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The Huron News-Record, 1888-04-11, Page 3
• , , .. . ..� - '� .. .. .« ro • T 1 , mom ovo', - 1 4: , .. .. 2 J. a A " , 7 0,0 •' r{. i. ` F•�LP. , u 1' "4 O I A •U. PR NTS I 0 M�_ "I er,, " • n O-0 -0__0 ° qq MAiHTLE DE ARTII� AT NO O�EH. �T r : e 'have' much ' pleasure in announcing that our Millinery o Opening will be held Chadr u with- ' Embroideries to Match, � C,�N �A'�1'CTRZ7AY,, A1�R=Z 4TH, � 1888„ LIVE EXTlEND A HEARTY INVITATION TO ALL TO VISIT US. SEE,OUR DiS'F-;AY THiS WEEK, C �ri 0 0 0 , p oGEOx E PAY & CCS'• ate J. HO G S• JOIRN` WI$EXAN, Manager. Est J D E N • ' Dry -Goods Limporium of. Clinton. SPRING - STYLESDETLOR—or& CO. All's Well That Ends Well. Our Weekly Round Up. HATS dD CAPS1 Have just opened out an immense stock of` The C. P. R. Company is pre• '•-It is 55 years since the first - • ' pared W forego its monopoly pri• church was built in Hamilton, and , ■ vileget{, The negotiations • which then a Rigging bee' was held, all of the very LATEST AMERICAN MANUFACTURE. Also have been in progress. during the, denomtnatione takinga;haud in it. ItOne �y} y • /y y} ppreaTramebuildingandstoodonthe Ca'se A//Le!'Ic //.-Neokwea/ past two or three we are trot resent site of the First lllethodist fully consumatateJ, but two or three 'church. GL.OVES-! ; days more will '-doubtless see 'a de (very handsome),'from 20c. up to 50c.. A call respectfully solicited. Y —While Constable James Farrell%, �7 �1 T � ��T They guarantee, every pair of the f011owirl- makes :—The finite settlement arrived, at. Bf Shediae, N. B., was attempting to �r1 ..G'JC�� �•ASG�W "Durabl©" "Reliable," ar r set a certain articles•. below in • to theand the Gold Medal." THE BABIS U)r �ETTLEdIENT. g b i r 'Phomas Bastien, Of Paiusee, to satisfy Murray Block, 3 as near as it can "be ascertained-- a Scott Temperance Act convigtio A.ibert�treet. the latter shot and Van' n' i�'IVoxt Loor to DRY•GOODS PALACE o ,t for no oti[bial intimation is as y{'t gerously l forthcoming — is a Government wounded .Farrell in the groin. He A guarantee of land grant bonds 'sur- then shot himself through the head, /�1 Choice lot of Ladies Mantle' and Jacket dying instantly. ing interest at 3 'and involving an aintlu chtiri;ur'uf ai;'103 years said 9Borno th whose was l �� ` • Cloths, suitable for Spring and summer; r q H C) U S E PQiI N'TI,N about half a million dAllars. As a coWedat-SCarleton Place last week, GLAZING AND GRAINING, ` protection• for givirig tfiis guarantee ..was clearly of - the patriarchal clash 'bJ MANTLES CUT FREE u PLRIK ,OLID DECORRTIYE� . of c,xARG� the go%erament is to have the thatmultiolied and Increased as the ; Anile of tho unsold portion of the stare;of heaven. She herself gave the C. P. R. lands, which, writing from world eleven.,children. There were / j memory, amount to about thirteen 9:. grandchildren, 108 .great grand- 1 APE Kalsomini ' childrenand, 47 great great gang- HK . � �. �0 , � AND Rg J � C. DETLORr & Co million -acres. The original. land children,41 of whom However, are n ,rant it will be remembered, was dead. , ■ { 25 million acres,,but this quantity —At. the Manchester Eng„ police G has been reduced by Sales to settlers court on Saturday' John Prescott, FRESCOING. and land companies, and the retu'ru alias Randall, was charged with , of wore than six million acres stealing. a 'bag containing £1,200, V Shop opposite- Queens Hotel, Victoria-St.