HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1888-04-18, Page 6T I ltardl knew { 7t,rt r tet 1 uiok it wins 1 , � � ', .' Y y...,...l'a, Is-; n: `� Wit a t.:�`e The. u ron lie s Re rd ,1 � � +�i'o @Ilrulost or not ; but apt all events he �W TJ r,a hear -9t•24 Rt �.d4va.ae, stttidel)ly put dD\xn bis !asst,! and Yeat'a ago Into a wfituluatrle j;rvGnry "' .0 leo ' f'follolvod'me out quite good. It\vas atal'u Iu Doston walked a tall, Is sondfng thousands annually io the t c NT t muscular looking inaii a gayluin; and thedoctQrl$8 Y till$4"lill �esday,. A r11 18th It3$g ag're(t relief to t40 as, tlla,, he,ttf o , ridan'tl a lnsatic "',rt'1p r ' Y trouble is alarnlin l {would have snit!. tu`tIu�Ctl froul soulo backwouds g y on rile uicrease.Ia returaig thagky tom meq frlr#enls The asliai ;toadies, while they may g Y y and' palrOQa for jpaay pRtrogtlge, I woula rt' seed Outuliu ul Np1v Hatupshitc• like to ottlI their special attegtfog to my very oomplate'atoGk of !'hast fella++' became a \,P AccuyLiu'r lila first plttaou he n►et, give temporary relief, aro likely to do Two Weetarn St0 " „ f more harm Dan good. What is u d HON69 WH1p,� CUR. Y 4- t ft ionll to Ill�e fi is. Fie naval w'hu sur r� ' eti. to be , �i MNS` ��i �' a.7a 4 f01 oi:.'>{Il drtili hi 1'p uA; f t t. l ktt�,' aIIW. ,$�i$i `TETC. ercllaut !� t I ., . ,. ,>, T rP Fit ''i it'lit lo:' ,a o \ Y. , ,i q,. N A. ;. "ell ` 11�, 1 44,Alteiative.. ,7d• 1 sett p il?e r , + t ; ,m .�t tw rt, blf0 bl i (f } ri h f r#1: t. /•1p' asked Y !{ cl¢p t svdntf. ; u, r $gee atteaitlan is directed' to my. tacit of 4., `� R}. '191 r vl � nal lI1 'so.4Te` Ia' sag;C.:'1 s . Y !r plc+ 11tt to ,Itil.'rlgGufe, aQ• ` ' f �",!'�' t+ 1cort Oil p p� - - , .!tart•- - ;: „ +t✓; 14 e4! tn. tan -a-i f o l t o 1. ,t}k, �..�a;_ , ,+.t�lt � r � n 1nF..' , !!_ '.1Jilr�� Ai' A tIrVYlrltd1L42a e a ■ a0�t "} :.. , fit a A. o a 1•` Weil suis:.;_ ^. ,' ... ;negs; ftea`4Md'tei ed'�'t�fid a cities telliga uta of n curious ex I'0171# CA'$I TNA. , UTNTS. ,, s .* s 1 ills u1r Gcll,tut, G a- It will�be found ver complete sad for durability, And fialah cannot be excelle4",by perienae:,h.e fell in with once, when The four onrdinal poi of health du out kuuw. 1Vh.rL c.tn o '' Corea the osseous system to althful'. any one. A$ I em 1 ngae but the or d vrerkm9 he was down in Arizona after a are the stomach, the liver the •ki.l- �' y condition. P 9y,R, ,an{I use the !pest material to be d0 4 - bought in the market, 41I who achy tavor mewith tbeir pstrooage may feel ootifiden horso'thiot r Ti1p phorifF was it very treys and the bland, any failure of « Rev. T. G. A. Cott, agent of the Mays. ' of getting satisfaction, "ate ':l }ala frill °;ata I•':kniiiy, 'biro! Gb fl�';actiop brings A, oilii] 010 1.4114 "1 ratll(M Home MissionarySociet ,'writ pig; Z but one,cave C ele'sa who would An etiient �,to tris°.'bvh`aIe`'•�''syeteth 'gee~ lute' `Iilaetauilth w `'" y �4e and er- a9* tail'~'ilii°9 Out, ;p.Q�aer,this?plgep _ Fj cc nn /n� Re elate ,. .', h.7 •47.