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The Huron News-Record, 1888-02-15, Page 8
•" ,. , R •i . • v . 4 - DHSS LI.ilE' 1•#oDort4:L p is visitBk TheronNewN E'S S s-ecQrc iug relativeaat lirucaftekl. 0 �. $1:6o a year -41.25 to Advance. nM Maus SAR&AU MALLOY ' 1'eturned Mr home from G derich on Sat ut'day 9 %Tedtnessiay, Febrna.ry 15., 18883 ' last. moo-- .TIR � a •; --- - - - -i 11 X r 1 THE PARCEL', POST SERVICE— Acting OR the advice of my Physicians in Edinburgh and Wictbu, I have ~' LOCAL NEMS. �. Una of tie conditions of the nety resolved to go uutbf business, unless my health uuprovos satisfactorily. 0. 4..1 . Parcel 'Post convection betweso In and ,1r$tind the '•ilab•" Canada and the United States which (I WILL SELL DIY L,�,Z'.GL STUCIf OF GOODS AT VERY LOW — will be put into operation on the - a town alk., 1st AUrch, is that -no sealed pack- , PRICES. x ' I anew will be tol'tvnrded either by the 1 WOOD WANTED.—Auy quaWly , Cnuadian or Atuerioau authorities. 6,000 FANCY CUPS AN'D SAUCERS, to go at less than Half Price— A of wood +,•anted,' in exchange for The packages should be prepared --_ goods, tit the Clintou Woolen Milts in such it way as to permit of the 1,500 'TWU I3I.AUI? JAC1� KNIVES to go at 1'LN CENTS E�LCH. JOHN SecBTa. 4t30tf customs oHieesB u�Aking their ex- l'4''ill announce other lipes of Goods next week. --- amination without any difficulty. MR. CAUSLAKE, the tailor and • cDickson,.• ' I a dyer, has removed to the Boosly 11'o�tAN's AUxw1A6r,—Theis ane Chris. Dik" Qlinton. a meeting of St. Pauls Branch on 1' property, a few doors south of Ilia Thursday' afternoon. Mrs. W. � former place sof business, whore as A Donn " usual all work entrusted to him will Jackson, and Misses Hiue, , .---- M. Holmes were appointed to so- DiR. Joxx, ]iAwhssaw, of Boa. licit at moderato rags. aE TOWN BESIEGED 48141; licit meuiberehip. , MIs, MurrayDlaforth, recently sold his chestnut - w and Airs, Craig were elected del . 9' lentigo leprae to Dir. Ed. Christie, ---- —�-' gates to the meeting of the Dioeesn who resold him a few days after• A'Iit.:In. 11oLLowAY has copolttd= 13r -inch to be held• in London next wards to lar. Alex. Stowart, Life'insurance, > ed to start tailoring business in Lea- month. The Bishop then deliver - o mingtou, Essex-eouuty.' cd ano inspiring address on the ' SCOTS A -0T •LtgvoR.— Where is •-- work of Auxiliary, the selling dune when the Order is A.G•�3N'Ttg_ ;,, . J1a:• MoSEs FisHEa has disposed given by tele'phuue I A Gananoque T�OOI� A'L' SAMPLES OF COST IN A of his tailoring stool: to it Toronto THP DUMB AND BLiND.—There than or whiskey 'froru Ding- JU HOME COMPANY: farm who bought it on speculation, were last year in attendauce at the ston by,,, toleplipe, and he was - PER $1,000 --- Ontario Ontario Institute for bhe .deaf and fife 25 Ceetfor 1885. also 1886., sone • summoned to 'answer for An infrnc-' 86 „ 6 as SATURDAY was a daisy of a day. dumb at 13e1leville, 264 •Ipupila of tion of the Scott Act, it being }u ss 6 64 The sun came out, ss strougas in whom 151 were males' anti 113 force in tyauauoque but not in :; 46 <, : 766 r ordinary April weatUer. It is no females. Huron sent I5, being the Kingston. The magistrate reserved su s ss We show one of the Largest and Finest Stocks of Nle�n S wonder that the robins were hover- second highest on the list the a S , jud�tnent, null perhaps h° }s nut to " 6a � " 14 07 Furnishing Goods in the. County. All the; Ing around, county of York being the highest, be binmad.. Che question will Se pefiaitc lusiu•aucu at the above rates. e it having furnished 21. 