The Huron News-Record, 1888-05-09, Page 5• �i ter, I✓ V • .Dry -Goads Emporium of Clinton. SPRING - STYLES Our Weekly Round Up. SEED BAT •�•�r ---OF— DETLOR 8c . 00. ---The 'ur aE ,ej t(,L Y HAT' ® �� f Have just opened au immense stock of y Quebec has returned s a verdietagainat the Salvation Army. Just received from Belleville, Tar choice of the very LATEST AMERICAN MANUFACTURE. Also • -Wm. O'Brien has been sentenced to -throe months' imprisonment.-' BAY QUiNTE BARLEY, 'G -L -0 -VES! --Judge Henry, of 'the Supreme One Gase A meriean Weokuleat -- Court, died at Ottawa Iast Thursday, irOR SALE l3I - - A Ci&not Miniater says Parlia- (very handsome), front 20c. up to 50c. A tail respectfully solicited. They meet will be prorogued,on May 18, R- IRW2N`, G �_ � , r--,� �. they guaroantee every pair of the following makes. ,x cuatotns suites collected in Lon Standard Elevator, Clinton, �rT j "DuTable," the°Keliable " and the "Gold son during April were $2,317,68 in Murray B/oek,A/bert Street. Gold Medal. ' excess of the same month last year. - - "" '- MARKEI` REPORTS. r3rNext Door to DRY -GOODS PALACE. o —Earl Derby 1189 become tile IeAd- (Corrected every Tuesday afternoon,) er of the Liberal Unionists in the CLINTON. F Nouse of Lords. Flour ........................84 00 to 4 .50 A Choice lot of Ladies Mantle' and Jacket Itis reported from Ottawa that Fall Wheat, new &old 0 80 to 0 85 HOUSE PAINTING' �) n c �/ t thera the Ca Rowell Wishes to retire Spring Wheat ............. 0 80 to 0 85 k`c` /,/ Cloths, suitable for iJ'pr(n� Q'l%(l Plummer, from the Cabinet. Barley ...................... 0 65 to 0 70 GLAZING AND, GRAINaNG, —Rev. Mr. Longley, who left Tor. Oats ........... 040 to 0 40 onto sudden. lAst'week under a Pelts ......................... 0 60 to 0 60 _ T CUT Y Apples,(winter per 1 00 to 1 50 PLAI�Iy g�ID DECODATIVE ' iVCAi\1L1i.S CU1 ° FREE OF CHARGE. cloud, had settled in Kansas o'ity, ) P }� Potatoes .................... 0 60 to 0 65 --Canadian stocks find .produce Butter........,.. 0 16 to 0 18 / ;D; were firm on Eho London markets E s.....••.. PAPER �, Kelso rnz last week. gg ........ 0 0 to 0 0 Hay ........................... 8 00 to 4 00 HA�ICI �. . I Hughes Brothers, wholesale pay. Cordwood d..........•..... 3 00 to 4 00 Ilj1�` � V DETLOR' & CO, goods merchAnts, suspended pay- BeeE......................... 0 UO to 0 00 •�• ' ,1ND� .went May 3rd. Liabilities about Cool ....... ................ 0 2a to 0 25 $500,000. It is thought that the firm . Pork.,..... ..........•.....,. 6 50 to 6 75 00 -FRESCOING. • will effect a settlemeut and continue _ business in Toronto. n(�n' nn CCC��7 A+s Shop Next Spooner's Hotel, filbert Street –—� —It ie understood that. the Annual HPAW10. $ for 1866 AA - `"1g OL,INTON, ONTL9 RI0: meeting of tho Synod of Huron will ) 1 IIIUJJJUUU000) r1 lJ be po34poned until September, as �'y uAs. T■ P I Bishop Baldwin will leave , about A B Zalc to regulate, the closi)lg of v H S O O N F P y EVIOTHING June 1 to attend the Pan -Anglican NEW certain Sliops in the 2'01VN OF' Synod in Londion, England. CLINTON. —Rev. Geo. Tompkins, a local O Baptist minister, ,of Niagara Valls, ��jtrEREAS'1:4i11EE•rOURTIaB in nnmberoiKRU-PT.