� y DO, always rather fight than swallow an g let1;lcon tion y Jill T urd, glm0elt,, sgykbi`yo1 Yl hat do you very often disturbed, and some int- ;1 pp 1 .r"l l ,';: fr alb. I insult. He could not 'u$t ive in ock BioodBltter$w o srou�a pekleat 'yrall #" Ilio 1!r' _,!.4• t'5 "' purity of the blood manifest;but that"4-' rl�rtl s�1 d11Va11S " I. 1 t J 8 / health. eg jtT Ped Y'fiFleh slid *469 6w. for tkp_8 .o of peace ani _�piers as1. Well tt I vera Lu hire a ,nen a Perfect re was obtained by the use ruosG•pavo e' would i lint tfle've►y ... Dias. PslrCy,.it.ax`ldRly arlXl ltlli i. 1. oJAredes area ariila. GEORGE �`'! it wonldaao our: that cuuld'lift «still Fsederfel5 V1t �E'ratt, 424Yyp h g 1 �.JI A. SHARMAN idea of being pot upon always got mother of five children, while in a -u s►lolig, wiry to vw, one for streex, i3oston "iviites: "My 'dsugl`i$er his back up. I only II#auktop this..fit of mental Aberration,, attoMpt .l..1148to? cs, th,ti,t erutt.l� should9l n„ was prostrated with nervous debility. ` - - about the man'd disposition to shote :' " p to gain admittance to the (Atllolic 8AOk of tidies like LhrlY yonder,"alio ! Ayet's, ,4 aparills restored her to f. my grounds of credence in the storyhealth."" �` ' v" presbytery h Winndow nipeg, nfpeg, by climb- ldYcari it across the slur$ and never w ( Cures Dizziness, Loss of Appet te, Indigebtion, l3t`liotWness, he told me• �/ 1 ; oouditioning tl►n,i v y to+rirhy 1cn�alit'� lay`it (lawn." William, F. Bowker, Erie, pa., was S sin, daundiee, Ile lyae, !At Ariz ail pall, I. sal( There now ca tarn said the b red of nervousness and sleeplessness pt'p� Af'ectimsofthpLiper'aAd:Kidneys, a and, 1,D :;+earah gf sass tllpf, ;lie; spent glass• - ,, ! �•; Y xPking Ayer e,arsapa�ri�la;Aq{:abtlut fi fi g Pimples, Blotches, Bolls, Humors, Salt 9)iEtt7/i, Scrofula, countryinata, tllat, :it' J..UA too ''t\d1 7niSnthis; during which 'titiae his Erysipelas, and all diseases arising frorn,lmpure Bloody F Into a low stiloou, thanking he can lift any tlii11'* hiLLh to you woi ht increased overtwent Y a I J g y Pounds." t IIllgfit }p01'hApB hest' 60111@ lle\V8 Of BdRH{PEl.L'8 BRONOHIAL` BALSAM can't suit me batter. What will D Derclirged StorrJach, oirt°eyularaGtion of Bowels., his man.' There were a lot of then cures all kinds of coughs and colds p ! ti „_, ,"..•g, e _ g You give a loon that; will. auit AyPI' S.' . ars pa�'rlla, `•' :a'. ' `. •"- drinking; and he ordered a drink. bronchitis and croup. Ask for -' t' likewise. So► as the It " you 4 _ y Ott .round'' .Bprkwella take naothe : 983,tf �r 0110 g(eat rlaf�hnly f011O'w- gut up' ° "I'll tell you," said the merchant, Dr. J. C. Ayer A Co., Lowell, Mass. A FULL. STOCK OF r' anal, drawing a knife a foot and a-.1'Ir. Wilson, n school tenches '"'f you will shoulder that sack of laid by Priced; nixbottles,$G rL\\'ser `and nevLr !li it dD1vn, I wll> - hok'e Olover c Tim Seea� half long, yelled out with a drunken en rout•o from Lindsay, pgt., ko cuffee ;and Barry It across the •etore� %� mixture of desperation and bravado Virden With hit' flu4fly, became J' C! l% —"Is there au • do's here who likes hire uU a year�aL it huudrod deltars Also all �Iher varieties vi Ficld..Garden :and Flower Needs. - .• J a � suddenly, insane While stopping tat J' ton better than whiskey? Do youa4 the Clifton house in- Winuipen, a wonth." a' 1 ��� s aecial Or du ou 4' ha said ht+, ^ .fog p ° e• t .a P H E e ilains have been Taken b Procure them Fresh w Y ao The doctors pronunnee ham suffering "Done," said the stranger, hurl a'= "-e , and Pure. round the table and asitia, esti! in areal softnuin4 of the brain. by this time every clerk in the . ` 1 Cloth&Col Binzg Extra. Yalue' /n China Tea sets and Decorated taro, � Cloth &Gold Binding store hill! gathoroil around and ti t•' 14d Page;, nith sled l'agrarloS, '\Pelf, said 14V magisterial friend, RE9IovE TuE CURE. waited to juin in Ll le lairrll anainst `,'4 t_•r n,uLliDrase. Dinner sets, Decorated Toilet Sets, White Granite sets •s1, , a o 5:.:,:a::+. -uA,._. ACitrn.x. 1'. 