The Huron News-Record, 1888-02-29, Page 4, # ,• ;, .. * t ., 21 :. w s o o ... "� m r I ,. A a .. ...... .... ,.. .. - - .. .. - .... _. .. ' ^ a have, 1 v. s peon V Tali U11f rM4 '' � u# •i h404 noel -cotls01mitiouts',:arld i�r* G >a d,.' ha.. ,a A� ,Y ,pJJV 4V .t _# c .# 0 I �: . , J r ► * . „ Wm Drummond Es, . returuod seen iirld xiryorutis. and agtr.otc nz41vQr l}y' igrpottd `3tlttshcl¢, V ! - , . .7-,.l �I out. __ o' uc • of'Sir John has, dt xinry'the 'rten.dotfuet" as they would !±all jgn1e ficin Toronto lastklutsda y EtYtw;rttauprt cud t ? , p whore lie had been for sog�w.time. yiesi --p, L, Stoiwhouse, last few �ars"been radolly break, them out sysst. - This Downtp� t ," .° Le„gvd Caxli. B.N,.hrt:iris } _ 1tiI,, Ia, tilTatsou..ahipges a tai s, ing down the barrtors of ro udice streiet9•ule, r,9 it has been culled of New Styles- (lea. ("'lassow. p J Fir - 0 VA* N • 0�- �, c. P. Ii., Colonists Trains. + load of cattle from thfa station to which man liberal Reformers had Canada, even before responsible in- Mqu. treat on Monday. t I 11 . Seed Barl'ey._w4ohu Middleton. y ' S�j�eciu101ssses-A• T. Cadntau. hitherto hold up between themselves stitutions were "introduced, was a Rev. R. A,. Thomas o.f this will• For NewWrints, New Ginghams, New �rottotls, Nev.) Dress � itt0nry To Loan --b1 iaicTnggart, god hie]. Thv_ ern and hoofs anal meso myth. Tarte rho "1i'antjty age officiated in the Episcopal Goods, New Embroideries, New laces, New Table n ,� 801,1 AaAAr•tiAtt-Jal'i{8An I;rAa• „ - � churoll Clintonon Sunday. - ' Iceep it Moving -Geo, E. Pay k Co, tail which they always pictured Sir Compact xthich has been hc1'cl .pp Linens, New Fanoy Scrim, 4m; &c. . — John as adorned with have gradual- as a synonym for tyranny and tory- The Ladies Aid Society of the • TheHuron News -Record Y PI' - ' Methodist church gave n supper I Iu factt to a couple of weeks we will` have our full Stock of - I disc oiled from their mind's ism, what was the term applied sol and entertainment to the members + • .' • 31.60 a Year -31.26 to Advance. eye. lAat d now, nutn e b these liber one time. ruling coterie in Canada at of L. 0. L. 936' iu the Oranoa ha}I, . s y GOODS '. 11 . (I ,. j yBut they were Canadian on Monday vvoning.iN � l- , ... Wed�uccda}. February 29. 1888 al Reformers have alrproved of Sir born tories, Lord Durham being the The Blyth Standarrt ht►a changed ! * . , Joan's conduct age a whole: And gall witness and he was in a, position to Lauds this week. 1\I r, R. T. `Nhfte in, which twill he the finest ever s}?oivtl in Clinton. having sold out to Mr. Watson of A' A CHRISTIAN STATESMAN. and wormwood has been addnd to the kitiow. Referring to the character � " Port Elgin who will run it hi p„ portion of the unpatriotic Grit ale. of the irresponsible aclvisertl of the t'ntttt'e. THE 0R`� �1v AN0 MANTLE DEPARTMENT . . Ottawa despatches state that Sir intent by the newspaper reports Crown, he says: "Thv party com- Rev. Mr. Manly of Toronto, n ` "1. John A. Macdonald seconded the that . Sir John made a public ac- monly dosignated as the "Family, agent of the Bible Society`, will de- still booming, but room for more. We have constantly on hand a very1. ,;.; motion of Rev. A. Carson that ry e t6lief in the Com )vel" have received a name not liver• a lecture in the basement of efficient staff of front tell tq ttwelve, headed by MISS CURRELL, who , - b t , , 1{notvledbm nt of his >i 1 ! r 1, "' evangelists Crossley and Hunter re- Saviour and the Sermon on the much more appropriate than party the Presbyterian thatch on Thnrs- has wan fol herself a very enviable reputayion. Give her a trial when train for another week in Ottawa, Mount. And all the more credit designations usually are, inasmuch day evening March 8th. you buy your NEW SPRING DRESS OR �IANi LT}e We guarantee.11 Th'a membors of.the C. 0. F. met perfect satisfaction. Charges very moderate. also that when a request was .made is due Sir John fur his conservation as there is, in tnith, very little of i '!Iio hall in Milne's block for the __ i . in meeting for all those who loved of orthodoxy and simple Christian family connection among the per- first time on Tuesday evening. A -. v, our Saviour to"stand up, Lady Mac- faith by his public example, in•these suns thus united * * * Sures- number of the brethren from ' " donalil and Sir John prompt!