'The fol- stand thiuking over. see me "afore you iusuru in any company 14. LAST Thursday ntgb4 it was 21 g � and tlnderstaatl nor plan. ,At the ago of -- , lowing are -the names of those sent. r •' below zero in Clinton, alas coldest from this county : Ellen Agnew, L'Oox F1tAUDs.—The Guelph lifer- t11c root I'or X5,000 was about 645 for —§-=§-§-—§- — - - - — —§—, —§—, = — —, tis`• remembered by the oldest inhabi- l 1665, also liar IBsa. _ e ,..lake ; Newta�n Black, D�,tignnnon; bury says;—" [t' a plausible gentle-tont. A Montreal' it was .5, At C.eorgo %;ogle, Crunbrook ; 'Diary icon culls npuu any school toucher see us before you decide. �tQuoboc 32, At Ottltlytt 37, at Arn• A, lin wood Clinton• James Hee in this locality to explain that lie is Latest Nein York Novelt/et�. . prior'42 below. derson� Ethel; Hepzibath Hoggard, introduciuo n nuwanal moat valuahle Jas• Thornpsoh, AgBnt IT is understood that Mr. -Win, Londesboro : 'Henrietta Krause, cyclopedia, which lie would be ' • JleGce, of Toronto;"will resume his Uroditou; Mary E. McCulloch, pleased to have the teacher look I r IT Is \oauxATEu Ix THE L:�tv.— po�ition as bookkeeper with the Leadbury; Lovilla Pettypiece, over, and then welfte his or her position A correspondent writing to the Doherty Or -an Co. lily geetlernan l4'Ingham ;Mary Pettypieco, Wing- in his heel: as it referenrp, t}le intor- No%v oYerk ]Vorld .of the oustotn We httive ��oilclerful xlssortnien•t of was Very popular here when he ham; -Arthur Spading, Kirk -ton; viewed teacher had. better shoyw the observotl every fourth year of Per- ; formerly occupied the position. Win, H. Sparliug, Kirkton ; John plausible geutlenian the door, be N t 11'm. Smalldon Cranbrodk Nel- cause that i8 lite latest swindle. IF mittiug the fairer sox to assuule theFine � ��er�10�h�� , rights and 1prorogatives appertaining a REv. G: W. ILAOEY of St. Step -son WoodExeter.; Mabel W. the teachers signature goes oil the to their brothers during, the remain -1. liens :Godorich Township, will Thompson,'Dun annon. At the list it bid package of boons will � Dungannon. � g 1 g iug threesays "that a law enacted by '. preach in Blyth on Sunday the BI !lid Instituto 1 at Brantford there come to a few days to the teachers the parliament of Scotland in 1288 In all sizes and at all f1CiCeS. FLIM StOCli of 19th. yIt t , ° ; and a few days after that is doubtless the statutory recognition ' was erroneously stated to wore 155 find of these the county address r -• -- - our BI +til eo.rrespondence last week: of Huron sent 4. The count of 'another, not so curteous. but much ,r MEN'S that he tvuald' o so on the 12th. n• Y of its existence, The late is thus HOSIERY d Huron have had 1., educated at more decided in his titanuer comas i uoted "It is statut and ordaint tiw ..' WE have received an official co this institution since it opened. •with.the teachers signature in an that during the'reine of Her \taist of President Iernighan's address order book, to 6ollect A little bill of lil'issit \fitnostie ilk fourth year SOUTH -HURON ORANGE LODGE.- " ' + °' 710"10, ' twenty dollars. kuolvtl as lea oar, ill: in In C ftshnierc, Union atul Sl cit�ll Lamb's " 001, cJz, to tiro Farmers Institute of West The CountT Orange Lodge .of P Y ' ' Huron. :]lilt as our Goderich cor- 'South- Huron was conveued in +� lalyuof baith high and low ostait 1TORBE SHIPMENT.