The Huron News-Record, 1888-02-29, Page 6y `, , r_I 1 y i. • " • i i I ,-� , •4. .. I n n11 .-1. y . .. " ' r r ti'it ' y A r . f - ' R . - 't. . , - +, .. i. . r! I - .,.-.. .., .. __ .. .. _. _ '0 . - _. w o I _ .: • Eves• .ad ' Ile.elQ � aprin .lw,etrir ,ilualgw 7l+o hlorltlsrrd ...Ara you dl�• ; _ 1._ /�� ., _. P .', (,4f '� : Ol` , , . tltl b.tattd,'llrillset►.cl roue to 11 t"o',... c.a.. �,fi>�: .e Q:.bara� arIta,tus •,bsv Dy g . Ar $I -AVS - by a sick child j�lt>3erinK and .urylug with ` , . yow .Sl,46lu Aavttnee. the food. Ala tboroiightyl aleaasoct %Rd ,r o tae. d et 1Pu people to expect coke far 1111 e - t .l _.W ._ __: „_—.-.-�-. lavl orated: hot ti :otite Qtlmulat .l , pale. of Qu,1jiu„ 7eetif If a o > a t 1 . P a x -t fi s1�m _N e, w 41 113 ' "A _ + x Fp�_. „"-- - enrl�tita sy,.stern( Prepared to t$dlBt ones nod get a'bottle of L'3rs VVta.slow s trop, ulileBa slier refraip ]spin artrn , 't , `�r� 1]888 sum Sootbigg Syrup for Children, 7`wethiug wlta,i i{g unwltolesoluot; but 19 Pill tltltt� •� a {Y(asitstwstNl►y, ro>urliu tY . tfle diekaseQ 8e...11110 to the au (:r ' - ' 'ars Its valise is ioculpul'able. It twill rel leve will eharp0tt tits appetite and ive tone its returning tbnnk.e to tuY many Aria; fie and patrons for past ea*tLouaitle, I v�!opl.(l e ,• - t,_ . _-_-. __,_. _ . plouth$, , Ask la Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Asia pngr ltt$lesuffer6r iwnmedittitelg. De- like to call their special at. ontlon• to my very guarplo pock of , Tt►ka no,Auer. to. the digestive•organs, it is.A.yefi s Stir- /w . What FAx-1VE%yor I;Iarr[taun, of- t r pef,d n:pn,n rt, motiles; there is no n ls- saparills. Thousands all ovestthe laud 'wNgS Wotps CURRY' CQM`BS BRUSHES nfl ETC . Glilicago, Sawrtr f>1 a3am. 41 ttr1111 apri lvolnan LtAmod Herori, talkewrbou4 it; I4 �9rea Uraentery and t a t i "!!_ Urarrhaaa, regulates the 33toutacll and' testify to•tllo'tnerifs of this medicine. Special attghtlort i.s. direeted Lo toy stock of . 1.u ;--^- of the ownship of (,Artwripht are ' 1'Ut 'r•lnl t:3 univurs;►l, and on Rowels, cures VFItid t,olir, softens Ails Mrs. Sarah I;nrrvu,5bs,,of-248 iightli, Jo Y if,. custody oil the eblit•ae of poison- Guns, reduces tutltfmmarlon, nnq gives saucer, Suutll Boston, writes : 'illy ]ilia- . ; + sees at tiler theater it Inarl In tree in", their nieua, tone and energyin he t+hole system. ' rr Y p+ r .,,SINGLE:: HARNEW" w�R bund bus tarsen A er s Sarsaparilla, for dress cirold Art Amen, wvhile Ilia wife "hire wiaelow's 5uothing Syrup""ft+r *Dymj,g)-•iia and torpid livor, and has aril tv juste nod slctvea (t'uun►Ie) are -.. _ _ chic ren 10a(l,in� fa destine to th Gaeta It will be sound very complete, and for 4urability and finish tenant be excelled lit. ])it. Low'a. Wonift SYRUP will remove and its' the neeca� taus of ane of the oldest boon ;rr.urly bon¢ftted• any one. As i employ pone bus the best workmen, and use the beat material to be in. the wumu I s uirelo. i All classes tumsor and (ease, quioker than any 1 • y bafrght in the market, nil who may favor me with their patronage Army feel cont den' ehd16v the betel'uut, Alsip] at the Allan• other AIedroiue, ' 41'. stud beet female physie,•'lans and ourilos 1a aA Confirm med p S B 'SIG.. I the United States. and it fur sale by all Dyspeptic. of getting satisfaction. .! ter each family, has lite batel put! --• --- - druggists throngh¢u[ the world. Price (!