HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1888-04-04, Page 1.,°-71�'�-•-_.".- -,W-, .....--V-W.q.�_-"'"."'. --r. w. .. ..,,.--"---7 NWg1w •,..-.---�..,— -_ --- _. _ _••• - . 0 , +. - • F , , 1 I -4 . - t o , 1. I n. . -- I .. . 8 I . I 41. I . I I , I I . 1. - . , 1. I I I I 11 ".. .. 1. - "I � . - - - - I I , I ,. P" 0, . ". " .. . I . . WS RE RD "'-,'1E R- -, 0 Ni.-� - �, I . . . I we I , , . :I " , , " -*6 - ' —, , - „. . . . I I � . ... .1 I � I... . I ,... .. w I 11 . . . . . . 11 I I . U — ... I . . I . , i, ,_ ;. _ - A -._._..-__—.. ..__ _ �.:._.._ fNDF.PRND.ENT IN ALL THINGS, NEUTRAL IN 1y07'E(I1S4_ W1iITE#IrY &TODDY #'uUllplaesp TER,11i8t-01.50 per Ann,un" 81.25 in Qdtauce. �� „"•,ng•+• VOL, IX.—NO. 16• CLINTON, HURON COUNTY, ON r., WE DNLSDAY APRIL ,4, 1888 WHOLE N4. 494 l�, =-;:��'. I In and About the Oounty, 1. 4rilX (+prl't pAlXcCtlut.. gorit1(gorreollol�dvare -_ I xaritz.(6-orrop.a4Tla<turt aria 0t,rrt�llalxdellrt-- atilt (�a�rt��rai�.ctt»<rt— • I 11_ —A mare belonging to Donald Mc- I'ot•t Albert. _ Nile, Editor News -Record: over all Ontario. If I reeol- Editor Neave-ReCOA1. Dermid of Stanley has given birth to lect rightly it :comprises forty \ DLAtt Stn —Some one has said that twin colla. " Work will be resumed at the Mr. H. Tombs, who lids lately Di Aa Stu,— Oue of ilio earliest re- tour counties a,nd as the official re- the person who honest) can change. —The man Dulmage and his Com ° sults of the introduction of the Scott turn, from Gen produced auuaaliv his yews is learning wisdom, that it, panioa 1ilisa Smith who so disgrace - harbor as soon as the fine weather occupied rite Nile hotel line gone to Act In this county was the, sudden -6124.581 in tines received, forty four sous in11 .. Kin to ttiko charge of the utail growth of low �rogguries therein, is an evidence of his knowing more fully elope i from Bluevale, as went from that lace to Godoricl►. The counties, cities and towns would pro- to than lie did yesterday. There ioned last week, have returned. John and Joe McMullen► as also P where vile compounds called by the Y hotel is thefore vacant • so much duce Six hundred and ttuerety ttvo thou are thins I some three aura ago Ili of spirituous liquors were snarly g Y 8—Middlesex farmers report the - Adam Green Piave returned home for the working of ilio Scott Act, procurable for individual cousump• seed nine hundred ohne Jive dullarr ua• noticed discussions about in your pa- fall wheat in that neighborhood as ' from the lumber woode. nually to rewartl the tomperatice per. The Salvation Army and the looking remarkably well, better, in Ai We wish him success in his new tion by a class of people in which not fanatics both Clerical and lay, the The ice is broken u on the lako the use, but the abuse of intoxicant 1 t"soverument earn g nothing of this Scott Act. At the time I refer to fact, than for several years past. P busiLese. g I thought that the adverse cirri• and our fishermen have lost some liquors prevailed. Another result large sum. I Shall say doth• b —A sow belonging to PeterWinte• 91, '' „ The fever is raging in this vicinity was a resort to illicit distillation for R y slams that I saw in -your paper mute, Maidstone, gave birth to Valuable nets and several fishin jug further now, ignoring alta were just. I must now say withogt "ahan.ties" have gone on a vo age to V4re believe it is very contagious for the production of a more wholesome Y twenty pig-, day recently. They a y b when one 'person catches it another Kethor the fruits of private black ,vin an articular reasons just Michigan. liquor, and snore than one successful aili g but of this and other +ions giving Y P J are all living and doing; well. " Hoar and dent unto theta catches 1n �' 1' now that they were not called for. raid was made by the officers of In- cp Dr. John Smnle Ciae returned temperance dodges I may treat it' my Although I have nothing to do with —In a