-B-TOCK Ont., allot at .IAB:"R. Lundy, a conY Y all those Occupying shops situated ,vithin� 9New Dry -Goods ! tractor. The minister was R1C896ed• the municipality of the �o,vn of Clinton nud engaged in the huet»esses of bay-Goods,includ- Some dispute over family mattgrs i9 ins nil)liuerv, Mantles, R&Wli yule an(1 Ordered New. difficulty. Clothing,, tfi(ts and Cnps, Fars, Gentlemen's nud W ' BoCita� (/ Shoes! ladies' Furnishings, House CarpetsFur•nislAim;s,�, j'• e —Judge Andrews Iast week gave Fancy Goods, Su,allwares, etc. Miss Parenr'a Beau ort school mis. Grocor;es, includint f p Crockery and Clnsssure, a� c ' tress, damages because the School HartsandShoes, andtoutand lrs, an it ewelleri' � G�®w����� Commisioners d'isehaa ed her for have by, Hooks and Statirncipu and ell of tile, ` • � g have by petition to the Slunicipul Council of the going to her mother sr•funpral without Town of Clinton pt•ayed•for the passage of it ts) permission. Law pursuant to tbt Provisions of "The Ontario 0 - �• >• SnOPs Rogulation Act, 1998," closing the shops —James DZCGre,v Was arrested at ofthosebusPartiness iu the same occupation SIP HaVlilg J[ISt bought it StOCI{ Of new gUOCIs at the I)1'eSellt Tilsonbury, Ont:, suspected of having or here ss ns the Petitioners, and 7+ thrown his chum Warned Herbert o$ Whereas ' it is expeaienc to gnuitthe stud °'� LOW PRICES, 1 11171 In rl position to sell rt' Pc Bet, ' Re111embel' \Ve �Lt'e still sellin PRINTS ' ' GREATLY �yoOcl�S . a8 low A Michigan Central train near St. eitth Ycfyreennctedb) the )Inntr•iputConn • REDUCED e 77 ( L 5 x` S Aj. GREATLT. as any respectable House in the Dominion. Any-olle Thomas and causing his death. Both, cit of the Town of Clf Eton and it is hereby enacted RED tJ CED PR' ICES—] 2) 1• men 'were returning from Michigan b•ytheanthorityofthesamp; z an(1 1�C hfitlt:; at �+2(llf] IUc., wantinb where they had been at work. I. That all shops In the Town Of Clinton ,111 T Voice 1)ilttel'nS. 1 Wherein any of the follmving husiucsses or recon • �., —Sewn children in less than twoebb :p+ationsiscarriedon, chat is to say: A splendid line . of SEERSUCKLLZS at lOC to fooddoods.atyears is the record of Mrs. Pheebe fart' • Goods, including lfillb, clear,® et Prices Lynch, of Seymour, Ind., who ei h• Ready,nade and Ordered Clothing, Hato; and 0$11211 price 12'11' i 6/ g cape, I•'ttrs; Geotlentea's and Ladies' ,•'t[rn;sh- 1 11' `Pe.ai•e also selling the CHEAPEST teen months -ago gave birth to trip. Ings, JlnnscJ'urrtislrinye, Ca,y,cts, Polixey Goods; SILK PLUSH SH iV vL�,T'j`b� , lett, and who recently became the Stnall[eares, etc, >t 75(; all the leading will save motley by calling on me. I always Beep GOOD . mother of two -boys and two girls. 19CCr;ea,rmm�ding Lrnehery Mod Glasstoare, colors,' Special value in Ladies 4 -Mutton Colored Kid STAPLE GOODS—what the pe -0 )le want—it All seven with their moth Boots and Shoo,Cvslan a,ut )lerchantTailor- Gloves (braided backs). All -wool Dress Goods ..111 T � l 1 ncI.NIIT,L r t}i', are 'lery Harness, Books and Stationery, andIR-SJewel- Goods, Black 1\l O BE UNDERSOLD• l.