HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1888-05-09, Page 2I r , , .11 r u . : r I ,1 . .. -. A I � ., ... - ,I I11 .m-n....r..,-rm. ....-, y •,-,,,--+rr-*•..^-:-.._-+*•.nmr,-...m,-.,-,�+�.+�•+�..-••.,.•.^ _ .: .—... .. ... _... . ......m•. -.,•roan -.®,r. -,."+:mm .m,,...•mean„Unrn�••.rmm..,r.xn..^•,•,•r,-rn�...:«•rau, ....nn.-,-•-..,.;.-•-,+.mR+•m-9'^.,'"'^r'e--"-*..••-, �.. .. •.rrTr.-.r p-„aw,r-fir �r ':^^^+ ^�v.*+^a.!:.«"." Dur '1`30410 .- n r h" ° a d v![ d 1 t'�1C+IAIGB`I'F,1. A'1* QRA�1'r. y "lpax?C O '�['1dEl�'Ft Q• ratio li'.,frs i! sad. -ri ZeMbtttti0- . Wi 0�. ..11F. I !. t llCplli C V ,.1C4. .— ia3 eutpt.l aR. $ a $ �'1,p a.pk- in'Wetitr8fri� - 0q4 tt4 [-�Vq1� 17, opts, ,siren �. � 1— ��1►'h a Il )eaob, a seconder of �i'[. �� : � - ..4m 4,Q i" i • 9 ( -'pit use slain fteii ' pXi n 1_p tete hi bast s,ocii4,' .ToroPto. -r 1repbyt0; : �?00I1U0s t ' a ' 1 ,e At Vt'il esbal,o 1'a. Ge-orne 7r„ FPela3r Wadtaea u:3r Morning, em: 0.. z}.:..0 ilio Vit.. t}aa eft y�ton for Lhe estab o . • a King, .Die8. c`l-glgo,' rete>acl tq, observe«ptrtc.tly OM01011y iL,nci'di e.:!#>tiy Ta _ ° 1laLtslUa t saf i eve trade role C,awa,, a 1penrp, eaueesl. rho a,>tilt'st o£ .0 E —cx- , f <p N !ilii!. - d social rules ; ane why 1 Tgr the isle 14x0 Fnasstn�ent for tllta tions between C+ n la . g t It is in Wes Africa that the -per- RegullstiQn of the ,inuor g lad and b p)an, Alfred �1ri.'lllf!in iQr' ". -. �Y,,`e~ vl�� �'0k\_NI P simple reason that they are contln• Tru c, colonies, A1r• Dalton D cGarthy elppinc avith'hie y i%. AUS,. Caine a sepal customs still sulvtve in alt natty changing• What is tight to contslnded that the Canndialfatiu:ers itt also White, and. ae. tnl:.o>a into rbx xl i+iit their horror. Af�aiu and again an - o q day may be wrong to -Morrow, and An hnportant discussion engaged were ,letter off' to -day than the 9ustody at the. seine' itne� POWER PRM PRINTING HOUSE Englfah trader or tt`aweller 11As had 'vice' versa. It almost makes ug . the ,attention of the Toronto prey American farmers. Taking full When brought bci'Qra q mag. s- to look on at these customs"; but tong fqr the r1 tutu of sumptuary b tel• n Ontario titt•0et, Clinton. the horrors were Hover full dos ° Y Y Dilly let on questions of the wheat, he found the average price trate, 'Williams swore. tIm 'the • Y laaw. The bravest union, us dt'ends teal relation of the church to the to the Ontario Partner iu 1885 and • woman was his wife, and had de- � cribed tilt'tlto Gorman missionarioa a state in the matter of legislative . 1886 was 771 cents per bushel and serted him and bio four children. ;$1.50 to Year —$1.25 in Advrance. I he thought of t;ocial blunders. 1 Bouuat, Kuehue, and Ramseyer, Which of us, however \vett tutored enacttn and the relation of the ' were prisoners in Coomaasie et t1Elo yield 22,9;1 per' acre, while in Gains' claimed Iter as his wife, The propridtorsofTelnGou,,RroltNews, p , we deem ourselves! h$s nut, lit one church ourts to the • individual the United $tater the prioo was 72 having - ntartiodti her four ' !raving purchased the business Anel plant time of the native ct:own princes tints or another, cast stealthy glances ••liberty l members as to the use of cents and the yield 11.4 bushels to months ago. At another hearing, „ of Tun the 1tKOORp, will in- future death. As soon qs he was seen to down the length of the table, to see intoxicatin, beverages. The' ques- the acre, which was $9.17 per acre it was, ascortafnod that ilia woman publish theauialgaivatedpapersinClinton, be dying, the executioners began to which one in- the sixth or eighth tions inose from a report of the in favor of the Ontario - fatmet. had never married- Williams, and ' under the. title of "'pits Hunorl News- scour the Country for victims. When layer of forks b our late should �� lzi,coltu," they caught :iny ono,' two -of them y y p presbytery's Cotumittea on romper- This stlatetnont' \vee