book -saw contest at Center- : s home after a loud toot through the the infection. There Aooma to be 1<aud Revenue. Such results lu the next and thou conclude the subject. the Army I believe they have done villa last week Isaac I3ertil cut a no cure for it unless those affected days of the Dunkin Act followed I ata Sir yours again, good and are doing good. Neither quarter of a colas of green hard maple _ Pcoviuco; ho is the greatest cora enter the United States of, Dlntriut- the restraints put by it on the moiler. g = TLMPERAYCE. the no churches can ,make saints through twice in 15 minutes and 55 - Dr. on this earn► and well known ony. Sot eu different cases were Stu use of stimutauts, and svltureyer y seconds. throughout the Dominion and the provisions of the Scott Act hay., of men, but I do thinit that the Army United States. reported not fat frau baro lust been applied, tlo results loon boon "Reader" Refuted. is doing goad and I feel ashamed of There is an eight-year-old boy 1.week. the same. But this was not ash It our town youths who try to annoy named Purdy, living in Springfield, Harry Tombs takes chatgo of Het _ _ +' them, I also thought your own per,. Middlesex county,' who is said to 11, is a well known fact that the German Lditor Netts -Record. Mtijesty's mails this morning be- B1Ytlt• _ art of obtaining a \clicap spirit from Sat,—In your last issue I observe a ition on the Scott Act was a mis- weigh 118 pounds. His mother is a „ ' ,:, tweeu-Goderieh and ICintail. Harry, from potatoes and other low priced letter signed "Reader" which he term's' a taken one. I now find that it was small woman, and his father of only is ee old herd at handling marl bags Good Friday was observed here vegetables has been carried on in myself that was m error. I did what- ordinaay size. F vindication of the Scott' Act, though I I could, not much more than my own —The petition sent to Adam c .. and rihliana and willjrun n first clans as a general holiday. Europe, for the adulteration o, pure fail to perceive where he has adduced vote, for the Scott Act, I would to Brown,Ni. P., by the Ilamiltonsdctety stage ' betw.een the above named Mr. Will Emigl'r was visiting his winea'and spirits prior to exportation, one article of anything that could be God that my anticipations bad been for the prevention of cruelty to ani. pCACes, bl'Otlet' ill the Queen City this and the fact is also lcuown that in an P Y g _ realized to an considerable extent. adjacent Oouuty^sums chemical cool- called argument for its perpetuation. Y reale tone 57 feet long. About one Parties attending the meeting of week concis were re area and thou le+i• But the curse of has great third the length of the petition ask,, ' " 11. g a p prepared 1 He cites a number of texts from dif Brent g 1 P parts of the Bible which without the er. [ am constrained to own that in for repeal of the Scott Act in West Huron Farmers Institute, Our public schools were reopened died all over Ontario' and sold in if you lied been endowed with the Huron. P " 11 hold at Du.ngunnou a few days ago, on Tuesday, after the Taster boli- smell two or three ounce phrase ata least regard to the context or their plain, gift of ro hoc you could scarcely did not gain much information, in a days. dollar a bottle, the contents of which g P P Y Y y —While holding a wake over the11 1. when mixed with isle cheap whiskey menuine, aro pressed into service and have come nearer picturing three body of aeon of Jas. D. Dewar, Lon- w farming point of view, from the ad' On Sabbath morning -next a resutte4 in the production of a num• made to do dot as en oidia abstinence, years ago what has since followed 11 r y j B dop Ont.,ou Sunday night, a'candle dress read by President Kernighan• tom eranco sermon is to be reached 1 under the Scott Act. I feel i have ' p P bar of gallons of irnpr•oved whisks,$, from liquor. Now, anyone who is a was upset and il;nited some drapery