HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1888-05-09, Page 4a.
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tlYlti:lhl, $:lltll ttiitlt Ir, .r!in 4 r..► .it�tl} IAfi:.i"-,.M. Glleit7t e o b. ~
��f� wgnffewsTflepord a e w i � �� Q�.a�v, �, al',1�.D'(lttddill�e,, W.
sotl'a'$tll t3r.1teudi the Scan .Q�,ct :�,1ry, strut. do:. i1 x}n.e l uto�rttt �i s� � ��#t.e:: 'rnsouur 09"'had bpQ , nQ4.41 u , . I
.unit; .fpr,.of E4t1tI19rtt over t}tq' so totxs: p lh . P 1 r n 4'et .
� .-34B.0ti I lie Ifo.uso 'with -sac p nrt0ra
1 p.S n.�ar .IiugtaCGurIng0'6'wpr
31.5Q cur—$}• l , ty11Sl .Oo.U�g1CllC0 Uf til f11.eGtOr9 2'
I-.-�.-•_..- � �. Ittly uk CItt�1Qn, +vo �:Iiluj��cl syafih
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e s lie',. an -
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tuns, 't[te anOst 1111 ttnAf; barn its a.ul. satfsfioti wf the coxuauy I forgxn, atter ttGteriitg nu an-ittano "'"
9i e�itloallmy, !%;Q 9' 101, 1S88, atl iuT It is .a lti to tllq otltG of 1,r g , , � � � „ ... _.
,the latter,, tho clauiaftivitt'„ po5lel b tuba ,.o ad tit � and receipt Cur money asstlntsd f;p ` `;
._ _ _ -� _, t esu ] It -. on, a 199; -I sh�it-
,,, to sa'tluh p.re:misoy tit' night was tbeitc, gro•nl.on .1u iff tubo; i# u2t so hnv bcou Bald by. hilm to a 1lliss -..,.
.' . I. ADITOR��LG NDTI.S. ,
Gain e
181"'l, , .1 I .
. struck pat.' faru]hq.r with a.bualvs laitgual,*o as. Y, R1i .employe ill tine ClillSou eea ., •
1 , I 1.'�"''"'" -' SOUr earrespowlenta ofSti turdoy, aro o!I1pe. Miss Gaultey doll'ied the
1'ho (.,ul.uiian Exoctttivo has1111111111
it( policy of Unt•esh•ioted Rias- °tett who 'r:znow -their rights, alar go.nuilionesA u1, the signature and the
assullle'1-ta•1,hu :tut pa9aad by,parli:t- kuO\\iu� tier:° lunintails,r' au,] 1,\l ue 1.0004,1, of, the muoliv, lint it alrpear• IS ItIGI T UPON THE, HOUSEI`;I.t1� PER AND . , '
.. - -O?{a•�,y.lmq- ruu�li,t• into.,,ttre,., Lib' havitll; g•tt rl•i of this old 111116 of the ed that the .ttr t+
_._ ._
[nesntr ra'tirying the PWierius `Prouty. ,�-- _� 1 buue r hn,j do,lliuon t
stat damp n Ilugy unin;boT of pnwrty sea, ++ ivtti3 n ti a r,t►�^tren3:,�; ort ort? Bente-t 1T -ii e4lilfve of ivltia t tie`" -_ .:w.~»••-•••••.
",' All of which the Globe anva goe,i lu tako etwo,-4kut )to is not ielu5ts'url to -�,""
oring fullowut•s Is the child -like that os,tiuu• had prod out mouuys or given ,
• show duct 'tho Gul:tdian \finitalars o p nignera worth for her, and that : {V9 a'
nut[ Waud w:kl• Ilse 11outireal Wit- It is iu4ima',ed 01A I aur not ill " w5 �::
rite uppused to the lloaty +wh.w.l1 there was room fpr duubt whether,
mess 1► -is of boonliu * thR harattitl full, accord,tvi411 the Itefurtl party to this .
. ' tl►eywh;twH rhos aanetionad. matter, if so 4o ] inch the worse for RAsnmijlg that prisoner had forged .
