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The Huron News-Record, 1888-03-28, Page 1
-- - * ', '. cam• { I ._ , ' 7 x � ' , • , " ., .;, x , � . �' I �, ; • • • i. D , -., R I.- , d .� y. r r . , - ` .4 , „ 1. . 1. . I ,, f. A .n • ♦ { p' . I O �11 '"L"''- �,(,�l . , -A , ��'% r,:, T ... _ '� _,. . ,U . I --' i''. .11 _\ N. 8 o n 11 I . I . . "I ..� ::: ... "I - • j �• - ..-..-,. .. 14 11- .. �'' I .1.59 Petr I►un�4tq►,. @]1.25 Jin /}ti�,1�t4Rr I�VAlsP7:NDGaY4' ltV dL4 '['Q1:V05, R'{iU'1'1idL 4V 1Y02'I/711(1. u a ,,a v ,. $. _;;; , Y W FIITE,LV & ,T0J)"t Poblis>'ietrt �O'L, TX,_XTO, l5.. CLINTON,HUR,ON COUNTY, ONT.z W. EDNLSDAY, MARCH c)8, - 1888,. �.. _ WROLE 11O. 489 . alnt (arxe� raltueut•e �. gaxnz (50irreglr.aullelite cul (7al><�e l>audetire Wical (7-orrf?�1�ondvare. . --_----.--.�__ _ L C x (�'A>'t'el3ijlQIlt2RiiCe .. Grand Orange Lodge E 01R11) . I,rode>lich. Godteeich. Goderich Township litivth• �+nuunerllllL The Grand Orange Lodge of On - Mrs. Janics Robinson is `•isiting Our llhootists will air their guns }lir, Alex, Cox sold a 3 . •ear old tarir? West nteE in ills Taranto ., S the blood to 8ptr freely. Medical Friends from the Ugited Sta►t_es O1'n' }tall. All the reports Nvere relatives at Acton. - on good Friday. colt to DIT. Butcher for $140, aid was at once sent for. ,ire visiting Mr. Thos. Cousins, 11 V - Mr, L:• .F. Dancey and wife of - Mr. Will, Jackson of Clinton wok ohl,y satisfactory and the Order .' ` •.� Seaforth, wore in town this week. in the circular town on Monde m Mr, a other day, lost a valuable The regular meeting ti L. O. L. A now platform has been put in has.trlat'a big progress during the Y mato Lilo other day, 963, ryas held in the Orai)ge•hct1l on the school here. It is a-great-im- past year: The Sentinl gives the Mr. G. last week. a returned from Qat gun stub visited Clinton last Mon -day evening, provement. election of ofl}cofs Aa fallotvs : (' '. , Toronto lAst week. g Dues Kato She and is v}sitiil Thursday on a slto4tin0 excursion• n, g Regular sneetiug of our town Mr. John Lovett, of Bal6ruve, is W IV. Fitzgerald, London. G. Miss Annie Cook left on a visit to n , relatives at Brigddn, Ont. fi A I Sols Communion at S,c. Georoo s fathers oil Monday evening next in visiting his old friends here for & M•; Ex Ald, Will. Nicholson, Hnusil- • r relatives at Pinconuing, Mich., las. next Sunda a.9 a. m.and atclo 0 MI'• Jacob Sheppard spent the h few days. The northern air and ton, D,,U. Al.; Jae, L. Hughes, '1'o- "tet Y t Lite Orange ltal,l. ._''f Saturday. Inorn}ngservico, part week in the neighborhood of Y ' Tonto♦J. D. G. M. 1' r a, Petrolia, Mr, T, Beamish, of Brantford, society seem to agree w1th him. , Rev. C. , Perry, The Water \'Forks Committee Our tailors an busy getting ready was visiting amongst friends this Mr. S. J, Androva ofd lintou Angus, D. Chap.; L. F. Cl"arkc, M.; held A inoetiog on Saturday eve- the suits that will be sported on Mr. D:t+'id Beacom who received week. ' P. P. G. Treas. ; Robert Birutiti `x' niug. ' Et♦ater—next Sunday. a bad.,shaking up a couple of weeks °"` gave a magic lantern exhibition ' te, • Revival services are still being tinder the auspices of the Literary horn, Toronto, G. Seo. ; Wm. Lea, ' Regular monthly meeting of the Last Sunday being Palin Sunday, neo by falling on. hard, icy ground, continued in the Methodist church Society, in the Orange hall hero, on Toronto, D, G. Sec. ; John L. Wit- •,' Public School Board nest Monday thq usual soNices of the day were Ia able to be about flgafn, here11 .lrednesday evening last. Thq views 'son, Wilsoncroft, G, Loot - Charles evening. celebrated 'at St. Petor's Mr. and Airs. Tichhourn, of this Rev. A. McLean int°ads prencit_ exhibited were very intorostiug, and I ailing, Allaudale, G. D. of C. 