He dwelt on the greaU blessiuge bo- in rho 7spiscopnl church Uy rho pastor, liana ' or gin l�ucordnr,g to mr biro no alternative now than to sup- j stowed on the leo ire of this Pru y g l reader and wi'1 rend. ileac texts with around the coffin. The corpse was people Rov. lI. A, 1 homes. • Monts, and those intoxicating; and port a return to the license system. bads burned and $6200 damage was 11 _ vinCe b having such a great and maddening nein �ounfls found ,ready unbiased judgment, c to at once see that I may say that probably my feelings y l' Y o 1, Tho regular monthly mectino of I the refer in every case, to the idolatry are' against the Act .done to the house and furniture. s glorious, honest and economical our town fathers on Monday even- Hale among Use lase groggerieaavery- y' —Another old discover has been government as the.prosent adlninis inry had to be ad'uurusd for the whore. Hero was an evil to svhicll iuto which the Jews. had fallen, and through sexing some whom I am in- g Y Ing J those temperance advocates mi ht cannot even b the most strained inter• terested in acquire habits dstrig -the. made in the Nipiseiug district in • tration of the Province now is, and want of a quorum. have well devoted their atteutiou but y past three years that 1 imagined it -th"e' towns'10 of Cartier. The dis• Y. isle trillions of ducats showered on , pretatiou be said to refer in any 'way to only possible to contract undo- - 'coverer is an Indian named Joe `, �, 11 ,� �, 11 11 the loads of the farmers by way of Mrs, 1 rcClelan, of Stratford, n this and other results of their ener- strong drink, which is not even alluded license system. I do wish the Gov. Ohorze, and an assay of the find I ° former resident of this bur ivas kilos were devoted to assaultA on gives ,\,. experimental farms &e., by the great �' Count Councils to appoint oint souse one to. Il,e (lien q'iates Nehemiah as prohib- ernment would take a national vote i within to the ton. The Mme , „ Christian politician. He almost visiting old 1<cquaiutancosou Triday Y IP , ivr . p from their body as paid Police .14agis• .icing the fish se'lers of 'Tyre from selling —plebiscite I see you call it—on pro Ca within a mile of the C. , �+, ', bowed down to Oliv6r for having and Saturday. trate who it was expected would fish in Jerasalem on the Sabbath. He hibition. The choice n'ow Among track. '^ no ststy churches in Ontario, and Mr. James Emigh loft her® on convict whomsoever thou accused of may not bo aware ilei the Crooks those who desire alae well beim; of —'she Londesboro butter and society lies between national pro- Cheese Manufacturing Company's I 11paradise was not to be compared Wednesday for 1`Tingham where a violation of the Scott Act, is itaortt Licence Act prohibits the sale of liquor hibition of the im ortattoo manu• re ort of last season showed that much regard to the sufficient of the i'. frith West Huron �tvhat balderdash he has sectu'ed n job as brnkosmduY on Sunday, which the Scott Act does facture and sale of ardent spirits and "iabpout 75,000 pounds of , being revere for a Pruaiilont to read off. ter at uu the C. P. R. Success Jim. evidence to sustain 016, cTiarge, In not do practically, whatever it may do the licence system. I have exceeded mttdA and sold for $15,000, being an . 7 Pt P other counties where the Scott Act theoretical) Ile goes on to sae he can N such a meeting I how, if the Mr, Hamilton, of Peel county, prevailed the Santo tactics scare re y' R Y ,chat I eat down to do,but L thought increase over the quantity made in Y worthy had -read a paper ^8 lent two or throe days hero thin point out hundreds of passages where you would not be averse to reading the previous year of 23,000 pounds. "' y 1 y sorted to, but in every instance the prohibition occurs. 