The Huron News-Record, 1888-03-28, Page 3s11 t a. R r. — k - • O • . ♦ .1 f r - r . -. 11 , . ell I w n I . . I I I I .. . I . .0 .1 I — ., I ... . ell I - , .. . I Vw.nsr .. 1-11--. C - Q G E i Q F/� t� f rer3 1. rlrsnco istfta.i'iched 9ount>f his A U[i,IfENT TQPICs: +t: ' — 12::;;;W- .1111.1 . i „11 11 I I . " __ lg.;�;=�Ln i , A i h _. k osis}PJF tar a u The ' tTM �wfrsndfC�tasreQ�r. xtoZ;svalidexotiy ', -^ i xkiP,g Wi} nL �g be1111Qh. ,....� u tt 1Y.p,1'i. ,Tac ices has trot four that, Gila world dada not rate I �-,--. ��.,,v q►al I 7Cbe I`law tiro .'. 04wo, I)J1Xp1.�ed Eris p • d h' i� p ASI t)4 16 awn viii- h><r}1 a4 th.o: rice be seta a on him, Tile ,9 iueiiean papers ougftiu vwp•►,tw.• • *t�ti til . 4i+•�/ Bywhlolioareuo4essincuiltiKg4roipolsea, age.o Lite aeon a uta of rho p pg AhaC►7b 9 p pesand'd,.ejioriniclesha;,peeasouniiprm,t4at P@lf. John . has no fears on tbat {chow; b -v this time y+bat valuer °` a.11 tYe�vlllnowguaianteeto6reatltadorrep. __ tYOrld 011 the 80hoolxoom wall, and score. He i9 ao erfect[ a r ' P a �`nwalentia `u (p the vebeaioll� a,t3iitlireg if,oii a s. Rt#Punll,r to tits 'P« - emourapi9' oaa0o, fpr a stlPUl&tad P,iige until p sure that �, P 11taa>te asy}utq i And the ttpcto „' g7tY # )d - cured,andincase offitlluretoret'11i,dalltie ills Ohlet' aJ11ce1n js tIlaG 1119 Native he does bot'take even' the trouble Plato upon the fccliNhU0HA Of file denial by tate politica.l enemies of ra monsypclipnbttl,derpuoirWrltteagu Tslgtee; ?)awloG is not lnnrJted tb@roan. l3ut. to talk ov6r his inferi ' ` P. aacohol" that; t. f bas au trouble is alarl>;iltgty on the iucreaAq, 4W.41 float Yopnq>4113 tvlelveet4tat,t3at4laoEc b'4 asps a o}ity, That ' Winni eg agitators.. Winnipeg hag b a a);oul y The canal remedies, while th0 es,jleoontiultattpltattpgplceeorbyleLterls ;}e@hitnatmarket,'ond+, hi41 :byborly should been for ensu Octrx Altdlsell Yalutr rile Medical Record iletem r y lwav ireC:'Tnitenocitalato—pp�etix'00mp ,ey,toadoo- ; • ,�g4estion Ilio POs- , y y , oon•lt.utiltal g po cry relief,are Like) to d ter 1tn}egg �e.has'eottlidenite enough' in Ilia >s h,1s 010alcor, Watch how he 1Glon is to him. a says isdvesates never feel Ll,ei► niers harm than ood. y 4 +e�1.wa,Arant- (acute: Nohiattaswbatthe ba lop, ' $ett with what assumed; He pities from the owprellouslb(e, headquarters for rant and n°1)re and cause itT t R i 8 1Yllut is needed .� lumeogaaturiearyourdlso$WeMo$, '' catl;on P 1)DGtom of Ilia ha'IoRg [un by denyil+" a .an Alterative and Blood.putf _ ' conEow t he re srd9 the liriio�e heart guy oohs would doubt t}ia bl°fi; and it is marvelous that now facto. MisstatemQnts are like Ayer's Sarsannt311a is lllco , grwritetgus gi4lrigoge;sex,cotgpldxlonsnd p $ 1rFmlitorloe. ME x000 Lo r¢Ray Porltago wii;cll he wants to buy. Tie makes world was made for him. He thinks all •hod should imagine that the gb, and the'inoro there are I the +alarthly On a , cont M'DT$011 CIIRrPbo4ka 3 Y boowvratt best. It corrects those dibturbance9 Parti, Opotanlq?2aptige9, over ZOOdlluatratlona pretence of going atvay, When aE all hi9 gesso are swans. All the witltli(►eggers mean nnythigg when °£ t)jam L1re u)ore uujurrous cru tl,e in the �:lt'culatieu which cansesle°,1�11 oure.a r,ta ri dionsf$ anti care fate di lases, IASL the bargain In made Jacques world-coutributet, to his greatness, they make a noise, Bu wounds of Memo that n►a,ke tl . 