The Huron News-Record, 1888-02-29, Page 2F---.. _M. - ,» , r ; ^ e' a , rw _ "y . , . sr _ . � I I .. . . - . - - -1 . . 1. ,., .�. 1. . . I . . . .. I r . . I ., I . 1. . 0 ..­. 1. . . -I. .. .11 1. ­ 11 I 1. , 1, - . . ,� , . 1. . ,fi. .• a .. I I ; . � . ­ 6 . . . . I. . . . I I 1� . - ____ - I -_ --- - -• - - .. I . .. , ,, ...,.--,•.o•ra,a.-.-.� ., I I _ . . - .. 1�,?.i�' .�.. f14 b�`I!mTAtiY.• .Q0."f.�5.',#If,'i!t�1�1R...._,.-,"_ .,,-,,,. ,,. �%l.F.iRY.. .. ,,..:-.+w;: T,-;•�•* ^.^.�-.�.:,"";,.^.^-„-'----'__-:....,-,,.:,-....+•...:'.......-..._..: ..«x,,.., ... ,,... -,_.---,_....._„- -,__ _. -- ?_ .-w yAa: - WE C7 t u TETE ERUMX-t TaR F1tA1VM1B5 TaVIA,TF• Undted Brutes, and Igor Britannic lnaiit� of forfeitures be revidtty by tl,a goveitlnatpnts .of Cataacia ap I TheHuron iNsu�:s-flawd . Ups p .—.- ltilfa�esty'a minister at Washington, ed by tie Governor-Geoera> of Can• Nawfotaudland in r'espQct of 001". AQ a,1'star-,t :a in Ad+kww- �--I — ,A,rticle 1. Tho high contracting 'land his decision shall be Ruga. Fadi fit Gcula4i'l t11' tlao governor iia- fiElherles dgtlug the Voriod which What is S briety;? by the, Rest• ltttias agree to, >t porrit .a ixad ___ _ _ �__.._. . gg p.. .. g p.• _ Article tx zialac}r f tits high, 'c,l.laucjl of 1es>'fc►sludlnnd before utak' be requitsIO for shit oays, ori � ' - T. C�riffitlt, Late Prebendary ]. c ' . .. co►urnisston to delimit sit the. utau" contracting .tltfus shall ,a iia <tlie sitars aa.e:aicecait'ed: ,Mon 1y taxa seu.elta of the ttQn.ty p -: ' :_ {Vts�Uttosilay, kebrnitry 2, llbfy8 of t3t.'Paii1's,. uer provided in this treaty, the L'ri- own commissioners and olliycors. Article lo. Whenever rho Unify this clay sagged orad the eaaaot, t ' :11, What is sobs y 4 The primary tial, waters, brays, erdeks and h,arbizi, All other expenses. jointly incurred ed Siatr}a stroll rotnuve the duty e t af' legislation by the roal�eo• T -he R. ,C. Church and the - meaning of ties +vo cl itself will tell. of the coast of Canada and of- 1�e+Y- in connection +Vith ilio erfotulaitQe from fish ,oil, whnlu toil, scat oil, tivo governments "herein proposed,. • `f Bial -lot, S T' P I _ foundland as to which the Uuite'd desire to ox toss their s it'sf Sobriety is soundness, wholeness, of ilia +vordt;,iucludi4-=placttsatiol, and f}iih of all kinds (except fish P' t action , T and astuuishad that rite ballot healthiness of Iuir,d as opposed. to States, by article 1 of the conven- to the umpire, shill be pai& by the preserved in oil), being tits produce with this manifestation of an iuten t was introductid into Canada, fuss snsnnity ®r uusonnduesa; whence tion of Oct. 2U, 1818, between the high contracting parties in equal of the fisheries earried on,.by the tion oil the part, of the liritish plan- aptich as it is an acknowledpemout you find the same Groep word which United States and Groat Britain, Inoities. fishermen of Canada and-Neivfound- ipotentiaries, by the meaua referred that people etre out free to nut upeu- is used in our text, employed 1ty renounced forever any liberty to article 0. Nothing in this land, ineludiug Labrador, as wall to, • to maintain the. 'relation@ of 1'y on their honest cuuvictiuus. Ste Marie when he tells us that the take, dry or om'o fish. ood neighborhood between iiia . treaty skull interrupt or affect the as from the canal and necessary g o , The church, tit@ guardian of mural. roeuV@rod detnonaic "was found sit Article 2. Talo commisiou shall free navigation of the strait of .casks, barrels, kegs, cans and other ]iritis), possessions in North Anter -1.1 • ity, public and private, is opposed ' ting and clothed -in Iiia righty mind," consist of two commissioners' to be Cause by fi:ahiug vessels of the usual necessar),coverings containing feta slid the United States and they . • to seerecy in what •concerns the and again by St. Pawl when Fostus named by Her L'rifnnuie Majesty United Staltea. the products above mF,ntiauod, 'wl�,ltl convoy' the eaulmanicnton of " " .public good. The ,leas in wel;y accused him of being "beside hiin• and of two commissioners to bo the like reduot's bein the produce the British plenipoteutial'ies to the �- } ° Article 10. lJnitud Stoles fish- P ° g P jealous of its right to assist fit self" "I am not mad most noble named by ilio President of the of the fisheries curried on by the I Prosident of the United States with �. iu vessels enterin the baa or public moetings and to report the Feslua but a ,eilk forth words of trusted Status without delay after g g Y fshormen of -the United States as a recommendation that the statue 1' harbors re1'urred to in article `l 'of ' noeeodin rb, surd its exclusion al truth and sabot and lienee in, the exchange of the ratifications of wall ns the usual and nocossar may be by him mAdo known to lho this treat shall conform tothe harbor Y ' ten a provokes )rOtf>Sts. The Se V- Onl' own tanrrlla to be sober is to be this treaty. The commission shall r Y coverinns of the dine as above de- serrate for the United States' iufor- r, y 1 l o ro„uJntion common to tl►aut and to 0 sial paragraphs in favor of secret not intoxicated, to have all our wits moet and eolnp}e.t-e ilia delimitation „ scribed shall be admitted free of oration, together with aha treaty ,.. as soon Is )ossiblo thoroaftor. In the fishing vessels of Canada or when the latter is submitted lo.that ballet +which have nppearad finis about ns: to bo ih full possessiun l Nowfouudl,,lud. They need not duty into the Dominion of Canada �, tw '_tt!'' time to time iu news ,a,ers notori_ of ou I' and not hurried away case of the loath, absence or incaPa' and \Teeyfouudland. And a on body for ratification. (bl�ned) oust opposed )Used to Catholic du,uLrin•', Into Mogi niness of ersoll tittle city of ally commissioner, or in the into surt,ch h bays o Cleat' when philia- such roilioval of duties and while T. -V. I3ATARD, Y I l P event of any unluiissiouer omitting , into such bays Or halr)wrs for shelter ' tiVU. L. I'vmxAnl, V, ., pructieo and di5ciplilre show that and plat. 'ow it is the primary y 4i b or r@pairing damugus, nor w)aon the aforesaid articles are allowed to , - the ballot has their advocacy only character' is of an unsound mind or ceasing tO"set as such, tl►o Pre ,r be bion ht, into the United States Jct]. B. Ateocr.L. Y Y silent of rho United States or He Putting into the same outside the g tlrAtvrirNca'rox,l�ob. 15, 1588. M because they hope that it would (and of i xication which is tam• limits of established ports of entry by .British subjects without ditty '., rove iu nitons to Catholic educe- oras madness that this .balance Brituuulc Majesty, respectively beiugro-imposed thoroon, the privi- " _--• .- _------- p j P Y ) for rho, purpose of purchasing wood :`: , tion and waulfl tend to un -1 -kris- of the thought is destroyed, and shall forthwith name another per- or of obtaining water, except that lege of enteric -,tiro porta, bays and Spt,keshave Sermonises. • - •Liaoise it. It is fortunate• that these whatever presents itself to us does .soil to act as commissioner instead harbors of the aforesaid coasts of • F' ``' I of rho ansttntfs§i.4lloi' - 'orir�inull any such vessel remaiuiug more Labor rteforlaer. f." wri„ers have the sense and courage so with excess of vividness upcheok• ° y than 24 hours oxelusive.of' Sdbda Canada and \ewfoundland shall be � 4-1:- . ' to'stabin -the open light. Ii this ed b all•those other ideas ;which named• n Y accorded to United States fishin Dn you go to church regulatriy, p ° y Y and legal holidays, within any such g Now don't ret our bnuk u) I . - f course Catholics are trot on guard should have kept it in dao bounds. Articl@' 3, `The dalim.itat.iou re- port or communicating with the. +'easels by annual licenses free of b )yry 1 r " against the wiles of their enemiea, Just the o. )osite therefore of this ferrel to its article 1 of this treat charge for the following purposes, know well anon°h witr9at )our We aro ho+Vover firms courinced inward lis fro ortfo.n of the sista of shall bo tnarlcod u p0u Lhe L'ritish share therein may be' required to nninel 1 the urotlase of pro- flinging the feat in my tiros tiitt it's .. - • y ! P 1 ro tort, outer or clear, and no vessels Y O P P veno of my. 1 , blank busintss.. 