} days whoa tramp infidel lecturers sive goveruws ore aaid,_tO have sub LOutlesburo paid them a friend!}' J t arose to their feet. Our tuwn con- visit the salvo evening. R 0 8 ER I Ll)'O N P';yl aro patronised by blatat;t Chr'is'tians ntitt.ed quiet]y to its influence; or, +r" - - --- __�, rem nerve is `diJ�tbtlul if Sir Johu �. _ Messrs. Ross and King hews . 1 Y for mercenary ends As there can aPto.ra-0101 stud itnavailinb struggle' leased the Foundry at the oast cud f " is a Christian and appears to hope have been no preconceived )ur Pose l 1 1 to have yielded to this wall oroaniz' of our village. Tltoy are fitting it Great, Cash 17tore V�l�o�. ho is not, just as it expressed regret on his part to produce no effect his ed party,the real conduct -of affairs. up for the Iturposo of starting at I - that the Premf'er camo out of his re- ones to, mm�ufncturo the Reaper- - _ i cent contested olectiuu trial euro Public acknowledgment of his faith Tke bulk of tAi: 1,urtf euicafStd, fur P ii Christ was all the snore meritorious. ate most (part, of vative born hdtahi_ Iinifu Sharpener. Remititsaenees. built the .brick tannery in Saltford '' and undefiled, On "Tuesday owoniug last Mrs. , e • on the Colborne gide of the Mait% _ It is by no inearis a new, departure - tants of the colon!/, Ol• Of omiarauta I),tvfd 1��lCOI Of I3Ullott OII hUl' i'e- TIIE ORAW9 BREED 'ILL NO TOUCII A thoughtful sari eminent divine on the part of Sir Jul]n. It will re- who wattled fu ft befuty the lost tear land,opposite Gyderich, some t}I}rty ,,, [ tura journey from our village tllet" THE TAWTIE6. I years ago. Mr. Robertson married . and writer says :- ..ho genuine gnire nO tinie to, prove the gonuine- with the United States." with 11 serious accident when about The veuecable 'appearauco of bar. a daughter of D4 r. Jacob Seeg 1\Ijh n ",, . basis of Christianity is to apo found nese .of tho change. Fifty years near the gate oil the far'nl, by slip- John Haldan 6r., will yet be remain for who must have had in his employ "' -'11 in a common' recoguition of the of honest public service and con- ping un the path uit�l' breaking lice bored b man in Goderich. Pro in Goderieh ?5 or 80 hands, over ! The Commercial annoxntioniats Y Y - great realities of Christian thought scieu ouA discltarrye of his duties „ t rye rigjIt arnl. bably 30 years ago -he occupied a forty years ago. ' He ran a tannery, j. and lif,a, The know rod ,o that is ° are twhisllitlg • u keep their courag A Voco phone baud Iles been or- ! farm on the t}linl concession road distillery, saddle and harness. shop 'a attest the swell grounded religious up. The prupusod Fisheries Treaty ganizdd iu our burg lately. The -about 4 miles from Goderieli, now and aboe factory, also a farut ad, " ' .. cssoutiA to religion is a simple convictions of the venerable Premier, janurr+s ,,!!seer altoat thee. ,rhe few ry vim ' yt�� , ,r montbers have been practicing g in the possession of Smiddy young joining the corporation. ro resume, knowledge,' like tlrit which the Tbnt:he has erred politically 'and tldherente of the "fad" ore tr}'log to orousl for several ui hta )est as ' } g I rhe old gentleman was better posted 1\I r. Robertson did nof make his 'child has of the parent. It springs morally nt thous we ,beliovo he galvalliv) tiro corlpse into life by they have been engnged for the up in late and literature than in Saltford