'Mrs. William Campbell was ill Although the first of April falls township, who were visiting Mr. Ii ing 'a '1'emperanco sermon iu, the the hall wits filled to overfio.wialg, DEPU'T'Y GRAND CHAPLAINS: Reye. j` attetidenca at tb a Scott Act con sir a Sunday, there will ba people J, 1Fhitoly, of Lucicnou', have' re- I'rebystorian church on Sunday — �----- It. T. \V, Webb, Grand Valley ; J. '.' �, vention at Clinton last Friday. batt enough to tool even their boat turned home again. worniug, S. Corcoran, Eugenia; J. V. tiVil- I llCIiCPSlllith. ,Z... 14r, Robt. Thompson attended friends on that sacred day, DIT. James Green and• wife have Our popular uuetfonoer, C. HRmil- Firs. Jas. Broadfoot is int Tewin son, Dunville; D. Cascaden, Forest: the Scott Act convention at Clinton There will be the. usual evening been visiting improving William Hassey, M. A., Hamilton; 1.last Friday. g , g o frietdy un the Bay- ton, has been wielding the hammer slightly and hopes are entertained Wilburn McDonough, Strat?lroy; Y aervicaRtSt.Georoe son Wednesday, field Lino last wooii ; AL•. (4o+u in Belgrave every day.for the past of hot recovery. .V, E. Smith, Toronto ; S. P. Barker, s Messrs. C. L. MoIntosh and S. and on Good Friday morning there intends going to the Sault in t}le week with excellent restill$. Air, -and Airs. Joseph Townsend Brantford ; J. A. Dowler, Ifornin s Clarice, left for the worst this week will be full service at 11 a.m. spring. He has land in A{innesota - Mrs. IrcDoiald who etas been on left fur their bottle ill Afau.itobit, Millar; Thomas Brown, Burford • f with a'view it is understood of start- Miss Rutson left for Detroit o� but does not likeAlie cuuntry there, a visit here foi•sou,r,tinse past return- hoar Brandon, yesterday (Tue3 ay). •Ja,n+:s Ii. HarrisLBrookliu; r' ncis k'' ing business, Monde being called thereto b the , , ,;,.- o • Y, o Y ed to her.tems in L•xator onThurs- Afr, and Airs. S. Aialeol,nson illness of her sinter Birdie, who is fila sale of AI r. }zAtetnall s horses Y DIT. '1'u++nsend hair been a resident Ryan, R: D, l+lorenee; Rural D n 'I ,.`: and cattle last Friday ,was well at. clay , of Afauitoba fui' the bast oglityears, Hyland, • Watford; - N. H Martin wore summoned to Hamilton last visiting in that city. If Miss B. can tended. Tile cull weather yobmed Air. Joseph Tanner leas been con during which time ho Las built till Chatham ; �, Fisher, Tilsoub f'' week b the death of Alrs. Free be removed; she twill return with her a comfortable bu„to there --not of Thwiias Militia Y to have chilled the usually' •"warm fined to •the house fur sevo•al days , Wallacobuto. . W. a, 11 A mnn,�tnutilor of \Its. S. Alalconson, s,istor to For !tame i.n this town. feelings towards the equine race, with n severe Attack of nentalgia, aotuae without some object in view, Sanderson, ; James Lroley,"' +; Mr. William Cnutpboll, has been The town 'engine pumped out I[o;us did not appear to be in do- His ntauy fri'endy will be glad to W)lich 110 carried uui�""on hi; return .Elora; ld, P. Hobson, Turouto ; J. fts }c" appointed Returning oillcor for the of the hole bored by Z. NfeEwen maud. The c,tttl,o etc. sold fairly hoar that he is on ti mond, here this winter, viz : that of taking G. Foote, troy ; W. W. Lee -,h, 11 4 election oil the }9th lust. uudor the for the water woks, and puuspod welt, There was no service in Trinity a partner to shorn his joys and Arkwright; Wm. Walsh, Ottawa ; li Canada Temperance Act. faster than, the water canto in. It Chtirc}r on Sabbath in consequence troubles through life, AIr• Town- W. H. Barnes, Barrio..11 I is expected that the spring tappo'fl District Master Ge01'gQ Ilatllcy: ' q send resides near Brandon, The1'0 DEPUTYGR:INDLECTURERB (Hon 11 .It is settled, at least those paid a visit to F.O.L. 133, Colborne, of �lto'Rev,Air. Thoivas having boon , will yield a auppaly ata depth of called to Brantford' attend the is n railw,iy within a mild or two of orar James S. Duff, f., M. Cloygr •' who should know say so, and the rho other evening. HA was well Y) x; )est office building will be laced fifty feet• funeral of, ills father who die his place olid a school on his pro Hill r' 1 � g P recelred and speaks very highly of d ,+ ;- W, IL Roallo, D, Alk, i on XVost attest. -- 1'ls.e High School- Board--adver-- -the lode suddenly. - poa'tJ• 11tp.commututy wishes the. Watford • Isaac White C, DI, Fort t ' I.,-- ..