grooteti, with that his, children wore all dead. ," Clinton is the ,nest prosperous town in be 6nrriod first into so►lricd ; or apes dealing with questions sent chaeta In other products it ane The facts wore also developed that airestern•Outario, is the seat of considerable would come behind, and each thrust which of sa has not hesitated for an down by a committee of the general the same, and although in•sotno in- the negro Gains had a wife and , , 11manufacturing, and the contre of the finest ti knife through the cheek, the tpindes instant whether tva should dip our assembly. These questions were stances Lit price \vas higher in the children' living in Danville, same agricultural soetioll in Ontario. passing over the tongue, and ahau- '• fingers or our iudividnal forte into considered by many member of States the greater yield per Here in state. He was therefore hold for Tile combined circulation of TuF Nmvs,• ,tile slicking out on each side. This the olive dish I One of the mooted the presbytery as iwterfoning' with' Canada mors than countorbalaucod bigamy, and the white coapts wore '� Rrooltn exceeds that of any paper pub- is to prevent the poor creature from questions .just note is : \'t, hat can •the individual liberty of members, it, barley showing a net gain of held for making throats. A large therefore, uusu �msn� l as :ty of �tuadvert sim, "swearing on too life of the king"— be eaten with the fingers I and so ° ns they made iyquiriea as t° voting $2.11 per acre in favor of the Ou- crowd of women gathered before thq medium. I i.e., swearing that if he dies, the generous is the answer giveu by no- for the Scott Act, temperance mea- , t4,rio -farmer ; oats, $3.07 ; rye, magistrate's office, and when the A, sWllates of advertising liberal, and king must die too—in which caro, lcnotwledgod authorities on polite sures fur municipal officials'and $1.80 ; corn,- $10; hay, $3.13, and trial was over they threatened the furnished oil application: Instead of being killed, he would subjects, that it seems as if we were c n J other public officers. At tl►o last moat- potatoes, $4.40, .But it might be petrosa with tar"and feathers. The BTParties making contract for a spool• not only be spared, but ranked about�;`to accept t}tio old platitude i'tg ol',tho lirosbytory Ttov. ])r, lie! said Clint it was unfair to compare negro became fri4hteued and begged fled time, who discontinue their advertise- among the okra courtiers whose that Fingers ,were made before logg submittted resolutions embody- the whole of the United States with to be taken out the back way, and ments•before the expiry of the saiho, will life_ depends on that of the kin,", forks." . It is quite permissible now lug a trioti to which would limit the Ontario, the.. richest province in thus escaped their fury., be chat"god full rates. and who—killed when he dins— a I P to talcs the bones of erne!! birds iu action. of Church courts in the Canada And he (Dir. McCarthy) Advertisements, wlthoat Illatl'ltetleI's as hold till }lis -'lC oath laces Of trust " " ' to space and time, will be left to the judg p the fingers, Tinrl" boldly frits off" mutter of specific legislative meals- would compare the prices and yield - Ment of the Colnpositor in the display, in- and honor. the tender meat. Shades of long urea. These resolutions came up in the States of Michigan and Now p figuring aerted until forbidden, measured b a Besides. those thus caught ever n—Minneapolis has f6e fi snow y ° Y ago, when our fingers were smartly for discussion in - an extend- York, r'which showed the value up and finds that seven feet of sooty scale of solid nonpareil (12 linos to the great chief 'had to offer a victim; but rapped for doing a singular thing ed form, and after a long debate, in per acre in each place in 1885 to be foil in that city during the past inch), and•charged 10 cents a line for firpt the number was chiefly made