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The Huron News-Record, 1888-03-07, Page 6
,. 1 S y • y , .. , . • a, bits v' 7 t . ^ ' 01 , .- k �, 7 1* a '. , ,, r `` ~e ' , ,; , �..* o . . . a' 1 e ` • , e r n , q.k b I r, a 1 . o , rt , J " (.. ___7 _Ir #s5,' #trli ' IOTa'.. 7s1�TGrFRQUs, Cf�[T�V TF�li�l` 11,5. Q.. T . rangy u�� �� .turd , otlxttelf'etlf a1 .a1+Yn S SIRn eiolis ," IQ.olcs rice Naeful to t3dtd to.: or.,►° o Y. £ , I��r,Pi �•��y n ... ,, p:�4:,1h . 1 M 11 a. t e t1- w. c sal ,, c I , . I<,ac n ,0.nt-tix,2)ito !lclvtli"to. t 1 b .. t axq k.. 6bnl . ii Y 1 ft}• , to 4.: ,tato y ed o, _nlib,. ractic? 1 .ex elfleltco g sly • , M, „ P, , ? 1PI a 611tt?tI ..ec 1111 t a i,lg-ul , al troll, Arp , : , u . y d : teaches Il.s tllµt t164� be,R,t 1-i l?aa ly !01 1jf11AT #tl , tllnloIltA3, JN xPPI.X}1A Pn, , a . s<glog�cli-'l�,'ff'. I. . tlol3t a.4ela �3 altiu :iul tl1Q. dcLtur xMiY� - �, , , al d a as o a ,, AriO V,Alan, 112Q totllnllsabl.o ,ilu.eoesst 1'. .• ,: ted 3tt' ,I Cyt , is as Qf tlib (St, chr Ltvet ..: b tt >Yad3 ti4'�tl.t. S..ItY, �. M t y, , . ; N' , , a t.„ R ' .. r)l.lst$ ob eve(,, b e a v.... *thl eerioits �, cllsi+( iivllQati• . anal Bloo(1 is easll tip ale lead and is a i �T, a, filolm ns' it poslttv.a ,' is it d' , "trona r n. n o, t~ oulo x y ,. . 'es oC!1a11 It casea',ot Cron YuQu,tioala. Ta irourntill; tpt,niry tdj mg :many fl'leud .. n . �(< ;.... Co x. eH N lx. n oo, 1 'wv _._ _. _ _ _. _.__ ��__T�. - ( Duro fart>ta,►h end Cold 311 f.11a, P • y, t�, . 1,, r , . t:la,lled 13.13. B. 486 2t like to ifft their opecull atigntion t.o ttly very Corp. Cie stook Of • , - - . . , Ifeadl has,indticed unprincifile(1'pau, ,asci VO4er tia trlul ting truu►drs, d P -T ti ak t . tie&; to ia)iltA%1,0, ;it. The , il'blic •are, Ilene, nQ: 44tnil ohomLdl b(z'ayttlluit4 .a � � i`i�i,if, i �r�i R . >a fir. T r WSIr .a ... late. *t . Ia I) . a a l tv� 11 .t I 11•--DIr, Ri.i o 1, ut Goelp,h, 11,+a 1-q ,cautioned not `ta be% lgcts'tvetj by ' bottle. v; Ayers. Chorry ',11octal�ii.l. 1�.,� J t t . oaf vied al rdur,i ' dOl1- tier's lttolvQrs, 1 -M . �,posiAl attentlan (t} direried to my stock of ! e'e'i)a fill It, 1C da lyll. 14 ltd 41Siat(:tttt»d ttllttnt►pr Nti$til Ba�tlt, wltich,llAap]Ovnd iEatllf,,Iil,tti0,,ljiiedli$k11 :li..ld 31 in r 4 (l .. i'fU111 I31'Usar1H, Ili ,rel rlli'irl. P. :1 T'' , ' Caa a, the 'be' IPin3Qr^e )a' 1+1a(l.i t:., e s • • All” . , U llpin,e 1trlt.l appeal a6O. , Let} ttl,r;. a P , §t g � L ("., • N N,, „ ;. Clunks tllelo aro tvals4t places In the naTues as Nasal: C•eeet3l, N+lsfll Bal• ever dlscoyored. It gives prornlu rel,,:: , ■ S I � •: • ' n "., ;' ;. States, than Duca I?alcota' with Its �1ATIONAL P,i.r,s act promptly upon sant, eto. Ask for Nasal 13aI6i Al.0 do and prepa,rga the way for a th(n•on, ; +'%nfl - talcs Tmltt tions, deal(et's Way urge It will be tound ver com 1 I >~ y . blizzikrEii• hilt he forgets Canadlt the Liner, regulate tbo Bowels anal Y • a cure, wllioh is certalli to be elieacksi by y p e. e, xnd . be t wAi k nod finish tie best bm material to bf ' - a§ a tia.r •3ttva are rrldlyd and t.3omu •h. upon you. , or sale b all drn • late -any one, Aa 1 em da none Qat rhes best worklnea, and use the beat malaris,, to. Qe vhleh is 11eQ Pot Qnl fioul blit I h 1,, h, Y, rtiP 3t@cot3tinuedt,so. I } ii`r sent p bought In the market, all 10o may favor me with their patrot)age may feel cttnfitlerl zatil3 but a1C-rite. otl3el evils he• per. 48641 post-paid onfiiecei riot prig ` q« R. Latimer, 11T. D., lilt. Vainl.,t, g a (50o and sl) by addressing ,Fulton 1 t .Gad, says: f I have tottttdAyerb Cbrsrss ( of sting-sa_tisfgctiep� ___-_.