- .-I. oe. 153 has Clic lumber ,and y , t'• On Good Frida zt 8 ). tit. there tised for a caretaker requesting ap- other material oil 016 ronud for �+ On Tuesday of las. week Airs. Young }oun )lea los )cross career. Erie.; J. H. Collier C. M. Erie • l will bo nn openmeeting,in the Pli;rants to state salary required. their now hall, olid o4�ibl' rho Gmiglt o rho Iievore h Y b d act n stopped I%. T Richards,- D. Ai, Ham _u.:.._,,.x _... z..._ __ . _ :...._.. 1 �_.,.. J, _ -. - a_._, �ouect..1I►�E vial ross 1 an at lecture room of`Kiior church uudor W�trttro rp}SltcatiDus caro olreired buSlcling �wtIl be rend fret their w E i an acoiilent �� 1 DtseA's<liotel;-]Iraee'fi d -tits oilier"`iitdn ; TFfiiti,as ' RicFid clsbn' C:` _ _,.. it was found that there were two Y hi st sweePln T John Scarlett ;"N the auspices of the Y. W. C. T. U. Ilext meeting, day, put u}) his horse and red him- Al.,Vl allaceburg ;- men who offered to do the work off the platform. She slipped on ao , , ii F Salt Ah-Brah, a native East In- piece of ioe strik ing her head on the self Lind it. After Laying his bill P C. M., Leadbury_, Cfiai•les Baillie, • �" for $100 per anuum. Yeta Orson In St. James chureh, Dliddleton, g. ,`• dian, will lecture in the Grand P edge of the lAtform inflicting a he remarked to the host that he D. Ai., Shelburne; Joseph lI. Ness, is selected who asked $120. .It is Goderieh. Township, the following '. P g knew lir uor wits not sold in Huron D. AL Brantford James Brodie Opera house, under the auspices of true that the motion appointing, the will be the wusical portion of. the serious cut on hot, head which taus- 1 P. ' ; , 1., but if Mr. Dixon had any that he 1. D,D'I. Vandaleur •Thomas Wilson, '•-' r ' the Woman's Missionary Society of PP service on Taster Sunda Our horse millinor, > > caretaker only grants $110, but -She y April tat , 'J. T. Garter, kept for his personal use he would C. M. St. Catharines ; \V. Winters, It, -• the North street Methodist church, seconder of the motion stated at the commencing at 2.30- p, ,n.:.-1, is very busy these clays making P P i ,;;:. to -morrow eveuing, thank him foe a small decoction as D. AI. Oiillia. time that it was ver probable their Opening 1T run 153, `) Glutin Petri several sots of dnnrl} light ,harness ' ' Y P h I' c he would have a cold drive to Sen- AUDITORS : James A: • Ke es P. . s ". At tiro fluetfou solo last Saturday it would carry rite other ton, If 3 Psalm 113, 4 1'salt:t 11 f, 5 to go to AM,wltaba shortly. John Y l F the systeni'adopted in this instance forth, DIT. Dixon. never used it �' . of firrnt stock and utensils the pro- Psalm 11.8 6 AMaff'uificat 7' Nuns (tits hot Lis canto up iu this section C. DL, St. Cathaiinos ; T. C, �;' a* )ort of lair„ Hugh Dunlo the Dimittis 8 if mu 180 9 "iI mn 'fear nsiugjggod ntatcrial and first class himself, but he found theta was a \IcAwoy, C, M,, Balsa„, r 1 Y o , is folloitid in all other matters it + Y �' utensils were sold rat ratl)Vr lo. 179• 10 Offe•tor Voluntar 11 workmanship. Afoo power to ou small quantity of brandy in •Lilo o At 7,30 the Grand Lodge attend- N . aecotiuts for the large suns asked • Y y, Y , hoose which had been obtained un a a . •,a � figures1z I, but the animals offered from the toavu