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The Huron News-Record, 1888-02-01, Page 7
fatburfs friend, Ur.' Weldon. He once he wits ''enjoying a Wille years before his g he a t 'lel Neu � ecard 1 a� Y. eatll't1'rattgll t tgU /N S DfR �TQ Y 3 11t to tad. ui01 q' can entertain you, it' aIF) golly coq. through the churoklytud alanR 'SvittJ sting of a mosqutto al Dille\ veno- l.tt► Xe..r� 8t.�.i; fa Advance. A'lr Deveer bowed prot'uulldl the Doctor and his s:lcona wife, mous Ay, Doapairing of his 1ecoY- _- - r a ttQX Y to lend in largo or small sums, on but his trnoziu'r tope.-belied#Jiagrac when ahs I>uctorshowed his friend Drys he did undoubtedly plonoll a 1 �Cl>jtfitCl • 1�1 o o' good mortgages or porsenal securlQy, at 1 41<ilrl4sir ,�, I888 1pUa sit'; aS 110 t'epltad : wli+?t'e Ile Wished tU, liO, Un 6110 loft fal'e14011 aet'illUn to ills parishiouerR Ehe Igwout current rates. 1 . }TALE, Huron•st. Mede �4yi tr :_ =-- _ �_- _ — 0tlnton. "I"1'ay, excuse me, Miss Bradley, SI(lu U,f 111s fil'at wife. Alld where 111 !t Sitttpg pOStUI'0. Iielllg pro- Ir Clmton,Feb, 25.1811 1•ly T'uu not in the !labii of aaeuoiatiug ant I to be lit `l' asked Al vs. Aituu. Setif on the occasion, however, 5ve �-'U< EDWIN KEEFER FOR OUR 4 TQRY-READER', with luochagics, nttd might thorn "Otis my left side ag•ain," said the can testily there was nothing its MONEY. fore be unable to derivo entertain- Doctor, and with it wubrgish grin that service to excite morrirneut or D7�N Z'I13T, _ „ whis peren iu tile esti' til' his friend call forth hostile criticism but the lute of Toronto, Honor GraduateRtoyalCollege DRIVATEFUNDS to tend on Town and Farm d Moro 1Mlechanic, ment from .Mr. Weldotl s company." 1 J�Apply �„ -"thou I'll ile atweeu the dell and opposite. The discourse was it run- of Dental Surgeons, property. to a1lr. lle�eer ans5rorod Miss C. RIDOUT 14 .1 I had mown that this was to , , the deep sea t' ping commentary o,n the 17th chAp- r o[tlCo. next NEws-RscoaD(up stairs)Albert-St Irladley, her volae and manllet' hard- Coats's Blook Clinton, 359.3m bo 4. moehanic's•picnic I would have l coucealittg her sense of injury, The Mause of Dulphiligtun iS lit for of Job, beginuina-112 y 1)reath I - „ OP my evgnillg in some. other ,y n ° y' n cuusiderable distance from the is corrupt, my days are extinct, the ' At work Registered. emir) es at,tderate c unrter,h you forgot, pe Mips, that my father little church, and it wits the systeuf graves are ready for r•ue," and tak• Norman ° l9 a 111e011(IgrC. Ill Dr. Altun's time as it is still to ing verse after verso. it was iutorost• ;jllrClfll.CllX. •. Thinspolee 11 r. Normnu Doveer in fattier a mechanic !" utter- ' to .his fellow -clubman, Mr. Guy ring tiro bell first when the uliuis- -itig to listen to his a.l ilitiga- to eon _ _ _ �jM�E / Hamilton, .in the pleasant parlors at od Deveer, his surprise at the ro• ter !coves t he uru,sA, and after an vert the whole into u farewell a,l- - _ -_.__ \.\�! ./\\�����, AA ,nark alt1US6 drowlli"', his ill-telll- It ItEEVL'. 