HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1888-04-18, Page 5MIL. DR SEX ...: _ . .... c � ourIL ,- iia much­ +}� rr �.ou:�: We ' N 3a ST e . Give us one chance to make you sappy. Qom.,.: ��/j" •� t— ,r---` THE MANTLE REP. i.�tV vri h,eve o - .-IN ,I�F�"EV 1r V1'rA,7 'fON TO ALL VOMISIT US. Economy, (,)Qmfgrt':ind Satisfaction goes t... ?ryr WE, EXTEND[, . . :I _ Purchase made from us, .._ o.o o , ` -' Cheap far00[�4 ALL THE TIME' ... - • . w� sell sXo Estates: `QD. E. PAY & 0: GEOES Dry -Goads ,Emporiium of Clinton. SPRING.'.— Tlf L [�..ET. & n � ..A�Have just oWned•but all imtnetaae Btool-�f,t' i .which would make itasditfictilttosell bonnte of owinonia into leavening ATS AND „ "'drink"' as to sell poisor, and ren' gas and throne it off. The first hent of the very LATEST AIviERICA,N MAN}TFACTURE. Also der the public sale -of a glass of beer of baking, therefore, will of%c VES) )•• an impossibility. But the very tua.11y develop all the gas, thorough• , i f""%J ./ �nagriitudc of tkte figures to whichly lenvduciln lingr dient& of atgoweu ht to :1a plc n o . pane ease�A meYrcan�.Necf�wearDKI �- ? they triumph0 antlf appeal o g g r. der of this kind, and this is the They guarantee every • paIr of'the followi ��'• akes-:-�— e convince t No lei futility it of their highest teat Of R perfect baking (very handsome), froiq 20c, up to 50c. A call rogpectfully solicited. f f ,. y Proposal. yrs teasures a �"�191�.5'Q"�%�%- "Durable," the AARdiabl%" sack the " "' d•il1(cl&ll' cansic�ieeEoeaadtcate a taste which powder. Where other alkalies C:3-:0 1� two-thirds of the population&du4ge are used they aro not infrequently .L-'.�\.J Albert $treet- rotained unresolved, through the Mf�'rray Block, • ---�� o ------ every day of their lives; and if the whole pro progress of baking, and re- awNext Door to DRY -GOODS PALACE. nation, in a Jit of ri9teous en- P S ' main an unwholesome ingredient A Choice lot .o, Ladles Mantle: and, ' dA*t thusiasm, consented to adopt them, it In'the finished bread. The car - 1 ' is not to be supposed tJtat they couldof smma�i>}$3nG ff*. e en ores . f SM a left.to such moral sausion as tU® as a substitute for creaii2 of tartar. —N. Y. Weekly Tribune. Temperance Party can bring to GLAZING AND GAINING„ i MANTL.ES', GUT FREE OF ��1�AIR(�fE1. bear, ,till 'the national predilection Life is too short to try all the DQ i 1 for malt liquor has diminishedLmuch 'remedies now in the market, but nji j�f( jj�� DECORRTIYE more sensibly tV an it shows any when a reliable and trustworthy PLRIX do •sign of doing. All that the State medicine is wanted' use Powell'B PAPER Kat7oin� - •can be reasonably asked to-do is to of SarBaparilIa and Burdock. R ` Those who have used it say it is the �� . J - Extract . 0 i LrET LO , 1. • place it within tUe power of the HRC�I�CCs 'inhabitants of eaoh district to car- beet and most powerful blood aur- y� ,ANDA. -tail their own "fatal 'Fac}lity" for ifier reccomein nded .the unto etheirnfri friends. �1 \11 getting drink'If they please. TI>is biliousness,dyspepsia, liver 1� ' FRESCOING. • , g R HING N ror � � a is the principle recognised in Mr. plaint and as a blood purifier it has + + �S Shop opposite' Queen's Hotel, Victoria -St., t, RITesIN's Bili, which vests the edual. A bottle or two ta6-Qn at . Power of refusing to renew public- -this season of the year will prevent S C92�IN2'UN, c)MTWA1 -- house.licenceain the hands of layers.. many a serious sicknesspoi , Price; Extract o W N : & SPOO N FR EVERYT • directly representing the rate payers. Sarsaparilla and Burdock, menufac[ `�/ BRO. 800tt Act 1t HH ole Wine. tared only by Powell SE Davis, Chat ..