annually. But. it is Hymu 393 12 'Concluding Zrolun_ John. ed divine service and listened to an I” 3 doctors certificate over a oar ago, ,ale eloquentsermon reached by Rev. 9 brong,ht vow hood })rices. not so much the extra amount ""paid tart Ou `Vednesday a little girl of Al".y b q P •'t., ;r Ile perzc this to his o guc.tt making iVAlsh of pttAtra. Titers is a rumour .that a 1vo11 that causes its .to note til° occurrence In St, Stopiten'a' Church Ifiiron Marshall Brai'Itti�aite was sorerolY uq Clintge. But what did the fello v T ]cuovn,geutloman will be united in 'as Lilo unfairness of putting'a large road, Cloc}erich Township, the fol- 'cnlded: Fier sister had just `got a then do but say that unless Dixon \1 Rett the lodge resumed business :, wedlock's bonds to a most respected number of people to the trouble "of login; will be the music 1 portion dipper• of. boiling water from the gave him t20 he would lay infer. the following brothron wero rppoint- l'ady reddont this day. If the ex- getting recommendations for a pos of the service on ,,taste ut,dA sto%;o when the Iittle girl unfortun- ruation'against hint And swear that ed to attend the Triennial Council k' +o", pecteci does happen, we hope the .ition, that after events, showed to Y Ate1y" striicic For head against the '},© )�ou� Int t],e li nor, Thinking the to ho held at Carrickfur; us towards 1 April 1st cutnnteDe}ng at 10.30 a, J q a 'N, journey may:.•be commenced, con, be thoroughly securo to. one what- nr.:--1, • Opening IIs -mi .1 .3 . c�ip)••por npsotting it over hersolf.- A> fellow had Isiut i.0 his }�+vor, for h.o the cloaca •of Lilo deal' :' Th,e P. W. : tinned, and ended under Lilo 'rain. over ho' might"'ash, or svho cis° Gloria Petri,' 3 Easter Anthem 4 •o tune it lvns thought that the })Ad react of others going couyicted the Grand .hTnato1, II. .V, Iiro, ' ? ,how of }iit}rptuoss. might be the applicants...Vo hope psalm 2, 5 Psalm 57, 6 1'salm� 3, little suff'erAi could not survive her an just such oyidence, lie gave the Major li, A. L. '.White, Bro, Rev. s', The Salvation wedding took place our.High School Board will never 7' To Douro, 8 henedictus; 9 I'Iymu lnjurios, but we., are glad to hear scoundrel. $20. Thinking over the 1)• Cascaden, Bro. Henry ,.Merrick, ;i' in the Grand Opera house last Wed- ,gain ask for tendera,tintil it has sineo that silo is on the improve. matter afterward AZT. Dixon dro'vo °x -Ai. P P., and bra. H. \�ilson, P 180, 10 Ilyinn 183,'.11.Ofrorto.ry . + ' neidu evening in the presence of loarnod that economy nod fair )la Voluntary, 12 Hymn 394; 13 Con- . � ` "'� , intending to have the C, AI, North Ontario. P play to Soaforth � a crowded house. The leading are necessary 'esentials of all public Porter's .!fill. blackmailer , arrested for obtaining' Hamilton was selected its Liss noxi o bluding Voluntary. participants were Adjutant Sweet- bodies.' We cannot but eongratu The recent, death of Miss Iliat money tinder false pretences, bathe Place of meeting, late Judge Doyle on ills AdVOCAe f The Annual Easter Vestry AIeet• y ' man and Capt. Russel. yFhoti bore o Y ° lugs for rho election of church iwm. Jane Woods, rouoves from our ++'aa only in tithe to see the 'train; --- • _ __ ;L. . -in charms of the Army the lady was ecomony and justice, and may men- moving o t of sig �' I Lieu ,that Itis Honor insisted that dens and delegates and for any midst, one who, during her aholt o u „ht with his friend A Action Sale lfic;;istet•, often'cAllcd a, sweat woman; but other busiu°ess that may be brought stay on caith, ondearoi. herself to on board. " ' henceforth she will be called a his name.being recorded as disont- forward will be held in St. Sto h- to all who know her by herlkindl -- SATIDRDAY. March 31-t.