,� 4 _ _ It\+►>arrijeeGt�rlhya.1413lrffv of it for the Reorm htrtj;,,r fur any party tilt' receipt, he hall dune so with an T!' E NOTED DAY•GOOI)S ]IAN, is rend}+ to su i 1 0� wttitte of I
I F y
['lee GlobeJI,,,,s dinVyerA-a. pot of rice Goverunluut whi0 oppo,ted Mile who will und�rt.alco to snb,pitutt, gun• illtltutfull to defraud. Thu judgo told even the °lust fastidiaus. We bhye a ,
gold at the end of the rainbow. fad. TilesamdGgvor'tn tllt.:s►c+:u1�Lh• iz�ntl..�'xulaiJ)AWi1-#t"` .ol�-lit Option. If thrl,jury Itlisaud directed un acquit. ,
in 1,0 the GloLe faced the l,attlo has W be fought uu that
o '+ �Gha uo\i par. tel. I'+vo Ot11el' allnllRl' Chnlgea m 14
'1'hu find fR 0f its cgnally yalunble o 1 lieu la '1,t c�me. 1±,vi•u if successful t the prisoner wea•e siptiartf HandsQ.�a a lot of �a�,r - 4Ju��crlt,1ns ''` -
' ftJ;rtinA p y
i,; , n irate with the geuaral nothfngno liameut with a nu+jorit,y et' only out'.- It cut not stand. It wa, tried in c, It
N Brunswick, Alld C 1U41?d the OYOr• disposed of. hdmtiuda 'was next
in which the labored uffures of By condemning Unrestricted- Ito , . r tried on a.charge of embezzlement
•rn of a •.lniietiry ivvl repeal of the a ranging in price from 50r ., up to $3.00, which are $oilcan like hot cakes.
1 that journal :lull iG9.p+arty for tha last procity the Government has iucona- '7tiv ill the sp,00•nf six months• of n sewing machine, the property We have. a fine assortment of BEDROOM CURTAINS in Colored
derails bus endwl• od its majority front l to 51. This W. SLO►v, of the company• It was proved Netts and Scrines, which give a very cheerful appearance to a, room, The
_______- N rather a peculiar tuorlo of ad,liuh Blyth, Airy 1. that lie had received the machine, ' balance of ontr
An imp,3rtant rlauso of 'the am strHLgtt to the Liher;tl r:ut.y. had falsely rejtorted it as leased'toa
1 ` Alts. Alathoson, whereas in fact he 1.,�+ �y �y �y
andm0nt to the lib,l law reads as ---_-- -- - Huron Assizes, Spring, 1888. had leased to bar another machine C'arpeS �o be run old. A 1 COST
` follows:-oLvery proprietor, P11lx. 1i,ev• ,Andrew Wilson at tho Tor Before Jeatiee li0lataro, seooud-haud and less valuable ; that `
Ifaher, editor •1,r othns perautt oh ug- onto Presbytery last waste Ea rj th;lt I`he husint ns b,•I'ure tho Court he haul not aceouutc+,1 fur the Miert. In foot if you requii'o anythinb in. HOUSE FURNISHINGS it would `
oll with the >uhlication in a nows- "nine tonths of t1le Covert • nn,] tug machine its tiny way and that it pay you first of all to call at
1 l ) took up the whole o1' last week. .
p,a,lor of any defam-holy libel shall crime in' the. laud arose front the 1ti'tkbor v. Stoiuh,ack-Aetiou fur could out be found anywhere. The i
I Iprisoner was convicted of larcou,y• Robe-rtso� s Great Clash store f
r' be dealt with indicted tried and use of ardour spirits." Tho Rev. A. mnliciuus prOseeutiu;• ,Collins for AIr. Garro o•, the'prisoner's couns,'1,
. ptiuiahad in the 1aroT171e.O in which Ii.IAlcl�ny,liuutr 1 0 +r-�rertr,e--,1111 ref+•t•es4m4 1,9
anch person roaideR or i; which a series of excellent papers ill the consent diamissiva the caso \with to the court for a merciful seutouce,-.---•- -•- ..
full coats. Ilia Lordshi pantini adve ted strongly such newspaper is printed." The Prsalt/toricfttlZeaica,0utit(ad,c`Scrip. l o y 1)ANr1sItUUS FOOD ADULT the chief aids to rho cook in propar t
4., Grit1iu • v. Griffin -Motion for on the abuse by the prisoner of the - BRA Y'ION. inn- perfect and wholosomt', food.1.
