HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1888-05-02, Page 11'- w k ' Y u TEWIBi--$1.50 per Aussuu1, $1.25 Ill Advaikvv. m —�� INDBP.8NDRN1' IN ALL TOINGS, NEUTRAL IN NOTUING' Wli][TPS][.X k TODD publishers „ VOL. 1 NO: 20. CLINI"ON HURON COUNTY, ONT., WEJONESDA:Y, MAY 2; 1888 - WHOLE NO. 494 " -acxl (ClitfkkeglrltilltlellCeacut (Corr fapac�llelll;e-oC2ltl (6okkelrvu>xeatca uei>C (gol'kCa"1roucleltCe. `ptnX l�Okke1lAtlilelXCe Church Courts and the Prohi- --- bition Question. CUIICtICh.! �icUQl •iCh. rU/1C11/•h Goderich. ( " Blyth. DY Rls'V. 8. H. KELLOGG, D.D. Mr. Willis Chipman, C. E., of The members Of Huron Lodge 51,111'1 THAT CU UUWN TO SrA, DTO. for Our Ainericals cousins, arld the I Ali.. JOhll Freeman, of Buffalo, ,�+� (EztraelJ ' R Brockville, is in initis. 1'0. 63, L O• 0. F., will colobrntu Yesterday weelt there was a largo many pleasant hours he head passed returned to town on Saturday, No littler terest has been excited All,. Watson, painter, of Dutroit, the auuiversary of OddfollovsbiP gatheriug at the harbor to witness ill the neigliburing to -y. Mr. Mr. John I:migh is lnavitn his by the report of the Committee of is ill town. oil the contiu°nt by. attetrdiug the the ehristeniug of the now tan the Beck made an able address. 110 i ° g the Presbytery of Toronto on Tem - North St. Methodist church next ° ' hotel renovated with a fresh cont of Y a Mr. Geo. Black, jr.,arrived in town J. H. Jones. At 4 p. in. over a claimed to represent ilio village paint• perance, from which it appeared that Sunday morning. thorisand sight store were )resent Whorusalt was first discovered and the sessions of several itis ortant f from Brsutford•oA Saturday, a' 1 s)olto hopefully of the nt The -flue woather of the past fow P Holy Communion next Sunday His Lordship Judge AIeNlaliuii which number teas greatly incroaset l p' y prospect of days has.cauaed some of our citizens churches in Toronto had reapeotfully I opened- the spring assize court oil by 5 the time of the immersion. prosperity fur our salt nlanuftto declined to answer certain of Clio tit St. George's• to go into garden operations. Monday afternoon. After Bolivar- Afr. Marlton had been makillg,things turers. Sung, Mary of Argyle, questions sent to the churches by Air. Thos. McBride was out -for a itis his charge His Loldillip 1)10.- ready during the day -and at 5.05I1e Mr. J, Ruhiusou. The chairman Air. Robort Douglas, bladltsmiths the Assembly's Committee on Tom - drive Saturday. ceoded with the business of the gavo the signal to cut }ler fastenings, then save Messrs. Haas and Wagner.is attending 1:he county atown as A 0 0 � a e perance, on the ground, if we under, Dust was flying pretty frooly on court. _ :1., he firoB lite nun ilio uecuucert. of Bu(fnlu n toast ably replied to Juror this, week. Saturday. A signal, 1 P stand the matter aright that these Y The degolation appointed by the „nal, the Alclvor brothers by the gentleman trained. Song, Mr. Will Walker, tailor, left here touched on matters which were be• Colonel English, of Strathroy, town council to intorview the severed the+ curds that alone held ilia Air. J. J. Doyle, The viee-chair- on Thursday for Exeter, where he gond the p,oper jurisdiction of -was in town last week. Dominion Government with,a view Jones and sh'b glided d:isily aur.1 Man then gave oar Gouuuereial ill- has obtained a situation. Church courts as trattscauding the of obtaining a bouus for Clio Gnol lh b'`tcefull into the harbor. As tho t(IV0ts, with the names of D. ATiles Younis Monthly meeting of .the school o I y Esq., has this week limits of Church authority indicated board next Wednesday evening.' and-Godo'ich Railton will leave b vessel touched the w•atur \lies Fan- C. Stracllnu, W. Lee and A. Col- • had n haurlsome Y Y picket fence erected in the New ':Testament. Snu), ill