The Huron News-Record, 1888-02-15, Page 3... .
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x . Ni CURS .NQ P'�1'1fl
agreeable. Try As rhes oris, our
t•i�' Wednesday) 1'ebruary 15,'1888'
8110w and says },e was quite cOm-
-., .
1 .. , _.
cooliegtioil with the storul ate
cruelly potbotle. tTbink of,; n poor.
. . .-
wolf of his outer--garilllitits ' atO
wni,ppett ill," about Lite 011041•pll.•
... _-
would like to get off at that partic-
alar r»oul«ut, attd in il.eoperatiotl
, ._.... .. .
• "
e�i� tt� �■!1 ms
I. w.f .,,Ir xf.tuliutdl5g is Q}Ie, t4jfiq} EFT
fur the might d
Y l:
therfaterof ibelr teacher, t have
r, who
succeeded in imitating what is most
4 f #, 11 � {%
r ►s aw twttbptil.�1'?reata e'ut:,
., ,
lv,outtitt sfru„l,Itt►,sl tel rt•ach true, bolu,e
tele hart brokon t11.e tl'gsks to
turned to a pert taus o£ fourteen,
' B i o u. ,d i r o
oh ora rt u 1 lees
rtA -
g �
xlPrlf owl Q.lib,
N (! «ri I lvtl ► e
It e I t W! f
.t) p t til t yr 4y int
at l'tl 11 the t O
td t° p t 1 , Poor of the Hilt QIP
who, sroo+l @nd he,. ed that Abe
e Earl Pin to aw 1 w'
Fe le' 1 t Iti.
q fgritl r } _. ,
P y y �
1.„ . :vis and dlstt,ErneItlliALa b'004ti0aulfgr►n;tilaL
WeLW ll4emgnaFaanteetotrea.t dprregitted
of itt+r own dove ! A fartr,er recur
lrt711i , to kfn.?v>(le.Ru¢l, . nn+l when
would take the tso+t. Tit's 'uvrt,Rle
l 1 '
xt►� old-faahloneti p U w1i11 its titles of
tnolilt►ble caries, :tor a,stipltlatd pric�,until
■k, .:, soured,aiidln'oagecKiallaretorefut+daltttle
St, Law n Dak becan a be,
•- a-_. -.,SS2._eg, -.-., l _
thio cou boa i , l
QVQky g ► t bla Etat cou d
Iib the prrcosity o.f her. t;px, .vbo
magnesia vainly disguising its Litter+
m e al u u der ch w It o u r nt e.
nn i su r a s a
P d s 1 to g
>I�vyli�Costyounot4ln Lolnvestigatethlsolr+
• .-
w•rlder 1. 1 i,
ed n h .store d passed
l e a se
, P s
+ „
b N vu r. lo
a spared N ° tortured
n ti t rd
P- gone, r u y
ha watched
d tie bit of by play,•
n as •and what a contrast t o A ers.
pills, that have been well Cal led "fncd-
il ser,asoorivuitotiotratt�oofilcesprpylott_rll►
- ; T4kevPQvh%I)QP-payilomgpeytoodoo-
within 10 feet of a Uelghbors barn
knowing it•
hunger and by `'cold, he hall laid
@aid in a h:ah treble ; "Oil,• thank
leafed sugar+pluinti"-rho only bo-
for, unless'l,e>iasconffdencp enough 1n his
withu t and then wand-
q '
with his pupils and with them
1 P
ou%. it l our--.-”
Y P )'
!ng that patients may )�o tuwptod into
-' , s>,tiii'040arargteesQure. N.gmatterwhatthe
iia>lieor,naxuxeofy,ourdlsems iapybe caiion
ered Ott for three miles before he
died. The scene prertented when
lhr rest of the sentence +vua IONt
taking tqo futxuy atf a dose. But tile•
,' -
�, ', �, Qr-W01aiis gtvi gage,sex,eopiplexionand
finally succumbed. Another farm-
the grid-Ntrickeu parents and
" in the Nlilmluiu+� of the car door as
directions aro plain unit should be
I"aYm toms •j3end■tamps ilAl Peppy Pos>lage
�°' antvtom . - dataTIH ole U) Pb lvity
or went out tQ water lits stock only
friend entered the school-bouse was
the meq hurried' from the car purse•
strictly fol0w*il.