>> any one 111 the trade. Alive npd' healthy. ler+, shall, on and after Eno TWENTY -FIR -ST +, DAY OF SIAY, A.D. 1888, becloacd r,•cry t5igbt and Colored Cashmere's, and a new aSSU1"teCl StOCh at —lfellae and Donnin, the li uor in the,veck except ,Satnrda, ,tip sed a Use night `� r •�i detectives who were m1Xed up in the 'inianedialelypreeediny anyl�,tcblic hnl,day tit Ehe General Dry -Goods, at prices that Cannot be beat. Butter and Eggs taken In Exchange e for A7fr-t1e,On f Scott Act ehootin pflCA hour of seven of the emelt ]'.,1f., and on Satte,•dRg J� g shootingaffray, public and the night inhourf n egfprecedingandliatTHOS2 JACKSON,Goods, A call respectfullyhave been in the employ of the Mon- p, If, holiday al the how n/ ninerf theeloclr - solieitedr treat Law and Order LeAgue for some P• dI• weeks past, and Afellae is note under 11, That this By.Law shall bo published by SRN inserting the same oncb in am nO,vsp,(per pub- arrest for selling immoral pictures IL,lic<1 fn tha Town Town of nton, -- .-- -11111111111311311111111111.._ while collecting evidence in the li - fit. That, an -- -- tl l ) person d persona con BUTCHERING BUSINESS—THE L:NDFR• H, PLUER01 S%TEEL p Uor reform interest. under the pt o,Isions oVany By -Law of this JJ signed wishes to Intimate to the p°opleat 7 ,r> /� STMunicipality ch the heprovisions of Enc lfthis 13ai Clfntnn nnd surtoundingconutry'; tont in cruor [NOW pal tshop SEARLE S ]BLOCK, C'LI1� TON —A seriousPag accident happened to Act of a bren is le the first section of this n). to suitably meet the demands of his very n imer• e - ' Mr. Geo. Page, a tarnmer in the Town- Low shall be liable to n penalty of not Jess than ous customem, he has bought out the business sbip of Thorold, by which lie near. fire dollars, to be levied and enllecte(I as by stifd of 51r, It. FitzsitndOs, and will carry on the sanity By -Lao's or Act is provided. with Eire choicest meats in season. Every effort �A191iR & WILSON, practictil painters, navo lost h19 life. II0 WA9 eXerCls}Ug the IV; That this By -Law shall take effect and will be mode to mcrt the ,lents of all, nnd he Itmuch Pleasure in Ihtornlfng the public h of C _ Young stallion James Maeklem, when Oomo into operation on the Twcr►fy.Flrst 'Hopes to merit and r,ceNe n fah share of public Clinton and vicinity that they have oponed out @X�-L' T•J the animal caught him by the Day of 11Tay, A.D. 1988. patronrs•e Lowest prices for largo Orrlets. in the ahoy nueiners. IiOuse, ai'•n and general Passed this seventh [lay of May, A. D. ls8s. Farmers` trade a speetalty. AIBERT MAY. painting and gminim , Paper hanging and ceiling —A'I arm and threw him Under .his feet decot;eting in the best style known to the trade, and trampled Itl[ll 9Ufrlcientlj) to 493- .2t _ 1V1LLfA5r GOATS, Clerk -- - -- I Prices n•oderatO. Shop Albort Street, two doors mu%� RED THE •-■ ROCKER STORE break several fibs and otberwieo "C�UI3"f OF ��0 s®� EUREKA CAKED, Inorth offlodgen'sfir) Goods store.400-Jm " Beaus r internal injuries, 'there was — ~ n0 Chance Or escape', as the horse TAiiE NI)TICE that the Court of Revision for —` �_ 0— peYet• let I009e' hit bol[} until the Eft° Town of Clinton will Hold its pest sittingIn 7�hO subscriber has ienecd the balio)•y of SiE• I C'�UL�.