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The Huron News-Record, 1888-05-09, Page 1
1. ; �. . 17 ' , ..1- i ,t 1. � • .i sin i „, ,. 4 • •e r N a s ,. r .p n 1. ti :r. .. " a r _ « 1,1 . . .. , o 1. •. ,. • ;r ., _ J. n I. . r. , r t I ,,, ., . , - . " " N __ _ r ,.. :. 1 . , , ; « r - ` ;V ',': 1! I ,. ,, , , . I., . ... . . . . . . I I '", -'",_ , G II .. I ,�. '. f'. is , I) , . , ;• :. '. I , 'n'. .,� " „Ill y - '° :, , • � - I � .. •. w « a U;i, 11 . �, , , - s . �Eii Bi— 1 Q, n m 1 ._. 111. .,!. 1-;f.• ...3 .. £, t? . #t� A�t� oM�4.: a ,fXAF.P,�,ND•k'X keV` dL l fi ' iR _. Iii. !V t _ f . #�'f' f, D'.,S, 1111-!8({ 1..r4L QTPiN, 1�I�ik nos lA'= � ' ',. , . ,, , c" T 110 , ' O � G'L NTO U :. .: 4' I •. H, . E ... N .STNTY �, NE . fl t - J S ! ,, VI , Y �, 1,18 8 Q. . - -A .' 1- __0 � �� vs ,4 , ,, �; . 1. b ,. :.. ,. >e x.$1004044617f, ac it ( �x r �K�tguc:cf I x .: r ' silos cal t , r e ,; 1 , . • . i . X carr 1 r � C�ipxl f�4lXf�Cl, e, l�t�t t�attiiz, aoms . L. r- ,_ _ ° 1. & , ,c y- •: • ic11,' Gaderiih Gudgrch. ala- - bgbn fQr)l- ,1 I.: r lilytb. tt auosh A LAcn,osaE CLua has Gude#' .r, t 1V Mr. John Taylor tivt►s tn-kG•wrl tk►ts , 'Sec#ce sit 4 George's Church to, Mr. G. ,A,• Nairn was-visitin in Miss .TJallas, of Wits hs t is vist.k ' ed in Clinton wit t e fol'law.i $ It,. �%r, Ftobett Ytnt re en the sick tag 11�- areakr moErow, Ascension day., , Galt last Saturday. ing acre fir a few days. -� list'tbis week, offreets :- .Aonoraly President, Geo, . : Mi•. R. Cartle •ou returned to town Miss Edith Macderutott leas re -i Otirdwood has been very sl:r►rce in ! C, Hamilton spent last Sabb:►th S gai kin ,ia p E. Pay ;hon. fat vice: -president, W. �� P u�, , mit. g Duet for the pro- Doherty; Lou, 2nd vice resi'deat, . F last •week. turned t ' town. Goderich during the p9st two tveaks ' in raoswater. seat, P . Conte ;, president, W,'° McGee ; k'' . D1t. T. li- V�►nb'i a1- ryas in Tor Rl gular r eetiu o.f° Huron Cha ' ` - •, lir..G. N,. Dgvas raturned frgrii g� p Heave Kelly is visiting the lower - Servic,es,wsis Bold in the Union vice•preatcieut, H. B. Combe ; seore- b hts trip to the State's n Sakurday:. onto lest week, tor, R.A.M., next I ueaday•evolling. Provtncos these days. ohuich op $uttday last. taly.treasttler; Goo. T. 1i41binsOr Miss Ada MoRay has. retiti ked I Miss a' '111-8. Seager, being slightl • im- Rev. Mr. H dge ' 11 1-s Birdie Itutson died iter a a ° ) e o n s of 11I field S, S, No, 18' intends or auizin a ca taro Geo. Ba tau ag g " from Winnipeg. Long and painful illuoss;'just before proved in health, loft for"HI'Diltou will official in the Episcopal Church base ball club this spring. Sneeoss, 'm.ittee, Afessrs. Harland, Tudor, `' ' ' . `''' �;C.lean►up' your yi►rds, is the Order midnight on Saturday. Although first week. . , Here oil Sunday morning next. "boys: Denisolr trod S►viabuuk.. The Club { of the day. hope. of ultimate recovery did not Wn uus}ei�tand the ereotioU of rile illassrs . Watson' 'and-Freomarl D1r. Loouard McDowell lilts re- ruskea flu excellent stare and sltuuld • . :Rf` 'His Lordship Judge MoMahon exist, still the news of the• young Pust'Offrue oil West sheet, will be shipped 2 carloads of cattle froto turned front Dakota. He 'intends be lilUet'ally patronized. They have • «;;': left for Louauu on Saturday. lady's death was a great shoelc tan immediately proceeded with' this station to Montreal on Thurs• taking one of Wawatiosh's fair entered the Western District Asso- e ',.I. The measles, after a steady attack 'wide oirclo- of friends, most of whom The tlsputation lues returned from day. , daughters back with him, ciation afid will compete against believed the auntmer sun would Ottawa a full repor-t of the andiouce . _ On Sabbath, the S. S. of the Somb, mischievous, ignorant vaga• Stratford, Bright• Seafort•li +knd on Goderich lire quietly departing, 1: ' , Mr. Willis Chipruan, C. E., left.' Prolong her days. Her deatli� is will'hu given at tiro tirgt meeting of Preabyteriun Church commenced bonds pil.od rails along the rend ou Gudrrich for the honored Pennant, .