HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1888-04-18, Page 5MIL. DR
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Give us one
chance to make you sappy. Qom.,.: ��/j" •� t— ,r---` THE MANTLE REP.
vri h,eve o - .-IN ,I�F�"EV 1r V1'rA,7 'fON TO ALL VOMISIT US.
Economy, (,)Qmfgrt':ind Satisfaction goes t... ?ryr WE, EXTEND[, . . :I _
Purchase made from us, .._ o.o o ,
` -' Cheap far00[�4 ALL THE TIME' ... - • .
w� sell sXo Estates: `QD.
E. PAY & 0:
Dry -Goads ,Emporiium of Clinton.
SPRING.'.— Tlf L [�..ET. & n � ..A�Have just oWned•but all imtnetaae Btool-�f,t'
.which would make itasditfictilttosell bonnte of owinonia into leavening ATS
"'drink"' as to sell poisor, and ren' gas and throne it off. The first hent of the very LATEST AIviERICA,N MAN}TFACTURE. Also
der the public sale -of a glass of beer of baking, therefore, will of%c VES)
)•• an impossibility. But the very tua.11y develop all the gas, thorough• , i
f""%J ./
�nagriitudc of tkte figures to whichly lenvduciln lingr dient& of atgoweu ht to :1a plc n o . pane ease�A meYrcan�.Necf�wearDKI �- ? they triumph0
antlf appeal o g g
r. der of this kind, and this is the They guarantee every • paIr of'the followi ��'• akes-:-�— e
convince t No lei futility
it of their highest teat Of R perfect baking (very handsome), froiq 20c, up to 50c. A call rogpectfully solicited.
f f ,. y
Proposal. yrs teasures a �"�191�.5'Q"�%�%- "Durable," the AARdiabl%" sack the " "' d•il1(cl&ll'
cansic�ieeEoeaadtcate a taste which powder. Where other alkalies C:3-:0 1�
two-thirds of the population&du4ge are used they aro not infrequently .L-'.�\.J Albert $treet-
rotained unresolved, through the Mf�'rray Block, • ---�� o ------
every day of their lives; and if the whole pro progress of baking, and re- awNext Door to DRY -GOODS PALACE.
nation, in a Jit of ri9teous
en- P S '
main an unwholesome ingredient A Choice lot .o, Ladles Mantle: and,
' dA*t
thusiasm, consented to adopt them, it In'the finished bread. The car - 1 '
is not to be supposed tJtat they couldof smma�i>}$3nG ff*.
e en ores . f SM a
left.to such moral sausion as tU® as a substitute for creaii2 of tartar.
—N. Y. Weekly Tribune.
Temperance Party can bring to GLAZING AND GAINING„ i MANTL.ES', GUT FREE OF ��1�AIR(�fE1.
bear, ,till 'the national predilection Life is too short to try all the DQ i 1
for malt liquor has diminishedLmuch 'remedies now in the market, but nji j�f( jj�� DECORRTIYE
more sensibly tV an it shows any when a reliable and trustworthy PLRIX do
•sign of doing. All that the State medicine is wanted' use Powell'B PAPER Kat7oin� -
•can be reasonably asked to-do is to of SarBaparilIa and Burdock. R `
Those who have used it say it is the �� . J -
Extract . 0 i LrET LO , 1. •
place it within tUe power of the HRC�I�CCs
'inhabitants of eaoh district to car- beet and most powerful blood aur- y� ,ANDA.
-tail their own "fatal 'Fac}lity" for ifier reccomein nded .the unto etheirnfri friends. �1 \11
getting drink'If they please. TI>is biliousness,dyspepsia, liver 1� ' FRESCOING. • ,
ror � � a
is the principle recognised in Mr. plaint and as a blood purifier it has + +
�S Shop opposite' Queen's Hotel, Victoria -St., t,
RITesIN's Bili, which vests the edual. A bottle or two ta6-Qn at .
Power of refusing to renew public- -this season of the year will prevent S C92�IN2'UN, c)MTWA1 --
house.licenceain the hands of layers.. many a serious sicknesspoi , Price; Extract o W N : & SPOO N FR EVERYT •
directly representing the rate payers. Sarsaparilla and Burdock, menufac[ `�/ BRO.