• Canterbury, .of 141 Franklin st„ r,.--- 1-(i �.c �] ��T RT � Ale N aud°spittoun. the lattter is carried ._._,Sheriff' tfarding, of St. John, 25c. it bottle lie sure rind ask for " Mrs. I3imlon, llass.,_wtlt'eh, that, sudTering 4rl �PR,!-�,, E, S� A Y Y AY D. ,w `r N• - by a "alive, who hands it to the i X. D., has til order from the winalow'i Soothing Gy rup," and take no for years front Indigestion, lie was at 111. a ladies when they avault 1:0 spit. 1 Su. rem6 Court to brio„ J. M. Ellie Oilier kiu'tl, 4431 last fuduced to try Aypis's Sarsaparilla Trunks and Valises in great variety and Prices Low. Tile betel uut is astringent and t M. P., to Feaderictou oil Tuesday' in -- -' ' - an,l, s.J s Joseph was n,tiof oared, ' �'�" somewhat intoxicant. It is chewed order to allow hi'nl to personally -iir. ]tubers CI►plt was chop' 1 Mrs. Joseph Alibin, lie FIigti arrear, GE0R(_A A. S'HA MA iu COtinACtiOn with a paste inittle Of explain his ltpmitiUu And if ,is, the,Cousorvntive candidate by IIoiyoke,Alass.,sufferedfor oyorwyear 1.« the Prince Ed atai•d County Coh- . fr9an Dyspepsia, so that site eoulti nbt �_ �� „ a.... - � ,,ate.■ - - }.. � an. ° .'.. little, tobacco, and pepper leaf. possible purge lrim§'slf Q.f his con- eat substantial food, became very weak, ' It not only blackouts the tooth, but tempt in villif inry the Court vent -ion. - R9.t P Y 165 Anal was unable to care for her family. • ' • .,r ,.R._r:r.:..A%4 .:aR<.:.earaa�- .re t - -.- >•.,•�.• - j'8 cracks the lips and so injures the throuob1he press. r i�u}Aller the tnetti(lnes preberibed spy ,.;'• ,"t'(" " Ask your neighbor or any person N' - Cures Dfzztpress, Loss of Appetite, Indiyestioift Bilivusneas, ` Suns that the tooth aro CAl18l'd to - - - - "' - who has need Barkwell'a 'Sure Corn physicians, . nor any of the remedies Vr?a' rotTude.and look enan� Fon NETTLIi'iijtau Itching Piles r sa11erLis¢d for ttie caro lie nyspepsin, DysF � " pepsia, Jaut4dice, Affections of theLivef°andKidneyQ, i? oaY't , ` Cure 'They all proneunoe it the bee`s . )i1. Ringworm, Bruptlons, and all ]cine hot ted her, 'unti4 mile eo[mnencett the 9 9 0 Pimples, Blotches, Boil$, Humors, Salt Rheuffl) A�CroftSla, g "•. Tha I:iug, prtucosA, and coilituou , they ever used: 483'tf ! t,•L►, dii.Uses, use -Prof, Lows Suphur, - mal of Ay er's Sarsaparilla. " hiree �-►. - � ,, I Brys�eZas, and all diseases -arising from �mptcre Blood; W, �; people sire alike slaves to Aha. uastY Soa 981-4t _r '--• --- ----�— p• , bottles of this medicine,",alio writes, titer , • - Deranged Stomach, or irregular action of the Bouels. habit, null half of the wotitnu •have .. I sturberu papei:a spualt of Clued Inc." +.I l•' L'i their utouths injured, if out ,thio- foxog-ov-ilnusually plentiful in that ll ,-„r.','': -s - -, ` '- :,r "r '�,A � ° , �' -! • ,r,•.... a .. 1 '1.'