� at a valuation of a dollar and a half belonging to -the Ashbury WaggonCl 'ONTARIO_EVERYTH I N and Carriage Company. The prison- etn acre towards the extinguishmrut er bad stated that lie should plead � of the loan of. 1884. A„ few years guilty to stealing the money. He BROWN & S POO N�l a R G' N.EW •t Ago AIr. Blake valued the lands said that he came from Toronto T 0 4 granted the company at two dollars three months'agobut refused to give -' "— ----- - P and "a 'half an acre, but when it is any. further account of himself. The p ' pointed out that the C.:P.,R. is pre- Police applied -for a remand, in.order N�,ly�'Dry-Goods! Di "%�,�OOa,s t to see if they, cdvld rind out any y VI • pared to.place its Xempininq lands in thing further- about the prisoner,' the halide of the Government at K who was accordingly remanded until valuation of,a dollar and eight cents Friday nest. New Eoats & Shoes! 4' an acre, the '.Reformers 'surely' can ' —Eli Perkins, ivho has been lectur- �"� %�; �y •�� �• ' not Qeutuble at the price now put;up= ing in Canada, was in Biifi'alo.recently, 1� e: �7[ rVicer.L,ew� on its lands. As a basis thea of and_was`Uere-inteirviewed by a re• o the security to the Goverameut presentative of °the Buffalo E.rpress there will bli these thirteen million regarding his Canadian experience 0 r aeres. The lapds are to be admin and impressions. When asked M a how 'Ontario was ros erin • The Mock= of DRY -GOODS at Having jlust bought a stock of new goods -at the present TM` iatered by a trust and the proceeds he said :—'1 have never prospering the v of the salts will,.go tow Pro the GG » LOW PRICES, I �m in a position to sell a - g Canadians more- prosperous. John h hoods as low liquidation.of th'e bohd'issue. 'It Is Macdonald's tariff policy has benefit- Cheapside, • which was bought as any respectable House in the Dominion.'' Any oiYe stated. that the company will be re. ted Canada. There are now ten cot• wanting sponsible, for the interest on the- ton.andwoolen factories where there at -a low rate. on thea $r .is, now ' were ops. Ontario is now tluakin all }+, • bonds which will bedomo a charge ` on his surplus earnings is the event her own machinery, all her own at wonderful reduetl stovgc, and all her own musical in- offered 'ons Good, Goods . � Lowest Pr1Ces f of the receipts from land sales Prov struments. Large piano and organ ~: lag inadequate: But there will be factories have sprung tip all ovr;r the ° no mortgago on the rsilw'ng proper. DOPAinion. •Thepeople are prosper'' on former prises. will save money by calling �onme. I always keep GOOD It ia' further 'i;t�atea .'that the' postal • nus and happy. "Prices rare higher STAPLE GOODS—what the people Want—and WILL receipts of the compagy'aod rllcaipts • in Canada than formerly ; but labor NOT BE UNDERSOLD b is higher and money is -more flush. o -'—O—~- y any one in the trade. for the'trausport of 1lilitia, public - - official's,'stores for the Indian,and=---+'- — --•• Militia departments will also be Life is too short to try all the Butter and Eggs .taken in ,�gchange for • 'x pledged to,the Government as secur- remedies now in the market, but�THIO'Sr. JACK