800tt Act 1t HH ole Wine. tared only by Powell SE Davis, Chat ..���• —'o
ham, and sold in Dresden by all
We are told on good 'authority, druggists, and rs alrywh re. 4, and New Dr�•r-%Y oo ung
med}oine dQnlera everywhere. 487eow '' �i y VI �•s•+�
that one of the workers for the. -'
Sooet Act.and one claimed to be a - '
preacher of the gospel, iu describing HENRY—TODD.—In Woodstock, nn w -B
OO /
Noah's planting of the vine when , Monday, April 16th, by Rev. Writ. AT •
he Came oat Qf tlta:ar�C, said "when C,pthbertsonI B. A., Nlr. Grant Henry, 4
satin the ,'vine, the merchant, of Dos Moines, Iowa, to -bliss New'o..es • '
Noah Was pl g A. E. Todd, of Woodstock;, formerly of
devil eat there watching. _hist, and Clinton. ;C KH E =o,
when he had finished fond gone away' 1i11RTltS.
he --the devil—saw a monkey' in a RACEY.—At her residence, 34 Lachevro-
tree near by, which he caught and' tiere street,
Quebec, P. O-,
an wednes• Having;' ust bought a stock of iow" $Cocks aitr the present
day, 11th last., after a long and very LOW VRICES, I am in'a p0 thin. to. stili lnp;a41S as low
killed and poured its blood over painful illness, Susan' Cook, eldest o
the vine; in like manner he killed dsu,+hter of the late John Racey, Es as antly respectable Rouse iu tlW D'Olx)iSkii(YItL Ally OI1P
a tiger and a hog, .pouring their' hI.D.,E., and sister of the Rev. Goo: N$• Remember, we are still selling PRINTS AT GREATLY wanti�
blood also over the vide." Now Racey, of Goderich township, in her REDUCED PRICES-1`ZI and 15c Prints at 8 and lies.,
- gentlemen, what must a cause be;, 52nd year. all choice patterns. }rQ �r1Ces
that is driven to use Such vele Good Goods at. o M esbt, /
,slanders against the Scripture 1 SEED BARRLEY A splendid line of SEERSUCKERS at 10C to clear, j
We ask was the Same operation CTsual price 122c. ,We. are also •§elling the'.CHEAPEST will save money by calling cm.me- I all�l's keep GOOD
pe'rformed.by the devil, when Christ Just received ftoin Belleville, car choice SILK PLUSH IN CLINTON at -75c --all" the leading �r
made the water into wine I Or aro STAPLE GOODS - what the, people iv,ant--and WILL
we to accept the abstird theory that colors. Special value in Ladies' 4 -Button Colored Kid NOT BE UNDERSOLD• by any,,we in the trade.
some of these unreasonable and BAV QUINTE BARLEY, Gloves (braided backs). All -wool Dress, Goods, Black
irreverent advocates of the amend. FOR SALE 131' and Colored Cashmeres, and a new assorted stock of gutter and igg hal n Exchange for
meat put out regarding our Lord's
miracle, viz:—"The winewas'simlply R_. =RW=N� General Dry -Goods, at prices that cannot. be beat. Goods. call respectfully iO1lClted4
of the
water." The governor Standard Elevator,' Clinton, THOS. �ACKSO�J, SR:PLUMSTEEL,of the feast declared it to be the best ...
wine. Would he so,judge'•sweeten• MARKET REPORTS. °
ed water" I The same Greek Word (Corrected every Tuesday afternoon.) -
(oinos) is used in this parable, which OLINTON. Y NOTICE. p SEARLE'S BLOCK, CLINTesT}�is used twenty eight times in the Flour........................$4 00 to 4 50Y PaIRt 64op■ a -
op Fall Wheat, new &Cid 0 75 to 0 92 All parties are hereby notified to hav4 all buck+`
New Testament to r resent the yards and outhouscs.cleagpd up before let Alay
fermented juice of the grape. Paul Spring Wheat ............. 0 75 to I 82 pursuant to the statute in that behalf. Atter the
0 65 to 0 70 abovo date parties are liable upon complaint to T�AI9ER&1AILSON,praetical painters, have GREAT BARGAINS FOR APRIL
caps, .in his epistle to the Ephesiana, Barley ..... ........... be aned. By ardor j much pleasuro'Yn informing the public of
--- t�$e not drunk .with wine (Oin09)' oats ........... •••• 0 40 to 0 411 GEO. TF,DFORD, CNnton and vicinity that they have opened out '
Peas .................. ....... 0 60 to 0 60 492.2t. health Inspector, {n the 'b business. House, sign and oneral _ -�-
wherein is- excess." He does not Applea,(wintei) per bbl ,1 00 tO l 50 — paintin! and gralning. Paper hanging and ceiling
command them not to drink it, but potatoes .........:.......... 0 60 t" 65 EUREKA BAKERYtf Ptle".t�ng in
beat style known et two trade. ��y/Q
Prlcos moderate. She Albert Street, two doors �IrRea R , 'A er' Furniture St�.�i�;vl .