Part I; contains,=pages, over 200illustratlons•
$ymptome of dleeasen and PeporW Of over 1e,00d
eight rod9,awa gut' was -unable to
- - n' Yt
one the will never fur f t
b Y g' '
ed by a peal of laughter front the
J. T. Teller, AI. D., of Chittenauon,
Cures•1'rescriptlonsfor the cure ofacute diseases
by �llopathic;MomilegpatalcandlEclectiq xgme-
d1ep;,Hyglenlolpptrut 1ppslorepperyladyygentle.
find the stable, and after sr'ekiog in
vain for s6iterhe perished within
-- - - -._
- +
wttneHses of h16 discomfiture.
N. Y., expresses exactly •w hundreds
have written, at greater length. LIc
* ,- men and famtiy. Will be malled'on receipt of 20
two -cent stamps, or 90 cents to silver.
A stone's E}IrOw Of N tiP.I hbor'a
A Canadian's Uxperienoe In
eAys: "flyer's Uatltartic Pills aro highly
r; Part 11,irivatainformatton for menapdboya,
• yogngorod,m,luedsealedIn plain euvetoPeon
receipt MR two-ceirt stampsor 10 Vents i.p.sllAerr
house. A N,irnilar caHr 18 rt: erred
v P
front near IARk.t°II where afarmer
I want to fell abwethina about A
appreciated. They are perfect III form
and COAEIIIo Acareful - effects all
Port III informottlgn aild. Instructions lir
diel; married or4inkle, lA colored' 111ustrstlonq;
'a - ,eympyoip■;4tdvieeandreportsor cureq;nlatledto
wrt,t out t0 A mtrawstaClc tint more
Word has been received in that city
fCOUI COI. 13a11Achey, late t0y (h0
tally of n,y acquaintance whit lH
quite u ctirioua el+aracter in her way;
that the most careful 'phyaiciao cunld
desire. Tliey have supplauted all'thu
ladle4.oniy sealedinBlalu:envelo aoarRcelptofi
" , two-cpnt 4t!ampe prio s Ivor. �aethrea
�ookswilibemalladior25two-cent or so
khan 100 fret from the hgUHe but
logit hip Esus, and his frozen body
j)u$erin Rifles Brantford, who Irft
r ,
what +ILyLIUgU1N11HN her front the
Pills formerly popular here, and 1 thiut:
cents in silver, or will be'$lvep free at
+vua found 10 miles from his hove.
a short Unto ago, assnine the
ruck of humanit being that ,.he
it must be long al, othe c.ul
y I
The 9meesof11heOr*. `KSur eons either at
0 'AberdeenmnnNgrmefit
girl and both perished. When
g P
of a ranch in Dakota,
carries the art of making hf!rse�f
be made that will at all compare with
169Cir1 weldt3t. tro Mie orNt188E1m
s . tt,, h.
x. ',, tit.-Oincinnati b. All letteremuatbesddrea-
uh two n.
ear D me
and as illustrative of the dangers
Agreeable to such perfection as acts
them. Those who buy your pills gut
scxftoDr. l.C.i4nnsdy Hall's Block;pstroll"Mich.
ar; Wehacecuredtavalfa'hfnall
went out to Attend to softie stock a
and anxieties to ++bleb Cuuadiaus
natty If not altogether to' caro her
. ,.
through correspondence; remedlea and instruct
v tions
short dititanet, from the house. One
becau►e Hu11 out ill that territory the
living, certainly t0 very tllUCh
nr Y Y
618afe, pleai9allt, avid certain 311
bgipg sent by Man or Express.
turner) back, f iuh,tener at the. storm ;
record of his experience, proves in,
imprute it hy. itm diligent pine-
thSir action, is the concise testimony
E. Walker,
. fnilinz, when soddenly before any
the other in,.i,ted lie could fiurl the
ttrelftingg ani) suggestive, readilig.
of Dr. George of. Martins.
way, went on, became
'lyre colonel. with his fuwily aryived
'Site is u ►lump, plraelaut looking
villa, Virginia.