0. nor islo, H. T. x in IUlI'1'atfng the 8t01'J', I did, llOt j•0 remedy all evil the Cause must Lha lllall. 11'hq \Prlllied Up LU rile L14'CgVla u•.1LRUs. CURES anl(»i and Fancy Glassware. know whatever I should sa to him p New �1 s 1 3' be removed. It is by opening the y:ck, threw it uv('n iris should(+i' as1,'Vers,Uooae 1,'ev Inaammauone,.. .26 `i Vial Value in lrvleYy AieCtlsiinrr� �� as Oach Ilan in turn said he liked 2t11'erma, Worm fever, \Veru, Colic.*.. 26 V clogged avenues of the system and \\'nth earl"ect ease as it was not ox- l:crV]n7rCenc,orTeotbinsofInfant#. .21 p Black, art°�?l � Altpiarnc�a, of Children, bilious ts:,.... �� Canned Fruit Vegetables, \rliislicy hest. I did not !site the thus removing the impure poisonous tremoly heavy, and \vall:od with ;t inn Irrher CrhildrenorAdults.a ... .les and Japan �PiaS. g I` idea of b0i11g bullied by this follow and worn out matter which is the twice ucroas the store, went uteri ii U!',olera Xiorbne, Yomitinb.......... 25 p t �,• q J 7 i,oualto,Qold,nrunchitie............. �2is .Ct,c,. in endta�sv-li'ar•tefy. iDt'r'lnt;f{N, )r '-�1,_&�r�-_Fl�i.ps•_._ into saying a thing I slid not avant cause of disease that B. B. B. is, so to a !army ho(;I: lrilicli was fast0nad 8 NouralVa, rcethaoho,.Iracoache:.... .2a6 ,. �m�j 1/,*ct:,2ocli and get 1't [ct H. it \v — .} uniform! nuc a ' ..-'z:::�aetww,•i'�.k.I,Sasae.:;3'er s"^t"a ,rz`',:;.a ... — a iseases of the Stomach Liver, `int nw,lug ft u17, to say to hila. when he came to me turued around to Lite sur lrisud then- p�ppm�p ®®pTpp�,,� Kidneysand eu.CO reined l®�1`E®�lT--�Te'71C I U'aA still uncertain, -when, with y' Ctlant and said 10 nyspepala nilroua stomach.......... .25 - i ' Lia I<nlfi ill the air, he repeated to ,,.. it Bu, resagdorPnfnrulPerioda..... .2t1 CHINA HALL,, C�,�NTON_ -A f01V days an -rhorn, now, it may hall, thera 12 Wt,i'tea, too Profuse Periods.......... .2b my next neighbor—a dismal, y °o Dir. Laviolette, Ia areap,Conah,Dimeultnraatbing.....26 - — \prrtc:hed lookinn fallow who had ildvueute, cons0nted to stand earl. Lill�doutuesday,-I shall never lay ft 1 emtlihewn.Erysipelas Emptioaa. 25 �a' -• a a daWll. what shall I �+ 16 nheamatlam RI [in io Patna...... :26 EW 'S TO) s token all the time -the father to the child of a ,oar woman ao about, uds- 16 Fever a,44 Atrue Chills,Matatiis..... , 0' y- 1 1 tel' 7' Just •rive ate ,lent to do and 17 Pllea, minder meat I ... 50 of Ste. Cunenond0 Quebec. When ° I y 19 Catarrh, Infiaonza, CnldintheHead .30' O' a, question -'do Jou like ten best, you o ' a haudred dollars a month, and'iL's 24 r �n pine Cough �Viole tcou"Wea�rly ... o dug 4 the the vear s cal'ect upan to perform all right." o=o- hrr Yes I d0 .J•On dog, replied the ceremony of used On tile . 213 Nervous Debility ......................1.00 'rhe undersinned has just opened a new Drug Store in JACKSON'S m•auud that the areut -of the child '' 30 UrinarY Weakness. Bad;..;. .89 o J 6 ° 1 1`ha elorlis bruka into a Intigh,. 