up of at the nurser table ! Cheoso ata • _.._T—__ ____--]nsertionund;3 pouts a lute for each -sob Y tvhicll part 1i:is-taken �ty all ilio ns fo.11Otea;— winter A aetlaent insertion. Orders to discontinue titn�es"' and prisoners of tvttr. the Also—ho eaten with the ftngers, an • prominent ruelabers, the following Ontario. rilehigan. New York The Ontario cabinet council !net \dwertieements must<be in writiur, • wivdil—painted white, and covered at a recent dinner art' one of olid' Wheat ......... $20 00 $10 17 $14.70 with gold oruamets—sat round th© n party resolutions were carried : Itye.......... a. 60 8 a7 7 37 Tuesday and appointed Charles . rtar,Notices set as READING AfAl n, ° English cousins of unquestioned oats...........u'27 a 91 10.05 Drury, M. I'. 1'. for ]oast S}meet+, the (measured by a scale of solid Nonpariol, 12 coffin, flapping off the flies. They breeding, laid aside his fork, and Whereias, the an"Sembly s corn- BatIey,..,.,,.,16 27 13 08 15 00 rr Tnittee on Geri] er ante asks of those Potatoes ....... 54 27 20 58 25 00 new minister of agriculture. Mr. lines to the ineh);charged at the rate of were strangled at the funeral. SO carried his dressed lettuce to his p liay.....,.,,.,,14 12 12 85 1 3� 11 10 rents a line for each insertion. ware six Pages, who, similarly aiut- to whom heir questions are 'sent Corn...:.. .,.17 85 1100 17 0o Di ury was sworn in his honor the p g , P mouth daintily, with the tips of hie t q Lieutenant -Governor. ed and adorned,. sat by the dead fore -finger and thumb. such suggAstiona as runt' be helpful Tho policy- of unrestricted real- , • Jam$ W��K� man. They had known their fa to At afternoon tens ladies eat dry to them in presenting the subject procity with the United States, —firs. White, widow of the late We have one of the best appointed Job solue days before, but none run tarts, light cakes and "cheese -straws' of temperance to the 'text assembly, therefore, would' not benefit the rnfnister of the interior, will reside Offices west of Toronto. Olt• facilities ill away save three wives of low birth, from their fingers without even re- the presbytery of Toronto, there• farmers, at Ottawa portnauontly with her ". this department enable its to do all kivula \whose laces wore At 011Ce 9U 1 pllOd g furs be,+ to la before said commit• fatuity. The government proposes ofworlc—fromacallingcardtoamanimotli p i t moving their gloves ; while toeaing + g Y ___—...—�._ poster, in the best style known to the bi' other girls. For nine days the back the head and masticating the tee the following resolutions as ex• to grant her n handsome grt►tuity in slaughter went n the people feet- n Pressing theirjudgment rogflrding The Devil Had H1m, flcicnowlemeut of rho services ran- i 11 -raft, and at th'e lowest possible rates g R p P edible pa►t of apiece of asparagus P' g, • Orders by mail promptly attended to. Ing, with shaven heads and -bodies that is held aloft istegai'dod as quite the principles wh h should regu tiered to his country by the deceased. Address painted red, but drinking all Lho a graceful and expert act. late all action of the assembly re- The Rev, John Riley, .who This Stepp is is loaruetl auLhoritivoly, The News -Record, more. And this death wake was to It is to a woman thin we are ill- spotting temperance or tiny oti.or has been nu Adventist preash• this morning, was urged upon the Clinton. Ont be repeated forty days after. debted for thio introduction of the question of public . murals ; there- er tit Council Grove, Kansas, government by many members of When a king dies the victims are custom of after-dinner wine•sfpfng ; fore be it resolved :'-'• for the past sixteen years was con- parliament. and- it is sure to be —` ---- -- slain at the rate of 200 a week for :custom, however,that is by no means 1. That this presbytery is uuaui- vicied in the United ,States Circuit carried out. ttuoo mowths. But there have been so generally observed as it was a mously and heartily agreed ns to Court of sending obscene, muter .Two thousand people \witness- TheHuron4News-Record g Y through the mails. 