HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron News-Record, 1888-03-07, Page 5r_Fn F pnv a,. rn'-c J U!!_x ..__W15. ;maw , manager......... Estate J. HODGEN, S. ' • - • • Dry -Goods Emporium of Clinton. SPRING - STYLES THP1 —OF— Canadian cPacific V y, By tilitecial Arri-ti ;elnent A COLOMST TRAIN WITIT FREE 'SLEEPER ATTACHER, will LEAVE WINGHAM at10 AM' ° -ON- Tuesdq, OlarM IO 1008 INTENDING COLQNISTS to"•Ing advantage of this Train can accompany Stock and Effects and go through to destination WITHOUT CIIANQ OIt TRANSFER. AN EXPERIENCED AOI:NT will accompany and look after the party. ` For full information, rates, and to- secure berths inn fJaSleeper, call o W, dson, . CI 11. R, Agent, COLONISTS' TRAINS �aflaglan Pacific RAILWAY Will run Settlers Trains to all points in In9HITOB9, :-: DRUT9, `(r And the North-West. Colonists for British Colulhbia and Pacific Coast will also. he taken on these specials. ' Learing Toronto, N. S, N. -W. -Station, Brock, Stfeet, ato p.m., Tuesday, February. 28, and every Tuesday thereafter during March . and April. j A colonist elcepor will he attached to these t trains. Make early application to agent for what ! cars and, berths you will require. 33•feetcars eupplied for colonists' movublve: No Customs delay or expense. Noquarantine. No transfers, Jam, For farther information sec agent, or write COLONIZATION AGENT, {� /110 King Street West, TORONTO ' W.JACKSON, Arent C.P.R., Clalltrrll. i` 81ftY,r Grand Trunk Railway i SPECIAL h Coioriist Vain! FOR D A K OITA And ALL WESTERN POINTS, will leave Palmerston at 8.90 A. W.; BRussri,s, LucKxoW, WINGHAM ; and tY' CLINTON about A P.M., on the 13th of Maroh, ' making a 'Throliull 'i1 rail) to which is attached PASSENGER COACHES. Railroad Agents will accompany the ,/ '.train to Port Huron and assist in passing lA - Customs. All parties going abould at once make arrangements to join this, the nnAin party for this'sea.4on. For particulars, as to Rates oI any other Information, apply to A. 0. PATTISON, station At{vut or JAIIIF.S T.HOMPSON, 't'ow'n Agent, Clinton. W. ED'AIt, (s, i'. A. 486•lt FOR SALE.' TII SIJIJSCRIDEn offeraltor salb four eligible Building Lots fronting on Albert street; also " • two .fronting on R14ttenbury Street,• either en bloc br in separate Ions, to suit purchasers, For further particulars nppiy to tho undersigntd°-E. DINSL EY, Clinton. 382 Powell's sarsaparilla and burdock the tnost powerful blood purifier in' the tnarket. Price 50ets. a 'bottle Sold by all druggists''. 443.•3tn. ' Mortgage • S ale. Under and by virtue of the power of sale con- tained in a certain mortgage, which ,will be produced at time of sale, there will be offer• ed for sale by Public Auction, at the Hattetury douse, Clinton. —oN— TUESDAV,- MAR: At 11 o clock in the forenoon, by James Howson Auctioneer, that valuable farm property being Lot Number 36, in the Ninth Concession of the Township of Ooderieh, in the Cegnty . of .Huron,• containing 80 aero", 'Ill. I. is an excellent one, in fair condition and well fenced. There are upon the premises a frame house,., frame barn wells, orchard,1e_ Thu property is well situated as to roads chinches and schools, and Is about {ontain'4'.. _'ti ^sarv%lieNuurishing town of Clinton. TRaus will be made known on day of sale, or way 4e, ascertained upon application to the Ven- dor's Solieftors. The Vendor is prepared to allow a large proportion of the par. chase money to remain'oa inortgage at six per cent interest. JAMES HOWSON,;Auctloneer, MANNING & SCOTT, Vendors Solicitors. Dated this 23rd day of February, 1SSS: NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the niatter of •ATICHAEL KELLY,of the Tbwn-.of Cltnto-) County of 