tannery pay, and to recoup - . from the 'La:u t aLd not from the Grauge�r Co.ucert in houdesborO ou farming or swine raising, having in his fortunes he went to British Gol- would be the first to acknowledge, surreptitiously introdnriu0 it into ,,� odilusday availing. w+'' head. Prue religion luny be ours Scotland, if we mistake not, been a 'pmbia in the pioneer days of Gold r But no public awn, ill Canada, for so-called Faruter's Institute . uteet- One day last„_weal{ a wood bee writer to the Signet, equivalent to mining. The writer was also-navi• thong!! torp not run} be able to tell oven half !ifs time, can produce as juryq tvhoro such eminent Il lieu!- ' :%', butt g•, 9v was hc,ld to Janes. ,Lary s bush in barrister -in this country. He had gating that sea of inhospitable ° clean a record. And two are right, ttirists Its lawyer Naming, of Clin- Hullett. A Large iinriiber of our purchased some hogs which he was mountains about that time, astride r� tlristutle says that-thero are threw Glad to fine} that even the Grits are ton, like to '`shout tju+ir jaw ofd'” citizens who had hoon invited turtir told .were the "grass breed." They of a mule. Our course was along qualifications which A statesman od out and worked like trojilns. were long snouted and adepts at Hudson Bay Co. and- Indian trails a beginning to fled that his heart about ,nine bagnrs and cornet bag- 'Ono of tbu. )art tw11O has always �,fi' shoul',l possess: (1) "A well dis- ryes and turl:ev buzzards and man_ 1 Y Y rooting up and eating grass, and o-f_..and lay over,and..Arou-n-LI mountains � turns as fondly and thankfully and g been luol{,:,i upon as at, out and that alab.sided, razor backed -species and across rivers, the latter of eased Iniad and prepared to supped penftettially towards the Most High gel wurzels. • It is about as dead out ;iduliror of the Scott Act was `z'• Ihi� establish co»stitutiun Of his , , now happily almost extinct. A which were often very rapid and _ as the hearts of the people of Canada a corpso as rl'ie blood -thirsty ohserved on aaveral occasions dur• neighbor noticed these animals• in had to be forded or got over in such Kx`.' country, '(2) Special aptitude for boat lovingly toward .him ,,is the Orangenton" and `•Pert Kelly a. ing the afternoon to ou behind the. All.. Ha).dan's potato field and call- manner as the ingenuity of the ` - i rr^; '' • .tire office lie holds. (3) To ]lave wood pilo, to sue a ni.ln with a coal eel on him lo notify hiiu of the fact. traveller could- devise. Well, in »I PrOluier and fathor of his, country. Huron coup ty-bnn]wer cries of 1\I•, oil eau. That chap will surely veto ^ v that kind of wirtn�� and ]Ove of jus- I The, Old -g utbethan at the tunic was the spring of 1862 we had followed Cr �;`• i - J _____-____....�_ C. Cameron and the West ]!aeon 1 morn interested in the contents of the trail, bound for' the Cariboo for, the re pe,11. 1`..a tics tvhiuh suits lite ipatsticnlar stnt0 EDITORIAL NOTES. Ou Friday night a young man a book be was reading than gold mines,for about 400 milea from U grits. w in which lie lives'" dam, —.- _ _ r tehu l.ad been here,i'oc�sutotal days in the contents of his potato Fort Yale, the head of navigation : Cho vetulau I'reniier has „ivefi Tho proposed Fisheries Treaty is l,t furs a rnembor of the Solvation 6ekl, So when his neigh oil 1Le Fraser river. One morning p - ,t Not luuell of iu[,.rest /puriDo t.hO 1 :: �. -Y _ 'ar111)1C: 111'OOf dtll'lll0 1119 IUllo ilfe condeuluad'as a Canadian surrender tKa01{ Ild 'th0 Ontai'IU. 1L5901r11)ly. Army Was arrested and locked lip bar addressed him, "Mr. Haldan, we arose from our downy Couch Of 'i : b the "a -in the ryuverumept,' ossa in the tourer at the instigation of n your pigs are in your potato patch" inverted pine boughs, struck tent . that hu enures up to Aristotelian Y g g I Dominion Parliain t O.pone}l last ,crguu ' frond the nei„hborhood of he very nonchalantly replied "Aye, and had proceeded but a few miles - "E' standard dud also that ht, cuu,e u ou this rifle t]iri !itis, and by'thu 1 ' , "' , , p weok. Dr." llontaguo moved the lloul:t Forest, ell, . no hila !with but never mind, they re the graws when our progress was arrested for 1. to that of the Christian uue of Rev. if the [;overnmont" press on the n tic}clressiu the Cumru.otis thisseasiou stealiuoa riunutity of tvegl_iuo nI>' breed, they'll uo touch the tawties, a time by our striking Swift river, ,i -" ]fir. 1'ulloch niveu above, other side of the line as an Aptori- as Mr.a'ortr:r of.We:it Huron dirt. poarel, jowellry atid'•-inouey, Tho and he resumed his ",carting. Tliu a mountain torrent confluent of the .�'ll. can surrender. It must have some prisoner was brolight, before :Ifyltls result did not' justify his coufidencri Fraser. ,While looking for a fur- ,.. , , Nu ]mill iu Modern times Ilan been iast. '.Che doctor's lilairl points %%,are , t:. I Y olio!; L:;r 7 P., oil 5aturdily, tO in trio breed. Hisotato crop was dable lace or narrow't ' art Where •a sdccossful, statesman tvho Las vet merit. . that the-buildim, of the Canadian ` 1' p p p p ' r g atlsivur the charge, when hu was short, his hogs remaiined 'lou- alici we could fell trees and malts a tarn f: ' had dwr.it religions convictions. Sir ,. Pacific Railway would prove ilia eunainittnd fir ti -L 1., S ), inI ,can= . ., A brit paper romarks that D'Ir. I loan., ,and he shortly after retired porary bridge, the eau Across a pair �1•, Jahn Ills. lees,+l successful, 1'0 leo mafns>rfury of the country's develop- ,- •st'abloq 5hauo'and Perdue tool: him tl • Lagrier'in the Honso the other. day 1 g y 1 frouf agricultural pursuits is div- of disconsolate pilgrims 'bound fur ^ ilnprey�ive and Ouuvi.ncino public "].narlea,speechin tvhfch he showed inoilt and progress, that�.Cauada is to Goderfch ftt the nftcrnuoll. gust. the same destination as ourselves. r a )eiOnS that bel' f}arulera twera - - -- ----- EDITORS AS BEDFELLOWS, Our surprise was enhanced by tinder mail must be impresaionablu and a leader's .grasp of public questions."" g o•.1 ' The Illiliois •C clone ing that one Of them was the 11ir. - " . open to conviction. He trust be a' Previously the public had only not living on' heavily mortgaged Y ' The P:u`liawe'htary election in Robertson we have referred to. , , all, el'f1CtQt1 Ul)Rel'VCP lV1tU C1II]]Ot d•e- ry•,', farn]s as had been chai•oed, th:lt Ile" ^ The Cyclone that visited Mount Huron between :1I r. Cnyley and After a 11AArt hand shaking and P heard o£ Iiia grasp of the musket, Y g 11 F. tact hettvuua the linn.a of all Sir ry climate is healthful its, pro- Vcriluu, Ill., ' last weer., destroyed .Mr. i\'Ialcolm Cameron, in 1851 I mutual interrogatories and answers The hon. gentleman must not be g 3' ., Juhu'a-public uttoranens the result grasping. , ! over half A million dollars .worth of, thiol{, was n very hotly contested Mr. Robertson stated his difficulty. . ! too gduc.tiv,e, that she owns ttious-ruds property inclufling three hundred one. Mr. 'Phos, McQueen of the Ho and his cumrnde had found a " of lrrufuund reljgioas fooling. And upOD thousands of miles of torritury resi,luuces and places of business, Signal and Mr. Giles of the Gazelle tree thrown across the atre�lm a r`" A ryrit contemporary thiol{s it and tanhoused from 1,200 to 1,500 1 "I , ho has not rend the history of our g 1 Y that is rich in ininurala rind pro-- were the respective editors of the 1 Short distance u The had ,got right for an newspaper to denounce People. Iu the Pall of the walls .tor a d grit papers, both a ,era p' Y ,,N_ ' . own titues aright who has notdetect-< o Yductiveness, that tha Goverunlent many parsons were buried und,ur the Y ti g p p papers their horses over by themselves ,-_ �•', ed i.hrOltghOut