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The Huron News-Record, 1888-04-04, Page 8
, v s bI R, Golz11011 Fit ?.4 has TO geared NEWS* .. ntl to b4 u and about. { 4 From ' ,.%.. sufflole y kWNW - in anti, .ro .>;#d 0:10 0,41111b", WE rcgi•.cst t yloara that Ali. E. T. Dartneli is ver ,6 i aw4tarzk. llAlLtvAY meeting Wednesday Aoting on the advice Of my Physicians iII Edinburg), and Clintf,tIhave 1 forenoon at half past ten. Dole' resolved to- out of llusule$s unless[ illy }>.saltil iw.provas setas - ; ' r-•- _....... _ - ' _ OUX-Ti' for- Subscription- -'rates, frog? OtheF i1lUnlalpalities are ' ` , go c e,aolosod in 7r the last few expected to be prevent. iesrisi3 Qf au N IrsryyECaRD will be GpQD FI;IpAY (J`pLL7ERs AT CLIN- I WILL SELL M7 LARFxE STOCK OF GOODS AT VERY LOW r sued unless paid, once, [TON.,,,, -„Reeve F. W. Johnston and PRICES. dR Deputy Sheriff Reynolds of Gode- 1Vooh Vl'az T D --Any quantity rich and A. A. Bennett of Toronto. 6,000 FANCY CUPS AND SAUCERS, to go at less than Half Price— D of wood wanted, in exchange fo.r A lac; [lamed Deer while fooling, 1,b00 TWO JACK-KNIVES to 90 at TEN CENTS EACH, goods, at the Clinton Woolen Mills with some others old the sidewalk . ” —JOHN SCOTT. 480tf on Good Friday accldontaliy made Will announce other lines of Goods next week, a plunge through one of the large Another L'ttr Coal IDit1 just re- squares of glass in the allow front . lc ao1 19 on, celved-15e• single I—V-dlou, two of Jackson P,rothra clothing e"tab• j,J gallons and uli 1%c liar gallon. lishment,, Dt, sill:' ItACEY. ( —fir a )<' bruary 2001, 1$`8S. „ CL1NTObT LAUNDRY.—J- Hicks }lee =' TO Y I BESIEGED opened a laundry on Victoria street, ST. PAUL'S CHURCH- opened 1101—Are you going south of R. R. track. He -remises ---- West to better your condition 't If so be- ets . to'nttend- to all w0ilt promptly and Annual Vestry Meeting ---nY --- gin now xud deculo tobuy your tickets and at reasonable prices. Such a ooneern Qshould pay in Clinton. The annual meeting of the vestr9 Life I a n cY r ship your freight for Dakota Minnesota of this church was field on Monday and all points nr the bouudless west by the evening. There was a good attend- ALG, ;WrX 3_ Chicago aiiipoint 13o1'th }Western Railway. It . Tuv .assessors have completed has 7000 miles of solid steel track and is their rounds, Their euunleration of encs of members. The church the shortest. best and quickest lino .west. the people su far shows an increase T oou an ge of b rs togeth heoic most 1 tlprongnt iu population of 1cJ0 over last year, to tithe past yeah, shawin ;ra-0 expen- L HOY1k: COUP NY OOK AT SAMPLES Or COST IN A I%ates as low as the lowest slid nccommod with probability of that number diture for salaries, incidental expen- ee s6 cesttor19e5, also 1880.. o co aliens the host. Doli t make the mistake boing swelled to over 200. sea, church improvements and pipe ,, so .. •• " .. s4 „. that 'inexperienced travelers do, that is 40 .. 693 ' believe other linos are justas good. They IyjR„ +„ CORBETT in gain" around organ .,of about $4,atio had this , sa ;i 7 69 amount the congregation had in 6e „ 8 88 are not. You are paying your money far the assessing obtained a list of many do 00 ., „ 14 97 . _ hsst;and can get it only on the Chicago and sir ibis building lots. Pexeons wish- various,ways raised considerably over North Western. Maps, folders etc., and Q DrfirtitQ Insutanco at the above rates. information respecting lowest rates, fast in,, to purchase lots, or who want to X2,000. See me .cfore'you iusure its any company trains ana U. S, customs laws supplied rent or buy houses would do well to The accounts were Considered be a. On application to john 1I. Morley, Cana- slid understand our plan. At, the age of call on him at once. satisfactory and ordered ss gO I dB: 40, the cost for $5,000 was shout 635 for than Passen.ger Agent, 9, York St., Toron- ed by the auditor's, 1885, also for 1886. ' to: Out. DR. SINCLAIR.— 4'e call special Combe and H: R. Lyou. attention of our readers to the visit See us before yon decide. Messrs. W. W. Ferran and VV. Car Barb and other Fence Wile of that famous specialist- to Rotten- Jackson were re-olected c iurch las. Thompson, AgenL Just received, Full stook at all bury Hotel, Clinton, ort Friday gardens. U — times.