i' word "newspaper" herun9ed a{,iplfes torp Illtlatratious of the shorter Jullgnl"tit on pleadings. Ilolt 1'ur position of trust occupied by him, - Vhile those are to bo obtained of
' only to pahlic'atious' isaned' ;at inter: Gtathechianl," ill expatiating on the pill'; dit. nett represented by counsel. and said ,the.evidonee for the Crown The Fraudulent use of Alum well-established a•oputatiou, like the '
d . ' vale not osceeding tweilty-six seventh commandment says :-If it Jndgmeut tluclarfng 1,11,3 deft is showed a deliberate dot,ire tuappro- and Lime in Cheap Raking Royal, of whose parity thorn hna
1.:• ec indebted t0 the plff in the sum of ,lilts the Sfut,t r A4Runfautnrfu++ Powders.
y11e. days. can be.said of drunkenness, It V In g never been ,t question, it is proper
�w -- --- has slain fits thousands," it can be $5001 anti interest front 11th Oelo- Company's property and to defraud to avoid all others.
her, 1881, ,uul that the . land his employer•. His Lordship avid If uo.uaumera prefer •to buy an (I
Archilxild Campbell, who +\'ns said of Impurity, "It hst3 slain its mentioned .therein, tho north half Ila had intended ta:sentence him to adulterated article u1,' rood because
1,h, • - doclureel elaewd fur tite county of tens of thousands." Air.. Alertly of lot 1); Lake Mange. Ashffalrll, is three year's in the Provineii posit• ik call be had 'ata lower price, they' Guelph, Clinton, Goderich. .
sfs tient at the geuural elections in 7• char+awl with the Jaymont of Cha t utinrv, but on account of his tam- undoubtedly have the right.todo so, —• �
deals in facts, 11 r. -Wilson ill more m 1 1ho+ideil the adulterants are -not of A tat•=coati influential deputation •
1887 by 113 majority, anti who was same and full .rusts of suit. Refer• ity and other cousiderafdiouA which l o p
declamation. • euce to the stoats; ,it Goderich t0 had been ur++ a ch,uncter injtaiuua to health, If waited .oll Chu Hoil. AZr. Yope,
. unseated 1'or 0orruipt practices, wu:i --.. _-..._ _ .. _.- ged in his behalf he ,
,:: .
find amount due for principal, would finposu it aoutence of six such aftiole9 illy not'`TaTioly sold as Minister of -Ruiiways, at "Ottawa, I
C re-elected IR9t weplt by 96 mavrily. In. South Huron the 110ear of lure and the oustonhor is not do- hist Friday, to i -
P iutarost and •costs, Hall to fix rho moutll.a itnprisoumOnt ill rile Con'. 1 y, present the claims to
The GIc,L,r ul,iirirs I•his :►s another of the Scott Act tuns carried by a ma- time for payment of same In tral �>rison. ceived as to their real°churncter, the public aEaistalice for the extension :
l''` tht+ sai-willed triurnplia for cotnmer- ori( of 531 votes leaving out default of payment a,lle of laude, • transaclion is not illegitimate. ' of the G'nelph, J'uYt'ct'ion railway' I
- j Y , o The Queen v. James Lennon, ,
` cis; :.inurxfrtioti curl the Grits. This „Stephan, LJsbornennd Exotor, Onn subject to the dower uY Catherine j1. -7•ho- grand jury came foto but the gloat danger ill the traffic from Guelph to Goderich vitt Sea• • 'i
P' rel iielkll tn:tjurity , of 16 would nut abort year neo DIr..Tohn Mcl)Ifllau, Csrilftn. court with R true bill against the in adulterated food arises from the forth and Clinton. It will 11E
Henry ,v. Penfouud-Aution of dufeudaut, JRII1eR Lenon; jr., for deception that is practised by nlnnu reuleuibered that a road . is now 1
_. annus; tri ho Much of a triumph for the ropresrntntive of Cha "rid'lx1g, 8ellnCt1011. HO'IIIIHatptl' for plff ; perjury. F;is lordship ovderud that facturnrs usually ala9sfug suchgoOr:(s building from CainJ,bt•Ilvflle, o,1, the
any Ono but tile Conservatives, os- said in parliament th•it the Act was Holt 1'o"r (left. UaAn withdrawn by' the trial of this indi�tmont be tra- ns Pure. This is aIinmt, invariably. Credit galley hrfuich of Chu C. P. R.,
;""', parially is the whole power of the a success and, (was .,is well enforced collsoltt• versed until nest asaios, the tiufeud- done when the adulterant is one to Guelph, 'wiliel, roan will be coni- - .I
ff`''." Outaerio Guvernment (vas brought as any law on the Statnte book. etc, Nilson v. Alessott-Action ou a .ant to enter into his rocottnizanoo that is injurious; to health. For in' pit -tell this sunimer ,u:d leased to
V •, t•o bele' in Alr..'.Canl ,bolt's 1;avor. ' $250 stance, manufacturers of aluni bilk- tlli, U. P. R. The proposal is to
1 Mr. llcAlillan a own township of Pruttiissury Hutu. •Osler. Q. L., fur, for.$500, with tu•�u sureties of
plIt' ;,Cameron Q. C.,, and Ca itpiuit each. Defetrdant, :Tanrev Lennon, ing powders not only foil to inform extend this blanch i0 miles to .