"flyer's Pills outsell all similar prep-
_ _ ,
and after groping about blindly
at Iris destination in - 11la+limon oat
' just
in time l0 br, caught ii, (be terrible
- widow with ver' slender rivatr
arations. The public having once used
We willaat all tinges be pleased to
for a while, part of the time oil his
hlizzitiolx lie writes that Thursday,
ulrunm and no responmtbilitil+ 'tier
Kuo'I humor is not meUely unfailing,
them, vvil'1 hAte no others." -Berry,
Venable & Collier, Atlanta, Ga.
receive itvfns u neivs from oty- dub-
f f
scribers. We
hluldsand kne«s,satik down exiiaumt,
ell and died. At Rushmore, Miun.,
January 12th, durint., the. first pert
ion I,rov«d N lovely, day, with a
but pomitively hiMett°us by reaRbn
A e i s Pills, -
tvartt a /nod curies
ml of livo pupils. On tl,e day the
avenue car recent)
}las Goardtsd the car on the way' up
of iia evident heartir,esN. She im a
p,ondent in every_hocality, )tilt already
represented, tosel d IMRELIAI}LE neIVS..
a woman, alarrued at the ahs«oC« ni
hrr husband, went out in thfs store+
pleam.fut breeze Iron► the south, until
4 p. -ill., when, without the sliglltesG
perfect eueyclopedin of social ur.wN
Prepared by Dr.J.'C. Ayer ,14 Co., Lowen, Mass,
to look for Lilo. She was nver-
Iilyrulo»ition, lite wind changed,
and FAnldly t,oHsip. What alis does
Bold by all Dealers in lli•dlclne,
p0++'erod by the storui and M
and in tut 'iustuut the fatal storm
not know or fails to tell about the
doingH of the world in' which she
The book, "A Pastoral
- -
Patrons 'ich.o du not 'receive t1ieir
within 40 feet of her own house.
Another mad case waH that of a-
had bury, upon thent, with swift
whirling eddies charged with clouds
IOVI , in probably not worth know-
a p
� t.
- palter• rerlidarlt/ from the carrier .n)
family living near Sioux Fall,, lluk,
of blinding snow, No dense that those
ing, auil certainly not lit for telling.
) ,
• thrnigh t/tei•r local post ollices will
The fnther was caught out in the
outside could not see their hands
she-im an expert, gossip but by no
, 1.
confer a flavor by )eporti.uo u. Ellis
storm, but found a haystack iv
Before the+ir faces. At the Native
weans A Ncandal,mongrr. ]ler
r I
' office at once. b'ttbscril,ttons ructll
rrntntert'ce at any tittle.
which he buried himself and pamtted
tilos the mercury fell to 30 below.
heart is Luo gond for Ler to Mks
delight in backbiting, couHPquently
�. Y '-
the tllght :tiafel y. His wife slid
Zero, with the Wllld fUl'IgUaly strong.
Col. Ballachey
Nile IN 'trusted with Illalt 'Collfi,
�� -
_ . +
• n ��11�-i'i:� i'1!.11;,Yia'+.
son went Ullt to built for 1 ins at'id
was at tile, stables
d«IICI'm. she. has no particular home
- �` �.-
- r i s
e(! nine and his little co111PM110r's'
Lori, were lost. At .Gordo,
W11HII Elle NIUI'1il NFL 111. All the
I,Ut�UYt rUanlH uilout foul IIOUNe to
, ...'' r
k.• Adverttser•s ivi' please bear 6,r. iniad
1111,11., a t«all) drove. up to a )IOUHe
th ,ghbred Cattle alai 100 horses
IIUI. of her friends am 1'•e
-- -"-'- -
that'all "ChanfJC8 r, advertisevrents
1 / ,
and it was enticed that the driver
werefurtuuately ill the cellaratablrs,
- she tune
invited, always trlconle, never I�P
to'enslere insertion, should be handed
dill not ali'r;lft- On ,,
going out to
but 300 of the t;rudeH perm ill the
trop, brlu„In brio,�hhr.esN,m«rrin,ruI,
x in not later than MOND:\1• NOox O
biro it, was found that h« was dead•
yards and sheds itrcOu,In', rapidly
, 1 Y
and harmless t, mala in her train,
St. Paul eChurclf.-Servlcusan Sunday at Il
-,. each tveek,,
-t�nlzen stiff in. bi.; scat. _
buried int this snow, the drift through
anfl NO uilaNllln het• time, �,leaaautl}'
Sch Ind 3pr iii:*,Bible Class, 10 esda 9ueetiy
9cltool,2.50p.m. Sarvlcem,'Wediteadny;b'p.te,
y' - -I r ,+
Such are a few of the -elan dis,
the miliallest apertura, oven. a knot
in .tier beat houH«N, and the+ most
tresuing, incidents which have occurr-
dole; -Speedily covering on animal•
enjoyable coinpany simply b1•cau.40
". ' THE NFivs-I'EcoR» lea , it /at r er
Tho efforts to house the animals were
the folloWing linos .