2 Di,e aeaortheHeart.Pal it6tion:,%: NEW BLOCK on HURON STREET two doors west of the Cit other savagely, simultaneously dis and the merchant discomfited e `�','' Y char••' n two chambers of his six rail not paid tithes. Laviolotto Yet t - Boole . $tore, where will be found a complete assortment of I'tire , sine satisfied kept his ,t'�leement. To ,P E- C 1 F 10 S ■ f Druors .and Chemicals, also If'atent Medicines and shouter into the bully's bed Vleaded'thatpoverty was the cause 1 °' _ ;, ' y y da that backwoodsman h the senior Sold Deu6Riate,_ere. p paatppidoAFegeiyt , ' DCll;:riSt9' �1111t11'Ie3—All that t1,0 lllll)1tC 171st' ask for in tll0sr He had got Lite pistol out while of this atvl that he would pay them Y price•-, cue x Richard iontfa,ggeats,es>t�w ' s lines. out of his own pocket. The riest Pill'tnar in Lite firm and is worth. a Street Montreal. �,��eMt, A. WORTHINGTON. file fellow was cooling round ; ;)Clinton,I3th January, 1888. t Lhe table, 'slid shot }ilio as Ile ,refused t0 aCCe}IG Lhe nlbn0y and t0 ,t111111U11 tl— O1—lei- -- •r':h r Y. S.—Office changed from residence to store bent over, Without raising his enter the birth .of the'child in the ' hand. civil register of the parish. Lavio- DANGEROUS COUNTERFEITS. - - — t' Ietto called upon all ecclesiastical Counterfeits arehMwa dangerous,RUMOR al•T`tPa,' C'itC1Ul's the Shet•lff 1'e- t'9 den lose! � � 1 iTT friend in aneighbaring ]parish, \who more eo tbat they always closely v ,.. fiect.iw01J, It was a great I:eliaf to performed the ceremony. The Inat- 131FIATH THR ORtOINAL IN QPPEARANOE me.' ter hen been referred to the Al'CIl- AND NAIiH.' 'fhe:remarkabla success NEW STOG6C ! NEW STORE! 'And what became of the man with bishop• aabieved'by-Nasal Ilalai as a positive.p �2 ' 1 - the knife 11 I $sited. tiro for Cgtarr.It and Cold In the � � '�a US., E LL g OTTsS B LOG K ' � -CLINTON. • H61.4has,tnduced unprincipled par- `He 4 Oh, bewas dead.' Barkwell's sure corn cure will cure ties to imitate it. The public are. 1'riuted In the shortest possible notice. `. `And .did the other 'ret Of T bard or soft corns; warts, molea, JOSEPH CHIDLEY Dealer in Furniture. a cautioned not to be deceived ' by All r+•gal: FIItS'1'•CLAfiA flail Prices as , bunions and in -growing toe -nails 'OL, yes ;they` tried him next without the slightest pain. 'There nostrume imitating Nasal Balm in Lopr,;,s any office West of Toronto. Call at the New Store and see the stock of day --brought it 'in 'self•defeace ,•' may be hundreds of preparations for name and appearance, bearing such tllev eould.ift do any other. Dtit,' corns, but any person who has once names as Nasal Cream, Nasal BRI- Col,�alt your•.own hit,•re-t4 an!] Ball at, Bedroom and Parlor Sets, Lounges, Sideboards,. Chairs, Springs, sato etc. Ask for Nasal Balm and do 'Tut: Nt:ws••lircultu otticu before ,!,lacing repeated lie, it was a grreat relief.to used Backwell a will take no other. ' poor olaler for auv class o.t' 1', intro Mattraanuf etc., and general Frames an Pm;niture. 'The whale Stock is from the very me, It has no equal. 483-tf not take fmftar sal dealers may urge g' best manufacturers. Picture Frames and Mouldings of every description. upon you. For sale by ,a1C dltuggiste ry Lhelw's IIut much of that sort of t - `- or sent post-paid on receipt of prices ��T ' r ' Lam.. 1,�_ j �� JOS.