exhorts them net to be drunk with Butter ........ •..,•,•.,.; ••• 0 10 to 0 18 north of tIod•en'sDrrGoo,isStore,990.3m L{, V Vi
it. In his address to Timothy he Eggs ........................... 0 J to 0 11 =o --
Bays, "Take., little w►ne" �OinQ�� etG. Iia g 00 t0 900 Tho anwacribar has leased the bakery of Aird s
y^ ............•' ......• Do�1sworth, a few doors nest of the Covunercta . BU LLS FOR SALE■ PARLOR AND EDROOM SUITES, SIDEBOARDS AND TABLES. pe al arse
We ask, Did the apostle desire to Cordwood ................... 3 00 to 4 00 Iloe1et, and will be glad to receive a share of tF1 cl
Beef ....................... • . 0 00• to 0 00 public patronage., Plain and Fancy Bread. tion }s Called 1 PARLOR S ork filanshi 3y aro of our cell tfit the coli,
place the blood Of the fu01—tire A q Cairns and Pastry dt all kintis,furnishod on short a
monkey—the fierceness of the tiger, Wool
• "'• '' ••.... • 0' 2 to 0 `2' notice. Onl • the best material lined and turned IiiREF, thorough•hrPd Durham Bulls, from it inaterlal and workmanship cannot .be excelled tY t to Conn y
monkey Pork ................. •...... 6 50 to 6 75 out In a Sha a to please the thost fastidious to 20 months old. Ito istored in Dominion $e s
and the filth of the hog, in the p Inc bar that all goods will be sold at d BIG REDUCTION die°I?g•.tjrc�.maut t
_ - palate. WEUDINO CARES got up in the moat ord Book. Price am�ADIN��J POTgERi ApPly ' f' First conic, first serve
tnahionahle VMsty; Iyt t, P. O. of Apfli ne, fi d
breast of his beloved 'Timothy 4 Gt`. H. COOK,' Ja q, KiNG. ` �3g t'
Certainly not ! The bare thought _ — ndertakina attended tont our usual low rates. Night ca:js.atteAded,ta
Licentiate of Dental surgery, honor Gra luate promptly.
is sin. Away with such fanaticism I of the Toronto School of Dentistry. OUSE TO LET. -Small house onfiuppor Part TO THE FARMERS !
Such extreme ignorance. of Albert Street. A ply to CALB 1 C NC & R E'"T�H�
Nitrous Oxide Gas administered for the painless 489 1�i[OS. CCOPER & SON. I 9tudv your own Interest and ao where
_ extraction of teeth. you can get
Ammuninted Bread. Oflico-over Jncltson's Clothing Stare, next to DRESS MARING•-Afm Campbell, of Ldndon n ALBERT; CA,INTON.
Post Oa1co, Clinton. hal oPened•Droea Making ltooins over the r Aar11S•
gv Night Bell answered. 492y Dry Oood Store of Cleo. E. Pay i Co. with scat• Reliable .• - --
Ammonintod baking powders— classasststants. She isin a position do turn out 11UUU
that la, baking porvdere in which OUNTY OF HURON EXAMINATIONS, 1888. work equal to any in the city. She respectfully �
rj -Second and third class non-professional ex. ask .trial order.' Rooms over ClEo. E. PAY F r mgnutacture none but the BsaT 04' STOr'
Carbonate Of ammOnia i9 used as un aininatlons at the Collegiate institutes and Higli CO'S, Dry Goods Store. got to l e. shops that acll cheap, theO have lent and WhICh exhaBU
le all schools inthe County on Tuesday, 3rd July, 8.40 got to live. Yt� CSU and got pri es. Ordara Tallon
ingred , a m. First C., July 10th 9.40 a.m. Candidates O*YEY -TO LEND op good mortgage or by mail promplyattentl d to rpow
Odor of ammonia whoi1 heated— who wish to write at eit6r Clinton or Seatorui M pereoMal security at lowest current rate of -.0
odor notify D. AL 11IALLOcn, Esq. P. S. inspector, fn�� dot 3I• McTAGGART. Q *x - C,&3EVr3 R,
aro classed b man eminent pilyai- to Clinton, Feb. 28th, 1888. 485tt F SH EPH "HERD
y y Clinton P. O., not later than tate 21st of Alay,
Clans and sanitarians a9 8up0r101' t0 write at, and those whowishwhich of the two iools to write n Goderich HARNESS EAIPORIUA�, 13LYTil, ONT.
all others. Professor ' Hassell, Of most notify Joint E, Tom, Esq•A, P. S. Inspector, e noticeLOOT-ON TUESDAY, FEBRUARY '21st, on Y F.