���• —'o ham, and sold in Dresden by all We are told on good 'authority, druggists, and rs alrywh re. 4, and New Dr�•r-%Y oo ung med}oine dQnlera everywhere. 487eow '' �i y VI �•s•+� that one of the workers for the. -' Sooet Act.and one claimed to be a - ' MARRIAGES' r / preacher of the gospel, iu describing HENRY—TODD.—In Woodstock, nn w -B OO / Noah's planting of the vine when , Monday, April 16th, by Rev. Writ. AT • he Came oat Qf tlta:ar�C, said "when C,pthbertsonI B. A., Nlr. Grant Henry, 4 satin the ,'vine, the merchant, of Dos Moines, Iowa, to -bliss New'o..es • ' Noah Was pl g A. E. Todd, of Woodstock;, formerly of devil eat there watching. _hist, and Clinton. ;C KH E =o, when he had finished fond gone away' 1i11RTltS. he --the devil—saw a monkey' in a RACEY.—At her residence, 34 Lachevro- tree near by, which he caught and' tiere street, Quebec, P. O-, an wednes• Having;' ust bought a stock of iow" $Cocks aitr the present day, 11th last., after a long and very LOW VRICES, I am in'a p0 thin. to. stili lnp;a41S as low killed and poured its blood over painful illness, Susan' Cook, eldest o the vine; in like manner he killed dsu,+hter of the late John Racey, Es as antly respectable Rouse iu tlW D'Olx)iSkii(YItL Ally OI1P a tiger and a hog, .pouring their' hI.D.,E., and sister of the Rev. Goo: N$• Remember, we are still selling PRINTS AT GREATLY wanti� blood also over the vide." Now Racey, of Goderich township, in her REDUCED PRICES-1`ZI and 15c Prints at 8 and lies., - gentlemen, what must a cause be;, 52nd year. all choice patterns. }rQ �r1Ces that is driven to use Such vele Good Goods at. o M esbt, / ,slanders against the Scripture 1 SEED BARRLEY A splendid line of SEERSUCKERS at 10C to clear, j We ask was the Same operation CTsual price 122c. ,We. are also •§elling the'.CHEAPEST will save money by calling cm.me- I all�l's keep GOOD pe'rformed.by the devil, when Christ Just received ftoin Belleville, car choice SILK PLUSH IN CLINTON at -75c --all" the leading �r made the water into wine I Or aro STAPLE GOODS - what the, people iv,ant--and WILL we to accept the abstird theory that colors. Special value in Ladies' 4 -Button Colored Kid NOT BE UNDERSOLD• by any,,we in the trade. some of these unreasonable and BAV QUINTE BARLEY, Gloves (braided backs). All -wool Dress, Goods, Black irreverent advocates of the amend. FOR SALE 131' and Colored Cashmeres, and a new assorted stock of gutter and igg hal n Exchange for meat put out regarding our Lord's miracle, viz:—"The winewas'simlply R_. =RW=N� General Dry -Goods, at prices that cannot. be beat. Goods. call respectfully iO1lClted4 of the water." The governor Standard Elevator,' Clinton, THOS. �ACKSO�J, SR:PLUMSTEEL,of the feast declared it to be the best ... wine. Would he so,judge'•sweeten• MARKET REPORTS. ° ed water" I The same Greek Word (Corrected every Tuesday afternoon.) - (oinos) is used in this parable, which OLINTON. Y NOTICE. p SEARLE'S BLOCK, CLINTesT}�is used twenty eight times in the Flour........................$4 00 to 4 50Y PaIRt 64op■ a - op Fall Wheat, new &Cid 0 75 to 0 92 All parties are hereby notified to hav4 all buck+` New Testament to r resent the yards and outhouscs.cleagpd up before let Alay fermented juice of the grape. Paul Spring Wheat ............. 0 75 to I 82 pursuant to the statute in that behalf. Atter the 0 65 to 0 70 abovo date parties are liable upon complaint to T�AI9ER&1AILSON,praetical painters, have GREAT BARGAINS FOR APRIL caps, .in his epistle to the Ephesiana, Barley ..... ........... be aned. By ardor j much pleasuro'Yn informing the public of --- t�$e not drunk .with wine (Oin09)' oats ........... •••• 0 40 to 0 411 GEO. TF,DFORD, CNnton and vicinity that they have opened out ' Peas .................. ....... 