--. -_ _ - - tctyia'. "Ze $f.:8 s--'1'hosQ who noir ) i � -�• •+� �I �r�� ^��7 . , •--- Y Co., Brockville, Ont. -I'ectOral"a pl3}feet nitre for Crslttl n all .�• ��--- • � 1 "" �• ,wish'to ea.n retreat from Dil,kota-,lhore',rag roeontly" cat upon cases. I have ltnown the worst e,kcs d3u l.V 1� .il vV ,dt [. �V V,V . with tt passable exonsa.=-"She's .top the falnl of Mr. John NfcAvoy, lot ( relieved in very short tiluo . its use: - . . 1. 'N `11 blizznrdl X111 right . Go . Go Pickering, -Earl I�ufforit3 tvliill4 from Iu- snit I Advlaa #LII fat1111'iQu to naQ it lit a,t11• �'ruI1 S .nd Valises in re`at varie and Prices Low, to t t 3, 7th con. I ickeri n ' a sus„:u s den ewer encies, lar coo chs, orae ,, �� .' g y �' ° ' Id convoying his warmest noel most 1 to Florida turd fight mosquitos. , ruuplo'troo uuo hundred au -1 ten A. J. Eidson, U. D., Miaalel(ltt's:, feet long four feet in dianletar )sill(] respectful thanks to the Mayor and Tenn., says: ,I have urll),1 .ly,•r- . Go to Minnesota, ' Nebraska, Io+vl o, :0 ',” , corporation o4 1 oroutu for tho 1101 - Cherry Pectoral with the bent eft 4-i Ir • t� . Kansas or TQxas and freese in their which cvutailawl }eight and, ono m practice. This wonderful prel'tr.11 blizzards. Go to Arizpvaatld,do0ge q a1- dpni hits by u,►uuno a stt'eut y p Harter cords of cord tt,00cl,,, well tion onoe saver, ,q►y life. I ,reit, tt i: -"d- °° """ • _ , and elosol lied, putlarin. ' ata>at couch, Ili lit sweats, ,y;is gr, uta; 11Zeontlpedes," tarantulas and cutthroat Y P _, reduced in flesh and given up by ib j arc �r w , ,; ,,.� �••:.':L.'' :rr.�..,.u.r:7S� �.. ,-+.,,,_,— .:, _.=...:.,:;..a.;_..;s-,s.1-..,,,. , Greasers. Go to Oregon and wade Ask your neighbor or any person Pphysician. One ipottle stud a half ut 1 .r 11. ' in the mud or eat cold t'o�; for DEPENn UPON IT. ` who has used Barltwe}1'a Sure Uotlr Doctoral cured cilli," Cures Dizziness, Loss of fjppetite, Indigestion, l3ilivitstt(ss, �P..'i . J- :' broakfast.' Go to Aln,hama, Geor ria, Cure They all pronounce it the best "I cannot say enough in praise 1,i Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Affections of (he Liver and Xidneys, Accidents will happen despite all the ever used. 483-tf Ayei s Cherry Pectoral, .,•rites 1% �' , iMississi i or,,:Lousiana and ali:tke pp P y iaratidou, of Palestine, Texas, 1,81:, q 1 1 Pimples, Motches, Boils, Humors, Salt Rheum, $crof�la, IN 1, PA cpreltnd painful injuries such no r o. with. thoq"agog" .and liye with the gltrains, Bruises, C.uis end Burns ,. ihh as.l all that, but r�,r iia use, i 7hd .;, Erysipelas, and all diseases arising from Impure $flood, . -Tho Ottawa Gttt Coulictl ill. fang sbicQ have died." died. Deran ed Stomach, or,irre tiler action of the J3ou'els. ,'nagnr;" au11 fi'uully go to Califor- result. Every familyshottld therefore . t , y _-___.