tho-noon train to -day ter Ottawa, nie Lawrence nailed the boat, and pure. The toast was duly respond- on his lot faciug King street. ��... Mr. Dean Swift is still confined o o particular, were those quebhons to Cho house. Our town clerks were bus oll handled the curd that spilled the od to by the first naffed gentleman, judged to be which requirediaesaious Y. wine •aud act the i1mg that bora tho concluding with a ver interesting McGill Brothers started on A[on- Mundu obtaining siguaCut. to is o Y day to move 1). I)• Carder's store, to report to what extent the mem- Th° tug Jrzvtee Clark hoe been Y vessel's mune fl 'inn to Clio breeze. ycutch nuocdote, Toasts, souse petition in' connection with the flyinc, ° on Queen street, a few feet further bora of -their congregation lead voted mealy painted by her new ow nor, The loud and hearty chooriug as the and general merriment till nearly 1 in provincial and municipal elections �•., earl cl.osi❑ Act passed at•tlro r- and is now rowdy to leave port. Y g pt Jones slipped easily into her future a• ill., when the company separated. to the front. P a. P tout session of the Ontario le +gala- for rohibition" candidates • and - Immense numbers of horriu .resting )lace heralded another and fire gentlemen from Bnfi'alo left on On Wednesday evening last` our P ' Cure The..goutlenieu report a sac• l ilio early train for liouc. Health Board rust ill. the Orange also to state what proportion of the s have been caught in and around the successful launch by our young and coasful eauvass so that before lour Cho members of their congregations prae harbor the past few days. o talented bunt builder. Tho new _ -��- half, when they appointed constable w. young lieu employed 'for res utll - Davis health ins}iector. tiled total abstinence. Regular meeting of Maitland have n littlii more time for snnnnei. v°ssul, when soca . it) the water, B.acicnvw• We hear .touch said -and that lodge No. 33, A. F. and A. M. next amusements: showed showed hot- lines cloar�ly, and seem- Eigh�;teanps and agents of an im- s ed to rido oil tilt watery el luehtt as T'ho Lucknov T,•icrosso Club is plenleut cdtup;tny arrived hero on too, with abundant roason-of the _°\louln,y evening. fllpeninyof taaeigation. The stenm intolerable tyranny of the Church of AIr. James Clark is making a big g gracefully as ;a cluck. Her rlrsigu urg:uiiririg for the season, the pro- Monday frojIu Exoter. They intend intolerable But a is r 0 o too iV.. J. Ai/,eu.x of Toronto aud .fiuisli. that have boon su ouch position is to furui' ti league for to caut;tss this section of the coluit not too much to „ 'pu%li to leave for the fishiuggrounds arrived in harbor frog Sarnia at llraisr'd by judgasof Marino orchit0e f ° for a con llo of uwutlis, Y say that Cho root, of this tyranny is by the 10th. half past three on Sunday afternoon. Ifuron and Lruco , Che Sepoyh pro- ti' , e 1 4 _ i to lie f nd it ..- _. ech. of t.he_ - > c1`"mltntgtt5�t� ilt ?5°ecti ci•ic iii e {z`tei " ' n' a. ill. as ns Ihny Ciera uu tervrt lirrrut• liusu` �u12.rvfl "aiues on f ,c .4th aud principle for which we contend:;"iYe lating on the fine time they will and had clear water , mitil within . aruutrd , toivtr this week which re- the assumption to speak and apt Tho IWilor fur the ver,,el will :uriVo nre anxious to hoar troll ft, in eoived the ai rna have at carp this slimmer. fifteen Milos of Godorich when site S o tures' of iost of the with the authority of Christ irl gist Chu holds of ice that wore• in a da • o',two when tho whole of Clio noighborhuud n•illiug to cone• basinosathentoask our town daddies Miss Holmes,, of Stratford, is visit her machinery will ho fixed an.d'a 40 Luckuuw that da and cross sticks to ass by-law to have all places (natters on which Christ has never ins .Air, and Airs James Robin. passing down from the north all trial run fo shoed goofs. Site will 5 P ) spoken nor the Holy Ghost made a ` son dna. l'ho tug passed through the with then). Rev. Al r: Nugent of the of businilss closed at 7 o'clock p. m, ' ileo at:u't on hersnnuuor t.rip..