~ another illustration of tale power of the coaucil. \ 11 for his house, Brookville, on Satur- holding their service in the ntorn- Frida- senitig. It wits no smart C,i;A1n JURY PREpENTB1ENT. � that deadly enomy, consutopt•ion• The Hon: A. M. Ituss.has greatly, ing for tiie summer months. , • trick, boys, but it could be made a Among other matters referred to day' The deceased tuns for many years im )roved the appearance pe:u:uice of North ° The brick house being built by teacher of a cissa tit St. George's i I 1 Thursday' next Using Ascension dear Due if nuyouo world take the foreman tVur. Clegg reported : "At 't' Mr. Thos. nark is ronressin street by pnttino lip u hanrisom a da Divine service is to be bald iu matter in hand. I3e care full in the reso t Cher° are thirteen prieonors B Sunda School the duties of which. Y P d1. P ° Y ' nett' fence along rho. front of lsi8 ' future `i1- T rapidly. - positiorp she filled to the evident ' the Episcoiml Church here at 8 0 - ,—T°m• , in the jail, nine males and four I r property. clock in the evening females. Of the nine males on _i ::i Regular meeting of the High advanceriten.t of the piilpfls, and to ° - _The Literary society of Westfield M' - Sc}eoo.l Literary Society ou Friday the at►tisi'action of the ofitcers ul' rho • , A rather elderly gentleman- wtta Ono day hist week a little boy of closed last Friday evening,- It was chane �Avith forgery and is await - evening. school. Recently Miss Birdie left 1-n town on D1ond:iy, bout on n Mr. Joseph McGiiires met with an a beautiful evening Qid the house ing ti 10 ; Due for having a still and - Regular meeting of Huron En- for Detroit, with a view'of benefit.. b1-oach of promise ossa. The lady accident by which hu int scalded,• .watscrowded, there not being sitting worm iu his posaeseion, is under 111 eampment�No. �S,°I. O. O. F. next g in the case, also rather advanced in We are g bl ° sebleuee'• two for larceny, both )'• e . tin her health but after a short °lad to hear that bisin'uries room c+nougl 1f r. 1Vulsh and NIT. , ants followed the seeker for law t' Monday evening. stay in that city her ailment changed y are not'of n fatal nature A. Auld captained sides.. Af r. under sentence ; two for vagrancy, for the worse uecess tating her bur- into tows), and sought tiic same , oth under sentence. The remaining Mr. T. Pretty has purchased four ' 1 ° lawyer, At the officer thin', were -The fusser+tl of the lata 1Ga Johli llsl► was vlctul'lous by 30 inarks. ° _ lot: in St. Andrew's ward from 'Mr. pied return to the old home ou XVost t:,uekr,rline of Morris passed through Mr. Auld called ns.i'ullows J. Ellis, t}nee are insane. Of the four fetn- r Thus. Weatherall, - street whore after a shat au'onrn 'rnasie satisfactory, .anti an sally ap here to the Ultiou Ceuieter for in- y , D. ales two are vagrants, both under - A'Ctu Iioover, Dl:►rtha Hoover with the loved ones her spit -it took l,licatiuu fo'r license will bo Orad°' •torinent,.followed by a large uuniber licGill, J. McGill, H. Hyde, P. sentence ; the other two are insane. �w Councillor Smith has already „ \yhilNii).tuwu the happy pt+i1-, join- llunswule All the ivaaue cnses'huvr.'buun 1 -a - Y flight fleavunward. On Tuesday of v,ohicbes auil`surroninIt friends. >• Joare `,Ilttchuunou lt. L� •., mase prepuratiunr fur building a ° ed by two younger persons, had a ° r ported by the sherifl' and are await. ' nftern.uuu the funeral procuedocl A large nliuibAr of farinucs wore Huovoi, Geo. Glbsou,'NA ni. Rogers, F. store ,on his recent purchaso, the joyful tilm,the gesticulations of the ing rent to the ae `` from the fainil residence to St. Afar Coventr C1ara�Coventa and b asylum. The : Imo{ -" Parson's lot, East' street. , Y engaged lutirattraetiuo tiro attention ill town on Saturday to receive theta Y y' r Y urors hoe that the Government. {` Georges church which was heavily Juo. McClinton. ' .Mr. �1 alsL called P 0.',: TLero was a bib cave in Dela the draped. thence to Maitland Como- o r the general public. supply of fruit tree from Mr. T. fn order, Jae. Ito s W. Coir DI}ss will 'provide more asylum aoeom;' `' Victoria street Methodist' church T110 rwgular monthly meeting of Bowden, agent here for 'Chase tory where thg intorwent t }r place, b Brett. Nurser Colborne Campbell, EditFl Campbell, Mra, ntodat}on for-th'is atilicted class I last Frid,a�', arrisin from the deea oq the public se.hbol board was held in Y, ,Ont. 3 B & Y ;A very large number of floral Buchannon, Harvey and ' Goo. A COSTLY 'DowERr —The •usual Al y ing of the drain. tributes were laid on rho casket b the board roorp on Monday evening.