'Can he? Well, one the views of one who used to differ ,;. ' —say on eggs, it would be .interest- , weer: visiting his cousin • Mr. -C, County Councils scouted She appliea• will do for me, and I now make "Reader" from you even if you do not think ,—As Henry Mills, a, commercial c•-+ inry -mord especially if he would tiou, and hero, as • olsesvherc, after the follimin offer :—I will lace $10.00 ' Y traveller for a Lynn, Mase, house, g p y Hamilton, g P them worthy of publishing, which you stepped off a Burlington train an I give us farmers a pointer or two • one or two attempts a Scutt Act in y our hands, "Reader" to put up a like PP 17 ' ' ?1 s a p Misses If and Lovett '•dress can do, however, if you,liko.' English sparrow flew into his right is Y; - ' Police Magistrate, without salary, amount, on the, conditions: 11. g P g bow to make liens lay as also how to and `ivantle makers, have cast .iu, was,appolnted vith ale usual accom- challenge him to point to one teat be- PLAIN MAN. eye, and the sharp bill penetrating `i ka• smash up .egg combines such as his there lot with us and opened. out in the eyeball -it was ruined.. !he " political friend D. D. 1Vilson is' l pediment of inspectors and Subordin. twenn Genesis and Revelations which Yspar-, t 1 this lice "of" business. \Vo wish oto officers. Without in any way com•. without being garbled, nrisq,ioted or its hillier �l'etcs-Record. row itself teas blind, having had ftp , trying to fun .,in this West ' Huron them success. plaining of the impartial manner in plain dreading distorted, condemns the byes plucked out in a fight. N •, of ours. ,,Eggs 10c. per dozen ! dur- which they dischar&ed their duties, moderate andtemperate use of wine or, pl;.ar gtty—I ting the following extract _Afr• R. Manning, of Exeter, .re• ' ': ' rug Easton tveok at islet, Mr. Presid The Misses Hall, two ladies froth we have only to take up the columns intoxicating driuk ; you to be the judge y papers ceiv6d a telegram from Snowflake, ,tr Guelph, are assisting in the good and the loser to forfeit $60.00 to be in one of the dais ra lets to ant. I trove you memorialize that $ of your local contemporary to learn ' "• its, 13esaie Starr Keefer, 'Toronto's Afanitoba, the other day announcing ,,. work which is going on at the nevi applied to any deserving. charity you • pretty Young delegate to the international .the serious illness of his son, �Ir. A. ,, sainted government, which you say from it, that not only in Hugon, but $ in ever where else ,that tho,Act as may name. I freely' admit the Bible } '• ) Y o p r Manning, whose three yoar-old "is ready to reeognizo the wants and arils which are still barn )told in the y Woman's, ubnferiuce at Washington, made Methodist church. been trrhd it has been equally found condemns intemQerauee; not only in a ver nice s ,tech at the o renin of the I` wishes of -the farms," to smash up y drinkbutfneverythtng,aveninlanguage y l I` g child had -died two weeks before. i\ ' n monopoly of our Soafotth On Saturd'a Rev: 14Ir. Tonne wanting in promoting ilio cause of -a $aetof which many temperance ora- Proceedings. Anion, other fhin'gs .r�� frheson diel} th'e next day, aged 28 y `l th:o ego p y y Y o true temperance and sobriety, whilst told how alio came to be a Canadian. ears and 9 months. 9 , gg evokin eritno. fors seem oblivious. He, next quotes the Y K friend,pr any others. . when driving from rho' station to g well worn text from \Habakkuk, 2, 15, 'Fifteeir years ono,' she said 'I went —There (vas delivelred•at the Sea-, r. -- - ---•— - ' town, in company with two ladies It is only two or three posts back but with the customary disingenuousness to Canada to get an education, and., }' met with tan accident b which rho Y P Y g though born afn, 21 �ner�ictan, I am piouil to forth creamery last season 508.391 lbs. cgµ . . 