�°oR i:9gLG• PARLOR AND 13EDROObI 5L'CTES, SIDE - tileDOdearorth, n few doors west of the Couuuert•ini' 130'ARDS ANT) 'TABLES, Special Often - tion 9iP0YO,t01 a oil. 28t Cloy Cl amber, Town the on MONDAY, Hotel, and will be gtnJ to rgceko n snare of tion is callOd•,to PARLOR ST. ITF. —th;y arc of oto' owl) . inoimfacttl'I'e anti 29tH day not MAY, I88d, at the hour of 8 of the public gb for design, —As an igducrmetit fol- the e9tA• block, 1. It., for the purpose of bearing and recti- Pptr". I lnln and Flinty (tread, fi1HItEE thorougb•bred Durhmn Bulls, Prom 11 material and wo1•I.rnauship cannot be e�cellecl (» tho.conut 1 fling ail tom lainoil Cakce and 1 y of,all kinds,itrrni4hev On short I- to_ 2 mhntns old. ftp Ietered In Dominion 5 blishment of A canning factory at p tai is Pret or errors er the notlec. Onlo hest inateHnl need arrd htrn '+� + 4sicu,a„r7-tyvtg„e-reasennble, Apply its RcteJnher, that all rio(ls tvtll he sola}aAssessment Roll of this present )'ear. Persons ut inneto please the most fastidious tO JA51LS PO'L"r13R, +� t a P,ICI REDtiCTION dnl'ing phe month Meaford, Ont., the council of thatinterested tiro requested to take notice amt gov. palnto.RHNfI CAKES got to to the most 498 tf myth, P. 0. ' of'Ifny. First come, first served. AN TiPDOLSTEHER Oway4 Ott liati(1 ; repairing town have decided to offer •a free ern thcniaOlves ncemdingly' fashionable style. W.M. COATS, Clerk, _ site, exemption ftOtTf62,000otl for Cllntmi,May nth,1888• 405-3t J. A. KING. O �� - Undertakln; :11111 �i1111Yi111111a�h'°att)cnlnit}�dat oto p4ua1 low rates. Night ten years, and adonn of 62,000 for the ---- ~— " E �ARiM�RS same term, Without' interest, to a Cz:7 + N Ell + 'p calla attended to pruhlptly. gentleman from Plcton, who hag s �f Ol SE'r0 LET. -SmnH house on upper hart Stools, )•oilr own interest and go where. r\��� been corresponding with the coulter. Flour and Feed Store' of Albert Street. 1pp1)• to you can sec (V' E' H. . for some time regarding the matter. 480 t iroS. ccarf:R &acv. Reliable p4*,A. Meaford, is ,situate to the centre Of — � DRESS MARING•-Mm banipbel), of London J pellabtUHarness y, , ,RT STREET, C ATR} TRP LIN'TON. one ot'Lhe best fruit districts in On- D• COOK has opened Dress Ata king Roonis over the ' tario," and 'such An industry tbero Dry Good Store of Geo: E.Pn)• & Co., with first- I mannlnetnrc novo but G1,o BeHrop9roctc. — •�ifns Openev n general flo•,r nnd Peed store !n tiro clnes,tss,sfnnts. •She JH in a position to turn out - Betcare of shops ,hat. sell cherry, as Utes/ pace tvotatrJ doubtless be of gre,lt benefit, h dlding up )Oslte l'air's mill, Clinton All Mirk equal to any in, tnc city. Sho rcepecthiD)' pot to line daY Call and seta prices, Ordcre 1 t0 all COACeI't1Cd. Icfnds Of fca,, 9ec4grnin, clo,•Or ;lac! timothy, asksntriaiorder. Rooms o,'orGEO, F.. TAY k e Talloflw»r, tc., Lc , kept in stock and sold at the CG'S, Ur) GlOor1P Storo. b)' moil prmnply attend d ,to—AJ3 Ueorge Griffiths, engine lowest prices for spot cash. All kindH yP grain Peeve, feed, etc., bought ee thin best mf the,[� C',.