6'i i so- baAt'1 pa Lio�'$olnoeoFtaEhlpopdFcleCLlq�rerieoP. tarns hie back, slowly ajid�eauGioue- —lint) he gets v t thA 1St, len, Hess, ve; ineroased vitality, n„t( re+ Q)Peee;H gnleInstructF040Inka er '111 , suite- g n bite agree with the Pruhibiti0nists stores the nerYous aystoul to a heaIthtltl meaontivtsmur, Will be ngiilleva I 900' tot 20 I - draws from his blou8o a 0 Paul Globe has allowed itself to be that, as " condition. - ,,,- Eier titetaml% �r4Ocents Inatver. F y puree, It�OIi AMERICAN GIRLS. FArker nave, if al0DIIOI , Psr40174rrlvrwtelntormegia for men and boys. which is -securely tied with a leather do; civet). It prints this amuaiUR were unknown half the sin and a EeV. T• C' A, COld' agent o[ the DIas3, SO7t sorA g1ln stakmilllo plalni it I goo t0 redeem 1119 tltlf)9 fl'Oln 1110 )aWn. JaOri,e ltfls3i(iIIary Society, Wl'Ite9 that eeeart 11Z 'ri°o raft etepdu Is laeente lnaiver. -string and takes five wiu,ites to 1 thing: large part of the poverty and un- Part flog l 6111 1Qq ant( lorilit est f0 lu- (Laughter•.) He thanks God' that his atomat h was out of or, ' thee, stT ,.. etnglq, pe ts"orsld inner tone. open. Solomon, when he spoke of feappiness in the world w°uhl did- der, his sleep ., 11yMlsbto�Ya4ea2e�Q.Inglalneu eloceonieeccei?toib thQ bUY@r Baying It tYaB "11At1 �ht he is not as other Inen are. Nor ie It is openly - xyyortetl LilAt th,e ++ very ottoA disturbed, and Seine iu,- t fa / appear , but we do ngt agree with purity of the blood manifest ; but that tbwoo--ce4 "b mll;rIrocents i.ca evert'a�pa sr`s� naught," before the purchase, and ho I' ' Th '17 11 hide9 his JkIanitobana have c°nsiderocl thr.situ• contain envs,raorwul bs�atrensreegt _ then lloast(1i afterward meet have virtues. He rather . wants you to Atinn caiuliy anti coon and if 'naris a thew wlinn they assert that alcohol a Perfect caro was obtained b tllo urn ' !% The Qai4esoi fllepyeK6K8u nr ett- * at, >a t ., „ , J is•an unmitigated curse to maukiud, o!; Ayer's Sarsaparilla. y t6Y G,rtewgld et. 'Detrolt, Mto °r iitlaRElm had Jacques in his mind—though, think hila a devil of a fellow. is how refused them will endeavor to parillA. 8t. Ctnoinu 9 a.'AIslelteram.atbeaddrelr He is a braggart in vice. ThoE Alcohol, tylion properly use;', is a Frederick W. Pratt, 424 wavhlngtpre ke�topr,l.c,lfennWWvv H 11 Do indeed, tkle,eompatriota of Solomon og'• pg• compel by force of arms the grant, rP t R'Is avecncWInvalfa$I 1. of awbr4 are not Lishman +vAute you t0 believe that g g f+ A• h1nMeingundtthassnved count. street, Boston, 'writes' �• throu b cgrroppondence; re fee sad taetrur . 11 bad at making a bargain. In 'of their ri hts. Of course in • was NA daughter "- . IJlottr eln+r eettcbf 1►fg11 pr I�zpreee. (Laughter.) 118 fl A little better than he is, and armed cunt•ea4 het" Ntl I less iiulubers of human ►icings wile Prostrated with nerlotl'e'tdeblliry, y rreell the r Arsej ilved to Aver ill" pAiHtj+t r AYer,a Sarsaparilla restored her to as to cis faults, he tele oil"'1 kottlad nl �.+ p y have .. ! ti t?i Bohn Ball is u difforeat charted- r•holn out. Y . , lee of Manitoba and the health,,, ' " Dominion government, backed by othersand to add gretedy ,eoYhe suit) �Pi11Jam P. Bowker, Erie, -rti BUSINESS ANHi)!lNCChi NT. - t°�'' Ho, is vo y wealthy. He is Be of humou hap Enos and to the Pa,, was we that_the sun never sets on Great Britain, the issue would Dot P I cured of nervousness And sleeplessness For And About Women ' be dotlbtfu•1, Sooner or later, the advaneemeut of our tacit, by taking Ayer's Sarsaparilla for abont CUBBEgI'O�DE1t,CJE. Ilia po9soasious. No lvoudor, file WIDENING TIiOUGIi'!+ two months, during which time Ilia sun can't trust the rnscal9: (Laugh• „ a plucky Manitobans would, through , We W11 at all tinter bel!