1Izcron, Grocer. NOTIC& IS HEREBY GIVEN' that the above named Michael Kelly has made an assignment of his a;tate and effects for the benefit of his creditors, in ppur"nnnco of 48 Victoria,•Chapter 26 and, amending Acts, to To the undersigned Assignee. And the Creditors are notified to meet at the otllee of F. R, Pow•ELL, Esquire, Albert Street, in the said Town of Clintbn, on TnURNDAY, run 15ru DAT OF MARCH 1893, at the hour of three o'clock in the afternoon to receive statements of his affairs, appoint Ill. apectora;and-for•the orderingof the affuirisof the Estate generally. And notice Is hereby given that the Creditors of tho said Michael Kelly are required to file their claims with the "aid Assignee at or before the said meeting of creditors and that after the 15th they of April next the said Assignee will proceed to distribute tte assets of the said Estate, having regard only to such claims as "hall have been given to the said Assignee and that he will not be liable for the assets of the said estate or any part thereof so distributed, to any person or persons of whose debt or claim he shall not then have had notice. Dated•atClinton this -fifth day of March, A.D. 1988. DAVID DICKINSON, Assignee. F. R. POWELL, Solicitor for Assignee: 486 9t WaFt Huron farmers' Institute Will hold its annuhl,lneotingat ID V NGANNO'MT On FRIDAY and SATURDAY, March 16 and 17, be- ginning at 1o'clock p. In. on the first day and closing at 1 p. In. (in the'gecond day. Members of'the Institute who havearranged to read papers on the occasion will •plea"e notify the Secretary at once, so that their names can be placed on the program. On Friday evening a general meeting "will be held, fit which, in .addition to a choice musical entertainment by local talent, addresses are ex- pected from Hon. A. Al. Ross, air. John Drydon, M.PP., Mr. D. McCillicuddy and others. All are invited. 0 J S NA►TEL, 7 KHRNIOIIAN, _ . Secretary 486 2t President THE PRINCIPLE e a ,Di O Z -- COLD MEDICATE, D 1-1 call [rote, 216 Yonge St , Toronto. N. Washington, M.D,L, C.P,S.O., i Full Dent Throat and Lung Surgeon, will visit " Clinton, Hattenbury House, ON — MONDAY9 MARCH 19TH, '1888. ONE DAY ONLY. Come 1✓urly. - CO,I"I1ItatJosh Free. NAME" AND ADDRESSES OF PATIF,NTS CURED aY DR. wAan INGTON'S NRw METIIOD;-AI S Dean, Bridgenorth, Ont., Catarrb, 1 cad and throat. Mrs Jos Ey re, Kimballs, Out. removing growth from nose. Air Stevenson (boiler foundry) Petro. los, Ont., Catarrh, \Ire M Cornish, w-allaceburg, Ont., Asthma aM Consumption. Airs A1eLaud- ress, Jona, Catarrh of thethroat. Mrs J Lanning and soh, Kingston, Catarrh and Catarrhal Deaf. nese. Aire R Chamber, Aylmer, tint., Catarrh throat Mrs Jas Emboraon, Napance, Ont., bron- chltis, longstanding. J A Little, Dundalk, Ont.,. Catarrh. .I E Rorsey, Badgeroso P. O., Catarrh; bad form. A D Uriin's son, Wallscebarg, Ont., Catarrh, head and throat.,, It Menzies. Wareburn, Ont.; Catarrh, head and throat. Mrs F Scott, Sterling, Ont Catarrh, head and throat. Edith Pierce, Strathroy, Ott., enlarged tonsils. W Lihdsay Petrolea,' Ont., Catarrh. Mrs J Tait, Vvrier, bnt., Catarrh, head and throat.. Mr R `Noble. jeweller, Petrole's, Catarrh. If McCoul, P.Ai., Strathroy', Ont., broncho consumptlon. W H Storey, of Storey & Son, prominent glove man. ufacturers, of Acton, Ont., cured by Dr Wash- Ington of Catarrh of the throat, bad form, and pronounced incurable by e113fnent Specialists in Canada ami England. Write him for particulars, Big,puf0haso o Dress �oadS- HATS -AND 0APS-1 f'� o—u— of the very LATEST A141ERICAN RANUFACTURE. Also J ■ [ � ■ DETLOR,,&."00111 One, Case A merican Nec�/'� wear I --lave opened .out TWO CASES of Dress Goods; (ver,' huudsowe>, from 20c. up to 50c.. A call Iespeotftlliy solicited. ALL SPRING SMFS .and FRENCH IAKESI GEE0_ � TT 1AS0r0-NAr , rl°hese Goods they l�ol�o•ht mat 50c. elm t1�e � �unffi Murray Block, Albert street. y dvNeat Door to DRYtOODS PALACE.. will Offer thein at - -- -- :HALF ; REGULAR ; Ffl�, , .8 OF THE *-,-i-, Tliey'are, �Vonderfiil•Yalu e. ' Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York_ ,,1 ease ®v -Coats atWholesale Prices RICHARD. A. McCURDY, President; —0 — For iLe Year e..ainS December 31st, eSS7. J. •C DET1,0R &, �■ A$ : SETS.......................................$118,806,851 88. . Insurance and Annuity, Account. No.' Amom,t _ -No° Amami rolicies and Annuities) II Policies and Annuities - ow in force, Jan. 1, 1887 129,927 $;393,809.202 88 in force, Jan. 1, 1888 140,0431 $427,628,93261 Risks Assumed........ 22,305 89,457,469 37 Risks Terminated ... , 11,'299 35,837,738 74 152,232 $463,266,671 25 162,2321 $463,286,871 2.5 • Dr. Revenue Account. ems-. New Dry -Goody ! To Balance from last account .... $104,719,734 31 By Endowments, Purchased Insur. " Premiums ......... .......... 17,110,901 62' antes, Dividends, Annuities 1 " interest, Renta and Premium and Death Claims......... $14,128,423 6o +- �^¢ �'N oil Seeuritles Sold.....,.... 6,009,020 81 - " Commissions, Coln mutations, New �o� 1'�eh l 's' ' Taxes and., all other Expen. t ses .. 3,649,514 49 . 13 dance to new account .. 110 061,718 W o -.-.,-- - 1> 839856 77 _I _ $1 539,656 77 p y New !iV roceries O Dr. o . Balance Sheet, Cr. To,Reservo�foryPolicies in force—�� ! By Bonds Secured by Mortgages oil T - Having just bouglit a Stock of )low goods, at the )resent and forrisks terminated .... $112,430,096 00 Item[ Estate .. .. .. ... ..$#9,615,.288 06 > v ■ b 1 " Premidr6i'receivea in advance 82,314 361 " United States and'other Rends. 43,439,877 81 LOW I RI(�ES,.�I all) in a j)ositiotl to stilj. goods as low " Surplus at tour per teat...... 0,294,441 52', " Real Col- laterals. .....state and Loans .. 20;159,173 $7 Cot- IlateI as any respectable House in the Douli,>rlrl(t n. Any one .ti... '! Cash is Banks anti Trust •Polo- _ - . ! paniei at interest.......... 2,619,36406 -- wvalltln�'. •' Interest accrued, Premiums de. fcrred and in tr•utsitandStm-'� dries 2,975189 9893 Good Goods'at'Loviest Prices., $118,806,851 83 $118,8_06,8.51 88 I have carefully examined the foregoing sta'lemeut and find the sanno to Up correct, will save money by cabling on ins. I ntwuays• keep GOOD A. N. \vATEKfTCCSN:, Auditor. From the surplus above stated a divi:lend will bit apportioned as usual. [STAPLE GOODS—.what the people wVant-abl;d WILL Year. AaRisks Outstlslc x Surplus. NOT BE UNDERSOLD by any Ocie in the trade.. 1884 .......... $34,681,4.20..,.....5:361,789,285 ........ $4,743,771 1386 .......... .96,607,139........ 363,931,441........ 5,012,634" Butter • and Eggs, taken in :Fxchan a for •• 1856.......... 68,832,719 ...,... 393,809,203,....... 5,f43,563 g 1887.,..,..... 69,457,408,....... 427,028,033........ 0,294,442 New Yoaa,'January 25, 1888. Goods, A call respectfully solicited. ROBERT A. GRANNIES, L F. Vice- President. HPLUMVISTEEL . ISAAC . LLOYD, 2nd Vicc•PYesident, . WWILLIAM J. LA5T0N, Secretary, BOARD OF TRUSTEES. SEARLE'S BLO(,K, - - CLIN' TONT Samuel E Sproulls -F Ratchford Starr Julien T Davies Nicholas C Miller Lucius Robinson I Lewis May Robert Sewell Henry H Rogers 4 1 D B b •k ! Oliver Harriman S Van RengsclaerCru •er Ano W Auchincloss ' amue 0.. col. BERT Ceorge S Con l„ Henry Ol Smith •Charles R Ilendcrson TheodoraMorford Gearing Sale for 30 Dais John I: Develin i Robert Olyphnnt 'George Bliss William Babcock Richard A McCurdy ! George F Braker Itnfus W Peckham ! Preston B Plumb James C Bolden Jos Thompson 1 Hobart llerrick 1Vm D Washburn „ Hermann C von Post I Dudley Olcott Alexander H Rice I Frederic Cromwell Will P Dixon i Robert A Oranniss ! - —AT "THE --- W. T. McNEIL, Special Agent,' Clinton, ``Red Rocker Furniture.. Store."' T. & H. B. MERRITT, General Agents, Toronto, Ontario, The undersigned having bought out the business lately carried on by Ar A. Bennett. School • MONEY TO LEND on good mortgage or' personal security at ItSw current rate at desire to notify the Public that they will offer their ENTIRE STOCK of oolks, u J' M. interest. rf. bIcTA00ART. . Clinton, Feb. 2'3th, 1385. 486tt Furfliture at flock gotton Prices, All the,, Books required for OST -ON TUESDAY FEBRUARY 21st, on L the Base line road between Clinton and Collegiate Instltates aril Phil- Manchester, a SMALL ISOX containing tools. The finder will be suitably rewarded by leavin It at any of the Clinton lintels. --b. L.STONL+ FOR TiIE `EXT THIRTY DAYS. . Ale 1c110013. IlOC86. 488 IV::IL�f ■bar YV� q �q p p i -/rte REM School Supplies, Wall Maps, EE'D i3ARLEY YOR SALE, -I have a limited S qlantitk of good seed barley, for sale at Lot +■4 Slieeial Atte11tion'giVell to IUndertRlilllj; :111()) nllpllOt&terill,$r, Lesson Tablets Eto, Etc. Tablets, p.-JOiJN 10, Oodorioh T85 1 MI DEET N. DIIDDLETON. 986 2t 2t COOPER WM. COOPER STRAY STOCK ADVER- ►���J TISLAIENTS I sdrted In Tull, News RECORD nt low rater. " The law m keys It compulsory to advertise stray stook.Now ■ ■ al Ori- Busiqessw"Ifyon �� BEAVER -.BLOCK BOOB STORE. want ahy kind bf advertising, you cannot do better than hcall on "The News Record," 0 ItLNT'-'Advertiserswill find "The g1PROPE RTYI'OR SALE ORF■t�1 C uTQ S7 6 n■ TME' MERS1 Ncwe•ltecord" one of the best mediums Study your own interest and go whore 1n the County of IJuron. Advertise in "The News -Record"- The Double Circulation flag opened P ed out a General Stock of you can get Talky to Thousands:. Rotas as low an any. »w Scotch and Canadian Goods, French Worded,4A • Reliable Harness, UTCHERING BUSINESS"-FhIE UNDER- R signed wishes to hnthnatc to the of Irish Tweeds all the Ca est Styles, in Pant, r ty people Clinton and Surrounding country that In order to suitably moot the demands of his vary numor- p /figs Qfc. from the eery best Manufacturers. r I manufacture none but the BAST of STOCK. Beware of shops that sell cheap, are theg At pot to live, t1T Call and get prices. ,, rg nus customers, he has bought out the businegs of AIr. R. Fitzsimons, and will carry on the same, ` Cut, Make and Fit (�uiiraflteed ti 1, and Pricct� as Low rte Fc2(y other " by mall promply attended to with the cifolcest meats in season. Every effort will be mode to meet the wants At all, and he, House in the Trade. er0��' �. C.�x.3E2.")C''�R, hopes to merit and rtcoivo n fair share of public patronage. Lowest pricy" for large ordure. shop Next Watts )Drn;; � ' Stole. A Trial Ordev Soltelted. HARNESS EMPORIUM, DINYTlt, ONT. I'annere' trade n apectaity, ALBF,RT MAY. P, �+ �]■"ttPHERD+ AT B'L1Rt71��T., OUNTON11 (Jil.�/ j��l L 1'J 1 i ARERY FOR RENT with comfortable ro• B 11RE95 MAKING. -Mrs. Campbell, of London . jJ has opened Dress Staking Rooms over the Dry good Store of Oeo. E. Pay & Co. with first. sidence nttnched, The oven is new. Good yard and stable, Near tin: business centro of Clinton, being situate a few doors west of the y / etas" assistants, Sho Is in n position to turn out work eryual to any in the city. She respectfully asks,trialorder. Ilooms over GEO. E. PAY & Commercial Hotel. Tharp ie pp good opening for n steadyy' man w ith small meads to go Into the llentlow. Apply rat thtsolRooTile NetsRecon For PCG'S, Me Dry Goods Stere: ortog D0D$ O or to A. Donsw•oRTu. Y473.1E *w