'On -one occasion eel a most extraordinary event at "greater customs" than these. A few years since. ' The hostess of to. the criminality and destructive b Y $1.50 a Year -9t.25 lit Advance. king's mother died in 1816 ; her day, who, tvhou the, last course is nature of the sill of drunkenness the Rov. Mr. Riley visited Indepen Athens, Ga., lately". Tlev. Dr, son slaughtered 3,000 people, 2,000 finished, rises from. the table, is and the ruinous influences of the deuce, Ktul., on a tnissionery tour, Pridges, eighty-four years old, Wednesday, May 9th .188 being prisoners- just captured from usual! followed to the drawing- saloon and bar on the morals of the •and there mot n good-looking little preached his own funeral sermon in j __ _ ' the Fantis. To make up the tale, room by all her guests—ladies and colulnunity; and no less as to 'the tvonian, Mrs. Susan Coases; tho. wife a small country church. He had i - Try every big Ashantee town had to give •weLlenien. The onto popular prat• duty of t}le church and the state, of n hard-working carpenter. He his ;rays dug and n coffin made for SUI..IDE IN A PULPIT had called at her house and was the occasion. He and -bis assis- 100, every smaller town ton victims. tice of geutlemeu".lingering at the each in its own province, and in Tragic; affair of a White in A royal burial is on this wise : table over their wine, and cracking the ways proper to each to seek to reading the bible to her while she tangs sang Lhe first song, "Shall we At the bottom, of a huge Bravo aro' jokes with their nuts, had a curious, diminish and, if possible, put nu operated fl washing machine. It gladly ,neat I" He thou gave his Plains, N. Y. Church -4 . was then, according to the clergyman text, Corinthians ii., 8, and gave laid the ]leads of the slain ; on thein .o-ri in. The idea was conceived b and to the evil. Minister Shoo.lea'$ilnsclf g Y 'hinisolf, who does not deny the the large crowd a shoat talk in a: the coffin rests. Then, just Before Margaret Atheling, the Saxon 2, That this presbytery believes ' � Y g -the earth is thrownin, one of thb Queen of Scotland who give to that Christ is the only head and . °!volas, that the devil took pOsaea• very faltering manlier. Rev. E4g11. I.. 11Nrlu•aucr. late• 0 + t, y sion of him and led him to make _.Counterfeit$5notes,purporting PI astor of the Presbyterian Church bystanders—n freeman. if of some that country the strongest impulse law -giver of His church, and that p' Y remarks of an i'tproper nature. to be the issue of the I3aulc of on Broadway, in the village of rank's° much the better—issudden-towards the Church of England; the church, in lien authorized For some time the husband has r ly clubbed, a gash made in the back, and be it said to ]ler' credit for courts hritish Kurth America, have been White Plains, shot hiniselirwhilo in , ,therefore repre.oitts on earth had a suspicion that all was not n ' of his neck,, And he is tolled in upon ver different purpose than that to Itis author'it only, the P put in circulation at Kingston with- the pulpit of tho Church, at3,30 Su Y P P Y Y,regards'right botween his wife' and her the coffin. The idea is t° send along which it was afterwards ervorted. church as on the 011e hand, bound ° in a day or two, td the extent, it is day. Dir. Ileritiancu s rusionotiou , -. ,. P + ` pastor, but it was not until a short stated of about $200.' A reenish ° was asked for some `months ago in with Cho crowd of slaves and prison- The Scottish gontleuieu ward at this by that fact to testify against all sin, n + g ars some one who shall look after time far }fetter ?'Lori ''vitanis" than whether iu nivatn on ublic life tomo glgo that ]tis suspicions we're tinge covers the face of Lhe bogus consequence