'Nile Y since your local contompo' &ry drew and want of candor of his kind, be not be a�Canadian.' - t 4s very nice and of cream, from which were made �x; occupants got upset .into n ditch. the attention of itsrottders to a return only misquotes but odic half quotes the • Mr. Geo. Jackman, tailor, has getting complimentary. But N1rs. heeler made 56,714 lbs. of butter, realizing to the 13",�,� ,' The Horse getting away from them laid before the legislative assembly passage, well knowing that to quote it one remark for which, we trust, there is patrons the snug sum of 68,901 24. :'r gone to Goderieh to work at his but was bronght to standstill when in session of the amount of fines re- in full would entirely alter the meaning no good foundation. 'There are,' saidshe, The average price per pound for tho , , . calling. • near the Presbyterian church, witb- ceived during the peat near -from con• he seeks to convey. I never knew a ,Dia»y women in Canada to -night who season„ realized by the patrons was �`$ Mr. John Watson, mason and Ottt any serious damage being dons. victions in those Counties in Ontario temperance advocate yet that would kneel to Airs. Stanton and hiss Anthony 15. 7 cents this. is after paying all qct in which the --.Scott Act has been in quote it in full and for •'ktender's" benefit as ;they don't kneel to Queen Victoria.' expenses. 4., bricklayer, has gone to Hamilton to We are,glad to hear that the ladies force, and a full staff of Temperance l will so quote it: Let tis hope, rather, that the women of P ;k , vvortt at hie trade. and rho Rev: gentleman same off advocates emCilayed to see its pro• "ts'oc ,tato bra, ct,nt Kitetb his neighbour Canada think too much of themselves to —bit. �Vm. Sproat, ot'luckeramith, 9? . without l:eceiviug anyinjuries what visions carried out the result is drink, runtentresttby bottle a ban and makes( kneel to any creature in clothes. Often has purchased. from '141 re John fine f Mr. R. A. Pentland left last Mon blit drunken disc, floe thou ,+,meat took o„ the Hien kneel to then) ; but that is•a dif- Millan, of Hullett, the very fine + - given as follows for one year. their nakedness" our im cited Clydesdale stallion day f,)r Manitoba taking with him ever. ferentmatter.' young P Y I" 11 four horses and home farming Fines received frL,n Counties ......... ..$ 03.116 We hero see that the curse is pro- "Prince of Green Hill.". This horse r . The Anuual Easton meeting of Fines received from Cities anq Towns.. 31.406 nougoed against him who makes hie 1 believe this lady, who would .11 . implements. Vire, wish him success. the members of the Episcopal Making n total for rue year of..........$129.681 neighbor drunk• -for a shameful and de- honor Airs. Stanton and Nfiss Authony in was imported s now McMillan as ii, � ; g Y• To at at 3 oars i•osults multi i Floris a darkiba ower hs 11 0001iIns. ••,hlr. John Aiallouah sr. has re- Church here was held on Monde B Y P Y gradlgg purpose, With the customary preference to Queen Victoria, is the same y, g ' ' moved to Luoknosv, leaving -his son The retiring° Churchwardens brought. Christian Sharif$ of his close, "Reader" person whom rho "lieu," B. 13. Keefer g by 3 and we kat=6373,743, l l ! goes on to say that if we adopt n kneels to and upon whom he` tluew the and is a most excellent animal in his u John to take care of the farm, and in their financial report for the past The Act is in force; if I recollect license system we are in leagne with the anus of his inability to meet pecuniary class. Mr. Sproat purchased him - '41'4 ", John r: ryettin� tired of keeping year- (which ,%"I$ -Very eatisfactory..