• -Tile regular mouthly meeting of Buchnnnon Jef.Y Preaout the c}tairmaa S. AI:►lcolm- our town council on Moeda lu QuinnG�uiuu R. Buchan gravity of the Master -in Ordinary's } There. will be a >soeial in the friends of tbo deceaaod, a vary ' Y neap A. Densmore, Lizzie AioGill, Court in Toronto h'ns broken the sou, and Trustees Acheson, ball codncil chambers. In the absence 4'. North St. Methodist•church next pretty one beiug preseuted by Altsa + J• Solar, Nettie McClinton, Jae. other day when the case of Alex. Fridayevening under the aus ieces McMicking, Crabb, Morton, Nicholson, Price of the Reeve, councillor Symonds . - a b P ° s Sunday school class. and Swanson. Minutes of provi-' occupied the chair. Y Hoover• We have. not space" to I�ay vs, Central ]lank was heard < . of the young lieoplA a society. 1 I mention all, su.I }v�Cl only give a aqd• settle' Kay appealed against E :, At The Harbor ous 'ineotim, read and confirmed. 1I r. 1�'illinm Ilan having recentl b A jar of water from the test hole DIT. Dlarltou launched z< fishing Tha Principal's report showed 38'2 nrchas' the pro ort bfoirnerly couple that ennn �; o, beacon in any paying double liability on ton.shares -. at the harbor water works was, ex- ° boys 306.. girls on cull and an P property P Y Y society :. Edith, Campbell, who of .$1,000 held . by'. him iu the - pressed to Prof. Saunders at OttaNa boat nn Monday: Y ° occupied by little Harry has had - fcvoured us with three most eXcel- broken Central Bank. The runny uu Frida It is expected that the United Ern- average attendance of 281 boys and it nicely filled a to carr on the lent sougs • she. has a beautiful voice t:►cts of the case are : .Last summer ' P y ►'� Y 1pire will bo in port to day. 21fi girls. Ths. Princip;sl's report butchering business. He opened out and khows how to control it • her Mr. Alex. Iia of Guelph, married r , Many 'h-undtofls of trees lla�© contained •n re. asst that a truant r ' Y, The bout houses aro being put •in 1-f on Saturday. We wish Will success singing alone was an entertainment Miss Alargnret Wilson, also of been planted by owners of p.roport-1 ° P officer be appointed. The report in the new stand, i,1-, ., ; ' - who. have wisely taken advantage of a'der for the season. was received and adopted, Constable and was loudly - applauded every Guelph. , While single Miss Wifsan ° Jam6 Clarke left' for the Robert Johnston .being appointed D1r.°llavid Loyd, who left this tim Hur sister Emma accent- purchased, orhtid transferred to her, V„ Fj" tie tgwn'e offer of free trees. The tug section a few ears ago to seek his anted her on the or au and is au - i Captain Chambers' house on fiahlDg grounds last Wednesday., truant officer. Blinds needed for y ° N g tau shirrs of Central hank stock, fortnue in distant lands returned to excellent player who understands w}tick she hold in her maiden namA i� 1-Wost street is now nicely painted, The' fishing ruse IV. H. ySiebalrl the 8cltools,,,repairs to force of St. town last week from California music completely: and draw the dividends herself. ,,4'..' aHyl adds much to the appearance and Despatch left for tale fishing• Patrick's ward school, ,and needed tvliero he has boon located for several �of the street. grounds last week. utensils for St. David's were refor• ----- ' -� When Hiss Wilson abandons . b years past, Davol speaks very , sin to blessedness her husband 'f r' . The (three, masted schooner Gwl-' The tog J. H. Jones hasher boiler red to