&ased to ter.,) John Bull is a groat land- You sketch with a free Land superior force, find themselves iii The th0ughta and hearts o£ tnon weight increased over twenty pounds. receive iterlas of news frur,)t nice sub- owner. Ile would . not' build the Miss Backby," remarked the profess' n)ilitltry subjection.' But there is are widening with the progi'C'm of scribers, 1`he want it yuvd corres- Suez Canal ; he called M. de Los- ori W60 had boon critically examin. also no doubt but they would'engage 'any How intense was one0 tilt. Ayer's Sarsaparilla pondent in every locality, ,)tot already sop a dangoroue madman. He' is itig her portfolio. '•Entirely fret}," the Dominion it, a conflict ilt uoul, feeling against organa, the Usti of PREPARED BY represented, to dundus RELIABLE news. now the principal shareholder. said the Boston younglaidy, ns '9he parsi011 with which the Riel r°bell. floral decoratiouR at Easter, i\rid Dr. J. C. Ayer dt Co., Lowell, Mass, --- r (Laughter) The richest jewel in cast down feet eyes in auft confua• ion would sink into ivaignifiealloP, hymn hooka, in the Prnsl,yt, rixn bold by all Druggists. Price fill; six bottles, $u, SUSSCRIBE11l;y. his crown is the Indian Empire, ion and is now waiting for the pro, Groat Britain will feel Uttered body, these, onto. d'e►rounced an " ` Patrons who do not r•eceivg theta where princes and potentates all .feasor to follow up the opening,. when abt, i9 mad" aware Of the fact "marks of the beast" popery, ore+ Paper regularly fiunt the carrier' or covered with gold tl'nd jewels black Wichita girl" stand "no fooliu that the i�'t. Paul. Glohe now eel 1 in general use in tilt• ser. GREAT SLAUGHTER his .boots and la's ha ! gives )ter. vice (If that 1 oily. With what lltr�uglc their local, J,ust'q�iees will happy. (Laugh- sayathe$annt;RCity'PimPa1. Oueof credit For bt,ingahle, "ith tleeasaiat• -0z- . colifer a favor by re !a•tilrn ter.) Such aro John Bulls assets. d soca of. Canada t scorn have we hoard a liturgy spolcell � 1 o til this then' was to h ive b,;en tnarrir. a o It Manitolka of b ojjice at once. Subscriptic,)ts miss IIis security is not lho least dis- say or two siuw, cull the girl was t)Ut Y Congregationalists, who now = eC�i1fi[ROS e I continence at city tune. turbod. Although ho has the are ming forms of prayer. We - _ "� • smallest of ally of tilt, continental was alt ready, the u)ini;ter on linked, __ ,.y_— _ knew all indep0u11eut Dlinister sun)- and tho feast wit4 spr°ad, but still —A'r- ;ADVERTISPERS• armies theta is no•• probability of no bridegroom., "I'll wait for hini LongLileand xlowto Attain it. .marily disfelisse.l, like a xNryent 1' p his losing nue of Ilia possossione ; just t.0n it,iuutes, and (hen I'm o pn w,ught rltealin, xpuoux, sideply t;e• canteloo S Carriage Works Advertisers willlller�se beariat,)ltind apfil ,in England the P Dr. J.' hurnvy } eo writes on tbiR sitars he :►tit aired a churob of Eng to that ill "clialiges" e f advertisaments, , to propusals." Tell miuutus fl -1w fan.' ChriatmaR service. 1'hhre is to emsure *oiertion, should be handed VOLUNTEERS CAN INSURE THEIR like the winll, an(t a little redli!dri•d sur,ject in tilt, Nineteenth Ceatury. Having Ilistancrrl a mull,pr.of ver • not a living nmml,l•r of this sect" All'Ki,)ccls of Cutters -%A in not later ileac Nloxn,ti Nopx �tf LIVES. . fellour, with a puper.c+.'lar Hud bi.9 a ) who now "said dream of such QuFurr All Finds of Peog!!r_. each tveeb, without lylving to pay any extra trousers frayed .ltt.thr bottu'y step >lgr, l p1•rsons, ho Snya :-Wh;►t Wure ant. Even the U'itari,t•a Dave And 1''riee� to ffflatch. premium. (Laughter,) But with ped up. proposed, was ace' piped, thH