a, n,. Ind 7.00 , n1. 8uhhnta School at 2.30
I p
1, J eft to nitrite tit s storul so innwora 1 e. she hap brought to perfection the m. RNV. MR. RU PNQT, Pastor.
eirculation than any other Ixtper in There have also bavu nlmn instances very successful, six only having
Y alt of toeing agreeable.—Montreal • Canada Presbyterian. -Services at 11 itai ani
this sictio'n, and as an calver•lisi)trf of Ell b,,en found dead slid buried in the 8.30 0. n, Sabbath School, 2.30 p, m. Hav
vaedhim has fetc eilaahy in Ontario. h snow after the storm', an exceedingly SfA1' ALRx. STRWART, Pastor.
NOBLEST HEROISM AND SELF -SACRA AIIERiCAN AND ENGLISH VOICES. Ohtariostreet3fethodist.-Sevviees at 10.30a.
Our bout s care nage to tlause tv)t.o smell proportion compared with m. ane 7.00 p. m. Sabbath School, 2.30 'p. m.
mean business. FICE. other sufferers. This work aecnmti New York sun- RRv. W. W. SPARLINe, Pastor
'. • ' ]aolaud Chambers and'his son of plished, a way was fr,und with The average of fornininfs hraruy Baptist Church. -Service at 6.30 P. m. Salo
JOIE 1'IlINTING, nlltts years, Living west of Huron, greatdifficulty to a house about a ih undoubtedly much higher herr beth School, 2.300, m. RRv J. Oaev Pastor.
" Dak., went out to water some cattle stone's throw distant, , occupied by than in nnv European county, and '
The Jib Departs)sent of this jour- � P }', '
and was overtaken by the storm. the form hands, and hero they all it bas im roved v«r lieeid«dl with- BILL ]READS, NOTE
nal ia• one of the best nyraill,e<l in P Y Y Heads; Letter Helots Tags,
L- Western - Ontario, rend, a stcplerior Unable to find their way back, the passed the• flight, the piercing nate in the last few ^enerati(.I. the Statements, Circulars, Business
` �Zass n race1� is rutrantecrl at vert father made -a place for the hey in ure of the cold being so severe that Ihvmical proportion" of tlrilericun Cants, Envelopes, Programmes,
f. „ j 1 • the snow sad wrapped him up as the tem lereture stood at il I P etc., etc.,printei In a workman -
1. rated. Ifreezing women being more t,eautiful than oke uianner and at tow races, at
• • best he could. , The boy urged .his. within a idot of a red hot stove. In they were formerly. ' 13ut in one THE NEWS RECORD OtNce.
--- - -I---- father to go and look for help, but the morning the colonel mansgod to respect the average, . American •
he refused fo leav'e him. They ,Peach his Lome in safety, where lie women is far Lehind her English
17 eeord remained togvthor during the night, found his .wife and family safe lout g
The Hurf�n Neeus-R Y f slater. Her voice• is not No melod. ��Q
$t 50a Year -tit ?, in Ad1:,nee.
A'St. Bernard dog with theta. The
naturally in a high state of anxiety
ions, and her intonation is leas
CLINTQN. 355tf
== =_
boy. was entirely covered up with
an to his safety. Fortunately the
agreeable. Try As rhes oris, our
-FOR- . '
t•i�' Wednesday) 1'ebruary 15,'1888'
8110w and says },e was quite cOm-
-., .
children had not, gone to school that'
feminine Anglomaniacmrhave not yet
somewhat exceptional, Yet 1n
-- '
fortable, gh w him
was freezing. int the1emorning tthe+
fur the might d
Y l:
therfaterof ibelr teacher, t have
r, who
succeeded in imitating what is most
father was still nhv« and said 10 1)19
in Elle
attractive and 01081 worthy Of lmlta-
' Pecutarlties of the Death -Deal-
boy, "Now Johnny, you pray an) r
ed storm.
