The Huron News-Record, 1888-02-08, Page 8., ._-_ ...,....rs n .TF z ..�„�-.-•,r -ar'++.. �,..��,��,,,,,�i:.,,_-v-^T'__,,,,_-T____7:'..°.•' �.*'s.�.. , 0 � s i a t " TIIIG I!AxkTR. ADVOQATIp lily . The fluml�News'��GG'o1"d�l' I ahullged hands anti, politics, It is. f $t,00 0 Ywar-7j1.25 in A1t;,pee. '", nowconducteil by Mr. Wm. Sanders, - MEW M •----�=--_ -- a' gentleinau of experience in tine ® , t3 Wedati-sday, February S. 1885 business and one in every way Valified to get up a good paper. - "-"'-- -" Vlr Acting on the advice of m Physicians in Edinburg cunni Clinton I have e heartily wfill Mr. Sanders every a Y Y 0 ■, - s LOO--,,kL NEWS. success, resolved to go out of business, unless my heal th3iinproves satisfactorily. . AIR. 'JOHN EAGLESON, of OSHA- I WILL SELL, MY LARGE STOCK 4 GOODS AT VERY LOW In and Around the "Illub•" PRICES. Nearly 300 pounds of BERLIN WOOL and FINGERING Bruck northern Dakota is in town TAKING � r . • ' '��'� � � rho neat of his brother at YARNS, to go at Duly 9� .an oz. Caslr, lOc. it'Charged. tiVl]y pay others I We al's bush 1 AI�INCx S 1 OCK al1Cl balancing Our a g present. 15c. when ' t�lA4Ult (�! llXi;, you can got it for UE^ from mo. This "Wool is ALL NEW books fol' thb last ear's business. We are ratified to He likes the counts well. Was I j' g y and the LATEST SHADES. WOOD WANTED.—Airy quantity there during til© recent blizzard but know that we have clone considerable more business than of wood wanted, in exchaugo for it was not nearly so severe where he 6,000 FANCY CUPS AND SAUCERS, to go at less than Halt' Price— jn Llle previous veal', and for the CQi�ni'ngr year we will goods, at the Clinton Woolen Mills lives as in the southern part. He 35c. ones selling FOR TTN CENTS as long as they last; only 300 of this —JGaN SCOTT. 480tf will return in about six weeks. line left. Mill silTl to 01111 ae our volume of trade. We expect. to 1,500 TWO -BLADE JACK-KNIVES to go at TEX CENTS EACH. do this by showing such a stock that will not be equalled � Amin C&USLAKE the tailor •and 11n' I;n llor DS, tubo until recant Will announce other lines of Goods next week. in this section and combined with 4 ` ly had been agent in this vicinity ' # ` dyer, has removed e to the Beesly ° Co._ for the Singer Sawing Machine .; . •_��_ _ _ _ _ _ , _ _ - _ _ _ _ +ice property, n few doors'south of his was charged before P. M'.. Williams �hr1S�Cksort Clinton.former ,plane of business, where as • * # * j '" 1 * t * t * t *' t * t usual all work entrusted to him will with embezzling money,the property fi Of said Company. a prima facts. THE TOWN BESIEGED ' be promptly goon at moderate rates. case was made out and he was A CABLEGRAnrfrom DI•.I%.H.I3ark- ' ThII.W111 1.01 41814t committed for trial at the next well, of London {the . greater),brotber - --" - court of competent jurisdiction. of W. S. Barkwell, the well known -- Ily. u OfilRGAN EXCITAL at the evening chemist of London (the lesser), and service in St. Paul's church On "IIEIDS BEL•AW I"—We believe it son of R. I3arkwell, of this town, Life Insurance ■ ■ 'r-I'sday. Sermoa,.by the Bishop. is in good auld Edinboro' toun states that he will shortly sail for Collection in aid of Orgau Fund. that the above warning is some- Canada. The Doctor left Ontario ati mos shouted from windows several few years ago to accept a position as THE Mitchell Advocate says that ¢ - , T Dol. A'r SAMPLES OF COST IN A THE PEOPLE. We have no hesitation ln• saying thatP , etoroys IiiglL" • 1 assess by who are physician on a atoulner plying be- 1/ Constable Dennison of that town , HOME COMPANY: Ver few Establishments west of Toronto will show such <' up to the meaning speedily dodge ttveen Prance and India, and after receives $40 more salary than was — ._� PER $I,000� y paid last year, instead of $80 less,.,out of the way in order to avoid soros years service he, located in Age `25 Cestfor1885, also 1886 . $600 all assortment of the downpour from the -slop -bucket, London, Ell-., where he has suc- :ro s 30 ' ST. PAUL'S Cuunou.