—JIr. T. 1.. iospond'eut gaven. synopsis of the Exeter L. O. L. hall on Tuesda of shall hoe liberty to bespeak yo reale Y Doherty has sold his tine mulched `s • proceedings in these columns' three she liken; albeit, gif-Ile refuses to last : 9ek. the chair was taken at teal, of drivers to -Messrs Cooke find weeks ago wo refrain from publish 10 n. ui. The mo'rniu session was Bateman fora ood figure. This tax lir to i)� his tvyfe, he shall bo ; tug It. :• Occupied ride} ell in committee g or less, a yo stIlia e•°t' nue un is p p p y team were exhibited A the fall fairs INDUSTRIAL— What's a town. work, On reassetnbliug after dinner in Clinton, Seaforth and the Groat or less, and his estait moil bo A U'0kX80N "0`%R'0"8 over one hundred delegates were Northwestern Fnir•at Goderich and °xcept and slits; gif he Can rusk it ` Ivithout factories? . Orders are cont-. o` flppear that lie is' betrothit to . ane iug in good at the organ fttctort Present: Tile reportsof the various took first prize in every case ngaingt HATTERS AN FURNISHERS Ing g g ither ivontatl that he.thou shall be. ��'. Doherty ��' Cu. had 'J8 organs committees ware very satisfactory. all comers and the competitors were ' " urdored ahead on their• boot: last District Masteis gave reports quite numerous. ns might be• expected ill free. ` Thursday Feb. 9t1. Six were for encouraging, The Orange Order in this "horse" county of 1•[uron. \Til. I AxA \Itss TANNER, of itis. Goo. Sheppard Sr. died in Double I3 ink and two maitual or- South Huron has rondo good pro- This team besides, having good D-tsL.EitUr ti llrOdlANl3 I31TE,— I;lyth, vete the guests' of lir. Goderich last Stilurdny and' was ?ons. 34 out of the 95 organs were gross during rho post year, Clinton style and speed, are oxizelitionat}y �� serious c64e roac}ios us now from John Iioberts'on last week. buried in Iiny(ietd cemetery on g g \[ontreal. I'lru Iwomeu hero.fight lionday. Deceased lived for. the for fore] a countries, Ledge had twelve representatives volt bred, have the host ,trains of „ MR. DONALD H-CLIANAN Ivill granter' nit of her life in Goderich " g present—]3ros.. Ross;• Cooper, J. of -blood., being n combination of ing Boule ti nim no0. there an old 4 o p, 'A DAICO' i paper refors •to' the ,)uoner'Keai•us G. Hanle • Chas. mita went into thou• c;utn an and lease ou n trip to the olcl ,country• p Y township, removing, with her hus- P l S1 3, I[ambletouinn and Royal Georbe took hold of one woman t0 prevent aurae time this tnon•th He expects, band,*to Goderich about seven death of a "Mrs \Mc\oil who was Spooner, ''Todd, P. CAntelon, D. Their sire, "John Howard," being a „ to return in the s ring. born in. Stephen township, Huron Cantelon, Floody, Smith, and atandai•d bred stallion, he by "John the fight. 1'ita'tvomau blit able clef P' g years ago. She was mother of County in 1811 1" At.least so it is Tweadie. The meeting was 'voi•y E. llysdyk" sire of "13ig Fanny," "'ate I'ut catching hold of iter. Hifi R,EV. Dn. JOHN S`IIAAr, a furrlter Mr. Goo.. Sheppard jt., at one time re�iriuted in our town, con- enthusiastic and the utmost har• record 2:20J. The purellasors ship- banal was amputated inconsequence Goderich township "boy," delivered teacher in the !Model school of this dry. Typographical error we sup mouy Iprovailed throughout. The, P y y• g with and as rho blood poisoning cannot a highly interesting lecture in —_ - eel. them 'yesterday, along be -checked rho further dui )elation pose, as, unless she.was one of the annual celebration was voted to be others ,talking tip a car, to Indiana I Ilfitteubnt;v 5t. Churcxt on lionday .What -The P o 10 Are Sa 1 aborigines, aro, ono''was "born'd" ' in field iu 'Seafotth %ltd the next an- U., -.S. ° 1 of his ;arae has to be borne. We evening.' The attentilanco was good. o P_ Y �' ' 5tephen.tolti�nship,77•.y.efirs ago.