.tion in Engtish.woifietld.' They Inas
acquire tricky of pronunciation and
� •
. -
"� ing Blast -Scenes of gufferilog
I'll PraYr.and then I know God will
through They
For and about Women-°
catch expressions that aro peculiarly
' gtgheat market price. pnid. Brie
. and
takeyou all right.
tire herself gorgeously if need be,
English but they minis the Eng-
them aeons.
both prayed, and soon after the-
limb voice. No matter how
uett's and Elias Clarke's hotel pre-
(. I 'I'hero 1s no doubt that there are
,arts of Dakota 1VIIf•rtl the+ blizzard
iscnmparatively uuknoc+n. D►knta
covers a very large « ars a, enough ,h to
form two la ,e 4Staies, which the
11, people have, for .(lint- tiuly been
father breahed his last. Tlg do g
stood sentryfiver diem and aided
a tiaarching party to wbere they lay;
bat the f liber had given his fife for
rlis moll. Another incident isreport-
ed front Iowa. A yonng !tidy, hav-
A Chicarq, physiciafi, Hpeakink of
various cases of conjugal incompat.i,
DiliGy that he had Hetln;� says : "I
know a woman who is pretty and
accomplished. Her house Is one of
the brightest in Chicago. 1 know
enchanting their Beauty u►Ity be, a
crowd of American Women, it must
Ile confeMed, will make a din with
their ' voices which dihtressem the
our, alid the individual American
woman whose speech im altogether
CLINTQN. 355tf
Prda:xvoring in divide it into. But it
ing in chane a,a(Lof twelve years,
as well astly elan call know
soft melodious it; unfortunately
Scott Actiana.
has to remain Il territory contrary
WAH basely deserted in the storm by
that mho tv mbipH her hdsband.'
somewhat exceptional, Yet 1n
-=---Utrth«1v=i I.frH r>€tlrP-ptsogkt';=t,ltet#g
p ” o'Tom% -menr
=lrerc°rfr atri9tta tw - :'
. 5 far am now le is
.ug ai rs rn7rf- , e
ill the lower than in the higher
Iumpector Brothels and James
it is'part of -that grout Union where
who went offand.fuuud shelter for
devoted and indnlgeut. She will
popularly, but fallaciously "the
themselves. Undisniaved; H11H.
got out Of a sickibed when her maid
classr's; speak with voices of Charm-
McFadden, his usmistant, tverit on
_ people are muppoa«d to elite... The
wrdpped the boy ill all the extra
l,rtings her the card of•a visitor, at-
ing HweeLuesH, and with a modular:
Thursday night t.o Georgetown with
greater part of Dakota is nllfortun-
.clothing site had and staved with
tire herself gorgeously if need be,
ion very agreeable. Here the voice
the object, of searching Robt. Ben-
ately sul+ject to Lite unwelcoute and
hilts until they were rescued. The
go.into the parlor with the air of a
is high and harsh, there it is low
uett's and Elias Clarke's hotel pre-
-1. 4 d«Ar11y blizzard. The following pen
boy was found uninjured, but the
queen, play, talk and entertain ill a
and soft, soothing and gratifying t11,e
inises for liquor. None was found.
picture is from ate America:.i source,
young lady , w" terribly frozen,
manner so captivating that she is
ear lilies sweet music or the rippling
Bennett admitted thefu, but Clarkta
the Minneapolis corrosponrlent ,of
though still alive. A tuaa living
. sitnI)ly enchanting. Let her hus-
of a streaul.
reframed, When they .forced the door
the Springfield Republican and may
near Miller, Dak.;`went' out ill the
hand come in and she ceases all.
open, breaking the lock. A row
therefore be accepted as true.
storin to get a_doetor for his suer,
Her fingers lieu on the keys use-
g P y
Preachers And Pipes.
started and a Crowd headed by ,lien,
A peculiarity of thio most recent
- P. Y
do+� bo who had met with an accid•
-. Y
less, and the flush passes from her
net attacked the inspector. Wm.
blizzard was its ol«eeptive character.
ent. He lost )lis w_ay and was
cheeks. I have used ever artifice
' ,w orthadox
Rev. DI r.