—There will which always follows "heidsbelaw." ceeded in working u an extensive 35 a 54 boa meeting of St Paul's branch of We are in receipt of it letter from practice. Airs. Barkwoll has not 4.5 ,. 7 bit --§—§—§— — — — — — — - — — — — — — —.— —§— y the church woman's itl issionary Aux- "All Indignant Citizen," who conn- been in good health and spent the 50 60 Is o8 iliary iii thn church uu 'Thursday plains that with out "heids belaw" summer at the seaside in France &• I)e.}iuite Insurance at the above rates. �ra afternoon whoa Bicho Baldwin or"heids aboon," he received, a few and some three months ago came to P o Sce uta ,cfore you insure in any uo,npany will give an address. Collection in nights ago, the full benefit of the Canada, being at present the guest and nwierstand oar plan. At the age, of , aid of the objects of the society. odorous contents of a bucket oncpti- of Air, It. Bark well, of Clinton. She 40, the Dost for $5,000 was about $35 for 0 LOTH ■ N G Business meeting at 3, address at ed from a window some height froin has much improved and hopes to be 1885, also for 1386. --- { 3:30. theoidewalk. THETiMES,Stratford, able to return with the Doctor. See us before yon tteeide.—§—§—§—§—§—§—§—§—§—§ § § §—§�§—§—§—§—§—§—§—§= -' 41 can suggest no remedy unless it be Too AIUC[I HONORED —County Jas, Thompson, Agent CHAPTER MEETING._Hullett Dia• to pray that every alderman who High Constable le HONORED Chief of ' p ' g In the ineantlllle we are closing out any odd lines of trict Royal Scarlet Chapter will votes against a scheme of setiv0who ° McKay, _ CilOthitle at 1 hold its annual mooting in the Police Yule and eonstablo big Dan b Orange Hall on Tuesday comp os a smilar benefit to that McEvor, all of Guderieb, went to one in protesting against it. llfc- ° r Clinton, Y conlpinined of, ilfurchfe waxed even wrothy and de- a 'evening, 1.4th February. It is ex- Baytidld last week. They went _ - + - - + + _ - _ - + - L ° Y clared the attempp to Introduce it a petted that severaldk ill be exalted, I'LL LEAVE. THE CHURCH♦—. about Me stilly hour of u]idnighf cowardly one. Cantelon had the - and a full attendance of Compan- When members of aehurch threaten Their object was to servo papers beat of them in argument.. Instant - 1011B fa 1`e(}1103te 1, under the slighest.teal or_ even_ fma- "furnished thein by the County Attor- Ing the fact that niembers of the ginary provocation to "leave the ney,on soino pArsons for obstructing council held'theii• seats by ballot, A. GUN THAT DON'T WANT To ao ,r „ rr Scott Act constables in the discharge members of the Ontario Assembly church to somewhere go 1 hero else, ° OFF.—A. And Dominion A• Guun V. S. of Boa Dom n on Parliament were elect - what r Beaverton, g f their leis duties and domaudin til 0 :. what does it Groan 4 If the minis- ' ° ed b ballot "and their F I USUAL PRICE seems to be an unmarried Ulan, presence of said parties to answer y positions, ter does not do exacta what some p p ------- �� Y were surely as "responsible" As that o w 1 This is asap year, but oven his uan]o, }ieople think he ought to; if a for contempt of line Ma,jesty's au- of town Clerk. And he might havewhich should produce a feeling t ( ° of fellow -member has given offence in tholity as vested In her officers, added'"that' the., directors of leading, torror in