--l;oisse y , S,veotutan. ing from so unjust n motion. P Y furniture, etc:; on the C1intrna market t« ens Church, Ifutou Road, Tuesday disposition. An affectionate and ALUM: BAKING POWDERS. sc nate at 1 m. the ,�I w' The annual mission services dutiful danghter, R 1 p• property of Y Aril 3rd at, 7 m. St. James o loving sister,'a David Stewart i'Artrta cash. D. wero hold in the North aireet Dioth- P P• , .,x,,, Itayf6cld. Church Middleton Moudn Aril friend to al} and one who if it were 'their Use Injurious to Realth" JA ' , Y P Dioletrrson, auctioneer, 4 odist chinch last Sunday., trey. A. Bob is back from Michi an. 2nd at.2 p: in., St. Johns Church, Possible to any a ,rood word always and Their Sale Contrary to F:: t a"' f Stratford; reach- g' L&W. SATURDAY, "March 31.—]Ionsehold n r;, Cunningham,g ' P Holinesville, Monday April 2nd at aifid'it but Hover said an evil one. ,e tJ ing the Sermons.'- Collections were Mr. D. H, Rit,chic is very ill. ' _ goods, horses, etc., 'at :Curlers hotel, . 7 P. m, A full attendance is par- Durin; the last few years of life '(+wo men were recently convicted . Brucefield, at 1 p. m., the property of taken u}i i•n aid of the Missionary Trou.ti and herring the host that tieularly requested, she'suffe•ed considerably physical,- Y Alex. as. Oke tiuctioneer --fund at both services. On Monday lies been for ears. in St. Lawrence Count New York Robinson,' ' ` s #' evening the Rov. Dr. AlcDouald Y Friday the 30th inst., being Good ly, which she bore with great pat- Y' TavRaDAY, A4arch'29.-Farm 'stock Tom is home from the lumber. ience • and. that shm is on'o in the for violating lto food adulteration and implements on'lot No..37, con. 4, Triday there will be Divine Ser- ' J y g laws of ,that state by selling alum East Wawanosh. Sale to commence , Missionary,- o£ Japan addressed a woods, he is looking well, vice in St. Stephen's, Church God- happy .Peace she so long yearned ,. largo congregation on Missionary for her man friends aro full as- baking powders in iritttation of pure 'at 1 o'clock p. m, John Dowdel, pro1. work. The great cod ~wood' choppers erich Township at 10:30 a. m,; in Y Y cream of tarter baking owcdors, : rietor C. I3amilton auctioneer. . are back to town again.. St. James' Church Middleton at cured, and aro thus consoled. Her o p p ' �' l ' . The ladies of St, George's church last words were of Gods's mere to The law of Now York is similar to FRIDAY, March 30th.�Farm stock _t {' g Our presort school teacher is well .Criu p. m. ; and in St. Johns Y that of this province in forbidding and Implements on lot 24, con. 1, r_, •' -Guild intend holding one of their liked by the aeLulr.rs. • CTiurch Holmesville at 7 in. h°rself, and an appeal to those she '• enjoyable "at hous'e's" on Thursday' P' loved boat to cling to the cross of the sale 'of Adulterated and injur- West Wawanosh. Sate to commence X We have anew liorso trainer. in After each service a special colics ions articles of food but the courts at 1 o'clock p, m; C. ^Ilamilton, evening April 5Eh from 7 to IO in .. tion will be made on behalf of the Christ. It would be well if alt auetionoer,Mary Kmght,proprietress y town. had not before construed it is so far St. Goorges'a school. 1ti�e tinct � funds. of the Loudon Society for those who pass away could do so there will be a good attendance this • Scott Act meeting lar el attend- Y as it related to the sale of alum bak- --- -. -- - " ' g g Y promoting Christianity Among the with the same assurance of agloious 9n orvd2)rs. ' being the last of the series. All ' •d last week, four being present. "Jews• resurrection, as did the dear one g p Our Weekly Rognd Up. ' 1. • who tomo will be heartily welcome, Ha, 1sa,Jack has got a new rubber - whom this short poll. sketch faith- ' Tho baking powder sold••by the ,, MARRIED.