- R. M. RACEY, April 13th• Let the suffering call Messrs John Ransford and S. G. C' ltaiou flee Seo Sup t ' Co[lerieit. M. Ir e ca ld write an immense advertisement about our 4 eat stoGl of New Goods wb.ich has been atTlYing ring the last mouth, but what we wapt is a PERSONAL . INSPECTION. We have a stock of Goods that is Ito C on if you coma and 'see_ us you can test the truth of the ilk above assertion. —0— OUR - ° OUR WONDERFUL 7sOO &- $1.0000 .-SUIT have created great surprise. They stand to -clay as the Cheapest Goods Ever Onered in ULL County ` 0 OUT{, IMPORTATION OF February 20th. 1888, oD.hlm, ons. Plummer wore elected as Delega es R _ ltlament. to the Synod. Mr. Jus. LeTousal and family are nu ' WANTED.—A good' general ser- ti' ,w DL'vTAL 'SURGnoN. —George Mr. E. Keefer was appointed now residing in town. sc VV t;ub. vant wanted. Apply to Mrs.,ll. B. H. Cook,- -an honorary graduate of I Clerk of Vestry. Mr. Fred W. Johnston returned Tun T b a'. Proadfoot. the Royal College of Dental Sur- A grant was made to the Sunday from a visit to Detroit on Friday. peons of Ontario,and late of Guelph, school. Miss May Rusk spent her Easter tom" FOR SALE -600 bushels was.ia town the past few days and Votes of thanks were given to the vacation at her home in this town. ILI Early and Late Rose Potatoes, bas decided to locate in Clinton. Church. Wardens for their effieieslt The Y. lir. C. T. U. held a meet - He has secured rooms over Jackabn suitable for Seed or table use.— services, to the organists Miss Mur- in in the library 'of Knox church Brothers stora• am(L expects to ne " ra and Mr. Pilcher and the Merv►- on Monday evmning. Car load High Land Shingles.. T iu'y far business in the course bf a bars of choir whose assistance ie much There teas a meeting of . the Pure Mamilla Binding Twine, couple of, weeks, valued, also to Mr. 'Keefer for the tivater Works Committee on Satur- fare Flag. Binding. Twine. -D. A LINKED TRIO.—There aro performance of his duties as Vestry day evening. CANTELON, opposite Fair's Mill, additions to be made to the present Clerk.' Mesdames Harry Hunt and .ti'Or ,Clinton. 490tf staff of purveyors to public necessi- The meeting then adjoprued for T Whitely, of Clinton spent Easter ties. In a few days another flour two weeks. Sunday here. A TaeMp PRINTER, struck Clinton and feed store will be opened out Mjr. Justice Robertson entertained on Thursday, by Mr. D.'Cook to supply the une.Goderich• the Bar of Goderich at the British' leavened- staff of life, while Mr. PtiEOULaR` rIGETI iG Of. L. O:. L. Klug vi1l re -open the bakery ou Miss Jennie Dicicsou spent Easter Exchange last Thursday evening - 710 -on 11londay evening Next. There was an• unusually largo Huron street .where he will turn in town. it out in a leavened form, and to Miss Georgia Martin was porno attendance at the 9 a.m, communion inoC. ti l IlSTAL will' be intel, Cliu nn'AtouhFriday, complete the trio a Mr. Cook L. D, for the Easter holiday, season. service at St. George's last Sunday. for the purchase of parses. S. of G.elph will see that, the. The water in the limb and lake Captain Dancy will have the ro molars•and incisors of our citizens i extremely fete. pairs being made on the schooner MR. A. . U. PLU,SMFI{, school are kept in good working, order to Herring and trout fishing through Jane McLeod completed,, by the teacher, spent his Easter •holidays at punish the staff of life. the ice isoverfor the season, opening of navigation. rime Easter meat, the parental honlo in Clinton. ST. Paul's. Church.Il.—Easter Regular meeting night of the our Butchers had an ' abundant Gco. E. AnDERsoN of the Normal servine was .held in St. Paul'sallurch Town Council Friday flight- Supply hep uantireally abeing large enough for a' School, Toronto, .spent'his Easter last Sunday lnyrning and evening. Rev J. B. Watters .of St 'eters a cit and the 'quality really excel vacation .in Clinton •olid vicinity, .Large congregations were present was in the forest City last week. y q Tont. and returned to the city. on both occasions.. The choir lune Thele will not be any service this in full force and their singing and evoning at,St. George's. iliiss Knox appeared in the grand Alias SARAI3 