• nua_l �uQetilati Exnte always knew there' was dacgor in a I ill tFtak - - - ---�trE=Ferlr crruuee- nrG ilt4eFrkl- dap l�llatt--\l- tion Of OfflCel'a t'OBa1tCd a6 801- LINTON RANGF. 1NU':tNll OAUE wOttlan B l e, and pel'80n8iv 11.0 iIt'(f� IT P Y`" A MUSICAL ACwUISITIGN,-1'rin- lOtD3 : County . Master, Edward D6iNGs.�-•On Wednesday last' the not well .tip in •the right way to uigo through Ilon. R. 'lir. Scott, Vlil°y�'e00d' assessor. , v ity church choir has been strengthen- Flood Clinton De .)ut Count outfit for the Oraugo fife and drum catch hold of a woman should be their objection to the petition from That tile Grit paper of this town ed by the addition of a powerful bass y' r l Y Y band arrived from Now York: 1t very cautious how they nttelupt it. Brace and Huron asking for` iepoal has made a • cowardly attempt -to D[nster, 1'l m. "Dliners „ Elimville of the Scutt Act, and stating their inflatue political 'passion and intro - singer, in the persbu of Mr. Walter ' consists of eight Gerrimn silver'fifes, Now it is better not to try to grab 1 l Chaplain, George Hanley, ClintonCh; g grounds against the issue of n )roc Hyslop, late of-Goderich, who has four 'snare drums and one 'bass ones mother-iu law, coaxing is rho l g' 1 Muco it into the town council, Secretary, William Sanders, Exe lantntion ordering an election. The secured u good situ'attio, in \Messrs, �i, . •Treasuret• John., Beacom, God- drum• Each snare drum has n nice right course -to pnrs'uo, with ata!', that .lir. !V. Coats makes a Ford Sz Murphy's dry goods esttb- ' ' ' sily •r cymbal attached and the rods,' coercion clay do for Ireland but argument will bap hoard ttiis week by good town clerk ; and that there aro lislimunt here; Dir. H sto ossosses orich Towush.i:p ; Director of Care- 3 Mr. A Power, acting Minister of y pP monies 1i•. Tichbourn Goderich fasteners, etc,, are all silver mecca- not for your mother-iu law. For + g as good fish in the Bea as.avor wore fi a powerful voico, well under control, ' ' ad ane] all have patent rod and key the benefit of our ridiug young men Justice. caught. and those who heard him sin ;,t Lecturer, , A. M. 'Todd, Clinton ; , g Deputy Lecturers. Wm. Flack, tighteners.' TIICiBDnI'e shells Aro of out in alto back townships who have. THE secretary of the .stationing' That it is self-evident that had the missionary ineeting all Thursday Itippon, and Francie Davis jr., thr, finest rosewood, the bass shell .not jet g had sufliciout practice in committe of "Lion Church, Win- the Conservatives been influenced evening last are of 'the unanimous Centralia. mahoginy,,atid A 1 calkskin heads. catching hold of a woman so that ,nepeg, has extended a call to I►ev, by party feeling Mr.. L:o}tits would opinion that lie is the finest bass . It is said the - drums are as fine and site cannot bito we would simply lV lira S )Ailing of this town at a singer that has appeared d hero for I g , not be town clerk fur 1888. - o l 1 L, '0. CoUNrr Lourt .