coutingent committee with g Shops Re ulation Act. g { ° lbhly, of that part of Uncle 'Sari's deemed it ro er that• he should " r hair sailed earl cast week •for De- in osition and will robabl be Power to -act. , A communication h g P P '. P y demains. frost befits the first de arrays from rend 'for lenvin In five or eix'da s.' front Miss Ada Burritt for salary as �1 synopsis of this Act ,empower- handle tlio rains of finance. Ac ' °' P ) B Y tom porar teacher at A large number of o��r r citizens cordingly.on Sept. 23rd, 1887, the Goderich for .1888. - The throe masted Schooner Miri- f' Y �St. Patrick a ing councils to p'ass•by-laws for the it4 -'' � " ward school for three wooks.was re- attended the funeral on Sunday of early closing of shops may be in ten shares wore transferred from • . „� 14II-. 11 plans McL'ride tclio was so crus sailed out of harbor on rhprs- th infant of widow Bradnock's who Dliss Margaret Wilson to Mr. Alex, r 1 ' ' serious: ,' ill- ryas, round town yin 'cQiv.ed, and ati order for the proper rt$ - on y' •,. sum granted. A circular from the li en on a farmsouth of here. . It met order: . I{ay; Thus Air. Kay obtained'• the Fridayaafternoo)i.� •'Tom got many a The 'Sell ue Carter left on Alinistar of Education regardiug,tho, with a fatal -accident by being one , Shop means any building or ten shares, and has now been order - r 'hearty hand shako. _ Thursday of last week for Port este lishment of a kindernarten d'e- day last week scalded. The re- Portion of a' bei dings booth; stall ed to pay; the double liability. • . �, The water works committee et ' Huron. ". b °' rnaina wets taken to Bl th Union or place where goods are exposed 1 , partment rias received and laid over Cemetery for interment. The• or offered for sale by retail but nearly every e'veniug last week, on Mr. Zebe To.lsma- was in town for• ' future consideration. The y > Literature. - � each occaeioa sitting till nearly lash week, superintending the fitting board there adjourned. widow has the sympathy of this n only trade or business ° not where the ,, midnight. a• community in her bereavement, carried on is that of a tobacconist, B out of his fishing tug th'e Dis1)atch„ Y In the Map number of Woman, ?t Mr• and Mrs. Dorney, of Winni- Editor 11'eics-Record. D1i.. Robert Howard returned rows agent, ketol, inn, tavern, vie- Julia Ward Howe has a thoughtful OuN fiaherrnen had a Busy tiros, tualling house or refreshment house „ t peg arrived in town last Friday. last week gutting Toady for their DEAR Stlt,—How is it that your cur• home from Old England on t rine ° , paper on How 'to Extend the Dir. and Mrs. Dorsa seems to have respondent does not at all times ivo You ° Y license, any promises t forme, under Sympathies of Women," in which F Y northern journey. 1 g' y bringing, some of his relations im roved b their residence in the a correct re ort' of Goderich Council pfo- and friends over with him to license, spirituous or fermented 1'i ' P o Y The new dock platform built b q- she shows how true education' en- i lvorth West. P 9 y ceedings. n your last issue he Bays that nor is sold by retail for eonsump- lar es the natural limits of feminine t the Grand Trunk at the -Harbor is a "the delegation to Ottawa was instructed become citizens ,of our glorious tion on the premises. B •. There will be divine service in •b the motion of the 'Council to re neat county They, were longer on character, and urges women to i credit to the Railway Co. y q y' Y' ° Co lncils ma re afro the closin emanci ate themselves from intell- g St. George's on Friday evening. the Government to proceed: with the to ,voyage' than they expected, Y q g P Captain Lawson has put a, new erection of the post office on the site h vias being, several days in the o shops not earlier than seven actual narrowness. The first paper i His Lordehi•p Bishop Baldwin will 1 clock in the afternoon of an on 'Women's -Clubs, �,,.-.