porwal ortlars his liftpevdi5- 0_A__ - r- -_ - " Biliousness, Itookone bottle of*B. . I . . ­­. . P., against I'm Violon for libel was il"e'll" to give 0-5() secIll'itv for good B B. and it g.� e me immediate'011tillund, he 11111"It Pay all alreavag(.'s, 01 . I I , n 0 ate litt'a(l. Cure Bi (lard considered behavior. ' . tljqrxlblisller olay colliiiint, to send it We 14113' in-flie very -best markets tind give oin, customoi,4 every advantage. Our goods . Failing to (Vivo the r'elief. I recommend iVis a cure for . ., . , a'ns M 1111til paynwnt is n)ill;�, "IT111 c'-flect th( will always be found Fresh and Reliable, antl ,to the economical hotiselccelicr %ve .offer ,p-dju aiticlos published infanions. securitv he renlainq In gaol. . : B il ious n ess. Annie McLean, Wood- .. I 0 whole aillount, whother it he talCCII 1'1*()Ir MR113' adV0IItftgc'.3: Our goods, in variety, quality,'and price, we are satisfied will meet I . . llvin- asked what wils. iimaitt by ­ . _­__ .. - ville, Ont. 494,2t. dieolficc°or not, , Tliewc eiiii i)i, un iegi, the re(Lilivelliellfs or evory 1101I.W110141. Fatilt Produce talot'l at t)[10 higoest Prices. I . ._� 1. . . . I . I Catholiqu-t! ltullgo, Ito replied :— '1'1! P RFDCOLOR Of the blood is �___ . disconthiiiatw�uytil the paynivot is noule . 0 1 i'Wlieu L)iku i pl. caused by the Iron -it. contains. . -Gencral 1�'irt Adaln.4, -1)0St- � 3 -Any person who takes a paper Ilton. . . . . I 11311 U,01;11100), . . N BROS., .1 - "CaLliti'i'(1110 Rull�-M" (C';ttI10IiC G"iQ supply the iron when Inciting by ninster, all(] John 11. Martin, editor tile post-ollioe, whether flireetol to ME . � I t using Nifilburn's Beef, Iron and . -, lie .%viahes to convey the idea that . of rho New 'Jfle,yissippian, Jackson, ""' or another, or whether lie. lins sill)' ' . - l , . , kV1 n e. I Scribed or not, is ro4ponsible for the pay. . . 110 is I-evil-yiii 1114 n3 , i rat t i ons, . __ � . - - -------- bliss., met oil tile street and after a 4 -If a sithicrilili- orders his paper to bi WHOLESALE AND.RETAIL 'GROCERS ,CLINTON, OOT. I 111:0, lie i"Ildro, the laws of the , , steppe(( at a cerfain fline, ,11111 the Publish, __ _`!­�,- . __- ­­ -_ . ___V .1 _11y it Rill(fular blunder the lief) foto %vordq opoliod fireon ("Iell otlinr. 't , 0 0 , V!�F - ___ - - _. _ - � =_ . RoI11311 Calliolic 611ire'll anil,is itil npns issiind in St. johns,Neiv Bruns- C-lifival Adams was hit thrN) 01' er Continues to send, it the silbscriber : . L Q . . indivi(Ill 11 of the worst kil)(1.1 wick, tl:is ynar gives the privilege of ftPI . is pt 11 � takes 11 0, 11 I , I, linins, niti-I ll.artin twico ;both bans,( to u I it oat t t . I 0 t of (lied shortly after. . post -office. 'Tlii -occeds upon fliegromu . I - A !,,�\%' (kysafp there wxi rudord- 8011ing, "F.irpior iintil the 31s that a man must pay for what lie use LESLIE'S CARRIAGE & WAUNTACTORY, , I.. I ­ 0 . I e(I Mr. Ilenry 111111n, a April next on,quiner." ' Holders of - ------- _N I the iloath of , a fl 44 *9 . - � , . I fal-11101, living in 1101 -tie To,vils"llip 01090 documents announce that Qioy STIJIMORN CULLDIM� readily take P . �% ,", p !�,, CT_,:12!TrT%,.D_T_ - It D . —0-0— . '. a couple of miles fl -0111 11id(tcwny. 1-invo pnrpativil licoimes unless some Dr. Low's Worm Syrup. It pleases per,tti the Division Com -t hi Gotlerich . I � . 0 go is inatle in tlio calendar giv- the child and destroys the worms. � it the, November ,itting'a nuw�ipaper pal- • In Stock, a Number of Cutters' Sleighs, Buggies and. Ww,,ons. I I,ockl hitorost *was added to the change 0 , . , 's - I,, .. ,nie . - . -0 ; 0 N V . I _____________ lishei liv.,ifo, ,yorpripe, - iipreuc . . event Lit 1,oll(ril tlio fact that docpa.sed in;( April additional day. . . IM0117 on ill(', 91'(!111111 tlInt ile ,The Tilatbrial We mail 11 ractu re"is of the best quality and tbd It -on work unsurpassed . n . . ant ol�jevtcd -, - I . had ro�ently illarried Miss Mary ADVIJ!E TO IN[writicti.q.-Are you di3- proprietor -of the -- Tit fact we nial�e it an iffiliortant featul-o o our basiness to utio only the bost pro- _____�_ - liall ordered a 1,01-iner P I f . . Villa, it I popular -and,' ntconiplished Catarrh, when chronic, becomes turbed at night and broken of your rest pql)el. to (liscolitinno it. 