of the diss;atisfacti•ou „ 1 P ' verified at last. One da when his ariaiug between how and his flock them as a ghostly major domo• devotees to•the ecclesiastical forms and on the other as forever 'prohi- Y bill, -and it •is dated ,5tb, 1877, ,r 1�t n l;iti0 tliore remains yet an- of religion and the seen in wife changed hot tt•eariug apparel whereas the good ono is dated Jul over his sal,;lrt: 1}r' glade rept�atod a , q bited from commanding what (,lu'ist g y u] I„'r ''cnstoin," At the end of. has not cornmaudod 'or forbidden )to searched her dress pocket and was 3rd 1877, The row of fives - at the order to detain'•"them until het. n , demands for :lit iHotness; ;ill -of thirty Inoons t}le grave is opened ' g rewarded by finding five totters bottom of the goad bill has a black • . which were i,,aurl;d. .-Ile was for g 1 , chaplain, the good Turgot, had what He has, not forbidden or de- g the• royal hones 'fastened' together addressed to Abbie Knapp, his ground, with white eWino turning, . sixteen years thy+ p lst•or of ono of g spoken the grace, o(lerod as an in- elfin¢ foo the individual, Conscience; \f'ife's maiden nflnie. He accused 1 with gold u'Ire find rho skelgton dacotnout a cu of choice wine tO Au thing which Christ has lofto 'on while the other has a whitegrouncl, ;{ tire- richest coual6C.4rations in. that P anything her of help , undo! familiar with 111 lrl aced in a long building divided: all who would remain. Thence in His word or taking nn action b y with black spots.11 section. Ito owned and resided in + o ` Y Riley and she confessed-' her sin.11 I One of the most platlet residence ' into culls, the doorways to which the thanksgiving becatiie gradually which may imply such decision or =Rev Dr: S. J. Taunter, pastor h l pro hung with silk curtains. n n ltiloy Could not b° found as,.ho. had , on Broadway. His wif`o is trio g the sigual for hard drinking, and natural! tend thereto: of the Gontenar church. in Homil- y loft a few days before for Burling- y ' `daughter of ea -President Woolsely, - ---_------ even in her own time the .devout 3. Tliat while this presbytery, y g ton, died Monday night after a IIarrowin and Rollin ton and elsewhere to deliver n , D. D., L. L. D., of Yale College, 8 g' queen had grave cause to regret the theroforo, hold it to bo tile duty of short illness. Dr. Hunte! was to ► Y series of lecture's on temperance. Mr. Hormanco's family stood ver result of her re.igious fervor. have succoed.od Rev. Mr. Longley I rile church to exhort their members Tho' irate husband tit himself in • Y Y Oats can he sown on land early . To be thoroughly ''good form" P. in the charge of the Queen street I high in the social circa of �Vhito . ill the s riug without much barrow- ° g conscientiously to bear their port as eolnmuuication with the government ° Plains and his financial standing p g at table is considerAd the creast r, g Methodist ehtirch in Toronto. The + g ing, and we prAsurne this is true of citizens in seeking, to free the tom authorities, Who dispatched United was unquestioned. Shortly before the ,.-cry ,height of refinement; and deceased was in the prime of life, . spring wheat, But harts rc uires miunity from the curse of drunken- States Marshal Dlorgan to mako the ho shot himself Mr. TIeruiauco was 1 g y q although we have said that inauy Hess, the of regard it as be end ° and ono of the• most able igen in• the best of tilth, and thin harrows rules Are" difTicult to observe by y y g y arrest. 