f '. _ ,,,,, ,--,- , Hullett, which he for .many years the public of the t'e:tl eliarat;ter of....Guderiuli through portions 'of , file
Tile Honorltblo Secretary of Slate+ anti Hastings.for tleft. •Jury •roltrutl Jr., cui•oralrl into his" Own r0cogutz-
representod nit Lteeve, gave a major-. at 4.40 p.m., ill charge of John. euce for ,$500, James Wilson into theft g0uds,,but .carefully conceal G'ouutiea of \Velliugtoo, Waterloo►,
"' . AIr• Chit;,lann, h is br,en fund, out, ity of 124 for Repeal. T}ie gentle- ltoid, and returned at 5.30 I,.q1., his fur X250; and JanicaI,etu�or, sr., the fact that, they ore turtle trout` Pt rth ,incl Hutraai. l'he following
' at: loa9t by the Globe. !•Ill is' un- man dons not represent his own with -n verdict for defendant,, -aud into.his fur $250, that, tit e• defend- these poisonous art•fcles. 'Host df uompnsed tilt' Ilett station -Froin
x . these manufacturers also claim that '(fuel ,h -Win. Lail re•ident of
IS it hecau90 110 bice been- "gut- immediate localit • or his riding on Otis lordship ordered that judgnlout ant, Jntnes Lennon, j.r., will appear 1 , P
', - v, <t /1 } be entered for (iefondant with full anti try his traverse un tlhis, indict- their articles urs Auto and whole, the Guelpb 'Juuctu,n P.ail+way CuPrl-
douH' . untshuue Rnd outranked
thin puticnlRr question. And we Mont at the next sittiugA of rho some, wjtile Eome.go still farther pully, null Jantt•.i Gcddie • front
costs of stint•
by everybody in (�uehec whether do not haz5rd much, in snyiuV. Ig that Iiillam v, Alcliride-Action ot1 High Court of Justice furgthe tri,,, and'proclainl boldly that tboy are GO•lerit;h.-Clittrtus Serlgtr, 1nyoG, .I
Grit or 'Cuey: Afisorabty uniryali:> if Alr• i\Felt illan's tut hollb of I of criutfnal causes fur this cuuntr creaul of tartar;gooQs, ori even the F, W. Johnston, Reeve, • Wm.
l.', l Y promissory rote. C9 arluw &Proud• y' goutl]n0 Royal Uaking ' I, uw(Vir it- L uw ,l r fl town cls, k and 1.. Iliad,
K. 'Chaple•,u ' to be so politically doad annexation were submitted 'to• the foot for plaintiff ;. BeA for defen- The Queen v• ,Toshaa F. Bear.- 'self. -NO oplUunior will buy • aliill* 1 � '
r y cliffe ; from Clinton -A. H. Man-
- Mynd yrt. retain the'.cunfideuce of electors of South Iinrbn, it would dant. Verdict by r consent for Prosecution- `wader the Charlton -baking powders knowingly,, for it.is nine
. Chu puuplu of your ,own 1'roviuce to . bo buried ballot a tna ority four ,FlaintiR for 5455.93, \vfth fol[ Costs Aet for the Exduction, by rho de. �, Deputy rt,eve; null Wlrl.