Sfr John's work as a the alleged "open-handed cor- of the day !was doing all in its debris, and X11 'were killed, while Published in Goderich and the only � across, this to leading thejr welkin{, g 'i,',? ` legislator his ever i1 p u r most desire ruption" of the Federal Government twice as many more were injurer!, ones published 'in the county. The anithals which of over b swimming. # ' g } I '' power to extend her conlploree to Light or tun so seriously that their langnaoe used by these champions g Y g' +, to promotes the moral and material but !Prong to denounce the proven the teeming countries of the Orient roeoyory is doubtful. All clay lung toward each other and their political "This was very good so far, said t Mr,. Rclbertson, "and we were con- ,:;, welfare .of the people whu have open-handed corruption of various and South America, aur! finally that alto funeral tramping has been hoard opponents was particularly virulent. ^ I 1 through the town, and every "little gratulating ;ourselves on elle good I placed tLcic destinies in his !lauds menibera of her tIajesty'a loyal op• bur l'uturo greatnuas would depouil while a berry of mnu p;lssed down After rho election a convivial time fortune when a mishap occurred." • ��- • )oaitiun-X36000 "toren t Parcell rues held at the old British on ^ , from t. to titre. 1 v P upon cultivating a national senti- the street, carrying 'the remains to He then related his disaster and for instance. the borne of a friend to await bruial. Lighthouse street, kept by Isaac abowed his bootless feet which when Dissimulation is said to .ba the meat and.binding more closely -into A Philadelphia drummer, who was Ratteilbur The two editors were ' weakest kind of policy it is but � � one Solid sisterhood .her various 1 e we arrived he was encasing in the . j a i y ; a passenger on the train, saps: -"It Chore and oven the flew of: soul and a '•. Our town•contemporary repeats n was a terrible calamit I Bever best manner he could in the leather the weaker wort of ,politicians that provinces ; a dissipation of section Y punch could not reconci}o them and tops cut off his comrades loo boots. • the stale slander of ills Globe about witnessed anything; so frightful° in the fought the battle over . again p g are disseniblers. Sir John has never alism and a passiQu and love fur my life. On teachinci the Mount Y m ' ' Upon inquiry we learned that be �;: iturpurality in Canadian factories, almost until the swift footed con been a tlissembler. The. Christian our common country. Dr. Mont- Vernoul station it bo -a. to thunder bad lost his -boots while packing , Our lucal coteln „Oe3 farther for it ry and thO ljghtl}iug began to flash.. tiers of the sun appeared to the over on the log, the "grub;' cargo 1 reli�iuu is Inade, to lit all .natures: g ague and Mr. Porter are acquisitions to rain and hail, eastern any, notwithstanding that . It is riot n nirrh�rlical «l h i]ot says Juc}g;e Armstroua, chairman to hOt:h-om tteconnt Presently it began tvitll.which one of his animals had g• t' drtviJfo c vary ora to sticlter, Just all others had shaken hands across 9 „ of the Labor Commission now sitting Clio blood chasm created during the been laden. •'tit was tlti5 wa , - - does it c onalat in lip mouth service. of their debating talent and their about this time a Uig brae!{ cloud, y g continued Mr. Robertson, "as you Tho religion of the o" >; iu 1luu.tro:tl, uxpreaat+fl rho belief funnel -shaped, was seen over our contest. But what Friends and seat St. Paul ersonal worth ,and owe their seats heads. Some of tilts people over in may see the.log across the stream, ;�;; that, this grossest immoralities aro p ' ' p' 1 punch could not do Morpheus man- "Iifitted his nature ex'tctly. It would �' in the House to their personal worth; a moment what was corning;, and ! has had the bark .washed o!