1 ;g, hat our good, Catholics would, mind St. Paul moans- by sobriety, admiralty clsayp by a series of lines aha}, bo excused hereby from ,vin visions, bait, ice, lines agtl all other. g g didn't ask the ,question be, u,a0 1 ro under any cireuuistanoos, vote for it sound and healthy actiou of all regularly numbered and duly de- dna inl'ormatiotr to aha boarding supplies and outfits ; (2) tranship • want to Icnoty pa ticulally, bAut he ' • "n#on..thoroughly in harmony with the mental energies, adjustment, scribed. The charts so marked officers. They shall not lie liable meat of the catch for transport"by 11* _ the Catholic church. We Lava harmony, poise of contending im- shall, on the termination 'of the its tiny such bays ..or."„lturbors for any means of conveyance ; (3) ship- pause I wanted to ask yule snarler • • r . said in a former totter that the pulses : no one thought or desire ++;y,rl: eY the comluissiou, bo signed con, all.sits pilotage nor when Pingof crows. Supplies shall not question in case you shoulck austwer `7 f clergy of the Catho[itt church are starting out beyond its rauk and by ilio commissioners in quadrupr therein for the purpose of shelter, be obtained by barter, btlt halt Islay Yes to the first. by divine appointment, the -guar- disordering the rest; order, ayutnie tion, one copy whereof shall ba d@- of r@pairing, damages, of purchas- be so obtained. The like privi- Oho you 'do, all 1 Well, then. I ::'?•-.. dians of the Catholic education of trp, equanimity pervading all. livered to tItosecretary of state of the file caul, or of obtaitiiu;-_,water, leges shall be continued or given La. haven't you noticed that, without youth, and that when la men cru "Many that are sober and temper•Ito United States and three copies to shall they ho liable for h irbor duos, fishing vessels of Calladit, and oP exactly saying it in so 111llu y words, . introduced i't is Ghat they may help ill diet are yet spiritually intempor- Tier \>njurty a government. Tho tounarro dues,' buoy' dues, light Newrouudland on the Atlantic the clergynialt ntaunges to let yr)u st;,,' •. 11UC1P.1•stand that 'sonic of'tlle weal- - . the clergy. ' Iii' the church .of ate ; drunk with pride or covetous- delimitation shall be made in the dors, or other similar :cues, but coasts of the Unitc�„d States. _.�l' .. pa,. Cht'isttlle shepherd leadsthe sli,eopl ness,, or passion, drunk with self following manner and shall be ac- this enumeration shall not permit Article 16, This ti'oaty shall be thy members of. the c0ngraofttiou ,; In modem religion qui-te the can- lova and love of their pleasure and cepted • by bath the high other charges inconsistent with the ratified by .the, President of "the aro touch giv@u to works uYchurity. ' trary appears;., the flock drives rite case, drunk, inordinate, unlawful contracting parties as applicable for onjoymont of the liberties reserved United States, by and,tv_ith ,th4.ad- That til@y give liberally t0 church '' P I or reserved or socured by ilia con- vice and consent of the senate, and schemes and for missionary }pili I pastor. Nevertheless ,hero aro iu love of their lawful. calling, and the all dr tosos ur}der article i of the , the Catholic church some follo+vo-ra lawful gain they pursue by 'it." cunventioh of Ogt. 20, 1818, between voutiou of act. 20, 1815. by Her -Britannic llnjesty, havi-ng Poses 4 ' s '11 of Judas, who, in occasions fai•or- (Le'ighton). the Uu'i ted States, and Great Bri- Article 11.