-9 . _ Oroased tho license funs fur hotule s� nia and live on grapes awl orandos, keep Hagyard's Yellow 011 on hand, ® ® �p�1 . • + , ' ' ', a ,, t1- 1-.v" .r �. Y :?...,.'7+•J = t,,,a�:... • --n " �Sfh . and favel•n:i front $150 to x:100, but Ayers Gheffy PII�,ch!"t:.. e' . _...,.t.... , ....:-. a""! ..1,.. finlit the sandstorms find the heat.lion -It is the greatest family remedy'for ohinose taut bttr' Lead in a to+vn• all Pains. Coughs Colds and Sore dbrdaioil by I1 to 4 a mott,Ou rodue- - �' v ' P y Throat, Croup and Coughs, ing the nnmhlr from Ti to 60, and anErantsn 3sr 1 site sand p tc . - boo what yan die yield quickly to this 'excellent have left the Corfunissioueta at Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mas:.a ' -ilio with youi bouts r as n n,or remedy. - 1 486,21. libort ' to issue the fall number al. . sold by allDruggleta. 1'rieo et; ala l,euit:e,$5. U O 0 � FOR 30 DAYS I :s $c train- robtlor-your last resort" Y y " front pot(lrgynnd nnnt, - lowed b+�ln+r in itruportion to pPJp- - - u G 1t _ 1. . ,.... , , ._. ' -- u rg. I' vv,'I, 1ausardd raw- u a ton. . o e i 11 K Clirlta Sawing Wood £+'v1- Cher- Ilorler, �iietl at, his residonce,'lorun- - -" B A 1111; STRIKE. " ; , d-;, , r q � READ OU'R. PRICE LIST ity,, onto, Bial week. ,Sumo weeks , ago ,+t. a Ci iii 1-Z. . A bigstrike was mak-+ when Powell _"' - + - " 1, And con'tnit your Own interest hypui•chasing in the Cheapest Market. during the severe " t'rost iso was i; •. Z 3i,, j•T11 T^IgI� }yyS' f300T� _... . r. g a Davis issued . their Extract of arsap The unu,r )(o le colln(cIi?d ,lith Ii nockQd down enol robbed while = r » , �, , Y 0 1 ' P scilla and Bnlviock• !t Ilea met with ?• s .,;:i >l Cloth -( Gol(i Binding 14 IUs. CoftOo Sugar................61 0� Best Engliadt Picllles, per bottle.$ 0 5 _..._ the Baptist church in Crome•ell, on Ilia -way home nt night and lay• great,snecexB, and it moat; for it -is -the i� , j1 �1 h )' )"Gs„n':u atsl Ka,)rari,g,. Iii lbs. }3r1"'ht Yellow Stloar.,..., 1 00 WorcesLor Sauce, per bottle.... 35 _ ,,, s+ stunned on the ,mound till both his most ,owerful blood purifier in the mar ' ' { �: NAMED VREE. 1.7 His. Pure Racy angar.......... 1 00 Pnre Cocoanut, per 16 ............. 87 ',, C011., Look a novel way oYropleuiall- I(et. IIt is astd with the re f-1-1.1'...1-.0.1),: ten). 11-.. I Bands wore torriblo frozot Two ofhia g s,tesbsuccess -' °- "a ” "' '''"' �' S 1bS. GhOiaH Hyson Tea......... 1 00 6 liura,Jutid's Soap ................. �.5 w i,' - ing the treasury ul' the church last fiD,rO s,onn �,).uaGl.t ltatr,l-crsir„ nia It "atn1i diseases arising from adebititnte �`L':' i"=c'<'"'':'•`°s• c''1_u° I'+tj°� ,t Ihs, g )ti,),lui H •scu Tca.....: 1'UO I4 BarsElectric Sea 25 p'sc•: 1.,,n,;.:,ti•,n,tutl�annauona..- ass I y p••••,•.••••••••• ------- neecouds. an of the syeteru, and everyone :•+ e rz;u, tv,i,•. rnr.ot +cornsur,iant. ,211 lJ aha. Extra Jayson Tea,........ 1 00 : Best 8.16. Ear Soap......t......... 30 lV .Olt_ 1-i r3,_,.�'l,•ltt'Silil y' eyOnlL,r the t.l tell ttt'0 UI' ill l'Et0 (d it 's arr0, ,)Ill the :t• vis:•":o1ir•, ur'1'ue7 Lin, of ,,.lento.. .T- a J a needs. and should use a bottle or two at • i' '" 3 5 lits. Choice Con -you Tea....... 1 00 , 4 Cal(es Toilet Soap •la" )<Y,''' oun,r molt gathered ill Cllr) adore �allcC`k to his. sYstetll was R0 groat that this se, -son of the vicar of Powell's Fx� }r � 1(t�;leutl:rv,t(leij �nHr, 1i lir nwl�(111io..,.',,:�5 , , p ••••'••'•• - 2.5 - T Y a o 1 , p - 4 11 s. Choice Japan 'loa......... 1 00 3 Ibs. New Currants ................ ;;�,�x - of the church, where, allrrutULd0d. b Atlecillilbetl this moaning. HN Was lie tract of Sarsaparilla and Burdock, Bear - " +',dere Murbux, yond(ine.......... .25 „ y "1,' •u•:l1A-Cold, uronulcdun.............. 2s 3 lbs. 73est(h;u�.jBreakfatit Tea 1 00 2� lbs. 1Ve,+ Raisins............ ?:, ..'.'• ill-r111V.1Rie!!Il]nd 1„' till tt'l1U knew 'in mind Ono 50C. betLde •COatal't9 tnnl•0 `'.L, ,,-iulrla, Toot.hnriw. ••?j 2, , r .)` �•,". a 11+ivy of ill P,I l' illi,+' t'1'1Hpda, they •a - 5�:�.(ondno�ex. tick i(o:,•ancao,dVu,ia o...:ttn g11>s. Fine .T:LVIt C(titCe,.......,. 1 Ot) 'tel ilii,. Sul tana Rai.'' _........... , i solid medicine than most dollar s0•cnlled . -•-•.y._:.... ..w�_, �. .: T ��i -- undertook fo ,liisyt) it hod (rui'It in Ilan. - 8 lbs. fine Rio Coffee.......:.... i UJ ); Ib:(. Ae,v Figs ...................... 40 $areaparilfa•ana bitters. Also remember - , t; lbs, Rlcc ........................... `35 ' G dozen Clothes Pius............... 20 1. the old-fashioned way. he young -�- that it is,sold in Clinton by all druggists, V `' `'tk la , gaga 25 ' s, pet an, I2xc 25 4� . ' • ladies enjovet the Uliugliug woilt Barkwell'ssuro corneure will cure puce 50c. nb0[tlr„ Sold by llll drug- lel 93V!1pei,sln Mlinua:Slomd(l:h•••••....- •;,� l II,A r • Sardine C t0......,.: r -, _ ' of lh,) yuutt' t»an as they .hard or soft corns warts moles gists and rnedicine dealrrs. evPn•where. L1., np rreeeeaorIlia inful Periods - .�5 • a. Starch........... ..I..., 25 I -Call n feet .Telly, per I•utlle.... 60 Aetye(1 t , , 12 tri'hilea, too 1'rohrso Periods,......... :zi5 and, perspired over the nllt•. A bunions and in -growing toe -nails - 443'11v 113 Jron, Congh, Difficult Breathing.... .�5 (tiI1nC(1 galdllOD, Canoed Finnan Iladdio Calmed AlaCkel'el, J 11nC11'T011}llC, ll I1 I q 19 Salt itbeu,n.Erysipetns E,rup tion .. 5 , lard cru++d ltd, ,the aclnlission of without the slightest pain. There - ,IS rtheu:uattRio,Rhen(nnticPaine...... .2t5 Boneless Pi,r's.h`cet; also, Canned'lbrriatoe-R, Piulue, PinO Apple, Raspberries k o'' p' tl; ,,be r and ACua Chills, l+lotarirh.... .b0 ,$l. may 1)e'h undre;ds of preparations for—Xim'stoll' Impors tell of rife ],7 Plies, Blind or Bloedin ............. 50 at bottom rices. Special inducements to Ci'asli Custon)Crs 1n Tea,. nlrjnpr • ten cents to sae t11O irorlt gO on, and corns, but any person who has once death on \Volt lsluud ou J'Iond,i 19 entarrh, Iufh(onan, CottlintheSead .50 and Toilet Sets. Call an(] inspect our stock and be convinced, one and all, I! Cl)('e)'pd 110? 1VD1'1i01'A lD the,[ efl'01'ta. , Y, O tVhoopin (ogah ViolontOou hs.. .CSO p' aged, T3arkwell a will take no other. the 20t1i lust, of '`A,Irs. I liz (beth 2a R{iineviexbneyy,Y�hyeieniwoa�nexss .nom for patterns rare and beat of nate, yon must come to CBINA HALL. e1- null as +• L- was Tt has no equal. 43.3-tf . 2 ti 28 Nervous.nebuity. n:oo ° see �� . ', -- 1 111 TI'lalal' „t'(fn1Un 11101'8 the , ° 'ltd 3LD QTrinarylVent(nexx WottingBad '. 60 t. 00(1 it Cl'0-raid t0, A,.-.eC11msel),('tt'11011�Ahe,IOSCI'IbQ(I iJtec>lxoaatl:heHeart,Palpitation..�,00 �_o =? l� l _M� .- �i10 h. �•' ,fi yOn�l;tdTo"---i+v-wo- l for thls"iis fi}ie'j;� - - _- 7 anti tells Soa-ay of 73a1i= - - ns a mail Ot noble n,iou curl del,Ort- _E 0_VF - e . -_- -- CI3SNA HAZ.L. GS. rT'Td _ n , _ „. :11 ' what they agreetd to do if the young fax have brow rht n ch,,tI'g0 nnainst rt d o e t n e 11 t. - .. . *_axearc sus . , a - -- pried.