Pitnian of • Georg eto0n Ntrnck
°e ,
As experienced in Dakotn, the snow
frozen to death. The bo ald0 per-
which, a family physician call itae'to
tion, Mss
church Mention, Hams,, ha9..been
Brothers a heavy 'bluty-with a load,
fell heaa•ily all day Wednesday but
. imbed from the cold and, the yinjur-
discover if these theme eo ler• are
fad pastorate because
ed whip. McFadden told the
, Without, i11Uch - wind. Thursday
ies•her had received. Miss Jacob.
°Ilsuulted, And I ca not Hay tb,at
of alloy
ord a
of a❑ Unparrionahle inrlulg«nee in
'crowd 1,t- would s„ootifthey inter-
inoruing•o en«d clear soil still, and
E' f
oche, aschoul teacher near St. Olaf,
they are. I �° not believe that they
tobacco, 1Ie f1111111111Ht«rlld the gospel
,fared.' He bred two shots of ly, one
apparently the storm was over. It
Minn., started house with a little
are but a the same time there is
the only orship in town to a little
in the air livid the other into the
P roved to he a lull however, when
girl and both perished. When
g P
the peculiarity which I have• min-
flock of worshippers. His salary
Crowd. NO person tenor hurt. 11c -
the nlemests Heemt-d .ktrdle gathering
found the teacher wpv clasping the
tinned growing out of 'R n"rvoum
was only q,350 a year, with a not
Faddep was arrested l4f was re-
themselvrei t0gethNr for moat -fear-
little girlie ii'erarmH, bavingwrapp•
temperament, which I cannot un,
very ,.pretentious partionage, rent
leaser) a..few Minutes after on Lail.'
ful on%lang;it. Between nine and
,vd the folds of her dress around )ter,
derHEand. But she is not the one Y
Erne Besides tliim there was an
tell o'clock the snow again began
and a smile ryas on her face.
annuity of :„200, the gift of the
. fnilinz, when soddenly before any
Conferenee. .Rev. Mr. Wassail
Curious Gift ofa Protestant
Canon. .
ouP wits AWRIe, wind commenced
A roc«nt despatch fella of the heroic
A -tall, blonde man faultless) y
learned •til Hnloke •While at college.
to blow with terrific force. To
illuktratP the of the
Nelfmacri6ce of Ocorge Patrick, a
' , ' , ,
attired in •the latest Lunnolh clothes
Ile was not an inveterate sliloker.
Anlomrst the numerous 'offorin°s
chmnge :r -A lady working AhOUt
young school teaches ill all isolated
and bat created a great deal Of
Am his Hulall salary did not -permit
recent) made to the Ho Father
the booms was aol;erl by her rlau;bter
dlNtl'ICt Ai)OUt fort nllle9 north Of
di Y
,Enda», D. 'r. nis metiovl consist,
amusement in a Greene and (sates
in Brooklyn
the use Of the, weed in the form of a
cigar; h« used a pipe, from which
on the occasion of his,Jubiloc, We.
may cite book stint by a Protestant
to notice 11;; � gently the snow wit
falliue. AnutLt-r
ml of livo pupils. On tl,e day the
avenue car recent)
}las Goardtsd the car on the way' up
ht-, derived ranch m',lace although
miuistt+r of position and of au-
mnnlgslit and mho
i�_____beard a shriek. Hastening to lenvii
ldiizoCrd began rafting, rather than
,own and monopolized the bent sent
the practice was indul,-ed in secret,
tiquariau repute„ -(rho Rev. Cauou
.. ____.
thedill 41f it, she foulia ill front
brave itn fury he concluded to re
Itlaln Oyr'1• lll�rllt Ill thea Hchool-houHe,
before Liteah uI�✓ district was
�P g
IY' -- - --
Jenkins, rector of Lyrninge'aud
�81]On Of �iaftteP n 'ti ttlle11Ta1.)
