HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1888-05-02, Page 5r•
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T ry ... p. .,, •^'_T', l+- +.•.1J� NHQ �1,.1717f'�^^^'-+'' ° r
1�TevQr have Goold Goads sold for Lower Prices than Nye �.� ar
-ire now, ase;ng' for out
• • .,
D-FiE. lS�GOODS,( hu c nc ,o 1) SS Goo+�- Silks
t _ Black and Colored Cashmeres,, &Ca ..
_ --0-0-0-0-
Give us Dile chance to make. you Kapp .
i8lbe our 5 tent and,8 cent Prtn ts, seersuc%ersf Yom 81i sen ts. - -
Economy,--Cemfbrt •and Satisfaction goes with every —o '1 0 0
purchase made from us. w
We sell Good Clceap Goods ALL THE TIME
-�—° JOHN _WISEXAN, Nanager. _ Estate J. �HODGENS.
GEO. E. - PAY & 0.0"So F.
^`^ Dry -Goods Emporium of Clinton.
$35,421,440,22, but no sums had may forthwith after the 'return of'
Have just opened out an immense stock of
been placed on the estimates for such vets has been made, pass ah HATS A CA'PS- • '
MAIL SUBSIDIES AND STEAMSHIP SUBS order -in -Council repealing the Art, „ I
MENTIONS. Mr. Laurier pointed out that "forth- of tile M
` °k
a There 'would therefore have to be from the other side, the temperance with" would preclude any hearing one'0ase American Neckwear''
added to ileo amount already brought •
people. After a brush between /
down Sums sufficient t0 Cover these r
Mr. Tisdale and'Mr. Mr. Mills, Mr, (very handsome), from 20c. up to hoc. A call respectfully solicited. They guarantee every pair of the following makes :—The '
aervices._�._.. McCarthy took the amendment out �T"� rr "Reliable," "Gold "
The Hon. gentleman gavea terse of Mr.Tisdale's hands and glovedOF
�O— �--^ T_j_&80r0W, I Durable, .the l�eliable� and the Uold Medal.
'. outline of the benefits already des an amendment of his own,, making Murray Block, Albert Street.
rived and others in sight caused by _iaslie..ofJ,he order in council t�Next Door to DRY GOODS PALACE.
t: the iron duties and other changed -167 date 30, days after the repeal vote 4.....
the tariff' last session, and announc, baa ben successful. He said it was
ed that there would be no chamges in doubtful whether. the Act ceased
the tarfi f'this session. Touching ou 90 days or 12 mouths after repeal HOUSE PAINTING, °
'Commercial, Union, Ile said it was Col. Tisdale soid the intention of
THE IYILDrST CHIMERA the. Act in this regard was veryG.LAZIN'G AND GRAIN�IeIG, �15�
that was everlaced before the obscure. A long conversational
- Parliament of this country, for this +discussion followedi and Mr. Fisher `\
was .a scheme which .imperilled the . moved to insert in the bill the de-
�. industries of the country. Did claration that no vote for repeal
-PER Kalsonlini'lg
• hon, gentleman want to take Can- shall he taken until 15 days before � '�
ada back to the days of 1.875.6 and the .expiration of the three 'years uQQ (�'�++ r� � -
177, for that was, what it meant. dut•ing which the Act must remain HFI;.�IgiNg.. . n AND
an impression had got abroad 'that' in force. FRESCOING.
he had offered unrestricted recipro• The Mc(larthv bill was reported
city to the United States. Hon. with amendments. S Shop Next Spooner's Hotel, ,Albert Street
gentlemen opposite evidently did
not, understand the distinction be, "`��� CLINTON, ONTARIO_
" twegn a reciprocal offer and .unre� Life is too short to try all the
atrietetl reciprocity. As one of the remediesnow in _the market, but ORAS■ T■ SPO
c6nference it became his duty to when a reliable and trustworthy
then the United Staten medicine is wanted use
ascertain wh Powells __
@ Extract of Sarsaparilla and Burdock.
of America were 'prepared to carry Those who have used it say it is the
on the negotations on the principles beat and most powerful blood pur-
of freer trade relations, between tile' ifier in the inarket, and have
two countriias, but this. did ilot- by reccomended it to their friends.
any ' means mean that the (Sir For biliousness, dyspepsia, liver com•
'r plaint and as a blood purifier it has
Charles) was in favor of unrestrict' edual. A bottle or two taken af* AT
ed reciprocity. Cuntintiing ho said this season of the'y.ear Twill prevent MIMI
that the policy •adopted of protect. many'a serious sickness. Price, 90c.
log and fostering the industries of a bottle. Ask for Powell's Extract of
r this country lead strengthened the Sarsaparilla and Burdock, ,manufac,
hands of Gpvernment and strength- Lured only by Powell Ott Davis, Chat.
ened the. hands of Parliament and ham, and sold in' Dresden. by all
druggists, and by all druggists and
enabled the country to construct medicine dealers evIerywhere. 487eow. °
public works to the must gigantic _ _ _ _ Item ember, we are still selling vRINTS AT GREATLY
extent. From the Atlantic to the REDUCED PRICES -1 and 15c. Prints at 8 anti 10c.'
Pacific the people of Canada bad. SEEM �����
constructed one of the most gigantic all choice patterns.
works that was ever performed by '— A splendid line of SEERSUCKERS at 10c to clear.
any five millions of people in any •Just received from Belleville, ear choice
part of the world. The industries BAY. U/NTE SARLEV, TJs1Ia1 price 12�2c. We are also selling the CHEAPEST
of tho country had been promoted, SILK PLUSH IN CLINTON'at 75c. --all the leatlinr
with the exception of lumber, which aFOR SALE BY cOlots. Special value in Ladies' 4 -Button Colored Kid
industry he hoped would have its R_ ��- -.�?�- Gloves {braided backs). All -wool Dress. Goods, Blatin
'innings under the bill which was ' anti Colored Cashmeres, and a new assorted stock,oi
about to be laid on the table. Ile Standard levator, Clinton, -
coneluded his speech by saying that ___,•- — -- General Dry -Goods, at prices lila' Cannot be beat.
Canada hada great future under
the flag of the greatest empire in MARKET REPORTS. THOS. J'ACKSOthe world (Loud and prolonged (Corrected every Tuesday afternoon.) ' SR.
cheers.) ' CLINTON. _...__-•---._ W.�----- �_ — __
Flour........................$4 00 to 4 5O UTCiIERINQ BUSINESS—TILE UNDER -
Fall Wheat, new ..old 0 80 to 0 85 Fj sin and sur os to intimate y, the people o[Pa�i�� 84ap.Mr. McCarth moved the second y Spring wheat ............. 0 8O l`0 O 85• Clintonand surrounding country, that io mdor
reading of the bill to amend the Barley 0 65 to 0 70 to suitably meet the demands of his very numer-�
' '' " one customers, lie has bought out the business
Scott Act by changing the ballot to Oats ......................... 0 40 to 0 40 of Mr. R. Fitzsimons, and will carry on the same,
read from, for, and against the petit. Peas ....:.....:............. 0 60 to 0 60 ttith the choicest meats in season. rvery effort TTAtsrlt & WILSON, practical painters, NMI
" A lea (w -inter per bbl J 00 to 1 50 will be mode to meet the wants of all, and ha llmuch pie. urc m informing the public of
ion for repeal, to, for, and against PP n P hopes to merit find mceive a fair share of public Clinton and vicinity that they have opened out
the Art. Tile OitjeCt of this, lie Poth.toes.................... 0 60 to. 0 65 patronage. Lowest prices for largd orders. in the above business. Rouse, sign and general
Butter ....................... 0 16 to 0 18 Farmers' trade a speeialty: ALBERTInIAY. painting and graining. Paper hangingand ceiling
said, Eggs .......................... 0 9 l`0 O 11 was fO make plain to the voter _ decorating in the beat style known to "the, trade
Prices moderate. Shop Albert Street, two door;
what he was voting on. Mr. Jamie- ilay.......................8 00 to 9 00 en's Dry Good Store.400.8m
son saw no objection to this, but Cordwood ................... 3 00 to 4 00 EUREKA BAKERY.
north of Hodg
thought the affirmative should come Beef ............. 0 00 to 0 00 -
first oil the ballot. Mr, McCarthy Wool ....... .•............... 0 2A to 0'25 tt.c subscriber las loased the bakery of \ir•'• BULLS FOR ""............ ... SALE
Pork.....6 50 to 6 75 Dodsworth, a few doors west of the Commercial '
Bald perhaps the bill should have A Hotel, and will -be glad to receive a share of '
--•--•---- public patronage. Plain and. Fancy Bread; f11RRFE thorongh•bred Durhnm Bulls, from 11
clause inserted, bringing those
Cakes and Pastry of all kinds, furnished on short 1 to 20 months old. Registered in Dominior
Counties where repeal had- been notice. Only the best material used and turned Herd Book. Price and terms reasonable. Apply
r CBCCIP,d immediately under the Caotalon's .Carriage forks, out e. n EDD to plAKEShiot-mostin the mostd IOUs to -JAMES POTTER,
palsto. WEDDING CAKES got u in the most c _ h8&tt Blyth, P. 0.
operation of the provincial license f.a lonablestyle•__—
law, because the repeal could not J. A. KING.
come into oporation for a year yet The Cheapest and Best i_ _ TO THE: FARMERS!
in those counties whieh voted on the i '' pp lr
OUSE TO LET.—Small houso on upper part Study your own interest and o where
19th. As matters stood the law.H of Albert Street. Apply to you can gat
wns.pra¢tfcally paralyzed, and there CARTS 480 'ruos.ccol'ER&SON.
was free trade in liquor. The :Scott � PRF,S MA1tING.-11irs. Cnmphell, of Landon Reliable � H.alrness,
Act was technically still in force iR oppeed Dress'langRoomsovertheGood storeofG.EPy&Co.withflet-,I mnnufncturo none but the Basr or Sroca.