MULLOY who has Open meeting of the High school Opera house on . dion e, evening the'must( by organist Pilcher much been a life resident of Clinton, left appreciated. Both 'sermons were before a fair audience. The fail for Rochester N. Y. on Monday. able and in keepin"'with the event. Literary Society next Friday even reader allowed considerabi'o-drffhwrtic She tools her ,ticket from Mr. Jas. Ability. Aliss Hattie Donagh play, Thom son's Agency. Sacrament was administered in the p ad several pieces of instruments P g y• morning. Owing to Rev. Mr. Miss Alice Sharman sent her music. DI R. S. W., PERRY 1140 removedCraig. ,not being well, Mr. Brower Easter -vacation at the Old home - not musical .portion Of St from Princess street to ,the h.use read. the evening Igssone. Around steSo far matters in connection with , Goorgo's church services last Sun recently altar erectc+d by Mrs. Thos. naturaldlflotvoPsdesk ; incl abundancewers the forthcoming Scott Act election day was really excellent. The oul, Cooper. - have been exceedingly quiet. -solos were allotted to Masers Wil, E•rster Sunday, 1888, is one long to MEssrts. GEo. •HANLEY, '.Cho"•, be romembered'by, the members of The Maitland is open and the liams and Strahan and %veto mos Kearns and, A. M. Todd were in at., St. Paul's church. water entered the lake without effectively rendered. The Te tendanee at a Red Cross meeting of roaching its usual spring height•. Daum Laudamus was sang to th v the Black Chapter at Goderich on NEWSPAPERS IN 1888.—From the There teas an Easter service in music of Prof- Ioo , who is to b Good Friday, edition of Geo. P. Roell & 'Co'" `•American newspaper Directory," the North Street 1VIethodist church congratulated on his coutributio last Sunday morbiug. to sacred melody. TION funeral of the late Mrs. W published April 2nd (its twentieth Work at .the Grand Trunk ilei Colelougb, one of the early settlers Master Bert, Smith left for Tor - year ), it that onto on Monday where he will at- and elevator is still going on. '.C); of Godvrich township, Passed and Periodicals of all kinds Issued tend a Commercial College. elevator has a new fo.ndatic through town to Clinton cemetery in the United Stator and Canuda, throughout, and apparently it is last Friday. It was a very large now, number 16,301, showing a The bias"ongers are posting Pro g od gone, The pile .'drivers a one Decoasod was nearly 7 5;,years Bain of 890 during the las 12 clamations and delivering ballot away east and will, in a'll lilcelihc,o .of age and a sister of lair. Henry months and of 7,136 in 10 years, boxes for the forthcoming election.-. -not return till the Opening of not Cr}lo, town. T},o publishor9 Of th Directory Tllo Regular Bi•bfonthly Meet- Ration, when they will comple 11;ERE is now au ego combine or assert that -the impression that when ing of Huron Eneampinenti no 8, the pilo driving Along the clock an tnof opoiy among buyers. They had tiro proprietor of a'_ _newspaper I. 0. 0. F. next MoDda-y evening. in front of the elevator. a ,[Hooting °in Toronto last, -week. undertakes to state what has been The ice in the harbor is getting The last of 'the series of " Air. "D.D. Wilson` is one of the his exact circulation, he does not pretty soft, and the lake ice has s'e- Homes" will take place to-morrc lnemters atul was present. _Thain generally toll the truth is an pirated in soVoial places, a sure evening in St. George's school. 1-00 good (Arlt is stultifying t}le position erroneous one : and they sou sigh of an early break n11 _ A9 tho o that ]save taken pisco clr [siren by his, party- chat combine" apicuosly offer n coward of $100 Although Easter Sunday was not Ing the post winter have been illi • mean robbery of the public. for "ovary instance in their book for an over lino day there was a fair enjoyable affairs, we hope 011 OT a this year, where • it• can be shown Show of now bonuats, dresses and townspeople tubo have not yet be POLLING places to take votes for [blit the detailed report received resent will snake it a •point. suits aired on the streets. or agalnet repeal of the Scott Act from a publisher Was untrue, nl•ati.f the members oT the Cllur will be at town hall, D. Grutolou's Miss 4usio Ganrpbelt has hon „ y vacant "tore Albert street, Cooper's GOOD FRIDAY . A very' large 'engaged by TBUAe es"'Of the woman's Guild by bsino,present marble shop atld Chidley's factory- number; Af ou'r. citizens 'a'ttottcidd, "Sat'f affil school Section. for the morrow evening. Deputy returning, officers will.bo P. 