the hearts of the fair ones word or deed; if the singer does Though the hour was late a largo corporations all over the world, wino of that locality, has no effect, and he° numberof!the citizens i and around controlled millions of mons were And we Can make it intereStifin for ally buyer of not suit, straighway there is heard �' Y , is obliged to arlu'himself to prevent the threat "I'll leave tho'-t hunch " Bayfiald prepared a ,rand reception elected by ballott. The insinuation C Tothill;;. his going oft, or rather to prevent «I'll resign" What does it moan 4 for the distinguished gelitlemvu of McMurchie savored more,of the r his being captured, .' citizens had cowardly• than the above -board :n: Simply that they are Hot true memfrom GodorichThe citi - proposition to have the otlicers'of \ci'r CO>il'IrETELY BOYCOTTED,—A bers of the church at all-aro not torches, fire crackers, powder loaded the town appointed by ballot. The couple of week's ago n city press members from conviction ; they do anvils and Queen Ann muskets; proposition failed to carry. - On openDD08 ` not even know what church melon }torso fiddles, cow bells, and a gen- vote w.Coats was reappointed Clerk,. dispatch contained the . statement ora} aggregation of such instruments and E. Corbett assessor.in place 'JA_0K8V1V that the people of Beaverton refused bership is. ' Does it mean that they aggregation of If. the use of. their churches for toin- !Ire to care for their own notions as the primitive condition of the Stevens, by a vote of G to b. lerance lectures, Wo ro nodu;ed and wishes only and not a particle, inhabitants would p.ermit.of. en 'Treasurer Robson And Constable and 1 1 ' [' Tax CoWector Tedford were re-ap a -w for the peace' and t Goderic}l trio were much taken. H -• the stateweut. �Ve Observe by the } p•usperity of the pointed without opposition. P: ��� ������� ��..ol�f 1IE i�»'.�. � P,eavortuu correapondvuco of the church ; or dons it mean that they aback at the effusive demonstration Cantelon having resigned as Auditor Lindsay. 11uit that such y -;is iiot t.b 'Fare selfish and un -Christ -like, apd or reception. High'Lainstable .lac- ,Jas. Thompson was appointed in his have not of learn the . moauillg hay. declared•tile domonstiration was lace. F. I:olland''was appointed " case so for a9 Knox Church was coil- J'. g P pp Iiud run Out, which was four or five or the succulent and Breen blue. ' cewvil, j'ur \(rs, lreonlans delivered of tLe Savfour's..words ` if any nine _uncalled for, that there was a pais poundlteeper. Neigh scales �o'be years ago, owing to an affection of joint Bras, ninon rho rocks and 4 twill Como after me tanto somewhere. Assured them lie let by tender up to 4 o'clock f-atur- nod anal � chain and sand. This the situation two addresses fn that church' on a , let hint deny the :throat. Ile was a recent Sabhntll, hiutself," ef�c.—(77i115tictae TI'urld♦ ryas Hot Jo}lu A. Macdonald. Chief day Feby 11th, $1 COtc'be placed tt olid used_..to supply pulpits dul'Itl« wLou far away u > high in the clear of Police Yule insisted that. lav teas credit of Railway Committee, pl Y I 1 ° J' I ° the temporary absanto of the foga- blue• empyrean there .appeared a - A 11as1CAr, Ti,.LAT.-5orno of our L. O..L. 52G, HULLETT.—lis au• i not tLu Governor-General, 11ud Con- Officers of Fire Depnrttnelit' were lar Hlinistcm Ile had it very large flock; of feathered bipeds which citizons avo clutvlulined that tato uounced a short time since is DI, stable \IcEvor wanted to know if reappointeA. , yge one, the -emitted croaking,'buzzing nose"au t1bllO1'Inall' lal'g g g sounds. most fastidious in high art music trict "'acting was held in the above they took him for the obeso Dr. - — ° r. result oi'Santa disease which pu'l'ed All.. of the boys were on the qui shall be -ratified for Duce, at least, hall on ��'ednesday ovetiin0 last. A Moutaguo of .Haldfuuu]d, if. not why REMINISCENCES it up to several owes its original rive guessing what species the lofty • this winter. They. have , therefore largo .number wero.