d�or torn open by Lha vl(]iP11Ce r+f,
CX eCtllrg+ that LiteHtOrlll would
COaChPd, WIIP,Ce tlrri 00.1' filled rat)1'IIIy
IIIH H1110kill” lidlitil COmllla: to thO
The book, "A Pastoral
, the Ivied, and it requir+id the united
Htren;th of hr'r Lao daughters and
cease hi'furn morning. lint the
'and.,many ladies wereclirapelbll to
stand in the crowded ai»ln. The An;
,notieo` of his parishioners Mr. Was,
mail was celled to arcotmt xlt a west'
tenor of . 1'icat°s Apostolic in
.'�1I herself to see»re it again, No
following dd it raged fiercer thmil
° l
glo»,aniac ooled tbon) all in turn,hut
ing of•the (tliur'ch Inst week. Thore
England. the Year 1688,"ishand-
6' `
wonder that +nu'llr• Inro'I limo their
I r
ever and the little sebool•hou8e
standing all unprotected upon the
never oBernd to give his son t. I''iu-
6 v'
were sunt, who rec'0nlnlnIld(td the
sorrel bound in white vellum, with
the Papal situs emblazoned ill trent,
11011109 1 (illi
aido prairie was wrapped in the
Ally, ossein his deativationf hr-
retention ('F rhe oglsrn, int the clinic',
Hurl Evils forW;uded by the rnvoreud
'r111ZArffFlt0t'8 IWIMITNES:', 01-"1'111.
iv' , folds of tho .\retic ilurricdl:e
arose, and with Ihfi often of 9 Tal-
le lliiiici't%ed'11is I';ui;ldsh DcrhY
.if ht- ts•oul,l a„r••'; tu,rive. up biH pille.
7'hm ora o1•ity of the nfen,bers, hOtV.
,genllenrnn to lir. IlartWoll do la
ry ,
', `
and shaken fo its very fn4i111at"lolls.
and bytviuf to t,lu hanll..0uu'st of tern
ever ru!ivl tImt. Lis sin could not.
(rar(le s
,,011e of 1,110 Pope's
w"ro ltlintv:ldered" tvhert tits blizzard
I'h” horrors ondured by that
ladies before Biot, Haid, "A w, (l0, lilt)
' f i
Ln fnr,ivrn 1,1( ii 11 ,)s voted to +lie.
pi ell; inberl:lilo, tt ith tho I
stencil t11em. 111 day aur) All r.i�ht
e(! nine and his little co111PM110r's'
1 tllchonah to accept thi" Hwtt."
miss ilio'
rlucst that it sllonld h1 1')y bi»I prC-
• , , the storul continu,sd with nn intr,n-
Iho u'ailH unci HoIrN of tLo hungry
(wick as a flaahat!aa,te the response''
eonted to lfulinn,cs, The inscri ,
. ' city htU,)o,;il,le (f) (1,,c •ilw. Til„
and horrifiisd children, must be left
The ltev. Mr. Wassail is a your ;
tion ittai,lo is as fullua's : his
Huns •.ins film w: flour --morn
to the imagination of the reader.
<� Oh, no, t9lauk y011. 11ePp your
man, and as his selmnns arttstron;;
Holiuc'.;s 1'til,,; 1,n0?Clll, with tho
pI:o!-ably it mii;iit i',n tern".d ioo
None of thein) were left to tell the
Heats You must he tired."
and' orginid,-his fi•Iends hn
respectful eungrnlulntiuns An f'errynt
dt;,it, and w-I'l N1V.•ilt ,tont{ .vi'th such
story, Three days latel• they were
The tall' Iran flushe(I until hits
will have no dilliculty in fieolinrg
wi"ihcs ut' 1, wIt f1111I•10s .lcnki»9
force? it lvould pnuet.rate thronDh
all found stretched upon the floor of
cheeks rivaled the color of his eravnt
aeother pastorate f,l,n;, nfonlber, of
rector of Lymittf!n nlld Canon of
oiw, clothin". 'The air wrim Ho,
the Hchool•bouac frozen stiff, their
and, turning to another of the ladies,
which aro ITIOM liberakniindedr
Caterlml-', And is nceolrpanied by
• thick with the flying snots that
features distorted by the pains of
said "I beg of yon to take my
the folloWing linos .
Luil,li»ng and oth(ir large objects
g ]
cold and hunger, and their forms
g r
seat r
"Isyou a4 t.+ Peter 110 Lha wave,
• close at hand horn entirely concnal
huddled together as if in a desperate
Glancing roguishly at the amused
t.�.,_ ' r >✓CTION SALE.
Wliodarell, vet fl,nr•ed the tempost st rifo,
ed ftoln vietd. "To"fncctmuch astorm
r'fro,tH to prolong life am long as
occapantsof the ear, 4hiH lady soil•`
..4 _X. htLtry, any size or
4- rn' _ color, lit very reasomible
\fay Jca>t'shailtl tr1'.trlird forth to save
Ifo the cnlni lmcen of tliy life:
Was oaf of the gU(!46041. rho only
possible. Tho heroisin and self-
ingly replied ; Oil, thank you,
-& vate4,atTileNewe-Record
o1Hce. tt'empkenepectll.
Till in the kia{rtom,of the blest,
Hafety fer any one caught out i'n it
sacrifice, of the dead school teacher
air 1 Keep your seat o You must
;,,,cy or this Ctn•9 or work
1V have stns shell nes r morn fo down,
tSrAR t0 tl'A1'r'1 with wind.
will be an enduring monument to
be tired." . '
The lie
I �` ''�' andar•k»o1+•Irdgan(rsuper•
lofts and fewertuals. ,,+1,9 gornl tr'ol'l( renri ns low
Thy care, shall find nr, endless rest,
, .
I by ills the faithful servant's el -OW""'
.Many Of the itt'C111nnt8 told in
his mom6ry. Iii Tiad Strippod hinl•
marl looked as though
prl('es 119 nGy otfl„r• weit of Toronto gaamutecd.
, .
y I.ty
e. r .r. •
f r >W �,. +.
- \
I 11
r fi ' - -..
11, V •• .. .. •
I 11
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GR �A; AU E 1.
--NT Js�R
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ee M
l '
Carltel�n a I
s C iiia e Wr �S t
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All Kinds of Cutters -ISA ,
SW'For All Kiruna ef People
And PrI48es to Hatelf.
Do not fall to Ball null see them-9ppotite
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F:' 1
1� �' ",ter •-al
1- - - .�'
Arolvcnrr:-.'.,t ::a.'(n::1.•'nibPerr-'-•1 . .
Puritti-o. I, r- a :o, 1, , r...,l eLecrual
deSt".Vw oI' sr• - 1a i:1 i..,'. i, n oc A4 ;Ul.
.... .-
ll► 11,ai1(VRMRI'Malil
ter 0. shllpltl YraNTNaaR 1(iALM
that will REMovis TAN, NRRoltL88, BIhtifLRa tied
BLOTL•11118, leaving the akin soft, clear.a„+tbetilltl
. till; also instructions for producing, a luxuriant
r .I
gro+vth of hair on a bald head or smooth face.
Address, 3c stamp. BEN. VANDELF A
CO., 00 Ann street, N. Y. 39 y- -
Restored. A m
gifleian having hlnea"tly boll-
the huhu of self-abuse in his: youth, andI
in consequence suffered all t•ilo•Hopnoas of Setual •
. �l
Incapacity, Lost nunhood,. NhysiaalDecay, Gen.
eral Prostration, oto•., will, out, of 4timpathy for
his fellowoufferers, mail freo tileaeeil,e by which
he was finalh• cured. Addl'ess-iii- eoefidenee J.
W. PINKNEY, 43 Codar-.Naw.YoakS.t.,.' 392,
,,,, .
Market Square, _
D;rcade tip in Best Stllle and -Work-
t stabil, cit Abruham.Svifth's.
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A Full Line of GENTS' FUR- -
It will�_)ay you to call on' .
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Low as any office We§t of Toronto
Cofisl4t your own interests awl call at -
TH Nmvs-Rrtcom) office before placing
your order fory class of Printing. ,
geweral Frinters cS• Publishers, .
Implements t
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And all Implements used oft a farm
as Gond as the Best, and as Cheap
-p B.
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