th0S8 COpritlea but, there was I10 In the tIt,rkot. Sc�o them. sasatat."a, Sit. la in aposition �o turn out Beware df shops t//�,,�� sell cheap, as they have
public opinion behind it,. and it was 'work equal to any in the city. 8ho r.apeety & pot to live, 9W 1i and got prices. Orders
nelcsn trinl ordar. Rooms over CEO. E. "PAY & by mail proutply attended to
7 p unlikely anyone would ,try to en- Stylish and durable Open and i'op .CO'S,Dry Goods Store.
force the Act,. Mr. Mills thought
13&'BUGGI)JS`i ONE, TO LC D on good mortgage or
it absurd that a vote should be taken M g
�,'°ta')' Beat Material and C'i1080 Prices. portional security at lowest current rate of HARNESS F.JIPORIC�I, BLXTII, • ANT'
to repeal the Act a year before it ' Interest. M. McTAGGART,
Could Cease to exist. He wanted A + Clinton, Feb. 28th, 1598. 48Ftf
tfine to consider the effect of the Sr Cly CanUelon,. Prop,. DOUSE CLEANERS !
< measure slid the proposed amend IFOFt SALE.
merit. The. Goverument and Mr, _--
HC SUBSCRIDER offorelfor sale tour eltgibio 11IA1i1: NO itII9TAIiF., We Laho the nicest
McCarthy wanted to go into, com• �`�?a .h i�EW..�.� T Building Lots fronting on Albert Street; And newest tock cif
mittee immediately file second read- °' two fronting; on Rattob vey Street; either en
j' In' c or in e.{n arato tote, to suet nder sere. For WAIL FAKERS BORDERS ' AND
ing was taken, and Messrs. LAUCi. �'o�r and Food -Store Stgre htrthrrltartloularsapply tetlie,undersignod. E. l
DINSLLY, Clinton, 882
or and was,
wanted tinge, but the == CEILING DECORATIONS ,
committee stage was at onto taken. D. COOK ® to be found in town. S4inething entirol)
In committee Colonel Tisdale, of • new and -Hovel. Call aril see „s: N(
•1 ,• las opened a general flour and food store in the
Slmcoe, moved that the following building opposite Fair's mill, Cllhton • An trouble to show goods.
clause be 'inserted..:—"That In all kinds of
teed, seed g1'gi�, clover and timothy, . To m. when you firs weary of being gouged and
' r flour,&e., So , kept n5 atodk and sold at the 'want to know whore you can get a ILLI,. �+• COOPER Counties in which the pet'►tiou . for l`ow'est prices for spot cash. All kinds of grain DOLLARS worth. 51iY1
the, repeal' of tile Act lifts been suede, feeds etc., ))ought at the best mnrket A. . OARSLAKE
prices. Goods ratan; eel tree to fins part of the
adopted .,the Governor=in,Courioil town, Give ueacnll:-1 m. Custom Tailoring,(/1.aning,DyingandRopa�rfng.^
Y. .
t 7
A Choice lot of Ladies Mantle' and Jacket
Cloths, suitable for Spring and summer.
New Dry -Goods ! •
- New Boots & -Shoes'!
Having ,just bought a stock of 'nc'w goods at the present
"LOW PRICES, I am in a position to Sell goods as :low
as any respectable House in the Dominion. Any one
Goods at Lowest Prices
will save money by calling on, me. I always beep GOOD
STAPLE GOODS -1 --what the people want—and WILL
NOT BE UNDERSOLD by' any one in the trade.
Butter, and Eggs taken 'in Exchange for
. Goods, A call respectfully solicited.
���Fv��=rrvRE�� •
tion is called to PARLOR SUITES—tbzy•aro of our own manufacture, and fur design;,
lniterial and workuhanship cannot be excelled fin the county.
Sa Reineniber, that all goods will he sold at a, BIG REDUC'A'kOX during, the month
of611ay. First coI ' first served: AN UPHOLSaF.RI;R always on.band ;repairing
neatly and promptly attended to..
Undert.ticing and FBIUahnin„ attended. to al our Usual low fates; Nigbt
calls attended to prumptiy.
Now TalloriRg-'AUSIROSS..
Has opened out a General,Stock of
.�. Scotch and Canadian Goods; French Worsted& -
i lr'ish Tweeds, all the Latest Styles in Pant
`'• • irrgs, &e., from the eery befit Manufacturers;
Cut, Mahe and Fit Guaranteed A 1, anti Prices as Low as any other
House iii the Trade.
Sl}op Next WattA Drug Store. A Trial Order Solicited.
• Y
x...r. •..:.: ,. A .. r, -x. 2.'L.._ ..` _,_,,,-.;,.�;'�i{.. . ,�,.... , •: rv'„�—,.. a a...��.:..... �u.wti..._.:.,. v.. � �.t. �a 5,6..,..,, rih- • _ _ _
, Bir