0 60 to 0 60 492.2t. health Inspector, {n the 'b business. House, sign and oneral _ -�- wherein is- excess." He does not Applea,(wintei) per bbl ,1 00 tO l 50 — paintin! and gralning. Paper hanging and ceiling AT TH ace command them not to drink it, but potatoes .........:.......... 0 60 t" 65 EUREKA BAKERYtf Ptle".t�ng in beat style known et two trade. ��y/Q Prlcos moderate. She Albert Street, two doors �IrRea R , 'A er' Furniture St�.�i�;vl . exhorts them net to be drunk with Butter ........ •..,•,•.,.; ••• 0 10 to 0 18 north of tIod•en'sDrrGoo,isStore,990.3m L{, V Vi it. In his address to Timothy he Eggs ........................... 0 J to 0 11 =o -- P S" BE S Bays, "Take., little w►ne" �OinQ�� etG. Iia g 00 t0 900 Tho anwacribar has leased the bakery of Aird s y^ ............•' ......• Do�1sworth, a few doors nest of the Covunercta . BU LLS FOR SALE■ PARLOR AND EDROOM SUITES, SIDEBOARDS AND TABLES. pe al arse We ask, Did the apostle desire to Cordwood ................... 3 00 to 4 00 Iloe1et, and will be glad to receive a share of tF1 cl Beef ....................... • . 0 00• to 0 00 public patronage., Plain and Fancy Bread. tion }s Called 1 PARLOR S ork filanshi 3y aro of our cell tfit the coli, place the blood Of the fu01—tire A q Cairns and Pastry dt all kintis,furnishod on short a monkey—the fierceness of the tiger, Wool • "'• '' ••.... • 0' 2 to 0 `2' notice. Onl • the best material lined and turned IiiREF, thorough•hrPd Durham Bulls, from it inaterlal and workmanship cannot .be excelled tY t to Conn y 3 monkey Pork ................. •...... 6 50 to 6 75 out In a Sha a to please the thost fastidious to 20 months old. Ito istored in Dominion $e s and the filth of the hog, in the p Inc bar that all goods will be sold at d BIG REDUCTION die°I?g•.tjrc�.maut t _ - palate. WEUDINO CARES got up in the moat ord Book. Price am�ADIN��J POTgERi ApPly ' f' First conic, first serve tnahionahle VMsty; Iyt t, P. O. of Apfli ne, fi d breast of his beloved 'Timothy 4 Gt`. H. COOK,' Ja q, KiNG. ` �3g t' Certainly not ! The bare thought _ — ndertakina attended tont our usual low rates. Night ca:js.atteAded,ta Licentiate of Dental surgery, honor Gra luate promptly. is sin. Away with such fanaticism I of the Toronto School of Dentistry. OUSE TO LET. -Small house onfiuppor Part TO THE FARMERS ! Such extreme ignorance. of Albert Street. A ply to CALB 1 C NC & R E'"T�H� Nitrous Oxide Gas administered for the painless 489 1�i[OS. CCOPER & SON. I 9tudv your own Interest and ao where _ extraction of teeth. you can get Ammuninted Bread. Oflico-over Jncltson's Clothing Stare, next to DRESS MARING•-Afm Campbell, of Ldndon n ALBERT; CA,INTON. 1 Post Oa1co, Clinton. hal oPened•Droea Making ltooins over the r Aar11S• gv Night Bell answered. 492y Dry Oood Store of Cleo. E. Pay i Co. with scat• Reliable .• - -- Ammonintod baking powders— classasststants. She isin a position do turn out 11UUU that la, baking porvdere in which OUNTY OF HURON EXAMINATIONS, 1888. work equal to any in the city. She respectfully � rj -Second and third class non-professional ex. ask .trial order.' Rooms over ClEo. E. PAY F r mgnutacture none but the BsaT 04' STOr' Carbonate Of ammOnia i9 used as un aininatlons at the Collegiate institutes and Higli CO'S, Dry Goods Store. got to l e. shops that acll cheap, theO have lent and WhICh exhaBU le all schools inthe County on Tuesday, 3rd July, 8.40 got to live. Yt� CSU and got pri es. Ordara Tallon ingred , a m. First C., July 10th 9.40 a.m. Candidates O*YEY -TO LEND op good mortgage or by mail promplyattentl d to rpow �g Odor of ammonia whoi1 heated— who wish to write at eit6r Clinton or Seatorui M pereoMal security at lowest current rate of -.0 — odor notify D. AL 11IALLOcn, Esq. P. S. inspector, fn�� dot 3I• McTAGGART. Q *x - C,&3EVr3 R, aro classed b man eminent pilyai- to Clinton, Feb. 28th, 1888. 