&3pT1r�,9R,0 wiper, WA800Up(Ing.A COpI CAC t0 a by r do, ed, a c., bought tact to nn ort of the �4 g P y p j�RONEY TO, LEND on good mortgage or Age car in the C, P. It: Ard'fees♦♦stet' lean. G1,'ausshall.-1 m. 1V1 ONTO 3' , _— personal security at lowest current rate of HAItNE�i5 F;IIPOR1UJf, IIT.Y all. he was caught between the tw cars . lntercae. M. McTAGGART. __ _ ,. SHEPHERD P� P Q j.)ROPCRTY FOR SALE. -That conveniently Clinton, Feb. 29th, 1988, 4tf • and crushed to death. The poor JJ situated lotand conln,odlous hruae'on Rai. ��— T-^' • 1e110W lived about talent minutes nice.tenT Albert, at sandpresent occupied by _ HOUSE C�.EANERC r flag Opened but a General, Stock of 3' f with The house a twostoriesand in good ropair, hilt nOVel' 0p01[e Ol• 1•eCOy01'ed con- with nine rnrnns and woodshed, first class cellar, bOR .�tiALIE, . hard nnd soft cantor, also good stable ' Scotch and Oanadian Goods, French Worsted,, ' 9fl10U9e99. '^ The coal ear was :Rtarted .cin the �••••• prem>ses. 1VR1 be sold reasonable n d on caP T Bi 9U ng L tBER ping Por Ante four eligible 1.A 1(}: NO J11S1'A}i1 ,Eva hat's the nicest Irish Tweeds a/% the Latest by 'hand down g mde, to the oth01' ter,ne. possession given ht Once, y J nnitdtng Lots Jronting on Albert 9trnct; also Car, anc� the Accident OCCUr1'Od in THOS. BTANBI:RY, tar fronting On Rattenbury Street; either ray and ne,velit stock of 1 est e�'tlfleS li? Pant stAnding in broadside in of Cttnfon, April 24, 199.4. T"t-499 biro or fu sepat lots, to stilt purchasers. t''or It [ BORDERS AND - Ings, &C., �rom the eery best Man4faeturers, bidewaps in makin the •c�oupling be- 7�NTRANCE EXAMiNATION9.-The exnntin. '1 382 tvtho nndorsignul•-F.. WALL PAPERS, 60RDER$ ANp tweets the ordinary' freight coupling 1� noon for admission to the lligh schools and i 382 Cid, Male 'dint .Fit Gllaranleett A 1, and Prices as' L•ozv.cts a41� oilier ' collegiate Institutes of the County will be held CEILING DECORATIONS Hottse in the Trade. and the liiiltereoupling. Ile leaves a I, CLINTON, SHAr01tTfi and WINGHA51, on 0"10 j�q wife AndFatlr"smallchil[lren, P.11.10 n,fithandethofJULY,eommeneingatl,3o dr,//Oe�, N to he found in town. Something entirely IshopNext Wa>stts Wng Store. ,A Trial OrderS6lleitell. p.n,. on Walnesdny. All candidates who intend new nnd novel. Call a»d see as. No a " t° d ri i Will send names nnd address°s to the � 8NEPA�ItDt � ALBERT -ST.) CLINTON r;rnTtirSundersigned, not Inter than tto 24th Mn seri• To ore when )'on ore ,veer of bch) trouble to show rolls. ' 31 p ) g gra 11 and f( 1 JACKSON.—On } y ` f) fou at ahlat Place they wish to �'rltr. A fee want,tO know where toil coin got a ri. 'i•—On T7tesda' May 9th. the I of filtvicents will be required frmn"'each pupil. DOLLARy worth. ��%,V� . �OO� %vire of Mr: Thos. Jackson, jr,, of a ThisalBhnpnld to the rresidinIt� Examiner on CARSLAK� �/M .LIJ. dnuxhtnr•, the first dn)• of examinoitlOn—D. 51ACG, SLALWC", • W: THE NEWS -RECORD + 'InspectorPOblicgabools,Huron. 494-8t Custonlraporing,Cleaning, DyfngendRepaIfng. 14XA�'I:R BLOC1C'BOOl( 91'ORE, FpR FINE PRINTING, ay ' W � T 4f •`xr N.. •>b,. d. 5.:. W r:'Y �..., CyV -. o. ... .,: /.e `I '� 'T• a" �. r n) -.J.- ,. L... .. ,...,. .'r is:: . --_ ..';,.tYn... ,. ..n.�.•i. __. w.�G.,.:,L.. JYe;+.' [ .,..» _ _ • x t