�-Madame Timothy Simard, pee 'Aye s' •Sarsaparilla lately distorted by it. Y uei,rhborlroud jai`s go11'' d Its - Marie Coto, who died ai 13ai0 St. r'. '. s - % - 0the'ttvise the wotnon are docid- Paul,• Cluuoibec, on the 17th Inst., ~- . -- rRFIs'AnhD°nT __ ed cuiu(?I having title forms and IL is -it good Tule to accept only such Dr. J, C. Ayer, & Co.,Lowell, [Mass.GOOD. FOR�����Y, a was 133yronrs ofagl). M4ttjnmeSinulyd •. trledicifles as are known to be worthy, . YricQ Ql' six botitQs, at5. \Forth b5 a bottle. ` good pnits. Woniva au�l men dross hns'buen titnrri0cl 64 .'ease and a tU a ' J P of confidence. It has been that so aeal'ty alike I cuultl hardly die• short time before her doath ashy, wns .. ,` tiu�uish uue Prom lht� ,,1her for experiouee of thousands that Ayers _� _ "a _ a 4 in flue ' eujoylltent of excellent' Cherry Pectoral is the,be,st medicine c i a f 1, ; L 3� S• cu 11�sevoral (lays, fol all w 'a.r shunt healt11. She 1►nd 14 cl.ildien surl ever used for throat and lung disease• - .... . R READ GU P R I''E L I T haw. 36 or harrrr:mdchildri+u wore marri•--.--_=-------- -. .. •--_ ..',:.. ..i,i' ,.il i SFLi7I� 08 Thu (}cess is ,t alut}t called "l,a• ell. iter' children, grandchildren -=IIs•. Dilviil l:ulli.-llon, Alf Suale , a - ', � 'For Fcsrscs, Cattle, Sheep, Anil comiult yotir own interest by purchasinatiu the Cbcapest Market. f` ;' uoung,” .About two fet,G wide 16trap itnd r0at ;;r:iulchildrru numbored Pmy, 16fhj1e wurking in his saw 111111 1 Cf: s, HoCs,�i'oultr/. 14 Ills. Coffee Sugar .............. ..$1 00 Besthlial sh Ficklea,porkiottlo.$0 '�5 1 50O r./ :11'. noo-i tna'rrecti, ". ped around the whir, with uue x250. wits cuu;ht by a bt,tt in sumo way '' "? ,,,,.,,[ i,fnulnt:.tr.a„d 1t's lila. Brftht Yellow 5u�ar...... 1 CO `Vorcestur Since, per bottlr'•••• 3d c1. order dr:ttyn bet,w.eell 'the lens and . . ___ and inst1113 • killc(I. Iia leavoil n 'A , .r rt hent vree. 17 Ills. Puj•e Raw a .pgar.......... 1 OU�'Pure Cocoanut, per lb..a:........ 35 C;ttl^116 111 a rrll'1110 art 1110 11'.11mt, , „ r , 1VIfd ,lid five Chlhll'Cn. ^vnaa-VeAerst Con_, -.Irtnr,- ipLammmion.' 5 ifrs. Cheico Ityson I'en......... 1 00 S BarsJudd'a Soap r...... 2. M a PAR OF THE HOUSEHOLD. ,A.A.••t,.an.:ws;n,:.aic,ty}t�u:1't•4t,r• t3Itps.SplentlldII oliTe,*a .. 10014 Bars Electric '2:, . '1 his nitikes a sur; Of' ilu%%'iDg tiolls- 11.11.-j+trains"Luo'jt•uess;fthenn,afsnl. Y`t p'"" "' 1.a ttI have sed [Its * ard's Yellow �- _ .__ �; (;,_arinaealp�+•, ' .1&11Dischurge.s. 2j Ills. Extra. Ilyson Tea 1 00 � Best 13,1b. Bar Soap .............. ' 1 (0 - 11 ,..' ors ftillil t i(? the knot=s. Oil with much satisfaction for -Colds A RARE COMBINA1'I,ON• »r; i�;_( ;u�tti�, 1ii'[i'vuw'i n uinnu:a. u lt,s. Choice Con„onr Ton.,.,.; 1 Ci0 4 Cakes'f,oilet Soap .............1 '1i, r ' A �e:itlelntlit 161'0a1'A tw COflt (sacpc) t If. 1t•. (`oiit• or (.ripetl 1tellyttelte. 4 ills. Choi •, Ja ,all lea........ 100 ) Itch. New Currants ................., '25 ( p ) And Sore 'Throat. I look upon It fie 'There is no other remetl or coin. a. 4:.-. t,.rcnrringo, 1den,Rrrhttrlus. 4( 7 ! -� _ cloePly buttoned to the ueuk, •with the best meditiine cold for use.” Y 1t. 11.-�1ri ry and liiduc • DiKeau¢s. L lits.. lac±st(1'lnK.}Bre allfast re 1 UU 21� lbs: New Raisiu ^ .............. °3:, l binatiou of Inedioines G11at me is s4 1. 1. - rut' i�s•o'-e)iayttsea 1�11ange. , Y -- Ills. pp . ..r..... ........ . Blood $ittel•9 Ill iia wltle pall +re of Witch Hazed Oil and IV edicator, $7.00, ry- c coast, rtuuking, stat] i;hue$. Thu - - - --- a Price, .co G ]hs. Race ........................... i (i iloza+n Clothes ns......,........ 3U , - power over such chronic diseases as * 211 Silydines, crcan' 1'i7c to......... 25 ;,' wunian g4in•Inl}y alluws; (lie "pnu---Mr. deputy Bull_ Dyspepsia, Liver and Kidney Com• gold by vrngr;tsta, lir , 31)s. Sago ............... ..... ,3_ -: 1 S oust(%' lu hang liken )ulticuat Intl Aritltend(:nt nenlnatl of il\dian nffalrs ]stat Scrofula anti All humors of Sarni,rrowtld oil Receipt of Prlce• , 4 Ills. Starch .................. 