>E it by practiced, apparently "without rut be au to ur Dill •tvord.a of warnfu r, nged. From the excitement of the the water at times rapidly courairi- not lit many Of the 8o Called modern as 11!111,}1 as to public ilppruval of J' g do anti night the became drown P Y P4, )ur'ista. Sir •Iohu's coliryiuu Pita or hindrance," Judge Armstrong the alis of the Government the The cloud burst in a mivate after Y. Y' Y ober it, consequently its surface ie ' I g P Y Y forming. ' It came with alu roar an'1 towardrf early morn and their rather sli er �Vo had our _ } }.int ex retry. IE would ,tut fit sonic, IvLeu beim questioned as to whether s,lppw•t. No Other' two Consorva- crash of a mighty battle. llou.ins of friends put them in one bed, "heads pp y'• %�� of Iris sa enlle. l religious JetrnctOra. lie had statin! that the gil is in Cur 1 all kinds went clown !ilea Wheat be god tails." When they awoke next -traps all across but some calve Alves ,iu the I ,evince could have ford the flail. Men wvornou ane kettles and I had taken off my boots A, Iain 1ntlia were.- rostituteA re )lied p da earl►• sot u in bed anti tool{ed 'r" Thungh It.) ,l i -i not thank Gott in «• „ P 1 redeemed Halton and IIaldfmnnd. children eau hither aupi thither, tt.1�11 all their epos at one another >tt in older to get better foot. hold of ,' that "if" AU111e witnessp'a stateuiouts screaming ant! praying in their pori! Y ' the to bridge I had the ketff e public that,ho i, not as other inau .. . - g 1 the same time demandin ' the rex- g11 before rho nlmisaiou were to be —_ 6 - are, the, nr+ crit of the au +Is of and fright. 'lhu County Court ilousu' « „ in one hand and my, , boots in the J 1 P 1 ,slicer on, telt %Vas the case. P,ut, A ]Nord its "Sayson;' was utterly wracked', and a three• son why, the other fe}low had got •other and was making m last trip this I)Ominiou •dO• ° eai,l tho;tulrye' that "if" made ever story mill was blown acrus8 the lure his bed, Said Giles to 1\Tc across _when_-the__rapiditp _of. tris"' , ___ Y Edrtrer Neivs-Record• track just bohrml wi. Our train was use ` you '-raTtica - rascal --how- - - �I'll" ` Sir John's public acknowledg- g , ---°�-° d'lfrore,�ce. Disappointed em )lo •osa current as ft swept r rattler at rho rate PP 1 } Sac A word reganlin the tin, to of lylnn tel the: track of the cyatono, sail R re you got into 'my bed 4' Said uteut of his love fur Christianity ,, -' t " it was taken at a flying rat:; down �, of 25 miles an hour ratg}Iet unstea� evil encu is not much' moro reliable Y' McC�lusen to Giles, ou for ,toady, i,'`;, . . the, totwn heli nt (3 a. m. ,Some people. Y Y y' died m nerves, m feet slipped and ,• • and its itnrn:raltlatu foun,ler has the trach• Thu eugiuuer couLl not !pow infernally impudent you are to Y Y pp . , than that of dis;lppoiutcd ,pulftjci- seem to have s •til t.rth' fur 0110 1 en the, Y Y , J 1 J control the train, and £ortun.ttuly Ilosl my confidence u2d my Goods in su:'p1`is••d the Gpit follor4l'8 Of ans. • And the know what value is constable and bell,'iiwer, hitt none Fur the for us the brakes were not on. Trous commence your abuse when you "� Mammon. 'lhq "wily" chiolptaln i my in to t to save myself by to be i0taclled to the evidence of scores of working ,nen who work ranch wean' u t ori Anti the tail lifted only occupy two bed by illy suffer- ,,clinging to the'log.:' •Fortunately '' nut all their filthy 'imaginal' na t}]uie twlro vecansn the National hcn•der than lie floes. I do not begrtttlae clean off the;ir wheels. •Thu pies voce•" This was A prelude to an we had all extra pair of shoes which At;o of the cJ chino urust haw ocenpr- eruption of vigorous words belched "' had painted 1tim. They lav,• ,sen' 1'ulic has i.e tt them from trader hon dl's ally bilk t,.but I think it is out ed At !saga two ininntea• out in tllundrribag tones which the were cheerfully to Mr. Rob- ,Iq l Y 1 t of