�'1'lro o deliverance binding on the consci. s ice liolds off this port seentingly during the sunnier months, Saturday I` Rev. C. A. Doudioi, of Montreal, launch •was celebrated in the evo- ATothodist church who has been tin ence of men. It is uta wonder that without trouble. well. for some da o evenings excepted. y. preahed IY101'nl'llg and evening in ging by a lunch at Balls ice cream days tvo aro glad to at last, in order to justify this arra•. T'ho'o was n meeting of the [Own rooms on which occasion- ox•ninyor say ]s getting bettor. -Mr. Whitely, A mooting las hold on Friday gation of unwarranted powers, Rome Knox church last Sunday. " tyle p0 ,alar p r evening at Afiluo's hotel for tit couuctl on Monday for special busi- Horton occupied the choir :rod :Cir. 1 1 1 rovrietor of the White- o has felt it necessary in our day, as Captain Petos is ggttiva up Cho ness. Reove Johnston and Dr. E. Campion tho vice-chAir.� Amon r IY House, is not,, we are sorry to say Purpose of getting up amusements h'c•eninq Star, foto the season's L e Y Y for Chu Onoen's Birthda a logical and practical necessity, to II01mca wore added to the defogs- ,t•hoso present we noticed tlul follow- improving much. Licenses are an y. Tito affirm the infallibility of the Pope trade. tion appointed to interview the ins Anl.erican gentlemen J. II, n0uuced for Whitely House, Cairn's tweeting was well represented by wheneverspoakingexcathedrez. But Two vessels have be chartered Government, malting it the Mayor, Jones \V. 1-I Siebuld C. J. Ifutt`I. "the Rob 'Roy," Alooro's the sporting fraternity and decided to endeavor to raise `Cho necessar ° no Presbyterian will be ready, wo Ito carry wheat from Pott Arthur to Roove Johnston, Councillor had- Greeu�ing, H Julius Hans, B. <I, ',lull Martin's, Mooro'we ore told will y are confident, to affirm the infalli- the big mill. cliffe,, Town Clork Campbell and Decker :lad Matthew Wagner, not take out a liconso,-Farmers are funds to celebrate Clio day in a bility,of General Assembly, -although A[rs., Mr. Fred, and the Misses Dr. Holies, 1.'he delogatiou 'teas And from town, Al. T{utchinaon, F. busy aud business cense ueutl is fitting manner, q Y this alone could justify any action Widder returned from Europe instructed to•equestthe government F. Lawrence, D. McDonald, Goo, (lull although Saturday evening The Blyth Choral Society, under. directly or impliedly deciding what u yesterday. to at once proceed with the post Drummond, F. W. Jahuston, D. there was a rush generally. -Our the leadbrship of Air. A. Lawrenee, the Word of God leaves open. The annual cue°ting of Llio office buill3iug, on Cho silo `selacted. C. Strachan, Captain Dancy, Ccip. Literary Society closed for the gave a concert to the temperance There are many who need to be llechauic's Institute was held last At Cho 0 ening of the ITig tain Jose rh Beek, Josh Kidd uur. 8oasou of Friday night. Every- _ball on Monday ev,Qniug. 0iring P o oh 1 J b reminded in our da that the Church evening. School Litgrary Society last Friday .W, Leo, W. .Brough, J, J. I)oylo, thing, i115`eal off 0. 1C, with one or to the incloment state of the Weather Y Our,hotels}yore crowded the past eVeniug Cilie following programme A Colbo, ' n, J. F. Robiuson; Jas. two exceptions, -0210 way Clio •polio the attendance was not very good, of Jews Christ is nota Moral I�e- cal debate • the oth,or ars fullowsan'd' A s ple'udid programme of solos form (tub, but something more and two days, every available room being was presented :-Recitation,' Miss A. McKoy, Jas. (Marko, George B. � 1 p ' o '' , better. 