5 l Calf's Fr?ef Jolly, I)er bottle.'... GQ l , a plaint, 1tVe11m & ltichardson Co., agents, w11ra�i� tf4,ats:t0 her lires►�t a ,ijrdle, autir(lly ilisorodiui the stories of the blood. . 480.•31 c1 J1¢t:itt st., Aiontreal. Canned Salman, Canned Finnan Haddie, Canned Mackerels Lunch Tunnne. . leavin8 thu a}spur part of Oho b�sum destitution iuul c11uuih'tlisnt amongst -_.-.__.... -- - .__-..- .,et,,a .rte•,■ Bunelesrs Pi 's Fvet, al-0,Canned TotltaEous, Plums, Pine Apple, Raspl:errics w. t .; .' and Awifiders entirely bar(at acid the Indians fit Lacla Niche which .--A hillgsto11 lt•olllau Ila) nd �'1J �cnt button] prices, Special in(lueenlents to C:zsh Customer$ m Tea, Diunr�r pope ►vOAr �•huus. tlhawy of fisc 'Have becu telegraplled front Edmou- O'Pr'iili',. for urging; +t ,lfttlu buy SOMEOPATHIC awl Toilet SastS, Call Burl inspect ourstOCl( and be convinced, one and all. w1)r,1,iug • wunsen dispense with the ton, The depnrtnusut of Indian whoa] she boarded to steal woods for patterns rare and host rIfa11are, you wast casae to CHINA )TALL. i,dlN t•ulirtal Thu great muss of aafl'airs has heard nothing about tiny .awns seutoilcoh can Sattirday to the SPECIFIC No. 8• •�� " 11,". ^ J In arse 20 sura. The only successful remedy for -.1�. V .. isrul,ty, eveu ill tho city, ao barn• suffering au)ougst till) Indians, till Djerc,'r for two J't?st:s. The boy y .. q leased and hal',+ fuute(1. I'hia is ;tIr. nuhonglinet believes the star-, was OE.ut to thcs Ib,ful•nl`itor}' for (ivn NeiPOUs ®e��i�ty, Vital Weak CH.11V- t.. 1-1-&M,2 , CZ=TW(Z) '_ • ll11.11'�I�a1111lilaCu1111f1'16'. J Y y.port•inlorilelnlsA■dlarne'vialrothercnusea. '11 ies t0 be either'wholl • untrue of > pnd'Proetrntton, from over -work, years. t'A. 1 powder, for�8. _ ---_ •',�'+'erase ^.c'^••sr- a ^1•t_.r_•[!�--- a r'` - .- - - - _ .__ d f u �rl'U&811' eXlli�(R'1'aC (l. sot.anus)sect¢rs•ra,ar sentnostunido,,roceiptof � 1'llr wollietl spjwar to be indils- o ca price.- Wells k Mahar non CI.,Agents, 0 w r trioijo, :)n l perfurns Much mora _. _.-.- DESdestr '1'[th •\\URdr . they IihStn•rtNnntroal. D R U %Zz *T 1-7)" RES , than •,h tit' the WUrk, TIM 111011 11ri) NATIONAL P1Lr,s )urily the Blood' may airs y the children. . *ex. -_ _ _. _. __ -:_. __. ,. _._-_-.__-.-- W 1 ' Frt•emnn s ti\'a m l owders, they Qx• . lnzy,att111 will) All(` exception of lisle• 'regulate Stomach, Liver find bower o- --n ilio, nf,pelu to !ie a'illino to leave els. 481-4t, el all 1sinda of worms_ 481 }t. z ''4 _- p Z 0 T TCS..' / „ th(1 oonuan t0 t;urn the bread. All - - , �- Thu uudltsi; ul`d Las,ju,t opens,] a Here Iha; Store, ill JACKSON'S -,Thu Par fit ."'tory lois h00n TTE\1 Y,LOCIi, un HUItOr $TIti) 1', G16t�1 dQitts vestaL'•t1ie..City . ;fru ntvvrerah1 miniblors, and one _A young ,man rRmed Jerry e• - b the star eniont of the All sartf -, mving � �, Itor,tc Stora, nleru ti'iil be found (r con,j,letc assorttivatt of IDnrC a cl sled up 3 t I � iA •_ .r. _....,. __ __ ----parol Ages 'n rranrblin'� ]toast of ,Tohnson of Lhe township of \\'iud, , .,,1lDrilrt, anti 4'l1dlnicaly, .ilste E'atitttt iI@cdiellxds at►ai' t t►hiah than ab'c .t �tual• t'n:lu}; bani, wbile his parents were absent, 1is,aultutl bo}, Illnkr?, implie;ttin� A.. FISHER ESS TATE �:� - , A)i'uly"'1 S' titn161.1•ieS-allthait LhC IatbtiCnlay Hill fur in thus. aw. . 