__... main• mast in his schooner the Tod- selected," Now that is an incorrect re - preach the sermon and . confirm a ratan. • pot•t. The motion was that the dele-ation ice. Bob looks splendid after .an y day by Olive a, member of candidates, be instructed to urge the Government to absence of five mouths. His dialect except Saturday sad days. imine- Thorne Miller, is finely illustrated i ia:.1 I The Mayor, Reeve Town Clerk' ' CaptainPetrie is repairing. his re- proceed with building on the site they had is .sottte•ivhat cockney -fled but ' We diatoly preceding a Holiday. 'with engravings of the prominent i ".. Y , , cent purchase the schooner Eveniiiq chosen—the Dancey lot. , After some dis- may expect to hear his old familiar Three fourths of the occupiers of members of Sorosis and the Merid- ' Councillor Radcliffe and Dr.. Star. - cussion it was moved in amendment : tone after he 'get's once more tile• the shops belonging to the partien_ inn Clubs, which form the subject h ' Holmes, the deputation appointed '"'That the delegation make the request for ° P B b of this article. 3,, Y The , new tug Alf Chaniliers, and the Government to . proceed with the Toughly mixed tip- with the natives lar class to be affected .by the 4 t b the town council to interview the Arcadia left for the fishing, rounds work," without recognizing an site. here, - by-law must= lye consent before Price $2.76 a year. Woman government regarding the bonus to ° B g y Y g Publishing . Y. r� 'x" the Guelph and Goderich R. R. re- last' week liaviuo a few. fishing Therefore the motion as carried tuns'"that __� the council can pass a by-law coa- b Co,," boats in tow. q p the Government be. re uostod to proceed ss• „ t1-+ turned to town on Dlonday. with the erection of the poet office build- ICuy'fiCIU polling early 'closing. If bylaw rise Opou Court of Chic t�. •The schooner June McLeod took ing " Now, with our permission I.17111 passes it can. take effect within one ago 1. is now published' . weekly, x .R. B. Smith & Co., had their Y permission, BRIEP BITS. -Joe is thinking of .month of receipt with Dr. Paul Carus as editor' on three Car loads of haled hay at revtery the whole subject. 'After the pt of application; ,and .,. usual spring opening last Saturday. the G. T. dock and it lar a quantity second grant the Government scut u one Planting a. tree on the I,l►ko Shore is only $2 per year. The new The store windows wore tastefull ' B q 3 p farm.—Murdock is not of g Tho limo of application _to date r 1-4, Y from Lee's warehouse last week. of their employees to select an eligible site g 'ub to 'from time ,of its receipt b the manngement,tvhteh has note existed - " • arranged; several pretty fancy The McLeod left for the north on for the new post office. It appears -be preach any more ; he is going to 1 Y for some months, seems an, improve- ` " - came with a Lotter of introduction to the eines the set hits been 1-o Baled.— clerk. .- articles' being. prominent exhibits,. Saturday night with her cargo, find reeve of Goderich bit. F. W. Johnston: r P on tlio lorrrre., Our readers will 'lam, Inside, the staples here in premia- will bring baclt a cage of lumii©'r` Tho Reeye, instead of introducing the ° have got fine magistrates and By-law shall take effect at a date rameinber that this is a religio- olicemen in onr villas allowing nanied theroin,not less than one nor ' ant prbfuaion, several lines of ex gentleman to the Councilmen or business. P ass, b scientific publication of anything coedingly fine goods attracting gen The toga Alf Chambers and Ai-` man of the town, monopolizod the,Whole strangers to fish on ,Sunday,—The. more' than true weeks alter its pass• but orthodox . views, but is always 11,'' • Aral • attention. During the day cadia were la'ahched by Mr. Marlton `business himself. Rather singular pro- spring trotting contest was opened age well written, tho editor and eoutri- ' " on Wednesda evening Both coercing for an official of a town to take on last week between Black Barney and Council may repeal 'by-law if sat- haters being among the most k liunrlreda of buyers and expoetant Y °' himself. I dou't think Isis, Excellc is ' buyers examined the display, . boats were supplied with machinery, the Governor General or Sir' John aA Farmer Dan, Black: Barney taking 'isfied that more than one-third of thoughtft"il and graceful writers of ° and require but little labor to corn would have taken the onus on themsel.vcs the three first fiesta, trottiu'g the last rho class affected by it aro opposed' the day. Agnostic views sesta to ' - Tho menr6ae of Ht}ron Lodge' plate them. .Tho tugs like their without consulting Ministers m• colleagues. heat in 6 winutes, at which Farmer to its continuance. r .Mo. 62, I. 0. 