5ucb a club miss speak on occupied• Rusk • Editress' Selections Al.iss Lox, Dr. \N'hitely,'Geo• II. Rhynas ""hieli ulav be hoaded ?Ire Lnc1•rtotc. duets and 'singing by the class was : r any atibject, and -in its official c ara. Ada Caroline Elizabeth daughter \\Tatson ; Trio, Misses Afkouhead aud others After the usual •formal P7zari',5eeei- Lord ter: thank thee well. rendored. � o Circ ctiC riot a,, other ?'ILIA 0r even N1 eter, because it•repr°sante only tit° " of ATC:' duo. A. Naftel died °o Sun• and Wilson, and Mr. Thompson.; toasts the chairman gave the J. AY: ' Jvnc: Illtl'Od11�111 it with an ex- this1)ult (tn." -A hypocrtileal crcry opinions of its members ; and' mon day after less than two days ill- Question Drawer, Mr. H. I. Strang; ' g Bayiiehl. cellont tribute to ilio" builder Air. t-even;/r fttl cancl ccrzrcicrttin�, Tho will give its deliverances. the weight gess, Debate er Resolved that ignoralic© rovipce of Ontario might be search- Charlie the livery driver visits Which is due to their wisdom °and and superstition 1}avo caused more Marlton, Ther ,toast was received P' 1i>uito a number of contractors ed ill vain for a mo•eoh hypocritical �Ur city to see a nice young lady of character. But the Church, if site Cuero, in town -this week looking buil in Chu world than )ride and with Cho'usual )tenors. By :request Yl "i• ' a 1 the vice-chairman addressed the gang, of Pharisees than those who scholary proclivities -Jack the tail- speaks in her official character taust after their tenders ih connection ambition. For the affirmative have .constituted themselves ' the or went to church last Sunday, some speak with the authority of her „ with ilio water works contract. Messrs .McCrae McCluskey and meeting on the bait question cape - e Y g advance guard ill temperance mat- say he event to see the Chicago,fash- Head, or -else spoil( not at al):' ICnechtil. For -the negative Messrs too considerable merriment. In o ions -Tonin ' still takes his ovenin Hence also the General Asse. mbl Mr. John Craigia will command Noble, Bailie and Sallbws.. AIr• proposing the health of thearebitect ters in- this village. The loader of ) g * yl one of the tugs that -will be launched and builder, the chairman spoke in the gang isone of AIowatsadmirable trips v to the parsonage. -MI. "NY. for example, is not to be thought of AToote, who presided, who gave h�9' J. I"s. T[o cis scarcely write his W. C,onuor had a severe spell late- as merely a religious convention 'of ill a few days, and a Captain from decision ill favor of the negative. high terms of the euorgyaud ability 4 Y Southampton will command the g nam°. 1Te tuts engaged in digging ly; Mrs. Connor has also been good hien, whose business ane} right ce All•. Marlton, The toast was re- o o 0g, o very ill.. Best wishes for the wor- it is to recommend to tire common., - other. The Majorities for 'repeal at the ceivecl with all Ilio honors, and ap, ditches tri• some kindred wont in His Lordship the bishop of Huron recent e1.6ctiou were':" piopriatoly responded to. Mr, F. England, uccum•ulating la � little City couple. -A GodeJ'ich black its or the civil hovornmont what. ' will hold a .confirmation in St. West Ifuron....................... 187 W. Johnston then proposed Alossrs• proporty hero lie assumes the "bog• smith is charmed hither by the ever a majority vote may chance to "" strew wiles of a pretty black- declare right or ex Stent• It is a ' George's church on Friday evening East Huron..••••-•,,,.••,,......... 262 James Clark- and J. A. McKay. gar cis horse -brick' role, IIe isafirst P y g pv- the.1Ith inst. South Huron ...................... 531 The toast having been heartily re- class type of the "bull-headed b,lyd.