• United state,] fist- r'aaeived rho assent of _..lite parliu- And doesn't the clergyman make "I able to tboir own gain, would •soli- See how g;udlinoss promotes this taiu :alio three marine miles men fug vessels euturiu- the poria; bays meat of Canada and of rho legisla. it pr@tty plain that h0 bulietos 0 Catholic interests fur a less tilts personal sobriet for the one thinry tioned iu article 1 of the convention p that it pays to give in this wa i ..11 } ' 1 Y o and harbors of the eastern and tort of �uwfouudland, and. the I o Y ' than thirty )iecos�of silvol,_'Arch- wanted to nmiutainithe balance of of fact. 20, 1818, shall be menaureti ratifications shall be exchanged tit for, iiot'only does the Lord luno a . I `'' bishop I,) veli. the mind eugineora call a,govornoI., seaward from low orator mark, bat uol'thenstoru coasts of Canada or the coasts of lewfoundland uncles Washiugtun ns soon as possible, cheerful -giver but ho prospers him E.I. y� In faith whereof Ifs the respective v:I ..._._ a renulafive force to which all others ' every bay, crock or hrubor not have siryuod this as wo+l' t heard tit sa =inn -.._a.:--_ a stress of +voathuu or other casunit � ""� ,w ilio suboultnate h ivhtch til@ moan otherwise pocutlly provided for in Y may unload, lelottd, tranahip or sell plenipotentiaries, o01 I �t `y' Testimony Froin Syria. to be checked .sand organized into this treaty such three marine miles treaty and have hereunto affixed our "Qat Lilt ble ad upon flea w,tler-ii' ' w f� subject to cnstoma laws and ruga Y P }h' harmonious act'ou. And such a shall be measured seaward from n sells. I etc. oftbli quoted as if if the )riuci � }.. tattoos al} fish oil beard tvhou such , q } Tu tics Lrltlot (f Tlcel+:n,1,G,e. force is sit) plied b the idea of God sfrnight }imu-.drawn'across the bay, )al tarts of the worse and ilia 411@ yr r , I 1 ) unloading, trauadlipment or site is Dune in duplicate at Washington l T ',': Sts,—'Pus following statement, and our -relation to • God- 'In creek.or harbor .in the part 'u@crest e, . • a ' incidental to the this fifteenth day of February, in. of the most rrnl ands vital conse total@ neces,•li) R"'. s`. drawn u t by' the Rev. Wm. Wright, tits sight of (rods eounten-' the entrance at ilia first point where s/ „ 14 6 t_ l g , ° repairs and mit replouish out -fits, "the )•ear of our Lord one • thousand fluence, wore And it will return i rile width will not exceed tan runt g to then after mall days �. a Presbyterian minister, missionary ince two use things in thou true i provisions irud'supptles damngod ur eight hnndie(t and eighty-eibht. Y r ,4 at Dtrmascua, and sinned, its l0 crolor5 and their net no tortious, ins miles. )` , Of bout -so You have i �� el}, now,, . j j 1 1 lost b disaster' tint] ill case of death T. l B4I- Ann. 17 states by "tile neon most competent and with ilia sense of God's pro Article 4, At or near .the- follow' or, t ickuess shill be allowed all WILLT:tti L. I'c.TxAM. did„it ever strike yon that when a . I in the whole world to speak oil the sense we can say.to all allurements ing bays the limits nhd exclusion in needful facilities, including the rich roan gives alaie, the Lord JANI(ES-'B. AxOI;LT.. IN; subject," w,as sub;uitted by him is to excess of thought, of feel-iug or antic 1 of the convention of Oct. shipping of crows, L;ceuses to J. CIIANDERLAls. itriows all chant wlloro. the,• rllo.riey A,' the Gon'n.'ral Assembly of ilio actiou "I am lbs tem ile of the holy, ?0 181S It saints more that, three coilles frunl, and if it conies—out of <� Y , 1 Y. , , 1 pure] ase ill established ports of L. SA4KViLLE WFST, ,� .. _, `. Presbyterian's in%Scotland. -}lost, which is in me, which I have marine milds from low water marl:, eul,ry�'o); ilio aforesgtfd coasts of Cnu- Cx:tltL> TL'PPIi[t, the unpaitl or under paid Labor .of1. t "We tile uudersigned,missionarfas of God, and I am not my own for I shall be established by the follow- Ida or of Newfoundland . for tile. •.. Clads poor,, .th:e-•money +,finit be • ° have Moon liou�h't with a ..rtes .that• fits), liueQ.nanie(t : At: the lista .des rsOTOCOLa. )iaeod to rho" rich Inati'a credit in and residouts fit Syrfa. having Moen t, P' ° houlenard `voyage such pi 1 � .: repoatedlj; rognosted to make a I may glorify God in illy body,ancd Chaleurs, the line frolu ilio- light at Intl supplicsas nreordinarily soul to The freaty _.having heeai signed the Heavenly ban]( books.? ' • i `,'. distinct' statement on the subject, lllp�spirit which are Cod'." Birch point ou Miscou stand to trading; v easels shall ba • granted the Pritish plonipontiaries desire to . Sometimes . the alms are so 'pub- laeroby declare that duriu- the --- - o �•• Madquereau point light; It the bay' United States fishiun vessels l'n state that ilia), have been consider- Italy given thnt even'if .the money , whole time of.but res+idencu anti . ' About Wheat. . of Mirrunichi, the line f't,orll the such putts pioniptly upon applica- ing" the position which +vii} be were honestly enmo b)' tiro line@,.ry -., ,r''' a tiav011inr+ ill Syria and alta holy, light at Point Escuminac to I}gilt tiu]t fitit] witliutit eharge, and such crested by rho.{ immediate tem good authority for believing that ° ., P,* ° j a moncoment of. "he fishing seaison the giver will ° �" Laud ora Lava uov0r s0u>i ar heard Although 1 ilio rural }sopulat.iun.of on .the easterly Coin, of 'L';tl isiut,tc resents havinn obtained licenses in net no celestial1. "4 of all uufeinielited wiue:•nor have. DTauitOba only an,0unts.to Cr -p,000 gully; atl:gulaut Lay in I inlLe.I,d• alto nraaruor iifur0saul shall also bo before the treaty gnu possibly bo c);edit fcir if.• 'But hm not prepared , .'i Y4� we foirud ,I)Tloil" Jews, Christians the export of wheat this }ear will ward island, the title Runt the light;, awcurd-,d 111,011 'all Occarsions such, ratified by rho senate of the United to say that it dOeseu t pay til@ giver err or kTohftnlmeclnus and-'trtditiou of reach twelve million bushels, which at Cape Eguiolit to •the plight at' falcfliliea for•tbu' purahnso of casual States, by the parliament of Canada to give, Very _Often it is tt well . � . . such a wine having ever existed in is equal 'to . West point; anal oft' St. Aur'a's bay or needful provisions or supplies ns 'and the legislature of Newfound calculated advertisement and, the is the country." 18? nt sLlrts rrn n> AD. in the province of lova Scotia, the ;tau• ordiu,aril grantetl'to alta trad= }and. In the absence of such tti- breast is cast upon the wnt,c, in ,ar line from Gape Sniuko to the light torr vessells; but such provisions Or fie.ation the old `conditions w rich' very much tie same spirit ns a flsh- r • • - ;ignod by Rev. NV. 11f. 'Thompson, In 1886 the States which • grew ° have rrivou rise to'so much. Tricti•ou termau throws- sprat at in the ex 9e - 1 1.e I). D. ; 11ov. S. It. Calhoun ; U. more wheat than did Manitoba, in at Point Aconi ; It Fortune ba) in supplies shat} not be obtained by o l ' P `'' t' "al Dyke' I). T>. lice. ]887 rias@ Pevus lwan•ia Kuntucicy, vuwfannd}and, the lint front C un )p;trter aur }tn}chasud for resale or and irritation alight bo revi+ed and tartan, ,uf: landing n 'salmon -fin 1. Tat s liob@rt.Cou; lice. It. H. Ohio, Michigan,)InAihiO, Illinois, uartre htiad to the light ou the might intorfero with the unpro such cases the giver prospers no traffic. 1fiC. ,r,».�--_.•'_,__..__ _, _... __..,.... _.. -' a" southeasterly enc} of Brtmet isltnitl, , udieed eonsidoiation of the treaty by doubt, but I havo lily ol?inioli As to 1 .I.A Jessup, Tlav, Jah•u-W,ort;tbet,lT, D. , aeout+itr; 1ltullosota, Iowa, ,IIs Actidle 1'2, Fishing vessels af'.) . . th@ncu to-korttino 'Load ; at Sil — ° the- le,gislat•ivo ,_bodies Cour rn@d. w}iot}ier the• clergyman i5 right in .1 I,:, ,. ,Tallies Blick, 'Esq. , , -Nebraska, i til:: line anti \uwT(iii]itllantT s-t1a11 .0 ,, r these cfrcu]usLan es, ituc� say -"-g ,that, kris pros' ertt-dUtneir . �IlCllaif,l .Iles- sour], hausaa Cnl•tfolnta l:autdt---..i t~;, 1011arles hliralou 91 ul q o I P Y - : st heka, doctor ; Rev, John Crawford ; and Dakota while Ohio, 'Michigan, from the southeast poi,nL of .Carpe have oar the Atlantic coasts of the with the further object of affording _ from aboue._:,-Indeed Pin inclined a " li. 1V. lipid -stroke, II. D., F. R. C, ludiaiia, Illinois, Minnesota, Iowa, 1 ' United Stntea all ilio }irivileges ire- y,�; Rev. NV. Wright, I1. A. Califoe•nia and Dakota worn the I?ago to White island thence to the served and socured b y this treat. evirlenco of thefts anxious desiretoto tltiulc it has aseentl@el, not d@s A ; .l[ay, 1815. cult 1 north and of Peckfoi'd island, and to t`itited States fishing vessels i�. 'proinoto good feeling and to rontove tended. r Mates ,:which ex ported more ,(k ` . '` o �, p � wheat the same year than does :than- from the south and of ') echfora i, the'al'uresaid waters of Canada nod, all possible subjects of controversy, Talo for instance the case of t.hnt 1111 . . Soo Dout, xiv., ..3 ..6 , 1 s., civ. 3 land to the east hoadland of Rugged , the 'British plenipotentiaries aro Moutre'al scouncdi'A cigarn,al;ur,' or A.; ' 14 16 F.ec, ix. i Prov., ,xsxi. itoba the j,reseut. The export of -No IVfullndlaud. • t , , t ' + harbor. "At or near ale 'folloufngready to make ilio following tern• the shareholdet'a and direct of - 6; Luke, v., 33, 3'J. etc. wheat par capita of rural population bays t}tu li]tsits of exclusion shall be Article 13. The socrytary of the porary nrraugenieut' for it period that HoGhelaga cotton mill' who i T�.`I" I lours of Dakota is less than 60 bushels. treasury of the United State's shall - three nruiu@ mites acawtud from Y not exceeding two year,. rob ;little- boys arid .girls of their :,. . iTAI;TO\. The annual'twheat yield of all the the fo110.winrr'line� nanted : At or matte regulations providing for the c11 r t-nite:l States•ter fere +its In 138 0 1.: For a period not 'uxceviliug labor. 'Do you suupose that any- 1 *;:q - 1 Q� near L'arrin-ton bay in lova Scotia 'COiIF}sICllOtln exhibition .by every two years from the preaent ilio priv- thin- they may give iu thrifty will _. i Hope for the Uuemst'uyed- 13•'1 bushels, iu 18.0 10,•t bushels, r, ITuited States fishinry vessel. of its r, It , ilia line from the li ht oil the south ° ileno Of 0uterillthe ba ys and har. be accepted by rho Lord4 „- In 1885 the avor'agc yield Of Mis- °, oil}tial number on each how, and ° o J '' ToruntaLab,rnetarumr. r'Otti'1 ttala 7.46 bockats, I�nultas 10.6 ,.point of Cane Sable, thence to lh0 burs of she Atlantic coaats of Can-- If a man gives less tl1 n flits pay ,- ' lightat Tlarrow point; at t;hedabuc.tu • :til)°suet► vessel pct}air@d by law to ala find \cNivfounddnucl shall be for the labor of others, na needn't I . A while ago the (,no:lph Herald 1Lru0is S,.05, ��'isc0nsin 1L6; )Ifn- nail St. Peter's bay, the lino front havo eau official number, nud failing „ranted to U'uited States Gshiug .think to bay his way into Tletavn ` -- prop0nucdad this ven,mi11la cotsutr- no=ota 11.1; low., 11,3, Ohio- 10.4,. - tO cum pl +Vit} ,su:ch r ultrtion , T r t. (�raub@pry islali2l 1i;;1it, to Crre'0n�i`l 1 Y a'"vesaols'1,y iiittsnal Iiectisas rtf it fes of try gty}nt; his sfOlen •profits' in ultrnr" � ; drum, "What is W b" (lo u0 with Ititlfana It) C, . t 11,3, OrO , h ild light, thnncn, to Puint ,Rongo ; ,.hfill not bit, entitled xa_1-he licenses r . 1.ills uuomploy0l 7 ., 15,:1, Califuriiia 0. )4, ;tu,d Dakota I provided for in this treat Such• $1. p0 par tun for• ilio following ' ity. '1 •" t. ` low b tiro erns is of J'lani fit lIil:t Lily, the, lion from til@ li-ht 1 y' purpaso5: !'ilii purchase ufn brit' I confess l nlaa. fall jasI little 1 S. y i rt'�yulatiuns shall bo communicated to yr v -' Then the Globe came to the front : uta• thy° cast }point of Sciatnr}' island ° Ice, scfues, lines, and all other sup- mad at a preacher who implores the pc,. tu],fi in 1456 the stylist -e wheat J'feld 1{cr 1{al r,gty s t�Oenrntnnut ]setons- i �' wit llovetl t they the tariff 4' ' to the uortheastorly point of ,(:,rapt j t p plies and outfits, transhipmeilL of tory wealthy members of his con j F. ,- ' which loads mo to suspect, that the tt''ts 18-4 bushels, nuts^thio throahers orfau.; nud at Iplar"satin bit in• }y, to their tftking effect. 