'rho Judge held "4 cui-ableinatei-ial,,tiidtliobct�,.Nvoi,ki-nansliip. Those hineed ol'CUTTERS . I . sello,ji toaclier at Morritton. It very offensive. It is impossible to by 96 sick child suffering and crying with that 'that was not a valid dolPncc'�. The and SLEIGHS, of the latest makes and styles, should not: fail to I I be otherwise healthy, and, at the pain of Onttinl- Teeth? If so.send at plaintill" the prosent proYlictor, lind 110 • call and see us. . I plies that tile unforttivate same time, afflicted'. with catarrh. Is notion to diwontfinio nn( conseqn.ently . , now ti,an"Ai once and get a bottle j)f 11.1[rs Winslow , I —0— I inan,wlio was-appArontly a W011 -to This disagreeable disease, in its most SootbingSyrnp" for Children Teetlittig. colild eolleet, although it NA -a" lint denied I . !eve ' . ALL WORK WARRARTED. I do fanner livitir, iii a lboautAl obstin ate and dangerous forms, can Its valne is incalculable. It will rel that defendant bad 'notified former pro- . I 1-0—' . I " Ile, loolt Ilia 0 04Wn poor little sufrever immediately. De- . . . l I 1 ]lot life, using be cured by the use of Ayer's Sarsa- the rictor to discontinue. Ili any event pend upon it, mothers; there is no mls- Nerendant wti,4 botind to pay rol, the flite M- Repairing and Reliaintin-v Promptly Atter,'Ied to. sttychnino as a Illoans of 8elf-des. parillm I take about it. It cures Dysentery and he hail ree(Aived the paper mid until lie . ' __o__ I truction. Ile rose frons his bed � __ - I . . __ _�__ Diatrhm;, regulates the Stomach and had I)ftit) fill nI'r0AI'8 (111C 1701-4111MI'lPtiOn. ,FACTORY on corner of Huron and Orange 19treets, CLINTON. I . about 1-T o'clock UiI the night' and '.,rho rear of the now stone Dowels, cures Wind Colic, softens the . . I ? 0 Gums, reduces Inflamaiw1ou, and gives Q________-______ ; took a quantity of strychnine. TIC building, five stories in height Ill, . . ' n tone unit ' energy to the %0iole system. A SEVERE TRIAL . . . thou wout, to Ilia bedi-join, Nvol(o his dourso' of erection, on WelliDaton :- I I T " Mrs Vvinslow's ,400ffung Syruli" for Those who endure the torturing , . . . wife and info�rmsd hor of his shoelc- street, Toronto, foi, the British children teething !a pleasant to the taste pangs of 'Neuralgia, Rheumatism, . I 9 I l . I ing net; ].TO qAi(l the 1110tiVO that ,.&I) . I e'r i 0 a Pit I I k Note COMP11Y, and is the prescription of one of the old -est ( - 0 1 Sciatica, Lumbago and similar pain . . I rash , a nurses in , � iiuf Ili,,, Co collinlit t1lo I act was fell in with a treniondous; crash. and best female physicians and ilm ful complaints are severely tried, but x'', 0 W'l S I I I . rho fact of their heing turned out of Nobody was hurt, though five inen the United States, find is for sale by all there is it speedy relief in 11agyard's I . ;, I theit boAutiffil lignio through finan'- .had a miractilons alta )e. The druggists throughout the world. Price yelloivOil, as thousands who have .1 I ! - . . , 25e. shortie, lie sofe and jisic for "'Nirs. used it joyfully testify. It bnnishos A . ; . Bial difficultioa. He placed the building Will have to be rebuilt. �Vlnslow'g Soothing Zy-rkill," 11114 take no I I '" I ... I , I - I 1. I . . � I � P N_. I h I f) I b e8 I ey I IlaI .1 )041 - I MW yedi. Nervous A , I - I, - (1d, M .., bit I � "Ill I)IA;)Io cnflroly upon himself. , It was to bavo cost $40,000 pain and lameness quielcly. 404.2t- .1 FOR SALE BILLS, , I , - Other kind. 4 ill I■I . , '" I .. I , - I � � - . . . , , _ . . ­ I I *" 0 : . . . � � � : . . .I * � . (b I . I . 0 . I � . I . . . I ... 4 I . . � S I .. I . .1 . a , .1, . . I , I . I . . ; ' �, ,:j�t �"­�.�4, �_� ��4i­,.I1�­��"� ��_,L�.L_�-i�.�rt.1[l ,.,�.­.,_,c. _:','1'a , ..., •._ ,A,,�, v:�E..­.,.1:.�I-,-�,:­� I �­ -1. LlI 1:. . I . . L . . '. . 61 . , . . . I ,*� ", " I . , " , �. " I '� � , k, . "i'i'W",p , �� ,�in, �'11, ­A­�g _,�. , , , ' �' ­"I�­LIL"l " ­­'_�' _11-- ��LlL���_ 1�.,�,:,�,­ �ik�,,, L, it , ,,�4 4 " " 1�� ­ _,� :'..:.,­�N ,­'­ �,,�­?, ull 11-4.