—Last Wednosdayeven- - accused was r —Rev, J. K. Smith of Gait 'has Tielcets 15 cents. Musical programme coat. fully dopibta. p sed • to be made , , „ o - ing quite an .John P .time from alum b Gillett of Chita o signified his acceptance of the call e•1 —"Refreshments inolud'ed. Also The baker ,Ind miller continue was spent at Mr. John Porter's, --- - � _" and oxpart�testimony was taken gto from_St, JAhn's „church San Fran - a table with useful and fancy articles their March, 4th con. The occasion being tho'' Nile. cisoo. for sale. g chow the unwholesomeness of alum —True bills have been against Neil swears ho twill leave, ,town 'marriage of his daughter Aiary:. A. Times aro kind of lively around in baking powders, b.t'ead or othei Irate Perrin and tiVm. Scott I The annual meeting of the Gods- because they.flro golie. • to Mr. James YnIA of the 6th. Tho' town. , the rich Board of Trade was continued food, Ayr poisoners of the husband of the ��' I The comic birds' cider did Doi .bride looked charming and was aa- Dir. and Aliss McCartney of Gods- Th'e Court, in inflicting .the gx- former, but their trial was postponed ' in the town hall on Tuesday even- agree with the boys .the other si'sted by her sister, the groom by richt were visiting 51. ing of last week. The committee P• o friends here trome'peualty of law upon the stens until the Fall AssiZ'ea. Dir. George Hudio. They were a ' last week. ed expressed regret at not being able —Mr. John White, ex•M, P,, < on statistics not having completed night. happy looking quartutte and dame to im Oso a uniehmentmuro near. authorizes the an'riou.nm,ent flint he '' i its report a motion ranting The funerals of rile deceased David Mr. Milliou,bf Auburn preached P P y P g o rumor has it that„the asaistauts may had not withdrawn nor will be with~ �; -- further time to report was carried. Richards and Dr. Gardner were large bore Sunday rnoruing and evening, in acdorda�see with the seriousness + '� a P 1 attended. be the principals on another festive Y o draw his petition a arnst the return '' , The report, of committee on manufac- Y . In the evening on temperance.. of the offense. p f; • r11 . P occasion. Your correspondent and of Mr. Burdett, M. P. for Eat,t hast- tures presented at a previous meeting One of the boys has to take many ,frionds wish the happy couple The Rev. ' Mr. Irvine, pastor of The sale of alum baking powders ings. The case will be tried irr°June.oi , was addpted. The following officers another street lately. Guess he. a long lifo'and a happy,ono. Nile circuit,_ preached at Auburn is prohibited by direct statute in19. n and Carlow last Sunda . En land. It should be the same At Strathroy on Friday the case y?; were sleeted for 1888: Mr. R. S. wants to got his coat sleeve fixed. Y g of Rev. Mr. Stonehouse, who is '^f r Williams, 'president ; AIT. Joseph Alias Mar4}ta Pentland and Miss here ; yet our laws, if not so specific, charged with blackmailing hotel - r;:: ., 1Ierliort works with tliA butcher, 1 ' IZfdd jr, Vico-preaicleut ; Air. l;. ' ' Stallle,y. , Alar Anderson of Dun gai on are probably sufficient to put a stop keepers, was called for trial but the . F' Radcliffe, '.Creasurer • Mr, Jnnsos he says he has not seen any long Y b 1 • P P , ,.- �,'. > > The council met at Varna March spent as few days visiting friends in to the business were they, rigidly deff,ndant failed to respond, Ile is 1r tongues lately, P Y g said to be still in Port Huron, I” Mitchell, Secretary, and members 17th 1888, pursuant to adjournment. this vicinity. enforced, It is said that many --,' '' , . of council Messrs. M. Hutchinson .ire fire sorry to hear , that • Char- Al} ,tho members resent the Reeve On Friday evening last a grand tis s p brands of alum powders aro being —The Dominion postotfice Savin .14 y W. Cans bell C. Seager T, B, Van- ley's hand was caught in the circular in the