The Huron News-Record, 1888-02-01, Page 8„,t..,+e.nr.•'„r--•oma-•, „•-_-•...-.�..•• .: �- ---- r-` �' , o . r ” The HuronNews,ReG''Qrd , A Dray AND Duutt. Sastt l#EA atici a little- immigrant girl who tl1.40 u Year-rwG to AQxltttoe. � o' �p RRA neit:llel'read Icor write were mar` ry �jd� ad in Clinton last Monday. R E- 1Ydt>tttcB U S 1-.N sdan iF'ebritiltry 4, 1888 _ TtiUSE inierestetl 81)041d. attend - - the District sleeting in the hall of Acting on the advice of my Physicians ;tl-Ed-filbui'gh and Clinton, I have a . . I - I LO�;A L �T-C�TS, L. U. L. 52fr, Mullett, this (1Vednea- resolved to go out of business, unless lily health►linlprove's Qtitisfaotoiily. day) evening. I WILL SELL DIY LARGE STOCK ON 'GOODS AT VERY LOW�'*--^-- + >i<t>t >sttti /lrottttQ the "![tilt.'`' YOUNG Ain. SWAR'rs was knocked PRICES. Nearly 300 pounds of BERLIN WOOL aiid FI.NGL+RING � �� rl. down by a team on the roadway YARNS, to go at uuly 90. 'in oz-oCash, 10c. if Charged. Wh )a. • • STOCK 150. %ekes Y 1 Y others We are bus3 TAKING S 1 OCK ,. and btiTanoitlg our near thQ Atodel Sohool. Theempty y0tl can get it for 9c. from lug. This Wool is ALL NEW 'sleigh passed over hint. No serious and the LATEST S.14ADES. books for the last year's tiJt1S1I1'eS.S. V�'e are 9rf tlflGf to NOTICE. -All ;npleas d to air% A. know that We have (10-ile considerable more busiilpss U1411 injury. •• A. Bonnett will please pay tlto;r 6,440 I�AYCY CUPS A11�,D ra'AUU%:tIS, to go at loss than Half Price.- ' accounts At oneo. 1 ant leaving Those who want to know the 350. ones selling FOR TL\T CENTS as tong as they last; only 300 of this In the previous year, ill2cl for the coming year We will' `- ' town shortly and Accounts not paid true state of the condition of the a line left. still aim to enlarge Our volume of trade. We expect to forthwith will lrnve to be place£! in Indians in thQ Northwest cannot 1,504 TWO -BLADE JACK-KNIVES to go at TEN CENTS EACH. do this by showing such a stock that Will not'lle equalled other hands for collection. The do better than attend a lecture on Will announce other lines of Goods neat week, amounts may be left at my, house or the subject on Friday >'eby. 2nd by ill .this section, alld combined with at my former place of busiiiess, Rev. A. D. McDonald of Seaforth Chris. 80 A. A. BENNETT• iu tile Union .Church, L'rucefivhl. +'b�j+�• Dickson,�+� - on, ��.x�.on, — __ •C! a SERGEANT iVDt. A. boss had No. OLDE TYS1E CO\[ERT ;n KnOX'S Owoou WANTED,' , -A)Il� ylfulltit� 4 C'ompnny in attendance at the THE TOW BJ�SIFI��jD W111'A D., of tunnel leulltecl,' int exc:l unite fun• late Alajor Aturray's funeral, Hall, Holmesville, Tuesday even- Fri ), flout' ,'at the Cliulnu 1V001eta Mills- ing Feb. 7th., in costume, at 7.30. „v _ �: Although the weather teas very cents for adults 15 cents for ^� =t Jolix SCOTT. 480tf cull and stormy the Company was ' in g p childran•under 12. v good force and resented an Lif e Insurance � r >0�`13tt:t5s AND �. XLcuT Wipdow ;tnitt'esa;ve apltentnnco• REEVE AIr. IV. AfcCrackon; of Cornice Poles. -R. M. RACE?. Brussels dropped in on as, Friday, • TtiE 11ICI{ILLOP iltutua} Fire `'--- - -- - - when returniug hotno after attend. J y Iuaurauce Company, rhos. L, xa s a Lo41: AT SA�lt its O COST IN A THE PEOPLE. `Vc have no hesitation fii say in tlr�t` .- Alit. CARSLAISE,. th'e tailor and Prosideut, and Y 1 log to his duties at the recentsassio,n IlOJ1N; COMPANY, ' g" _ l W. J. Shannon, _ very few Establishments dyer,. has removed to the Beosly Seeeotary, held its annual meeting of Cho.county parliament• t•EII si,00030 .1,- west of Toronto• will show 'Such property, a few doors south- of his last tveolt audit is shown to be in a Alit: L. WATSON, the leading AFa 25 cNRttortas5, nlso'1sSe.. $a go is an assortment of formerly place of business where as flourishing condition. The retiring cattle buyer of Blyth and tltu norti>v .: 8o „ Q 54• - ��-----_-__,_ usual all work entrusted to. him directors John Hannah, Jas, Broad ern section of the county, was in til 35 :: r 90 - -§- - - - - will be promptly done at utoderate foot and Donald Ross were re -ejected "Hub" tile ut,hw day nnd'gave the " 50 ;• 14 oz rotes. for the current year. \TEws-REcoicv a call. _ - T----- - - "; - - �'J )7etinity insurance at the shove rates. 1,� ]?'oSn OF AtIhK:=-Sal.1 )Ir. SOUTH 11URON COUNTY L. O, I,, See tile'Oerure yoit,ins"re iu any company Felt BINDER t1vtNE 111 ulcl }%t=ees "I've alit[ a merst:uul our ,las. e a the sae s. --11„ M. RACEY. \Ic'1 oddy : I ve grown most _._.The ausu,,l .tneotng takes pfar'0 90, tha ectrt 1"ur �s,000 t%aS aruut r„�35 foof r ahutirtnally }fend of milk since the nthxeter next•'1'tte-day. It is hoped 1355, also fin• 18n(f. OLOTH nScott Act came into operation. I that a full• re t,'nYeutution..ty;,ll be it in Erie Cowan of Bright is F Seo tIs'befr,ro you tleeidQ. never think of calling for spirits , g _ visiting friends in town, d P Fresent f5•aul all ludoea. __, , __ now, but I could drink .twenty — -.�. Dltt. IiOnSON'S Change of ad too tnmblora o3 milk n day, providing Jas. 'T�lol9pson,... e%% , , Alit. It. W. Cvotc syeut a fu . ,q' In the meantime we are closing out any octet lines of late for this week. yo put a drop of whisky into each Clays in the uoithern part of the - v count last a onk. He says in maw Clothing at so that tho. strung turnipy taste of . Y y y- - THE TUG OE WAR. -It is definite- the- milk wouldn't be percepti- places titQru %vote banks- of snow �5 ly fixed that a vote will be taken _ _ _ _ _ + _ ble. about as high its th housetops ill - _ +' _March let, on the }'epoal of the Clinton, _ - '" Scott Act in 11alton. "CLAN '.NA-,; GAEL "—We beg to acknowledge the receipt of compli- JOIN, sun Of Capt. W. Sheppard, TnE OLD AIAx HONEST, -Tion. mentary ticket to second annual took in the skating races at Housall 5 Alexander'_llackeuzio, etc-promierof Caledonian Concert in Soaforth 'last week, and won first pliico in (Canada, was 76 years old last Satur- Wednesday Jan q * the toile and a half •race .aud second � = Y ,y, ..5th, «e much , ' clay. regret not being able to attend as place in another: John is a flyer' i ONE-RALFIh X X - _ - - X- +- .� CARELESS DOCTOR. -An Am- trio mention in another colutun 7'uE Big County Council is 'iii herstbui doctor has boon fined 2 shows that the affair wao a very en- 'session at. Toronto. It . will: boa and $3.50 costs for not. reporting a Ioyable clue. Our reporter has pro- its past record if it does not'perpetrat Atxl we eiLn make it intel'esting for any 1Juyer'of r diphtheria case. Inised. us a synopsis of the chair- , sonic mixing and muddling of Clothing. mans Address but uj) to • time of municipal laws before it got , MRS. CONSTABLE, of St. 1Iary's,u writing it had .not conte to hand, through. .o. completed a visit of several weeks with her daughter ATis Wiseman i+.OR�tERLI' OI? GGODritio I.-Afany ST. PAUL'S Cuuncil.-Utero wil ^_ and returned home last; \1'otluos of our readers will remember the be.a service of praiso.aud orgAn re- day: gentlellanly)•oung.inan who manag- c;tal fit the church `on Thursday, ed the Aressrs Seyinour's business , '1'tIE eclipse of the ntoon Coni% in GoclQtieh about 30 years ago, and Feb. 9, at 8 p: nt, Cho Right Rev. t Bishop Baldwin will preach. The •(1A OKSON BROS plat=e. Saturday evening as predicted. who afterward acted as accountant And hero thorn was vapecial dal Icness in the Lana of Atontreal there. We collection will by in aid of the Or- And about an hour or so while believe, lie has been in the bankiug gau fund. T9 vl CLOTHIERS. whiteness cbveved the land, business iii Auth,e'stbura and last AIR.. R. SY NtoND-, of Saltford gave _ year was ll, of tll;tt town. Illi us a 0;111 Monday w1lile oil his Clay I'iGtu !}list conclusions requires ;no IIor,Y I)..-1%10 yvarLastor will r• r' accent[ • removed to Windsor to re -visit itis old hom•o iu Dorset. further toninvents. "By their fruits f1i11 oli alto 1st of' d':lys followed by n very -coin limentary shiro, England. He will. Ienliin earlier. thatl last yea'•. 'Tito- earliest .ye shall know them'.' saith ` `oar resolntiou passed by Cho council' abot'tt t%'vo mouths. lie canto to blessed Lord and Sitvior. !Nkat possible say fbr •l:astvr is the ?'unci SIIAII be the fruits of those Vito are of Amho•rstbul'g• CI;tilou to.p11rehnso his ticket nod' 1818 °lt, a.ncl it fell'oft that day In engaged In sawing the seeds ,of infi- a' *+• 1818 -for the last tittle in about two FRolt l4drEr.vt<Eit.-�'cl lloticed tI saved h ti51d,jt'+'�1S'l'a-"bi •ry0 llUllto;. -- - -- QI;tY,.ant]�O€tl]OSL',wit0 ILI•�'-ally Wa , ,�- htiuclred years. Ecru wools cgu tltntyou suggested the i�' ° `visit the gentleut to ssfQ thQro LETTERS TD THE ED/TOR. assist in the degrading work'? -The aulalgamatiou of the duties of:S'cltool and t'rltuin' bt4neful effects and ipfiuence of these HArrINE$a is Often produced by Board Secretary and thoso;of Toren REV. I it. COGa[AnNF., .of Brant- Wetai.hilto bedistmelly widerxtond-thattee do lectures 9hAllnever be fulty.11noivs contrast. Therb maybe th se who are Clerk. I. will asit you to throw out `ford, preached alillivorshry sorniOns ,£nclu+ld ourselves £•espollsiblejorfile ophda,t, by us Until the day of reckoning, needy in Gauadn,but the 'will sure- an8ther suggest}on. Iioty would in \1'illis church [1st Sabbath. The c ub.lsed Lg eu,•respo„de,ttA.- I.D. Xstvs.ltK• Comes, but on the heads of those who ly for,} traott eirci el happy when it do to unite the, offices of Town -collection wds- better than au time• aided the lecture in any way hangs'. they eontrasttheir eircuutstanees with Y an awful .responsibility. Has there 0 Treasurer and Town Clerk and have since the opening of Cho church, IS IT TRUE ? been even. one soul led to doubt those of Nestt...]'orlt women who are the ditties of both perform.vd by one OB. ;\Londa ho'lectnred'after the tea- whether ; here be a God or not then making shirts for seven cents a° , • g y Rditw• News -Record. there is one soul that liar lost some- } dozen, person. And give the; refusal of meeting, Though now wcigh- _ the position to A r., - Dobson as the ing on the sc£iles only 107 lbs., and • _ _ Iu ta.st ;esus of 1'11E :� t';t%s•Rr:coar) thing for Nil;chlhe Would -gladly git•eat 5E1'F,RAI, 1+':1R\IEHS llnt'U bCon a �sattrv'bittres 9t tritro 1st , I noticed a communication, sighed death ten thousand Ivor}ds,,if 11 liad fined this week fol disposing Of to Mr. Coats or any other • person` the Rev. gentleman %Neighs in the ' Ale tLod t,'' iu wltieh tilt wrltar ac- conclusionldefytltescofforatreligl'ou cordwood by the load to townsfolic. the council ntigltt see fit." pulpit or on the, platfrm about r cuscs an editor of announcing through to entice a'Christ' 'n by -say means Local dealers ;n firewood 5ltOliltl • `OL'NG'iLLUR T. C; I)olf•ERTY' has ton, good intellectual' avoirdupois the columns of -his paper the advent �itatever to forSAlte Christ and serve bear in mint} there is a lienalty i'ur arranged %with AIr. Geo Graham of measure. The tea by the ladies, wit's to this tdtFu of nu ;nfiiie] lecture He . Satan. But da you say, "Oh, did selling without measurement', and C given front 5 to .8 p, in. in the baso not this roan oil savoral occasions Sheppardton to assist him in intro- al..'o accuses this scum editor of hav• st;anrl ltelt,;ncl the sacred desk. and govern themselves accordingly ducing, the DohertyCo'a otgnns meutof the church and was the best in tinted the bills atinouucin� Iiiitcardine neriell. yetgiven, After which tllo choiraud t p' the proclaim the unsearchable riches o€ into the northern part of the county. Chu lieu. Dr. Cochrane entertained factures of this infidel. Is it true 1Ir. Christ --And did we.not entiee.hini 0 !)ANGER IN TIIB IiriT1't,F. \'1ti1Q Alt'• Doherty' has made a good a I:ugq audience until 10:30 p. In. editor that your cotetu is guilty of In answer to this I would just refer taking utodfciuo out of n glass bottle; choice 'in selecting so euergetiq and TJto Itev. gentleman gave his lcet;Ire such baso oondsat ? rsurc l out. I You to the time when Christ trod a few -clays ago Miss Spring, of Dor- nncf reliable n young tuna as AIr. „ �' +� , Y this earth, for an example of what we A trip ,through [tile Lecky Noun- Cglinot think that a Juan who takes lui�ltt expect in our churches all chester, inadvertently swallowed a Gn,tl.nnt for his agent. They knee tains and Saft I,nikv Cit 1'hQ soap all active �£trtilithofartharanco down through file a piece ut' glass which hall broken recently placer} Doherty organs in + y, I � ages, GE time. htc,11ro lasted one hoar and furl •- of a Redcetnor's-kiu�daut conte% lie iu- Thera, vro ' fiucl that Christ • chose away front tho neck Of the bottle. th"' •f`nnlilies of Nfesrs, .Jluues'1'ag- y „ The doctors hope to locate the girt, Geo. Duughvrty, G. C. Sinip- five tniuuttis, a51d %vas vQry interest- Iivaed—even ;f starvation tver0 star- 't ..r yr chsciplQs and one of them was i ing throughout, and the large and- i U hint ;n tllo faQo-fora fete a tar- directed ludas Iscariot. -int that time there dangerous Aul)stance and i•einovu it 11011, 'Phos, Hawkins, Goo. G►ahai' d °" ere I,leOty of hi 1 brother settlers iu leo. Maize, nod utiles ;n Ashfi0l,, iuncQ inauifesterl their apprrciat;gn to proclaim to the eomntuuity that he ate world whoin his Satanic Majesty before ii shall have dune. much e by frocinvut ant-hursta of appNttac would retract if it were pos',4 all and C'oMorne' that Ila had done in facer of farwanil , to the only hypoetiite £irnong The musical part of the programill the twelve telling theta that Judas, II, B. PROCt1FOOT our L'06101.t !Viers SUIT•—JudgQ ,1fcDouald was a Success, It• consisted or til lug th'i~ cause of Cltriat, ltuci for the II gal was not Christ tmt Alatnmon t ' held T>ivisi0u Court at Brockville. rylluwing }troglsutnje : ant hent time suint ust; his powers for tile t and you know "Ye cannot serve God civ;[ engoneee s punto n==sin 'after O.1 tats° the Lori} furtheraunu of tho evil one, for.this , n sc vornl weeks 'absence, Ile ill)- Omt of Cho c;tsa-t tried excited gtQat " '' , l,y ohuir. I)ue isprecisolywhat such a course means., and aiatuluori. lhesu hruthr0u no )nates to have fall intorest among the• farming cont- £tlld chorus, ".testis heal. Ino ",1lessi' "\Iuthoditit'' asks—"Do you, it sooner presented Judas Iscariot's f y r:'Counted from. o god—the thirty' pieces' of silver— ; Inanity. It was a suit brought b '1IcDougal and Jackson, aur} Afossrs was right for an. Christian %%tore 'r the illness which Marl brorinht y o Y g ' I than Judas i;uu>et.tiatcty felt' down n t hoesenutttnr ngaiust tllu props ie- Tachsuu and 1lchottzie ; %.%tutu tottn csltccially for it 11x+ nhnr of R Christ- An l tvOrnhi t ,' d it Iris true o.i hiss very iGn just previous to I for of a factory to roGvver wages. 't'(lu'Spirit, , iau church aur[ noes thin a;rnpicv its I I1' g ' a ht % lo:rving. LIQ is uo%v 'r alta 1 -is £t llca�rs. McKenzie bnardr.+lly, ruhust curl ilia hrisnt© i The �.0prictor objected to pay- I,yuu, Jaeksun and bliss McDougal pulpits vccatiouadly to 't;na girl, +� cili t';71ctfrtlnnKo scoffursit N c)wha croQthur ; appotu• tike becoines him vet=e I ing un the; 'round that tine che".0 84,101 ".ity ,lin Fireside, by Afrs comfort Ant notoriety to avowed sn• I to unr chtirolws, anti as "birds of a ulado was below Ilse standard, Tho It, Ilnusford. !'ilia tvasan es tacial�3 eluiestof tile ,-. 'fed ( spot gut 1 [alit ' lunch. ( 1 e.- � fcrnthQr Hucl; tof;utller" are not IGug 1 .�:._..__�.,..._..,..-.-,, Clleeanlltdltel' salt.lthttt this wits due title numbe', itud as usual this lad tilti11dfu•=onttheirbrethrenandkuow 1n to a51t, 1v�nld it be right for a ing Ptill well that 'Hawmo'n is their' ' ,tNoTttER,-,( Young ma -n fu tvtvlr to. the iutpropur condition of Cho %vas well eue0rnd, as also tuna AIi•, ,tuother to txka the life of R child •t.. o J, and Bort, tt,Q it in small quantitica to iii• . ins reeeit•eef ftotul►Alichigau friend factor • sub£itriiitileil `lit'»'n§---I+;van--tvlie'-I-4.-a-Ilesuab}0-nc.c}ltsi'fo._ ncar,.andtleac to hc•r? 'lvho• would <;nee these to wear Glteir +ark and a copy of tine r111Qs of 1t s0aie.t 11av• sertion by tine evidenco of the makiiie to �te musical circles of town, f h- -'su ver`Iu�-th-tr- 11'e know no sane mother would or oft ' `Ci'rt. 3uiryr-fcr>`a+titat lib _-- r -• ing fur its ob,j.oct the suppression of I %vile atl4cQeriQ1l hien. Judgment organist as usual teas Alia, 'j'. •ick- kilo don0 Judos wont and ban^ed ac• the corset, : The ineinbers agree to ryas given in f+tvur of the plaintiff. sou, jun, who excellod even hersel could be induced for all tit() filthy himself. Ju that tltit and yo angel do all in their power to persuadQ on this occasion. 'The proceeds for lucre is the uuivr.rs0 to gOmalit the sorry for that ho illus froiu clay to dreadful deed. No more could n their femitiinr Won 19 to giro up x'rrt.tNrF T;x,tNttx.trto r" Ax Sunday,aurl i<fouda}• £tnrl netted $21 Clay diwhanms Christ, though be need SwFw4 —Froin :'. Journal lover and true follower of the Lord b t'i+•'1�'' of til • iaj'triu ns ,u Iiul aud of with proceeds of Tors I,tr, night not ad+1 to ]ria drS r•ratian h hanging Jesus be, inane,.•+! tG use his tits", p ) never to nt,nr�'guy tvonlau tubo per- I+',dt4oatiun :'1'h ,;.,;;using are some will go towards Lite l,.t`(n4at Ur thu suirstanec. an,1 talQnts in any, way, iliipelf, but clon=e to Ce gr at once 1 excer ,tq from the examination Papers interest on the debt of tho chnrcll. to the furtherance of ac cause which for pardon. 'Pali; of tbo t=reat need "•_ sills in tvenriup tbotu. Tho.Cliutou I P' J of missionaries 111 heathen lauds, but n young inau will not attempt to form ;snit essays of original thinkers" in �_ _,�_ _ d;ags poor ,ininiortal souls clowu to what sio arses need then lu a relit Ft br%noh society hero until he hit; ;,rl'1lin!,mr• 111111 high' school grades : the blac}tncis of despair forever. If td o I ",laundicr, a scandal." eiAloa u;to - - l wenty nine residents or Bever: the charges are true, then truly dual nearer Loins. 0 I til Rt all those gotten his life insured. q , 1y township over '6o yeare'of. age, there must be 'tlomcthing rctteh -in alt° nRsta tile nAlne of Christ were ' ' n child of white nncl hlaelt parents." passed away in 1887. , the State of Denmark." $uch %feta true soldiers of the crass, •standineg, 1't Cana% afternoon Chico vela `Itotodot11s wits a descendant of While killing a beef the other"(1 firm in the battle ani] aiding in the g oY Christian— mancallserves two Talc cin = of Christ's kingdom. young girls il=ea n rnae for life ur ltnrad file UrQ1tt and he was ](ing Daniel Davis, of Exeter, was knocked tile �f,, death down, t)w tobo"r," ill .+Halo lultj of fire Jews." "Tile Aryans spoke insensible, lost three teeth and had Talc hcedltrofcssbeg Christian, "Clod Y p masters for either 'he will hate the i5 sat macited." You cannot serve• thru In £t barb wire fnnaey.. ny}� tit° the French liiuguage.;' "Vifgil was his jaw badly bruised by a blow from one and love the outer; or else lie bottom of it. Brukop teeth,cilt creaks i a'gre:0. American nnthgr," "1)fogeDes the windlaaff handle. wall hold to the one and despise the Christ to -day.. and Satan to-worraR, and eye gouged out, was Cho retYttlt. It was a }�ront philosopher and a --Afr. Joe Itiaeh of Dundas re- For if we stn wilfully after hat we other." N•ow let me ask, if the � ' �� oeived from Scotland the other day a printing of the infidel's announce- have received the knowledge of the is Said apmo of Chum will be d;s- successor to Alexander tlto Great, unique and valuable New Year's truth there remaitteth no store figured for life, It ;s well that it Longfellow wrote Paradise Lost cilia of well wishes. 1t is beAut;• meats was sawing Christ 2 It not sacrihtce for sin, but a certain painful %rare no worse, 1'reeautionss$ould and Parndiso Ile pined." "Haw- full written in who was it servint;'1 Satan. Aud looking for o€ judgment and iter Regained." Y gold, and contains no Christian -I use tine word in its Y be taken to guard iigainst the i thorns wrote Moses from an•.'Old the portrait of the sender in one , indigaatios, which shall devour the oorne and" underneath the photo lull 'and • proper moaning --would possibility _ of such ti't's occurrence ' A[ause." ''Plato was the father -.of r adversaries." Thanking you 11Tr. ' P serve Satan. Which master was ngain. There littve been a number i Language, anti his language tuns ao the inscription "Peter Laing, Elgin, honored by these announbemezts ? editor for this space -in your valuable of fatal and minor accidents un , perfect that it is said that if Jnpiter born Jan. 5, 17$5. Although in his Satan. 'itihich Alaster was despised paper, and commending you for the those slides in other localities this were to speak he would s eak 10401 year, Mr. Laing, the letter ace �tnd clishanored ? (;%tris%. tiVonid a true stand you took in not noticing P companying it states, is at his usuftl Christian despise and dishonor the ac vent of such a character, 3viutcr. 1 !?tato." AVOCAtian daily. Cgii O ? Nevar. Our inference I Romain, Yours, " CaLLEGIATT I:YSTITUTF. STUDENT: R AL - N . .. ::i- .. ,a ,, . -.,. . ... . :. ,� ... , y '- •' �. r. 'rt a. `j� •syr `.tl „i , tr