'c}iurah. on ,oad Friday in commom- r-indinder of the year 1888, The water from the well bol CarltelOn jr-, 'E. Corbett, W. IL oration of the greatest event in the There was a very large attendance for the Water \ay b Was flow Cooper, Thos Johnston. world's History. In the afternoon a at the Good Friday service at St. for on Alouday, but not in sl disgraceful scone was enacted Oil George's) the largest fornianv years tient quantityr'tosupply the to BAMWAY PRogRr.ss—The C, P. R the public streets. A young man past. Those who profess show, h purveyors have reached a point at . [elle appeared the worse of liquor Good Friday turned out a mist+r• over, say that'the present flow it the south end of btorni "ton known throw a' can of salmon at a young &s Poole. The places' toughed at man named I lrmiug which missed able clay for pedestrians the roaAS',rate9 A fall supplbe y into the pt, a1:o Berlin, St. Clement cud Cross and aide italics being simply her- frooemt. Tnlewat r isas'c%aroasu its mark and struck the wire screen ^rible for a'holiday. clearest crystal and as euro to Kill ; bilis route' will skirt the ex- of 0110 of the window8 of J. C. I ot- Miss Birdie Rutson arrives} from clearest as any we ever Eaetbcl. tensivo and famous Ellice swamp ' lots's store. The assaulted y6ung and a«liparoutly will touch at Clin• man endeavored to got out of the, Detroit last Thursday in charge of d lou on its way to the fah, but of way but his assailant followed him her sister Miss Ruts"- Miss B At the Baud of Hope nleetini this I1otillPg definite is known .,•up along Albert stroot.. Fleming though still seriously indisposed, is tile lecture loom. of Knox chr yet. was, standing Albert the crossing op- expected to improve steadily as last .Friday evening 'the folio[[ MESSRS. Carl+ AVD I.OG1N) the w s ,a the town hall, away from the Spring• advances. programme teas presented, a Mh5" dregs by, the Chairman, Mr..,Emb ' decorators, toast a trip• crowd of f,1vo or throe hoe as thOuolgtho advent off the Big Mill, as bedu done prayer 1•iy Rov hlr• hse Nellie painters and to Buffalo and Other cities last weak w'hioh had assembled, when h this time stood his ground able ]and fronting on the harllnor" Kenzie. recta ion011lisetMauci r for the purpose of personally "oleet• salient again made a break at him. that Is the reclaiming of 'consider- Solo and c torus, in*. the latest in wall papers and Fleming Punished and, by the• dumping of may ra p recitation, Miss Christina other house inside decorating mater- and would have severely p piaster Vert Ri ial. The Judgment of this firm in the rutin who attacked him Had not huwas he drew ndred is loads of coal ashes. ' Y , Rev. 1VIr., Salton ;umourbd that the deputa- Swain ; 8010,Aenlo, matters requiting dofiteacy in art fist and only blood. as Fleming Fleming was tion[ for r interviewing the Minister ar Cook reading, Rev.a, Rov. Ito MSMil discrimination, eon with a practical huowlodge of all th da• not to blame lint some oficat appan the I;ailtvayS and otht me during Mr. H. I, Strang. A tails, is a guarantee that thoso ro. ant n friends of blame fol0their dosirato see bonusinglthe Ouolphnmisut on tand he iCoderi h lectionatter a )Nyas taken up' by quirins life i»terior of thou }louse b sin IDR the national authen decorated need . not go Out of town . s tlm unseb'ml Tproee© proceedings. sport to i nor ow ifor Ottntvnthor to -day or evening. sngThe meeting rues c. to esetira the very best In this line, In y F i is nbW passed into stock, at D $151 $18, and $20 a Suit, We offer value that is not seen every, day. r v t I •l ,i THE FAMOUS 0LOTHIERS. Godcriclt All Englishmen and sons of I a promise to leave his property to Englishmen favorable to the Organ- ''this nephew at his death. The then broue of that purely uncle died without making a will, iiation of a Judge "Sons this action to of the plff. benevolent soci, ght the England," are requested to meat in .establish his right. The judgment the Foresters hall, North