- pn•esent from this turnout. .5ool]-the peolAe'fu nlllrl' ' dillloh6ion5. It i3 probabl a dozell lnliabttnn S of the aur boTonged to.* secured the Beethoven' '(,clitartetto Clinton; also a good representation out that .% ruse hit(] beam perpetrated ONE WIFE AND ONE CITiLD of mur.a years ng0 that on, 011e Some would have it that -they were Club for Wednesday 15th heby., in of the members of,526. . The Dis- OH them. But they were going to • l It 'twill require no lengthy in- occasion he was called to officiato wild turkeys, others that they were _ the have t Town Hall. The svvotal meat- trict Master was unavoidably ab e butt fou out lard overwhelmed s g int , :a 1 '� f Y troduction to male a large, number • fo ntuiatcr ul the nvlghborhoud tunnel goose, etc. One 0 our set was bars are highly spoken of by and Deptl•ty , Todd occupied the the visitors 'with attentions that 0 of Iifrktou. After cervico he went ]cu0tvn as vac of lowland Scotch their modest forbid them enation of our .renders acquainted'' with , - tnusicll critics. 11iss Morel! is said cbair. The bustnessAransacted was y John Lou -%worth who at an ac}vane_ home for dinner with the fancily of descent, Clark and somewhat grim to be a superb soprano, Sims Itoeves of a 'pry satisfactory nature and ing to receive. So they returnee} ed age passed iu his checks two ye;u's quo of the elder's. Unconsciously vizage, chary of words, sententions _ ono_of the best•..tenora- in Canada, -au uys: W'sR 'for .thn fttttrre- serccc�ss" to -'lie oouzrwy to-w-n-w-fGho�rt efle(Stino --Ehcit�ebii�t ei�at'i7)1T ��h�lroe't itfnlrear. ' i'tt�lrrs-relrla4ksaln�l�rnit(�ratharmsto•ieal � -- lir„ (has. Kelly rho unsurpassed of 526.. Several members have the object of then unapt♦ Am IleWcuino to Tluio"n ear t11 t ,o' o Y P 30s 11s 3 surveyor for the Canada . ing Of Nil'. Fletcher would revert and philosophic in his mental and basso, Mr. Fax' a funny comic, and signified their.intenti.on - of placing ---+---- -- to the colossal no lortions of thin facial make n In coining to the Coulpany. We have heard him' proportions p o - Aliss Marten au exquisite pianist. their certificates in the. lodgo z q p 0 n(1 n Town Parliament.. geutlownu a I1030. u til lac} F Eldorado Dav brig asked around tell Trow on his first trip to the 0 Eve e y O p number of new applic�fions for —, - count ho ata ed uvei night lu a the house is reported to have said the Horn, through the straits of -' Tar. Kineardino Review coutains Y y 0 membership will be received the JIvt JIonr7ay night, Jlayor in the settlor's house somewhere about to her daughter wheu getting din. Magellan, calling on the way at Rio a very-oomplimentary reference to next regular meeting night. Ever obair, all -ruembers present : ,< ,lir. }toss Robertson of ICineardiva, ° 0 0 Y Wilmot and had to wait for his net., Ala conscience, Jonuie, did. Janiero on the Atlantic and Val- who is al son of a former schoollnaty member � throughout the District FISANCE REPORT. - breakfast in the morning until the 3'e ever See sic a grand nose," good paraiso and other ports' on -the ot`t}]e writer, and nephew of illi.` 'g'ft be gratified to knots that there Accounts recomuieudvd to hu paid : hostgrouud some wheat iu a^ colfoo .core being taken that tlio minister Pacific silo of South America. He f, n the old number still. S 6. '�Ilotnor Coo y, mill and rnado'bread from the moil was taut lvithia hiearing distance, uvvvr we11ried tolling of what ho Toho I'cbbertaon, of Clinton,The per $10 Rattenhnr vu g g „ has n splendid hall, furnished fully Charity account $f.50; C. Dickson so obtained. Ile was an old pen- Dinner boiug served up, "taco lady had soon at the tropical and somi- ,..•__.__._-_.. Ile!•ia'rc• says:— �Ir, Russ,I�obertsou, Y who was teller in the :Merchants, better pilon the majority of county -stationery $3.71 ; Gen. E. Pay, Salary, insular veteran And carried nSeda}s of the house asked \[r. 1'lotcher to tropical ports. they ltad called at. bank here ]ins ])con transferred 'to Balls. It is situated in n good act- Sretucn $GS; Albert JIay,charity ac• for gallant con duct therein, IIe say grace,' but it is feared she was The big sounding names for specie ' tion, and there is every reason to count 05cts ; G. TOdfofd, Salary $7; was 0 rather. naturally more taken with his nose than tho of small value in tho Spanish Auler- Chathanl. IIe is ver po tu'lar y austere in P Y C 1 beliovo that 526._ puffin slc0rt( rank do charity 58; W. B. 1'orster, wood among Our business n1e11 and young J manner and his military training words of thanks, for'tvhet] ho got icon p(5119, the provision of nature p' as one of rho best iodge.F in the $9 T• dVat90n, charity 81.73 ; C 00. had nut lessoned this or softeuec} g , "Now, , in furnishing such scavengers as lvednesd.ay evening a vale- d ° Rentzen, streets $2 1q.; NV. Coats, through silo said to Liui low Mr. 0 0 • county of IIurou, This is as it bissomewhatbrus ne and arbitrary Fletcher, wake ca len>l gwse and helf'1 the vulture or the turkoy-buzzard able ;old watch 11nrl chain, and au salary $50, stationery X1.50 ; Jos, Q y ' nddrv9s, were pr'asonted to hint , by ill,, t el s 1 The next regular meet pt,clor, salary 1525: Silos Pratt do Wily Of dealing with people. He Yourself, as we cotultry folk say." which devoured. the carrion and Pevvr, lar. l[nrtyn; in the Presence iiia taken pla�e on the Friday un or $1b.75 ; Jas, Fair, street account was for some years a clerk in the Silo inroediatoly saw the fear elgis offal} the lazy inhabitants would Of n bust of frienals, at rho '(�p.leon a: before the full moon. Ever,yu,em- $130.87, Receipts: 'Town ball ;+29.95; Compauy's laud office in (�odurich, silo had made and had to. request otherwise allow to illnell to,heat-cu, her who Glu du 90 is linrticularly Weil li Scalia ~17.95. L),") 91-antcd Jennie to wait upon table -while s}lo under the rotting influences of a ,• hotel: Settlors tvllou making entry furlaud p g requested to be present. .Mechanic Institute which with rent were asked minutely as to ]tow refired. After dinner silo was pro ficrev stuff, `dud create anything but CORRUPTING Ml -4011'8 'MORALS.— hUilding n1 a1{49 t1lC ,, Ilsilal allIlia pel'cOna thCl'e wCl'0 111 tl]Cll' fuse ill i or apuluoies but plainly a heavenly stanch, but On the con- flySovcrll ClintonY ouths wept to it n ay A SOLID TORY.—On Saturday aucc. Applications of Jars. Trousc for reltato of,taxesand A, I:wiu{ 1 families. Our of tLvso htiviug, the stated tTtat silo could, not turbans teary nu epidemic brcediug aroma. notghfpurin village a few nights .lost, 11s the morning train for Goder• $ ° }out having been brought ill) ou it 0 g g 0 do„ tai: 'vert: allowed. All town nsuatl questioll' put to hind by 1Ir tLiulcin� of his uosu aut.l 9110 intend- , r, 0 / ago on sport intent. Tho . obtained ich was within Six ntilvs of that ] e ed to utadco hint fewl,at hunts, by farm in Ontario Dav's Hciud was . 1 J printing to be ordore l through the Longlt orth, Ilow rilany of a fam "rain rued pop" at some place and t (lvn—a r'noty-plough being in front Clork. Voters lists so be givau oat ily L;lvo' ywu 1" received fu.t'seply, using tile Loulely trcicun,ing phrnyu, niureM9ttulival to agricultural than to canto honio in quite a fuddled toll- O iLO eugnle, a man suss observed b teudcr balance to Ire ecinall divid• "\InkO a long arm Hurl Lvl p g 1 Y r Y With tin ],teutioual emphasis on g } •yuur- ornithulugicul tc:tms. Creat wnvaur rlitiou. At school next days-,thq of walking on the track. The twival ed anion; rho t'aO t0avu office:,. the first word, "Onr wifu and ono self." ,1frFlotcli,•r ab.,blved her frorn atnazutnent, equallod only by our facts of the jollific+atiun Lad not dis- was blowing thr, snow ful Isly'at TatBA�iU1W1t'9 RRroRT, child" The irate Mr. LOrcgwo•1•t}, al_ any intentiuli4t insalt, and Le amassment, ahvll; after a lull in appeared. Tho' demoralization of rho time and ttpo roan was :only_ a g laughed hvarti'1 at the mistake tit() guessing ceuvgrsition, tho.philo- Pl ' Receipts : Rabupec on hand rout 1337 r4.747.39 meet blew tins in1110CC11t fiC1tICr3 Y youth under the Scott Act is quite few yards ahead of LLv engiuO when I'uhtle6Qhoot aa:onnc— asA.sn and said t.lrlt if shit hod intended so phic Ihty delivered himself thus.' alarming It is needless to say driver Endcox first cattgllt sight of ttenoaary LineAppropriatio'n M 4;,.20 hand off 11s ho thundered out, 1 g Y COUfULInd you, how many wive8 be spoil his appetite for dinner sho ly : "I'll toll you what them is, they hint, Ile at, endeavored t $5.332,3A ling inglorious) failed.. g , the rum and pup was not obtained p would} you have', The sottfor had ingloriously 111'0 lilangol•;Vurtzels I sa'w lots at the regular hotels. Such a state stop his engine, but could not do so Payments: Interest on School Dehyatnre@$lia•Ae Y of 'Out Dalin' u l thv' garbage o Charity account 4.00 unwittingly touched a tender spot in — 1 0 g of things teas tom arativol un- until the pluugli struck the travel l• County Rate 81A.A3 in the streets of Rio and . ° p Y Market account 5,53 the Peninaitlar 1181'0, for 111 -nature(} TURKEY BUZZARD OR J,ANCEr: , known und,or the licensed system. off'• When the trai n came ton stand' Public School neco nit 07.07 f•e, tort had it that he had two wives Valparaiso, ant} the authorities won't any cath cases alight be cited but still COtiductor a'l:ehrook and the 1 NVVRTzrr,. g 1,, I,c,;3 living. Ant} Jlorinohism and nllow them to he killed they arta so :res putt for the parents forbids. traia st4fr welt! , •I W44'd expeetiug s� It was a bright suininer tial some useful" its scitvorigers. The vary I I To Rnlancc on hand a.33o.3c, . American Divorce Courts had not. ° Y hills resounded with merriment and to find a dead luau, , s'uro. Iusteacl .than toned down the ragged edge years ago and the writer and several P ue:,IFon3c'II HI\ISELF♦—On0 day of this, however, the party waved CHARITY ('o]nI?TTl•:t;, fellow Canadians were rocliniug the canny spirits of 'Mount Diablo In st revolt tiff•. Thb,,s. Wal,kor was.gu- his hand to thong and said - he was lteeonttnencl I3rid et I: Lino $2,00 of offences against the one roan one ° ing lir into tho IIs loft of his all right on] n little chokod and g wife mode of multiplying and under rho generous though not for must have danced a merry fnuda»go b t Y ° y . err month, Mrs. Smith2.U9, William replenishing the earth. extending sbado of a live oak tree about that time. But DAV. was stabia. Ile had a Lay fork in Lia blinded frons' being shoved through Copp $3.00, Fofland Family $5,00, P: in the 1tiedittolit of California. 11 gttito imperturbable until somi,�f one hand. Shortly afterwards he had a sDow bank, He was released Cantelon, for Mrs. White, '$5.0(, until — clear b ua sky overhead, the cool reminded Lim that hO must �1nVe it,ju hail log.. ire had hold of it b • from his perilous position and ilne- further notice. MAKr•. A LO',G NOSE AND HELP meant tar i buzzard fmusttc} of d J P P 1 afternoon breeze swept from the y •• the lrandlo with the tints clown ed on board the train and carried Property on be taken sin regard to 4ouTlSrr.r•. s coast range, the rounding, rolling ittangel•wurtzo}. .and there is a hard, 11y sonic mean lie imagined to Godorich. Ile said he was walls- that no action by taken in re�nrd to It is more ears ago than we sweepof the saffron colored hills sort of a catchy similar dissimilarity tank at G. T. R. ?;cation until the J ° between the sound of the two terms. ho was going to lose hold of his ing into town and did not notice or frost is out of the ground• care to reel ilp since we used 'dotted with the low sot live oaks support, and as he had no idea that think of the train until loo was struck occasionally to attend the pulpit gave to the inimod into landscape the The curtain of Dav's c(r"n'tellance like ;1ltabolnet's coffin he could ' by the plough. "By gun]," he COMMITTEE oar OFFICERS. ministrations of Rev. Chile. Fletch- appearance of an immense Cana- for some days after would assume float twist' 'lieaven and eat•thi or said, "it }lit me a good sockdolager, Recommended former'ofi'icers, W or in the old frame Presbyterian than apple orchard in the dog days, a frowningly dark aspect as some rather bottl}c'ie,rr ,the upper and lower and I thought I was struck b the lI. Cooper being an applicant for one would occasionall y Church in Godorich where tl;e brick though the hand of man had not y' surmise floor, ho tlittrst'tl)A fork downward Com'niercial Union wave or some positon of Clerk. An application one note stands; and regularly the yet touched the virgin soil or had whether two would get sight of n to support, himaolf, and in doing so other pesky Grit roactiou. But it's for Same position, which was not be- afternoon Sabbath school where anything to do with its oultured flying flock of maugel-w.urtiols or fore committee, was read from Mr. Y ° how the could be ca hutted for the the obstacle it strati: ryas filo calf of all right, boys, my nano is Johnston; P. Cantelon, ' Jtuvie Bissett and Willie yVallaEe aspect. Lazily, with upturned Y 1 his own leg, It required the united I am a solid old 220 -pound Tory, were 'vont to expound rho Shorter faces, we enjeyod our while our purpose of propagating thorn among 'Chis elicited some debate. A the farmers of Ontario. Tho fowl that »tlrongth o two men to pull ft out. and it takes ronin than a scow- � Catechism. 1[r. Pletcher had to hobbled,clean•lirobed,sleok•skinned • p ATr. Walker will be laid up ° motion to have officers elected by • were seeit aye hoad are popularly 1 for a plough to bow} oto over. i nm ballot caused a short but warm dis• � giro up, regular ministerial tvorlt mustang"s munched the golden wild .}: I p Y few days in err sequence, solid for John A. ever time. cussion. Manning was quite vigor. I many years before thti sitnc�I�tll,•ii£e Outs on the turf covered hill sides" known as laud -hill cranes. • R A w . 'a•" • r ✓fit aF'r • '•' u n .y P� ^ til ., • P r ...:.r ._:... -..: ..:.•.,. .,:y.,- x.. aux• .x i, r i e_ , . � .v , n. n • .J' v . .i. .._�:.._i..-'�-O.:�t:�ilmsau+.uca: _...q. ,•. ., .. ,...,.e,:<..v ,..,.,,. :. ... r, '.. .. ., .. ... .. .. ... . ..... ..... .._ ..aN.tl .. "i�.r...�,.isOJtd4dliY...ue.Nib'::YLJk..L.Wt'aua0'r4e.w.•., CrL .. W.'.,. 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