0.• F. celebrated the have boon discarded and the stand' ' r� -, sister J. H: Jones are of exceedingly I will pass •over• the means that were taken Dan was distanced ; Jacl� says he is If two classes of trades are carried taken that in to' of'the ' we can- anuivorsary of bddfellowehip on eroditnble afiehitecturo. to ensmo that the Governniont sholrld be v . y g made to believe that the Dancey lot was Being to tarlr him'iuto a plow horse• on in same shop and qne clan&-comee not know" view of the problems of this continent b attending the —Harr of this village,, „ F North St. Moth last The Ariel of, this port that left the most desirable on for public convent• Y, g , is going to under the by-law and is the grin- human life and futurity, the we do,. a for Port Huron for re airs last week encu'- and come to the subject tuatter'of take a trip to Ireland this summer.— ci al business, the she shall be' `not- et•know"'view is taken whielr�J Sunday morning. The vocal ser- P P met with an accident when enterin the petition, signed t,y 400 bona fide Charlie .is making money hand over closed For all purposes. P impliedly means that by iayesttga• vices of the day were good, a solo B namea.aeking the Government to select a fiat hauling up the boys for doing No one shall be liable to fine for tion with rise aid of science we play O', , 1° by Mise Ida Wilkinson, during the the river. We copy the account more eligible aito for the general convenf- , , taking up of the collection, being an Y P t p little dittys on the street.=Nell says know much more than we now do'. � from Monday's Empire :—"'rhe encs of the ublic. Amore inconvenient selling medicines, drugs or medical �-, excellent rendition of sacred music. 'Canadian schooner Ariel sailed into site for the General convenience of the the livery driver is a real gentleman, appliances after hours, although The Canadian copyright edition The Rev. Mr. Wallwin reached' the river yesterday afternoon, and public than the Dancey lot could =Jack the tailor, and Jim tho shoo- this does not authorize any person of the "Abbey Murder" has been • "For, P struck the bare Mimonia in tory of not ,bo selected. I was chosen to maker-hnve started tip in the same. received from Mr. W. Br from, Toi sa we have mane mom. B , prucecd to Ottawa to resent the eti- to ]coop upon shop after prohibited yes, .the. - bars in Due body, and all members the steam barge Wadend. The tion to the MinisterofPublic•Wprks, s})°p' hours. Toronto publisher. It is printed in % have not the same office : so we Ariel'a upper works were carried with s view to get the site changed in �- . large type, and for a cheap edition, .: accordance with. the views of the petition. Tiackerslnith. Employees shall be subject to being man are one bod • In Christ away' and she was otherwise serious•, t? ,ho price is only 26 cents, on very + g y' y ' 1 d"oma ed. 7rhe Wadend and 1Nis;, era.. Mr. Johnston at the Council Board seine penalty at punishment as cod paper • �' and every ons metftbera ono of Y B accused me of making wropg(ul assartioris James Crich has been aili'ug for, principals. B P P The.author is Joseph another." , The Rev. gentleman elo- gonia were also severely injured." to the Minister of Public Works. Now, some time and is not `improyipg as Hatton, and ,the literary merits of , V, quo expognd-od the text, and in , The steam to Aikens left Lon Mr. Johnston in making those asseitions well as bis fiends would like. Principal not to be aubject to the story of the "Abbey Murder,, . B stated 'what he knew io be till untreth, pednity for violation of by -la v•if he are quite up to what„ ouo would doing so sheaved the usefulness of Tuesday of•last week to bring up Mr, Porter was preaesit at the interview His. Thos. Lane of the London can allow the act was done without expect of so onrinont a writ . ' the, brotherhood of man, ih mitignt the achoouer Kolfa9e, but owing to and of course heard all I sail. bir. Jahn• Toad, did a good deed ou a good day his knowledge or consent, but to u1-• Tt, is not as blood cmdliu a ing the6ubles of this life and on- the large quantity of ice surround- sten has got a copy of the petition loft by presenting her husband with a B n, , sgriug,Jrappiness in the.world. to ing.her the vessel could notgot near with the Gcive1-ftinent, i.suppose, through bouncing boy last Sabbath morning. such case the other person would. story as ilio title •might ind'icdte. come:' The sermon was full of it- Ler. Tho following da the ice air. i'ortot. Arid . I hardly thtuk bir. , Mr. Robt. Laudosboro was buried ---_W-- - The plot of the story follows along y ' *• Y Portes would so misstate to DCT. Johnston' ' —Kern defeated Harlan b fairly natural linos; ia' well sustain- , lysirations showing• the necessity of being o> aliore the., Ifgifo7e hoisted my romaiks, made .durip the interview, lasts Saturday.' Ile was one of the p y five ed .and, intorestin y C societies wishing to do good, to her anchor and sailed for Goderich, It was my intention to 1 aye asked the' pioneers .of° rise township, a li•fo• boat lenghta on t8aturdpy, g throughout. i. ,; '- bu}ld on the foundation,. Christ having in tow two largo etieka that biinistcr of Public Warks for leave to long Reformer and much respected • Tho Newfoundland Assembly has 'Axlother of the .,series of ah.eap ' tlY . Jesus, the only sure foundation. have been used in getting her• into' obtain a 0% of the report of the entle• assed. a• bill ratifying the, Fisheries novels issued. by the,aame enUrpris- I b B ritatt ..,who tsited Goderich to mace the during the ibore than ;three• score reaty ing pub4isher'`is `'Sara Crewe" and y Mr. Wallwin finished an able ser- deep water. When near the harbor selection. However I sent letter to Mr. and ton years he resided in this ,,, „ t mon by a glorying tribute to the the 'tug Ailce)ia met the Kolfage and Potter requesting him to get' it for me . sublunary vale, —Eight hundred and fifty immi, , Edf"thas Burglar, two short stories �. ,� . , s�Ciety for its benevolent tnunifi- towed her"into harbor, As soon as but ;o far have not received any acknow-. grants arrived at Montreal on :Friday }rr'•one,vo'fume, price 20 cents; those � - ,rw.1- ,,. conies to the 'sick and aflliuted of a convsnizitit spot "i8 -avai'la'ble $he lodgment of it. E suppose l 8ha11 kayo to - "—' — night. " " are by the well known authoress; • "• E ` .the .order in the Province. of on- Iinl a e will be request some other member to obtain it. --Peterbo'ro has a 'population o -•Litherick National Leagrfe T eneett. H. Burnett, who wrote ` ,f put on land and Respectfully yours, . 8,989, an increase of 328, over last branches have condAtnned the�PapaY "Little Lord Fauttneroy and other ., tarso. thoroughly repaired. Goderich, Msy 7th, 1888. . C. CRABB. year. _. •, reaeript. iptereating stories, R .... W . f - / :1 1- . 1' _ " 1. /, . // . I :, . . I * ..., , . . L — .- .I .. 1, ,li, 1, ,, I � I . I : . 1. .. , �"X, � . . . . I . . I L . 4, 1 . I I. . , , !, '`y i.. � t - `. '1, A u • .m , ', t W W . 1, Y..1- t. d, a„,;' �' 44, f, ,. ,.1-. ;` ,: a �. .,.- r„ y, .�'i+ , „ , n. e,.... •-. ni 'h 1-..,.i' ,. „ •, , • .♦ ' "r ''� •Sr .pj�Y ,J 4, v w;.. ,.; ,..,, ,4. , <, r x , .t x , t rt ,.::. 9 - .�. . „ �!- '. W, .. �,' . , , n a,'. 4 .. .. i,, - 1- .a, a: . :.,,. ,. .... . ..'w a v r. ,.r �. ,..« y :b .0 w r.. -.::. ::'. '.>.. �.,: �.. .._.1-.. ...,,,... .,. .. ,. .: .:. :_-..xw,_. : c.,,. wS..d:,.l:. .... .. ..... .. .,. ,..w.. ., x�,p..::,:.'.-... ,.. �.... rti.., ,, ...,....r � __. ..1-..1 e�.J_:J� ,.tWWk.`I.