street, at was in in favor of the pl. costs to C. Sea;- s 8 p.m. to -morrow evening.. be paid out of the estate. er•:for l ,.Cameron, Holt & Carney, ;Vfaster Kenneth Anderson, "rand on for d'eft.. son of Air. Wm., Kay, died at the Hall. This was an residence of his grandparents in this Horton v. for of some land in. town_ on Saturday from diptheria. cation partition The deceased had only been in. the township of pen. The title by a; nStep town for about two weeks, having widow and one so set u the court°decided arrived here with his parents from possession, and that they ware an to succeed Montreal. Oil this ground and judgment was M. r, W. H. Siebald, and Chas. M.• given tl0 rdingly without costs- to t Clark, treas. and secretary respec- any of the parties. Cameron & Co. [seely of the Buffalo fish company, for 1°ff. Kingston, Davison & Col- P a were in town last week an a busi- o lins for deft. 3 ness visit. While in town the gen• I 1 tleman inspected the tugs being Taylor v. Russell,. 'Vas an built for Mr. James Clarke of which action- by the plff• to recover possess- ion some land- in the township of, hey spoke in terms of highest caof [ they Hay, • The . parties are relatives, e mandation. a The Board of School Trustees met and the accounts between them in a very mixed state, 'Judg- a were ou iouday evening. Present—C. Ment was given doclaF'tug the deed 'e Messrs. N•ich Crabb, chairmtiu, and to be mortgage; that the property 1, Olson;-Achsoh, Price, Morton and be gold, and proceeds pard into i Swanson. Minute" of last meeting Court and«that there be a reference LO Principal's read and approved. d monthly report received; attendance: to the Master to tako the accounts. on Woduosdltiy boys 371, girls 292. Some matters The court closed. .. f t were referred to the contingent coin- afternoon. w mittee, after which the Board ad- 1.What C. U. Really Meana. i journed. j —_ _-- • Ir- One of the s»lalle1k_•itug4.has her "t111 addressing [110 Commercial nearly complete and the Saturdays ur upper works nearly finished, 1y1c1 Gln at Cincinnati, on on the question of COmm6r-- , Oil her twin sister will soon be as nriieli ,evening is being tial Union, Erastus NNTiman said :— to advanced, The large tug 111- rapidly ahead, but her lila- "I came to undo Ghon mistake rushee) LO. ollinory and boilers will not be made 100 years ago when - the on board until she is floating Dechlratioll of Independence should placed nod m0jestic011y in the harbor. '.Chose have covered the whole North who have not, visited American continent. hBgston ng of our, residents on the dealt and 4kispectod the vessels, tea party hada aeffectP {g_ should iso so before tie christening, England." rp as they will be betterable to realize Later on lie said, speaking of the' Ity_ d{_ rho perfectness of the models do. French Canadians: ss buil lar, irn Signed by our young ship "The speaker -of rho Canadia fl ❑tip CIi A\CGRP COURT, & Parliament is the twenty-fourth ;he Dir. justice Robertson opened the child ; allow me the twonty-fourth the spring Sitting of the Chancery child of an American." Division of the Iligh Court of Justice And again iii last Wednesday. His Lordship ter- "I bring you the trade of half a ` rchceived the hearty congratulations of continent.,v ing t}re God'erich Bar on his promotion And later fter as one of His Majesty's judges, °,just t so sure as the Americans in- kd_ Mr,`M. C. Cameron, to whom was Vito the Canadians to a free infer•-, cry. delegated the duty of addressing chane under Commoraial ,union, Ma. hiaLordship, felicitously performed just so Sure will Canada accept, If 3 of the part assigned him. Iiia Lordship Enland refuses to allow the Maas the having duly, acknowledged th lire then we will gay to the British Die- address, and thanked the inomber Crown : We have -no further use kindly sentiment expressed . los ; for the for in North America." with the business of they ou Mr, proceeded fan ; court. Tllo following were the con- —The queen has presented to col- tested cases : Mr:- Chamberlain her photograph, Nelson v. Fergus, In this with her autograph, in recognition of the "sed case the plff'". uncle induced his services in connotation with the 11 .. the plff, to come this country under I fisheries sgttlemout-