- CIIIDLEY, one door `Pest of Dickson's Book Store. f tll'iun 'though now -a -days • thank —Detective Graham had n lively (51st Find bl) by addressing Fulford k yy ' '1 t. ' o(llless ! _and usual! it cul encounter in. London, nd. with n Co., Brockville, Ont. �lg • Hargaitls In bo Y Y General P, i,ifrf'a d 1 ublieAcrs, J,APAN'TEAS German women named . Paneher, r o'ftl: fellows who have...,h,sc1„ too � `— ' mach drink. Then the revolveas who lives near the Asylum, on the —John East, of Parkhill, was ap- �lsi114" SDN Di�ll'i'. 17, 10. are handy, and then there is's row, pottery premises. Graham went to pointed a County Constable at the 1 I remember pion down with a look for a nlastitl'owned by Mr. F. adjourned sessions ppresided over by o g: . a Judge Elliott last week. ------- Man. I know but slightly to S= S. Glass au71 valved at X500, \which _ _ _ _ We have received a lade consignment of NEW JAPAN TEAS twhich we arc offeri was Supposed to be confined in -- - �' " in 5 and 10 ]h, Caddies at the followinglow ]ices races ; ane, in the course of the day ; P , HIGH PRAISE. • 5 • P some one came up to ole anal said ; Banchar s house. DanChor fa away fn r 45 CENT. JAPAN TEA AT �� �"�"� Hamilton n d his wife refused to Mrs. .John tieelands writing from L.r >i,� —`I sap, your• pal's got into :t Il ,i>__ a let the officer in. The latter, how- the Methodist Parsonage, Adelaide, 35 CENT JAPAN TEA AT G row at snch•anrl•attCh a saloon. 25 CENTS You'd butter n0 and sea him @ver, \who Was armed \with n search Ont,, says, "I have" used Hagyard'sINl � I • , ° warrant, forced open the doors, Pectoral Balsattl forj years rn our f L?\' 9 This is the best ot}i,r'ever made in this county and all users of Japan Tea should secure through family. For heavy Colds, Sore —=j j} 1 at least one caddie. Black Tea Equally as Cheap.—We are selling a FINE y' What's on there VI asked. when the !woman hurled a smooth- Throe a and distressing Coughs no U_ A �lA q e inn iron at Niru which est grazed I g g BLACK in original packages of 20 lbs, at FIFTY CENTS per lb. This Tea is equal Well,' Says h'a; `he's got out his J o other medicine so soon relieves." to anv 70c. Tea in Clinton. An Extra Fine Young Ilyson at 45c., in 5 and his head. She then attached him 10 lb. caddies. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Qall and see our Tea before buying. six shooter and he soya he'll shoot with a table knife, giving him a —The Messrs. Ogilvie, u during the Unapproached for COOPER'. the tirst rnau that moves,xnd they re aevoro''out in the' palm, of the hand. winter,'Have shipped 800 cars of — __� Tone and Quality.Ta �, �Oall afraid ofhim.' Graham maliaged to et the knife wheat from the North west over the > > g l a Y y, CATAi.®S',fl1PES FIRE`Nell ' I said `he's nothin )tri a14a from the wontau and \vit.it Canadian Pacific railwa each cari titular of ,I al of mine.' outside lie] )'she w;lssu) ressed. The containing 500 bushels. ��� p t 1 P - Y � � CO., Gll��p� Qat .Clic Old Reliable Tea and Grocery House. 'Oh,' said 'the other, 'isn't, he. dugy was fortnd locked up in a room.I , r+y' Ile came down with you, so I think G''ahnm ,scored the animal, an(1 In FRPEIfAN'S WORtI jVOWDUS destroy -- -- — and net him this evening the wotnati was artiest- and remove worms without injury FRESH �� ` �' �� �� k ,you aught to go a to adult or infant. 490.41 `C7 ®�� out,' ed and 7ield to ans'ivor the charges So when h0 of larceny and assaulting ani officer put it that \v11y, I —During the absence'of a settler And the choicest sods kblit in stock b 1 : did not like to refnso. I got out in t•he diachur,0 of his duty. named John Camp,' living twenty - g P Y Yt} my revolver before I opened the five miles south of Winnipeg, on �T x3" door of the saloon ; and than I A perfectly sound body and a good Friday, his hired man, named r.