0liico—'Lulace" Brink Block, THE 101 IfJtiiV�/ T3 rad Jay.I-I+lil, a interval tU riug i5 again wheIl as- dress to his parishioners, and 110 U eatteubur} Street, Rosidencouppu..t0 (hu rOl'. Cma orutco liall, 1Atrun Struet. Corostorforthe Deforest Braille the New York 1 Bonding the bees to the church- closed by pleading with them to be Coe 6 Incorporated rt) ActofParliament y' - "Mus sir", returned 1ti1 ids Pali- n „ , y of lluron. �Olflca hours trout 8 a.ut. to C ; P , 185(1. K ' K millioultire, had invited a party of ' ' yard,this bei terrued lhe•riugit► - prepared to answer for the use they w m. eucco " "m father began life +la n ,i had made'uf his humble nlinietratio138 Clinton, Jan, 14, 1953. I•y I CAPITAL friends to spend the summer oven- ) a '1u,boII The frj(:ud fruni Linton �- h $2,000,000 uleclianic. As a mechanic he ac• to 5vhunI wo have already referred among them, as they would sooner i REST) $500,000 ing with him at his charming coup- Y '1 cumulated his fortune and to•daY, visited hilt ill his last illness and or later have to du boforo. the• udg DRS. GIUNN �' ELLIOTT. 'try seat. He wits a delightful host > ° rBead Office - MONTREAL. and known to be select of •jlie tastes Illthuugh wealthy, he devot,+a Bnwh ou HtHu n,ur'ed into `his reel\\ rnont scut, which, to all human ap- a Of his time to the stud)' of improv©- sage! I) Inr nlresl Ut' {Fiiti—oWhat's pearanc0 lie waa drawim, SO nCtat'. W. Goals, At. D. L. R. C. P. Edinburgh L. 11. n, 'THOMAS WORKAIAN, President. !tits aBSOCiaflOn6. II1S invitations, a l ' a R. Edinburgh Lieenetuteot the Alidwifery, F:,Ih,' F. 1VOLLERSTAN''rlve (ABiGeeneralAlana er therofote, were eagerly accepted by menta tll mechanism, anti w the this, I tuctur, what's this that leas Thu return of the Doctor from Office, oil corner of Ontario and Willhun s..., r the favored and b cone with more mechanical departnont of the vu ids ovolt tli(!n ve noo4 "Ah, Mr. Patter- tiro Holy Land was till event looked Clinton. ' Y to which he is an OVtuer. ] "• • 11. It Elliott, Al. D. L. R. C. P. Edinburgh, 'Notes discounted; Collections Innde, Dralta eagerness than young, Norman De- sou," rt I,liet lila liuctur, "This is forward to will the utmost interest isecnch,teof the atiltwifDry;'P.dinburgl,..Ufllut.I veer. `I be, your pardon, Miss Bradley," just tilt- ritgin'-in bell." by many, and in fact was ill a man. tit Bnweaeld. 47a_p. issued, Sterling and American ex• chagge bought and bold at low - Norman De�'eer was.tho dogene- ' responded Deveer, uow fully arou8- Air. Gray of Kirkuard, who had ner the inauguratiou of a now era -� est cltrrent rates. ate son of an esteemed friend of Al r. ed to the blunder he had glade; and toll piled it pamphlet entillc-d . the in his life. His services ill the 1{ e }j - �+, l 1 l �i egill. iNTaassT AT 4 Pea CrxT. ALLOwaD ON Bradley's. Receiving +1 ]urge estate also, to do flim justice, with a "Lifo ot'.Juseph," and who had ell. way ' of lectures,, descriptive and _ - - gentleman's regret that he had given trusted tho sale of the book to Alv. 1111lusiug, were sought on ever _ from bis -father, lie had got rid of „ r °) - MANNING Ra SCOTT F'iRMERS_ g offence to the youum lady's 1001- Noble, of Iinocknowes, who olviug hand, he was ready and Willing to r Money advauved to far,nerem, their ea•„ note the far greater part of it in various iug.,,, "I meant a more mechanics, ° with one or inoro endorsers, No mordgage re- forms of extravagance, and now his „ to the (lull sale, had reduced the comply with, as far as `lay ill his pow- Iiarr•iatero, 4gc., quires as seeurity. you know ; not a gentleman like pride from 9d to Gd, had occasional er, and many an audience was stirred If. C. BBF,wrR, -, only hope for financial recuperation' ELLIOTT's BLCOE - CLINTON. Manager, was by a for financial ialrecup Tho Your father„ whose .immense iuter= ly liard hits at I)I-. Aituu of Dolph to interest and excited to laughtor ' Fcl,ruar,.Issl CLIxTOtI ests connect him with the employ- iutou. The Ductur•, however, wait- by his remarks. Largo, u,ly, often Jforley,to Locin. circle os society in which lie moved tnont of Mechanics," -taut is, the respectable circle -was od his chance to retaliatT, and hu evuwded audieucos waited Upon annyy " AI fathor, Mr. Deveer " return. wolf in this way :-Being invited hiM. His descril,liou was frequent A.. H. M INNING. JAS. SCOTT. 1iZ1l5ttiillf, as yet ignorant of hie embarrassment Y r r I the maiden in a firtu et. gentle h y 1Ir. Gray to a school examinat- I•y so full tit' wuntler that the Doe. _ l and of the habits of life which had Y g ) 3 FF--yy ;�y,a�0 .. ; 'tLINTON L,,d e, No. 84, A. F. At A Af. ` - tone "is no more Of a than now ion Ili this reverend gentloinan's tor w 8susp.Ucte,l, it' 11UL Uf untruth i hANK R. POWELL, � nrectt crciy Friday, on or after the ful ' led to it. Therefore ATI'. DTVeeI' at 1CUSt of' eXang r 6 hrcLhren eor,llcallt' urVtted. ' ' ° moon. Visit:u sail] commanded the respect and that lie is worth millions. Lot me parish, the Doctor' pruceeded on i t ,,,,erutiun. Of this barrister, Sglicitur, Rotary J. YorNr., ten At. J. cnI.LANDrR, arc good will of su h�nall-its Iietur(pst relieve you, thomfure, frctn the foot oil the d,.y set forth, and on !et lie beenule. aivare, and Lill one Public etc. .,_� , Clinton, .ran. 1/, 1FSt. 1• --13r , and he louged for an op• presence of tn(: daughter of a more his way tc, the school overtuuk occasion, when telliug il,o story of Office. Scarle's Bloel,, Albeit -6t., Clinton. •- �____ _ pprtunity t0, win 'his Way into the incellanic," se e • bathing CxCUISion whet ITU lost Toronto agents :-Mesas. %l0Nrthy, oAer, pp fr COverilrg Of lll3 'dUtUO Of Hoskin aC•reelunan. C'lritit c, of%Ct10n3 Of All'. Bradley's lovely And with the gi'aCb lied dlgllity g „ g ,t�'VRIVsrls F'ususTo Lenin atl6west•rates Of daughter,,Patieuce, of a queen A,lisS. Patience swept Co tight, he made reforuuee to the interest. d8i T a from the recess ill which Doveer wa he. "Thu sant!: which pursued - L. 0. L No. 71� Patience \vas not a city girl. tier „ „ - - - - f } 1'CMa1nCd, Lh01'OUghly° abashed and , said he; !lad a IUUUth, ay; 1,11)W RD N. LEWIS, Bat•rister, Solicitor, ways, like her name, asci If flavor 1J Notary Public; Conveyancer, &c. Alone • to,ito C' i .INION r1 as largo as a mill dour, it y e 'bitterly diad rpuiutad Uy his brief of Y a loon at ay par cent., private funds, straightMeets sxcoa•D Monday of ever of de al New er whi-d. Hwaii her, n ed satisfied," ..hta' coiltiutletl loans. (lalees—Curner opposite Martin's Hotel, _ a interview With 1110 1VOt111U 110 11:Ia 0 � , nsouth. Hall,_3ad \lain Victoria made a widower 5vh.il.e she was yet +t e th the wig. It tva9 well f01' its Goderich. _ 406 If block, visiting brethren always babe and when he wits sail engaged hoped t0 1V11]. UO a — made welcome. ' o a ei' and though exceedinal 1 AGER d a101tTON, Bnrrlstcrs,d•c.,d , (:od• ;t 011 , g a Y S' C. TWEEDY, W. At. ill the work of buildittg his vast That interview set Patience flew- over the loss of m wig I 5vus erichandWinlhuut. C-Sua•er,Jr.,Godorich 6 W. S. SSYAFF'IF.LD, Seo 11. S. COOPER, D. At fortiuno,leftlthseare and ed'uc+ltrunof self to thinking more deeply than a t Y Y a, J. A. Aorto„ w;njtham.Patience to- to_a worthy sister of his de- sho'had thoiloht on the value of ae ill less thankful that my head was - a] In9lae of' It. NU1V, asses he, convey k JOHNSTON, ollice— el5t Chancery, - parted wife; aria the, results fully t]vo industry and• worth as compared , , 1.� Convo}•arcing. Utace—Nest Street,'nccl ' Ft u ll be thinkiug that's a thein- door to Post orrice, Goderich, Ont, 57. Jus his course..N with idle and non-productive wealth. , Patience glow to be a beautiful Like a dutiful daughter, she related b0 t' t { C. HAYS, Solicitor, .tc. Oftice, coraerof • the conversation to her fattier and co is strange expl'Cs.. Ions in describ- It. Square fund West Street, over Butler's Book young won)au, pure in mind mS sho '' Store, Goderich, Ont. 67. was charming in person and with that gentleman was not disappointed T. ,1118 feelings when aSC011a10g . Qom' stoney to lend t lowest rates of interest. {y w� that refined self -command and dia. or displeased to notice -.-.that Mr. -I3r Iyralllids,in visiting. Jerusalem - - - _-- -_� , . ° N01'hlall D&Neel' Ceased t0 1)0 a VIRIt- to the fll'.+t f�1m0, O1•. IU lingering by jib CAMPION, Barrister, Attorney, Solicitor ht 4 , nity which, combined with modesty, ° L. Chancery, Conveyancer, &c, Office over 01• 'Lit his house. M grave Of Jeremiah, were of Jordan's Drug Store, the rooms ,foru,erly Deco 19 the UDCI'1'ln0 inarlc;of true Amor- qu and character not easily for- Pied by Judge Doyla. * ican womanhood. - I Master Mechanic Weldon proved VT Aunt• amount of none • to loan at lowest �J p } Mr, Bradley had qIii nml,ued Pati- himself well worthy of Mr. Bradley's ,Jo ell r-re-e,f lntcrest. p - 1 Lv• �Qytal lD!�C�,. Pr�ceptory �I�I ecce to aid rim in Lifrter wuedg aIle friendly interest, and when, as sup- - - '' ° orintendeut of tlhe greitt it n high. N BARKWELL'$ BRUNCItt.al, I}A LS 7 ., guests, and Mr. Devour was- among a o a asp (.11CtX011Rt'1'I11(�. l.:l(rv:.,: Krtiq:: way which he had. Servet! in the es all kinds of coughs and colds a. the first, to' ut him! elf in the way -- -_ _ arbets to the Orange Nall, GodoriJ), the Third P Y so nchitls and BrDu Ask for =— + l05 '�' capacity, 110 sought In nisi'- , P ---'- '-- \Ionduyofet'erywooth, \'isitiugKni);htsaleny of an intruductiou to the beautiful 'ria a rkwells' take no other. 470,eow H. Il4vW: BALL., lua(ll"w t't<'n e. 11.0$teS9 and 11e11'CBS,`�t110 magnet of -- E` UPTIONEER for Iiuron Count.. Sales at- whose t- " - -{►.,. Sc ,� , '� 'tended to in any part of tho Cuunty. Ad-. �. 5vhosoroputea gharlais, financial and S°tid 1.rr0yvu : its ' other i ress orders to Gogsa,ct P 0. V-17.• ILINTON I�NIGH S OF LABOR personal, had drawn him,I:hat even- 10 I was ularriod I r 't 1 — - - I" G few ng bows, third flat, \n'tor,a Hodc. Itt-gula ._ ing, I'1'Om his accustomed hautite in. t�cco, and I tell you It was lr,re..tt}' Q➢L•1 : f9�4B1tL�'Q11N, nnectim; c% Thursday everting tit B o'cloc '•' r n0 sharp. \'iaitin liuights made it'cicyme. k •�•, Now -York. ti d on n)e that day, but ill a day �+ CC'rLONEEIt, jaull, Tuan diad insurauucugmnt .r ,_n=Q�� �.... ,,-�...,...a,, ,r 1 til,1'tl. $ales uttuniled in town -ind Country, Among Other guests Was a ATr. Wo -it Was all right. All, how's ,D reasonable terms. A list of farms;tnd village co mai that Norman Deveer 'tiro6 _ 'I�dgar 1V01a0n,-a1h0 master I110C]lan1C ' r th' 1 I commenced chewing lotsforsale. Aloncy to luno nit real estate, --ab for or social favorite,. had been „ low rates of interest• Iusurauce effected of, all' •: of a leading railway in which AT•t. in. classes of property. Mutes and debtscollwted. Bradley ossessed large interests. 'Bot Irtt�(d to au insan(. asyl"um a - Gooasa rr e, S: Y P g ' gar =-- -- PP :lass, ;ins sold ml conuuiss' n. Bank. H0y0Ullg_lllankanatiVe 0f Not -Ind w x01'1' 'ons GStOY 'fltE `1'ott)rs Or they may r11Blvth,•Dcc.16, 100 fold. was a ho cissa 5vreck, lihysically, [ileutally tic - au financially. y. troythe children. " Use Free- -and ree- _ ' • and had won hisway by morit and -- be 's Worm Powders,. they expel ® 0 assiduity from a well served appren Reminiscences of a Noted Min-' of finds of worms. 481.41 Ph4tog 1 aphef s S a tieship to the•head of the mechani- ister. cot " G cal department of a nourialling,rail- for The N. Y. 11er•(rld• :-Fifty odd •C Qa �pd� Waycorporation,TIIF: REV. DR. AITON. Basi orinan embezzlers have fled to V� �� o IID 55 aa -L1 ads 5r tl!.il� tl:+� Bast •aeig.lrtec - - - :. --l�ecitilo-�:�'-�-tri-, - _ �he=#>c®-w�Dr��i>t(�u��J-�®1•Lrlritl� ,,00d. `.hero \ens nothing of the• fro- this. Their stealillgs amount to CLINTON.LIi�I;TON a to -u, calling one Saturday on his ° WILL CURE -•0R RELIEVE weakling about him. Middle-sized,beadle' James Walker, the tailor , , It it i million' dollars. .Those are the Life Size Portraits a, Si)eoialty, BILIOUSNESS, DIZZINESS, " ' d compact, with Ileal complexion and who teas at the title busily engaged boa red given in a memorial to the DYSPEPSIA, DROPSY, ` regular features, his well -knit frame in mnlciug 1 )air of trousers James sBn ate in favor of a new extradition /ND/GESTION, FLUTTER/NQ and bright brown eyes, and quick lifted up itis leas and asked- teas ty' between'. the United States JAUNDICE. OF THEHL'ARTr We C�lnton garble ,Works , and vigilant exp' at once' lifte at are o head to be ke the Great Britain. They are not ERYSIPELAS ACIDITY Of 1 marked hien as a nian of action a' r the census of the American crinin- SALT RHEUM, THE STOMACH, morn, Doctor l Tho flood I s 5vnr- HURON STREET CLINTON.HEARTBURN DRYNESS ,'. man to whom the important interests rant (The Doctor being at that len ]o:ny in Canada. They repro 1 , in his hands could well be intrusted g �_ HEADACHE Of THS SKIN, time lecturing through the book• of lot, only a year and a -half's add!- And ever species of disease arisingfresh ' with every presumption of security. Genesis.) °'Very likely ,James ; Pau of Ono class. W. H. COOPER, Jr., disordcrod LIVER, KIDNEYS, STOACH, • Miss Patience Showed a decided ver like! When a body begins BOWELS OR BLOOD, Y Y Y a atanufacturer of nr, dealer in all kinds of Pro rietors, r' reference for the tom Tan of Mr. a oh th'e mnuu fini.'i't if the ex- ed A GIIEA'r'SiJFFEREIt T. MIIrBORK & t?,0.. P P company � Y Y, •'iORONTCa t ` Weldon. Ile had something to talk poet credit by it. Ye'll ken by at person who is afflicted ,with' Marble & Granite for Cemetery r, „ of besides the vapid nothingisuhs verse!, James. rejoined Dec matism;]s a great sufferer and 41 fi t•' which too many men think to be James ' "but e'Ve n work at figures thf t defy tom rot(tion y led a lane to ly to .be pitied if they cannot t 1 eId the proper subjects of conversntiou time i' the water a ;.' y 41 p; 0 8 P ] J "Oh a , ,ft re %lagyard's Yellow Oil. ThiS r " M n ' j, with women, anti. his practical ideas James, lad; but I'll r one out it 97t dy is a certain cure, not only for Also nuurttl'lleturer of the Celebrated 46 ' iutel'estetl ]ior' practical mind. some da in a hurry til flit m matismbut for alloxtarnal aches, Anr[Frcrnr, SroaE tar I.nilding ur- „ I y p y fol nternal pains. 4�1''2t poses L .81Tt(r for which Ipust -L ► o4F �h b IIence rho a It,ofttl remark of AIr, wings Wit lit, feelin' o' !, to. Gude Fire P y n r p da James gods da I ----__-.- _ be seen to lie appreciated. -All Work 2f O Norman Deveer as he noticed alto Y, , a Y•" a, o ; "f y His !low is it you Itlive so many pvnrr+uttcd to _^ive saLiylaction, A + o C beautiful heiress appareutly engross- pb o 0) On one occasion a hive of bees -_L g teen ct-,ll on you i aslcod a - --- ---------- a. m (- ed in colloquy with Mr. Bradley's belonging to him took u p their )os' is giH. "Because , was the I a p tneellltnical friend. a a 1 1 I ° HO FOR THE' JUBILEE — or, � yR ition iii the belfry of the Episcopal pins , "fdtile'- ]ins the ,out in one o ,r a But Alias Bradley was too -well eha per and when inforute(.l of it the and the rhounlat]sin ill trio LT ARRY FISHER the renowen Tonsorlal rt & i; X g tZ {..1 l r u and J1 artist. Shaving parlor tato doors west of p rte. trained t0 devote all her timot• t0 One doctor said -"If it had bean that Of One , il0aido-9, We doll'.t keep a lionnedy's Ilotul where he will be plcawul to ace v, ° b •� rC ry w r- ca " Of 1101' guests, however onterLaining, MOunt:lln CTU33 ATTCtillg•HBn9T OT ' fill his old customers and Its many new ones as ., d d H ~ "j I a , who will favor h[m with n Bial!'. Ladies and chlldrun's �r p Q "� 11P�" A 1+1 .� ' and site soon found her way to the of Kuocknows [gree Kirlc, I could da -- _ hair cutting n specality. 448 �.C' m 9 W r m 17O q ra., ` a a, corner in which AI r. Doveer was have understood it, but rho belfry Lure le worth its Weight in goldsif is'- _ - .ro_" A _ ,. rr1 a °` „ nurstug his sudil'efilycallcoived pre- of the F°pi9bop'al chapel seems to me foi©' m4n expression, But, while pyo Mr�y��j q n� :* m ; p, g .� '..a ca �.f,• judice'ngainst mechnuics in gouoVal ominous indeed," When ouq day inai alto of gold is 'easily affected, Goderich 11LCG1, IU�U Works lf. and Master Mechanic Weldon in informed that the Cloggs had loft and orthof Ayer's Sarsaparilla, as purlieu rat: and joined rho' Free Church ho od purifier, never depreciates. Having bought out J_osrmi VAN37.ONr ' Tab 11 eradicate se'rofula from the in Goderich, 5we are now prepared to fur, I r � � � r Liver mplains, Now Deveor was far from being jocularly replied -"01'1, there's nae faro m when everything else fails. Wish on reasonable terms ' fear o' them. The Cloggs will ' a DyBI"'L'sl"+ unaatractive in person, howovor ca pote HEADSTONES AND MONUMENTS. „ ,, 1 Billonquvse rr' worthless in mind. come back in their season. The. to a ,, stele " family refored to was that of Cle on. C 1V. Russ, in the GRANITE -A SPECIALTY. ' q 1lcadavlte, g unto a of an address at Iroquois 14lanvy His father had 1perluoathed liint a ]corn, and in this n•oguosticatiuu q Ive ars rO nred to sell ellen ter than an Trenbtcs, fiuo pb si uo as wolf Its nn un rho I ° Lor y night, said a uo5v Book of P P I Y 1 t Rltcnnratlenr l Y q l the Doctor was perfectly tight, for Other lira, ie the county. fortnue, and dissipation had nob as with Seloctious for use in the public / 3i+lit lfil they 5voro found in hiscougregnaion 5vitlr is woule shortly be issued. Parties wanting atythiu�, in thus line, will [I all Kr„1 rt, - yet offected any noticealile impross at the close of his ministry. it t (!till it to their interest to reserve their J uivs of ukc "' + Oil his aristocratic features. In- Y orders- for us, ( I 111"od frosts A Qh01'itor in the noighborhood c10s tvIsa9cvvr doed, the slight tinge of delicacy due ROBERTSON R° BELL. vane( aris6lg. to this cause, if anything, 1 ]ado him parish toot him one day, and salted lira G,000,000 PEOPLE USE Fcroale ca.kucsscs sell Gonvtal Debtf- ' ;� r May77th, 1886, 392.3ni Thy. Purely Vegetable, ilighly c•ou- Y ) him if ho had' aee.11 Ilio L 19C0 )al 81101 i"4 — centroteti, Picasaiii, Rffectaal, Safe. more interesting p l � F D (.lapel in the course of erection, who A, 3 n / • Ask for Dr. illodders Callinpoutld ,plias Bradley, therefore, ryas more and, What ho thought of it. "Moa," von }' ;' , D.M.FERRY(YLC0. J: j7ecra[ Notice Take .no othar sold e-eriwhere. Pri.e'7r than formal! gracious. as she a) said the Doctor, "I have soon it fou * ereo(bnitteatobctbe �/ - i;;yy;'' Lnr eat f3eealtmen cents per bottle. Y a 1, r r,, , t,AG. �n the wow et. a proacliod 'the son of her father a and there is ono mistake you have mor t,'+ �-`� D. X.FERRYAColo -- DR HODDERS COUCH f& !UNC CURE ` friend; to, \vh(im she had already been !naso I think." Indeed," anis the all �Y`��� ti 1r artealed,ne.rrlp. Sold everywhere. Price, 25 Bens arf'd fie ecnte !d, - '��' ✓ perbottle. Proprletorsnnd manufacturers, r •wt. `^''-~=- ltbe.nereleed �rCt your R70te3 arts°ACcOr[rtt8 cOZZCCt- a ., n ca i ! ii.�ipp 1 itltrodueod, and if ho and not allow gentleman, and what is it Z You sot SEED ed by The Union Medicine Co.Tor;ontu,Can ed his petty feeling of annoyance ought to have built it nearer the in I';''�:,*�l�'`' to get the better of him for, the mo burn, for if it fails in its objoet, as and ,�; ANNUAL J.- T.. VV ESTCO1. 1 - r_ molt, ho !night have taken the first it is likely it gill, you could ha5o +� �' FRr:e To �4 EXETER; - ONT. THE CENTRAL BAKERY. atop toward the capture of the turned it" into a meal mill. You '' r' ! \ eppuoTO ALL --- maiden's heart. have an outshot which would do a a ..r, ' customers tud h Ke collects Notes. and Accounts in TIIOi[At1 DUNLOP, the popular k a♦ t, 1 „ fc "^ �� cut Ord tat h. anJ part at the most reasonable rates. Bread, Pastry and Fancy Cake Baker, •'Why, Mr. Devoe moping first-ra'to• for the water wheel. fro r c� Invaluabletoati.- MGNRY To Lonx at Zofcest rates of lia3 opened out in DODaWORTII Old stand. in s corner!" exclaimed Miss Pati A friend of his own, an old lieu i,,; -. ••'- >Lverypsrsonnsin„t All orders attended to promptly, Any V> encu with charming frankness. "Lot teacher from Linton nsod occasion. anti ° ' ' thing not in Stock baked to order on flan ? y Y Y , r r oaraen,alelaerptower interest. Fire, bife, and Accident pt: .'y ,x,.:+r .hoold.e"41% Insurance Agent. Give 4im a call. ' w,t••+•'.• . --•. ' • •. t SEEDS la Aearer. 0 shortest notice. Try hfs seeds. �Veddin r b' .,, me•lntroduco you to m own and all to visit Doctor Alton, and frog :, i GKt? Y&CO.,Windsor.,Ont. Ogee :-Janies-st., Fixeter, Ontario. Cakes a specialty. 449t aAD Dern a 106, S' - ' .y,• it f ,,y,... y,. x, a �.. � ♦ • � - r.,,yr.1 ' � '*,F,. � �, .. ' ..•..w.,- _.".m11MWCW.�.,-n ry ., .....4 ;..�. ... ..:-. ..:,., re. •,s ..,'a. i5U:. 1�..,. .. r. ...r, ,_, ...,,•b�.., .., .M.. e,,.. w... .. ,.. ..0 ... ..,. .•. •... r•..,� .: ... t r. , , t'