j \well uuderstciu'd that they tiro do• Doherty Clam• Swnfrirth -D. D:
:' n very uuulceicl degree and to .be on dni,es greater tbail'the 531,giy6ll for of suit.• Judgntevt .onteied occur fondant, -of Sarah �luu Little, a ¢irl trilnental to :llealt.h. Tha sale Of Wilson, �Reeeve, and Dr. C,'oleman
4 of Lha most admired of French Jingly. over twelve aud_u:n.dersixteen years limo and alum baking Powders n. 1 I
Otho ;;,peal of the, Scott Act. C.arnochan v. White -Phis teas of iioy •She aud the ,ii•foudant hart o '( � Y: from Llwira-John 1,„tz, Ree+'e , . I
pure and \wholesome. nrtipha 1s,
r. Cnundiolts ill Ontario. Ali, niitwr- `t an seri°°. tyhOrH n parent, :+ fnfuiul buou keeping company while efts froul Woolwich -Dr•. •. Pasm,mrr: ; -.
;. able uta;, to be such n livelycor At, q. ons. +vvrkiug tar a clomrstic servltnt thet0fufe, cimival, call it is saris- '£torn \Vol,tesley-J. W. Oaks. 1'lie
y 1 .) Hard Hits, but Honest 'Ones. ' who owns 200 acres of 1;+11,1 in the fact•0ry to notice that'-sevoral per- uu•inbora „f the rte utatio,t .,tri+
and et GluLedead. Go\vnshi.p of Grey, brought Snit to at the t(efeudent'A fathur't lease EOus engaged iri such ante htvo al• !'
where defondaut was also livint- • I_ Acc0111pir1111?,i by newer,il wentt,el+ of
I The folloniiin frolic Dr. Sloan, a recover damages agauhst cf0ft, for o ready boon brought to ,jusUua to the the Iltiune, iucludin \irnarn:l'urier,
s the Senl'urthFx�oritvr fa wtiltin proul,nentRe,forrn;r of Last Huron, theseduc,iun of his daurrhtur. Thu' A child was bar; 'tit th.o fall of .
1 K appeared in the Globe of last Fr.i- g o 188% -sovou mouths after the alleged courts. Innt-�, lluAlillan and Trow, M►•..
up to u1aR fact that the .too tie of day:- girl was allowed to work out by hot ; 0 1'ho official analysts have roeout-
. people
father, :Cud ryas seduced ,by dei seduction, anti defondent dtinied y Innes ittroduced the deputation iiutl
Hnruu are in 1'ntor of tnm 3ernnee Sia., -I ro ret that ly been active fu the pursuit of these stated tbu ob e�tOf their iutervirw,
1 >; you should otnployrr, White, who wits 'rt saw his guilt. 1,t cstmo out fn the dlalteuest articles, Tho',ba]si11, J
;t - as anaivat forced total abstinence. have, tlhltt�ht it lleCesa&Py 1,0 allow 00111,90 of the ovideuca that the g lir. Por•'er int,roduae'1 the speakers
r' _ o soino anonvmous scribbler to bring tnillet•, ill Chu township of Grey. _'powders of several States have been from his section. 1'hH gentlemen • .,
I We are e1u ,line,} to ftn,( that ucnall 1' White is a nrurirtsl m;w. Gluro\v gHl n father•;had been advised by n R' 'l
. i' Y me f6rward a, the Only person ill , solfcil.ur 1,0 J'atlnoucu,criminnl pro- carefully and critically exatningd• representing tMilereu•t'seetiotis
'1 wide awake jourunl at this tato day Dino counties worthy to91e pilloried & 1 t0ud4'oOt fol pllf ; \'tide fur 1 Tile officials are surprised at the thea resented tile, ctuinis of the
•fn your cOlurnns on account of the deft. Verdict by.eoi.seut for $500 °codings for the seductiou in order P
' discoveriug�a new kind of temper- largo amount of liliie and alum
�eott.Aet dufaat,'ag a leader of '`tl]0 and costa. to settle the alfttii by getting clam- g rend, 1,h,: nor-akar, I,eiitg 1lasrs,