1lorgan `proceeded at once the conference and his unexpected . sitting within the chancel couvers: Trust he ke It at work till !rho surface the authority given by Christ to to Burlington a'tcT a tun Lis arrival ' ` P lug with Sexton Blakely and ap- 1 reason .of their frequent chnngo, g 1 detniso will be greatly deplored. is fiuo and mellow. Harrowing Tris church for any church court to found the reverend gentleman iu . pearod perfectly rational. The sex- g there are others agaiu, that are im- pass an • official judgment as to the r IIo was taken ill about a week. ago nulling require more careful aaten- nluttible • and not to follow them 1 y j g the midst of n lecture oil temper- with erysipolhs in the head and ton loft him to got n glitter of tiou than is usual! beatotwetl a on specific method in which the civil .ince. The officer step led to the .. water. Hardt had lie closed the i y P is to argue ourselves unlcno.tvit, s° towel may best Ileal ,with the evil stepped face. He was of Irish pareutago, Y Lhom. 1� e do not roll to make the . • l 3 front nuc! t.nado known his business. --,church door when lie was startled far as society goes. to take soup, born in Quebec. loud firm. Harrowing will make ushin„ the sour from rattier °F the liquor traffic, seeing that in Tlio preacher excused •himself ant`, b tho.ro port -of a pistol shot and P g p + no such deliverance could sho'ustt -At Lima O. about.ttvo --weeks f 1 1 , the ]Hud firwer than it can bo made. J Y begged to be allowed to conclude ' rt fphing back into Clio church he except qu rho surface, by a roller thou towards yo.u; to touch the claim to bespeaking from the Word begged ,but -ho was at outs tak%u ago some negrous murdered a young ]tis lecture . a found the pastor stretched pr0n° We roll to broatc the lumps. The napkin ns little As pgasiblo ; to accept y to jail. The only excuse Ile gives ,woman after outraging her and 1 or decline what is. offered instant! of God and with the quthorit of upon the floor of the pulpit. "Ile r°Ilex will not crush tum lumps that ft y Him whom alone sho.is appointed is tltit rho devil had hold of him. . cutting tongue from her mouth, teras bleeding profusely front n bill- 1 and quietly; these and other trifles" to represent; provided always that Last tweolc ono of the negroes, while ' cannot reach and so we harrow to P ' P Y asking the city marshal for lodglBg, . let hole in his right temple. Close ' ` are testa of the well-bred donor -out. --' lodging . _ break-soine of the lumps and to Pull The habitual theater• -goer is meas- n°thtng in this resolution shall btu by silo lay n amokiug 3� calilirs ro- others to rho surface leaving iL rough construed to deny the right of No One Smok:id. was identified by the aid of a. card , volved, Tile sexton hurriedly sum g g ' ured the more severely. Vory ]tarsh- __. received several days ago. Ile tells and then follow with a roller free nation of conscience when re- 3 g atoned 'assistance .• arid- Cho. pastor, ►. - ly--indeed aro tLo'ctiLicisms hopped quit the b the civil rna istrnte as A curious incident is lecordodby the horrible tale without fear, 'and There are fields which are ;af ono q y magistrate, ' who rues unc0nseious, was placed upon sl3ciety members, who carry a pecified in the Confession of Faitb• thn Times .correspondent as in- is ready to giro information that uniform character througbo.nt. On 1 P on a v,Grotc[ior and boru0 to his g their drawing room conversations aicative. of the respect paid by the twill be of value in capturing the such you can`put a boy on a roller into opera or thoaterboxes and morn Nolte three blocks distant follon'etl 1 , immense assomblago in the streets of others of the band,five in number. I.by a� great throne, Medical sit} and toll Kiln to go r0uiid and round y Our "Natural Market. Borliwto the inemor of the dead The man's name is William Currey, ,hau one so belle has felt her the whole piece until it is done and Y was' immediate! summoned and 1 ' fair'cheek flush ou' hearing cont- German kaiser. It was an inteusoly and his home is'in Dlnrion, Ind. y ' so wi;L harrowing. 