sayson,"' U, attempt to harrow up the g ' ertsou which uncle, the eireum- fur so m lu}' y,p,us Iplintfflg tit" ing, the 1,,:ul,l,; �„dare th,i N.I'. to be foelingt of tho public, oror the extr ire - - landlor,l settlod the,,.matter.by iii•. were as much prized by him as a . honorer! anti Vlmo �able ro'slpultyibl„ legAizucl fubbory and the collection hardship he Lae to Undcr�o "tvlirn ringing -A !arse specimen of. a Canadian. sia.ting that neither of them owner! the 6 a. m, bell. Most of us work longer anther leas shot on the loth con, i. t• bonanza gold find. .This was the exec;ntive hr•ail of this cuuntr' its a P the bed. Giloe may think+jet is last time we sow Mr. Robertson } of cu atonls duce, Ihat makes Cana- hours and uC coutinnous labor nn,l ,yet cession of Elma in the count of ^ very ,,!evil ittc.uuatc ,that thn, , pro- .t snottsseem to oonvider two have ne rights. ' Y his bed, and McQueen may think ' Y 1 1 d.ian faUtOriOS poeSible, a fraud Perth, on the morning of hubruary but we incidentally heard that he Voris, it is. his but 1 � have you to know '` . La,bl • actually balievotl tv]lnt, they and a swiudlo.” , That soma ons )- 1t't tuctv;:a,tN. 2'3. Che Anuval has been a terror Y died a few years'ago in Victoria, B. } 1 to the neighbors of that settlement that it is mine, said the landlord, t. hail boon preir�hin,r and teachin„ ,' 8 O„ while holding the position of ! g g revues in ,arteries may bu 'immoral — --r- ------ -- for some limo past. It has killed The belligerents hastily completed governor of the gaol there. I I so long, Uk'n' the man who ,told, goes without Saying, but nothing Taltekct';tttlt6. sheep, lambs and other animals in their toilets and accompanied mine y,. . the same lib so often that in the cud has tomo out bef n'e the Commies• great numbers. host where, under the mollifying in. _— the sumo believed ft. These til mon A young man 'named Butts of -John Halpin, one of the oldeat fluence of eye-openers, the editors ', Y foTi that they more immoral than the London Road wont to Soaforth settlers of Stratford district, suffer. shoot{ ,hands, and continued more .At the request' of Rev, bar. are surprised, aye, even annoyed to any other class. But it was proved last Thursday and sotito time dur- ed apparently only slightly from a friendly afterward than they had find'that Sir John won't be an in- fall down stairs on Friday avenin Carson, seconded b Sir. John Mae - before the Commission that every ing the evening or night he was g hitherto been. 3t last. • On that night Mr. Tial in 4iw�ol, no, not even to save hie de- possible hindrance was put in the overcome by the fumes of gas -gas g Halpin, donald, Rev. Messrs. Hunter and p p who was aged 85 yearn, happening to LOST IIIA CONFIDENCE AND HIs Crossley Will remain in Ottawa • } tractor"a repittatlon for voracity. `way of iinmornlity. whether from a coal .stove or a. pop miss his footing fell. 1�To bones were seers. y machine doponont saith not. ,At brokdn and little injury seemed to • another week. Over 600 members The fact of the matter is that the -- an rate he claims to have, been Some of the readers of this pater G►its note find that ]los lilts chick- It is often said b persons o os= Y r o result, but the shook moat have been will remember Mr, Wm: Mcindoo have joined the Methodist Chtlrch Y p Pl? robbed. of ,,x.,00 while in an uncon- doo great at his •advanced age. He on tomo hotti7o to roost. The clean ed to British connection that we in scions condition. j tied at 6 o'clock llionday morning. Robertson who, with L. Watson, there since they began their labors. ,,: ` _ 1 t n _ • .11. . a . ' / , . V, /i 4 ;,', • n v' "*, ; K• M •. ' A • k 1 . •yam. - P .. WL,.` __�S 4 r PM'"yµ'x, tl S ryye��'.,,�,� jig Y.rrlY..h;. f. .f:i ..r.fi..- _:,.t "; .L __ a,,:.'a'"�Yr.1Jtln t.. , .,..'" Sw� ` " •.i w, :. , ...1:_­­�:.. --........w. ­'__.:;!­•,,, ip'