h.lbtts of thea aged titt0ple, and caught tlu spirit o£ the age,, for in Do not fail to call and roe thele-Oppositt• IIYItC.iLL.;'i'ION. all this, what shall it°pt•ofit,I Alan u Lrried; ankl scooped in the hang. What eon wu 1,•arn from theut ss to y b FA,Ic's AIItL, if Johu thought of that and accord theirserviais the are using a liturgy Ton NEws-ItECOn•D has a laryter' b , the. best necans of prolao'ting the which, for their-cornnounservice, y� cireiclation than any other palier in inoly he has decided that the king- RED NOSES. healthy activity aad endurance of i9_ hardly distinguishable from that Sr A. �aIl�81oY1 . this section, .and us un adverli lis dour of heaven is a British possess- Te11 the girl whose nose is red til° human' frame• l And first (,;t Of our 'awn churuh.-Dominion 1 Prog, medizcrrt .leas few cartels in Oidario. ion. He sings ill hist churches- the first thing alta hart to tlu is to ua euusider• their habits in the Churchman, - Our Lours are u1nve to those rclro Oh, paradise ! . Oh, paradise I give uptight lacing. Nine times matter of eating and drinking, In T9MPERANCE LEGlsLA'riUV IN ITALY. — 71 , 1 A `...'� Hisses business• I grOatly.loug to sou out of ten fhat'x the cauda of the both great moderation .is the rule, We commend rho clauses of rho j . alts aj,ecial Idace prepared ror we. It has Ilb'ead 11-1- r I I ) • t glowing etit;ct, She tau put Q little Y pof ttil out that new Ituliau code which relat,•, to r• - ", - . ! JOB i'BLIv'I'I•;Q,;. file French tight for glory,- camphor on ever night and thi+ tilt, great• utajority of tbonl wore drunkards to ills attention of Sir f 11 �" ! Rntal1 or moderate raters. Of' Wilf 't _ .1I. � I r' The Job Department of this jo2tr_ the Germans for a living, -the may slo it some. goad. The cftane rx Wilfrid Lawson. Such enactments �- I'� � real is otic bf the 'best equipped in Russians to divert rho attention of aro site doesn't know how to want) animal food the majority tithe fent seem to ua to bit based ou a souudHr I I . D ®• d Western .Ontario, and a Superior their people front home affairs, tier face, and something that (fie little, OFthirty-seven, three took principle, and to be U),,Ich better -1 I class o,�.work is guaranteed at very John. fightu to promote trade, and average woman ix ignorant of. She 1One,, four tools very little, twt•lity calcUlated to mitigate the evils or I e 1 s I moderate rates. For the good of mankind gouorally: may know .how to scrub it: until took little, ti -Il took A moderate drunkenness 'wi•.h0ut undue inter• � - I If he conquers a nation it is for t}ie slip takes all the b)ootu off it, or she r,moull , auil one only took ot•uole. fereiicu with indl'bidual liberty, than _ good of that nation in this world, may know how to slab it, giving the exact quantity is tilentiolled in sweeping measures of ieau'ictipll wpJECIAh ' . Tete Huron NeWS.Record and its eternal welfare in the next. what the colored folks cull lick nine iustunc(•s :-Ono took 12oz, which weigh heavi4y on the just cis itiO 'ICE:g. '' (Laughter.) hold •a'..tircnlise." Now here's the 0110 G oz, one -5 oz, six 4 riz ,Daily: well 'as the unjust. Tile following PIMPLES. M- •[ will tnatt(t•as,_T . recipe $1.50aYear-8L25 in Advance. • John hag three great qualities— way One N11.0u1d wash olle�x face : In. the use Of alcoholic dilnka wt, 'ACP the regulations t0•Wh1C11 we alp that itsmov)t TANol. Fnn1PIUVRtpnn'LiLana� 1 r teuacity, Cheek and thickness- of Have a big bo"'I full. of hot Witter also find evidrtice of, great inodura Jude ; Anyone found in a condi I1Larcuss, lenttn the skin sett, clear undhoautttl . Wedhlesdity, 31arch 2Sth, 1$$ e ' ' —when I silly tioll. With re and t0 Alee we t1ul:also instructions for producing a luxuriant . , .- L'3tme illustrate th0 terlacity •IIOt I meati 'lot ; I g' p, tion of complete and rtJanlfest drunk- growth of lutiron u halo bead or smooth (ace. o.f Johu Bull: I haves had some ex- 'don't "'gnu tepid -• put in Loth h:nllis have inforul$'tion as 'to tl►e Iinl,i.ts� ,ennNss In Q pal,11C place b}loll be Cddr Annlstr�e including REN. VANDELr Q John Bull and Jacques. perienco of John Bull, junior in and-Ittve the face thoroughly with of fifty four of these centpnaria is. ) fin,d a Rum not exceeding thirty tS- -- the school aud.colI 0a life of Eug. this hot water until it i9 as red as Their actual habits in this respect fran6i. If the drunkenness can be '� �� rlax O 11"011, tile famonR Freuch land. He is a strong -limbed, star- l the proverbial labxter, Tile .hands at this advanced period of IVe'difft,rx, proved to be habitual, imprisonment HOOD literalcur, lectured in ''Houtreal a dy, courageous fellow. In order to 'itre thei proper things to wash with, of course,.greatly front t1lO9e during Restored'. A gentleman having innocently con• front six' to 'twenty-four days 'may tracted the habit of self-abuse in his youth, and " fury'evenings coo, koop,hold of abaft to put it.botivuon octans" tht,y rne•cluths with intell- their early and autit0 years, and it lit couseyucncesutjercdall thohorrorso(Sexual is to those earl yQ be inflicted. If ihn Offender is Ui,' lrictpaclt),tustntanhood, Physical Deaq,Gen- 1{Ir. Sellclrk Cross int•roducod rho two gonia*he lyl]l grovel in the mod, ►gnlece added t0 then'. Do not dry y - Lits that we look der 15 yours of rigs, the father Or erns Prostration, eta, will, outcal Decay, for - lecturer'—his ]10 will }eildlll'0 bt•ok- u 11V bOn09 file face, bUt 'Hat at, ❑ick'•• UN locate• with gr+•A t'kNt interest. We are not guardian' Is to !,,, re tri.mall,le(I and fete fellow snttcrers, nutil tree the recipe by "high Ills appuaraub0 hCl'I; bClllg and 1'11)9 lie will b0 Ca ''led home illgive it another laving With cold surprised to fend that the had direct! d''to 10o1c nftr•r the , lie was Illlan)• cured. Address in. confidence J. tattier tile au'-pices of file Univer- J ible iv 1 q g t Y 1. oath, tl'• ptxtc�LY, 42 Cedar• Now York St,. saga city Litorary Society -in sora° BBtI'ib10, ho will lie upon abed of water. The pistol wuter't)lunns0s nearly ql'p been good RlOepers;.ther,' uudei penalty, in case of`ntglect,. of very graceful an'l happy remark", (tiff°ring,-and he will die with n rho skin, col,' water ive9 vigor to it, is not a su,gle ululant" of a 'toad" heeprisonnivilt for a perio,! not ex• -a - UCT SAL If smile if he can only hear crakes t'lie fl"re6 tirnl dud. talents ale' par but seven are described cls ceeding tl)u dayel, Aloyone )vh , in _ ^q E He observed tll,tt •tloubh �'fllx Y P —__ 11 P.tLLI an y'size or O'Roll's rr nl n<tn1,) was Patti Blouet, before 1119 last breath that 111A side O,Ie from chtchiug COlrt, wpd°rats• or ",ivel°age" xleepHCx. Q pUbI1C l,lxCe Or 111 a plaCti OpC4All, hl rates, litit ver reasonahle 1113 grandfather was an Irishman has won. "(Laughteratedapplause•) UPWARD EYl.4. we 111-40 fiat] t.11at trey were nearly tilt, public, maliciously. causts the. ��' ���; � olti.e. Wemakeaspecial. V wh0�e ,lame teas; prolmbly the good John Bull is a /nixture '.of 'rho. t) .o( trete class of work all of thein ellrly.risers. '('his habit druukenuens of another person, or Alt10Uf;11 11011.401180 Ulay Ile common was, in maths instances accounted for supplies drinks or Other iimin ia, o andaeknowletlKenOsaper. ' Old f,i:4}IIUStCd,-0�.1{silly. ]t °n) t11H tllnl0 and the octopus, !OI'9 Rn� few cylllllH. AA zood work and R9 low ' Laughter. If l ill ultl'a-fashionable circles, it is; by their OCCUIMtIOIIa, sotto as farm anbbtatlCHs t0 pera0rlH already IIItX prices »s any olnee west of Toronto guaranteed. 113Ving sot bethiud his readin ( o ) you want se auc• noverthelHss, often ,unique, At a laborers, etc, Mont of these, also, icated, shall be iutprisoned fora o o a g bead soil mast tusks you3clj at recent afternoon tea I observed went to bed early, a'utl tile'nunilmr period not exceeding to.li days' If 1. '4 �.i; "-, rn desk, the leeturer'pruceeded tti uu home. In the fold ,the points of superficial con- that one fair maiden retrained per' of hours they xlielit in I,od overages the person t0 wl)oL too drink is U-� yo 3 >, ; w . Z trast between John Bull and Jac- ART of MAKING EI�t$ELF AT uonrE sistently sealed while the Other a little - q�'Cr,-....nighr. This is .an supplied is un(ler tilt- ago of 15 or 4Z -Zb ,. y� % W sues I;oullotnmt• His style is sen- John Bull has no equal on earth, girls wtilked n'liout a great deal and excee(lingty' gootl average-- a, d teution9; epigrammatic, nntithoticnJ, He is at home in all 'leads. He struck pretty poses while in coven important habit t0 be investigated Owing abnormal state >. o N F a x=, a,, U, ' and his ,vory lnarked.Trench accent P t obviously 4 ' 6G�- SC �'- w of oa his nose into everything. His sntion with the guutlemell, SomO� woe tPiat of taping "out of door intellect, the pupiyJ)or u,H,)tyg}ell of £�� ~� 5t favorite adjective is thorough. Y i X i s gave additional itional relish to rile humor : tr +' hod asked why "this stress iv0 exctncisA.." Th, ability and the imprisonment frons ten doss ton A=+ v ° 2.S a —England n,)d Franco were two tiVhen he visit's a celebrated ruin creature remained in her chase. habit of taking pltinty of out of door month. If the offr:uler is a l,er,an c . . great. countries, and file two people y OC ¢ b C -!, ..= y.4 e . 1. he must sea ever corner in it. He "Beca.useNbedosu't feel like stated excerciso have alwaya beth regard. whose trade it is to epll the said � V ' Rwyv�x dm should lis in til° greatest. hnrntony, will climb your craziest fblvor, and ing,".was the r0p!, ed as-eontributng largely to htaalth IiquOrR and inebriating eub:,twilces be x-91!0 -'_- p'g4 5 � bot it was wonderful. how the went ton to ono, when our back is turn- "Oh, e y.a u> about "making friends :" Mrheu ed, lie will hoists Lilo .Union Jspk + thmt, she is Iam'4' and loDfievity; these returns fully he shall, iu addit.ion to the al,ove au Englishman alighted tit ;1 h•.rencll npou the hi +hOat em oint. (Laughter.) "No, Ito. SLt, hex upwnrJ oyes.,, support that. belief. Thirty -ono are • mendon0il punishment, forfeit hi9 M hotel reported to ►faun taktu much oat• license. , W6P11 a person Ivho liar t ter. ivothui astonishee(bJohu "Why, she `has d o � , and found uo ronin iu the That's his ltbttie weakness. (Laugh- Ane what aro the door exercise, eight a moderate been guilty of a crintiloat act til'• LAW �. wash•t til what docs he conclude. ) $ y hill,' that amount, nu,l six Only •'a little, penalty renlitted on theground that (Laug-til it the French ni nod .Ivnah I Lull. The Ivorld, he thinks, was her"eves are )eX'aCtdln'�ly 1111nd30nIH tractive , mill ener;{0tic" ' is the he was drunk wfiHll fee Committed hter.) Fn•uchmen A rcE ns loads for hint. when wide opoil mid , IOoketl dowil Conlglon character of th0 get nt the offenc0, he shall neverthpled3 be much to Lisa so,l) ili eu.uliu001_1with To P,lko Johu Bull seriously, �lie into, but when the Observer is oil -a majority, A•.v to 1111• Clio' •ncO of liable to imprisonment — _ _- others, as your Englishmen olaj(,ct.1 I. is :1 than of "striking contrasts. He level with them they are loot half, se Married tife. on longevity, it Would' not ekce'dilPrlont 11�ear,orrtn period to use au0ther man's old tooth is cppab]o of accommodating him charming. It restos to be n pt+cot- npprar'to be, oil tilt, whole, favorable, it) much wissg.one year, the 'ii to a' title, lit'neh: I once `an self t0 a thousand different circum- inrity 0f her sibs So sl,e sits down especially the i)inIe. sex, Out of shall bo either in, its IoI1gth or its AN L\U1•I�II altEl"s-GRUCli11 stances. Ile, will rltrffer defeat and all the while will•' on "llihitiorl,•,,.,,the riixty-six retur.,s thero is only amount, equal to two-thirds of that 4. . pllttill� wit some asp w, at hla humiliation t0 day with BI'ttish s° that the ftellows, Its tll,'y stlend One lmolielor, 111 tWP.11ty�tw0 males Wh1Cl1 N•Oehl to, born inflicted lend E a shop door. Ile Carefully took Out philosophy, knowing that he will brfor0 her in, conversation, its who hail been married ; h0 Was a he committed the Rnmu o(Ience , 11 the smell piecea.frout lhn largo i exalt himself to•morruw, Lt church gaze down into her face lcull in v°, Lin oriok farmer whir lived to be when in the full a9sessiun`� his marked .the Iattel "best lsnglkh Ile says hr, is doing encounter hot• eyes at their' 105 'thou rh i p he " „ „ r 6 drank to excess on o A MtsERnut,E SINNER beat. - „ sensor. It may b0 remarkt•d that ABRAHAM. SMITH , grog t four shillings 'J", a buttdl0, festive occasions. The sex had Alin expres0an "drinks or other in, and the form (, '•°Frcllch nreIa11 uutsidc, fen n'otild like to soo rho •----•--« ,rob' 1,1 ayf, „ ( Market SCjUBTe, Ono shilling." I, Y 1 him fthe and h0 t'},riating substanc0s hevaudn Od rr e Lun ltler. To the mini 'Who who would doubt that ]to SYRUP has resous et consolation ill the "flowing Hilts s0st)ulz0. iuebbrianti) might �1 '�"� �I 'y I:ugliehman Pluia fe Franbo, 111, is thu iucnrnatioll Of virtue, In the moedjtape worm front 15 to 30 feet bowl," Of- forty -throe femnlelt, pOssii)ly he made to cover a much �..�1 �.tIJ.A:f 1CjH, sl)euds a fortnight share ; and then, siugulnr ho is reliable, In the in length. It also destroys all kinds „ however there arts as nearly as wider field than intoxicating liqu, when satiated with pleasure; 0xpress- plural! as a nation, he is nn oppor- of worm. 480•4t twelve spinsters, which allows that ors."—BridAl, Medical Journtel„ ed. Ills disgust, as the following let- tuutst, IIe is all thit)os to all men. . - unmarried life, °ape,Clnlly ill feitlales, — 11 I -- r ter, written to a friend, Ivould At Roma) ho does as the ]romans -Sir Provo Nvallis who whose circunletnnces are affluent, or ' -"' ' WEST OF ENGLAND SUIT - show : `-Door I1oy,—just bnelc from dei,, IIe accepts a little as bet•Eer the Chesapealce triumphantly into , IT SBLDUJI Fey1 INGS & TROUSERINGS, comfortable if IIatCOI1dUCIVt., at any LS. France. Good henveus! Ivhatnuoun_ then nothing, but ho will 'get mora (�lueboC harbor in Juno, 18I3, will rate is not advz•raP, to longevity. J. D.Cameron, olWestlake Ainslie, SCOTCH TVVEI:I) SU.ITINGS & try 1 I thank' (Iotl I was guru an if 110 tau, Everything, lie •does is .bo ninoty-night this ,year. Last Centenurians are for the •tuost part rape Breton 'had inflammatory T1i0UAShhINGS, I':ng]ish,nan ! 