Goads call respectfully solicited ity for interest on the bond issue when a reliable and trustworthy ' P ' medicine is wanted use 'Powell's' and protection of the SRN guarantee. Extract of Sarsaparilla and Burdock, The surrender by the 0, P. R. of the Those who have used it gay it is theHe-'P-LUMSTEELnit, {opoly privileges• conditional best -and most powerful blood pur, � upon I �,nada to aningltlie•dredit of the i6er in the warket•, and •have R a a� SEARLE'S BLOCK; - - CLINTON �' d the coti;Dtry to the company for a reccomended it YtP Itheir friends, EUREKA BAKERY,.NOW aln� SADAL term of ars cannot but be ac. For biliousness, Q a Sia liver comI _ lain6 and as a blood purifier,'it has The subewOFth� altetvdooraber has �west ofethe Cory of Mr- ceptable to aclaases of p 72n^ -t GREAT RARCAINS FOR APRIL' r " Ual. A :bottle Ol two 't pen at ,M anti ,v Il be glad to receive a share*ofad, j,I pol sur m `fnformling painter since no risks aro iii eaSOra Of the year wi 1 prevent is d Past e. la n and FancyBrand. I�n u S lbterey hate Ir - i and Pastry °f all kinds furnisheon short ° e .public of NO MONEY PAY roue aiokness..�Price, 900, nab1F{ree. Only the best material used and turned talon and vicinity that Choy have canned out —AT THE P ' citta rn a shape to please the moat tastidtoue In 1�ra abov, business. [louse, sign and general -Powell's Extra 01 paintin and graining, Paperhanging and ceiling required. In fact slate. WEDDINO CAKES oto in the most t ^1r, mBnt"LtC� , fasl{lopablc atylo. g p decorating in the best ' Al knowre t the trade. Red Rocker Furniture Store•" -as,outlined above is `'o' that• Prices moderate. Shots Albert Street, two doors tbron bout itis couptr J. A KING.north of f[odgen's Dry floorle Store.990•Sm g •411 �" 6 will be aaton{shed at th • _ __ ^�`T --o--- bar ain the Government Is nib. 4u TO LET.—Small house onn 13ULLS FOR SALE 9 g •t,fltreeq. AAPiy to aper part • tion isOcalle{1 to PAR OR SU TES—St1sID•F.BOAoI�Do AND TABLES. e, •an Special firr_design When the Financeal N,eays-the of i. Y are of TI[Os. COOPER sc SON. material and workmanaMp cannot be excelled`fn the county, = day intimated that. the Iiiollopoly Q. b /��IiREE ttiorough•bred Durham Bulls, tromci a f,,; - 1 to 20 months old. Registered In Dominion t•Reinember, that all goods will be sold at a BIC. REDUCTION Burin the month x C�sURe would be bl'OUCIit out On tits ',ell, of London Herd Book. Price and terms reasonable. Apply ra g lines mentioned above the Toronto b , .Mt nkovei the to JAMP8 POTTER of April. First conte, first served g ' SE f ptl YOot Att+a , 'eh rot- /89•tt Blyth, P. 0. I Globo made' the si niGcant admiss• 4ao , Untlertuliln attended to our usual ]ow rates. Night calls attended to ion tl nc such an arrangemd6ut would Carne p1; w•" ou. promptly. cost the country nothing'if ample I sgD1AhlDnbsrt pay &Co. tufo 11y 4W-,TH.E FARMERS! security were talten. The seeurit Just received from Belleville, t!1 C, opcncaot0eo traposttmle Yespe0AgR8t 1 `••• y CALBICK V�. 'KEITH Y Y tore to Y Gln interest and go wSe» has been obtained and it i f therefore u„te. She txie city' 0�0• Slum y you can got ' BAY QUINTS BARD'°any e ° to -be expected that the Globe, will j'►aer• stere"' oTtgago, or y ALBERT' STREET, CLINTON. be the first paper to applaud the FOIL SALE.,BY ds on F°°J ui a"t ratPot ���nlp Qa"Tpe° �rlles� i Z1P lowest° AGOE+R �i1 IJLv tattUe a, the ac 1 Government on the success of the -p •�TTT�T Ely at yl b1dC 485tt 11e1 eDone ettcfieap'rtcos negotiations. The gain to thecom• _. I� -WIE Tho ae[�8• on •'TManut'of8101�etCailunJatteli ed "" ocx.Now, • e a parry of a Government guarantee of Standard Elevator, Clinton, , fin USE. of %10 -IJ clInto tooTILXt' uatitotr y rr proa�Rls �'��I�OTI �llSl SSS.a new bond issue is obvious. Phe Veen RgC', 'P. R. under -it will be enabled to eO on1vM' AKERY FOR Rt! ► • `�� 'borrow money at a low rate of in- MARKET RtPOR'.f S. B eidence attached. Th.. 1"NIT yard and stable. Near the , t1NT. terest, the coat of the loan being (Corrected every Tuesday afternoon.) Uitnton, ben situate a few akabie r° '` ■. . .SHEPHERD o thereby reduced to a minimum. CLINTON. Commorcia� Motel. There' len 0,00°ot Kt7 a stew man Ni'th small mean's to&,,e • Vr nab ,��a eN Ha@ oponod' out a Benoist stook of ' . 1.� u a Etntre. Flour........................$4 00 to 4 50 baking usiness. Rent low. ApplyatE�6 —�� Fall Wheat, new &old 0 75 to 0 82 orco n. DODBW°RTI{, 478•tf. t • sb • scotch and Canadian Goods, French Worsteds, �; } Spring Wheat ............. 0 75 to 0 82 „� e>#eo" To have good health use Powells Barley ...................... 0 65 to 0.70 FORS SALE. r tbks s�O'P swing a line of 11LrriDs Ir/sh weeds,Y:,dl/ the Latest Styles 'in Pant- ='x" Sureaparillaand Burdock, it cleanses Oats ........... .............. 040 to 0 40 cr are t13�� . PAINTED on beat of ill s t C, .�•tom" the U8Y best Manu IIF, SUBSCRIBER offereltor dale fohr eligible H T. and aro extra strong and g , r J y faotureq; and d. the'blood. Price,60c.a polls•••,••,•,,,,,•••,•,•,,,,, 0 60 to 0 60 T BulldiOgLotsfrontlng on AlbertStrebt;also datable. " ysh wRo C H APSIDE bottle. Sold by all druggists. 488'2t Apples,(winter) per bbl 1 00 to 1 50 two fronting on Rattenbury street; either en Out, Mabe {Ind Fit Guaranteed A 1 and Prices as Low as aha other' btoe or in separate lots, to edit purehdeors. •For n ! POtatOeB.............•...... 0 60 to 0'65 further particulars,npplytothe undorsIgntd.i•-E. in .v,16th 25c. per Yard,, Howe in the Tradei r, Butter. 0 16 t0 DINSLEY, Clinton. 882 _ —Sinoe the opening -of the present Eggs •,,,, „.,•• ,•,,,•••,,.,'0 0 to 0 11 to, v10,i VANCY DADOS at from $1.20 Sltol) Ne a 4k i Order SoRcited. s SLB A 1 year 700 horses have been brought Ha ,.80 per pair. Don't buy until you rtCsttt� Ittt- Store. CLI11�TdN. " µ g Y•••••••••••••••••••••••.•.• S 00 to 9 00 Hundreds-- iSar'1`e• used Powells Y r �iiii� �J iLJ. i. , 3 .into Brandon from Ontario and sold. Oordwood................... 3 00 to _4.00- -Sarsaparilla and Burdock for dyspep. see our splendid assortinent. • • • to farmers) in that neighborhood. Beef........, .................. 0 00 to 0100 -slat indigestion, inid-as aBlood Puri. Where would these horses o6tii"o from WooY....... ................. 0 2A to 0 25 ffer. Price 50c,'h bottle, Sold by ' ��•''�• �✓OO i+J•v under commercial union ? Pork...,.: 6 50 to 6 75 all druggists, 488.26 BEAV'. R BLOCh BOOR 81-030. TIDE NEV"SmR'ECORa •FOR FINE PRINTING. ° , ,'�t' r �S4 Trl � .�y� nT'. �~ �'.` !✓ N �'kiJ � r '� 'r T .�.. , •r, -,,"._ ...'�:ri,.y,,, s. 'i,.t,�_.,.a ... r�:. r x.J�W ..�.... •.....S�i'...w.,•L ,.'� ,