-Pail}vas prospects aro brigh- court of Jesus Christ, and reprea- 9 ceived, and responded to Mr. J. F. o P surveys ung, -Frank on his evening tripe ence .1 -lis authority. " g y' actotisticsaaro conceit anduoout char ten c This fact -,Hotel keepers are hawing their U stet ..................... p , the mill end's edge he is, binds it to keep silence wherever, it houses renovated thus wing Exeter ................ ...... 39 Robinson awn DlcSurle • a ttvina to uorance. P o � P giving Stephen ................ All who differ from him ill tem• a ,competent surveyor linviug had cannot support its deliverances by ,a employment to a large number of 28. the the company: experience in that line 'last summer clear Thus saith_x1zh.,Lord ; nor is tradesmen. -- Manufacturing interests was replied lrerance are fools, all who refuse to "Thus " Total ......:...............I,310 to by AIr. Hutchinson, who paid a support,.tho. Scott Act are whiskey -Tommy appears to be getting such obligation to silence set aside Mr. and. Mrs R. K. . Miller of heads.' Hotolhee hers ill 'his belief jealous of the progress of our talent- though all 'the world . declaim glowing tribute to the enterprise 1 St. Ileleus,were visiting at the lad 's The following shows the changes should have horns and hoofs: He ed young school teaehor.-Jim oc against the Church and denounce Y and honesty of AIr. Jas. Clarke, pa►•ent's, Mr. and Airs., Isaac Salkeld •in the soveral municipalities against casionally bolts away from the her as disloyal ter-.iloralitr and , Duet, Labor and Watch, Messrs. J. is Terribly chagrined at the over- y on Saturday.the Scott Act,sinco,the vote in 1884 postoflice and makes a break around J. Doyle and J. F. 14obinson. The tvhelmiug defeat of the Scott Act. la'efornz. the total number .of votes being Ho wanted to have a parting Dick's corner to see -well, not do The usual quarterly services were chairman 'in proposi.ug the health - about the same oil each occasion : and see a man• -Tho employees in the -lir. Justice Street. fined five 'To• held in the Nortlh street Methodist "• of W. H. Siobold spoke hoartily, of shot at 'the victuallers To - church loot Sunday ; Rev. J• E. Aahfield;,.......le C lborue ,...... JG the good will At prosent existing be• t}tis is the gray he (lid it. store uox.t tit° 9ttoon s are very at- ronto juryman $5 each last week for ' Howell, of Seaforth, preached both Clinton..........161 (. ,cl wieh Tp...103 tween the Dominion and the U. S. His little g' y, An tontivo to customers and equally so being late in answering to their girl.recites nicel Goderich tow•n127 •W. Wawanosh 1`2.5, to each other.. names when called. On Wednesday morning and evenings Air. Siobold responded, and closed anotrymous request was sent per , E. Watvauoah.151 Blyth ............. 51 __ __ _ he refused to recogtlize a well known St. Georges regular, week night Brussels G,•I, au appropriate s eech b ho iDr, mail to the committee of the Litor 1'ucicersllutl!• barrister in court because he, was g y.......:.....288P P ar societ to invite her to take minus his gown. service will be omitted for two Hawick .:.......227 Morris ..:.......288 that the business relations of Cho• Y Y weeks, and the confirmation class Turnberry......1355 Wingbam......lOG° two c'ountr'ies would always -be con pati oil Friday night. -They did Mr,JohnSharp isbdsysowiDgflax -A and tragedy is reported from will meet in tiro school room this ' Wroxeter....... 20 Bayfield......,.. 22 ducted on the principles of friend. so-Mowat's J. P. was prosent'for on his farm just now. Mr. 'Fortes• Cathanh. Edgar Slade., aged 75, evening at 8 p.m.. Hay..............v110 Hullett .,.......191 ship; love, and truth, a sentiment the first time during the season, al- tor; of Clinton, gots the flax. and Wm. McLellan, his grand- AIcKillop ....... 57 Seaforth ....... 