1 rrrerrnt)on to be charitable, I can't b-111 I estimate tot 18 r t9 . ! ttt,}iu},,.per \I ) lhr. catch aur} sliippingof crews, g o Globe thought it had the ITeralcd ' a re which ict considered an under 1•:iwf0nndtand, the line front Ltilin Article 1.1, The ponahios fur un- If during the coutinnauee of 'loll) t:hiulcfpg that if rhe l:n@w ,.is . ' e0rn@red, as it were. 'Phis opinion s ' point on the eastern mainland .sh•ol•e inu'c11 as it preacher oo„ ht to know estimate by' aha ll,;y�at':anent of 1 lntvfully filtiuo initis rector.s, buys, this furu)rrefn"t Ilio l.ltilcd ,States ti;; , of ,nine is strengthened by finding ;1r*ricnlLilr,,rr i to the most southerly point of Iter} tierces and harbors rafofrtd to in ° he won•lil know that,if there were the 1Tauttiltou `Gimes fallotwing rho ° • sllou.ld "rontovc rho dnti0s all' Idalr, Mand, thence by the.ano:ctsont•herly article 1 ofthis treaty mag extend fish oil whnto and soil •oil (and uo,aesling, in�nl or illegal, going ': Glofic's chaffing quer) wtith -' , . - iturnt of JTernshcn island: to lite to l'urfoitnrc of tl�e 'boat or cosset their coverings, tacknryos. etc.) Lilo 'on, th,lro isotllrin't be my Lig for ".. _ .. Rebuking a Snob• nrtiulatrtd.. 1'.On r i,►.Inl and Ilryr')' anti I t nnteuances nn(1 also of the ° , } ° tunns nal notinneh lined for char- ° } (, said licr:uses shat! be•lisu0d fl'n0 of cr- 1 Loy Mite tiliit ; but, then, A Maud at St. \{any'.s Lay iu \own n batir(1 when f9ie if;v ;anal if llo tress a, honest ns a M - perhaps, Choir taxes pro' not: high A yoiing .snob wal-ldug up and zu11l,ia aLftl ceattl n charge. :r.'' "icutifr shall for that pnrlwso of ale- of}'ens0 was cer111nitted ' ktllrl for h]'unChor xlfonlrl lin he would pro i ononryh," dottn the ,lntfarnt of . at rnilwn y 3. United States fishing vessels ° • T ) litnil,ation be taken ,is the coats of bah} say so. t;'' , station with n courl:ranion who had preparing iu ncjt ,waters tit' unlaw• entorinrr rho ba, s Or'hnrbols 0f til@ Y Y ' I don t tliinlc it is ,just fair for suCII bay. frilly fish thert in penalties shall be ° ) It is �pussibin a pronchor who �,,J " " the Globo • and Tinies to coil tent tonin to .soe him off, Observed two' Atlantic coast of Cana -la and of "':. rr fix this treat y fixed b alt@ const, not to exceed wonlrl talk right out this way might ;". hnndsonee girls go sato a first class Article i,. lothitto ) Y -Newfoundland for any of L'he four final Uklifficult to rrnt a chance to t}loulsclves tviLh chnffiuo rho 1Toriald, carni go. "Loolc here," he said to shall be construed to inclutie;within those for unlawfully fishiug, and ° The knots ilio renied •--uules5 purposes mantionod in "article 1 of ioach to awoalt,h and'fashionnbl© '`' ; Ikfr,� n r teat 'dual Liv cumpattion, "I'll go into the the cummnn waters of any such in- fur au) other) violation of the laws ilio editvention of Oct 2n, 1814, canryre�tatiou; but I would lila+ to they have been tt y saute' comps:. t r nt, nud I tell you toeior portiowt of al,:w hiss, nrr•el:s tt' Great i,tilini, Gnnnd;r or /\@w• n ., ' bath lnt.nl;—and they On�ht to and not reupaininn Ihere'in more hnvrr'sume of them• tittle to the ` i�" what I wan' .1 Iv flu; When the 'or harhura' na e ,it;, i b: ty: u:n•' i I'uuu,llaut! rulrtting to tl, right of than 3-b hunts, steal} not be required e.. fr id dy let the Heral(i have the thieves alfa mons tolkts of to -da " r i. d m, • train iv ,tboftt to start , you come tip from the sc,t ,without p.tssiuo within fishery iii such waters, hays, croehs 1 Y sp benefit ofth:)ir w 3 o and touch your lint, anCl say to iue, the three niarine utiles inviltiolioll. Or,h+u•bOr ,. ponaltic:s shall be fixed to enter or class a the custom as Nehemiah did to•thn rich rogues I.et thorn sat five tits ulloill- rr in atrticlt.1 of the colmiltiuu of fact•, h •• the court" nut oxciledinrr in all hparlre, "prodding they do not tom of his time. - •; y 1}y lord, the'clogs azul gnus etc in ) ° munleato with the share. _ '�:.. . ploy0d ilio b0nifit of thtp creat tarts caul." itis companion smilers 2f►, 1518, _- 83 1'ur •ivory toll of the boat or —1 4. 1 orfeiture • is to bo exacted 1. ' market of sixty milliut)a to rte assent, Jolt said iie doubted if he :article 6, The Connniwdou,rs wrsssel cf�ncrrned. 'Tho boat or Ir .1IOf1T ITItT'P8. oath of Its tvhnr0 t.ltn tturfl_°Stnefn- , , til lin ,ro ter air of a sh;tll from till•, t" tinge report to w•f-set Ina), he holden for such pen- only torrthis offenses of fishingn or Mrs.1iobertWillinna:,on,of filen}lap s coal l to )" til t 1 1 r@ riot. to fish iu .torl.tulinl ,t i)iayed hast uevor 1pc o❑ is^aril, :nil uipblent,w's servtrnt. p1'hn snob titch Of Ihr, lti1, c.uut ':%(' ug parties itltf,a anti forl'aitures. Lhn proceed P P o , Parry Sound. tint., sftys, I could not 4" where its meaning is nnkuown• went -and Took his scat with a }oral Ruch lines , Ito y inny have agree -1l ings shall be Etlutmary, and as iuex= waters.1. keep house without ilagyard's Yet{ ;i'• Lot t•tlnll{ CRC'ppC t)r: U}tpr•C.s51wE;1)' l af]' 111 the 9altnr± CtU'I']aglp tt'Itll t}le Ippall, 1'llinaber'ed, llr•FCribed atilt poll -live as p05.gible- The trial, ex- 5. This arra n-eme.lit tO ttkn loT6il at hand. Ihave used it in ,, m family for C"rou 3 high Canadinii tariff Intl fly for 'young holies who,w interest• lie twits flialked as heriliu prui•ided, +with cept air appeal, simll.be nt the place effect 'vas soon' as the necessa ry Y Y P, OrerThreatcmend '; , a cut foot, and can highly reccomen i relief to one fifty pm' cent-bighor• going to Zito, filo riiument ar_ the quadruplientod charts ther(,vf, of detention unle,s the �udgo shaft, mons°ures gnu be completed b) tato it to everybody. 483.2, `' Lot theni•fleo from a country athero which lines 4o re torted sball'furth• oil tile. I'Muestof talo defense, order colonial authorities: __ _ ) sited and ale. Irnitt began to nine@. 1 ?' r v0rythin'g is made artificially dots His companion came up Lo the cru• with from titrto to tins-, be sfinnt- it to be hold at some other place (Signed) J. CiLtltArnT,:+ty, '@ -- { and taste refuge in n ]Wild where itis stage twindutv,' "Ilcy, .Tock," ho tan0ensly 1proclnit110,1, by the high ad,jc(lged by him, more convenient. L, SACKVILLT �t -M xu PLACE ttxt: CANADA. { inhabitari.ts f@;ret on broilers at shouted,' "tell your mnistt r to b@ contraetinor parties Hurl be binrlitig Security for costs shall not be re- l%Teas. Tvert .. - . During this last yrxir large X2,60 ft broil nal spread their allr0 to sond' Lao bracts o' spino by iftcr two months frpnl such pro• gIIi1-6-d of the defense except when' N1'AsttfNOTo-i, Fob 16, 1888. number of foreign exodistrs return- `" brand with a dollar a ponud but- 01nmlliolt, bail is offered. P�eaaonablo bail The American plenipotontiarios, ed to New Brun,saiulr, F. iia undi�r• 1 Saturday I" . The train +trent off, 1 If,, q ter. and the otuin snub had to recon Article 7,; Any r1i..4:lgre@tne►Yt. Of' shall be aac0pted. Therm shall be having r@ceived the cotnhtunihation stood that ill, official 'r ,turn will a Y ° the commissiuners shall furillwrXi prupor appenls available to the do- of •tlj,e British tleni totenti rtes of indicate the arrival of heat TP eight ct • I: -"" cilo L"iutself ns best ho could to be ! 1 t r when Yn Hood of alit ITo+ids, Envelope", et,'., fag rngnrrind ala a tailor's appron- he },sought to an umT,ire sets-eters tensa only, dncP the evidence gild u this data conveying their plan for thnusisaud settlers fm the L t 't„ don't forget that T,f$ NI,Ws•Ir8C0an earrics a • Al' . fall line. B Lice. I by the cccretar) of st bio of til@ trial may bo used on'tlpponl• J g itis administration to 190 observer] j 9t to a ", "Ae . ,+ , ll; �'' , •vl. v " .. o :i# +4', — 1., , .. w y,. � a V I. . ,. . . . A ... / I . I . 1, 11 il .. , Yt ., ,.... 1 .��• � iIM^•,. .. • " _. . 6 w. r ": . i. i .. ., ... wr : t '. .. .•. .} ...� . ... Y... :' �:. ,..�:,... �..:� -, . .: � ,.. ,- .. .M�.. .'.-. 1.M IN �.I ..'1�.. ..L--�.arasNfa/.ii. ":.....:c.•—i .._�:.,-......a..ti�:.,:..1._.0,....4,-_ :. •...,..:.:. y�.:... v, s..W,...... ,,,..._... _`_-._..-4,,-...-. •K..,....... t„ -__...,.,,..v„, -,h_ •.fw.a.:..:.x,.S..._,.,L...,� . _?d::=r_wa',1.�....:.,.,....fb,.r - -- -- - _ -,., s�l� .�N.r.ir'r'ri>��,a�aae,