17 drank some elderberry wine at 'I'0hu Gilbert, and that conl'es?tun of a , lines. `'1, ,, + Others> i -e lhnu full. , Thev are , aro roqueldvil to settle by the 1st nl ]larch gid, WORTHINGTON. somecheese,andHulkedOuttoatte0, .(,Albert himsislf, x -- , • elltil"IV upoll ILt til) 5;1,±'•1, aan,tji , �.. Clinton,l3thJanuarnissil. where he But down. In the morning ns ]lav ulana�ei• iso( away 1'raiA . ,• or 1i11,•r,nnd art night urn distin• tie was found sitting there quite ;11iE_1Sl)N:IBLEIIUPE. "-�'�' P.s.-elfaechanged from residemotas.r.orr ►, �nishe l !, Ih(sjr many jirrhts. S 9 toes. 'Tlris uutith? acid b,: final. . , _ - - ---.. a J' o deet].' It isausnectedhe'waapoison• ••----.__-x.._..._.----_--_��- _-- -- ----- i. I \11;miold Lho kilts would gladly- ed, and au inquest 'will determine Is one that ja bused on previous CALL A`il7 t11:'i ilA1iUAIN i IN '; knowledoo or experience, ,tho'1•efore r1. lrs'HI 1 ilr .un1111e1• or these rynut .the '. poison - if any -employed. s ;(,L0'1'LII\t1 .11ll '1'11'F.t;l N. �� . n those who use B. 1i. 1;, roily r,asetr c _.a.__.a bliu'� . ,I.tue� lint cuultl' llu6 alis- tiers! -Don't driilc elderberry wine, , ° 1 ' don't eat cheese, dept's walk out in ably hope..for acure because WO f e Ilf±li,A with the rov1'nlio tllej' brills Sullllli; at ]'"tit. i°!is till]('.' NE'09' STOCK t�L Zit/ STORE 1,4 the cola] and ou won't be poison, ItrevlOUa AXI1eri0naC Of thousands (jp 4��aii0 . NEW V: iu. The inv0terate habit i'o - aatll- ed. ' Y who have Itserl it, shotes it to have Y2393EZ1VL�-' C.z'3t.S11. � h � . . bllnn Iii till) Cause Of a large pati of -_�._ — suCCP.eded even in the w01',,t GaBCa. , � � �C, T "• B�,•,f CK, - LA A-rjlTORC the thr. poeltle's alaveiyr. 1'hl)y sell 4R3 Yt A. IISCHER, 13state. --•--_____.�_.-_ .._ _- ?I their' chil(lrell and tileulsvI%,es to alit. •'Bd1dhiaaLL's Btto\cnim, BALSAM • --- -'- - M. Fischer, �!�itlla eT. y foods fur its -ratification. g + (''ucslph llxlter,gte11 how last satin,- PHC;tCHIDN�vYStnr nd.ece the stuck: nf�nntuX'e. w. n bronchitis and crou ). Ask for da • Ili ht two et',," Indies livin -----' -----•.' -- ------ t1Q � . cures ell kinds of coughs and colds , t r ea,ler lnl un The Willy Chinese inbnopolize "Barkwells" take no other. 483-.tt J � yet',," a - h near I)jautoncL C'rua,iug fonlsti ,,it _B dr 0 n oltIlge , SIC1eb0aTdls (illalr8, Springs, ,,, r t 1, rr r • +. ata d SL. .. . _ _,�'."r - c' -- ' , —Far 1 r•, Tr — r do nearly all the• avatiucs of weall11 '.A young laboring inati Ilalfled,.het8 o a ) , i hlat:tra9ses etc, and general Hour,cllolll Furniture. 7'Le whale Stock is frenal the Vol.) a a tl'i1ek, null 0 aSSistauce ' Itst iii ' ' ,• , Fra x e- , and nearly all kinds- of. business SlI311ryl'aw 1611110 lives iu ,1)eser0l1t0 �-• ?.N1)— host manufacturers. l lrtnra anes and Diouldjugs of elery J 9.uptiou. a , + time l0 (lrsig. him ant of lraartn dway JV.rs. CllilUil,k.• which requires ,industry and skill.. came to Napanee,by stage, 'looking bofurb a train wept „thtitidrrino , , �i i,Y, one door West of Dickson's Book Stores, Bangkok has livor 30,000 of these fur Itis 1616ife, with }y11otu ho heti by. VILLAGE PROPERTY __.�___-.- -- _ =r=- -- -- A "I `h AM T E A%`j P i popple, many of wheat have ac- a tilifelenct of late, dnil 'upon in - ... �__.��, ���E' p �t tlujr0tl ]urge f0e[unea' and holt] pro putty learned than she was at her Every person talks about' Bark. _ _ Big Bargains inLj 142.1N � . e. minAttt positions. They are rho fulhrsr`it, l\l r. J. DICCullo.ugh's. IIs --•well's ,Sure Corn Cure. They say tt r'tiTil; i;vcta'roltsn�n Tlt('STras of the J business In.1n find crooks for • the proceeded thithe'r and ontering the never.ft►ils either in soft orTtard corns, aset:atc of the late.losnrll 11xiot offer for sale I . L"uropeuurt •who iter, here, and to house de11taud0d that sh0' live wit}i bunions or warts. 483 tf the following vajuidGleproperty. namely : 0 _ • nuilding T,otr uu,nbern •120 and 421, in•tho nay sarl`i ise. the tvaitnts in the him. On beim rofuaed If drew n - -- -_ - Town of undcrlel, gmu•ter'of an care tach, fairly \\'u have r¢euived a ]stile const ;nrllulit of E 1�' Ja�['A\ 1'N:.1S which n¢ are oltrri plince.'s dining moat wore, pigtails. revolver anti shut har in till) back. -Ellen Sutherland, an oltl fencetlaid-very desirable for building purposes. ill 1i hild.1016, Caddies lit the following low prices : . • - _ - --- - -- Two other shots were fired but women who was recentlyfound IIarf acre Tint fronting jotill Bond, he Mal ip of ' Roaerit•h, bi;rng part r,t•lot a in thoMaitland ,�q Bonanza Flood Ruined, they ini,aed her. T]Io would-be- . frozen to death in 'hor log cabin in Concession of tine said Township. Nice trains 45 CENT JAPAN TEA AT 35 CoE NT S, • "ttage and fralno Ktllhl;, 35 CENT JAPAN TEA AT ututdertlr then flet] ft•uro -thtl 1t0U80 1110 1OWll3l11j1 Of Ring ton, OwilO(1 L9tnnntlror•:t,soutllsideof Hillar'stroct,Ben•a 25 CENTS, - The denroralix:ition' of ' the 'irlid ruachiug; the riper juloped on a laud to the valor of $5,000 or $6: !mc"tfllcr, quarter of all acre. s,nall frau,odiverl- MoCk',n•nrket in Riau Frnn,cisco is fns'mors sleigh alnil trent about eight 000. Site was vei oCcenti'10 and Thi las the bestvtferovarurade fn this comity and all ttaars oCJapafi Tea ahoult! sauura j'- , • , Building 'i,,,ts numbers Ana and Soo, in'the at' ]cast one caddie. Bliack Tea Ila wally As Clleah —\t a are selling a FINE attril,utnd" lu' thh aaio Uf ],taker Inlleasoldliwitid. 1'illsolarm beide preferred always to IiVe alone- T9wnofCilrt9n,quarterof'an mcroweh,bean- 0 ell ll in rl:anesaf.20lbs. at FIFTY CE�I'TSpat•16, This Tea isagttal ' Flood", 8tuckA its inueit as to ^the aivau trait;ltfit wadi pr�lnf';sly made. The property will he divided tlftlllysttuatod on south bade Qt nnron sMQet, packages G fairly fenced. to anv 70c. Tea in Clinton. An Extr.t )Tint; Young liyson at 45c., fn' 6 and 1-1 I CUntlllUed aC11111t1) of ll,e 1'r al nytate aliil the Ill -ill, linding hitllaelf close- alnOtla•:i largo n'Ulllbh r of 1101)Ilews The East Half of Lot 22 con. 14 West Wawdik 101b, caddies, Satisfaction Guaranteed, Call andseeourT.eabeforebuying. ullu'ket. .Toho Di,tcl.,ty uutl his Iv fullulverl, ,went tutu -a I}l)ld and a anal nc+icrs. _ osh; good land, fie acres cleared and fenced, re• , u't nor .Eluud hate at Last counted s11o, t 11 h4ta lwo frunl the road yet andmai0 from truWlugl; m, goout mils from LllekRa16� ' r COOPER SOKe; : _ --------�and C from R'lughn,n; good reale. - & '��• je oh los9os ill thu eolebruted wheals himself . thiou�'h tho hoartC11, vl fu WILL BE FULLY NIL, For further particularsaliplyto ,� , " I .IToatl of last Aviator, ;full hnvo• as a inlnlediately. The ball entered Indications of Dyspepsia, ' such as r. enllter, G . result eravc(l to lia friend% Fur a 110111. 010 left shoul,ler 1)1:1110 of the 4t8•tf Barrister, ooderlah. • The , flour Stomach, 7TAartburn, Sick 111e Old Reliable Zea ilIl(1 G1'UCery I�Ol1S0. •month I)AA the once bosons Cold woman, and, taking :f slight down- headache, Rising find Souring of ------•-----•--_- -- ' pauiowi of t.hn buultum firm hayu ward ou;tr,w,, ptsaed thruugh the Food,.\Vinrl on the Stomach, or a -- -- - -• _-'_ -.. _-- ..- .. _ __ .- not r•xrhnn(,ir,d friendly ,,1,14 ;'iinga. iuu;;a;ultl lo(}god agl►inat ilia bone Chonk)ng or flawing sensation at (' !. 'I� luud- finch tllott hip; +rt+ltl td-rrrll below thr± liir}tt brie <t. hd lrhysi- lbs piiof the stomach aro met by 2.I- F a Burdock Blood Bittern which has �� `N`", `,.•.r ' .,.I FRES O ER 1 E� -_ lush::+ atuullut to $01110, $10,000,000, 0,111-t haves su t' -%I- bleu- ullsaecessful cured the worst cases on record. r� ll r and L•1,} s the bLnna of Aho Inc dose in nel•tilln the ]milt t, and it is 483•�t a h a ..� i Anti the ,;boicest �ood;r 1ecpt in stock by ' __ ' 8118C111•tCiutl un Dlackr►y. 3lauak;ly t.hunght 811L• c'milot possibly survive. --_.�_ .-.__.TM E '"� ,� tt'l •'�,-�- •�.-�'-g-' -p-p �{ - attrihllte, thr' ni,bnp to Floud, a11d Slrwgraly had a bud tuntper, hat -About the fikst of last Doceiu =�_t t t b'I ' 10 �:..l..V �..L,� 1�. f1..V _!�7_1:.��it�., 1,111' r;•criwinatiuls aro snick to havA Arne nuvl:rloukud upouasdang�noua, )per Will. Duma]), a well-known i. ^ ! bovii bitter onungh fo pormanrntly' lilt teas about 23 yt•ars lit' a;;e and r'_� M _ Warwick farmer, wa< killed by thn Il ii, - 1CP buy is Iha rely best nlatl:ets ami give am ru{tamers every ad11nntn e. Om goody 1.alionab. t'ho, 0111 frienls, and p;ut- his a'ifa 111;t.: ulitrh J'Ouu,�1?r. ihu a /ie iuir f his t11a run n'bOnt three 1t 1 _ Ilnap(rgaclled ;r,r will alaaym bo,feaund Frcmh ietwil [iuli,[balc, Itnd to Also ecuumuical housecaeper we oll'er u,:rs, hail ha>�u to;n pied athuut leu tu011ths. 1 tt a o a t v `e'" h -" - � � -fay:: rid (]_itis'= pian utivnntA c s Ofu oat]::, in vsuet c uality, and ,t a we al's satisfied will nleut zi=p.. •, :. y • , }' b" '• 6' b', 1 1 ' r milds nOrth of Watford, Ilii 1616 i low . , a s During t1wir disatarroul.>uts he is r._ R ,1' 3 h�,fr i< the regnfrannentm or a11osy househuhl. I''ur,n 1 reduce token at Aha higecst pticrs. •k Flood has thrown all Iiia stacks etas titters,] alt Action n ;inst the r1A17A%0 , ' said to hire beaten her, Their. ° 1. un lief. nanrlo'I andAmok-tv hits township of Warwick( for $10 000 %� °�'' 8 tt"mi to n':ls liff"'My over religious 1 ' Y rl,(�y i ,,t O,3�`i l ELON BROS." .. bon plat thorn its his otvu stir,, . Tho N 5 dnmltnes Clniuiin than bur has• 1 �j� (f�F.i (I�t, o l dillctonc+,. • - o latot' l•llall .onlay ° S ( LL 'l,.i(. 't; 1, , t 11 tl . buunuzai }>aitlun, broken iri health 'bands depth tvhs caused by the , ON :still sldhis•, is alrltont blinfl, will n hn thrr;tta�ai",1 h•'r life •sari t}a:it, of defecti'vo c0nlition•of the highwfiy . WHOLESALE •ANG RETAIL GROCERS CLINTON, Ofd 1, I 11"I f;,Ihcr. ' ' C 1.11trPo ttlee:i of the man who (,igist lit the point where he suet his may.' e-st� a■,�r �.>:,c�d ,•-•ter 1r,•�,•. .•ra^� 11 yoaie agu 1,uAsted his Lauk hotel l death. '-_.-' - - -- -' -- `�` RM Y $3.000,000 wvorth of ['llitad that„s I D:1NGElttir'S C•QL'NTj,,,I1FElTS. -.- _- -,_- -_- ��” ���� CAI I ! jOQ S1i ��A�®� �`B�® D f Butt- + in its vutltalad.�S,006,000 ill A I11Ci'FT1llXR. "tn �0 � � 0 : o G. C iA�C c%l ` Counterfeits Aro always dangecouA, I � 0 © / 1 gold cuiu uu' il, trays. It i9 said ,pore so that the.Y tilways closely A big strik` was make tchco Powell ` U 4) , V •N V p ��_iN t'tl. `�T t'_ t that he is 0pprostiad with tilt) felt' . INMATE THE, 01410INAL IN, APfLARMiC: � Davie issued thr?ir T,xtract of arsap_ �, � A _I.. _____ _LV I 11 that lits will and hi's days iu the AND x,(ur„ The remarkable success •arida and 11.;rrlpck. It has m't with rT� U i-- tv ,� y M 01 o ----o-- - . Alnlall ' TIO has transferred his . eohievtad by NOAaI Balm ae a positive great gI1CCe99, rind it. must., for it is the Fr•n�•1 + �J m; ° In stock, a Number of Cutters; Sleighs, Buggies arld Wai~ons. " rr • are for Catarrh and Cold in the most powerful blood purifier in the miss• • V I "O r:,, t7 tet ------o o o_. 11 sontin the'Stock T'schauaP'Io his only o ket. It is used with Tito greatest SUCC83a t,..t ' fU r'd V__4 V • • Road has ilwdticed unprincipled par v �4 t� t1, The llkaterial we matittfactur *is of the beat quality and the Iron work unsurpassed eon, wv110 16vAB elected a mombor the , . iu all disr;asPs ru'isiug from n debilitated L, Q �, CIi x In fact we make it an im orfant feature of our business to use only the best pro- ties to imitate it. rhe public, are C'' ': $ Y 1 other day with difficulty. $e got con'dit:on of the system, and everyone curable material and tile beet workmanship. Those. in'need of CUTTERS eight bisalt balls ten 16v,u1d hese cautioned not to be deceived by needs, and shorlid use a bottle or two fit � .049- C1 'd y " and SLEIGIiS, of the latest malcaa an 1 styles, should Hoc fail to - $ , nostrums imitating Nasal 11a1m in s +a •Ji r'9 1: Ithis sa�so'p of the ear, of Powell's i x• d a ti- call and sec as. defeated him, , name, and appearance, bis ring Buell � t►•r • t r� .S� a o „ tract ofsarsaparilln Bpd Tlnrclncls, Barr a fy w _O_ -- - fn&nies as Nasal Cream, ala, Bal. Q1 to mind one 50c. bottle contains more f/i • ° 1 AOI:�r1) ADv1Ct:.-TboaQ h+tving snlQs of any samf oto. Ash; for Nasal Balm and do solid medicine than most dbllah s0 -ended ",,,.�',Gj t!n i� ,� u°i r� a�-�• WQK._WARRAN'T�D■ roil should consider tlutUt is just as Important •11OA fake imitations dealers tray urg0 Sarva drilla and bitter,). Also r¢melltber �•f i••t 8 q clave their posters properly displayed and np• LtpOn On. FOC snle,b ells]]~ iste p •"t 4 %� "" Repairing and Retain pl'Oxnptly Atter] fed to... pear noat Arid atraetive, as it is to havo n gond Y y' • Q, that it, is sold in Cliaton•by all druggists, nnctfoneer. Tim. Nxwm•Rycona malrns a speQlalty Or sent post-paid On'1 receipt Ot pr1Ce9 prise bOC. a bottle'. Sold by ail drug- ti�m i"•t - � 9 Z 'tl - - •o of this class of work, they hm•o the :naterral and (rj0a find $I) by addressing Fulford k gists and mediCioe leasers everywhere. t•►•'1 't4 ( � OSx} FACTORY on Corner of Huron and Oramee 1Streets, CLINTON• r - experiouee to give roe what yoctthvant at very CO., Brockville, ant. 44811y V 0 C CW U '• . reaw,nable prices. • r ` _ - . "v ,:: F:w li,1 . y LJ . .,, \I I , . . . I wa 1 -, .i