85 that was heartily choored. Tho though lib sword in Godurich at the Mr. J. Martin and ]lie brother- son, aged three and n -half years, Mr. Bib,&m, who is retiring Stanley...,....., 35 Tuckersmitla .100 vice-chairman nave our marine in. Into trial of Lucknow vs. Lawrence were burned to death on Friday from the fruit btrsinesa has rented Exeter............ 71 Usborne ....... 60 o in-law Mr. R. Murdock of the. 2nd evening They lived on a farm about 'Ate hen .....:..,237 torosts ill all exceedingly ;nautical that ho would not even wnik� on line, have - rented a farm of 200 three miles from Chatham, and it is his store to Mr. \Vm. Graig who P speech, Captain Dance and Mr. the same side of the street for fear will use it as additional accomods., A very pleasant event tools place 1 y acme in Stanley. supposed they were out burning George I3. Cox responded, the of the Ball falling on pini. Iia loft brush and were accidental) cremat- tion for the Huron hotel. on \1'odnesda�•mormiug, last, at the Mr. Horton, teacher S. S. No: -9 � Y ' former gentleman heartily endorsing as soul as his little girl finished,- ed in the lioap. The lata Samuel Pollock, for. residence of Lewis Elliott Esq. bo- g Y g o leaves let May, much to Cho re - many soars.deputy Sherif, and for S all that had been said as to the Everybody wondered to deo hfTrl-Jacobllhoo.l wheservedaterni in the marriage of his third daugh- grot of Cho Section. -Mr. D. John- • y' ter, Miss Margarot Louise Jones, and the latter testifying to come in. --Tho secret was soon ex' in Guelph jail for larceny at hergus, two years mayor of the tovn Cuss � o to Air. sten will take his place. Air. John- the progress of Godorich's marine plained and by his clevor little and who•afterwards proved a vain, buried in Maitland remoter on John G. Sickles of Sarnia. -The slog has also been a ver successful y interests. Mr, J. I.I.Jones ave 4lapnh.ter, site came forward sand re- y able acquisition to Inspector Cowan's Friday afternoon. brio, who was very tastefully ar- g teacher and there is no doubt of his staff of informers is again in Trouble. the Aloreantile interests of Goderich cited a blood curdling piece about r g rayed ill garnet satin and old o- 6 P aucceoding. On the night of March 271h, in pass. ' There is quite an agitation among Y o g with Cho' names of Alossra• McDonald a horrible publican who, having by , naments, was supported by Afisa ___-_..,__ _ _ }ng a Proton farmers house, be eom- the dry goods and grocery men, and Drummond. Mr. McDonald his fiendish blandishments enticed -pottyIlio Noble, of Clinton, in n an honest working m -Air, C. C. Colby, M. I'., Deputy menced using the most violent and in favor of adopting the recent Acta oke on the mercantile interc+st o an into hia abusive language, and called the asuit of navy blue cloth, with P Speaker of the Commons, is�seriously malting the closing of the stooland the bait question so as to bar -room, ;after tho manner of •the i11 farrner many foul names. The farmed•, compulsory at 7 p. m. except ort .pearl ornaments, The groom was create extraordinary morrinient. spieler and tile- fly, indueod the a Mr. MaLulan, got out of his bed Saturday's, and the evenings before 'supported by lir. Ultra, of Sarnia. honest working man to driult took - The reports of the German and emerged from the house. 'There public holida s The wedding guests 'comprised, AIr. hrummond said that ho repro- O Emperors condition continue to be g P Ys • sonted one of the h'ichcst institu- all his money, ordered him out anal ver favorable. upon Rhoody fired three revolver besides the immediate friends of y shots at him. The farmer got his Returning otficer Campbell made the bride, Miss Lodge, of Dutton, t•-O"s oll the coutineut, and•ho was being, unable to go was dragged out -Imprisonment for two months rifle and Ithoody fled. ile was after - his declaration of the reeont vote in Miss .Frances Noble of and glad to be able