London, who, is roeognizcd as high BBlestrb aecoin 'anS d by o tea of $5, or aino hate. $lo It the Manchestor, a Lino
SMALL road
BOXwcontaining een Clinton
WON. • •� �� i liar opened out a General $.Wqk of
est authority on the Bubjoet of food Candidate appIlea for the First Class as well ae The ander will he suitably 'rewarded by leaving Wi d,6w Shades*
/�fL 6
hygiene, commands Ili filo strongest
the second cln'se Xy No No name will Ytnt any of the Cllntonsao5tels.—D. L. ETON •.• ii Yi IJii • z Scotch and /Canadian G/Cods, F
tench Worsted,
yg ) be forwarded to the Department unless the fee HOUSE. ---- Irish weeds, all the Uttest Style* in Pantt.
terms the use of carbonate Of am- aocompantee it., Ilcad Atnators of the a son tthe Ai{F.RY FOR ILENT with eomtartnblc re• 1,am this season showing a line of BUNDS
meals as a leavening anent statin institutes and high Schools will please Bond the p
o + g applications of their Candidates to the Inspector $silence attached The oven ie new. Good tr,,;Oh aro IIAND PAINTED or best of ings, &e., from the very best Manufacturers.
Its rdr0at advantage to Tio in its per- of the division Sn which Eho Collegiate Ltatitute yard and stable. Near =till huslnesa centro of ~
feet volatility which ermita it to or Nigh School la situated, Forma of 'application Clinton, being situate n few doors west of the IRISIi LINBN anY} are extra strong and
p may b'e had from the Secretary. PETN'it AUAAt Commorcinl hotel. Thorn la n good opening for durable. Cut, Make and -Pi Guaranteed El 1, and. Paces a8 LOt6 Ct8 attU pfk►et'
be, by the hent of baking, entirely SON, secretary B, 1:�i'b, OodPrieh, 1�pZi2Eoth' a steady man with antall means to go into the ,lain Cloth 25e. per Yard, House 972 CJtC Tradct
1888. bakingusinesa. nontlow,'1 Apply at tills ofNc@
throwe-in'to leavonia g. gas Whereby -- or to , DonsWOUTn, 478•tt. f $1 20 Shop NeXt Naos Dr>t1iR niers. A Trial, Order SoliolfaEl.
the broad is raised. The expert- O , * also with FANCY DADOS at r0m
hent with heat Would Boom," indi- FOR SALE. to $1.SG per pair. Dant bay anti} y0R F'• .SHEPHERD, - ALBERT -ST, CLINTU
,r....,, , MN
see out splendi8 assortment. 3r
cafe ,the superior, not the inferior, HE SUBSCRIBERofferalforsale tour eligible +,O A w_�� T �'"',
value of such baking powder. The To me when you are weary of being atxoul�edFULL and g WIK (V, O
o p want to know where you rt sot n FLLi. T Building Lone fronting on Albert Street; also W ��! �,
llOLLARS worth. Lw0 fronting on Rattenbnrli sEreq�,either on
�+t�/ n R L D
little, heat that is it to it .. igloo or in separatodots;to gait underisore. For THE R r W O -R " UO R D- 'Y O R, FINE P fl! ! V
When lleld over a gas het, lamp, or A, W. CARSLAKL furtherppartlculareapplytothoundora"8g2rtd•-�• BEAVER BLOCR'BOOR 5�'ORE. `� ■■��!!llll.i stove, BUSfICCB t0 1'el301'VO• the Car, CustonITailo,In?,Cleentng,DyingpndRepairing• DiNSTXY, Clinton. A
• e • / / PVI
� '..e + a ,,. e . r ,.•"• .. as
.at.i...,_ s,. ,. .....:rr._.._.... ... -r.. W:'� ,:.Aril.V�i3tit.,e. _,.,t;rs .w., _�lYfir.}..' ",'_...,,..•u'a • ,.,7 .'ii,... . w,�_rn...•-,.dam+:. s.k�ifiiiL"�,,�,�,