'But -there aro stents that she could not whop The l; nitetl States is the ouly J evorything,poseihle done to restore iiiany fields where we- nave sandy „ Y cold day, ;and the crowd stood for ---Dr. Clark, stiperintendent of i hint to consciousnaes: At Lho tom© contradict. A lady, says the murltot for oar fish, says :1Ir. Jones ]tours together in floe piercing frost. llockwood Asylum, lCingaton, had I knolls with intervals of ])lack muck t g 1 of the shooting D7rs. Rorulanco ,vas ,r : „ „ „ cynic, is a lady alwnys, be she at iu the Itotise of Commons. Yet X'ut no one suloked. Ono or two ;► harrow escape from droavning� teaching a Sunda school class i s or clayey to am, or sandy loam, !tome or abroad," I.et us grant it, e. P ° Y or gravel or cls spots, To 'get t• as - the Halifax lfercal(L forcibly forgot themselves, but n general t.bruuL h the treachery of a lunotic, • tlle'now chapel, within n few foot each a field into the Lest tilth ro• but nL rho sumo pile, Also, let us points out, the United States tom shout of Nieh rauchop !' made IIo taws stnudin, on tho wharf whet!' • of hot husband consider circumstances. A merry, thorn throw down their wee] s look Lho insane roan came behind him j quires good judgment and personal party obcupies It, "box" during the nterce and navigation returns show Ing penitent and heir ed�s, look- and as in "W0 may ne well m, 1 �` �•' — supervision. We have had to go intermission" more olcoa are pass- that of 165,000 quintals 'of cod g 1 y g, -Mr. J. Frase.r Bryce, a Torun• over some of these cls sots three Y p` which Canada exported, another is a curious instanco of a democratic dutvn togother, pushed him into 1 y P ad, the laughter is hastily smothered sumptuary law framed and enforced to photographer, is carrying his or four times With the harrow fol- 107,000 quintals \veto re-exported ! Y t}lo touter. I)r. Clark, though }told right hand wrapped u p in bandages, as Lhe curtain tiros, and rho attempt open against tobacco as if g { b Pp L gra, lowed by n roller round and round from the United States to other P Y m , by the lnnatie, managed to ]cooly - the result of one of the most ocul- after each other, before the could made to rivet the attention on the markets. Tho , following com bra- P ' P + Y stage is ver like that of.the unto! g its use \veto disrespectful ectfsl to death, afloat until rescued, the lunatic 0 iar accidents on record. It happen- be broug.h`1 into as mood condition' ° Y Y tine returns of this export are also It must have been a severe trial for holding to the superintendent and scholar, ,who endeavors vain`iy to P 500 000 habitual smokers to don n ° ed last Thursday night when an as the roost of the field. 10 treat all interesting : I y being pulled out With him. Dr. fix his mischievous eyes and wan- 1970 1895 iss7. thomeolvea of Choir fnyorito luxnry Clark's predecessor perished, it will organ recital and service of praise Alflco is either n waste of time ora daring attention on rho school- (pin- t mn for hours, during which they must be remembered, by n lunatic 'stabb- ,vas given in Lho I',u'lcd;llo Presby failure to bring -the cls spots into °+ t:aa. Cala. �aPn. n I Y P muster s Bosh. \[en are only boys To United States,,.... 60000 223,143 165,075 have sore! rued for a whiff. Their in, him. terian church. Before going to the proper tilt!. threat improvements town tall" true enough,and fol- To went' mdiea...,....476;000 5o7,zoo 64zso1 Y P contort he had purchased five cents g ' fortitude, however, did not go to l have been made in harrows and lowing the adage the-ma'orit of To Braz'1,..2.......... 68,000 27,232 03;011 Archb18hOp Fabro Was waited worth of chloride of potash tablets, rollers, Tile ' work can be done mon lowing bo boys" behave far tvorso Our exports of those fish" to the the length of resisting the temptat- upon by a deputation of Catholics s • those little Gaudy -like, innoeont- with fan• loss labor than formorl y r ion of nips of brandy, to keep` out i Yr abroad r thou' the do at Noma b ' West Indies in the first of these With reference to the opposition of Y , y cold. uer --Wh is a ciglr more loolciug things that aingora rise to but thorn is still need for good reasou'of the ver restraint imposed years ,were 73 per cent. of our total y y g the Protestants to the proposed stat-, clear tiro throat. He laced them n Y P disres disrespectful to the dead than a glass P judgment and promptness. A field upon them.- export.; in I8 5 they wore 60 per P g uto to the Virgin Mary on Mount y Y, pl'L a are confessodly� fond of •tak- cent, ; and, last year 63 per cent, of c°gnat' Royal. His .grace in reply said i loosely i't his right Yost pocltet witL may work well to -dA that •to -to- r a11 matches; Just before he was about rote, after a rain, would b° damaged' in- social coos from across the .while to the United States they —_. '"'°'"",,.. th'itt''tvili,o11'°°h•e"•hi'gned that petition , to stand up to sing Dor. P,ryco put rather than improved by the bar •wltor, ' and not infrequently are were, in 1876 only -8 per cont.; in —A romarkable story comos'froin oto wit's under the firm belief that his right hand into this pocket to row or roller, And part of a field swell -merited criticisms met with the next year 26, and in the third a Mormon settlement in the Luna tho proposal would not be obnoxious get a potash drop, hie left holding can be worked While other porta aro the miserable verdict :--"1Vh the year 19 per cent. of the total. valley, Now Mexico, that is vouched to the Protestant community, but a sheet 0f music, Ho had some still too wet. We Hood to have Prince of Wales and his 6kelw ive Those facts evince that• the United for by the tederal•authorities. Two having since ascertained .,that a .. difficulty in finding one and in -work- everything ready, so that not a set do thus and 8r0." As that august States is not our sole or even . our girls named Miry Seemore and corta'iil portion of the citizens was ing his thumb and forefinger allout moment may be lost when the con- gentleman recently received vncif- chief market for cod, Mr. Jones to Sarah Ballon, agod,18 and'16 years averse to it lie thought it would be in the pocket the -sulphur of the ditions are favorable for the impor- orous reproof from • an 1,uglish the contrary nottvithstgnding. The became rivals for the affeetion of a advisable, to Abandon the pro - matches came into contact with the tint work of fitting the land for. the .audienoe far loud talking iu a thou• question of the da is this: would young cowboy named Whitman, ject at all events for the . chloride of potash, there was a loud reception of•the seed. And do, not ter, it is possible he will not soon' it not be preferable for Canada to 'They fought a duel, in which Miss present, and he gave a's his reason o plosion, , and Mr, Bryce's hand fail t° put in the seed qas soou'as the offend again .in the sate manlier, export these fish directly tp their Lallon was seriously wounded. She that ho would be sorry to be a party tvns Tpadiy iujtrocl. Potash aid land is ready for it. A is rare flint and possible,' too, that a quiet era natural market rather than give the bays she suns shot before she had an to any action Lliat would destroy sulphur aro two of the ingredie►its a farmer sows or plants too early in wilt bo inaugurated -in places of carrying trade to 1'uitod States opportunity to use her weapon, the harmony that had existed so illtho making of skyrockets, the spring, ^' steamers Z the wound is nob fatal. long between the citizens. " .. . amusement, in consequence. ,(, *1 11 ` . I j I n. ,,, , , r L , .. �b u• n tar A I A 5 It. h'• y b. u eM r , , 11 T - n-., i^'4.r.. .. ....... ..., '.�'„'w,«,.r..a��it.V�'1.h.11AludMNa•.e..wL4S{.:..J. W. e:.i, ,,, .ti.u...,...:.:..li.,..'.�.�.J......✓.-u.... ..v.. _...... .. .. .�_.:-...•,.: .'..x ..: ri ..: .... :... ....... of .c..3.... .,,r ,,. ...,..r a...". r...... .. ,.-...�... .e�.,,... .W,. a. <t.- ...,.,.... .. •�r.,,,; Y.. ...v ..4.w u.Mn �r�...•e — _ r : ,, ,,nx.,_... r�l+e:ze-v..r:...�. ' in. ,�na.v......3:..::.. ...:ai. . ....•: