The Huron News-Record, 1888-02-08, Page 4T. �r'•�,-?'•� _•^"_ ,–.'T-+^-*._ . __i".-- - '--•'r^'",n.^.._ T - -w ^!-Its„ -1 . a - a' - '� , , w .. • I"! „ 7 _ ' T�i�H.uf QnpNews-Record hunliortality of the soul, It all thof habits Sir John and Lad Alacdon- ; PROHIBITION ANI) r Lr"tiQUun, �� 0 ' anal in@Liucts ref young aRlUlala, their fool- aid :ttteYfd f�le revival meet•' As to the freodolu of the trafliG, . -- t„ $1.50 a Year--•ill.S5 1p Aetanuu. — wga turd 4u:overueuts, inay be traced an, in ill ruhiU.iti u Fvrtlanc I 11 . _-... _ ..�.-_ tinuite rclatio11 to their improvofi parfeot Ings held . in Ottawa by the N 9 1, MaL,ine, L tw- ——' state ; theirs ports }cavo ahva s aIIluiti). the 'Rev, F. T. T3�YLE] of that city, t Y Lvanaelists Crossley and I'iunter . ° W04ii1�?Sil;ty,.1rOb It;tl•y e. IlSS$ wtheir utodcsl)t'luuptlugoreatchiugtheir ,, , in areuautsermon, ruadethio state-. taliIng - .a-io , 'r =-r ---- -- --__-- food ; anti young hirdo, uvea ill the nests, I lie Premier Joins in the bywn Went : ---__.. ___Y__ _-_ • BINDING T FVINA4 °hew marks of fondness which, when their singing. Tho Grits have nut yet I Ila] heard it affirmed that theele °' francs aro developed, bocoltto signs of actions necessary to the reproduction anti `had the Cheek to sav that thin is an- wag open sale of liquor in our u'eaervatiun of the species. 'file desire of other political dodge of the "tvily" hotels, I wanted to know anti I 9 11 Win. Clu1ow,ufSumntorset, Iowa, 1 I , glary, of hteluur,ul' Inlu,mtal'fame, anti of' went to are. I have rP rated) ° ; writes, under date of J:tnuarv, to cmiNtaut ltuowledgo, ,o usual in young Chieftain, but we may suun hero• the P Y o__ . persons tit' well-etminds cu snot , „ vigitetl, the but, rouuls ill three of the Jlitclrell tidtucctEe : ! f cilau0Cs run- ill that directiout our p,inei al hotelti. I found theui 0 1 thione, b orbs• rhuu symptoms 'of the _T L 1p _ _ _ - 'tin this loonlity, which is only ten infinite p, onotssiru tiatw'u of tbu ill- without the slighter: difiieulty, miles froin the capital of Iowa, in teliect—hopes w1d(ih, lee they cannot he �'i)e Klection 0ourt hasbo}ifirined though I had previous inforni-a' �on C "R " ^� 1856 we paid in cash"foe our binding gaalificd baro, huluug to u 15awu if)m"al n r jLtltf i iIt ilia rout fur last of the location of trot one of mow. twine 17 cents per lit., aml in 1887 suited to,'a nuhlo date ofemstenco. , t at the beginnin¢ of the se)iann Ificts., " Elgin, 1,444 ,v thus tuade a brook ill I found not the slightest degree of . b but before the harvest was half over Religion, whether natural or revealed, rho Liberal record, for of the eight soneealment in either case, In . it cost us from .22 to 24ets. per Ib., hag always the sumo th, in influence tee connection with one of them, which . which is' just �7ats.' et- Ib. more than ou the, n,iud. Ill youth, in health and cases tried as to Ontario elections to P proepyrity, it awakens feelings of grati I Dave visited six times, I liave Mr. McDonald says he paid for it the Comnlo4s, in the first seven the never found so -much as a clotted11 here t It is evident from this that tune and sublime love, and pwifieN at the santeltime that it exults. But it is in seats have been declared forfeited, door; even from the passageway , - some one's memory is greatly at misfortune in sickness in age that its Tho seven lotosta tried A ainst I could plain) see the sellin and fault, or that some underhand work effects are wast truly and °huuuticially p g Y g �► has been going on between American felt ; when subwission in faith and Conservatives have all been dis- the drfuking. I declare to you, D-EPARTMENT I and Canadian dealers for the purpose humble trust in the divine will, Ilium, missed, upon my own rept�uted obasryatiou, of making capital against your Goi• duties become pleasures, undevayiug sent-:' that there is the open and constaut ernment and its Natinnal Policy, ces of consolation. Then, it createssale of liquors over a bar in three of - . —o 0. and thereby hasten, which no loyal powers which were believed to be extinet ; We reproduce from the Boston ,our leading hotel,, all that I visited° . Canadian would wish to see, annexa• and gives a freshness to the nnind, which goat, a temperance advocate, an—eonstat,t ':!i • - tion between the two countries. Mr. was supposed to have passed away for- . unless �uuday be ut► McDonald further says : ''Enough over but which is now• renovated as sa unbiased statement as to how pro• exception. There is an open bar - }"r ovine could havo been had tit the hionoratul hope. Then it is the Pharos, Ili each of rheas laces eunoia da - e hibition works in prohibition p 8 y same price (7 eta,) to supply Canada.,, gtl,liug the wave -tossed mariner to his P and night.. The business has been . o hones—as Ulla calor and beautiful still states. ]t iso life-lilco nctitre. of curtiudun its heel and 0.N o enl . ­�­ If so it is a remarkable fact that ou ! - - here last year the demand at event basics on fiords, suriouuded by tranquil )' p yERTS , 2, Y groves and pastoral meadows, to the the situation in Hurou and other as billiard playing or boot black• ' 4 rata.: per 16., was far in excess of Norwegian pilot esca inIg front a heavy n, - 11 the supply, and I know of masa I P Y counties 4n Canada. AI01'0 C9peCntl 111^ �'V {. pP Y, Y stores n, the North Sea—or as the newt ly the referrenco to the de11loraliz- THE 0LouE ANALYSES THE MAIL Creat• Cash Sore Clinton'. • farmers, myself among the rest. who anti dewy spot, gushing with fo ntafus, . k :{ a had to throw •their grain 'out loose, to the exhausted uud thir•s,ty traveller in its tendency of the unregulated The Globe appears to d6trust its . and bind it by hand, which, ,f 11 r.' the midst ut' the desert. Its. influence t McDonald's statement wits true., outlives all .earthly enjoyments, ants be• sale of liquor, As now, to minors Commercial Unionist ally, thelMazl, -^— would not have happened." 'nue strtiugor u-1 tilt' lwgata de@ay.. soli an11 youth,. \\'art it• out thnl «'e soil it its issue of Thursday thus ;. CIrZ (�p�•rt��tlaplltJ�»rJee X0$211 (ala l'I' ji0�l�lCrix�. the-tf'iatne disolves. It appears as that illustrated the hotter of "Union" And Mr. Horace Fawcett, of Win a.veffth-stal'ul li,,ht it the horizon cflife think harm would Come of it wo which exists between them. Says $,: ser, Alinneeota, coltroberates \Ir.Clu• wlpu+h, we aro sura is to bemillo, in could puint out nunturuu, case., int tilt, Globe : "Travellers ayer that Tucicersinitit. Colborne. 1`;' law, on the question of binding auotbei seaso,i, a , sure, g•stur; find it' brethren of L.O.L.- No. 153 ware twine. Both were formerly settlers throws it,radicmee tlin'uugh the gluout aid this town whore these have .hecom„ when he is hard set fur 'Mood the Mr. Jae. Broadfuot is recovering K ` of that pisco, and they corm to know shadow of death. thoroughly iutuxirnted through Ahyminian provides himself, with slowly, ° Advanced to the R. A. Y., Iho rest ► . what they are writing about. Mr. steaks front the patient beast which \it. ll. ot being able to attend oil account ' ^ drink' urclima.l ill out of tilt wiry McIntosh,, Iloeve, is hav- ,' Fawcett claims that twine is much 1 carries him. When he hag viaitod of the storm. The chair was oceu- higher in the States than in Canada, , IaDITORIAL NOTH',S. places• every steaic-l,earin g part of the ins a slight attack of sickness. pion by Tiro. Win. McGill who vory , `"' and if Mr. McDonald was able to buy �_— P Mr. Thos. Itobertsou find Mrs• ably conducted the meeting. patient quadruped, ed and almost Atter a 1 at 7 cents, a pound, it would pay Jas. Chesney are on the sick list the lodge was closed. refreshments . . . Yankee farmers to give him a big 'llle factiouists of Ilaldiulatd ill)- CURlitb'2V C'TC)PTCS """":" `""ile,tro. its "e"zlstauetg, the cruel new, . were served up in excelleutstyle by ,"' commission to secure their twine, as -- African abandons it with reproaches The deputation sent to examine th► llrethren'o'f 93., thou A short it cost them last pe+le. to have more 1llOney tl]aII lila- HOW HIGH LICENSC-. ES. that it will carr him no longer. �' o - year all the way yI from 16 to.,23 Cts per 16, bit-. FAw• crotiun. ' 'Though twice beaten At whether or not the school of S. S•.. -tireo wits spent in aiuging. There High. license is roving •a rather Thi. would do nieNly as a siulile for , cert thinks that Canadians are Far g proving No, 6 should ho coudemned,docided , will be a monster degree meeting' r ' the polls, twice beaten of a recount, pr investment ill those wa._ a journal which enthusiastically viii - better off so far as the ]price of twins P ifie. the olitical art at whose i eat on the adviso of the inspector, not some time before spring when ,•,''' is concerned than Americans and twi,,o beaten oil fi scrutiny, twice card states where it has been tried. p P. Y S' . ' cost.it�„was loll,, to condemn it since they built trio several of the brethren front both anything written to the contrary he beaten ill t}le election courts the The prices at, licenses vary from C supported. Human Y nu%v schools this year, lodge§ will be advanced to the R.A. 1-11 says is only to deceive those Who $500••to $1 200. In Missouri - the brines so detest ingratitude that 1'he farmers club society, instead ° Timely '.- don't know any better. have appealed from Mr. Justice P. order. rimer notice of. the "Ill' Irovenue has been trebled • in No- even the opponents of a party thea Y, kr': Streets decision to the Supreme deserted and denounced must rt- and of having club meetings now for the meeting will be given through the i;� The above statements are con. , ., uraska it has increased fivefold, uud g of discussing aurae im ort• columns of THE NEws!'kFconD. The 'y Court of Canada against-tho return in II{inoia it hag grown from 700- the traitor with couteupt. It, purpose o p ".. f nuatory of those made from 'time e ' ant question and benefitting their brethren of the surrounding lodges of Dr. Montague. There's money 000 a year to $4 800 000. Chicago declaration that such provender ss q to time b" persons calling at THE Y g „ intellectual powers, meet on Tuesday are expected to attend and make • Y I ° ill it—for the lawyers, but Dr, has now 4;000 saloons instead of it fed -on -for fifteen years is ex. +," y ni ilia and la 4'oot ball. This this meeting a grand success. L.