—The as goo.} sounding a set as cnu bo say'there there is only the gee sure salary of $2,OU0: Of aevoral names That because .lir. Harr tevens sonic time, unci will'prove a valuable. I,) U. L. of \'ortjl Huron, assembled found., in the Province. The fifes method : That is after you have submitted to the committee lir. y aequisitio.0 not only to Trinity choir, ill rho 'town Hall Corrie on Tues- are the most expensive sold ill \etv grasped her dexterously round' the g, was riot re•apjtointec] Assessor is not i Sparliug s has boon received with saving that he is less thought of by but to Ilia musical circle of the town, day, *Feb, 7th, for their regular f=ork and have been pronounced wt►irt with the Loft arm, seize -s her the greatest acceptance and be has 14itehell Acli,pccete. annual business. There were about by cGunpoteut ,judges to be good firmlywith our right hand—b C? all°.council or by tics citizens than Y d Y received a definite call its above he over was and the have always A PutvtEn WAY OF tiPr:ttaNG. 150 preseut. representing the several . ones. At \Iouday night's meeting the cosy.—l:x. stated, «o couRratulaie the never Y Y g held'h}n1 in high esteem. i —There is a torso and pointed war cligtrictq and primary lodges, lander the conip'lement of thirteen utombers end gentleman on the high estima- 1 Y That CouncillorCnntelon ahbwed u of s pu.iking that bears the'inl press of the ,jurisdiction of the county. tivas enrolled—ail Oraugomen—a:nd Litt INnn;c,ENT BUSTLE.—On ITbc. tion he i9 held in by h ,a fellots:. I ° I Past-Gouuty.'taster Ii. feritins and the. band organized. It is likely I last there was a grand hallelujah ehu`relimliu, his independence when he assumed honest conviction, pnrtieularly ' , F o , J I responsibility for meastu'es intend - District Mastor 61' IIowidc l,. S. lir. Frank'! ilelor will be leader aeddiun iu Li tle Falls, N. I. at , whon such conviction in uttered which 'Cil >tnin Eric Von Alexsou •THE IigTTFIOVF)N (�t :utTETTr•— eel for the benefit o'f the rate pnyots 'r „ Cook,, and Deli•uty Coltuty-'Master and practice will be Commenced at g d respecting, certain commodities W. Clog addroBsod the Lodge, once, Thu snb.jcri pti©n lista have Out- citizens,ghoclld boar in mind' even in. opposition' to patty and whose market value never fluctuates, gg, 3 + t ,nal Captain Polly Bryan, of .th° the high clasA'gnusicni pertotutanae ' personal fli0nd6. and whose CUnalil11pt10ll cover de- welcoming the .brethren to Gorrie, all been clo.iu,l but one, and those Salvatid`i1 Artily, were warriod. I I and congratulated theta for the large who have nut yet paid or who have p in the town h til NVednoaday eve. � That it ivas dastardly condrict -m--- creasea, Fmve with n co,rr°sporir]iug g g Y' paid, Captain Polly being good looking, ping -Fuby l5t� . Elie ut.)ulb erit , „ turnout. The addrossus' wore- re- not been called un and wish to coin i,atl the cunlmuu Instinet of her sex thr, oigau Io rub, in into Jar. decrease of human suffering. We aha will eater t° the musical tastes I speak thus pointodly about Hump-„ sponded to by Bros Nuthery, tribute, sho'ultl hand their names for dress, ai6l because she refused to PeterCatltulun because he exercised -- _--- ----- - hwv 11,01 .01at.hi.c 8pectfics Nos. Youug, Datvidsun and Nfuoney. .ani u10116Ytot11fos, Guo. H3uley•or disc,ird her bustle she and horliueib• °f aur citizens can tike 