� rightly, --in ten counties of Ontario,. bartender os—w4lam this -woo is 'pro- obligations by -reason of her extravagance for his sons who`are farming near . )j J a a P a- bash Sud believing that "it is not Messrs. T. Scott & W. McGill cities and incorporated towns iuclud- pounced, Unhappy bartender! to be and which forced brm Eo s ep iTbisr, and oat Virden; 14lanitoba, end he wad shi-pp• 11 ,:,' °good for man to live alone" has tak- here elected churchwardens for ed within them, and here we lave specially singled out for such denuncio- of the pulpit. And tbisl B. Keefer is ed to that point. en unto him a ]ifs partner in the the durront year. 14Ir. John Boll the largo sum of more than one third tions, Bartenders are doubtless not per- the, glib orator who is rho paid partisan person Miss Argy. Some of the being elected afi' lay delegate to of a million of dollars realized fromkr fact, but I veuturg the assertion that advocate svho athibutes the failurcabof the P alleged violations of this attouipt to there is not a bartender iu Canada who Scott Act to the Dominion Coverumeut• .—At the Catberines .police court ,$' ,,.^' _. other young men tvill.have a better Synod. Some other matters of minor make the people temperate by Act of would for a moment permit', let alone Veyfly the Keefm•s'are-n-at reliable guides James McKelvey, commonly known iiq chance now that Johu has joined importance Navin; been disposed-parliamopt, and this large sum is encourage, tiny such indecent exhibition for honest, lice born Canadians. as "doctor," was sentenced to two t't a, on his remises. "Reader" then admits Yours the�rmy of bevedicts. of the meeting adjourned to the even- placed- at, the disposed of the men P 13itrrisutstt• mouths, imprisonment in the com• •' p' tt'; Our school oxtiniinnt}ou which tag of 1G ins1 enban b dwliicliin ithois rrcrsonal liberty tyerance tof til stash eCtatiou of e Scott (the tempetaoce has not come toren __—__ and oSrtslonitwo ichor es hof unlawne of o , t took ilaco ou the 23rd March was The Union eons^rt under the P t; Y P 1 should any not, dud fur the s,mple g r F': I rho masses is interfered witli� a71d reason that it begins at rho sarong' end. Our Vpeekly Round i7p. fully practising medicine while not , not sa--well attended by visitors as auspices of the A: O. U. W. and grog slums and drunlcen habits virtu- A demand always creates a supply, avid being registered as a qualified prdc- " on some previous occasions but C. 0. F. here was a grand success. ally encouraged by ileac patrons of the converse ie equally. true, and the —'Two million people have been Tuft titioner. 4 '^ there wero quite a numbor present. The Mall was crowded notwithstand- inebriety and all its evil consequ• endeavor to prohibit the sale of liquor destitute by the floods in the Honair 11 h ,,; It was held in the forenoon and all ing the miserable state of the once. "by retail by such measures as the Scott district in China, Reports recently prepared s}lett �,k seemed well satisfied with the roan- weather, Raub Fax of Brantford But tiro foregoing figures only dis• Act, while the manufacture and impor- —Detective,) iihey of Montreal has that of the total output of 1,670,838,' . t� y dei in which the schol:ns answered fully sustained his reputation as Cao' close the amount of lines actually ration gra uuctrecked, is something like been setttenced to fourteen years in tons"of Noun Scotia coal last L, received and which are- said to fall trying to keep out the fide faith a pitch- r Main- f' , rho gtiasttons put to thein by the of the best comic singers in the fork or to bale out a bath with a tea the Penitentiary. over 65Q858 tons was consumed'""1t4i 1;i short of the amount expeudad , teachers of the school; ATr: Alton Dominion, causing roars of laughter in ilii eutorcouiuut of rho :ict, cup mobilo the tap is. still running, Ho —Tho New York State Assembly the upper provinces of Canada,11 and hiss Plummei, assisted by Ali'.• at every appearanco during the eve- It " is l;ileut ^ "as to the then refers to Halton. a county ono -third last week passed, the Crosby high Quebec Doing the heat consumer. ' �, , `j 1lroods of D.trngannon school, The ning. The local tatont tvh'o tools amount of fines brill uncollected ­Md'size bf•Iiuron ; the so-called banner license bill Eight years ago the amount e Nova ^ 0 county, into which the, whole force of —'the 1\ova Sdo'tia 4Le relative Scotia coal used it, rho upper pro - r: