HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1888-03-28, Page 8s 'r,Leux�eneru -,Record 01.40, 9, X"01,20 in A0%110e, Wednesday, \ tcrelk 2804 1888 0 LOCAL NEWS. In and Aron d e "flub•" •� .. �G4tVlt i�i1Xk. ACCOUNTS for subscription enclosed in the= last few issues Of TSE NEWS -RECORD will be sued finless paid at once. RWOOD WANTED.—Any quantity • of wood wantecj", in exchange for �. •_Y goods, at the Clinton Woolen Mills —JOHN SCOTT. � - 480tf - Another Car Coal Oil ,lust re- celved-15c• single gallon, two gallons, and up 12je jwr gallon. —R. 111. ItACFY. February 20th, 1888. DR. N. W4tSIIINGTON M. D., L. C. P. S., O. will be at the R.zttenbury House Monday Marcli 19. Consul- tation free regarding Catarrh and diseases of the Throat and Lungs. `487.1f Westward Ito!—Are' you going West to better your condition? If so be- gin naw and decide tobuy 'your tickets and ship your freight fol• Dakota, Minnesota and all points in the boundless west by the Chicago and North Western Railway. It has 7000 miles of solid sWel track and is the shortest. best anti quickest line west. No change of cars to the must important points, and baggage checked through. Bates as low as the lowest anal accommod- ations the best. Don't make the mistake that inexperienced travelers do, that is believe other lines are just as good. Tbey are not. You are paying your money for the bostland can get it only on the Chicago and North Western. Maps, rolders.ete., and information respectin'g lowest rates, fast trains and U. S. customs laws. supplied Oil oapplication to John H. Morley, Caha• dian•Passenger Agent, 9, York St., Toron- to, Out.. Car Barb and othef Fence Wire just .received. Full stock at all times.—R. M. RACET February 20th. 1888, WANTED.—A good general sur vant wanted. Apply to Mrs. H. 13. Prondfoot IIRS. Noun of Seaforth is ,visiting friends in town. lity5 hiilCrrs�iliiiCr of Goderich is visiting her cousin hiss AleGarva. Ain. GORDON PLRR121 is confined to the house at his bonio in town with inflammation of Clio lugs. IIRs. ARCL3. AIC'Kl.,r left oil M611- -day for California, where sho will ,join her husband. 1.1111SC1r.1L I,OUGII %vas able to restin,0 his duties in the Alodel School on Afondoy, though he is by no means "the mar he was." ItEv. AI -R. ROBINSON, of Exeter, will likely preach in St. Paul's ellurch on tile" evening of good Friday. THE 24TH.—Will Clinton have a celebration on the 24th of May I The questioir- is one wort}iy of at- teut•ibn. IT is 1,000 years'since there were as many 81s- in the year aff we have just now. It is a good time for old bachelors to cogit S, the girls to re ciproc-8, and not hesit-8. TgrsE sunny days and. frost nights is the time when the careful housewife, who has nurtured. he plants all winter, wakes up in' life morning to find Ihat hot• pots have boon p-i-nebod by John Frost. AIRS. W. CA31PBELL AND MRs SMrETII, of Goderich, were anion the delegates at the Scott Act con vention hold here last Friday. Mr ,ttobt. Thompson was also a•lnong th number present. TIIE brakesman "McDonald, wli was injured at the Clinton station couple of weeks ago and afterwar taken to his home to Stratford, i now considered out of danger The limb that was injured will no have to be amputated.' THE Rev.' Mr. Briggs preabliedi o the morning of,last Sunday in th Rattunbury street Methodist church Rev. Mr. McDonald, of Japan preached in the evening, assisted b Mr. Briggs. The , attendance wr unusually large. WnoOProsrRrrrAL.—Tho Duffs in Post says:The keoper9of led• do and of hotels that expect no licent, under the Crooks Act aro solidl against the repeal of the Scott Ac and will not only^`vote against repo, but mill do all in their power ' • rioiirls in that dire influence their f flu tion. Indeed, the'.lceepers of t low groggeries are more staunch i their support CC the Scott Act tha the- most violent temperance crani for they know that their' bread an butter are at stake. Surely, respec able and heavily taxed person throughout the country` can see i this disgusting state of things t most cogent argument'"in favor repealrng't}ie USOIOSS and expensi Scott Act. 4 e - i IN ' uu list of o6iaers of the Ret . •.Orange Provincial Grand Lodge of �.�''�1�, ii �0 Ontario West,, the only name ap- pearing .from Huron, is that of John Scarlett, V. C. M., as Deputy �.o�— Grand Lecturer. Acting on tiro advice of my Physicians in Edinburgh and Clinton, I have- SPIInT-S#Q;es 1N FRANCE.—On resolved to go out of 'business, unless my health,,limproves, satisfaOodly. the eve of the Franco-German war the nuiuber of retailers of spirits in . France, exclusive of Alnence-Lor- I WILL SELL MY LARGE STOCK OF GOODS. AT VERY LOW raine,w-asabout 366,000, It remained - PRICE $I _ about the same until the year 1880..-! Then was passed a law. making'. the x6,000 FANCY CUPS AND &A:YTCERS, to go at less than Half Price— -l• / X X - — m X -1- — -- f commerce of wines and liquors absol- i utely free, and with beneficial effects. 1,500 'TWO -BLADE JACK-KNIVES to go at TEN CENTS EACH. - —' 'OUR UTAH letter in this week's Will announce other linea of Goods next week. IN � paper is from a former Goderich = township "boy," some twelve years , . • ago in the employ of the Racey Cels• Dickson, - clintone Brooft Of this town. He 18 a:' member * * of Clio Firm of Whitelyand Sonre' * • real estate and insurane brokers t t t t Salt Lake City, Utah. Our New SERvrcE at St. Paul's church avely THE To�t�1 BEs1011" our Great Line of Knee Pants at 85 cents► York ,letter, from a fernier Clinton- dr,y this a•aelc. , ian, will be found quite interesting. HARRY BEAcoAt has lowited his --sY OLD AIAN Probabilities was as shoe shop in the building in the ntray last Friday. IIe promised us rear of the Grand Union. Lif 0 InHfanw Our Wonderful Bo�'!J Suit at $2.50, � mild weather with the mercury SERIOUSLY ILL.—Mr. Charles AG�N'I't3_ , lower. Instead of that it was one Spooner, sr., has,been on the sick _ of the coldest days�of the season. list for for -Ame time, his present T OOic A'r SAMPLES Ol, COST IN A It would scarcely be fair to attrib- ailment being inflammation of the 1A IiONIE COMPANY: * * * *— ute the frigidity to the influx into lungs. His strength is greatly re- PER 01,000_ a Agc• 26 Cost for 1886, aloe 1888.. 8 00 town of a large number of cold water doted, but rho doctors think he will so ' " ° 30 j7�7e have now ill stock a full selection of L'OS'S AND advocates to the Scott Act conven- 3b . s 54 yet 1'eCOVeI'' 40 6 93 tion. 46 7 so CHILDREN'S SUITS at I) SPFCTOR PAISLEY was called to 1 b0 8 88 a 'COLD LINGERING.—WhilO people Wroxetor to attend the funeral of .. 60 14 97 Are longing fol• spring cold -winter his father on Friday last. The de- adr Definite Insurance at the above rates. e still lingers in its lap; Last Friday ceased was 63 years old and passed See me,•,,efore you insure in any company night Was the coldest of the season, a%YR ` 19ltlr little Or n0 pain. It is and understand our Ilan. At the age of =c+@Q t.ti0glnry from 2Q to 23 below zero. y p 40; the cost for $5,000 teas about $35 for S --§— o just about a year and four mouths 1885, also for 1886. The day was also very cold, the since inspector Paisley attended the nasal features of the delegates to the funeral of his aged mother—the See us before you decide, w2•5®p.. $4, and 4a5• Scott Act Ccavention, which w.as .third family tie that has boon savor- i Jas; Thompson, Agent. hold that' day in Clinton, becoming ed since that time. _ — ---- _-- --- highly embossed with a suspiciously ruddy glow as they walked up from THE a;nnal meeting of the "Vie- PTR. R013T.. GInsoN is home fromthe ,station, or other places, to the toria" junior cricket club was hold Toronto. place of meeting. IastFriday.evening when the- oleo- ° Cron ofofficors took place. Ilou•oiary REv. T. H. BROWN, of Comber, r CLINTON ORANGE DOINGs,--L. 0. Pres. W. McGee ; Honorary Vice has been Appointed chaplain to- the. C claim to Offer tll�' Tlll'be5t Cella best selected StOGI{ Ill L. 710 held a degree meeting on Pres. W. Coats ; President, H. E, Bishop of Huron. He' will begin the County. Wednesday evening Inst." A good Hodgins; Vice Pros. J.P."Doherty; his duties after Easter. t .number of the brethren were pro- Captain; A W. Wilson. Committee sent and the proceedings lntiresting J. Chidloy, J. -McMurchie, J. THE WOODSTOCic Evening Stan - and instructive. Several were ad- Davis, Ax Mdaggart, N. Fair. p • vanced to the Purple and Blue Or- formerly, and has greatly improved , pay great s ��e a teat attention to the Boy's wants in ever ders aid one to the Royal -Arch. IMPORTANT. --Advertisers should in the quality of matter and general a y y The lodge is still increasing in mem- always bedr in mind that it is very make-up. style Of C10t11i11� al1Cl tllPC'e 1S IlOt ti })11rChllSer ill bership and is certainly at present important that their advertisement. FOR THE NoRTII-w EST.—�'estor- this S@Ct10t1 WhO. S11Qu1C1 full t0 SCO Oul' StOCI{ one of the Most progressive in the be neatly anti properly displayed' day Jonas Shriw left town for Province.—The baud has practice THE NEws RECORD mattes a specia- Deloraine, Man., and Miss Holmes _ twice a week and is making good lty of fine display and attractive and Miss Armstrong tools train for o progress.—We are indebted to Bro. advertising, and we invite a corn tiVinnipog. Geo. Hanley ,for several late Irish parison in this respect with any JACK'S"ON a papers. They aro brimful.of Orange, . other ,journal in Western Ontario.. - PROPERTY CHANCES AND IAIPRObID- Dl. and other interesting matters, It pays to have your advertising -2-TS.—Mr. John Johnston has properly displayed,, sold his house and lot on Princess WF WOULD like to have given St., presently,occupied.by Mr. P. , Mr, John McMillan's and Dr. Me- TrIE services in the Ontario street Ker, to Mrs. I-Iowwn,.Of Hullett at n Donald's spoeches in C3omniercial Methodist Church last Sunday were a ^„cod fi�nro. AIr. G7olinston Zoite �� � �� �� SCLOTHIERS. j Union, as well as AIr. Porter's, but niore that. prdinarili interesting, n On space forbids. The contrast would II v, Alr. Fishor preached a very build two houses on, Townsend St., _ instead of our- as announced a con- have ou have been edifying to our friends. good sermon in the morning anal le otweelts aero. They all necessarily bristle Avith he also mado some remarks In til° P a Tnr,CL1NTON ORCHESTRA, compos-• and for this reason it was -hold. that figares.: In the two former they. evening. The discourse o:f IZov.. SPORT,—'There was a klatch shoot- ed of B. Thomas, R. Donagb, 0. tial- � the sentence was' iuvalid and the appear ,in n •crude and uudinested :VIr•. 11rakefield in the eveninn gt lion Qincous iu C,},niton• last lard, D. Horton and Wm. Tappin, I pi;isouar must be discharged. It is tool: part in the entertainment in sdul that there are a dozen cases state, illogically or inaptly intro• aroused considerable, interest in.the Thursday, between the Goderich: - doted. In Mr. Porter's remarks natives of, ,the South Sun Islnuds - -he town hall, under tli•e'auspices of depending on this one, which will, and Clinton,• Gun Clubs. The the AlecIianic's Institute: Thp cf- iirobably'follow its result. his figures are pertinent to the His information is apparclitly 113.°x- Clinton Club tools two prizes out points lie undertakes to prove and haustible and hi§ descriptive paw- of three. There was very good' forty of Clio Orchestra were much ap- points aro given with the unreserve of an ors are of a hlpb• order, no do shooting considering tho cold clay, proeiated by the audience and re- ANOTHER NA`IE Folz IT.— honest statesman• who has fully his. travels, observation and exper- There will be .a return ';latch at. Peatodly encorad.n The Or`)Gofiro A solemn -looking follow, with; studied their importance on the ienco materially aided him in his Goderich on 1+'ridgy next, at black- has only been o a ulzed about v a certain air of dry humour about well being of the country and who eloquent efforts to further the birds.. Some 8 or 9 of the Clinton weeks., and- made a very favorable the corners of his rather sane ti intends to use them accordingly, spread of the gospel. Club will take part. impression. It has the material, miinions mouth, stepped quietly .and is one of the best in wastern one afternoon, into the tailori4 x THE diiee,lillg of the well-meaning "GONE To POT."—A person• in INsI ECTOR �IALLOCII Spent SOVer- ' Ontario. 'It .goes without saying establishment of "Call nod Tattle,” but, as six years experience in .Hal- town `received a cheque for sorra al days last week rovi.owing the that the lecture Uy the P v. Alr. in a'village, in n Scott Pict Co n . ton and three in Huron have shown, twenty odd dollars. He put it into %work Bono in ilio i\To&I Scllool. Stewart, was •both instructive and and remarked to the clerk 'in tten- deluded delegates to the Scott n breast pocket which also contain- His intention is to.resume his work outertaining. dance, "I want to'tuttle." Act Association of the' County of ed 'a letter for his wife. When he north, this wool,, which was broken ,� + - ++ • • ', Huron met in Clinton last Friday. a"fived home lie went from the off b the eros rest earl Inst• week -SHOOT THE SLANGIST.— Really, ?1 lint do you mean it"I ltt We had no representatine present, sitting room to the• kitchen to give of baro ground and the stern reality girl's I'm too badly rattled by the qu�red the astonished official. s; e Y "Well," rejoined lie, , I want to but are informed that considerable hr's• wife the latter, and in passing of a horse and cutter "fort miles honor conferred upon me to give Y rattle. Noticed youl• ittv` at•ion e impatience was expressed at the the cook stove -pulled the letter from home." you tine]) of illy guff. Its the first over _the door, so.I clied, and now 1 • alleged want of diligence on the, out of his pocket. Ll doing so the time I ever tumbled to anything of I should like to tuti part of the Inspectors and the Polito cheque was. drr►wn out though un- EDITOR GREEN, of the Parkhill this sort, and. I hardly know just Magratrate. T!►o latter',gentleman observed. Later in tho•.eveulug he Gazette, gave us- a call on A[onday. how to catch on. However, I'll. try' He 'Was orders to leave the es- defended himself, by stating that he missed the cheque and was at a loss We w� e glad to notice that tha-ugh to be sufircieutly up to snuff -'Dot to tablishment, wh'ch he did with a y could not convict without evidence to imagino what had become Of i', his paper may be said to have been lett any flies light on me while doing Took of angry ender, grumbling and made •tbu strop but none the It"struck him that . It might have resurrected, Phoenix like, from its `rho Presidont6f-this-society act. I'm that it• seomiddl deuced hard he 1' .less true, assertion hat not -one in a boon pulled out of his pocket with aelies, he himself bears no traces of ' with you in this move, and don't couldn't be ilaowod to ttcttle "after hundred who voted for the Scott his wife's letter, and In 'looking cremation, nor does hid spicy, cleanly any of you forget it. All over our an express, invitation. Evidently, e Act would voluntarily comef=,ra.d over the kitchen floor he was de- printed paper 'either. While in land.slang' words and~phrases pro- ha sup osed "tattle" to be Anti ; and give evidence,,,hon they must lighted to find that it had °`Sone to town he called on.hiswife's parents, multiplying like 'flies in sorghum Scott for "Have a drink:," have known violatious- Were, daily pot," been pulled out of his pocket Mr and Mrs Croll. time, and it is our duty to help occurring. and had lodged in that useful knock this crying evil as silly as a" auxiliary to domestic arrangements. rTIlRovcII the blundering of clerks possible. Lot our motto be: `Shoot 11IA1tIi:L10Es. I' YALU tBLE INVFST[ON.—An - rm- The letter that he had written to in tho Secretary of State's Depart- the Slaugist.' " H�l'`URRp-POTTER—On the 21st inst. ?" rovement in the mechanical mani. meat, AL. W. Campbell, of Gode- at Hohnesville li the Rev. J. S. • p' rho matter of the cheque to stop + e pulation of organs has been effect- payment of it at the bank was torn rich, 'will be returning officer in the It,has often been said that the � r'isher,11r. George Huller to Miss Afautl ed by Mr. of, Blackstone of the tip. repeal ofecti.on on -the 19th, April, license system is only advocated by, 'Lydia Potter. Doherty organ factory of this town. instead ;of Mr. Thos. Farrow. It hotel men. This is a palpable erro' By an. ingeniously constructed pedal BAD WOOD DEALERS.-Ald. John seems that Mr. Campbell applied to There were only 111 licensees �4ll BIRTHS. pi a the organ is ivorkod by the proesur0 Gibson, of Stratford, recently con- have Air. Farrow appointed, and the Huron during the last year of -,`the "L d o Y BELL.—In Blyth on 23rd inst., the wife of the heel against the raised port- tracted with a min for YO cords of clorlc made out. rho nocessnry papers Crooks Act in rho county. Tough of Air. William Bell,, butcher,. of it 8 ion of the pedal whioh corresponds first-class hard wood. A pilo of to Campbell instead of„Afr. Farrow• they would probably be benefitted daughter. to the hollow of the foot. While the wood was -accordingly dl•elivered to Mr. Campbell tried to have the miff - by license, that is Do reason that the MILLER.—In God iuh township, on the t knee swell is operated by the pressure him, bf which he took uo particular tutee rectified but it coulee not be thousands comprising the majority— 24th inst., the wife of 111r. Geo. Alillor, s of the too parts or pall of the foot on a. notice until the pay for it was do- done in time to have the election the poople who oppose/ the Act— of a son. li button or•knobwbichconceals theat- ,manded. Tke seller claimed to take place on the day fixed upon. should,be inconvenionped in order r e taehment. It is blaimed, we believe, have left 10J cordsq but an inspect to spite the I'll. T o, farmers of DEATiIS and apparently justly so, that the ion revealed the fact that it con- 13LUEYAr.E s BAD BLENDING.— Halton after a six ydare trial found RICHAR'DS.—hied in Goderich Tp., improved working of the pedal by tained white and black ash, bass- Some time ago a young man named that no good was clone by the \Act near Bayfield, March 31st., David Rich. yheel pressure permits of a more wood, and a lot of "dopy” beach, Wm. Dulmage, gold his farm, re- and that the standard of p C no- monds, aged 78 years. . natural motion of the muscles of the while a portion of it consisted of moved to 131ueJale and purchased commodation ipd of publfc morals GAiRD�iER•—Died in Bayfield on Atarch as. limbs than is possible by the old more limbs (the contract calling for the store n 121 of Mr. Timmins. was lessened, /The Hiroo years trial 22nd,, Robert H. Gairdner, At. U. aged A style of pedal, and by less effort as body wood), and, moreover, instead Iia had in 171 employ as clerk a in Huron has given the same result. 63 Years, Duffer , well as with greater ease to the of boing•' four, feet in length, it Miss Smith --.the •hendsolne 20 -year - DS operator. AS to the improvement ?rveragod only 3 ft 4in, Of course old daughter of Wm. Smith,a neigh- CANNOT/• SENTENCE AN ABSENT o the working of the knee swell friend Gibson was not satisfied, bor. According to recent develop- CoNvrcT,,=Mr. Justice Galt, has Hoof n, ertTO rStreetS"Aplrly. td on upper part os tt y it will be decidedly advantageous to and declined to pay the full price, merits their conduct was anything diraetoc� Chair release from sus 489 TI[OS.000PRRSSON. t, ladle; Who, by the style of their whereupon he- soon found himself but corrodt, and on„Tuesday, Dul- tody/a a man named Green, who — --- ---- al dresses, are necessarily Somewhat a defoi�ndant in' asuit'in the Division mage, aftei:l•aiS}Dg every ddllnr that wa�,summarily convicted at 1'uscar- , Shades. to constrained in their oflorts to work Court. he case was fully aired he could on hoto and mortgage, de- ora by the Police Magistrate of the %111��'�6i IJ��r(�('iS. c the old style of knee swell. Mr. before Ju e Woods recently,,aud Sorted his young wife and bar four County of Brant for lolling intoxi �— i m almost 'an contras in rho o u liquor to an Inds n lien leaving earl ho Blackstone has made application for- His Honor reposed of, it by giving little obeli , g g q + Y I pin this season yhowinf; a lino of Rt,ir;nc - n a patent 'for this improved attach- rho plaintiff X30. instead of $41, destitute and took the train fol to the Indiati•act. The magistrate, af- which and ITAXD PAINTED ot+ best of n ment to organs; as also for -a ver- taking ono•sov th off the price on ' Yankee land, Miss. Smith accoxn- ter hearing the evidence in Green's IRISii LINEN durable.da extra Strang and { c, min proof arrangement of the case account of thesh rt length, and 500. panying him. Mrs. Dulmage re- case, reserved his decision till a't d which will prevent mice or other per cord becaus of the inferior ceived a letter from her re ronnt named day, and than gave ill 9" Plain Cloth 25c, per Yard, t- rodents from having access to .Cho quality of the Ivo Tho Judge husband from' the States sayyfig that mani against him and Sentenced also with I ANCY DADOS at /rem $1.20 .1' s music producing portions of the eomniented rather dl arngiugly on, she will novo soo h' 'f again, him to four inonthe in gaol, without to $].e0 per pair. Don't buy -until you n instrument. There would appear, the system pursued by any dealers and coolly advising her t6 take care the option of a fi%e. Green was see our splendid assortment. he Jo be tbousands, if not millions, in in wood ho'rrabouts, and it will be of "Clio children. Tb�a gracoleee present at tela }tearing when the ,T�T,�T. ��0� of this invention of Mr. Bbickstone well if these parties take a lesson scamp•gives a41-a--reas 1 for his con- day,forgivingjudgment was set but VY Irl vo as we hope to see its universal in- from the experience in this case.— duct that he oitber lad to leave or was absent when judgment was '* troduetion. Times. commit suicide t ►ido his. shame. given and sentence pronounced, BEAVER BLOCK BOOKSTORE. ' d 4 ,,,,-4,.u. .. .� _•�,_ .,lit goods, at the Clinton Woolen Mills —JOHN SCOTT. � - 480tf - Another Car Coal Oil ,lust re- celved-15c• single gallon, two gallons, and up 12je jwr gallon. —R. 111. ItACFY. February 20th, 1888. DR. N. W4tSIIINGTON M. D., L. C. P. S., O. will be at the R.zttenbury House Monday Marcli 19. Consul- tation free regarding Catarrh and diseases of the Throat and Lungs. `487.1f Westward Ito!—Are' you going West to better your condition? If so be- gin naw and decide tobuy 'your tickets and ship your freight fol• Dakota, Minnesota and all points in the boundless west by the Chicago and North Western Railway. It has 7000 miles of solid sWel track and is the shortest. best anti quickest line west. No change of cars to the must important points, and baggage checked through. Bates as low as the lowest anal accommod- ations the best. Don't make the mistake that inexperienced travelers do, that is believe other lines are just as good. Tbey are not. You are paying your money for the bostland can get it only on the Chicago and North Western. Maps, rolders.ete., and information respectin'g lowest rates, fast trains and U. S. customs laws. supplied Oil oapplication to John H. Morley, Caha• dian•Passenger Agent, 9, York St., Toron- to, Out.. Car Barb and othef Fence Wire just .received. Full stock at all times.—R. M. RACET February 20th. 1888, WANTED.—A good general sur vant wanted. Apply to Mrs. H. 13. Prondfoot IIRS. Noun of Seaforth is ,visiting friends in town. lity5 hiilCrrs�iliiiCr of Goderich is visiting her cousin hiss AleGarva. Ain. GORDON PLRR121 is confined to the house at his bonio in town with inflammation of Clio lugs. IIRs. ARCL3. AIC'Kl.,r left oil M611- -day for California, where sho will ,join her husband. 1.1111SC1r.1L I,OUGII %vas able to restin,0 his duties in the Alodel School on Afondoy, though he is by no means "the mar he was." ItEv. AI -R. ROBINSON, of Exeter, will likely preach in St. Paul's ellurch on tile" evening of good Friday. THE 24TH.—Will Clinton have a celebration on the 24th of May I The questioir- is one wort}iy of at- teut•ibn. IT is 1,000 years'since there were as many 81s- in the year aff we have just now. It is a good time for old bachelors to cogit S, the girls to re ciproc-8, and not hesit-8. TgrsE sunny days and. frost nights is the time when the careful housewife, who has nurtured. he plants all winter, wakes up in' life morning to find Ihat hot• pots have boon p-i-nebod by John Frost. AIRS. W. CA31PBELL AND MRs SMrETII, of Goderich, were anion the delegates at the Scott Act con vention hold here last Friday. Mr ,ttobt. Thompson was also a•lnong th number present. TIIE brakesman "McDonald, wli was injured at the Clinton station couple of weeks ago and afterwar taken to his home to Stratford, i now considered out of danger The limb that was injured will no have to be amputated.' THE Rev.' Mr. Briggs preabliedi o the morning of,last Sunday in th Rattunbury street Methodist church Rev. Mr. McDonald, of Japan preached in the evening, assisted b Mr. Briggs. The , attendance wr unusually large. WnoOProsrRrrrAL.—Tho Duffs in Post says:The keoper9of led• do and of hotels that expect no licent, under the Crooks Act aro solidl against the repeal of the Scott Ac and will not only^`vote against repo, but mill do all in their power ' • rioiirls in that dire influence their f flu tion. Indeed, the'.lceepers of t low groggeries are more staunch i their support CC the Scott Act tha the- most violent temperance crani for they know that their' bread an butter are at stake. Surely, respec able and heavily taxed person throughout the country` can see i this disgusting state of things t most cogent argument'"in favor repealrng't}ie USOIOSS and expensi Scott Act. 4 e - i IN ' uu list of o6iaers of the Ret . •.Orange Provincial Grand Lodge of �.�''�1�, ii �0 Ontario West,, the only name ap- pearing .from Huron, is that of John Scarlett, V. C. M., as Deputy �.o�— Grand Lecturer. Acting on tiro advice of my Physicians in Edinburgh and Clinton, I have- SPIInT-S#Q;es 1N FRANCE.—On resolved to go out of 'business, unless my health,,limproves, satisfaOodly. the eve of the Franco-German war the nuiuber of retailers of spirits in . France, exclusive of Alnence-Lor- I WILL SELL MY LARGE STOCK OF GOODS. AT VERY LOW raine,w-asabout 366,000, It remained - PRICE $I _ about the same until the year 1880..-! Then was passed a law. making'. the x6,000 FANCY CUPS AND &A:YTCERS, to go at less than Half Price— -l• / X X - — m X -1- — -- f commerce of wines and liquors absol- i utely free, and with beneficial effects. 1,500 'TWO -BLADE JACK-KNIVES to go at TEN CENTS EACH. - —' 'OUR UTAH letter in this week's Will announce other linea of Goods next week. IN � paper is from a former Goderich = township "boy," some twelve years , . • ago in the employ of the Racey Cels• Dickson, - clintone Brooft Of this town. He 18 a:' member * * of Clio Firm of Whitelyand Sonre' * • real estate and insurane brokers t t t t Salt Lake City, Utah. Our New SERvrcE at St. Paul's church avely THE To�t�1 BEs1011" our Great Line of Knee Pants at 85 cents► York ,letter, from a fernier Clinton- dr,y this a•aelc. , ian, will be found quite interesting. HARRY BEAcoAt has lowited his --sY OLD AIAN Probabilities was as shoe shop in the building in the ntray last Friday. IIe promised us rear of the Grand Union. Lif 0 InHfanw Our Wonderful Bo�'!J Suit at $2.50, � mild weather with the mercury SERIOUSLY ILL.—Mr. Charles AG�N'I't3_ , lower. Instead of that it was one Spooner, sr., has,been on the sick _ of the coldest days�of the season. list for for -Ame time, his present T OOic A'r SAMPLES Ol, COST IN A It would scarcely be fair to attrib- ailment being inflammation of the 1A IiONIE COMPANY: * * * *— ute the frigidity to the influx into lungs. His strength is greatly re- PER 01,000_ a Agc• 26 Cost for 1886, aloe 1888.. 8 00 town of a large number of cold water doted, but rho doctors think he will so ' " ° 30 j7�7e have now ill stock a full selection of L'OS'S AND advocates to the Scott Act conven- 3b . s 54 yet 1'eCOVeI'' 40 6 93 tion. 46 7 so CHILDREN'S SUITS at I) SPFCTOR PAISLEY was called to 1 b0 8 88 a 'COLD LINGERING.—WhilO people Wroxetor to attend the funeral of .. 60 14 97 Are longing fol• spring cold -winter his father on Friday last. The de- adr Definite Insurance at the above rates. e still lingers in its lap; Last Friday ceased was 63 years old and passed See me,•,,efore you insure in any company night Was the coldest of the season, a%YR ` 19ltlr little Or n0 pain. It is and understand our Ilan. At the age of =c+@Q t.ti0glnry from 2Q to 23 below zero. y p 40; the cost for $5,000 teas about $35 for S --§— o just about a year and four mouths 1885, also for 1886. The day was also very cold, the since inspector Paisley attended the nasal features of the delegates to the funeral of his aged mother—the See us before you decide, w2•5®p.. $4, and 4a5• Scott Act Ccavention, which w.as .third family tie that has boon savor- i Jas; Thompson, Agent. hold that' day in Clinton, becoming ed since that time. _ — ---- _-- --- highly embossed with a suspiciously ruddy glow as they walked up from THE a;nnal meeting of the "Vie- PTR. R013T.. GInsoN is home fromthe ,station, or other places, to the toria" junior cricket club was hold Toronto. place of meeting. IastFriday.evening when the- oleo- ° Cron ofofficors took place. Ilou•oiary REv. T. H. BROWN, of Comber, r CLINTON ORANGE DOINGs,--L. 0. Pres. W. McGee ; Honorary Vice has been Appointed chaplain to- the. C claim to Offer tll�' Tlll'be5t Cella best selected StOGI{ Ill L. 710 held a degree meeting on Pres. W. Coats ; President, H. E, Bishop of Huron. He' will begin the County. Wednesday evening Inst." A good Hodgins; Vice Pros. J.P."Doherty; his duties after Easter. t .number of the brethren were pro- Captain; A W. Wilson. Committee sent and the proceedings lntiresting J. Chidloy, J. -McMurchie, J. THE WOODSTOCic Evening Stan - and instructive. Several were ad- Davis, Ax Mdaggart, N. Fair. p • vanced to the Purple and Blue Or- formerly, and has greatly improved , pay great s ��e a teat attention to the Boy's wants in ever ders aid one to the Royal -Arch. IMPORTANT. --Advertisers should in the quality of matter and general a y y The lodge is still increasing in mem- always bedr in mind that it is very make-up. style Of C10t11i11� al1Cl tllPC'e 1S IlOt ti })11rChllSer ill bership and is certainly at present important that their advertisement. FOR THE NoRTII-w EST.—�'estor- this S@Ct10t1 WhO. S11Qu1C1 full t0 SCO Oul' StOCI{ one of the Most progressive in the be neatly anti properly displayed' day Jonas Shriw left town for Province.—The baud has practice THE NEws RECORD mattes a specia- Deloraine, Man., and Miss Holmes _ twice a week and is making good lty of fine display and attractive and Miss Armstrong tools train for o progress.—We are indebted to Bro. advertising, and we invite a corn tiVinnipog. Geo. Hanley ,for several late Irish parison in this respect with any JACK'S"ON a papers. They aro brimful.of Orange, . other ,journal in Western Ontario.. - PROPERTY CHANCES AND IAIPRObID- Dl. and other interesting matters, It pays to have your advertising -2-TS.—Mr. John Johnston has properly displayed,, sold his house and lot on Princess WF WOULD like to have given St., presently,occupied.by Mr. P. , Mr, John McMillan's and Dr. Me- TrIE services in the Ontario street Ker, to Mrs. I-Iowwn,.Of Hullett at n Donald's spoeches in C3omniercial Methodist Church last Sunday were a ^„cod fi�nro. AIr. G7olinston Zoite �� � �� �� SCLOTHIERS. j Union, as well as AIr. Porter's, but niore that. prdinarili interesting, n On space forbids. The contrast would II v, Alr. Fishor preached a very build two houses on, Townsend St., _ instead of our- as announced a con- have ou have been edifying to our friends. good sermon in the morning anal le otweelts aero. They all necessarily bristle Avith he also mado some remarks In til° P a Tnr,CL1NTON ORCHESTRA, compos-• and for this reason it was -hold. that figares.: In the two former they. evening. The discourse o:f IZov.. SPORT,—'There was a klatch shoot- ed of B. Thomas, R. Donagb, 0. tial- � the sentence was' iuvalid and the appear ,in n •crude and uudinested :VIr•. 11rakefield in the eveninn gt lion Qincous iu C,},niton• last lard, D. Horton and Wm. Tappin, I pi;isouar must be discharged. It is tool: part in the entertainment in sdul that there are a dozen cases state, illogically or inaptly intro• aroused considerable, interest in.the Thursday, between the Goderich: - doted. In Mr. Porter's remarks natives of, ,the South Sun Islnuds - -he town hall, under tli•e'auspices of depending on this one, which will, and Clinton,• Gun Clubs. The the AlecIianic's Institute: Thp cf- iirobably'follow its result. his figures are pertinent to the His information is apparclitly 113.°x- Clinton Club tools two prizes out points lie undertakes to prove and haustible and hi§ descriptive paw- of three. There was very good' forty of Clio Orchestra were much ap- points aro given with the unreserve of an ors are of a hlpb• order, no do shooting considering tho cold clay, proeiated by the audience and re- ANOTHER NA`IE Folz IT.— honest statesman• who has fully his. travels, observation and exper- There will be .a return ';latch at. Peatodly encorad.n The Or`)Gofiro A solemn -looking follow, with; studied their importance on the ienco materially aided him in his Goderich on 1+'ridgy next, at black- has only been o a ulzed about v a certain air of dry humour about well being of the country and who eloquent efforts to further the birds.. Some 8 or 9 of the Clinton weeks., and- made a very favorable the corners of his rather sane ti intends to use them accordingly, spread of the gospel. Club will take part. impression. It has the material, miinions mouth, stepped quietly .and is one of the best in wastern one afternoon, into the tailori4 x THE diiee,lillg of the well-meaning "GONE To POT."—A person• in INsI ECTOR �IALLOCII Spent SOVer- ' Ontario. 'It .goes without saying establishment of "Call nod Tattle,” but, as six years experience in .Hal- town `received a cheque for sorra al days last week rovi.owing the that the lecture Uy the P v. Alr. in a'village, in n Scott Pict Co n . ton and three in Huron have shown, twenty odd dollars. He put it into %work Bono in ilio i\To&I Scllool. Stewart, was •both instructive and and remarked to the clerk 'in tten- deluded delegates to the Scott n breast pocket which also contain- His intention is to.resume his work outertaining. dance, "I want to'tuttle." Act Association of the' County of ed 'a letter for his wife. When he north, this wool,, which was broken ,� + - ++ • • ', Huron met in Clinton last Friday. a"fived home lie went from the off b the eros rest earl Inst• week -SHOOT THE SLANGIST.— Really, ?1 lint do you mean it"I ltt We had no representatine present, sitting room to the• kitchen to give of baro ground and the stern reality girl's I'm too badly rattled by the qu�red the astonished official. s; e Y "Well," rejoined lie, , I want to but are informed that considerable hr's• wife the latter, and in passing of a horse and cutter "fort miles honor conferred upon me to give Y rattle. Noticed youl• ittv` at•ion e impatience was expressed at the the cook stove -pulled the letter from home." you tine]) of illy guff. Its the first over _the door, so.I clied, and now 1 • alleged want of diligence on the, out of his pocket. Ll doing so the time I ever tumbled to anything of I should like to tuti part of the Inspectors and the Polito cheque was. drr►wn out though un- EDITOR GREEN, of the Parkhill this sort, and. I hardly know just Magratrate. T!►o latter',gentleman observed. Later in tho•.eveulug he Gazette, gave us- a call on A[onday. how to catch on. However, I'll. try' He 'Was orders to leave the es- defended himself, by stating that he missed the cheque and was at a loss We w� e glad to notice that tha-ugh to be sufircieutly up to snuff -'Dot to tablishment, wh'ch he did with a y could not convict without evidence to imagino what had become Of i', his paper may be said to have been lett any flies light on me while doing Took of angry ender, grumbling and made •tbu strop but none the It"struck him that . It might have resurrected, Phoenix like, from its `rho Presidont6f-this-society act. I'm that it• seomiddl deuced hard he 1' .less true, assertion hat not -one in a boon pulled out of his pocket with aelies, he himself bears no traces of ' with you in this move, and don't couldn't be ilaowod to ttcttle "after hundred who voted for the Scott his wife's letter, and In 'looking cremation, nor does hid spicy, cleanly any of you forget it. All over our an express, invitation. Evidently, e Act would voluntarily comef=,ra.d over the kitchen floor he was de- printed paper 'either. While in land.slang' words and~phrases pro- ha sup osed "tattle" to be Anti ; and give evidence,,,hon they must lighted to find that it had °`Sone to town he called on.hiswife's parents, multiplying like 'flies in sorghum Scott for "Have a drink:," have known violatious- Were, daily pot," been pulled out of his pocket Mr and Mrs Croll. time, and it is our duty to help occurring. and had lodged in that useful knock this crying evil as silly as a" auxiliary to domestic arrangements. rTIlRovcII the blundering of clerks possible. Lot our motto be: `Shoot 11IA1tIi:L10Es. I' YALU tBLE INVFST[ON.—An - rm- The letter that he had written to in tho Secretary of State's Depart- the Slaugist.' " H�l'`URRp-POTTER—On the 21st inst. ?" rovement in the mechanical mani. meat, AL. W. Campbell, of Gode- at Hohnesville li the Rev. J. S. • p' rho matter of the cheque to stop + e pulation of organs has been effect- payment of it at the bank was torn rich, 'will be returning officer in the It,has often been said that the � r'isher,11r. George Huller to Miss Afautl ed by Mr. of, Blackstone of the tip. repeal ofecti.on on -the 19th, April, license system is only advocated by, 'Lydia Potter. Doherty organ factory of this town. instead ;of Mr. Thos. Farrow. It hotel men. This is a palpable erro' By an. ingeniously constructed pedal BAD WOOD DEALERS.-Ald. John seems that Mr. Campbell applied to There were only 111 licensees �4ll BIRTHS. pi a the organ is ivorkod by the proesur0 Gibson, of Stratford, recently con- have Air. Farrow appointed, and the Huron during the last year of -,`the "L d o Y BELL.—In Blyth on 23rd inst., the wife of the heel against the raised port- tracted with a min for YO cords of clorlc made out. rho nocessnry papers Crooks Act in rho county. Tough of Air. William Bell,, butcher,. of it 8 ion of the pedal whioh corresponds first-class hard wood. A pilo of to Campbell instead of„Afr. Farrow• they would probably be benefitted daughter. to the hollow of the foot. While the wood was -accordingly dl•elivered to Mr. Campbell tried to have the miff - by license, that is Do reason that the MILLER.—In God iuh township, on the t knee swell is operated by the pressure him, bf which he took uo particular tutee rectified but it coulee not be thousands comprising the majority— 24th inst., the wife of 111r. Geo. Alillor, s of the too parts or pall of the foot on a. notice until the pay for it was do- done in time to have the election the poople who oppose/ the Act— of a son. li button or•knobwbichconceals theat- ,manded. Tke seller claimed to take place on the day fixed upon. should,be inconvenionped in order r e taehment. It is blaimed, we believe, have left 10J cordsq but an inspect to spite the I'll. T o, farmers of DEATiIS and apparently justly so, that the ion revealed the fact that it con- 13LUEYAr.E s BAD BLENDING.— Halton after a six ydare trial found RICHAR'DS.—hied in Goderich Tp., improved working of the pedal by tained white and black ash, bass- Some time ago a young man named that no good was clone by the \Act near Bayfield, March 31st., David Rich. yheel pressure permits of a more wood, and a lot of "dopy” beach, Wm. Dulmage, gold his farm, re- and that the standard of p C no- monds, aged 78 years. . natural motion of the muscles of the while a portion of it consisted of moved to 131ueJale and purchased commodation ipd of publfc morals GAiRD�iER•—Died in Bayfield on Atarch as. limbs than is possible by the old more limbs (the contract calling for the store n 121 of Mr. Timmins. was lessened, /The Hiroo years trial 22nd,, Robert H. Gairdner, At. U. aged A style of pedal, and by less effort as body wood), and, moreover, instead Iia had in 171 employ as clerk a in Huron has given the same result. 63 Years, Duffer , well as with greater ease to the of boing•' four, feet in length, it Miss Smith --.the •hendsolne 20 -year - DS operator. AS to the improvement ?rveragod only 3 ft 4in, Of course old daughter of Wm. Smith,a neigh- CANNOT/• SENTENCE AN ABSENT o the working of the knee swell friend Gibson was not satisfied, bor. According to recent develop- CoNvrcT,,=Mr. Justice Galt, has Hoof n, ertTO rStreetS"Aplrly. td on upper part os tt y it will be decidedly advantageous to and declined to pay the full price, merits their conduct was anything diraetoc� Chair release from sus 489 TI[OS.000PRRSSON. t, ladle; Who, by the style of their whereupon he- soon found himself but corrodt, and on„Tuesday, Dul- tody/a a man named Green, who — --- ---- al dresses, are necessarily Somewhat a defoi�ndant in' asuit'in the Division mage, aftei:l•aiS}Dg every ddllnr that wa�,summarily convicted at 1'uscar- , Shades. to constrained in their oflorts to work Court. he case was fully aired he could on hoto and mortgage, de- ora by the Police Magistrate of the %111��'�6i IJ��r(�('iS. c the old style of knee swell. Mr. before Ju e Woods recently,,aud Sorted his young wife and bar four County of Brant for lolling intoxi �— i m almost 'an contras in rho o u liquor to an Inds n lien leaving earl ho Blackstone has made application for- His Honor reposed of, it by giving little obeli , g g q + Y I pin this season yhowinf; a lino of Rt,ir;nc - n a patent 'for this improved attach- rho plaintiff X30. instead of $41, destitute and took the train fol to the Indiati•act. The magistrate, af- which and ITAXD PAINTED ot+ best of n ment to organs; as also for -a ver- taking ono•sov th off the price on ' Yankee land, Miss. Smith accoxn- ter hearing the evidence in Green's IRISii LINEN durable.da extra Strang and { c, min proof arrangement of the case account of thesh rt length, and 500. panying him. Mrs. Dulmage re- case, reserved his decision till a't d which will prevent mice or other per cord becaus of the inferior ceived a letter from her re ronnt named day, and than gave ill 9" Plain Cloth 25c, per Yard, t- rodents from having access to .Cho quality of the Ivo Tho Judge husband from' the States sayyfig that mani against him and Sentenced also with I ANCY DADOS at /rem $1.20 .1' s music producing portions of the eomniented rather dl arngiugly on, she will novo soo h' 'f again, him to four inonthe in gaol, without to $].e0 per pair. Don't buy -until you n instrument. There would appear, the system pursued by any dealers and coolly advising her t6 take care the option of a fi%e. Green was see our splendid assortment. he Jo be tbousands, if not millions, in in wood ho'rrabouts, and it will be of "Clio children. Tb�a gracoleee present at tela }tearing when the ,T�T,�T. ��0� of this invention of Mr. Bbickstone well if these parties take a lesson scamp•gives a41-a--reas 1 for his con- day,forgivingjudgment was set but VY Irl vo as we hope to see its universal in- from the experience in this case.— duct that he oitber lad to leave or was absent when judgment was '* troduetion. Times. commit suicide t ►ido his. shame. given and sentence pronounced, BEAVER BLOCK BOOKSTORE. ' d 4 ,,,,-4,.u. .. .� _•�,_ .,lit