0dcnsiun aro his right of citizenship and resigned { _1_ T11-b're.throu of IIo_wick and'Gorrro A. \[. Todd. The success of the anal 'love b,mu expelled front the I trained artists in tIN highest and •a p10 auditorship to :ippl.y for n Ono nncl Seven. I'hoy me iiaeir>>� 1 best •.setlAc. While •0,xcil"Dg the, billet of mere emolument and teas 1 o clic} ever,ytllrn;; in ilioir T'r'ot - l)atid i;q. assured, ,nal aro lung ohr arnit•, and l:hat expulsion includes I thousands for coclghs,colds autl sore - inirtll-lu� ing; to nlmo,4, Upruairious entertain the drlooatea and pront•iset} citizrus' will he eo`uwirrcer]-=th tt-illy_ .wc r branch of tl,,e army )tnsnrcessfnl by n vote of 5 to 6. _ tbroats with -the most riurnPhant 1-- ;and laughter I -lie unbou.ndeal'$utllnstist, _ That tite Ela being looked ul on _ .. success. No ouu should permit tobarlquvt the bretbrou 6b'the next Or,iuge"band In Clinton is an estab- it t rho Z'nited- �S'tato6 the create spreads to th© chastely coughs and colds to destroy their occasion, After the general business lishecl fact♦—The lodge is still pro• C1,11ada. 'General T. E.•. Moore Y 1 r its a friend of Mr. Dfenzies, and ^ Iraq Over, the following wore elected ressing, new a plieatiuns fur Mogi- ' sedate. 'Town Ball JV edncBtlhy loth when it says' he should not have i health or lay the foundation of �' a g o� P1 commander of the Salvation array Y s officers for thri year:—J. H. Young bershi p beifi received tit over February. been • re•a ointod assessor it must ., disoalsc rahou they are so easily and y g+ [ g Y iir'tho ItTltitutl States and (�nut+t'l�a, �, PP , pleasantly cnrarl.—T.xchango. County Master : W. 11. Clegg, D+sP. meeting. Clinton lois Ilse material in a letter to tpullv's h'uAhaud, ex ST. PAUf.B' CfiURCii.^-Tho Aoi� ire.l,be aware of its unfitness. That per - 1 Y tf Irg1er : Ad,:: >>;,,'non. Chaplain; to make it lu.l?•s of on- 111111111,0,1 pl tieing his atetiun in the n,attc;r, OA T11111-Itty or0uing waA I�y -9011•+ not so wo}t'acr;naiutnd with MR.S. Nr0R1,EY has routed file W1n. Laitl .. 1;+'e. Sec.; I)r. membc,A, to-ntl ii th, urcmulhurAhip ,lays ;.'I du cut tltiuk your wife attractive, The Organ 'built by; JI Jlouzies' li:ive hitherto con - (.rand LTniou Hotel, nod furgish• Itolines, Fin.-8cc, : ' Win. Magill, continues to increase itr the future it, •at all a position to' lead others lfesars Wadsworth and Bros,, Mah- sideral him a very good officer. ing�, t0 JL. J'Ialonry, Pari hill; who 'rreits. ; Win. Sturdy, Dir. of Cer. ;' aA in rho p ist' few mouths; 710 will amft from t,ho world and sin, and cliester, Fang, and Montreal, which % That the flattery, of Councillor takes pos�cnion the first till' March. B. (JorrV, IfAlorkius and L. Nethery hnvo about that unlnhei• by the 12th 11)11st say 1 un, astonished to think has been used ttvq Sundays previous Kennedy and \S . II. Cooper was an _• She hal boon forced to thi+ because Past County \:[asters and Lite ut',,1uly,—A number of the members. yotl could uphold an officer, though 6111 opening,fs pronounced by all liuh,alled for use, of blarney, and of the inveterate persecutiun sho Members. The next meeting t0 he have taken out 51,000 'policies in she bu your wife, in dressing har- w1i hnvo heard it to be of except- 'Iscro•,they not hold in high eatima- has been subjected to. ']'lie rental I bell at Auburn, Invitations were the Orango Nftitnal Bvil.efit Society self it, a mnimer that 'Mrs, Aloxson' ionally pure tone. The parts taken tion for their moral Worth by their which -she is t0 receive is n Inert !,'received from London, Listowel and of Ontario West, and. this insurance dict. She was kiudly reproved; by the Choir, were the ehantlug of fellow citizens generally the inor- baQatulle, ba'fely enough to keel, Kincardine, to celebrate the comipg is uutlouhtedly uuo•ol' tic' hest and and shown the wrung, but persisted the Daily Psalms, 3itidgewators, diunto dose they received would furniture and buildings in repair 12th of July. Brother James Per- cheapest ' in e.xistour°• Outside in wcoriud• a bustle on her back CAntato And Dcus acd appropriate have cause}(! the suspiciously iD- and pay insurance, leaving het' ab- !(incl advocated the claims of rile "croakers" will under (1, abut the t{tat tl1Agl,gted CVeI'y t1CCOnt pOrB'On, hymns, and wore sung with life and cliGed to ask, "what's up ]toll, what solutely nothing for her investment' Orange Sentinel, Brother Brown- Orange is a benefit society after rill. and r say ill sincere godliness Ican- sweetnoss—Mr. Polchor's playing is have they beeli gu'flty Of4" ' - of several thousand dollars. • We lea of pronto, Grand Master of Tile society can and has lived for. not send har to another station, always admired and on this ooea,ton That the 1Veiv'&a ,:G1ist have, had are sorry that firs. Morloy, has boon t)te Royal 131'cck Proceptory, address• centuries without the insurance, anal hoping you both may see the wrong he contributed match to the bright- doubts about tlt�oot tud-o of our thus driven out of business. She I ed the Lrethren, urging them to now promises greater success than of thiA, I :un, with sorrow, yours fleas of the service. The Bis11116 worthy Mayor's conduct when be lceptoneofthenio%torderlyandtoin- b-comesonneetedwith thnillustrious ever. Claims have been, paitt fn fu)•evor for Jesus' sak'e:' Captain prr�eached from I Tim. Vf, 14, "un- beslobbers That gentlernan "with fortablohosteliiesin the west. And I degree. ]lies- lt'. Wilson and"14 m. this county.—On Afon+lily .evening Alrxsoat and his wife Polly, intim- t1l rho Appearing of;our Lord Jesus adulation for doing what no one in was always liberal in Bona. Magill presented the claims of °the fast it was decided to hoist a Royal � ate that tlloro• has been some very I Christ. The following clergy as- town, it may be tbo Bra excepted, tions to any public affair likely to Orange A[utual Insurance, The Arch degree meeting in two weeks crooked work ilk the Salvation army sistod,•the hector : Reve. T. W. knew ho has always done and bb - 'eve the town, She is hnviug singing the National Anthem and—Monday 6vening, Fe11rnnry 2711),, ,nal that thr:y will make it hot for Magahy, G• W. RAcey, II. A. If he •always will do ---his 1 ill , p 'cants will be act Thomas J. 1ti . Hod ons S. F. duty, without fear, favor or affec- x private npartmouts,fltted up Ili the f bonediet3on, brought a vo y pleasing whets Ant et. al I }I i (.eneral 'toore before they got , g , 3 ) , hotel for heFsolf, day'sTn+Oceeding9 to n close. I vauced. Visitors are invited. .through with hit,. Robinson. tion. - b r , P µi d r ,� i ➢ ,Ya '......,,..W.ism.,._f'..,........,w,,..:,..v.,.:,...._•..:.....-......cJ.....:......,....::.,a..,...»+e ,. '.:,w.,.:,... :. M,-.: ..+,.. ak..,_....:...-+c.w.•.,�......,.w,,,,.... ...._.,-_. , ....,. .e,,......,,. ,.. <.��ii,iWL*,Mt:::�,.r. ,naw.,:i,u.,,.u..+.,;.,:..::ent,eu