+ CAMT"y3MTOMS -B" 0S, burnt it open suddenly, and. there mints unimpaired are possible only McDaniels, arose at4�a. m•, and pro- to O U e with pure -blood. Leading medical eeeding to Mrs Camps rooln bound (n Q r. O •: was this fellow—really it was wary •atithoritiea indorse Ayer's • 3arsapar, her hand and foot, and, tAking a �% V 4J , V rj / t w We bay in the very best markets and glue 011rrilstomcra every adlautnge. Our goods was very ridiculous, though no• one ilia as the best blood purifying Medi, butcher, knife threatened to cut her ^ �i + tQ 4/ ti will always be found Fresh and Reliable, and to the economical housekeeper we'olfer there felt ranch like launfii11n Fit p Y g ' '� •..4 4) 0 ti (w many advantages. Our goods, in variety, (Inality, and price, w'6 are satisfied will meet <: a o cine in existence. It vastly increases throat unless she told where Sher W . •--a L-+ t,,, p� � �, Q' the acquit cineole of ivory ilouseholU. Farm Pi - 0 tskpli.# the higoost prices. X. the time ha was on one side of the working and productive powers husband's money was hidden. a -�, (.� �'i ei o the table with his six-shooter out, of hand and brain, professed ignoranbe, and after t -d r'�''-•. >: a /� ����� ®�®� facia, all the fellows at the other -- — scaring Lite yelper woman half to O m x a /1i'� ® a Z. side of the table., And rhino all —An Orillin correspondent, writes death he departed after ransac• Z o g I kin the house. Still bound .4.0 Q.t > .. }pad their hands lip for lie. was that an amusing occurrence teak g ' .� �, b� WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCERS- CLINTON, ONT. with two infant ehildre�t Burin the 0 U thraatening to shoot the first man pinee in the Presbyterian church of ' g $;;4 a 0 ° day she freed herself, and it was not W "0 ►"� ° w *' that moved. that town last Sunday, that was not till night that her husband retnrned. : •' a V) ° — ^`; in the line of the reeular services. g 01 a9 l McDatiiets doubtless esca ed as he .} i to a a O I gut my pistol levelled oil biro A William Goat, owned by a worthy, p l p ,~ >� >~ a 8 LESLIE S CARRIAGE & WAGON FACTORY has a week,$ start and the police .-r e O the roualaut I came in ; and there citizen of the village on the Couch d] ., have not yet been notified; of the ttS O 3 we stood facing each other, and the falling, wandered into -said church to crime. �j�y � da x p VL2NTV�V _ others fopking on. I wondered thoy make observations but evidently not t9 �••c ''t: r� —0-0— in ' a worshipping state of goat -mind. V 0 Cd 04U A --'did not fake that chance to shootAsk our nes hbor or an Jerson r; One o£ the deacons proceeded at Y g y i In Stook a Number of Cutters Sleighs, Buggies and Wagons. him, but none of theth moved. once to eject his goatship from the wholias used Barkwell's Sure Corn r ­6-0— I __o r e g ► g 't- ThOn I said—'Put ut down that pistol sacred edifice but he not being satis. Cure They all pronounce it the best ADvlcs To 1lolnxns.