ansa. . '1'he edge told tbo ur it ;roods found: It < is a suggostive Bell, $eager, AlauwfuK, \i'ilson,
Rnee associlitiou in the 6005 elctor8 scum of the; earth,” etc., or as Mr. o J g
\ 11, north ole anti• Golding v• Alurra)• Aetiou to r J 9 fact that no bakim, puwder except liatz Yu,suloro and Oaks. 1'hev
++•he voted in favor of tempel:3itee y ' g v put it in 'the construe a bill of sale and doles tllitle ++°slid be uusal'u t0 convict du such the Royal has been found without '
,. same column, one of the c'despera evidence and the defendaut was no- poitlted ont that the road would
on 1,ho 1.9th :1pr11.' 1I10 va9t»1ajOr- nous and outlaws" who have defeated an ,account between plaintiff anis either lime or slam, and 'many con p,tH, widv\ay between khe.u,uin lines
fty of the paopin of Huron have til_ the Act, and, with your pernli sign, defendant. Collins for plaintiff quitted, titin both. Dr. Price's baking pow , r
' The (ween v, Charles Meyore.-- of the G. T. R. alid the Wellington,
ways beou in favor of temperance, I would litre a word fn reply. Garruw Q. C., and Dickson for � dor has beon found to contain nonny Gra it division of that, s ti
defeat];rut. Judgment fur defend. Assulted on Charles Smith, acid J. 12 tet• cent• of little Cleveland's Y y'� . ,
A ower has arises, is (hie country o
find they compose the Liberal Teal P Y •. • H. Ro'bertsou constables while tell]. They stated', moreover, that•
in the la9t 1wer.ty years, a.rr<lgabiritI ttnf and full costs.' t + 11 per ,ee it: of impurftios; the this section of ' the country Ilad
pernucl) Association of 1110 county ; to itself extraordinary authority. serving Scott Act papers .A Bayfield 11109 tlut1,o powder over 12 for scut.
y Gibbous w'. Clark -Action to set I 1 I I newer hall the advrtnta�e of a rail -
the • are all honorar lull honorable Originated by a few noisy agitators,, aside ;a conwo •°nee oa fraudulent lir• Icing, cos n, counsel; on behalf of lime.
y y � and oinod b ' wit subsidy front the Government. '
i , _ nlentbers• J y many well rueanina; (x;arrow & Pn udfoot for Plainlfll' of the oro\vn,, moved fora beech The chief service oftmo is to add Y Y
,: . meu, drawn to its ranks by the bene- ' warrant against Charloa Moyers who Tho miuiator expres.ed hiuiself as
1 io. - fats remised to hernanft ;-iQ hoe be- C:unero❑ l�. (,•,• anti 1fai,tings fOr g y weight. It is true that lime, \+:hen
p Y _., t answer. His favorably impresspd %ith the ease '
' �n.;1 tt�t riouil paper ".b.lo'\va"about come ....a Juggerua.ut, whose wheels ')tifundta4 ,Judgmett.t res.ul.vod-. IordAht i113a d �l utiT subjected 1,0 .hunt; gives off s cettcaru tirade. out anrf roti;';i•,1" 1,n"hi ft ill
_-._•.. threaten to crush auv or all who ' Lanlhortas v, Dalton-Adtion for ., w dant c u t id gas, butt u the most favorai,le li,+ht before his
p le a o r i amount OF carbonic tic
,t Ah, et. of manilla Jrtlt+n six miles iti qquestion its oaitions''or dis pntil its bo, and it was accordingly iasned. uieltlimei is left -a caustic of tnvat
dictation. P' 1 negligontly settiug out a fire in the The °eon v. Neil liurrn ,- e011ea,,ue:s.'_,_Ile iutin,at, d, I,owev,er,
.,: , langth sod five feet wfde \vilhoitt n township of Ashfield. Criworuu & Q A powerful nature. Asmall quantity that further details as to the route