-. We11e k Richardson Co.,Agents, 84 DSw - - E`4; - Ten sats -horses were raugedl in si logal firnl.at 11difax, for Rolicitiug CINE fiUOD POIN'L'• Gill Street Montreal., y) row, and len ,natty maidens with and charging losq than regular fees. 0'ut of the many possessed by D R d, w - - -- ---- -- N EW'. i1���1 ,k... �' 'r ^--- — STOREIII' . ., r a evia t , ,r > D[essl. htn (L Buss n a ) h the, I.o R lulled u u rased t 1 v be able �' *• 1 . o I e o Burdock Blood Bitters Is,that tt tnay �C • wood saws and , ont0red upon the to clear themiolves of. the charge of be taken at all seasons of the year, �`� � 2CE_ o o— .. • 1„IF • job of_redncing n half cordd of 4 -foot tnkitiglesa than +raual .foes by .,ho+v- and by either young or old. Ili this r wood to stove size.` Each .stick was in+ concinsivel}, that Cho had taken way the three busy B's are always at ---t- The wi B.LOCl%.l oil "HU opened a EE llrue Scores •u, t of the its 't,I o y' ,, NEW I3LOCIi, oil "HURON STREET, two doors west of the City work end doing good. 48fi 2t All )lilies owing _4` ► - Cut three tiut(s, and the y'ontl; urea ovary r.ent_lllo Hien had. 1- a �sr 13001: Store, where will be found a complete ass01'Cillelit of ]ore sang tai t{ie I„retty t+uulen aR they w�,y I►rntis :uul Che,tticals, also 1'atent,141ediciues :utd .m Rttw041' Hud sawed: oat but , A. FISCHER ESTdl4`It'E T! -''t --Dl-n'4r ists' `fundries-01-that the publicnlay ask for in those - -TwtSnty-ttvo St. Thotwiq liq,nor ,. 'ti d SI Y FRFFSIA3t a WORKS POWDFRs req ry r. lines. . sopors pleadoil guilty to violating are requested ta'sQttle by the 1st of March- --- :, _"_,_. surely' tlao )vt)odl pilo Was reduced in no other Purgative. They- are safe' ) , A. WORTHINGTON. �; -size until' it lily hefure the s leeta- and sure to remove all varieties of the Scott Act; at the Police Court a, the manager IR goin;,r 'situ f5•oul � : ,; , 1 y r Clinton,l3th Januar , 1SSe. l01'R Who watche(1 the def -01,11i `�'Orrna. 4864t on Monday [noruim,, and we..re filled P.8:-011icechanged from,residence tostorr , • Towil. This notice will bo tinnl. • x''1. t efforts of thu fair ones, $2,100, two of the defendants,beiug .- _ - _- -- --- -- I 0ya '. `� __.____ -A teri.iblo accident. happened charged with fust offonees and the CALL AND (.ET P,.ARGAINS IN •Domiiiion Lands ete. to :d little six-year-old, girl,• I)01intl- other twenty with second offences. Ci0'I'HINCr AND T�1EEDS. ` - I)aigneault, living oil ��tillnn l `�/ - •,-'a •'' , n Scott Act. don't aoem to. prohibit ', althou,rh it may hno for nun-uUQd Selling at cost. Fits sura.' I Thn relport.0f I)apu•tntent Of i.h„ street. ''Che child's two.brothors with , NEW STOOK ! NEW STORE ! . �) a couple of friends were playing iellee. _ '7C'�3EtMS CASA. . Interiurcontaineastatemouto'f hunt,- a, * E�.Ln� TT'e� BLGC . �����T® . cords nt rho labia when ono of rho _-__- ,_ ,___-_-_ , ,� steads,pre-oinptions, entries and sales A. F'ISGHt'R, -Estate. 7 1-i players accidentnly struck the lamp Almost' miraculous are some of the —_ - 0,,r • , , ahenciea"during thll'"j,ear is :- with his fist;ind bnockecd it toyvards curea accomplished by the use of M. Fischer, Manager. JOSEPH CHIDLEY Dealer in Furniture. IIoinedteadT. I,• 319,500 acrUs ;, pre- Cho girl, Anttillg fire to for clothing. .Ayer's Sarsparilla. In the case of R. .A , i R enl.ptious 87,747. ; solea; 114,514. -Although every effort was mardo to L. King, Richmond, Va., whosuffered Call at the New Store and sec the stock of ' ";' This is n rndnetion n, cunlpnrud with put Out the fda Iles, the child was 47 years with an tlgpravated form of • t I1ltirned xp 11ad1 that Aho drnd to he scrofula,Ayer's Sarsaparilla effected Bedroom and Parlor-, Sets,- Lounges; Sideboards, Chairs, Springs,previous ylmr in ' f,rr-etttirtiuns,-but Y astonishing results. " Rgti Afattraesea, etc., and geuea•al Household Furniture. • The whole Stock is from the vets a l',Lr,ye ilicreaso of homostehdsw by' be taken to the hospital where she _ � Salo, T a - - - best manufacturers. Picture Frames ane Mouldiugs of every dese"riptiou. ¢ _. actual settlers. now lies in a very cl-itieal con• -Mr. I)owey, of St. Mary's, coin- . clition. 1 lined s>mo time ago of sic,: head- J41S. CIIIDLEY, one floor West of Dicliso.it's Illoali Store. 'lho tnfurtuatiun furniehod by 1'Ir p r o ' ' ,. Metcalf, f'Idef of the Intelligence ---,�.-"_- ache, and was suddenly seized' with . --- ' k Office rbmpau}, shuw.� 6,000 more ANO`l'II1J1? ITEM. eoitvulsion3,trhiclt.lasted solus time.01 L Big ' B►argair�S 'lIlJAPA N* �� A r .emigrants t}lau in the preriuus year. Airs. J: Thompson, of Elma, Ont., Upon retwi-Ding to consciousness ate ' t The revenno front homesteads'aud Writes that she suffered from general complaingil or -a pain in the shoulder, I rioted of the shortest possible notice ' . _ fire-emptions (Coni' July, 18`87, to weakness and was so reduced that at and on examination it +vista found All nark FIRST-CLASS anal Prices --�—o . ' n that the ahouldet blade had been Low as any office West of Toronto. - Fobrunrylst., 1$88, nos $14,666,'tiroesshebecamealmostuneonscio�s. We have receiyedalarge consignment ofNF.W JAPAN TEAS tvhirh ruses otierf and from salosfur cash $30,126.87 Three bottles of Burdock Blood broken by the violence ,•.Of• the , - Consult 3.0111- ou'n interests alai call aL in 5 ata -10 1l); Caddies at the following low priced ,1, and scrip, $161,951.92, ' being Bitters completely cured her, an convulsions. I . TItR N1.R'a•Ith;C(itt7) office before placing she now recommends B. B B. to y 45 CENT JAPAN TEA -AT 35 CENTS, an improvement of $81 03tt.50 your 0rde1 fur an cines of Printinrr. „ as compared with thr;r lire Ger friends and neighbors. 487.21 BaRi:wt r,L's Bt{a\CIIIAI, BtrsA�[ Y cures all kinds of coughs and' colds, WH II 1-w Iia LY p TODD 35 CENT JAPAN - TEA A R+�� , . -. .. vious oar, The elainls to ]ctrl 1 iv TODD T �6 �IG'It®TS l tinder thH 14fanitoUa Act have been -l)t,+. cold evontttg last wcuh a bronchitis and croup. Ask for r' nearly all finally clue, d OIi the t+'ell-tv-do ]Ii1lRhnrg, \1rollingLon Barkwells take no other. 483-tf j ' This is the best offer ever made u, this county and ah.tts0rs of Japan Tea should secure Cdetreral Printers e PiWishera at least 011e caddie, BlagIc lea Equally as Cheap -Nile are selling a FINE 1. • final enumeration of the I lal f•breed CoUlItp, farmd•r wn,i seen. driving , BLACK in original pa3kagos of `20 lbs. at FIFTY CEN'GS per lb. This Tea is equal -Sonia yenrs n ,o ho wl-itur visite(1 x.� COIIIIIIisar0lt 1,503 certificates were 1101110 baro headed. Upon enquiry , ,„ • O t to any 70c. Tea in Clintdtli, An Extra Fine Toung 1lytfoo at 4."ic., ib 5 snit Mr. int s farin at Oakville. Anton OL.11-4TO`N ONTARIO. ;;y;{,. issned, of whoa• -3'l l - tiveee troaty it +vias fo11ud That 110 had made a o - - •f01b. caddies.. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Cell and see oto• Teabefore buying. P.. tau-rrnt•.liet with a friend" that he lhu 'horses was one that rho most taking ' 1 um breeds recently +si i3- invetr•r,tt•e trader tvuuld not have -- To �p�PER & ® NY ( dt^atvlt tram Indi,ui bsulrlw Tlo could drives portio a nolo and a hnlf :ulnittud to Ue ".ov0r Reveu encs s coal-miuiD,r indua!rins „rarul,r dis distant without'cap or hat. He won r trictR, prion ul' fuel Aad stock lussH the hot. old. Tho pump Rtaod in ion's L k i ' a.• , corner of the matnrc and ,when,the - � Tlie 0Id Reliable Tett line, Grocery H011se. Ill Hilt peat 9PttS,)rl aro referred to 'bo s ne�lecte�d to fill the trough �'- `�"`" _ .Che t,nmtiee of cattle, hoi'dt-d earl _1.....-..Iwigntive mHrlicioe should Y o o -,,-_- .___"_.------_,,_------ _ .- - - -- --- - - --" -- , r., sheep in the North a'�•st acrurdin'-liiisAeAs tomo land QurativH, AS well the patriarch of the stabl0' w;gld p� . I'll_. e 1 9 As cathartic- properties. This corn- clonch the' haudlo with its teeth {I . . 1 1!,� t� hdtesi infer untiotl; is :-CattL+, bination of ingredienternay b©found stud secare a supply. The thirsty . -_ - q�I� ,-i`} 'FRESH.����' 10l,363 hul�es, fi.9'24; sheep, in Ayer'e Pills, They strengthen tvit.uessea of rho exploit learn f 1,_''_ E•� 1 �j . I 15,266, "In regard to the :llorinon and stimulate the bowels, causing ell to take advautago of if, and the I And the choicest roods kept fn stock b settlement at bee's Creek the op- natural action. nm using part of the performance • P y t1- f.,iuiun is advt(llced that doubts ) - was to see.how vicious, the tin")- �I'.l r t Unapproachecf for-•�-"�-r-�- �-�--,-1 �` �-•�- -•��p �y about the advienbilit' of eBceiiii ' • -T lopatt.y of the value of $550 Y P 1 ., u_ Tone and Qnalfty. �i�,.LV �L. _G..1 E®,.!_ill .J�_.L�+oft7.. ' y e 01- used her lidels to keep her coin- .- iu� or )ernlittin,r these settlers aro 000 is exempt from taxation in ! a 1 o pauinns n+vny n'util her own thirst lJ`A7A1.4'Ji:rllE$ IFRCIE, without foundation. St I:11Iurd, shout $90,0(10 of tvhfCh We buy.in the very beat markets and g(vo Dur t nstomcrs every edvnntage. Our goods waR quenched. The only troublo en- t,•ill always be found Fresh and Reliable. and to the economical housei1ceper we offer ----.---- is in Tale shape of btinnAOA carrying ((�� Y , . < '. exemption from daBR9. tailed in rho owner of the farm �I �� ��� Gnelp� Untr many advantages.. Our goods, in variety, quality, and price, ivo are satisfied well sleet was to renew the 'patup handle 1 the requirements of every honsohold. Farm 1 s0duce,taken at the hfg0est prices. /)tIRTIBTII: Joe PRINTIN¢ . -' occasionally, as it was repeatedly 19 'I, ���.' 1111 WELL WORTH TRYING. destroyed by the vigorous grasp of ' NEW TYPE NEW TYPE the Leath. _ N_ A medicine which has stood theNews-Record AA j� - - ". Order your Bill Heads fat the Ne Orders by �HO��SMLE AND •R T - n AE T FINE WORK teat of time for many y�eara and Delco. Fine nark and prices low. Orders by ET,AI�. GROCERS.. CLINTCI.INTON ONT aIwil a given (•110 befit satisfaction aD ADVICR TO MoTusae.—Are' 'you dib- mutt tecelre f)ertlepdtl and proutpt attention 1 1 THE 1-IuRoN NrAga-RECORD 1618 llnoyard's Pectoral Balsam is turbed-at night and broken of your rest certainly well worth trying for by a sick child sufl'etiag and crying with . , • `---. , CLIPIT04 ONTARIO Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness and all pain of Ontilog Teeth?. If so: send at ' .&J t•1••( � .r Throat•troubles for which it is so once and got a bottle of "yfra Window 'a in O 0 - • LESLIE S CARRNpGE & WACON FACTORY, r highly resecomended. 486-2! SootbingSy.rup" for Children Teething. 0 v� aC m `L, -- " Its value to incalci3lable. Ic will rel leve U V . tl•t to V �,Q Cwt -moi" y 10�^„ the poor littlesufferer immediately., De- .,.� ,, o 0 -Inspector Robinson reports that-1Y-illiam Johnson, residing at pond upon'it, mott:ars; there k no mis- V ,� O w o ;,, in the west riding of Middlesex for Efrovale, SimCOe county, was in take about it. It cares Dysentery ind Ird „� , . 48 it;" a I Stook, a Number of Cutters, Sleighs, Buggies and Wagons. the twelve months dust eIbsed there Hamilton the other day looking for Diarrhoea, regulates the' Stomgch and F� L'a<L' .,a G o' _. 0 "/� • were 114 persons charge with his wife, who had left hitp February Bowels, aures Wind .Uoliq, softens the 4) ` I p, Tile Motorial we Inanufaetule•ts of the best quality and the Iron work unsurpassed d`' Gums, reduces Inflammation and gives � N � � r. In fact we make it an int octant feature of our business to Also only, the Vest pro - b each of rte Scott Acf,. f these 20th, taking with her $:26'7 belong. ' g - � � ..$ p ,r, tF tone and energy to the, whole system. l;a ( . o o" Ira curable matbtial and the bel t w(irkmanshfPP Those in need of VUTTERS 22 were nequitted and itnd• 92 -con- ing to him. Detective Reid found "Mrs Wintylow's Soothing Syrup" for 40 O � ,� �l'J,/ b � and SLEIGHS, of the lstest p1a1(es atYd styles, should aoc fail -to ` tricted: Of those convicted 63 were, her in l.ynden nttd� 'brought her children teething is pleasant to the taste t.1 -r„ W • a'w call and see no. . for first offovicea, iu which the fines back to' the city. The two ,were and is the prescription crone of the oldeat t,,, a � = a, �064 I --o--- one offencess,180 and 29 for sec- taken befotte the olive magistrate, the uUnited is eatStates, ro t 6ouEdthertro ld�e Pe cls - .� fy'+ �. �. ALL WORK, WARFANTED ,11 P g� rand beat female physicians and nurses in > 9 , costing 'them $2,900_,, who, after giving` her some who, -. �' ,� y The aggregate of fines impoaod +c as some advi bade her dcpart.talt 2begabotte.. He sure stir, -yak Pne'+Nrs. A Q �'- a, [;�� Repairing and Rnaintl�Pr°omptly Atter, to, ,$6,050, of which sum $4,300 was her huaba Tone of the messy Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and cake na � 9 R,,,,,, b ,1 z R % . Iluid. was missing. other kind, 44x1 u O p,,(� FACTORY on corner of Huron and Orange 1Stre9ts, CLINTON. j 11 I I., 11 ' , . 11 11 .y. . , . A n ., a n - . , i '.1-.1..1. _: _ y (. , . ^ - . , ', y"� y -., , A , N ,, _11111. - - a n I .. .. x� ._ .:.° .. L • , '1-i "4aMw' ��.,,�, ,fie w. ..,.J. .r r.. ♦ J .. r , ,. .,; ,,. ;,, d,� " .: . --. : ,... ":, , ..... : •,.t;' 1-s ., y •. , 1, ....a.....i..,. r•��.. <,.:,. .wv, ..,.,... .,: c:;::,:...._ _.�..,,r ... _.. ,: ... _..•�X, c:... c - .�,,..._,.a,�,... ... _. .....:.+ ... r,. .�.m�r,.,. ..-. -, ..1-r. ,. .. ...:�ia.n..S:,Yd.,:aLo---_ ,.--...,. .ar.a.,...r ,it.altr. i:..,r.L- .. _.. ,.._.......... .... ..,._ ,.7.,,.,.y,,:.: ._�,.•,,,, _,.. ..,, .,. �,, :,_ ..,..o�.�...". .. .,,�_,.....e.•,.✓tE..z....