chair. Minutes of royious introduced into the Dominion, and bank statement for Febrdnry Jhowa Campbell, " ' pp concert tions hold in the Orange hall wq bespeak the fltteution of our total deposits of 920,773, 664 at the ;� r;vory, A. S. Chrystal, Dr, Nichol- saw a fA lir Jaye ago, badly cutting it, meeting rAAd' suet ai uoil. That g by the school of- S. S. No. 1 West r; son, J. Williams, Rees Price, D. C. in the shingle mill. followfu accounts woe ordered tar agile dual std to the risattor. end of the month, an increase of g Wawanosh, assisted by L+', W. Rich- p y ill 878000 over the same month last Strachan Horace Morton dohu Bayfield is a Teat lace for get- be rid : Whitely & Todd for ---�.= ' ' Y g, P g P Y ards of Paramount, Mr. I lummer of year. rhe deposits during the Buffer, F, Jordan, Jas. Saunders C. ting .married on the sly—ono last printing $2, F. G. Neeliu for glut lt", - ' ' print- Clinton I 'Ili anti others. The house was —Coal was .found at &'depth of 72 month amounted to $700,85Q an ;;' A. Nairn John Acheson, J. H. Col- week and one this week. Suppose ing $48;90, Cbas. Wcoks' £or gravel crowded to the doots. The meeting feet on J. Wilcox' farm, South Grime- increase of $123,000 over February, F PT, • bone, J. Di. Shopped, and H. DV. Jinx will' be next., Jack takos his $18,20. The treasuror's, bond was broke'up about eleven o'clock after by, near Smithville, last week. 1887. Ball, Tho socrotary 'was instructed trips out of town lately,' quite a Said before the council and being a good programme„of 'recitations —There is now ]{tile expectation —Tho sureties of Rey. J. Stone, "�' to write to the general manager of change, satisfnetory was accepted. Tho path- dialogues and singing: .The numb that :the Reciprocity debate will be house; the alleged blackmailer, who , , the G. T. It, reminding him of itis By the by wo have revs hunters in masters, poundkoepors and fence bets were well rendered. The choir closed before the adjournment for failed to put in an appesnince on11, promise to arrange the arrival of Lilo town. They bevel' bring their game viewers wore appointed and are, was occupied by Rev. Mr, .Irvine. the Easter holidays. Friday at Strathroy, are Rev. Aieasra. ` i•, afternoon and the departure of the home til°u h you can see them with foo exceptions” the same as - W. J• Henry, of Chesley, eharg• McDonagh and Middleton, They Proceeds' amounted to $21.45. ed with silo, tin have little "�., mid-day train so as to afford greater driving a pony down stroot with a last year, Tho council then a,d _ # S1100ing g at a Scott Act con- expectation that Mr- : facilities to the public, and to re- ournod'to meot'a ain on Saturday ` . stable, Was discharged b the xww�'ud a Stonthouffe will return and are now . ' t I „" P short logged hound following.•. I -] g Y —The Missouri River floods are the without going tb the jury. .. ]"' g liable for the payment of,Q2 `�", quest him so to arrange matters that Ma 6th next at 10 o clock a. m, g g ] Y QQ each. b suppose Choy aro training it to run, Y 2+ , worst kt#own for years. —Adv}cosi from Newfoundland 'y, the evening trot may make con- ne a Court of Revision and for-rloorls in Auatro•Ml angary are state that Bishop Power declared for order a noctiona with the ne leaving I3uf- —RAV, Principal Grant leaves for other gouoral buaiuese cousin yorq Rill lieale at t„e vcwti-Reeord foto rat 2 p, m. Australia on Taeeday. Gro. STEWART, Clerk 8 great distress among the union with the Dominion on fit, o61ee. Fine work and prr.es toµ-. Orders ur . ..r.. people. Patrick's day. mall reeelwo porsonaT and prompt attention , A ' . t e' n . e , - ", , . ay - t 11 I . .1 . . I ''I • . ,M-', . I I , . 1,; .11 I r'. •., - ,: ',, 1 "- ' - , . I . . r I .. I u I I . . I .,.___,. 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