to say that largo by the hair of the head by the afore- and a fine of $200 have leen imposed 'wards arrested and now he's in Owen the Town Halt last Thursday. The ' Clinton, ` numbers of our American uoighburs s:ttd publican and gently deposited on the notoriety seeking Editor Sound ail awaiting trial. Y• A1r. Atkins of the snulo•placo. Af j g promoters of the petition werore ro were participators in its lienefits. in the gutter, -Tho whole thing was Hawke, of The Moncton 7ransgript-•j•;lle Rev. W. W.. Carson of the P ter a rlejeneur recherche was served Song,. Bono t0 slow music and with a for contempt of Court. sentod by Aleasrs Roo of Wing- the christouing of two of 'mr, and o friends of my youth, J. J. p Dominion Methodist church at hatn, and Goo. B• Cox, of toirm, the Ahl•s. Elliott's ograndchildren tools Doyle. Tho Silt iutei'osts, proposed pr`opriato embellishments, like the -While there are gangs of Trench- Ottawa, preached Sunday in Clio opponents wero not re pusented at by the chairinan, was rospuudoc} to I31uo ].ion sign in I)icltona its Canadian young mop leaving for the Dominion Square church, Montroal. the summing } place, Itiev: Di'. Uro .giving them like is often soon in art -but never brick -fields of Massachusetts, as they His Aext was Matthew, 20 and , 30, >a c ttlp' baptismal names - David Lorne ce Mr. e Riin who ►alto an ex- usually do at this season of the .year In the course of his sermon hd r Chrystal, • , cellont speech in -which salt and fish .soon ill nature, -This J. I . probab• In Wawanosh, 1lullott, Mc- Y , and Lewis McMaboh El- 1 fools happier that he has ill this the factories, hands, nevertheless, (erred to the late revivals in ottawn, Killip, Grey, lIowick, Turnberry liott. Tho weds}ing .party "loft for tver.e charmingly blooded. Sousa : Y 1 P' continue returning. Very few young IIe said the attendance of such Pat Mello Mr. J. F. Robinson ' cowardly way, suedeeded in insult T11E Ht ' and Al�rrie, tiro rondo were from their future hone, Sarnia, at 3 Y' � men are among them, nearly all be- notable persona as the Marquis and y d, m. Tnr NEws.RrcORu kindly Horse shoo on L1ie door, Air. J. J, ing the respectable victuallers of In'g heads of families, who are less Marchioness of Itandsdowne and Sir 6- _E WS R- EC 0 R-1 moderato to very le the rest of Doyle ; Our ,morican Guests, this county, but lot hiiu iocnll 'td' free to move round seeking work; John and Lady Macdonald, was sore countyperces good, on els pal day. The wishes them all happiness and pros- Messrs. Greenin r aud"Decker drew his ntenlory tie time when he used and the children,, to all a earn p8 to be noticed in the papers of the percentage of votes polled in the Parity, able speeches Tf•oln the nnmod to'indulgo in free drinks at John nre.very numerous. One fa her of a- next day, and throughthissimple above mentioned group was 56,17; — - -` gontouisut, b[tnnicipal institutions A7cCrost}ora bar aDd thou compare young family was aaked by a Witness fact the attention of many had been in Cho whole of Cho county 58,16, -Large purchases of C'anndian was responded to -by Rooves John- the stntinient of the recitation and representative if the factories were drawn to the meetings, and (hon' to The (71nbe statement that bad roads horses. her British arm remounts are still shutting down. "Oh, yes," he religious matters. Great good has y stop and Bock. Afr. Johnetou facts to -Brut tho'wholo af- replied, "and they will continue to often resulted from seemingly simple did it wont hold Crater i� Huron, to be made this summer,,spoke of the'kindly feelings be had I fair is worthy of the man. do so for some time to come." causes.- Witness. \ r, o r ...,.._ � _.� _. ,.,. � �.:..: ., ,.w,r, ., 4° ,a-,. ,. rov... za:w °n ...w ,,...y, ,. 3W w.� ,• ,.,, .�.,.�,.,.�.,..,. ,,.na_... �.�. .v.u., i,eftY� W •l