brrialc ►nada at a paper mill- at It lens bamboozled the clergy, and , , Assault on Charles Smith -And on of dr • lime upon the tbn ue or in 111
1 1 ^ Holt for pl'II ; Garro 'C I luudfoot y p g w alld the finallcial ba?ii3 of till- schellle
1- Iset them to preaching verittons prow• John Honry,,hobertaon., catlstables, rho a e noduses painful o 1
Athens, l.xn.•, the gthm, d;+y. While for deft. By consent of counsel all eye, produces F 1 0ects ; must he 9eoura•d brforo a vote could
tng prohibition Sciiptual and quot- in disebarge -of duty at Bayfleld• how touch urore sm'io'ue moat these 'I
A +lllall 1,U ion In allt:tt'10 "rl0\Vna" in" .Divine revelation in supobrt of IIIatLe1'H 111 dlsplltb referl'rlll to James \ell hurray, on boiug called, did Offecta b0 011 rile d011CatO Itteurbthese be assured. t hese details will he
allCll 1}IC11U111 etVa1 q'UI'1C 111 tie the provisions Of tile Scott Act, in Sunlerville, ofl.ucknuiv, with power and sent oil. A part, o �I
1 both of whfeb efforts, as stndouts Of to finally determine matters in not sus\\or, AIr. I{iury crown crane prepared f
' o of the stomach, inteatiues and ]cid- thr, do ;uta., 1
vasie9t°ulauner ioAsiblO on t.11e fir9t spl, moved for a bench wart°tit ria 9 more Inrticul;ul of infants 1 t`on, instead of ctlniing to
i tit(' \Card. would iufer,tlloy havo Karl dispute and coats of suit and gofer, y'' 01,1.t+wu went on to Jfoulreal to
ver indiflet•enti succeK4. -It has enee. Rgaipat.him. The war. was ,1,c- aud• ehildroul nud especially when '
oll'urf. :1 1ocr1 napes" snya :-The )` eord�ingly'issu,,d. the lime is tftken into the the 'interview the 0. P. 1t, authoridev
' . nr,ehint-ry in ilio Cnnpbollford, ca•nsnd them to withdraw thetn•ine The Grand jury brought in true as,tO ,the arrangements for the line. '
sari tinbstitute agrape syn jn •tl,e I o The Queen c. Loftus E. 1)arioey. system <Itly after' day, aud with It Seems likely'that the road will hu
t►nt" pnpfrr mill wag 9tartetl oq celelmatiun of the l:ncharist, without hill, agniust James Lennon jr., for --Subornation of perjury. O91ery almost avcy ;°coli This is said by
*1. Monday morning and ran steadil tht, sanction ur• authority and con. hol'jurY ; Joshua F.. Baer, illi0t , .. pushed forward to •Goderich this
y Qlc• C., for deft.•moved that the trial ph3•sicians to lie one of the causes
1.f', trar;v to the tencbinf; of the Scrip. connection ;' Charles AIyeP and Neil of this indietmont be postponed of itidigostion', dyspepsia, and those st•nnon =Grube
until '1`himaday morning, i4 hours, tare, ill this matter, as indisputably linrr,ty' for assault on constables
f. n'ithont n brenlc,' and during that show; in Cha Presbyterian rlln,gc,zinr. •Smith anti llobert9on ;�T,. T Dan- until Chu voxt aittiug of this court painful disonacs of the kidneys now -' -•.
tfnid 11;11.0 Iwai tn+tle, a sheet of for rho cllvieut month. cey,'s«bornation of perjury ; J. W. ' on rho, blotted of unavoidable ab- so prevalent. , Hundreds have used' Powell's
it has buJleloznd the polibdcan9,anll Alauser, forgery ; \\r. 'Watson, S'au sones of deft. ltfa Lordship order Adn(teratiou with little is quite ata Sarsaparilla and Burdock for dyspep•
'; hnildin", piper 30 ]Miles long and 110 roan can ,;gaunt Inimsult far Pat• r oil it to be so travelsod. q _,...., ria, indigestion, and as &Blood puri.