1 will toll yon all I perfect, Everything politics, 'lie .rdspects summer his mefnory was as sound found amongst those who have h•d Oil a matism wilich I1'aallyard s Yellow y • have seen, in private, when Ivo the late, no matter Ivho indices it, ns that of a man of forty, and lie call'), gUitet, uutroullled lives "far orad after all other treatments I'ILI�jCII ANI) ENGLISH IVOR- ,ueet," The Frenehnlall go0s to Ile lives his Qpettn less powbi, thau Ivalked about bareheaded in tile sun fro ns the ma'lding crowd,,' au.(I had failed. Ilagayards Yellow oil is 9 CED CLOTHS, r 1,ondon-ou business-uo ,,,An in the I'r0iidol)t of the United States at .Huntingdon. AuOther equally who have clever mic•Ountered atrain spid by all dealers in aredicians.488 2t n his 8611,568 would g0 there for Mea• jus, and he makes her and `all pub- robust uonogeuarinu hails from of tniml Or body. MaN.e rip in B"t Style and 1•I'orlc=. ' .pato. (Lnnghtar) He ngoe back, .lie functionaries his servants. Ile lDorsetabire. Mr. George Dollop, _ —A Kingston young man, who. nimiship at Abruhum Shiith'a• and thitilta he uhder)tanrl's it, lie is a utouarchist, and yet t}ro fre0st of Stroude, will n190 be iliuot�'.oiPht NATiONAf. Prr.ls act Promptly upon druggisthitofoff o ne'doso of asked hie' _ _ has 1001 ed at it, but Bas nut rcnlly mnu in T?nropo. Yes, he is a mon this ear. He is a,ropres0ntativo of , r8gulnt0 •the'Bowel>3 and 1. Y the Jiver g udanuw. aeon it. „ archist ; but if Ilia liberty Ivoro in n very ancient Family in the West as fl Purgative are mild and'thorouglt. the wily man mixed him a dose Now in slocl• oar, rf rite alaeal,est To Jacqnes nil Governments tiro varied he would be torn to pieces of England, and succeeded to its of angst and cantor, duly labelling and best stncl•s of ' alike father t}Jan lose it, (Applause,) estates in 178... He is doubtless man becomes n con- the bottle''laudanum." The youth- �yOf ' ( PP ) q —tiAn lie a took half the bottleful, and so WIC TER .CLO 1�H NG FscrrT wars I,E rlAy HAD mora. Toth the Frenchman and the Eng the doyen of the English Squire- tonarinu ho Ivould be expected to q I powerful were the effects of lomPli can RYOnd any amount of thchy, and when nearly eighty was lose all ihim. t in events ns9ivg IIe cheerfully votes is n ItepubliC compliment; yon could burn Itll the father of thins, 111x. Gollolo P o imagination that h0 passed into a AND CLC3TfIS. now, just as he cheerfully voted the the perfumes of Arabia uncles their .still talcoa a ]coon interest in, politics, around Corutvnll tto vu, t1 t)I wfIl deep. sleep, from which ho tilts iVlosae Nudely Awakened by a doctor with a A Full Line of GENTS" TUR- NnpnlOo,t plebiscite in 187(1. 'fh'er0 noses, curl they would think it only quotes Horace, with aingnlnrcorroot- "1)t, 102 setts old in April 150xt, and are, sit million law 'proprietors I their dne, There is this 'dif et•ence nosy, and writes charming lottors to stomach unit,, who lead be N�,�tgj�jGS always in stock. in France; it i9 these which make E between them, however. Jacques his daughter, the wife of \1r, Ilenry Ivtiq/vhieeh toolch pine° tor, sat , en by excited friends to . the ivenith of a country, and in this brags loudly, but is rather sensitive Reeve, olt Y reaeua the rash man froin the results It will pay you,to call oil last. of his folly. ' ' A n AHBAHAM SMITH. b. I I p r,. ,� „ .'.,• ..•, . •' ''utJtlPr7�kat.''aa .Ld.Yau.L...0 ,kerea9., n , .... 1 ., ... . ..t • , . .. . . , , f a,,;,.. t�3 A' " r.,,u.-..tr,..,tYu. a , .�...n,G,71.,auts,,.,.:.,... .....,.......r.k...». I: t..' .V%:,.;,,,:. ,.b.. . .;�:;,S,., Jins.YYy�!W�Y„r�.:.a,Sty4�i.'°t`:,47," , rte..,. ,... iiia„-,&,o.n.,. .... _ .:Ls., 1Lu'kJ.•.,....�. , ,....,..•.w „�utmt.,�uax.rWi