—Are you die - The Material we manufactm•e;is of the best ryuality" and. the Iron work unsurpassed and Cu mo out of too room.' filed• with being treated.in that way, they ever used. 483tf Curbed at night and broken of yoilr_reet In fact we shake it an important feature of our business to use only the best pro - by a sick child'sufferina and crying with curable material and the het t workmanship. Those in need of CUTTERS FI'H=did not s�poal: or change his eyed the deacon, carefully sized him ----_ •-•- P• a, • b pain of Catlin'' 'Teeth? If eo send, at .attitude, a up, and unceremoniously hoisted - A BIG STRIKE. • p b „ and SLEIGHS, of the lt;tcal makes and styles, should hoc fail to the worthy pillar of the church over este and got a bottle of Jira tVioslow'9 call and see us. I said, if you' do not put down one 'of the pews into the lap of an A-big'strike was make when Powell Soothing Syrup for Children Teething, �O— • t Davis tesiied''their )xtract `of arsap- Its value is incalculable. It will rel leve that pistol and. come away by elderly laity. The sensation created ALL WORK WARRAN"T"ED. arilla and Burdock. It has met with the poor little lromediatelp. De - the time I coubt three, I shall shoot can be better imagined than do- -t'0. ' , grant succes�,,ind it moat, for it is the ,pend upon it, molhare; there is Fib mss - i; you. scribed. After this funny exercise' "most powerfulblood purifier in the mar- take about it. `-It Cures Dysea.tery and Repairing and Rebaintlna Promptly Atterzled to. forEaster morning, the Animal ket. It is used with the greatest suttee Diarrhoea regulates the Stomach and O_ F" Still he made no sign, and I began g g quietly walked out of the church. n all diseases arising from a debilitated Bowels, cures Wind Colic, softens the FACTORY on corner of Huron and Orance Streets, CLINTON. to Count --,Ono 1-' condition of the system, and everyone Gums, reduces Ipflamma'ion, and gives `Tiro V- still he diel not move. HIS FRIENDS CAN 'TESTIFY. needs, and should use a bottle or two at tone and energy to the. !chole System.'_— 'NOtP P said, 'when I Count this Denson of the year, of Powell's Ex. 111lrs Winslow's Bootbing Syrup" for Mr. G. H• Vongh, of PeterbOo,•Ont., tract of Sarsaparilla and Burdock. Bear . children teething is pleasant to the taste , i `three' I shall shoot, and if I shoot says that his friends can testify to in mind one .500. ' bottle contains more, and is the prescription of one of the oldest a p I mean to lcill you. You, may kill his being cured of Indigestion, COR- solid medicine than moat dollar so-called and best female physicians and nurses in F, too ierhn q bt anyway I shall stipation and •Torpid Liver by using Sarsaparilla and bitters. Also remember the United States,and is for sale b all -� 1 p ' Y Y %,pn% two and a half bottles of B. B. B. "It that it is sold in Clinton by all druggista, druggists throughut the world. Price t have plenty of time to kill you, NOR seems to sot like magic, and Iheart- ,price 50c. h bottle. Sold by all drug- 25c. a bottle. Be sure and nek for "Mae, , Whan I said that he begun Yp ily recommend it" are the closing gists and medicine dealers everywhere. Winslow's Soothing Syrup," and take no FOR � BILLS, think I was in earnest. Personal! words of hie letter. 44311y other kind, 4431 -i • o.�.y q i..:.. tom; ,C a. r'_ ., w .,._pt'�Y' , .�[:' l'1 ' . ,'.. ., > • 'a+.. . . . ti + ..�'W!.. '+ . �!. y kWW41CiYd,.r@¢hui. ....air,. s'.-.. _,L iL '.• .. ,.u�(I N.,.e._ ....un..- ..•, •:-.-iS,Ss..-,.4 •� .w.,:..:LLYaaalfi "1'. -.w• a�,dl� �I��i'i'�u,,.k.xe.:�� ,—,.,''��^vs•:;uJ1.,, ..ta,..:.u.�,.,..,,,. ....,...1... Y.�,wY .u.Jt�iff�lYM3.