`O. NEws ItFcc otiico from i4lichigau, the 7 000 it fornnprl had, and the traated in the last analysis frees g play L. No. 932 has a large commodious t Aiuntague is honestly secure in his ' Y o the pocket of the taxpayer," will may develop physical but in intel- o It was only A fow days ago that Mr. revenue hati'tncrtiased from $.,00,. 1hall free of debt which can accom- • seat, not i,o doubted. But that ]s even acetosa' 'tioirers. They may thank Cleo. Rnddell .of Iiul}ett stated U00 to $2,000,000.—liogton Nee- od:ite a big gathering ' ' ail. s . more reproach to the deserter than the board of trustees for it. o o ° I personally to its that during it visit A wail is just now coming from to the deserted. 'Che receiver is et The reasons given by the trustees y i�Ivtb.11 1.' - IU Al iChl gall he f0U11d Lite same CANADIANS CAN 9TANI) I'r, haat As lead a9 thU thief. When the fol tU[Ding tfy1'al'ma[8 C11Yb Out Of . b the croakers in Manitoba who can- the school o S. No. G are ver Thomas ,Farrow es ox -1f, P. j prices prevailed there fo.r binder Representative Cogswell, of A[as- receiver, not from repentance,. but Y q•> not oat their "rain Co market owing sachusaetts, said to -day, to a G'ritic int vole hope of reward, pr aches op weak, being its follows : Prayer was in town on Friday. ; twine a9 D'Iyaars Clulow and Fawcett to traffic being impeded by snow til& thief liens held tine worst of the meetings were held in S. S, No. 9 Art Ethi h, of London sent I say prevails in Iowa orad.'\\'isconsin, man that nothing—absolutely no. g p blockades. .This state of fit iugs is thing—would come out of the fish.. two, ,Fancy the impudence of such and school property was destroyed Sabbath with his parents. "' -' ' If joUhes ill Can:u};i can buy Anil}r= „ a 'carnal as 'rho Nall rattlin + of there, (but no fault was found with attributed to the Douinion Govern- erten negotiations. We have J •„ P 6 -Hr. James Smith, of A[oir]a, 1� 1Cltn ttVtlle Ili the figUl'P.9 the allege . " it'sOwCt r'1 hteonsnesaa few sentences the conduct Of the club.) And now .. j.- .1 I o Y o Mont and the iron heel of the C. P, beaten them .all round, he Contin- t� shipped a car load of cattle -oil the Aptericaii3 are , merely repeating ued. "We have beaten them 'i,n after expressing how it was, till the Board have turned round and Mond Y. 4- j , R. munopoly, - And , these cranks , t let S. S. No. 9- be had for hold Y• I j•' A dodge they tried on Canadians in write to the Ontario tossTrow mucFi the .Ways and Means Committee, recently, kept . How curious 'its in prayer meetings Certainly Mr. E. Wasson shipped another 'a" P Ill 'the Appropriations Committee imagining that honest folks will g. p Y g Y the iufancy.of title stilt industry in bitter the situatiop is in Dakota and y j car 'load of cattle to Montreal .on • \. ` ' and the foreign A.Elairs, and there look" favorably on the latest evidence `ver unjust. Thursday. ' Canada. When salt was first rnalio A[innesuta.' The American papers will he no free fish." "Then the that, it has adopted the profession of Mr. William Cockerline c r '- i• . ,, at Go+lorieli,.,the Americans brought same condition of affairs will (pxisit . betrayer." Colborne. co r- dlesa'iUe t}►e situation on their aide pouter, has taken the job of finish• the price down from $2 to.$1 a bill'- of the ]ice as much worse both from next summer as last V suggested tile, LEGALLY A LOAN. Mr. John Wilson Ilan said ilia ins the cenemelt baitdipgs of J. I ----••• rel delivered there, whiltf.at the same ^reporter. "'That's about the amount Mr. Justice Street, at O.goode fwm of one hundred hares to Mr.' Rogerson. • 1 1.thb ravages of rho elements and of it," replied Air. Cogswell. "Will Jenkins for something In the nei h- g 11 time it was selling at their works in ° P 6 Hall, last Friday, handed out his 8 g Mr. George Garter .having been s g-uth.lead railway corporations than that not he rather.. unfortunate 1" judgement on' the single point rserved horhood of sit thousand dollars. on a visit here for sei era] ntunths' No%v York state At X3.50 ;i barrel. rho ones. porfervid fancy of the "No.. All that our Canadian fish. at the trial' of the East' Elgin We announce the death of the past retrained to his llomle in „ l ' ` Tlwy,failei d to Crush out they Cana- most rabid grit' in the. Cavadirin ermen can do will be to keep out of election' petition, viz., as tp an act .relict of the late Robert Young, an Claremont, Minnesota, on Tuesday. ' I dia11 snit industry, they will fail to 1\Torthtvest has yet pictured there, Canadian harbors." of bribery alleged to have been old roaidgtit bf" thin township, her Rev G. W. Racey of Goderich 11 h crush out rho Canadian biotic[ PUNISHING THE "PURISTS." committed 1',y Thaddeus Comfort, remains were interred in, the Col- will preach the amnual Missionary The American Rural Hohne says :— borne cemetery on Tuobda of last sermon in the Episcopal "Church 1` twice industry. T,nar Fr;,�pa, the supposed agent of the respond. Y Y �-�®-�,e-•.� he—ari"v-�lock v4e--�i:n-• 11in4-oset, --- .Jt lge� Aouabotx„ unr, -Mt�Wr9 o'rt� �[, iweel,-.— � -bete-o�n-Sabbath-=treat.- _._. - -- - _ �� �.w� - -- — -' opened Court at Hattori far rile ` •, .n u ering On Monde evening stereo tican 11 .-t — acid Dakota} caused a very genual P to, pay money to, 'Samuel . G. Revival services are being carried Y o P 17 . . GOD AND. A FUTURE STATE cessation of business of every kind, trial of James 1Zell and Will. Bulli. Haggarty, a voter, for loss of time 9n at the Nile by Rev. Mr:'•Irvine, views were given in the Miethodist � ' vont,' the Grit boodlera against and travelling ea ensea, His. Lord, pasioi'of that circuit. It is hoped Church by Air. R. A. Ball (Colored) I . and as :► eousoquence the movolnent whom summonses were issued h P inter erred b- talks and slave, solos, I A little learning has been truly Y ship said ;—Upon the evidence I that much good will. result from F Y 1. stated to be a dangorous thing.. of spring wheat has been compare- Judge Rnse, Ifo✓ corrupt- prauticea found that the transaction was a these meetings. The Nile congre the attendance was very good. ° ° tivel.y 1100ing; The same'.conditions at the last Halton election. Both atitiu are going to erect a beautiful Mr. John McElroy of Morris•, 11, Soule Wren hive acquired just suffi bona fila loan, and not gift ; that g have prevailod to a considerable ex, 'pleaded guilty. The judge, 111' pass itw•as not Meade with the intention now parsonage -the cummiug sum- intends building a brick residence . cult iafurntnt,iuu to know uothiu1. in; sentence, said the charge against of infiuelieiug Haggerty"s vote,' -oc Iver to cost about fifteou, hundred on his farm this asumuler. Mr. T. .'. tent ill Iowa Wisconsin and 1Ve- P,ut these are uftt:11 e+uried away them was legally as bad as larceny. of ntduciu+� him to vote for the dollars.. Baivden has not gat the plana x ' 1)rasfca. g with the idea that they know every• Tie did not wish to go to the extreme respondent, but that Comfort believ. Tho Rev. D. C. McDowell' of finished yet, but it is g oiag to be ,, thing.. They deny the existence of that the law allowed him in imposing ed that Haf�gar tv would not go oto \Vtngfhum delivered an excellent a very handsome ono. V t. Nothing short of a complete ,lite a-, punishment; but said it was necess. ° 1leasre. F. Tanner and Will Shane n God and a future state,, and corse ° 1 St. Thomas at all on the polling day lecture in talo Orange hall, Auburn, f • yalanche of evidence has been able cry ti. -.at a punishment should be unless funds to enable him to do so The turn out was not as largo as had returned from Listoivoll on Satur- quemtly of the beautiful system of e ° da afternoon having taken a • imposed as a warning to others. were lent to him, Y ° a:, ,• to Jcrtuck down and bury lila sham The been expected owing to several leading part in the High School- Chri9,tauity built lit) upon all ac- With their case, however, he would transaction was not a gift bui a other Meetings that were held on , 1. loll"ement of both. lint the purity idul at whicll ►he Grits have„ deal Ilea-ientl and hoped it would g ° Concert, The boys fetched the ' ° Y, I Dona fide loan, which appears to rile same evening. However, a white laid gloves bottle with them �,' for Pars h +girt , s:tui'ificing their IIP a lesson to them forthe future. ° real pusso9gon,3 of' Icuow•I�r..dge are out Y ° have bean voluntarily repaid by cansiderablo sum was realized all the saruo. principles, their conscienC,C, then,, Bell was sentenced to pay a fine of Haggartyo Comfort short) which. will be devoted to the Dil. John Richmond is le . reins l'•. su puffed up ill thntl' Uwll cuuceit gg Y y sift(' builllin� fund of L O. L. No. country acrd tell it not ire Gath their $25 and costs and suffer ten hours' the election wi£hdut an derlan'd by ° 2 preparing ° a Tile pr•o#'ouurleat scientists are the Y. t a large quantity o b 4 hard imprisonment, Bullivant to pay a the latter I53. ° q Y r Y 'j' strot'�eatst supporters of thotosuhiu,�. bribery money. Even the 'ibis ,and in'pursuanco of the wood scantling for his ha foil: 0 1 i g. „ fine, of $10 and costa and suffer -five understanding which is implied upon l'hc death of tkio widow of the business this summer.. John has of Christianity. Sir Hunlphrcy }rush of tit late.lnmen,ed George hoursimprisonment. •G. T; Black- every loan of money, that it shall ]ate Robert Young removes from Brown or'bf the liviur, \\ alkors and stock appeared eared in the Crown o already received 20 or 30 odes to Davy, who will not be accu,ed' oC ° PP be repaid. I think that ha qtr midst ouv of the oldest and1. Cu ,Ices anil Camerons ,Hail Purcolls• .interests. Justice Rose was to eorumeuco theseason s tuck with. l b,'iit� : _stvayell by superstition ur 4 breach of the law was 'aontm:tled. moat' respected inhabitants in the .Mr. Tamlino .of the 13 concession s"ntim,'lit, "it, the fullu%vit; ill could hard! • shake the monswrfrunn have presided but was prevented , . It isnot necessary in , my county. The deceased lady was a Hullett is ruajcing preparations to its pedestal. But as eco mentioned through illness. view of the facts to ei)ter into the resident for nearly 53 years, during build a handsome brick rosidenee• f which !u; shows his belief in fi God evil» of aTti L'NitCOULATED SALE 9.agency..The which porion Colborne was trans- t'ety wren's ago thti Globe, ]end to ueetion of Comforts ] this sunilnor. McGill Brothers are and a future st,ae: g OF.LIQUOft, ,gtftion._is therefore disnpit d, hut_ forined-ficin almost a wilderness to le.coutrActurs. :icl:nawlurlge the earn and that the - - --- +: I'h' dl)otrine „f til port,+riali;;, 'v l,. party had whipped pori at three :['ho %vrnst feafureof the operation. in accordance with the request its present charminar appearance. Rev. Mr. Murray, of Kincardine, n1o;r:•, rvun ill gilt yuntll, a tu, I, h,,:vyI 1 I hxndut to to ma Uy, 'consul for both The funeral teal' place f[on' the will preach the anniversa[ sermons of constitutional rohibition in preach Y 'i'doll, :In I insnppnrt,tble duatriuc to tic, gruCral 6-cfion9 its dodges null P parties I make no order for costs, residence of ,her soil Andrew, to ill tire Presbyterian Church here ��Ik a,l,l arse+4avily t.au.lin;; to at;leiAM h'ir1i:or nnuta5kal rima its purity Pr,rtland,•, according to the best _ ,-��. Colbo'no Cemetery, whcro the ra- 1,V11eu I had hc.u',1, tt•itn r,lsgu.;t, in the Y i 1 Aulhitrity,ist.he(inuoilrag-ruenttvIticll on Sabbath-uext. On the follow. ,li;, •,•tnq; r"ur'n�, tilt' I L•uc ul 11;:: pl,vsio. Purcell g;,vo till, fiuiehiuo touch to the mire. lat.vll 1L_H s;ilr of iiqunr hos -Inn 1Ptter to his flock Aiehop ln;tiny were placed bosidOthoso of ing'Monday the tea meeting will be E'. i);ii :t, ,dt1t 1,1 It, a,ert'tion , f grater her husband. Tlw o' was n• very .held in the basement of the church all i Ile tt;1•on in enllowe,l tti:h irritalll' that h;u'inl of all their high sonuding given to the rlrinlcing. habit amen;; Cleary of Kingston 'reports meeting p h Dir. Bla.lce in ]lolne And that the•, ]Argo attendance at the ceremony, After which they will adjourn to i;.-', Iip'ting hull)-wilsihility, au i acquir• preton:;iouy fort fathoms (loo young boy,+ Some of tlleaccountsare ' the body of the church where ad t+, 1 Y p• ]atter is improving in health. , most of the old residents of tato Via, ili:; S!lv!I organa a, «•ere n(!t•e.":JI,y h%• Itv horrifying. ul;. One tP.ACher tolls Of uA tO tV alalia beellg )t l,aent lila❑ U£ ad - to %%* inh.1.1int furrrs,-;l nl nt lege i;'1nil1� 1',ve-it tilt,, \Gmh'enl ll'iE)u's,v Could , =-A swine plague prevails in the , P e [ " , Y d[esses will be dolirored by scleral u pil in the primary room as often i! I! iatclle,-:n�l (-Xi-so-11N., a wa!k ill,,, )rot accu'nnrr'lfito its conl;rietien to pupil 1 south of France. Thirty thouailnd wham i11 playa gone by lied received I�ev. geutlemeu from a tliatlnco And t. t;," ;r' n li'l!,`,n «'oral.;, by t'.. I',1:r;; un,lt'r mi til,•;iAwnrrof drink, animals hove died ,in rho lfarscilles I rb:'crful welcome and good advice t�I • t� • '.v 1l'+ ;1.:n1. art dank the tricks .° our o• it local rninistori. R. f II,1•r b,o'I i,r herb rat 1'I"+iur,.1 In In an•1 ou oln' nccav nl1 ht• "callwl in n (Iistrietw•ithin a moirtli. � 1'1,0111 the departed one. , o, ,IIIht1',• Io U).1. 1 N+tw,f l ail tale puw•,'1,1 I il:,', ,tl•I' %,fill alld l.ho worshipping Ul' t,nil,'l'.IItAI1 t,p rP111nCrt lllttt'" Annthrr —Seven ,hundred meiiw At Fraser- I �, rr ' Tho following are the officers of l•I:"'1111I'till, III;:t'1+I'vall,q „f til(' doll 1, I '111%'14 that, on,+ renal f'i'ery 1,nv hell' h "1'cothintl want t0 be assisted 1, L'hn'^!)Pg1'CO lncetitig' in the Loulton i toceptory No. 397, t �`• .1 !U• ,I; II IIr:UIIA, the bl'rallt nP tie �r ,11••1, 1,;C All%1111 11Ju1. :�Acl while t11U 1ar11p it , 1 ' hal nor, allow, that hr ,Irink4to .,1 to emigrate to British Columbia, . �}ratnpe hall, Auburn, was not a Royal Blaelc Knights of Ireland, for ,, ewai: ruin;; nninlntii,n 1:, lol•nIA prrlru•r1(I 1101,1, Ullt l,) blll'Il tale vilest aitlttet' faillli'e ,tltllotl h tlic i•otitis were al• the ensuing year: : Sir I .n)ghte, by ,livin,l intdli rem I' to receive ,t, the tf-acl ,•r it •the fr•ru' I, indvr;ar t n owing to the collapsn of the herring S g y i^' ur;ly ratnrn. Sm-oly, surely. And fishing, on ir'bich they hhvc de• most•completoly blocked and the W. A'[agill, W. P; A. Woodman, it14au;ato n,r,l, talo,Imufi,'rnnri " .; Which l �pt'aks of ` a chil,l of llilw �'rllri ended. ' -7 1 1 trero III b- vivlfivil, appl,,u''tl,�Iikv flit: 11ow comeo our own impeccable I will, ,•obit•, to arhnol frCttu,.urly P _ storm raged t"Uriously. The brethren D, I.; \I. 1[orrison, chap W, I:; nt'«-11u1u nnirual, trnrky, o!' a lit'iurI town contemporary acicnowledt,�ing Ititnxicatrrl." Pot all rhi4 i nnt1, (Globe Press despatch).—Sir o£ L.U.I„ No. 192 having met rind LaflllAw, reg ,, n •Alagill, tteas; { rninll, , I saw 1, to na the wCatice pliuctplc Toho and Lady .1fa.e+clenald Aro regular transacted the business" of their• AI. Mains, 1 act nor E. Tlood ; ; . . 7''.1 (' in the Inatetial world, and this love only that, its 9harn idol of purity has'been cram "I'If ive ovidenvo of the ,l,.Innrnl- attendants at the iovival ,m+eetilfgs lodge, this being their night of and lecturer; chit, 1st gen- l I, t a a divine attribute. Then my own iztrl., offect of fit•' 1,o1;c•v which of Evan elist8Crossle and, ITunter, , r `. cast down oriel broker if not cots- g Y meeting, This lodge was raised to nor`; H. B,• AIc ittio 2nd 'censor , mind I I'el intlnuecto %eith new 9etNfor prohihitioto States have ado ,tett, 'Che Premier joins in the h nun-ain - ions nn<1 intietititC hopes ---a thirst for pletoly buried. It nays : "IE is a re- f I in J Y g the R.A.P. degree, a considerable C. J. Shorritt, P rsaiva.nt; R. Con I. �' fnimortallt the great names of ✓•the The erneral tendency of ils np,ia- B Y � lie to red aE least one Liberal number of that order being �irosont. nor 1st Standard bearer; Jag. Ful- . K`, ages and of distant tatirrnN appeared to •f tion has been well known. A nd, —in the I,Aprairie Local election, Amongst ,whom , were Bro. Win, ton 2nd standard bearer ; John " hie ter bo still living second rue, and even tcicose e?eatiatr eras hotreeEly cotulucd- knowing it., the inrnstre' of the Quebec, case in Montreal a carter AleGill and 'l�ro, ,lIains of Bl til. Lanham ]st com Riah. Wilson in tile-Gailcierl movements of taw heroic eel ."' Verily out of the fulness of /p J l y named Francois Houleidentified Mr. A tele r i Y + p , lee ocriae of the mrt grana Crs in ' ❑nIl the, grant, I saw, as it «•ere the decrees , Minister of Public works g � vas road from Bro. A.' .2nd com. This Proeoptory meets , �. Mns9achu9rtts who this year use in the of the indeatt•tirtihilit,}• cf mind. These the heart and the: abundnnee of facts Quebec 'Ministry, as the man M. Todd stating that ho dad. the again on rho 29th iust, when a j1' f'elings, though ('n4Ally cmisideretl as constitutional prohibition lee n rnlit, who went into houses of electors and Clinton brethren wnro unable to be number of degrees will be given. ° poetical, ynt,' 1 ,think. Offer n ltotrnnl elicited in the Court,,, the nrouth ie plaything may lint fairly judgod, tried to bribe them during the t f -'' philosophical argument ill favour of the a poalcot.h, i — ' g present ow ulg to thastorm and the Grand Amstar Brownlee will be ] —Boston f vst (Temperance. contest. I . 1 - �' I les s,'<ssdblir state of the roads, Two present. +. 11 ., Q " I , �, _ n - • , 11, . i' ~ „' ° " . , l I' • I �. , , 'p .. . .., ,; -, .. ,....•