485tt F SH EPH "HERD y y Clinton P. O., not later than tate 21st of Alay, Clans and sanitarians a9 8up0r101' t0 write at, and those whowishwhich of the two iools to write n Goderich HARNESS EAIPORIUA�, 13LYTil, ONT. all others. Professor ' Hassell, Of most notify Joint E, Tom, Esq•A, P. S. Inspector, e noticeLOOT-ON TUESDAY, FEBRUARY '21st, on Y F. London, who, is roeognizcd as high BBlestrb aecoin 'anS d by o tea of $5, or aino hate. $lo It the Manchestor, a Lino SMALL road BOXwcontaining een Clinton WON. • •� �� i liar opened out a General $.Wqk of est authority on the Bubjoet of food Candidate appIlea for the First Class as well ae The ander will he suitably 'rewarded by leaving Wi d,6w Shades* /�fL 6 hygiene, commands Ili filo strongest the second cln'se Xy No No name will Ytnt any of the Cllntonsao5tels.—D. L. ETON •.• ii Yi IJii • z Scotch and /Canadian G/Cods, F �r tench Worsted, yg ) be forwarded to the Department unless the fee HOUSE. ---- Irish weeds, all the Uttest Style* in Pantt. vcte terms the use of carbonate Of am- aocompantee it., Ilcad Atnators of the a son tthe Ai{F.RY FOR ILENT with eomtartnblc re• 1,am this season showing a line of BUNDS meals as a leavening anent statin institutes and high Schools will please Bond the p o + g applications of their Candidates to the Inspector $silence attached The oven ie new. Good tr,,;Oh aro IIAND PAINTED or best of ings, &e., from the very best Manufacturers. Its rdr0at advantage to Tio in its per- of the division Sn which Eho Collegiate Ltatitute yard and stable. Near =till huslnesa centro of ~ feet volatility which ermita it to or Nigh School la situated, Forma of 'application Clinton, being situate n few doors west of the IRISIi LINBN anY} are extra strong and p may b'e had from the Secretary. PETN'it AUAAt Commorcinl hotel. Thorn la n good opening for durable. Cut, Make and -Pi Guaranteed El 1, and. Paces a8 LOt6 Ct8 attU pfk►et' be, by the hent of baking, entirely SON, secretary B, 1:�i'b, OodPrieh, 1�pZi2Eoth' a steady man with antall means to go into the ,lain Cloth 25e. per Yard, House 972 CJtC Tradct 1888. bakingusinesa. nontlow,'1 Apply at tills ofNc@ throwe-in'to leavonia g. gas Whereby -- or to , DonsWOUTn, 478•tt. f $1 20 Shop NeXt Naos Dr>t1iR niers. A Trial, Order SoliolfaEl. :3A D, the broad is raised. The expert- O , * also with FANCY DADOS at r0m hent with heat Would Boom," indi- FOR SALE. to $1.SG per pair. Dant bay anti} y0R F'• .SHEPHERD, - ALBERT -ST, CLINTU ,r....,, , MN see out splendi8 assortment. 3r cafe ,the superior, not the inferior, HE SUBSCRIBERofferalforsale tour eligible +,O A w_�� T �'"', value of such baking powder. The To me when you are weary of being atxoul�edFULL and g WIK (V, O o p want to know where you rt sot n FLLi. T Building Lone fronting on Albert Street; also W ��! �, llOLLARS worth. Lw0 fronting on Rattenbnrli sEreq�,either on a THE �+t�/ n R L D little, heat that is it to it .. igloo or in separatodots;to gait underisore. For THE R r W O -R " UO R D- 'Y O R, FINE P fl! ! V When lleld over a gas het, lamp, or A, W. CARSLAKL furtherppartlculareapplytothoundora"8g2rtd•-�• BEAVER BLOCR'BOOR 5�'ORE. `� ■■��!!llll.i stove, BUSfICCB t0 1'el301'VO• the Car, CustonITailo,In?,Cleentng,DyingpndRepairing• DiNSTXY, Clinton. A • e • / / PVI � '..e + a ,,. e . r ,.•"• .. as r .at.i...,_ s,. ,. .....:rr._.._.... ... -r.. W:'� ,:.Aril.V�i3tit.,e. _,.,t;rs .w., _�lYfir.}..' ",'_...,,..•u'a • ,.,7 .'ii,... . w,�_rn...•-,.dam+:. s.k�ifiiiL"�,,�,�,� 1