3" inr.hes wide. 'to tiau caloa9 ho t hit° rsocl b the Norman, `John lfuppor. Oto, Ilial The Queen v. William Watson much to be dreaded'as witTi "olUrn, fier. Price 50P. a• bottle, Solb
j; . • y tmh, W. \iciculs0u for wuuuding Z which has heretofore received the all dru ists: 488.21 Y
D91'-w)nu Alliance, or seta° other +. A all.Ranalor ti anNorman; John most emphatic condemnation from
1'1111 1 anlron blit pi0s and spar lots , ( 1iod . Hence the \with itltent to maim ; throe tree - �.�
I J , high•s�,nudiu � y 11,)oper, Geo. 1 -luaus ,and William -
'' who seemed a noodly lort•ion of neer"Pers elected discus.,; imposatlil0 bills against T. G. hc9mouds for Gardiner Nicholson. 1Vouudin food analysts, phyaiciane and chum -
#t • g ( g tsts f =The new License Bill a y
prohibitory laws or Jtavul,v ttines forgot;y and two for embezzlement ; or the reason that while alum passed b
! 4 J
' moony suhacriUOd by deluded Can "bnucomh•,'' tuotions upon 1'rohibi• E.' R. Bissett, asmult ; .J• H. Hyud• with-inteut I,o 'maim,. &0. AIr• tray bo partially dissolved by 'the the New York State Legislature �•
tion to sati�f tltoir con ltitueuts King, -counsel on behalf of the places the• minimum fee for a' full
adilnle Tor Choir 0nifnent aervicPs Y , man for as9aulting cun'.itable. Bills host of baking it is impossibtb to liquor licianse b1,
and rim two saloony in the Parlia thro++u ou0 : Stanley for crown, inoved the postponement Of destroy' or chane the nature of the q $300 and the m&xl-
during tho recent! Scott tier cue- nieut Buildings a'9 a lractical coni- HenryY Y the trial of this iudictmen•t till next g mum at $1,000; and the minimum for lil
'! ► benat,iality , John Erwin, assaulting limo so that the -entire amount in beer at$100 and the maximum at
te9ta, foo retnrniug to rho ilutr( of rr,rutnry urlou 1,h it absurdity. constable . John Hauno forgery ; assizes on the ground that oro+itu tyle baking powder passes,• with all $400.
t Chu brave and hula of the free to It hNs terrorized the public press ons not read Gnrrot6 (1,l, (,., for
P P Yau I{. Vnn Norman assault and y ;' its injuriou9 properties, into the :_. •
.. ttilce n rest and enjoy their ill gotten ane] oveiu those eciitorti who felt the highway robber Windsor' Bakdr tho`dofendnnt,bbjoctotl. IIiA Lord stomach. .
aNinedity null injustice of the Act ° Y y 5 ehfp� said he could not force the To have good health use Powell's.
gains, '1'1111: • flbout Irish servant •have been afraid to conderim it, with and Dick, larceny ; P. 0 Douohnp Croiwn oil, and traversed it until The large profits from Llip mauu- Sursaparillaand Burdock, itnlcanses '
girl in the 1; nitnd Staten sabserib- vbry few exceptions throughout the assaulting ti cousGable. facture of •limo and alum baking a6d enrlehea the blood. Price, 50c. a A
next assizes; druggists. 488.21
Ing of their e;trnfn� to support such country. The (cocoa v. ,James 11,'. Alanser, _ ... powder has placed many of th'ont bottle. Sold by all
It has done more. It issued its r•-Prosocutioh fur forget- in the market. '.they aro to be Y
binthorAkiies as O'Donovan Ptt9sn 1 J -The increase in population in -Premier Parkes of New south
orders last voar that its adherants Prisoner was convicted. The court found,in t7to stock of almost every
'' Thoae,+vho subscibo mousy ill Can. +vers nut, to support Lonucillors or in consideration Of Ubo prison0r's Galt for 1887 over 1886 was 375. retail dealer, and aro -urged upon Wales, has promised that the Chin-
{ adit to pay Yankee blatherskites to iteeves orevc], a school U-natee who previous ekeellent character and -of -The population of Ingersoll customers calling for baking pow- ese will riot by allowed to land in
,j. would not fa11 clown and worship his shows an increase dVetr fast year of that Colony.
;, toll the people of Canada Hutt they brazen, imago which these. partes the two months' period of imprison• Soo dere upon all occasions. Because
'?, aro a drunken crow, ate far more to have set tip. Ment already tp+ u1, ,by him in the-_-"Abeordin tb an advertisement of their well-known detrimental -" `
count ail released him on his g character it is desirable that prompt Have you dyspepsia ? if so use
•be ceusured ' the ' pretend to be Zeit a wondet° that men racked In Y J in a Brockvflle paper relating to a P P '
,, - y 1 qwu reco uizancos in five huudf•ed a means be taken to suppress their Powell's Sarsaparilla and Buedooh ;
the cradle of British freedom and g town contract condition is The PP
more inC011igent tlinu rho fmproa• claiming liberty of consciences should dollars, to app0ar for sentence when contractor to expire on 30th Aril manufacture. � the most powerful remedy„in the
f . siontable Irish sc'rvaut girls.. awake to their position, 'and with I called uj,on. 1889 April,
-Pure baiting powdots fire one Of marizet. Price 500, h bottle, Sold by l
, all druggists.. 488.21
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